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The Benefits of Microchipping

I. Microchips in humans is a revolutionary idea that could change the entire world for the
better! Although not everyone believes that they are important, microchips will change
all of our lives for the better.
II. Microchips are approved of by the FDA and would be beneficial to the human race in the
future by cutting back the number of kidnappings and all other crimes.
III. Body Paragraphs
A. Microchips in humans is an amazing part of our future
1. Microchips will be beneficial in so many areas of our life, we can only just
begin to realize how advanced this world will be.
B. FDA has approved of microchipping.
1. They believe that microchips are helpful because doctors are more easily
able to access medical records of their patients.
2. Patients will be able to get more immediate care in emergency situations
where the patient is unconscious or does not have the medical papers.
C. It would cut back on the number of potentially dangerous runaways, kidnappings
and sex-trafficing
1. The offender is not likely to want to cut the microchip out of the person
abducted, so there will be a much lower fatality rate in those areas.
2. Those who are abducted or runaway will be found quicker and easier so
that the number of deaths due to abductions will decrease.
D. The crime rate will drop significantly.
1. It will be much easier to track criminals and the percentage of unsolved
crimes would go down.
2. The number of people willing to do petty crime will decrease because they
know the success rate is too low.
E. Rebuttal
1. Some say that having medical records available in the emergency room is
an invasion of privacy, ​but it could also save lives​.
2. Microchips could cause cancer. ​Thousands of pets have been implanted
with microchips and have not reported any major difficulties.
hip-people-may-cause-cancer/#.X2t67-jYrmU​ )
3. Microchips only last about twenty years
uestions​ ) ​It is very easy to replace them.
F. Microchips will change the world. They will revolutionize the criminal world and
create more external peace in this world. They are easy to implant and will save
many lives in the ER. The benefits of microchipping clearly outweigh the
disadvantages. Microchips will reduce crime and is approved by the FDA and
other reputable organizations.

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