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8 Licence to Be a Child, Once Again fey sold hue numbers of colouring books. And here in the interesting things These colouring bonts were ot ‘women bought millions of colouring books. W.H. Smith, the amos higivstrecr bookstore, reported record fexive books, Colouring books mania ‘This remarkable craze hat now spread far and wide these books invite you to colour their SSowich illustrator Johanne Basford, has sold an amazing 1.5 million copies, and ther colouring books ate nor far behind inthe race Llcece he il, Once As o France, where people are obsessed with fine food, more colouring books were sold last yene than cookbook a dats “The rush for colouring books has in taen led to a totally sunantiipatel global shortage of colour pencils, with beande production Tune sharply. In offices and homes worldwide people are spending hours with their colouring books. Ia Publishers launching. adule colouring books veith distinctly “Two such popular tiles are Basle Babar taal Garden and The Sita Colouring Book, which ‘eaeuuringly tells us that this interesting gente is colour blind ‘What has made mltons of normal adults tur so colouring hooks, to engage in am netivity which fe normally attocated child in every adult Fos explore this thought a litle Further, Because i holds the hugger of « wondertal marketing insight. Adults often need {o'fonger the complex: prablems of theie nrown-op worl, Including the stresses Of the workplace, recurring money ‘shues and messy relationships, Av excelent way of stitching ‘St tomaadutecomplesines nd toepening those probes fo shite isto eur toto childven for a few minutes, cr a few ihours. And we can tuen inte shildven H we da whae childeen «lo, such as colouring books. Infact children are very happy when they have something i around * ly, colouring gives the adult mind a simple addition, colouring with pencils takes us back to our idyllic days av children, when we would happily colour our books bof carefree childhood which accompanies this activity An to top ir all colouring isan act of spontancous and stress: terociate with the eld within Ng wonder moat adult call themalves hen adultes find 2 way fo release the imnet ‘hil which resides within them, they aso cast ll eeir stress faye at least for limited time Kung Fu Panda and cone ice cream ‘which have a simular impace upon us. My wife tls me that the fel ike aerated child exch ime she watches Kung Fat child panda called Po. The adventures of this acident Drone panda, who aspires tbe a kung fu master, transport her to'a wor of childish happiness and peace. Becaswe Of this reason, she ix very happy to watch the movie time and fsgsin. No wonder Kung Ft Pada 3 the latest veesion of this ‘movie, has just had a very snccessfal opening weekend. Tam ‘tei is helping release the omer child in milions of adale, In india and chewhere chink Cadbury's chocolate eclsis and Amv ie cream lsc Bea hil Once Asin o ‘of sinking my teth into soft gooey clair or slowly licking fn alcoe of eam wth happy omens childhood dations butterscotch ice cream, tam ablvios to everyehing ‘else around me. If Tam on the road while Tam cating Tnotice a special spring in my step. Ucan't help sing af savour the cold, soft and ereamy come. Often ice cream dips ‘of my fifty-three years and become a catcfree child once again, ‘Whar this means f that all shese diverse prodaete=- movie series like Kung Fu Panda, chocolates and ice etcama, “blouring books and comics, bieyclee and holy pach Te marketing mabe tharcar be more adult tham chillin is ohare a. eel erica eee Sora crave that they cannor resist For the child within you ny other things thar brands com do to ergger the inner child within each of wx Flee area few pointers and Se ‘Many 1 une of bubble wrap, either sspackaning ” “The Carous Marketer, Brands can also consider designing exciting promotional programmes hat help release the tet cil, Many of recall the huge success of the "mes Involved dumping s bockst of fecold wareeetitconc’s head to promote awareness of and donations to rzearch nto a disease called Amyotrophic Lateral Sle The act of dumping water was ful joy, Becane hiss rl snp SDEBRIRER This is a key reason why this challenge went vieal in 2014, i a tin moe yon mses ered hillke curiosity about the world and people around them. ‘This enables them to observe and learn with new eyes, unlike the jaded senses that adults often use to experience the world. Perhaps a good step forward to develop this childlike interest would be to pick up that adult colouring book and get going with your crayons. When we play in our secret childhood gardens, we are likely co emersaBRGHRD (1 acknowledge Jude Rodrigues’s valuable inputs in the ‘writing ofthis article) Section 3: People and Books

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