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Virtual University of Pakistan

Assignment No. 02

Spring 2020

CS507: Information Systems

Due date: Monday 15 June 2020

Total Marks: 20 Obtained Marks

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Virtual University of Pakistan
All questions in this assignment cover the topics from lecture 7 to 14. For all questions your answer
must be concise, to the point and compact not more than 4 to 5 lines.
The objective of this assignment is to;
1. Evaluate the student understandings Systems & Procedures and their types
2. Evaluate the student understandings in the Orbitational Information Systems, Their
benefits and applications.
3. Evaluate the understandings of Computer Based Information Systems

Instructions to solve Assignment

1. This assignment contains two questions students are required to solve both.
2. Students should prepare the solution and upload on LMS as soon as possible
without waiting for the due date in order to avoid issues resulting from the
internet connectivity or power failures etc.
3. Assignment should be solved using Time New Roman format and Size of 12.

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

• The assignment is submitted after due date.

• The assignment is not in the required format (Only MSWord Format is allowed)
• The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
• Assignment is copied (partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc.)
• Assignment sent by email will not be accepted.

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Virtual University of Pakistan

Question no 1: (6+4 marks)

A system is a collection of components that are combined with the common purpose of achieving
certain goal. Consider a National University that employs a Learning Management System (LMS) to
manage the high-quality online education to its students.

(a) You need to enlist the components that this system should typically be composed of along
with at least one example of the task that each component handles. (3+3)

(b) You need to identify the requirements for above LMS to be considered as Open-Loop System
and Closed-Loop System. (2+2)

Question no 2: (5+5 marks)

ZMJ Limited is a multi-national organization for sports items having its manufacturing facilities in
different countries across the globe. The company sells the products in global market and currently
has the market share of 30%. Recently management has realized that manual operations in their
organization have become costly and inefficient in terms of inter-departmental communications and
coordination, customer satisfaction and general overview of the organization ‘s business is difficult
to capture. It has been decided to introduce a Computer Based Information System (CBIS)
throughout the organization that should be capable to handle the information requirements of whole
business life cycle of the company. Your task is to identify at least five distinct departments in the
organization and the right information system for each of the department. You answer should include
the one benefit of each information system proposed.

Note: Your answer must be in a tabular format with four columns, One for Serial No, one for department,
one for Information system and one for benefit of the Information system.

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Virtual University of Pakistan

Note: Assignment Solutions only in MSWORD format shall be accepted,

Best of Luck

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