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Advanced Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)

4 Complete the text with the words from the box.
1 Recording 1 Listen and choose which adjective
There are three extra words you do not need.
best describes each speaker. Underline the
correct answer, a) b) or c). acquiring always Being Considering
Having impress regret remark tends
1 Speaker 1 is ___.
thinking wanted will wish would
a) open-minded b) conscientious c) insensitive
2 Speaker 2 is .
a) inquisitive b) thoughtful c) extrovert When I was a child I 1would happily spend hours on
3 Speaker 3 is . end reading. In fact, it was all I ever 2 to do
a) perceptive b) obstinate c) mature whenever I had a free moment. I absolutely loved
4 Speaker 4 is . new knowledge and my parents would often
a) selfish b) rebellious c) obsessive that I ‘ate books’ as a hobby. 5 left to
5 Speaker 5 is . my own devices is something I’ve never minded at
a) perceptive b) neurotic c) easy-going all and as a result I’m well able to enjoy my own
6 Speaker 6 is . company as an adult. 6 time to reflect is very
a) inspirational b) solitary c) circumspect important to me. My neighbour, on the other hand,
is 7 having people round and she 8 to
5 have parties at the weekend. She 9 usually ask
me to join her but nine times out of ten I’ll turn her
down. No doubt she thinks I’m a wet blanket! Mind
2 Recording 2 Listen to six people talking about you, as my 30th birthday is coming up, I’m 10
the meaning and origin of their names. Match of throwing a party myself. We’ll see. If I don’t
speakers 1–6 with meanings a)–h). There are organise anything, I’ll probably 11 it.
two options you do not need.
1 June _e_ 10
2 Florence ___
3 Baldo ___ 5 Correct two mistakes in each sentence.
4 Melanie ___
5 Alexander ___ 1 We thought were thinking of having a barbecue at
6 Junichi the weekend if you fancied to come coming along.
2 If you only hadn’t let the cat out of the bag about
a) generous of wealth e) of the month Andy’s surprise party! I guess it’s much harder
b) shield and assist f) dark
keeping a secret than you thought.
c) courageous and daring g) rich and thriving
d) compliant and dutiful h) rebellious and strong 3 She is been recovering at home for a few days and
has been advised taking it easy for the next month.
5 4 I didn’t expect her splitting up with Stu even
though he did keep go on about golf all the time,
3 Recording 2 Listen again and write true (T) or which must’ve been really dull.
false (F). 5 Had I known that they’d already decided giving
Bob the job, I wouldn’t bother going through that
1 June is unimpressed with her parents’
farcical application process.
choice of names for her. T
2 Florence sees herself as a people person. 6 To get an engineer to look at our boiler seems
3 Baldo’s name was only a touchy subject having solved the problems we’d been having with
when he was a shy teenager. the heating.
4 The name Melanie lost favour in France
during the Middle Ages. 5
5 Having the same first and last name caused
a lot of amusement when Alex was a child.
6 Junichi has always been one to test
authority and go against convention.

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Advanced Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)
6 Complete the second sentence with no more
than five words so that it means the same as the
first. Use the word in CAPITALS.
1 James got here twenty minutes ago.
James has been waiting here for twenty minutes.
2 Daniela never used to do any sport at school.
Daniela any sport at
3 I hate it when people tell me what to do.
what to do.
4 They had a tendency to argue in public.
in public.
5 Drew is sorry that he didn’t study harder.
Drew studied harder.
6 But for Jim’s quick thinking, the fire would have
Jim’s quick thinking,
the fire would have spread.

7 Complete the sentences with one word.
1 Although my given name is Marie Angelina,
everyone calls me Marian.
2 Traditionally when women got married, they
would change the family name they were given at
birth, known as their name, to their
husband’s surname but this is becoming less
common nowadays.
3 It can be hard to live to your name if you’re
born into an illustrious family.
4 Let’s not about the bush. We need to stop
talking and take action.
5 Who’d like to their name forward for
Chairman of the committee?
6 I was born Brenda Crayford but I’ve now taken
my husband’s surname so my name is Mrs
Johansson. I do love my new family name – it has
a nice ring to it.
7 Look, if you’re having thoughts about
taking the job in Canada then now is the time to
act on them. Whatever you do, don’t leave it until
it’s too late.
8 Isn’t it time you your mind and told
everyone what you really think? You might be
surprised at the effect it’ll have on the board.

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Advanced Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)
8 Complete the sentences with the words in the
box. There are three words you do not need.
capture encourage fence half-baked
inquisitive evocative middle
provocative ropes sets

1 My parents gave me three middle names but I

never use them, except on official documents.
2 I wish you wouldn’t always sit on the .
Can’t you take sides for once?
3 Her latest paintings really the rugged
beauty of the Cornish landscape.
4 I’m not at all surprised that Eda’s become a
scientist. She’s always been and keen
on investigation.
5 Once you’ve learnt the , you’ll soon find
you settle into your new job, mark my words.
6 He ended his speech with a remark that was
clearly intended to stimulate heated discussion.
7 You’ll have to do better than this if you want to
get promoted. There’s no point in putting forward
a idea that shows a lack of thoroughness.

9 Underline the correct answer, a) b) or c).

1 Peter has c a name for himself in the
publishing industry and is well respected.
a) done b) taken c) made
2 I wouldn’t say that Rose is in her ways but
she’s certainly not as spontaneous or flexible as
she used to be.
a) made b) set c) held
3 The best piece of advice I can give you is to keep
an open and see how it goes.
a) eye b) heart c) mind
4 Gary spent years trying to his name after he
was wrongly accused of stealing.
a) clear b) cleanse c) clean
5 I’d no idea Jason was such a dark . Did you
know he’d spent fifteen years in the Special
Forces? He’s never mentioned it!
a) pony b) stag c) horse
6 I wish I’d followed my feeling and taken
that job. My instincts are always right so I don’t
know why I ignored them on that occasion.
a) stomach’s b) gut c) heart
7 Spencer’s always enjoyed playing devil’s .I
suppose it’s because he likes to wind people up.
a) attorney b) judge c) advocate
8 It’s a shame so many people are these days
and can’t be bothered to make an effort for their
a) apathetic b) neurotic c) solitary

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Advanced Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)
Function 11 Complete the sentences with words and
phrases a)–k) below. There are two options you
10 Choose the correct alternative. do not need.
1 You’re looking/supposing a bit puzzled there, 1 It’s e that Stephen will step up to the mark and
Jeffrey. Is there something you don’t understand? help out now. After all, he’s shown no interest in
What do I need to clarify? the project all year, so why should we expect a
2 If I had to give/make a guess, which I’d rather not, sudden change of heart from him now?
I’d say he was in his early fifties. He can’t be any 2 As far it’s all water under the bridge. It’s
older than that, surely. time to start afresh and let bygones be bygones.
3 I reckon/hazard we took a wrong turning off that There’s no point letting an old dispute spoil what
main road. There’s been no sign of the station we could be a wonderful friendship.
should’ve passed shortly after the turn. 3 To Matthew has always been scrupulously
4 Most of the time, it seems/supposes to me that he fair in his dealings with clients, which is why I’d
lacks the necessary integrity required to work in thoroughly recommend him to manage your
the police force. He’s certainly never been known investment.
to keep his opinions to himself. 4 From what , we seem to be committed to
5 Oh, I know she makes/gives the impression of something we don’t actually believe in. If you also
being all high and mighty but if you give her a feel this to be the case, let’s see if we can get out
chance, you’ll discover that she’s actually really of the agreement somehow.
down-to-earth. 5 According , there are more school-leavers
6 When you get to talk to him, you realise how quiet than ever deciding to take a gap year on leaving
he actually is. It makes/has me think that his formal education. Whilst some are deciding to
arrogance may actually mask a lack of travel, others are using this time to gain valuable
self-confidence. work experience.
7 Please don’t quote me but I’m pretty/definitely 6 Whether the concert will go ahead or not .
sure that the man standing over there talking to I guess it all depends on how well the tickets are
Maurice is the one who created his own IT selling and whether at the end of the day, enough
company when he was only twenty-one. If I’m are sold to cover our costs.
right and it is him, you should tell him about your 7 I’m doing what you suggest. We might just
idea for a new app! open a can of worms, which will only make things
8 I’d reckon/hazard a guess that there’s a lot more to worse.
Professor Pracowik than meets the eye. He 8 Quite , I’ve had enough of listening to
certainly strikes me as rather a dark horse and pointless rhetoric. There’s no time for that any
no-one seems to know much about him. more, we need to start being proactive and
actually do something.
7 9 Well, if , we should look at introducing
measures to streamline the company so we can
keep things ticking over during the recession.

a) is debatable
b) frankly
c) as I’m concerned
d) reality is
e) highly unlikely
f) to the statistics
g) want my honest opinion
h) my knowledge
i) you ask me
j) really not sure about
k) I can gather

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Advanced Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)
Reading 1 Jo believes c .
a) it’s important to dwell on the past
12 Read the text and choose the correct answer, b) the past should be forgotten
a), b) or c). c) hindsight would change everyone’s lives
Things I wish I’d known at 18 2 Her parents .
Friends often say to me ‘Jo, what do you regret most a) were very supportive, whatever she did
in life?’ and while it’s pointless to have regrets b) pushed her to achieve all she could
given that we can’t change the past, I do c) were keen for her to make her own decisions
occasionally look back and wonder how different 3 Jo had always .
my life might have been if I’d known at eighteen a) felt obliged to do everything expected of her
what I know now. How different all our lives would b) dreamt of attending a top university
be with the benefit of hindsight, of course. c) felt she was following her own dreams
I wish I’d known that it doesn’t matter if you make 4 She now realises that .
mistakes. I was brought up by parents who were a) having a plan for your life is vital
very ambitious, perhaps over-ambitious, particularly b) it is where you end up in life that matters
when it came to me. They wanted to realise all of c) taking life as it comes is more important
their dreams through their daughter. I became a 5 Jo admits there was a time when she .
perfectionist, always striving to be the best in the a) could only think about work
class. 99 percent was just not good enough. I b) enjoyed having security in her life
suppressed my rebellious streak and became their c) realised she didn’t feel fulfilled
dutiful daughter. My grades were good enough to 6 She now regrets .
get me into a top university and I passed all of my a) having left her job
exams with flying colours. When I look back I b) her previous attitude towards life
realise I didn’t even think to question what it was c) letting work pressure affect her choices
that I wanted to do.
I wish I’d known that it’s the journey that matters, 5
not the final destination. My life was mapped out for
me: university, career, marriage, children, security 13 Read the article again. Underline true (T) or
and retirement and the inevitable ‘if only’. I started false (F).
out as planned with no surprises: a secure job with
good pay and prospects. All of my friends were on 1 Jo can’t imagine how her life could have
the same path but deep down I knew that there was been any different. T/F
something missing. Was this all there was? I’ve 2 She always felt that making mistakes was
always loved travelling and started to live for those immaterial in the scheme of things. T/F
precious weeks of holiday. I’d pore over brochures 3 Jo’s parents’ intentions for her made her
and travel guides and search out the most obscure believe only perfection would do. T/F
untouched places. Increasingly I felt more and more 4 She was so intent on achieving all that was
alive whenever I was away from my normal expected of her that never misbehaved. T/F
everyday environment. 5 On reflection, Jo’s happy that she
Some of us have the freedom to make choices and in followed her dream and worked
my case, I finally chose to go. After a particularly so diligently. T/F
stressful week at work, I decided to quit and that 6 She thinks that you’ll end up having
was quite simply the best thing I’ve ever done. I can regrets if you are too strict with your
honestly say that from that moment on, my life life plan. T/F
turned into an adventure. 7 Jo secured a good job and had
I wish I’d known that everything happens for a everything that she yearned for in life. T/F
reason. The reason might not initially be obvious but 8 It was only through having a well-paid
when we look back we can understand why job with long holidays that she gained a
something did take place. I’ve learned not to passion for travelling. T/F
question but to accept whatever comes my way and 9 She loved the challenge of finding remote
that is one of the most valuable lessons that life has and unspoilt destinations to visit. T/F
taught me. 10 Although her decision to leave her job
was spontaneous, the factors leading up
to it had built up over time. T/F
11 Jo’s learnt that having a life plan stops
you from wasting your life. T/F


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Advanced Achievement test 1 (Units 1–2)
14 Underline the correct alternative.
1 I don’t mind helping you at all. In fact/In addition,
I’d be delighted to lend a hand.
2 Moira is often too busy to meet up.
Likewise/However, you can always depend on
her in a crisis.
3 Evidently/On the other hand you’ve not been
listening to a word I’ve said, as the fact that
you’re actually nodding at this moment in time
clearly shows.
4 Brian is incredibly rude and rather arrogant. On
the contrary/Furthermore, he’s something of a
loose cannon.
5 There has been a dramatic rise in the level of
crime locally. Consequently/Likewise, the
residents of the village are requesting that the
police increase their presence in the area.
6 Francine suffers from severe agoraphobia. As a
result/Nevertheless she doesn’t go out unless she
absolutely has to.

15 A personal profile: for a social networking

site. Write your profile in 200–250 words.


Total: 100

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