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8107 MITO End Term Exam 2020

Delhi University

Faculty of Management Studies

MBA (EX ) – January 2021

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

Programme Course Unique Paper Course Title Maximum Maximum

Code Code Marks Time
Managing IT for 70 3hrs
MBAEX-I 8107 410921107

A. Answer Question 7 which is Compulsory and any other 4 questions from Question
1 to 6 (Total 14X5=70 ) ,All question carry equal marks.
B. This is a closed book examination.
C. Please write precise and legible answers. In case of scanning make the scanning
D. Use MITO theoretical frame works and models while answering your questions.

1. a. How do you define MIS coverage? Draw a suitable hierarchy chart at 3 levels.
Explain each levels purpose briefly .
b. Distinguish between traditional MIS and Digital economy role of MIS . Also
explain two speed IT .

2. a. What is parent child syndrome in the context of MIS? How will you address the
issues and challenges faced in MIS development and implementation?
b. Explain the Four Categories Of IT in a tabular form giving definition,
characteristics and examples.

3. Supposed you are the newly appointed CIO of a firm. You have been given 6
months to revamp the entire IT function.

a. What would be your main functions and departments under you? How will
you measure the success of each of these.
b. Describe in brief the four business models that together work in an E-enterprise

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8107 MITO End Term Exam 2020

4. (a) “Structural analysis is an important step and a vital tool for system design
and analysis”. Highlight its impact on the outcome of a DSS model / tool. You can
choose anyone DSS model.
(b) Explain various stages of system design. How proper design help during
implementation stage?
5. Why there is need for designing balance scorecard in MIS? Indicate the business
and performance parameters in the example of cricket game. Also discuss any
four do's and don'ts for using a balance score card.
6. Discuss enterprise resource planning (ERP) in implementing more effective
supply chain process. In what ways integration of SCM, ERP can help to
enterprise management system and global enterprise? Give examples.
7. Compulsory Question :
For the given case situation apply the models and frameworks to give your answer
a. Assess the current using Modified Venkatraman Model. Identify which
stage the organization is and which stage it may aim to reach.
b. Plan using Strategic Alignment model (SAM model) of Venkatraman to
identify five perspective of IT
c. Prepare Action steps by Drawing the Digitalization cube across each one of
the ordinates.

Case Study : Vayutel Telecom : Turning around IT

Unhappiness Galore “ I can be very harsh to UCC and may even recommend the chairman to
scrap the contract” Said Mr Narayan Jaiswal President of Vayutel . He was visibly angry with
the non-performance of the vendor, a very reputed name in the IT industry. He then tapped
the conference table twice showing his extreme displeasure. Everyone was drawn into
stunned silence.

The UCC (Universal Computer Corporation, Inc) team lead by Hanish Sahtrabuddhe (HS for
his colleagues) were seated on the other side of the table. They were apprehensive as well
as under stress while attending the this meeting. But this was not the first time such reaction
from client has happened. Many have attended similar storming meeting in the past and
were somewhat of the belief that this project like many others in IT industry will be soon
declared troubled project and would go to termination, en-cashing of bank guarantee and
may end into arbitration. Some of the senior managers of the view that legal cell of UCC
should be immediate be involved so that the client is not able to abruptly terminate the
contract. a way out will be found by the senior management of UCC.

Vayutel, was a fast upcoming telecom company in India in the year 2004 providing mobile
telephony and land line services. While mobile phones subscriber numbers were increasing
fast , it was the good old land line connection provided by Vayutel was the real profitable
with Average revenue per user (ARPU) close to RS 1100 as compared to mobile which was
around Rs 400. These were the days of massive growth of telecom sector around 2005 2006
period. UCC had signed a 10 years contract with Vayutel to provide IT services on Opex
model1 linked with the actual revenue of Vayutel. The risk and reward was to be shared by

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the vendor i.e. UCC. The model when announced last year was touted to be first of its kind
(FOK) in telecom world and accepted with lots of apprehension. One thing was certain that
its failure would be black mark both for Vayutel and UCC, hence lot of attention was given.

“ Hanish, we have lost nearly three years, waiting for IT to bring in next generation of
capabilities. But nothing has happened so far. Last one year UCC progress is not worth
mentioning and previous two years were lost by Vayutel in deciding the vendor. The
moment we decided to outsource to UCC we stopped making any investment in IT and by
the time the contract was sealed we lost two years. Our business is not able to grow due to
poor IT support. Our provisioning of land line, leased lines and enterprise services required
more IT support. Mobile customers are very demanding . We want our customers to be long
term loyal . Hanish, I have called you to see the situation and tell us how do we recover from
here. This project so far heading for a complete failure!” Meanwhile a chart was put up on
the screen showing status of various projects most of them were in red, delayed or showing
in complete.

There were all together 200 projects of various types, size and technology platform. Vayutel
was growing organically as well as through acquisition. Their IT systems in all their 24 circles
were different and decentralized. These circles were independently led by a CEO and local IT
was reporting to the Local CFO. The corporate CIO was at best an advisor and soothsayer
who used to give occasional guidance, send white papers and call for training programs few
times a year. But with UCC getting over the contract and carrying a brief to transform the
Vayutel IT, they were trying to put together centralized IT. This approach was getting good
response but was slow in implementation. Pushing for centralization by UCC was not helping
as there was huge back log of project requests championed by Circle CEOs who would like
their projects to be taken on priority. It was like changing an aircraft engine while on flight,
no pilot will ever allow!

It was now the turn of Hanish to speak . “ Mr Jaiswal We are equally concerned and as first
step we have put in new Program Office Manager (PMO) who will drive all projects He has
done the in-depth study and has came out with some plan . Jeeva Why don’t you speak
now?” Hanish said.

Jeeva got up to speak.

Jeeva put up a slide. The slide has just three lines

1. Where are we? Assessment of the current

2. Where do we want to be ? Target and Priorities
3. How to get there? Plan

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