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#NOVKAIZEN20 e n ge

y C h a l l
21 day P roductivit

1. Don't skip any day

2. Follow the same order of the days

as mentioned in this PDF

3. Use the following tags -

#NovKaizen20 #SellitLikeSwastik

4. If you're late to the challenge, don't

worry, start from the current day of the

5. You can access the kaizen website

#NOVKAIZEN20 e n ge
y C h a l l
21 day P roductivit

You can access the kaizen

website here - KAIZEN WEBSITE
#NOVKAIZEN20 e n ge
y C h a l l
21 day P roductivit

DAY1: DO A TIME AUDIT - Keep Track of

your activities and see how long each of
them take.

DAY2: Organize your workspace/

Create a workspace you love

DAY3: Identify your top 5 tasks last

week that produced maximum results.

DAY4: Schedule a no distractions rest

period in the middle of the day

DAY5: Browse the internet with only

one tab open at once.

DAY6: Choose one task and automate or

delegate it.

DAY7: Choose one habit you would like

to develop and commit to changing it.
#NOVKAIZEN20 e n ge
y C h a l l
21 day P roductivit

DAY8: Choose one habit you would like

to eliminate and commit to change it.

DAY9: Review the past week and cut

down your biggest time - waster.

DAY10: Visualize your PERFECT DAY

and COMPARE IT to your daily life

DAY11: Pick 3 priorities for today and do

it before everything else

DAY12: Work all day with the

POMODORO technique

DAY13: Cut yourself some slack today

and have a minimal to-do list

DAY14: Create a music playlist that

helps you focus.
#NOVKAIZEN20 e n ge
y C h a l l
21 day P roductivit

DAY15: Spend the last 30 mins of your

day planning for the next.

DAY16: Track your Hydration for the

whole day - increase your hydration
based on that


stretch, take a nap, walk, play with your
pet etc.

DAY18: Keep an agenda with daily

tasks - why should this task be done to
move further in your long term plans

DAY19: Have a no binge day - Try

Single-tasking today

DAY20: Wake up 30 minutes earlier

than usual

DAY21: Reward yourself for your

biggest accomplishment this month.

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