Exp - No:9 Design and Implementation of Lag, Lead Compensator Aim

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To plot phase angle Vs frequency and gain Vs Frequency for lag, lead and lag
– lead networks

A PC with MATLAB package

The nature of compensation depends upon the given plant, the compensator
may be an electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic or other type of devices are
network usually an electric network serves as compensator in many control
systems. The compensator transfer function may be placed in cascade with the
plant transfer function (cascade or series compensation) or in the feedback path
(feed back or parallel compensation).
The compensators are of three types
a) Lead compensator
The compensator having transfer function of the form given below is known as
lead compensator.

τ< 1 ensures that the pole is located to the left of the zero.
Lead compensator speeds up the transient response and increases the margin of
stability of a system. It also helps to increase the system error constant though to
limited extent.
b) Lag Compensator
The Compensator having transfer function of the form given below is known as
lag compensator.

τ>1 ensures that pole is to the right of Zero, that is nearer the origin than Zero.
Lag compensator improves the steady state behaving a system, while nearly
preserving its transient response
c) Lag – Lead Compensator
When both the transient and steady state response require improvement a Lag –
Lead compensator is required. This is basically a Lag and Lead compensator
connected in series.

1. Open the MATLAB software and create a blank Model file.
2. Develop the block diagrams for lag, lead and lead-lag compensator using the
simulink function
3. Simulate the MATLAB model and obtain the phase angle Vs frequency and
gain Vs Frequency for lag, lead and lag – lead networks
. Lead compensator

Lag Compensator

Lag lead compensator

Model Graph:
Lag Compensator

Lead compensator

Lag lead compensator




To analyze the stability of the linear systems using Bode / Root locus using
MATLAB Software tool.

Bode Plot:

The bode plot is the frequency response plot of the transfer function of a
system. A bode plot consists of two graphs. One is a plot of the magnitude of a
sinusoidal transfer function versus log w, the other is a plot of the phase angle of
sinusoidal transfer function versus log w.
The bode plot can be drawn for both open loop and closed loop transfer
function. Usually the bode plot is drawn for open loop system. The standard
representation of the logarithmic magnitude of open loop transfer function of
G(jw) is 20 where the base of the logarithm is 10. The nit used in this
representation of the magnitude is the decibel, usually abbreviated db. The curve
are drawn on semi log paper, using the log scale (abscissa) for frequency and the
linear scale (ordinate) for either magnitude (in decibels) or phase angle (in
The main advantage of the bode plot is that multiplication of magnitudes
can be converted into addition. Also a simple method for sketching an
approximate log magnitude curve is available.
Determination of phase and gain margin from bode plot:
The gain margin in db is given by the negative of db magnitude of G(jw) at
the phase cross-over frequency, wpc. The wpc is the frequency at which phase of
G(jw) is 1800. If the db magnitude of G(jw) at wpc is negative then gain margin is
positive and vice versa.
Let gc be the phase angle of G(jw) at gain cross over frequency wgc. The
wgc is the frequency at which the db magnitude of G(jw) is zero. Now the phase
margin, is given by, = 1800+ gc. If gc is less than – 1800 then phase margin is
positive and vice versa.

1. Write programs for the given transfer function
2. Simulate it using MATLAB software
3. Observe the graph
4. Calculate the theoretical values for the time domain specifications and
compare with the observed values.
Programme & Plots:

%Root locus;
% G is the transfer
function s=tf(‘s’)
axis equal;

% Bode
axis equal;

To determine the (a) unknown capacitance and resistive loss in the capacitor and (b)
dissipation factor of the capacitor.
Apparatus Required
Sl.No. Apparatus Range Quantity

1 Schering’s bridge kit - 1

2 Oscillator - 1

3 Standard capacitance - 1

4 Headphone - 1

5 Unknown capacitance - 1

6 Patch card - 6

Schering bridge is widely used for capacitance and dissipation factor measurement. It is
extensively used in the measurement of
capacitance. At balance,
(r1 + 1 / jCx) (R4 / (1 + jC4R4) = 1 / jC2 x R3
r1 R4 – jR4 / Cx = -jR3 / C2 + R3R4C4 / C2
Equating the real and imaginary parts,
R1 = R3C4 / C2
Cx = C2 (R4 / R3)
Dissipation factor, D1 = Tan = C1r1
 C4 R4
Formula Used
Cx = C2 (R4 / R3)
Where, C2 = Standard capacitor
R3, R4 = Non-inductive resistance

Cx – Unknown capacitance
C4 – variable Capacitor
R3, R4 – Non inductive resistance
Phasor Diagram

 The trainer is switched ‘ON’ and the unknown capacitance is connected in the terminals
 Initially the resistance R3 is kept some value and by varying the value of resistance R 4 the
balanced condition is obtained.
 The balanced condition is checked with the help of head phone.
 All the values are noted down.

Sr. R3 (1) C2 R4 (2) Cx Set Value

No. Obs Value
Unit K F K F F

Model calculation
R4 =
R3 =
C2 =
C1 = 2 4

The value of unknown capacitance is found out using Schering’s bridge

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