Introduction (1) : Achmad Rizal Biospin Chapter 7, Biointrumentation, Webster

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Introduction (1)

• Nervous system is defined as all cell,

tissues, and organ that regulate the body’s
Nervous System response to internal & external stimuli
& EEG • Nervous system is comprised of neuron
Achmad Rizal
cell, the conducting elemen of nervous
system responsible for transfering
information across the body
Chapter 7, Biointrumentation, Webster
• Neuron cell & muscle cell Æ excitable cell

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Introduction (2)
• Resting potential Æ potential between inside and outside • The magnitude of the
of membrane cell Vm = ( RT / nF ) ln[ K + ]e /[ K + ]i
• electric impulse is generated by differential ion equilibrium Vm = 0.0615 log10 [ K + ]e /[ K + ]i
permeability of membrane membrane resting
• In the cell, potassium (K+)channel allow diffusion of K+ion potenstial
out of the cell while sodium Na+ ion diffuse into cell
• This Na+-K+ pump, which requires ATP to operate, pump
two K+ ion into the interior for every three Na+ion pump
• K+ and Na+ are continously diffusing across the
membrane from where just pumped, but at slower rate
• Since there are more K+ ion inside the cell than outside,
a potenstial exist

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Electronic Indifferent
Action potential
stimulator electrode
++++ ++ + + + Outside cell
1m Micropipet electrode
Resting potential Plasma membrane
–70 mV −−−− −− −−−
Time Inside cell
0 20 ms
1 Resting phase
Figure 7.1 The action potential of the nerve axon in response to electric stimulus. The
depolarization process first occurs at the stimulation site. The action potential then travels
There is no Na+ diffusion into the cell and K+ out of the cell
downstream to the recording site where a penetrating micropipet is used to pick up the
intracellular potential ARL-EL4703-Instrumentasi
with respect to an indifferent reference potential.
Biomedis 5 ARL-EL4703-Instrumentasi Biomedis 6


Na+ ++++ ++ +++

−−−− −− −−− −−−− −− −−−

++++ ++ +++ 3 Repolarizing phase

K+ permeability increases, K+ flows out
2 Depolarizing phase Na gate close, resting potensial regerated

The Na+ permeability increases, Na+ enters the cell interior,

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Membrane potential

2 3
++++ ++ +++ +50
0 1 4

−−−− −− −−−
K+ −100
4 Undershoot phase

K+ flow out to reach resting potential

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Organization of Peripheral Nervous

Neuron Schematic
• Conduction • Reflex arc
along a nerve
– Result of
– Sense organ (e.g. receptors)
depolarization of – Sensory nerve (transfers information from receptor to
small patch of CNS)
– Conduction – CNS (i.e. information processing station)
along a nerve – Motor nerve (transfers information from CNS to
fiber (more
generally axons effector organ)
and dendrites) – Effector Organ (i.e. muscles)
– Saltatory
conduction along • Simplest example
myelinated fibers
in nerves, spinal
– Knee reflex
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Organization of Peripheral Nervous
Reflex Arc
• Junctional Transmission
– Communication links between
• Neurons and neuron conntections: called synapses
• Neurons and effector organs, called end-plate region
– Electrochemical transmission via neurotransmitters:
(Inhibitory and Excitatory; chemical, gaseous)
• Acetylcholine Postsynaptic channel
• GABA opening and membrane
• Glutamate
• Dopamine
• Nitric oxide Transmission of action
Presynaptic release of
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Electroneurogram (ENG) Electroencepalogram (EEG)

• Measures nerve field • EEG provides information about the health and
potentials function of the brain by detecting electric impulse
• Use of needle electrodes • EEG can help diagnose condition such as
• Stimulate the peripheral epilepsy, brain tumor, cerebral palsy, brain
and measure the injury, stroke, liver, kidney disease, or brain
conduction velocity death
• Used in assessing • EEG typically 100μV and frequency response
neuromuscular disorders: 0.5-80 Hz
peripheral nerve injury,
muscular dystrophy
• Typically recorded with the subject awake and

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5. Theory 1 / 4 5. Theory 2 / 4
Electroencephalography is a method which is Typical Frequency and Amplitudo on Brain Waves
used to detect brain activity.
Electroencephalogram is a mean to Frequency Amplitud
measure EEG signal
Signal Signal Image
(Hz) o (µV)

Electroencephalogram consists of electrode

signal embedded on head skin and signal 1-4 Delta Just sleep and get up 20-200

processing block
Emotion and frustation
EEG signal characteristics at very 4-8 Theta 10

low magnitude (5µV - 200µV).

Frequency 1 Hz to 30 Hz. Rilex and eyes is
8-13 Alpha 20-200
Very low electric current < 1mA closed

EEG first time has found by Berger

on (1929) 13-30 Beta
Respon to Think and
stimulate, sleepy

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Condition and Activity 5. Theory 3 / 4
Delta 0.1 - 4 Hz In sleeping condition, can easily dreaming, EEG Signal collected by embedding transducer on head
increase body immune, hipnosys section, see these figures below.

Teta 4 - 8 Hz Relax, positive thinking, creative, focus,

meditation, easy dreaming, hypnagogic

Alpha 8 - 12 Hz Study hard, full relax, positive thinking

Beta Low 12 - 15 Hz Normal focus, maximum ability

Beta Medium 15 - 18 Hz Strong mentality, strong focus, IQ

Beta High 18 - 30 Hz Attractively, depressed. Normal focus, full

Bipolar Electrode Model International Electrode Placement System

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5. Theory 4 / 4 6. Hardware Design 1 / 6

Electrode set up in internationally way Acquisition System and EEG Signal Monitoring Diagram Block

and experiment

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6. Hardware Design 2 / 6 Out Put AD 620

Bipotensial Amplifier dan Differential Amplifier with Gain 10 times

49,4kΩ 49,4kΩ
RG = = = 6.168kΩ
49,4kΩ 1 49,4kΩ 1
G −1 − × 10 − 1 − ×
2 24,9kΩ 2 24,9kΩ
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6. Hardware Design 3 / 6 Out Put HPF
High Pass Filter 2nd orde with 1,4 times Cut Off 0.48 Hz gain

Rf 5k1 1.425S 2
G =1+ =1+ = 1,425kali H (S ) =
Ri 12k S + 4,772727S + 9,182736

f co = = 0,48Hz
2π × 3,3kΩ × 100 μF
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6. Hardware Design 4 / 6 Out Put LPF

Low Pass Filter 2nd order with 1,4 times Cut Off 28.23 gain

Rf 5 k1
H (S ) =
G = 1+ = 1+ = 1,425 kali
Ri 12 k 0,00003181S 2 + 0,00888S + 1
1 1
f co = = = 28.2Hz
2π × R × C 2π ×12kΩ × 470nF
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6. Hardware Design 5 / 6 Out Put Amplifier

Each of Gain 2, 3, and 4 has 10 times gain and 5th gain has 1 gain

Vo ⎛ R f ⎞
G= = ⎜− ⎟
Vi ⎜⎝ R1 ⎟⎠
Rf 10kΩ
AV = = = 10 times
Ri 1kΩ
AVtotal = ( AV ) = (10) = 1000 times
3 3

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6. Hardware Design 6/ 6 6. Software Design1 / 4
ADC0804 Input Voltage Conformer Circuit

Conformer Circuit of Com. Serial and ADC

‰Software to convert parallel data format to
serial data format; implemented on
microcontroller AT89C2051 using Assembly
programming language.
(Vi × R2 ) + (Vref × R1 ) ‰Software to monitor EEG signal, divide signal
Vout =
R1 + R2 (alpha, betha,delta, tetha) implemented on
2 SMOD × f OSC
(V + 5) TH 1 = 256 − PC using Borland Delphi 7.
Vout = i 384 × baudrate
20 ×11059000
TH1 = 256− = 256− 24= 232= E8( H )
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6. Software Design 2 / 4 7. Analyzing System 2/3

Software Analyze for Monitoring EEG signal
Software in microcontroller
‰ First, initializing
microcontroller for baudrate
setting and serial data
format that used.
‰ Analog EEG signals read
by ADC0804 by control of
pin 3.3, 3.4 dan 3.5. Then
the data are received in
port 1 microcontroller
‰ Paralel data are converted
to serial data format and
transferred to PC.
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7. Analyzing System 3/3

Sofware Analyze for Saving EEG signal Troubleshooting for EEG
Abnormalities in EEG waveform maybe due to
artifact categorized as follow
• Artifacts due to electrode problems may result :
Delta Tetha
– improper positioning
– poor contact
– poor electrode in the cap holding them
– dried-out gel
Betha Alpa – oozing of tissue in needle electrode
– frayed connection
– Sweating
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Troubleshooting for EEG Troubleshooting for EEG
• Artifacts due to physiological interference • Artifacts due to electrical interference (EI)
may may result from: may result from:
– the heart ECG – 50 Hz sinusoid common mode interference
– Tongue and facial movement (powerline)
– Eye movement – radio frequency interference due to use of an
– Skeletal movement electrical surgical unit
– High scalp impedance – defibrillation
– breathing – presence of pacemaker and neural stimulator

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EEG Application EEG Application

Controlling • Evoked Potentials
ÆElectric response signal of the brain to a specific
stimulus, usually in low amplitude (<5μV)ÆEEG
background signal (50 to 100μV)
ÆUsually signal averaging used to minimize
background EEG & artifact
ÆStudies of evoked potential are useful in
evaluating the functional integrity of sensory
ÆClinically abnormality can be detected by an
increase in latency
ÆDetected by an electrode placed on the scalp
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EEG Application EEG Application

• Visual Evoked Potential • Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential / Brain
during VEP testing, th subject stares at a central Evoked Response Auditory
spot on reversing check board pattern 1 m away during BAEP, rarefaction or condensation clicks
The procedure is usually done twice to ensure at about 10 Hz stimulate one ear of the subject,
reproducibility, and the two eyes are tested and white noise masks the contralateral ear
separately BAEP examination evaluates the nerves
VEP evaluates the visual nervous system from pathway from the ear to the brain
eyes to the brain, help to diagnose certain visual It may help uncover the cause of hearing and
or brain disorder balance problem as well as other nervous
system disorders
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EEG Application
• Somatosensory Evoked Potential
during SSEP testing, peripheral nerves are
stimulated with a small electric current through
bipolar electrodes on arms or legs skin.
SSEP asseses the neurological pathway from
the nerves in the arms/legs through the spinal
cord to the brain
Can be used to monitor coma patients, monitor
patient during surgical procedures, test hearing
ini infant and other whose hearing cannot be
tested in the standard way
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