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Advanced Unit test 4

3 Match 1–6 with a)–f). There are two options
1 Complete the sentences with the words and
you do not need.
phrases in the box.
1 As Carla had no previous c
a pity appear can’t help it could hardly 2 Twelve people were arrested after the
believe extraordinary has been reported dawn
made my fault pointless
3 Although Jake fervently protested his
really appreciate wonder 4 Whilst Bob hadn’t actually carried out
5 Anne was prosecuted for a drug-related
1 It would appear that the meeting’s been 6 The judge was lenient and issued a
cancelled and they simply forgot to let us know. nine-month suspended
2 I’d it if you didn’t tell anyone else
what happened at the party. a) offence and his community service hours
3 It’s no he couldn’t sleep last night reduced.
with all that noise going on! b) offence which resulted in a suspended sentence.
4 It’s Craig won’t be able to join us c) convictions, she was let off with a fine.
this weekend. I haven’t seen him for ages. d) raid by the police.
5 It’s worrying! What’s done is done e) against the sentence imposed by the court.
and we’ll just have to live with the consequences. f) innocence, the evidence proved his guilt.
6 It that the missing fishermen have g) sentence but insisted Justin did 200 hours of
been found alive. community service.
7 It’s how good Celia is at reading my h) the crime, he was found to be complicit as he had
mind. been involved in planning the robbery.
8I it when my neighbour told me he’d
been burgled while I was away. 5
9 We it! We’ve actually got through to
the semi-finals!
10 It’s not you didn’t get accepted 4 Complete the words in the sentences.
onto the course! You should have studied more. 1 The police are warning people not to take the law
11 I if people recognise me when into their own hands when confronted by
we’re out – it’s just part and parcel of being a someone trespassing on their property.
TV presenter. 2 If you have an overriding s of
justice, you will always endeavour to make
10 virtuous decisions that are morally right.
3 In the film, the gang of outlaws were served a kind
of r justice when caught by the
2 Complete the sentences with the correct perfect
sheriff and his men, who punished them on
form of the verbs in the box.
the spot.
go lock revise run teach visit 4 Some people strongly assert that it’s the
r of every citizen who is eligible to
vote to do so in a political election.
1 By this time next week we’ll have visited three 5 There have been a number of peregrine falcons
capital cities on our European cruise – I can’t wait sighted in the v of the church at the
to get going! top of St David’s Hill.
2 I couldn’t gain access to the house because I 6 There were grave concerns that a m
myself out and unfortunately, no-one of justice had occurred after a witness admitted
else was at home. he’d falsified his account of what he’d seen on the
3 Alex hard all month so I’m sure she’ll night of the murder.
excel in her exams. She certainly deserves to.
4 I was really sorry to the concert. I heard 5
that it was absolutely amazing!
5 Can you believe that this time next year I
chemistry for twenty years?!
6 Louise was red in the face and out of breath
because she .


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Advanced Unit test 4
5 Complete the sentences using one word from Function
box A and one from box B.
7 Underline the correct alternative.
capital child economic environmental 1 This would be by much/far the best option for me
freedom gun human illegal if you don’t mind. It’s just so much more practical
and a lot more feasible given the financial and
time constraints.
B 2 My preference/favourite would be to sell all our
awareness control development shares in their company and to reinvest the money
immigration labour of speech in one which takes a more ethical stance on their
punishment rights business practices.
3 Without a shadow/shade of a doubt, I’d trust
1 Illegal immigration; namely the breach of border Simon implicitly with any confidential
regulations, may be prompted by civil war or information that we give him. I know him to have
racial persecution. absolute integrity.
2 Undemocratic nations do not allow their citizens 4 I’d sooner/prefer eat that old, black leather shoe
and often punish those who that the dog likes chewing on than spend another
speak out against the ruling party. evening listening to that tedious couple droning on
3 State-owned enterprises have been found to and on about themselves and how much money
promote more sustainable in they have.
rapidly changing nations such as India. 5 Made the decision/Given the choice, I’d definitely
4 In 1965 Great British abolished emigrate to a warmer country and preferably one
for murder. However, it wasn’t until where innovation is whole-heartedly recognised
1998 that the death penalty was completely and supported by the state.
prohibited for all crimes. 6 If I ever found myself in that situation again, I’d
5 After recent mass shootings, many people are probably leg/run it at the first chance I had and
demanding reforms to the laws governing then call the police once I knew I was in a safe
in the USA. place.
6 Amnesty International, the world’s largest 7 No way do/would I ever consider mentioning any
grassroots organisation, was of my ideas to him again – not before airing them
established to protect those facing injustice or at the management meeting, that’s for sure. I can’t
abuse due to their beliefs. believe he presented my proposal as his own!
7 The company stands accused of using 8 If push comes to shove/jump, I’ll just explain that
after underage workers were discovered it can’t have been you she saw because you were
during an unannounced inspection of the factory. with me at the hospital the whole night and never
8 Programmes to increase need once left my side.
to bring home to people the reality that looking 9 I’d just as soon/sooner stay in with you and order
after our planet is in everyone’s interests. a takeaway as spend the night in town with your
boring colleagues, who you don’t even like.
7 10 Far preferred/better to have the courage to tell
the truth and face the consequences than to be a
coward who cannot be trusted.
6 Underline the correct answer, a), b) or c). 11 If it was up to/was for me, I’d sack the lot of
1 The detective assessed the situation and decided it them for gross negligence rather than allow them
was safe to leave the premises. to keep all their excessive perks.
a) estimated b) asserted c) assessed
2 It’s vital to always consider both the benefits and 10
the _____ of any business proposal so you can
predict what problems might occur. Total: 50
a) defects b) pros c) drawbacks
3 _____ the points I’ve just made in mind when you
discuss whether to accept my offer or not.
a) Take b) Bear c) Hold
4 He knew he was in quite a _____ when his car
skidded uncontrollably on the icy forest road.
a) hardship b) predicament c) catastrophe

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