Tenses Mixtures 4848

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Present Simple/ Continuous/ Past Simple/ Continuous/ Present Perfect Simple

1. Write questions for these answers.

a. I live in Moscow-
b. I am a scientist-
c. He started work at eight in the morning-
d. I have just finished lunch-
e. We are having dinner-
f. They will go to England-

2. Present Simple or Present Continuous? Past Simple? Present Perfect?

a. My brother (wear/usually) …………………………jeans and a sweater but he (dress) ............................
a suit today.
b. I (drink) …………………….a lot of coffee but I (have) …………………….a glass of wine now.
c. Sharon (watch/not/often) …………………………TV during the day but at night. She (watch) ………..
the news at the moment because her children are asleep.
d. I don’t know when he (die) …………………………. .
e My sister (have) …………………….a baby in July so now she has got three more children.
f. Oh, no! I (lose) …………………….my bag.
g. How long (you/ know) ………………………….Bert? - Since 1970.
h. …………………………….. (you/ever/visit) Italy? - Yes, I (go) …………………………
there last year.
i. When (you/change) ………………………………..your job? - In October.
j. My friend travels a lot. She (stay) ………………………….in some of the best hotels in the
k. During all my life I (dream) …………………….of having a house by the sea.
l. She (not/like) ……………………..maths when she (be) ……………………..a child.
m. She (pay) …………………………..with Euros since January 1st. Before this day she (buy)
………….. using pesetas.
n. What (you/do) …………………………yesterday morning?- I (write)
………………………….a letter to my best friend.
o. Today she (sell) ………………………….many books but yesterday he only (sell)
…………………… three books.
p. When we (be) ……………………..small, our grandmother (make)
………………………..us delicious cakes.
q. Anne (go) ………………………to a party at Tom’s flat last Saturday night.
r. Bill (arrive) …………………….. at home ten days ago. He (be) ………………………at
home since two last weekends.
s. I (make) ……………………………..dinner when my sister (arrive)…………………….. .
t. Last night we (watch) …………………………..TV but our parents (not/be)
………………….at home. They (have) ………………………..dinner because of my
father’s birthday.
u. Where (you/live) …………………………? –I (live) ……………………….in Boston.
v. How long (you/live) ………………………in Boston? For five years now.
w. Where (you/live) ………………………..before that? - I (live) ……………………..in
x. And how long (you/live) ………………………in Chicago? - Two years ago.
y. Last night I (just /go) ………………………..to bed and (read)
………………………………..a book when suddenly I (hear) …………………………a
noise. I (get) ……………………….up to see what it (be) …………………….. but I
(not/see) ……………………………anything, so I (go) …………… ……………..back to
z. She (work/usually) …………………………..in a restaurant in London but now she (work)
………….. ………………….in a shop.

aa. I (not/go) ………………………to school at night o’clock every morning.
bb. Look! That cat (drink) …………………………..your glass of milk.
cc. She (always/be) ………………………..at home in the afternoon, but now she (is/not)
because she (watch) ……………………….. a film in the cinema.
3. Join the sentences using the correct tenses: present perfect simple or past perfect continuous.
Example: My brother started taking driving lessons. After a year, he got his licence- My brother got his
licence after he had been taking driving lessons.
a. Jack phoned Larry at four o’clock. They are still talking.

b. I moved to Brighton in 1998. I still live there.

c. They walked around for an hour. Then, they found the shop.

d. Mary had a bad year. Then, suddenly her luck changed.

e. Kyle teaches Maths. He began teaching it three years ago.

4. Complete with the correct tense.

a. What time (discos/close) ……………………………….. in England?
b. Robert (usually/go) ………………………………….. home at about six, but when he (have)
………… …………... a lot of work, he (stay) ……………………………… at the office
until nine.
c. Yesterday we (take) ……………………. a taxi to the airport, but the traffic (be)
……………… terrible, and when we (arrive) …………………………., the plane
(already/take off) …………………………….
d. While we (wait) …………………………. for the bus, it (start) ……………………………
e. By the time we (get) ………………………… home, they (already/have lunch)
f. I (not see) ………………………………. you for ages. What (you/do)
…………………………………. for all these years?
g. The first time I (see) ………………………….. Sandra, she (eat)
……………………………….… a hot-dog.
h. I (go) …………………………………. to Paris next month on a school trip.
i. At this very moment she (lie) ……………………………………. on the beach.
j. When I was a child, I (go) …………………………………. camping every summer.
k. They (just/arrive) …………………………………. from their trip to Dublin.
l. (you/finish) ……………………………………… your homework yet? Yes, I ……….
m. I (already/eat) ……………………………….. by the time you (ring)
…………………………. me.
n. Today she (do) ………………………………… a difficult exam.
o. George (go) ………………………… to the doctor’s yesterday. His brother Peter (go)
………………. ……………….. two days before.
p. When we (arrive) …………………………. at the airport last night, we (hear)
………………………. a terrible noise. We (ask) ……………………………….. the police
what (happen) ……………………… and they (tell) ……………………………. us that a
bomb had exploded some minutes before.
q. David (give up) ………………………………… smoking two years ago. He (smoke)
…………………. ……………….. forty cigarettes a day.
r. When I lived in London I (go) ………………………………. to the theatre very often.


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