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1.​ ​Customer face high price for the vegetables

2.​ ​Food loss due to lack of storage

3.​ ​Farmers are underpaid

Existing alternatives:

1.​ ​commercial sellers

2.​ ​cooperatives

3.​ ​agents


1.​ ​Proper storage system

2.​ ​Supply of quality vegetables through direct link

3.​ ​Food loss minimization

Key metrics:

1.​ ​Monthly sales (projected)

2.​ ​Unique value proposition (processing of vegetables, improve quality of products)

i.​ ​Land defragmentation

ii.​ ​Establishing market outlets

Unfair advantages/ Competitive advantages:

1.​ ​Control over price

2.​ ​Cold transport


1.​ ​Indirect channel (First and second channel distribution)

2.​ ​Customer segment

i.​ ​Household customers

ii.​ ​Restaurants

iii.​ ​Canteens (schools, hospital)

iv.​ ​Department stores

v.​ ​Early adapters:

a.​ ​Restaurants

b.​ ​Canteens (school, hospitals)

Cost Structure:

1.​ ​Operating cost – yet to identify

2.​ ​Revenue streams

i.​ ​On demand

ii.​ ​Indirect sources: storage rent

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