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NEWSLETTER Club News And Events

Club Number:
Club Name:
Toastmasters Club


Member introduction
Events/news of the Month
Club Mission
Upcoming Events We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered
to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and
Club Updates personal growth.
Words from President –TM Anubhav Tiwari
• Club President started his
journey on Pathways by
delivering his first speech September is the month of renewing our commitment to our Learning , to our growth and to
Toastmasters. I would encourage all my fellow toastmasters to renew your commitment and
• EC team attended TLI and keep that flame of learning ignited. Happy Reading. Stay safe & continue to learn.
had new learnings!!!
New Firebird
• Newest Firebird TM Mausami
got the ball rolling by being TM Sayan Mukherjee
the TMOD for the first time!
Occupation: Brand Manager at Perfetti Van Melle India Pvt. Ltd.
Wow, she was awesome!!!
Interest: Cricket and travelling.
• Firebirds attended the Virtual
Convention Reason to join Firebirds: To improve communication and leadership skills. Be
more confident when I present a business idea to someone higher in the corporate
Upcoming Events ladder.
• Humorous speech contest
Tips from a fellow Toastmaster
and Evaluation speech
contest coming up… gear Take jokes for a test drive. If you want to include a joke in your speech, write
up firebirds!!!
several options and test them out with your family, co-workers or club members to
see how they are received.
Send Your Contribution:
Members please send your
Use people’s names. People love to be addressed by their name in conversation.
Contributions in form of articles or To help you remember someone’s name, be sure to say it back to them to verify you
anything you wish to publish for have it right, and try to use it several times to make it stick.
next month edition for any of the
columns 1
Club In words of the members
Create a WOW with Soft Skills – DTM Richa
Activities Use these tips during your- interview/ meeting/workshops/conference…

• Shake hands – Always shake hands with the person when you meet someone. Maintain an
Events and News eye contact with the person while shaking the hand.

• We are going to celebrate • Posture- Stand straight with shoulders back. This shows how confident you are when you
interact with someone.
our silver jubilee online
meeting soon. Kudos to all • Eye Contact- Look into the eyes of the person you are talking. During the interview we
must maintain an eye contact as it shows how confident we are.
the members for keeping
the spirit so high. • Smile- Wear a Smile when you meet someone. This is the shortest way to connect with
• Time to renew your
firebirds membership! Don’t • Listen- “Silence is golden”, sometimes it is important to listen attentively before answering.
be late. We will be back
• ASK- Do enquire in case you have not understood something.
with interesting discount
• Greeting- Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Namaste/ Ram Ram… a must. This depends on
deals again!!!
where you are and with whom are you interacting.
• Moment of truth still in the
pipeline as evaluation is • Use Magic Words- Sorry/Thank You/Please…If you expect people to use the magic words ,
even others expect the same from you.
the back bone of Soft Skills makes the strong FIRST impression…
Keep Learning…Keep Growing…Stay Connected Richa Soft Skills Trainer


They say, “Laughter is the best medicine”. I say, it is our wisdom to understand that for which diseases it is prescribed and for
which it is not.

Some people find pleasure in laughing at others’ discomfort & weaknesses. They fail to realize how they’d feel if put in the
same situation and the amount of negative pressure they put the other person under. This could be demoralizing for the other
person, especially if he/she is a sensitive person or a beginner in some field.

Some people don’t mind such petty, purposeless laughter because they’re sufficiently confident in their own skins. But for
some others, it may lower their confidence & discourage them from taking initiatives in future.

Therefore, it is important that we LAUGH WITH OTHERS in order to enjoy the real benefits of the medicine called laughter.
Remember those times when we laugh with our friends for stupid reasons or sometimes even no reason at all. Or while
watching a good Stand-up comedy. Or when a Guest visits us and we indulge in some good humorous talks over a cup of
coffee and make the guest feel comfortable at our place. So you see laughing with others has an impact on our relations with
others. That way, laughing is an Inclusive medicine. One that is accessible to all & affordable by all. Voila! No one is at a
disadvantage. Everyone’s endorphins are released & everyone is found to be in high spirits. What a win-win situation it is to

Winners will represent the 2

Club at
International Speech Cont
Story of the month

The Firebirds Brigade - TM Mayank Jain

Amidst the numerous clubs in Delhi NCR,

There was a club of around 15 whose presence was remarkably salient,

All the guests mentioned this club as cheerful and energetic,

But let’s have a look at the members who are exceptionally radiant

The calmness of Naveen took us through many countries and leadership styles
While the humor of Anubhav took us miles back into our hostel life

Shweta’s love for animals was as unique as a star in the dark night sky

Whereas Ayush showed us his might through his leadership style

The sensible Mayank Kalra showed us light through his imapactful evaluations

While Saurav’s passion to give a speech in every meeting is something I cannot forget to mention

Mamta’s skill of making weekly posters exceeded everyone expectations

While Chandrika was still thinking about of having coffee in some another nation

When Suman’s enthusiasm of self-improvement is nothing less than asensation

Mohit’s dedication is analogous to ABD’s flexibility

Amit did not shy away taking multiple roles thus raising his abilities

Mayank Jain kept day dreaming about meeting Virat Kohli

Soham did her every task with absolute humility

Aadil’s skill of running for long distances was something no one knew about

However, Jyoti’s good eating habits is something which cannot be left out

The club’s growing diversity and popularity was growing without a doubt

and Richa enhanced it with her speaking skills in a short bout

Tigist gave out of the box speeches and everyone wanted to listen to her more

Ashi’s all-round abilities make her an asset to be cherished for

Mausami’s cheerfulness was difficult to ignore

Sayan’s enthusiasm of giving speeches is something we can always adore

There will be one day when the pandemic will end and Firebirds will unite

And we can bond again and have tea in the morbid sunlight

Till then let’s keep the momentum up by giving speeches every night

Because who knows it might be just long till we can see each other and have a laugh in a meanwhile?

Club #01378822
Recreation Cum Library Centre
(Opp. B4/229) Safdarjung Enclave,
New Delhi-110029

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