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Dinner Recipe Guide

3 Before you start

4 Nutrition: extras & toppings

5 Chicken cacciatore

6 Prawn risotto

8 Favourite meatballs

10 Pancake bake

12 Fish stew

14 Stuffed veg

16 Flatbread pizza

18 Jacket potatoes

20 Tofu burritos

22 Coconut curry

24 Dips: guaamole, hummus, tzatziki

before you
Hey my friends!! Firstly, thank you so much for choosing to buy my ebook. If you’ve already
bought the breakfast and lunch eBooks then thank you again! It means the world that you are
supporting me and helping me continue doing what I love on YouTube! 
I’ve done absolutely everything throughout these ebooks (even the photos!) The difference
between these dinner recipes and the lunch recipes are that they take a little longer to cook,
but the steps are just as simple. And if you end up making extra, then that makes everything a
whole lot easier for meals for the next few days!

Just like my other guides, this isn’t a set meal plan, it’s a recipe guide designed so that you
can tailor each meal to what you fancy and to your diet as you progress. That's why I've tried
to keep each recipe simple and really adaptable so that you can make tweaks to change the
macros to suit you.  And if you don’t calculate macros, that's fine too, ignore the nutrition
breakdown and just go by how you feel!

I remember when I started cooking healthy foods I stressed out because I didn't have this one
exotic spice to garnish a dish, so I’ve made sure that you’ll have most of these ingredients
available wherever you are and that the recipes still have lots and lots of flavour.

As with any balanced lifestyle, I believe in moderation and I didn’t want this book to be full out
clean. You know I love my cheat days and I’m all about 80:20 so I've included some meals
that I really love for when I’m being more flexible.

Anyway, I’ve rambled on a bit but let the cooking begin!! And don't forget to send me your IG
stories, tag me in your photos or use #noceanecreations so that I can see your take on
these recipes. I always love hearing from you!

*Nutrition: Extras & Toppings
Throughout this ebook, 'extras' can be added inside the base of each recipe, or can replace
some of the ingredients, to play around with the macros. The toppings are serving
suggestions and are often how I have mine. If I’m starving I’ll chuck in all the extras and
toppings, but on a normal day just a few of the toppings go down a treat.

I’ve included the nutrition breakdown of each recipe at the bottom of the page. This excludes
extras and toppings, as these are for you to play around with until you find the recipe that's
perfect for you!

Vegan swaps
There’s lots of swaps you can make in this book to go vegan. A lot of these recipes
have a vegan base so feel free to substitute the toppings as you wish. Here are some
ideas for particular swaps you could make (:

• Cheese - can be swapped for almond or brown rice cheese! I’ve used
MozzaRisella and CreamyRisella for some of the vegan recipes in this guide
because they even melt so it was perfect for pizza!

• Meat - I like vegan soya mince as a substitute for either mince or chicken
chunks. Some brands aren’t vegan because they use traces of egg whites so
just make sure to check the ingredients (:

This is perfect for when you don’t have much time because
all you have to do is chuck all the ingredients into the dish
in an oven and leave it for 40 minutes while you go off
and do your thing. Feel free to use thigh meat if you want INGREDIENTS
higher fat (: 4 medium skinless chicken
1 onion (finely chopped)
1 can chopped tomatoes
50g sun-dried tomatoes

Serves 4 tbsp olives

2 2 tbsp capers
1 vegetable stock cube
2 garlic cloves (minced)
1 tbsp mixed herbs

Heat the oven to 180°C. Place all the ingredients apart from the chicken in a large oven proof
dish and gently stir to ensure the ingredients are evenly mixed. Then place the chicken on top
and spoon over some of the sauce. Place in the oven for 40mins, turning over the chicken half
way through.
Serving suggestions: Couscous, rice, chickpeas, potatoes, bulgar wheat, root vegetables
NUTRITION*/serving| 370kcal | 49g Protein | 15g Carb | 11g Fat
prawn I think risotto was the first meal I
made for my boyfriend when we first

risotto met at university. I guess it worked

because we’re still together nearly 6
years later!!

250g arborio rice Grated protein cheese
1 onion (chopped) Pine nuts
1 small courgette (grated) Extra prawns/seafood
2 garlic cloves (minced)
1300ml vegetable stock Serves
200g cooked prawns 2
1 handful parsley

NUTRITION*/serving| 540kcal | 25g Protein | 95g Carb | 6g Fat

Heat a large, lightly greased pan to high-medium heat. Then add the onions and
garlic and stir until golden. Add all the rice without any water and stir in the
onion. Then add ~100ml of the stock and stir until the rice absorbs all the
water. Then add all the grated courgette and another ~100ml of stock, stirring
until the water is gone. Repeat this until all the
stock is used and add finally add
the prawns and parsley, mixing
through until the prawns are hot.

This was such a home comfort and I always used to beg my mum to make them
because they were so good. The carrots in the tomato sauce give it a rich
sweetness - I think that’s why I liked it so much!

500g of 5% lean mince
1/2 onion (finely chopped)
1 thick slice bread (toasted)
1 tbsp tomato puree
Salt & pepper
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 can chopped tomatoes
2 large carrots (grated)


Serving suggestions: Your choice of pasta, mashed potato, or ciabatta loaf

NUTRITION*/serving| 360kcal | 40g Protein | 27g Carb | 9g Fat
Blend the toast until breadcrumbs have formed. Mix this into a bowl with the mince,
tomato puree, salt and pepper. Using your hands, take chunks of the mix and roll
them up into about 12-15 evenly sized balls. Set aside and heat a lightly
greased pan to medium-high heat. Add the onions and garlic and
cook for 2 mins, then add the carrots and cook until all the
carrot has changed colour. Then add the balsamic
vinegar, soy sauce, chopped tomatoes and tomato
puree. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes
and add the meatballs. Cover again
and cook for a further 20mins,
turning the meatballs
over halfway.

pancake I keep telling my friends it’s possible to have
pancakes for every meal of the day! Hopefully they

believe me now!
To avoid the ingredients getting soggy when baked,
I drain the cottage cheese and make sure I get good
quality ham that doesn’t have added water in it.

100g flour (any) Parmesan cheese
2 eggs Veggies
250ml water
v e s 1
Salt & pepper Ser
100g sliced ham
2 leeks (chopped)
200g spinach

100g cottage cheese


NUTRITION*/serving| 760kcal | 57g Protein | 92g Carb | 18g Fat

Whisk the flour, eggs, water and seasoning together. Heat a lightly greased saucepan to
medium heat and pour the batter evenly. Cook until both sides are golden brown. Set the
pancakes aside, reheat the saucepan, lightly grease and add the leeks. Cook them until
soft. Lastly, add the spinach until it softens. Meanwhile, heat the oven to 180°C.

Lay the pancakes flat and place the ham, leeks, drained cottage cheese into the pancake
lengthways. Then roll up tightly and place on a baking tray. Repeat for the remaining
pancakes and add some cottage cheese on top if you wish. Place in the oven until the
cottage cheese goes golden brown (10-15mins). Serve warm and enjoy!

fish Even though I live in London, eating this always reminds me
of being near the beach - which is always a good thing!

1 small cod fillet 2
200g pack of cooked seafood
1 can chopped tomatoes
1/2 glass white wine
1 clove garlic
250ml vegetable stock
1 carrot (sliced)
1 celery stick (chopped)
1 leek (finely chopped)

Serving suggestions: Boiled rice, bruschetta

NUTRITION*/serving| 310kcal | 28g Protein | 30g Carb | 4g Fat
Heat a lightly greased pan to medium-high and add the garlic, leeks, celery and
carrot. Cook until soft and add the tomatoes, white wine and vegetable stock.
Simmer uncovered for 15 minutes and add the fish and seafood and simmer for a
further 10-15mins until the fish is cooked through.

So easy to make and so versatile! They look great when
making a dinner for friends and family and also serve well for
lunch the next day. I used to take these into work and reheat
them in the microwave and I always got jealous looks
from my colleagues eating their cold sandwiches!

6 large vegetables
300g 5% lean mince
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 onion (chopped)
2 garlic cloves (minced)
1 veg stock cube

High protein cheese
Boiled rice
Chopped nuts

Serves 2
Serving suggestions: Basmati rice, brown rice, couscous
NUTRITION*/serving| 460kcal | 55g Protein | 48g Carb | 8g Fat
Cut all other vegetables apart from peppers in half lengthways and flesh out the inside,
set the flesh aside to put inside the mix later. Heat a lightly greased pan to medium-high
heat and add the onion and garlic until softened. Then add the mince and cook for
2-3mins, keep breaking it up in the pan. Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato puree,
aubergine flesh and stock cube. Cover and simmer for 10mins. Meanwhile, heat the
oven to 180°C, cut the top of the peppers off an deseed.

Once the mince sauce has thickened, add in any extras and spoon it into the vegetables,
pushing down to make sure it is fully packed. At this stage, add some cheese of your choice
if you wish and place the tops of the pepper lids back on. Place in a baking dish and put it in
the oven for 20-30mins or until the vegetable skins go slightly brown.

flatbread PERF


150g flour Spinach
Because the base is a flatbread these 75ml water Sautéd mushrooms
pizzas don't take as long to cook but
Salt & pepper Caramelised onions
still taste amazing! I love making pizza
because you can really be in control of 1 can chopped tomatoes Vegan pieces
your toppings - no stingy portions!! I (drained) Shredded chicken
easily eat two of these they’re so 3 tbsp tomato puree Sliced ham
good! If you want to add some fat, feel
50g olives
free to drizzle some chilli oil on top (:
100g high protein cheese
(grated or cut in circles)

NUTRITION*/pizza| 470kcal | 30g Protein | 69g Carb | 7g Fat

Make the flatbreads first: Mix the flour with the water, salt and pepper and mix
until it forms a dough. Split the dough in two and place on a flat floured surface,
roll the dough into a ball and using a rolling pin, flatten the dough until roughly plate-
sized and ~2mm thin. Heat a non-stick pan to high heat and place the rolled out
dough onto it. Flip when the bottom has hardened slightly. You'll start to see big
bubbles appearing which is really cool to watch! Set aside when both sides are
golden brown and repeat for the other flatbread.

Once that's done, heat the oven to 180°C. Drain a can of chopped tomatoes by pushing out any
excess water using a sieve (if you collect the juice, you can make a fresh tomato juice!). Mix
that with the sun-dried tomatoes, tomato puree and seasoning. Spread half of the mix onto each
flatbread, sprinkle over the olives and evenly place the cheese on top. Place in the oven for
15mins or until the cheese starts to melt!

jacket This works equally well with normal potatoes but
what I love about cooking sweet potatoes in this
way is that they become even sweeter! I’ve used a

potatoes vegan filling but really, anything goes - the dips

(pg.24), or the mince (pg.20) for vegan options.
Or you can use cottage cheese or strained greek
VEGAN yoghurt if you’re not vegan and want
to add extra protein.

3 medium sweet potatoes
Salt & cinnamon
100g CreamyRisella
100g spinach
1 small onion (chopped)
Salt & pepper

Serves 1

Serving suggestions: Green salad, dips (pg.24)

NUTRITION*/serving| 515kcal | 8g Protein | 80g Carb | 19g Fat
Heat the oven to 180°C. Wash the potatoes and place in a baking tray. Sprinkle some
salt and cinnamon over the top if you wish and place in the oven for 1 hour. In the
meantime, heat a lightly greased pan to medium-high heat and cook the onions for
2-3mins. Then add the spinach leaves and leave until they wilt. Remove from the heat
and drain with a sieve if there is any excess water.

Mix the onions and spinach into the CreamyRisella and season to taste. Place back
in the fridge until the potatoes are done. Remove them from the oven, slice in half
and spoon in the mix, enjoy!!


I used firm tofu here but you

could also use vegan pieces which
have a similar texture. Also, pretty
much anything goes as a topping
in wraps so go wild (:

280g firm tofu Spinach
2 tsp Vegemite/yeast extract Sautéd mushrooms
1 tsp all spice Sautéd onions
1 tsp cumin Vegan cheese
1tsp turmeric Makes
4 garlic cloves 2
Serving suggestions: Selection of dips (pg.24)

NUTRITION*/wrap| 395kcal | 26g Protein | 48g Carb | 13g Fat

Break the tofu into small crumbs. Then add the paprika, turmeric, all spice and
Vegemite and mix thoroughly. Heat a pan to high heat. Pour a little oil into the pan
and add the garlic. Fry for 1 minute or until crispy and then add the tofu, cook for
around 5mins or until piping hot and the tofu hardens. Remove from the heat and
place on a wrap with your chosen toppings.

coconut VEGAN

I love cooking with coconut, in fact, I love everything about coconut - I use it in cooking, in my
hair, on my skin, everything! I pretty much made this recipe up on the spot because I knew I
had these ingredients in the cupboard. I just went for it and am now really happy to share it
with you because it went down a treat to everyone who tried it as well!

280g extra firm tofu
1 can chickpeas (drained)
1 can half fat coconut milk
1 medium onion (chopped)
4 garlic cloves (minced)
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp turmeric Serves
1/2 tsp all spice
1 vegetable stock

Serving suggestions: Basmati rice, chapati or naan bread

NUTRITION*/serving| 465kcal | 28g Protein | 35g Carb | 23g Fat
Heat a lightly greased pan to medium-high heat and add the onions. Let them soften
before adding the garlic. Push the onions and garlic to the side of the pan and add
the tofu. Fry until the edges go slightly brown and crispy. The pan will start to get
drier so add in all the spices and mix quickly. Pour in the coconut milk,
add the vegetable stock and stir thoroughly. Then add the
chickpeas and let simmer for 20-30mins or until the
sauce has thickened.

guacamole INGREDIENTS Remove the
1 medium ripe avocado flesh from the

Juice 1/2 lemon avocado and

mash with a
1/2 red onion (minced)
fork. Then mix in
1 chilli (deseeded and finely chopped) the rest of the
1/2 tomato (deseeded) ingredients.
Salt & pepper
NUTRITION*/entire recipe| 300kcal | 7g Protein | 24g Carb | 21g Fat

VEGAN hummus Drain the chickpeas INGREDIENTS

and blend with the 400g can chickpeas
rest of the Juice 1/2 lemon
ingredients until
2 garlic cloves (grated)
smooth. If you don’t
have any tahini then
1 tbsp olive oil
add an extra tbsp 1 tbsp tahini
olive oil. Pinch of salt

NUTRITION*/entire recipe| 440kcal | 20g Protein | 42g Carb | 29g Fat

tzatziki INGREDIENTS Cut the cucumber in

500g strained (0%) Greek yoghurt half lengthways and

1 small cucumber remove the seeds.

Then grate the
2 garlic cloves (grated or minced)
remainder and pat
1 tbsp olive oil dry. Add this with the
3 mint leaves or dried mint rest of the ingredients
1 lemon and serve!

NUTRITION*/entire recipe| 420kcal | 52g Protein | 24g Carb | 14g Fat

And that’s it!! Thanks again for buying this ebook, I really hope you found this recipe guide
helpful and please don’t forget to tag me in your photos! I’d love to see your takes on them!!



Natacha Océane


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