Pakistan Becomi-WPS Office

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Pakistan Becoming A Nuclear Sate

Muhammad Nayle zaman Siddiqui


India had already posed a nuclear threat against Pakistan ever since it tested a
nuclear device in May 1974. At that time Pakistan had no nuclear weapons. India
maintained that its nuclear program was based on their requirement to have a
minimum nuclear deterrence, and that it was not against any specific country.

After the tit-for-tat nuclear explosions, the United Nations Security Council
unanimously passed a resolution urging India and Pakistan to halt their nuclear
weapons programs. The United States and other Western states imposed
economic sanctions against both the countries. The U. N. Secretary General, Kofi
Annan, urged both the countries to sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty,
which Pakistan agreed to sign if India did the same.

After the tests, both sides declared that they had completed their series of
nuclear testing and both announced a moratorium on future testing. Pakistan
announced the moratorium on June 11, 1998, and offered to join in new peace
talks with India. Even long before these tests, Pakistan has time and again
proposed for a nuclear weapon-free zone in South East Asia.

India had already posed a nuclear threat against Pakistan ever since it tested a
nuclear device in May 1974. At that time Pakistan had no nuclear weapons. India
maintained that its nuclear program was based on their requirement to have a
minimum nuclear deterrence, and that it was not against any specific country.

After the tit-for-tat nuclear explosions, the United Nations Security Council
unanimously passed a resolution urging India and Pakistan to halt their nuclear
weapons programs. The United States and other Western states imposed
economic sanctions against both the countries. The U. N. Secretary General, Kofi
Annan, urged both the countries to sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty,
which Pakistan agreed to sign if India did the same.

After the tests, both sides declared that they had completed their series of
nuclear testing and both announced a moratorium on future testing. Pakistan
announced the moratorium on June 11, 1998, and offered to join in new peace
talks with India. Even long before these tests, Pakistan has time and again
proposed for a nuclear weapon-free zone in South East Asia.

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