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Executive Summary 3
Introduction 4-5
Personal Entrepreunial Competencies 6-7
SWOT Analysis 8
Strengths 9-10
Weaknesses 11
Opportunities 12-13
Threats 14
References 15

The original purpose of this case study conducted because to expose students
to real business through this case study. Through this case study, students can
identify the individual situation such as a person, business or organization in more
details. For this case study, I have done a research about the company that I have
selected and identified the business background also the entrepreneur in details.
The name of company that I have choose is NH Prima Sdn Bhd, and in accordance
with the name of company, the founder of this company is Noor Neelofa Mohd
Noor. The mission of this company is to produce headscarves in premium quality
by selecting only the best quality material and embellishments. NH Prima Sdn Bhd
is a form of business based on partnership with Swarovski, a world’s premier
jewelry and accessory brand to embellish their headscarves. The company team
always listen to their customers feedback to produce something affordable and
maintaining the quality of the products.
Furthermore, This company has a wide official distribution channels namely, Shopee, Luxe Boutique TTDI, 1 Utama, Isetan KLCC, SOGO KL, and
over 500 Authorized Stockist worldwide. For the main office for the company it is
located at 34, Jalan Wan Kadir 3, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. The first product of this company store is
opened in TTDI Plaza in January 2015. The business store located at TTDI Plaza, 2A,
Jalan Wan Kadir 3, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan
Kuala Lumpur.
Meanwhile, the brand name of the product is Naelofar Hijab. The main
products for this company is and instant shawl, shawl and other headscarves such
as turban. This headscarves comes with various design and color, it is combination
with premium jewelry and accessory brand known as Swarovski. The headscarves
also comes with plain design. Naelofar Hijab produce a premium quality
headscarves that easy to wear and comfortable for customers. Interesting fact
about this brand is, the headscarves name comes from flower name such as
Duchess, Bell and Fiona. Not only have that, their company also provide online
website to purchased variety design of headscarves and delivered it in 3 to 5
working days.

Every choice of business that we made must have a significant reason. The first
reason why I choose the business which is the “Naelofar Hijab” because of the
founder itself, Neelofa. This is because, she is very hardworking and determination
to do all the business that she made. Because of her hard work to make her first
business, she finally now become a successful entrepreneur and inspiring by many
people. Her business started when the market demand is high and with her
hardworking, she manages to sustain the business till today. Indeed, in any success
story, there must be the ups and downs. Being a celebrity in the entertainment
industry, it gives her the advantage to market her products.
Secondly, the reason why I choose this business because the creativeness of the
hijab that produce by Neelofa herself. Neelofa made a research and created her
own beautiful scarves, stylish and easy to wear anywhere. Because of her already
wearing a hijab, at the same time she want to look stylish and modern is one of the
reasons why she opened her own business according to her taste scarves wished.
She made a headscarves design that not only to benefit for herself but she wanted
the wearer look stylish and elegant while wearing the headscarves. Creating a
business of hijab is very profitable because the scarves has many people migrants
to wear hijab, especially the artists. The popular collection in this brand is their
instant shawl. Basically, the shawl has an attractive design and unique. Most of
people interested with the style design especially it suits the young as they want.
After that, another reason why I choose this business because Neelofa is a
strong and a bold women. She loved fashion and had a passion for business so she
combined the two and pursue to set up her own label. She managed to make her
first business in 2014. Most of people would start with a dream and have clear goals
for success. Each person must have had dreams and ambitions to be achieved.
Before that, start with a dream and the desire to put to great lengths to get what
you want. Therefore, scarves brand Naelofar Hijab has achieved sales of RM 50
million in 2015, and as a result doubled from what it seems. All of her fans or
customers can use and get Neelofa products. Hijab Naelofar not only have 700
distributors nationwide, even in Singapore, Brunei, London, Australia, and the
United States. Her success can be proud because at a young age she has become a
successful entrepreneur.

Lastly, I choose this business because she is tolerance for failure. Neelofa did
not give up easily by any seatback or difficulties that she has faced in the mist of
business competition. Although she faces many problem before and after she
launched her first business, she managed to plan it well for her business until today.
Neelofa believe that she will learn more from her earlier failure then from her
earlier success.


Among the factors that lead her to succeed in becoming one of successful
entrepreneur to this day, is influenced by the characteristics of personal
entrepreunial competencies within herself. Meanwhile, the characteristic that we
can see throughout her career in the business world are the first one is, she is an
initiative. This can be seen through when she acting or plan swiftly to figure out
how to grow her business more in the future. For example, Neelofa acts to extend
their business which is the Naelofar Hijab brands to new areas from time to time.
From the first day, Neelofa only started selling their headscarves through online
and at bazaars in Malaysia only. But for now, Naelofar Hijab has more than 700
distributors all over the world including Singapore, Brunei, London, Australia,
Netherlands, and the United States, besides Malaysia. Her brands become one of
famous headscarves brands in worldwide. After that, Neelofa also plan to produce
a new products to their shawl which is they plan to alter and streamline
unobtrusive design, to make shawls more down to earth and easier to wear.

Furthermore, Neelofa also an efficiency orientation. This can be seen through

on how she managed to improve their business and cooperate with her workers to
achieve a highest market for her business at a lower cost. For example, Neelofa and
her accomplices chose to make Naelofar Hijab via online website to help contribute
toward sales at the same time can reduce their financial production. Furthermore,
through online website also can helps to develop a strong feeling of trust between
those involved and play a big part in enhance the profile of a company suppliers.
Other than that, Neelofa also use another alternative marketing to achieve their
goals through Facebook and Instagram. She also promoted all her business as she
involved in several business ventures including contact lenses named Lofalens,
shoes as LofaHeels, a health drink product named BellaVita, and a Muslim women’s
clothing line Naelofar Hijab and Bokitta for women. Being a celebrity in the
entertainment industry, it gives her benefits to improve their business and to
market their products also present herself as a brand.

Lastly, Neelofa also is a self-confidence entrepreneur. As we can see, Neelofa
who prefers to have a cup of tea and a good book at night for ‘me-time’ hopes to
inspire a new generation of female entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Neelofa loved to
share a few tip of her success using social networking such as Facebook, Twitter
and Instagram sites to communicate business knowledge with her fans. Even
though Neelofa is a celebrity, she cannot escape from controversies and
backlashes. She learns from the lessons after each controversy or backlash so she
knows not to make the same mistake in the future. Furthermore, she managed to
face many problem from the first she launched her headscarves brand until today

SWOT Analysis

 Well-known founder  Costly production

 Various selection of  The style of the scarves is
attractive colors and quite same from other
patterns brands
 Product is suitable for the  Limited stock
weather in Malaysia
Strengths Weaknesses

Oppurtunities Threats
 International markets
 Facing a lot of
 Attract more people to
wear hijab
 Lack of workers or dealers
 Utilize mobile application
for the business  Economy situation

1. Well-known founder
It is undeniable that the biggest strength of the “Naelofar Hijab” brand already has
a name that already known throughout Malaysian which is the founder itself. Noor
Neelofa binti Mohd Noor which is better known as Neelofa or lofa is one of the
famous ambassadors. She was actually Lancôme’s first ever Malaysian ambassador
in 2017, and it is a world’s first hijabista appointed to be the face of the luxury
cosmetics brand. Other than that, she was also ambassador for another
international brand which is Swarovski. Furthermore, Neelofa is a winner in Dewi
Remaja (Miss Teen Malaysia) in 2009/2010. She also appeared in television
programs as a host such as MeleTOP and Nona even in TV series she appeared in
Kau Yang Terindah as Alisya. Through this all entertainment career that she
involved in will gives a big impact to her product also. At this time, her product
“Naelofar Hijab” is a well-known throughout Malaysia.

2. Various selection of attractive colors and patterns

NH Prima company also provide a wide range pattern of headscarves in “Naelofar
Hijab” brand such as basic shawl, square, instant shawl, and semi instant shawl. All
of this pattern will gives a comfortable and nice look to customer. Each pattern of
headscarves comes with variety of color according to the latest famous colors
which is from bold to pastel colors. Other than that, they also comes with attractive
printed shawl such as Monogram, Geometric and color blocking printed shawl.
Furthermore, they also have a combination with Swarovski white pearl as
embellishment on the headscarves. Furthermore, instant shawls are express
versions of conventional head scarves that they can slip over their heads without
the fuss of pins or draping. This instant shawls are perfect for those who just started
wearing the headscarf or for the busy bees who are after a polished look without
the fuss. Semi-instant shawls are also available where you can add your own flair
of drapes or twists for that personalized style. This brand also provide an
accessories such as neck cover and inner in purpose to cover important things.

3. Product is suitable for the weather in Malaysia
This brand provide a good and comfortable fabric for all types of headscarves that
available in their store. For example, most of the square pattern they use Korean
chiffon, heavy chiffon and satin. For the other types which is shawl, they use satin
crepe, cotton Lycra, and silky satin. All of this fabric can be hand wash or machine
wash in laundry bag on gentle cycle for keep the headscarves to stay nice and the
fabric not damage. Furthermore, the fabric have a breathability and cooling nature
so no matter the weather or humidity outside, they can still look effortlessly nice.
Most of the fabric is easy to iron or ironless and the size can be adjustable according
to the styles that they want to do.

1. Costly production
The price range for each headscarves that available in this brand is about RM50 to
RM100. For the headscarves that comes with Swarovski for embellishment, the
price is a bit expensive than the plain and printed one. The price is quite high and
it can lead to lack of purchases from customers. This is because, the target market
for this brand is Malaysian youth and middle age between 18 to 60 years old that
have their income and prefer to dress like a modesty. Furthermore, this costly
production also can lead to financial losses because of a very few of customer
purchased it.

2. The style of the scarves is quite same from other brands

The style that this brand provide have a similar style from other brand such as Ariani
and dUCk headscarves. This would give a bad impact to the company itself because
most of customer loved to buy a new and creative style of headscarves.
Furthermore, customers also will compare the quality and price if there is a
headscarves that have the same pattern. Most of them will choose a cheaper price
compared to expensive price.

3. Limited stock
This brand have a limited stock for each of their headscarves style. Not to include,
the color of headscarves also limited from their outlet store and through online
website. If the stock runs out, it takes a long time to wait for the stock to be
available again. In this situation, the profits of this company will be reduce because
of the limited stock. If this problem often occurs, the customers might be think
badly about their service and might change their mind to other hijab brands. As a
result, the company will faced lack of customers to purchase their headscarves.

1. International markets
At first, this brand started selling the headscarves on online and at bazaars. The
instant shawls were a hit and stockists were appointed to handle the increasing
requisition. Currently, there are more than 100 stockists in Malaysia, Brunei and
Singapore. Naelofar Hijab brought in a revenue of RM50 million in 2015, in sales
with 10% of it coming from international purchases. At the priced that are worthy
to purchase for each of her hijab which are designed by Neelofa herself, Naelofar
Hijab now has more than 700 distributors all over the world including Singapore,
Brunei, London, Australia, Netherlands, and the United States, Turkey, Iran, Japan
besides Malaysia. Through this worldwide markets, this brand can achieve their
goals and gain the highest market compared to other hijab brands.

2. Attract more people to wear hijab

From this brand, it can attract more people to wear hijab through their creative
styles of hijab that they are donning with in the video ads to promote their
headscarves. The more creative the style of headscarves, the more people consider
this brand produce a good and attractive headscarves. Especially for the Turban
headscarves, it is popular styles in Turkey and Iran. In this way, this brand can
increase their collection of hijab styles including the color according to the current
hijab trends to gain the highest market in the world.

3. Utilize mobile application for the business

Naelofar Hijab also registered high sales via online, which helped contribute
towards sales. The online website for their headscarves brand purpose is to ease
their customer to purchase the headscarf. Eventhough, initially many perceived
that this product does not have potential to go far, the social media has successfully
changed the trend as global sales. In this situation, customer does not have to go
to their outlet store to buy the headscarves instead they can purchase it through
online system only. The delivery also takes between two to three of working days.

For the international delivery, it will takes 5 of working days only. Due to current
economy situation, most of them will use this online system to purchase their
headscarves because it is easier and more safety.

1. Facing a lot of competition
Surely, every business will definitely face lot of competition. Naelofar Hijab has
faced many competition form the other brands of hijab after they launched their
hijab in 2014. For example, dUCk scarves, Cakenis, TudungPeople and Ariani. All of
this brand produce a good quality of headscarves and have a high profit in their
sales every years. Due to a lot of competition, this brand also faced a problem such
as other hijab brands try to copy or duplicate their styles of hijab that they produce
and make it more cheaper than the exactly price that should be. In this situation,
the company will experience a fierce competition between other hijab brands. They
must produce more new and creative headscarves for their incoming products.

2. Lack of workers or dealers

This company have less workers or dealers to promote their brands. Even though
Neelofa is a well-known artist, she also need a lot of workers to help her business
grow together in the future. This is because, a workers or dealers can increase their
company marketing through promote their business and communicate with other
agents or suppliers to expand their sales market. If this company only have a few
of workers or dealers, they will faced financial problem and might be not achieved
their target market.

3. Economy situation
As we know, the current economy situation giving a very profound effect to the
whole world which is Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). It is an infectious disease
caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. The virus is very dangerous because it
can infectious to other people very quickly. At the same time, a lot of company
faced a financial losses or bankrupt due to this virus because they cannot continue
to run their company. For sure, they will faced lack of profit and cannot produce
any new products to gain profit for their company.

 shalenk bma. “Successful Entrepreneur” <
3/successful-entreprenuer/> (Accessed 20 December 2020)

 Wikipedia. “Neelofa” <>

(Accessed 22 December 2020)

 WargaBiz. “Neelofa: Celebrity Entrepreneur Of The Year”

amil%2Downed%20company> (Accessed 23 December 2020)

 Faizah Halwa. “Analisis Swot Naelofar Hijab”

(Accessed 23 December 2020)


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