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मोतीलाल ने हरु राष्ट्रीय प्रोद्यौगिकी संस्थान इलाहबाद,

प्रयािराज-211004 (भारत)

Motilal Nehru National Institute of TechnologyAllahabad

Prayagraj-211004 [India]

End Semester Examination (Odd Semester) 2020-21

Programme Name: MBA. Semester: 1st

Course Code: MS41102 Course Name: Managerial Economics

Branch: Student Reg. No.:

Duration: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

Duration to upload pdf: 20 Minute

Instructions: (Related to Questions)

(i) Attempt all questions. Take care of internal choice.
(ii) The maximum marks is given alongside each question

1. Why is demand analysis significant for management? Identify various concepts of

demand relevant for various functional areas of management. (10)

What is demand forecasting? Describe its techniques. (10)

2. "It is believed that a firm under a perfect competition is a price-taker and not a price-
maker." Explain with the help of diagrams. (10)

Define monopolistic competition. How price output is determined in Monopolistic
competition? (10)

3. Attempt any two of the following: (5x2=10)

a) Production function with two variable inputs

b) Concept of elasticity of demand and its types
c) Isoquant and Isocost

4 Explain the equation Y=O=E with the help of Circular Flow of Income and draw the
diagram showing four sector economy. (5)

5. What are the various concepts of national income and how are they related with each other.

The cyclical movement in economic activities causes periods of expansion and recession.
Explain with the help of diagram. (5)

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