Reflective Essay 2

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Amazing friends, amazing God

Looking back on my high school memories is a pleasant experience for me. I loved my

time there and for the most part was happy to be in school with my classmates and teachers each

day. While in high school I gained many new friends that supported me through tough times.

Going to a Christian High School helped to strengthen my faith in God and prepare me for life

without Christian supervision. Overall, my high school experience was social, supportive, and


Going into my freshman year, I knew thirty of my classmates from grade school; That

meant I saw 60 new faces in my freshman class, along with the 300 or so other students. That

was so many people! I had nothing to be afraid of, however, because I quickly found a friend

group I loved. There were eight of us girls that started hanging out together in the middle of

freshman year. One of the girls left our group during sophomore year, but the rest of us have

remained friends and still regularly hang out. We have split into two smaller groups, but make

sure we still do something all together at least once a month. Outside of my friend group, I get

along with many others and would consider most of my classmates to be my friends along with a

few underclassmen as well.

These friends that I made throughout high school were true friends. They had my back

and supported me through anything life threw at me. During the fall of my Junior year, I lost my

uncle. We were very close and the loss was devastating. When I came to school the next

morning, I had a huge group of people waiting to give me hugs and words of encouragement.

Even beyond that, the entire school kept my family and I in their prayers. What amazing love! I

saw the same loving support during my senior year when my family and I experienced the tragic

loss of a house fire. Even though school could not meet, my friends found ways to support me.
They reached out with loving words, they prayed for me, made me meals, and even gave me

money or clothes. How amazing it is to experience Christian love firsthand!

Throughout these trials and various other experiences, God used high school to

strengthen me. He used the loss of my uncle, grandmother, car, and home to try my faith. He

taught me to trust completely in Him and keep my thoughts on the thing above, not the things of

this earth. He used my teachers to show me ways we see God’s presence in all subjects of life.

High school strengthened my faith and made me realize how truly glorious our God is!

My high school years guided me to good Christian friends. These were true friends that

stuck with me and had my back through everything that was thrown my way. They kept their

support constant through prayer especially. God used my high school experience to teach me to

place my trust in Him always and guide my thoughts toward heaven. The subjects I learned

showed me how glorious the God I serve is.

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