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Scientific Article

Suckinghabits in Saudichildren:
prevalence,contributing factors and effects
on the primary dentition
Najat M.A. Farsi, BDS, MSFouadS. SalamaBDS, MS, Cert Pedo, DABPD,FAAPD

Abstract The only measurableeffect of previous sucking habits was

A review of the literature on the prevalenceof sucking a more open bite. Posterior crossbite was no morecommon
in children with sucking habits than in children without
habits showsthat it varies fromone populationto another.
The purposesof this study were to: 1) determinethe preva- these habits. (Pediatr Dent 19:28-33, 1997)
lence of suckinghabits amongpreschoolSaudichildren liv-
he concern about sucking habits is evident from
ing in RiyadhCity, 2) assess the influence of somecultural
factors on that prevalence,and 3) to study the effect these
habits might haveon the primarydentition. This cross-sec-
T the numberof articles appearing in scientific
journals in the past 50 years. Prevalenceof digit
tional study was conductedthrough a survey questionnaire or dummy-suckinghabits varies significantly from one
and clinical examination of 583 Saudi children aged 3-5 population to another (Table 1). 1-1° While sucking hab-
years using a stratified cluster randomsampling tech- its appear to be increasing in children in industrialized
nique. The prevalence of sucking habits was 48.36%with countries, they do not exist in somedeveloping coun-
the dummy-suckingas the dominant type. Most dummy- tries. Prevalence seems to be influenced by manyfac-
suckershadbrokentheir habits in the first few years of life tors such as sex, birth rank, feeding method, and so-
while moredigit-suckers were still active at age 5 years. cioeconomic status.
Sucking habits were only related to parents’ education and Information regarding the relationship of these fac-
the child feeding methodswithout significant effect of gen- tors to sucking habits is somewhatcontradictory and
der or birth rank or family income. Children with exist- inconclusive. Most workers did not establish sex dif-
ing digit sucking habits hadsignificantly (P < 0.05) more ference in the prevalence of sucking habits21-1s In con-
distal molarand class II caninerelationships, larger over- trast, several reports suggest that girls demonstrateda
jet, and open bite than did children without sucking hab- higher level of suckinghabits than boys.1°, 16-18Hanna~6
its. Thesedifferences wereeven moresignificant (P < 0.01) found that the later the sibling rank of the child, the
when dummy-suckers were compared with nonsuckers. greater the chance of an oral habit. Later studies by


First Author Year Sample Age in Years Eh~it-sucker% Dummy-sucker %

Bliss 1945 300 NewZealander children 2-4 17 NR"
Traisman 1958 2650U.S. children Under 4 46 NR"
Bowden 1966 116 Australian children
(longitudinal study) 0-8 27 37
Zadik 1977 333Israeli children Birth-7 23 70
Melsen 1979 723 Danish children 10-11 8 78
Svedmyer 1979 462 Swedishchildren 1-10 (mostly 3-5) 16 62
Cerney 1981 600 Australian children Birth-3 18 62
Modeer 1982 588 Swedishchildren 4 10 78
Larsson 1985 415 Zimbabweanchildren 1-2 2 None
200 skulls in Scandinavia
from 1000 to 1500 AD Juvenile 5 None
Larsson 1992 245 Norwegianchildren 3 12 37
175 Swedishchildren 3 18 70
¯ Notreported.

28 American Academyof Pediatric Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry - 19:1, 1997

Nandaet al. 17 and Johnsonand Johnson19 supported the to parents of all the Saudi children aged 3-5 years at-

findings of Hanna. However, Larsson and Jarvhedan tending the schools. The questionnaire included ques-
reported no correlation betweenthe sucking habits and tions about the child’s age, sex, birth rank, history and
order of birth. Several reports claim that children from duration of breast feeding, parents’ education, eco-
a high socioeconomic group demonstrated digit-suck- nomicstatus of the family, and the child’s previous or
ing habits more frequently than children from low so- persisting sucking habits, which were expressed in
cioeconomic class, while dummy-sucking was more terms of type of sucking habit (digit or dummy),inten-
prevalent in the lower socioeconomicgroup. sity (1, 2-5, or > 6 hr/day), and duration of the habit (in
There is convincing evidence that the educational years). The questionnaireincluded a cover letter request-
level of parents has a great influence on digit- and ing that the formsbe completedby the motheror dictated
dummy_sucking.24,25Several studies to compare the by the noneducatedmother to a literate family member.
prevalence of sucking habits in breast-fed versus bottle- Occlusal assessments were based only on children
fed children predicted a lesser likelihood of these hab- who had a complete primary dentition without any
its amongbreast-feeders. 26-2s Manyauthors believe that erupted permanent teeth and who were free from ex-
the methodof feeding has no appreciable influence on tensive caries. Thus, 520 children remainedfor clinical
the acquisitionof the habits.2, 4,16, 29, 30 Recently,Paunio data analysis. Occlusion was assessed with the jaws in
et al. 15 reported that children whohave been breast-fed centric occlusion. All examinations were performed by
for a long time tend to becomefinger-suckers. A na- one examiner(NF) using a pen light, mouthmirror, and
tional survey by A1 Mazrou and Farid 31 showed 90% a metal millimeter ruler. In each case, the examinerwas
of the Saudi womenbreast-fed their children. Kordyet blind to the child questionnaire data. The following
al. s2 reported that 57%of Saudi mothers breastfed their parameters were recorded by consensus with pub-
children for more than a year. Data are needed to re- lished definitions:
veal if this special pattern of breastfeeding wouldhave 1. Terminal plane relationship of the primary sec-
any influence on the prevalence of sucking habits ond molar, recorded as flush, mesial, or distal
amongSaudi children. on each side.
Associations of the sucking habit with anterior open 2. Primary canine relationship, recorded as class
bite and increased ove~et in the primary dentition have I, II, or III on eachside.
been shownin several studies. 6,12, 33, 34, 37 There is no 3. Degreeof overbite recorded as less than or equal
agreementon their effect in the molarregion,s, 15, 33, 34 to 50%, greater than 50%overlap of the man-
However,prevalence of malocclusions associated with dibular incisor crown, edge-to-edge or anterior
sucking habits was positively correlated with duration open bite.
and intensity of the habits, s, 34 The objectives of this 4. Amountof overjet, measured from the lingual
survey were to determine the prevalence of sucking surface of the mesial corner of the most pro-
habits in preschool Saudi children and to assess the truded maxillary incisor to the facial surface of
influence of cultural factors on these habits. In addition, the corresponding mandibular incisor, recorded
this study aimed to investigate the effect that these in millimeters.
habits might have on the primary dentition. 5. Posterior crossbite was recorded when one or
more of the maxillary primary canines or mo-
Materials and methods lars occludedpalatally to the buccal cusp of the
This cross-sectional survey was conducted through opposing mandibular teeth.
a questionnaire and clinical examination. To test the In the registration of occlusion characteristics, the
procedure for the main study, a pilot study was con- intraexaminer reliability was tested by having the same
ducted on 30 children aged 2-6 years (this sample was examiner (NF) examine 25 children on two occasions
not included in the main study). Results of the pilot separated by at least I week. There was complete agree-
study were used to determine the sample size of the ment (Kappa = 1.0) in the repeated recording of poste-
main study and to incorporate appropriate modifica- rior crossbite. Kappavalues varied between 0.95 and
tions into the questionnaire, methodsfor clinical exami- 0.90 for the remainder of the parameters.
nation, and the criteria for sampleselection. The presence of malocclusion was recorded accord-
The study population, consisting of 583 Saudi chil- ing to the following traits: distal molarrelation, class
dren aged 3-5 years, was recruited from
nursery schools in Riyadh City, Saudi
Arabia, using a stratified cluster random-
ized sampling technique. The nursery Boys Girls Total
schools were stratified according to the Habits (N = 268) (N =315) (N =583)
housing density and housing condition of N % N % N %
each area where the nursery schools were Dummy 94 35.07 127 40.31 221 37.90
located. Twelveschools were selected ran- Digit 24 8.95 27 11.74 61 10.46
domly. The questionnaires were distributed Total 118 44.02 164 52.05 282 48.36

- 19:1,1997 American
of PediatricDentistry29
Contributing factors
The influence of the four variables on prevalence of
digit and dummysucking habits was determined using
Digit Sucking Dummy Sucking chi-square analysis and is shown in Table 4. First-born
Age (years) # w~ Habit % # w~ Habit % children were compared with other siblings. Dummy-
3 104 9 8.65 6 5.76 sucking was not found to be associated with a child’s
4 220 13 5.90 5 2.27 birth rank (P = 0.383), and neither was digit-sucking
5 259 16 6.17 2 0.77 = 0.352). While dummy-sucking was positively related
To~l 583 38 6.51 13 2.22 to parents’ educational levels, digit-sucking was not af-
fected by the level of parents’ education. Family income
II canine relation, posterior crossbite, anterior open bite, was classified as high, medium, or low. There were no
and overjet of > 4 mm. significant differences among groups in distribution of
Chi-square analysis was used to analyze the effect dummyusers (P = 0.065) or digit-suckers (P = 0.374).
of the contributing factors on the prevalence of the
sucking habits. The Z test was used to compare
the proportions of the signs of malocclusion ¯ ~ DUMMYSUCKING[] DIGIT SUCKING
among the different sucking groups. The value
of P < 0.05 was regarded as significant.
Results ~i: .~i:: I::: " "" ": - .i: " : ~: ~ : ~ -~a~J-- 5~.~.............
Of the total, 48.36% reported a previous or per- ! :::- - " t
sisting sucking habit, with dummy-sucking the 40
most common(37.90%). The data in Table 2 show
the prevalence of sucking habits by sex. More than
half of the dummyusers and digit-suckers were
girls, but the difference between sexes were not
statistically significant (P = 0.06). Most of the 1 2-5 ->6
dummy-suckers (87.32%) used the conventional Intensity (Hr/Day)
type, which has a long nipple with round bulbous
FiB 1. Intensityof existin8suckin8 habits(N
end and no labial
musculature sup-
port. Dummy-
suckers dominated
during the first Children with Di[~it Habit Children with DummvHabit
Contributing Factors Percentage °SS Percentage °SS
year of life, while
digit-sucking ap- Birth rank First child 12.85 NS 41.42 NS
peared to last Other sibling 9.70 36.79
longer. Thirteen
Father’s education No formal education 11.42 NS 28.57
(2.22%) children
School level education 10.68 31.37
were still using
College level education 10.07 42.24
dummies at the
time of examina- Mother’s education No formal education 16.67 NS 22.54
tion, while 6.51% School level education 8.22 37.82
of the sample were College level education 10.73 40.67
still digit suckers.
Table 3 shows a Family income High 9.25 43.51
summary of the Medium 9.78 NS 35.97 NS
distribution of per- Low 14.43 27.83
sisting dummy- Breastfeeding
and digit-sucking duration
by age. The inten- (months) None 13.53 54.88
1-5 15.73 ~ 59.55
sity of the habits
was reported to be >6 8.03 23.26
2-5 hr/day in ¯ (SS) Statistical significanceof differencebetweengroupsusingchi-squaretest.
more than half of ’0.01 <P<0.05
the children with ~ 0.001 < P< 0.01
persisting habits § P<0.001
(Fig 1). NS= not significant.

30 American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry - 19:1, 1997

(N ---- 520)

Children with
No Habit Children with Suckiny( Habits
Persistent Digit Persistent DummyPrevious Digit Previous DummyDigit & Dummy
(N = 279) (N = 36) (N = 12) (N = 20) (N = 173)
Malocclusion N % t~ % SS" t~ % SS" ~ % N % SS"
Distal molar
relation 13 4.66 9 25.00 ~ 6 50.00 ~t 0 0.0 14 8.09 NS
Class II canine
relation 19 6.81 9 25.00 ~ 7 58.33 ~ 1 5.0 21 12.14 NS
Anterior openbite 10 3.58 13 36.11 ~ 6 50.00 ~ 3 15.0 14 8.09 ~
Overjet>4mm 24 8.60 12 33.33 + 6 50.00 ~ 3 15.0 19 10.98 NS
crossbite 14 5.02 2 5.55 NS 0 0.00 NS 0 0.0 5 2.89 NS
¯ (SS)Statisticalsignificance
of difference
from(nohabit)groupusingz test.
* 0.01 < P<0.05.
* P<0.01.
NS= not significant.

Almost 78% of the participating children were terior crossbite showed that there were no significant
breastfed, and 62% of the sample were breast-fed for differences between the different habit groups and
at least 6 months. Children were grouped according to the no habit group.
duration of breastfeeding into three groups: 1) those
with no breastfeeding experience (0 duration), 2) those Discussion
who were breastfed for 5 months or less, 3) those who
The sample was selected randomly to be represen-
were breastfed for 6 months or more. There were sig-
tative of 3- to 5-year-olds in the geographic study area.
nificant differences in the distribution of digit-suckers
The age range of the sample eliminated those children
(P = 0.044) and dummy-suckers (P < 0.0001) among
with an incompletely developed occlusion or those
groups. The children who were breastfed for periods
with mixed dentition. The data collecting instrument
longer than 6 months showed the lowest prevalence of
was a questionnaire that was well-constructed, short,
digit or dummysucking. simple-termed, with few illustrations to minimize re-
Association betweensucking habits spondents’ misinterpretation. However, the results
and malocclusion from such retrospective data should be interpreted
To evaluate the effect of sucking habits on occlusion, with some caution.
the population was divided into five different groups: The reported prevalence of sucking habits appears
1. Those with no history of sucking habits to be high in children in industrialized countries (Table
2. Those with persistent digit-sucking 1). Our study indicates that the prevalence among
3. Those with persistent dummy-sucking Saudi children is 48.36% with dummy-sucking as the
4. Those with previous digit-sucking habit dominant type (37.90%) and digit-sucking less preva-
5. Those with previous dummy-sucking habit. lent (10.46%), which is lower than that reported
Table 5 presents the percentage distribution of the Western nations. In contrast, it is higher than in Eskimo
different signs of malocclusion among the groups. Sta- and African children. These differences suggest that
tistical analysis using Z test showed that children with sucking habits are influenced by child-rearing prac-
persistent digit sucking habits present with signifi- tices, which differ from one population to another. In-
cantly (P < 0.05) higher proportion of malocclusion troducing the modern Western type of life into the
parameters, with the exception of posterior crossbite, Saudi culture may make the children more prone to
than those with no habit. These differences were sucking habits. This theory warrants further investiga-
even more significant (P < 0.01) when dummy-suck- tion. The prevalence of the habits in the present sample
ers were compared with nonsuckers. Because of the seems to decrease with age. At age 4, 8.2% of the sample
small number of observations in the group of previ- were reported to have persistent sucking habits, which
ous digit-sucking, it was combined with the group 8is less than one-fifth of that reported by Modeeret al.
of previous dummy-suckers. This combined group for the same age group.
was compared to the no habit group. There were no Other researchers found sucking habits to be more
significant differences between the children with prevalent amonggirls) e, ~-1~ but results from our study
previous habits and those with no habits, except for confirmed earlier reports u-~5 of no significant differ-
anterior open bite (P < 0.05). The distribution of pos- ences between sexes in the distribution of digit- or

PediatricDentistry- 19:1, 1997 AmericanAcademyof Pediatric Dentistry 31

dummy-suckers. These findings suggest that environ- canine relationship without significant differences in
mental factors play a moresignificant role in the habit the sagittal molar relationship. Other investigators
than does genetic influence. found no evidence of high postnormal discrepancies
Our study showed no relationship between birth amongdigit -12 34 or dummy-suckers.
rank and prevalence of the habit, which is in agreement The extension of our age range to 5 years may have

with the result of Larsson and Jarveheden. allowed for self-correction or improvementof some of
The distribution of sucking habits by parents’ edu- the occlusal problems in children whodiscontinued the
cation showedthat the higher the level of parents’ edu- habit at an early age. Wefound that children with a
cation, the greater was the probability that the child previous sucking habit did not show any significant
was a dummysucker. These observations are in con- difference in the prevalence of malocclusion compared
tradiction to Larsson a4 who found dummy-suckingto with the no-habit group, except for anterior open bite,
be moreprevalent amongchildren of parents with little as it was more prevalent among the former group.
or no education. 24 The uneducated mothers in our These differences mayindicate that anterior open bite
sample probably gained their advice on child care from needs more time for improvement or there may be
older womenin the community who are not readily someother factors such as tongue thrusting, allied to
exposed to dummies.The findings of digit-sucking did the sucking habit.
not show significant association between the level of Several authors reported a significantly greater
parent’s education and the prevalence of the habit. In prevalence of posterior crossbite among dummy-or
contrast, Wolf and Lozoff~ found a higher percentage of finger-suckers comparedwith non-suckers.6,8, 35, 36 Other
the mothers of thumb-suckers to have had some college research reported a higher transverse discrepancy
education than did the mothers of nonthumb-suckers. among dummy-users, which was not replicated in the
Results showedfamily income didn’t predict digit- digit-sucking group.15, 37 Adair et al. 3~ found no clini-
sucking, whichsupports the findings of Paunioet al., cally significant difference in the transverse occlusal
but it is completely different from other studies that relationship between dummy-suckersand nonsuckers.
reported that digit-sucking children camefrom higher Wewere unable to demonstrate any significant differ-
socioeconomic groups, al-a3 Although other investiga- ence in the prevalence of posterior crossbite among
tors ~, z~ havereported a significantly greater prevalence children with persistent or previous sucking habits
8when compared with the nonsuckers. Modeer et al.
of dummyusers amongchildren of low socioeconomic
status, our sample showedno significant difference. found the posterior crossbite to be positively related to
Information regarding breastfeeding as it relates to the intensity of the sucking habit, which was 6-15 hr
sucking habits is somewhatcontradictory. Several au- in the majority of their sample. The long daily use of
thors 26-28 assumethat infants whoare breastfed for a the dummyalso has been reported by Svedmyr6 and
reasonably long period of time are less likely to become Larsson et al. 1° The majority of our samplepractice the
digit-suckers than babies whohave no breastfeeding habit of digit- or dummy-sucking for less than 5 hr per
experience. The results of our study strongly agree with day. This short intensity, in addition to other factors,
this conclusion, as the prevalence of digit- and dummy- could be influencing the prevalence of posterior
sucking habits was the least amongchildren who were crossbites in this sample.
breastfed for a period of 6 monthsor longer. In contrast,
the prevalence of digit- and dummy-suckinghabits was Conclusion
higher amongchildren who had been breastfed for a The results of our study enable us to makethe fol-
short period (less than 6 months)than children with lowing conclusions:
breastfeeding experience. This could be due to early 1. Sucking habits were found in nearly half of 3-
cessation of breastfeeding causing greater frustration to 5-year-old Saudi children with dummysuck-
to the child than experiencing no breastfeeding at all. ing as the dominant type.
The results of our study contradicts those reports that 2. Wefound no significant effect of gender differ-
showedthat the method of feeding has no appreciable ence, child birth rank, or family incomeon the
influence on the acquisition of the suckinghabits, a, 4,16, prevalence of sucking habits.
29,~ However,the meanduration of breastfeeding in the 3. Parents’ educational level is positively related
Traisman and Traismana sample was only 4.4 months. to dummy-sucking habit with no appreciable
A comparative evaluation of the dental conditions effect on digit-sucking.
of children with and without a continuing or previous 4. Prevalence of digit and dummy-suckingwas the
digit- or dummy-suckinghabit showed a strong cor- lowest among children who have good oppor-
relation between persistent sucking habits and distal tunity for breastfeeding.
molar and canine relationship, open bite, and protru- 5. A significant relationship was found between
sion. These findings coincide with those of Melsen et persistent sucking habits and malocclusion in
al. 5 and Larsson. 3s,36 Dummy-sucking was more detri- the form of distal molar and class II canine re-
mental to occlusion than digit sucking. Ravn 33 reported lationship, increased overjet, and anterior open
a difference between suckers and nonsuckers in the bite. Posterior crossbite is no more commonin

32 American
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Pediatric Dentistry - 19:1, 1997 American Academyof Pediatric Dentistry 33

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