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GMIMNYF1 Page | of 10 Stream GMI Ontine Documentation GMIMNYF1 09-Nov-2006 Wer ‘The Moneyline Fle (GMEMNYF1) carries the settied balance along with all other money figures for each Account/Account ‘Type in the bookkeeping system. Virtually al statement and report programs that use any of the current (Le., a8 of the last right processing run) money figures will get these figures from the Moneyline File. The detal ofthe transactions that resulted in these money amounts Is not part of the GMIMNYFE file; this information |s tracked in the GMI.REQS, GMIMTTF1, GMIMTCF4 end GMI.STTD les (mong others). The Moneyline Fie is simply the one place in which all of the current amounts are brought together for all Account/Account Types. ‘The daily statement program, For example, gets the beginning and ending account balances, the margin requirements, and ‘the net liquidating value from the Moneyline File, while amounts that are shown in detail such 2s commissions and fees are obtained elsewhere Many of the moneyline figures are printed on the ‘Customer Account Status’ report along with a great deal of other Information. A number of different reports have been developed that print only the moneyline data for each account/account type. These procedures all begin with BMNY® ‘The reports include: ‘Moneyline' report (MLO4), produced by BMNYL1 "Moneyline Number 2' report (MLO2), produced by BMNYL2. “Moneyline Converted to US Dollars’ report (MLOS), produced by BMNYLSC. “Moneyline Converted to Account Currency’ report (MLOA), produces by BMNYLA. “Trial Balance by Currency report (ML2C), produced by BMNYT2C ‘Moneyline Converted to Account Curreney-Under Margin’ report (MLAU), procuced by BMNYLAC. ‘Moneyline Converted to Account Currency-Excess Margin’ report (MLAE), produced by BMNYLAC “Integrated Margins and Deposits’ report (MLEF), produced by BMNYEC. “Trial Balance by Currency’ report (MLTB), procuced by BMNYTBR. "Variable Selection Moneyline’ report (MLVx), produced by BMNYLVC. [File Character 1 Organization - Indexes = Record Length - 1003 = Key (Firm/office/Account/Account Type) mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\greg.nard\Desktop\GSOD.chm::/file_layouts/GMIMNYFL.htm 5/14/2014 GMIMNYF1 Page 2 of 10 Record Types (designated by the first byte of the record) G = Moneyline Record for Group Account (Account Type = 9x) 1M = Moneyline Record for Detail Account R = Moneyline Record for Related Master Account [File Maintenance Batch Processing ‘The GMIMNYF1 file is recreated during each night processing cycle by the procedure BCALC2C. The steps leading up to BCALC2C are as follows: ‘Step 1: The BPSFMAC program brings in the GMI Trensaction File (GMIDTNF4 from COPYFDC), the P&S file (GMEPASF1 from BOFSETC), and the Bust, Makeup, Leave File (GMIBMLF4 from BOFSETC), and from these files determines all of the amounts that were debited and credited to each Account/Account Type today. This Incluces commissions, fees, and option premiums for offsetting and/or setting trades plus cash journals and adjustments. All of these amounts are summed into a single figure for each Account/Account Type which represents the balance change for the day. These balance change records are output to the fle GMICBLF4. Step 2: The procedure MARG3AC computes all margin requirements for the day and sends them to the file GMR,REQS. Stop 3: The procedure BPRICEAC inserts settlement prices and market values (or open trade equity for futures style Instruments) Into the position file (GMIPOSF4), Step 4: The procedure BMNYRIC adds moneyline records to GMIMNYF4 for all related master accounts if related ‘account processing Is activated. ‘Step 5: The BCALC2C program then Inputs the Change in Balance File (GMICBLF1), the Position File (GMIPOSF3), the Margin Requirements File (GMR.REQS), and old Moneyline File (GMIMNYF3), From the information contained In these files, all ofthe current moneyline amounts are computed. These are output to a new Moneyline File which replaces the old GMIMNYFI. [Fields in the Fi Field_|From|ro_|Len|Dec|Pkd| Description WRECID. | Record 1D MCURAT 20 22 ‘Account Type Currency Cade Symbol MCURCD 23. 24 MCURAC 25 27 Product Currency Code eM 201204 Firm 1D MOFIC 353 Office Number Macct 6 10 5 Account Number MATYPE 11122 Account Type MRR 13,175 Selesman McLASs [18 18 1 Class MSUBCL 19 19 |1 Subclass 3 2 3 ‘Account Base Currency Code Symbol mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\greg.nard\Desktop\GSOD.chm::/file layouts/GMIMNYF1.htm 5/14/2014 GMIMNYFI Page 3 of 10 McURFM 28 30.3 Fim Base Currency Code Symbol Mcpcop 31311 Currency Processing Code MNcaLL 32—«33—«2 «OO Number of Call Records in an Account MCAGE 34 35 2 0 ‘Age of Oldest Call in an Account MILL 3636 1 Filer MAVOYS 37 38-2 0 Days Used in Calculation of Average Equity mpsccD 39381 Discretionary Code MoMNcD 40 40 1 ‘Omnibus Code MACNTY 41 42 2 ‘Account Country/Province Code MMPGHN 43°44 2 Managed Account Progrem 1D MSNAME 45 64 20 ‘Account Short Name mua 659632, ‘Account Name and Address Line 1 MDLACT 97 101 9 0 P__Date of Last Activity MDLACW 102 110 8 Date of Last Activity Work Feld MRELIF 11111 1 Related Firm Number 4 mRELIO 112 114 3 Related Office Number 1 MRELIA 115 119 5 Related Account Number 3 WRELIT 120 120 1 Related Account Type Number 1 WREL2F 121 121 4 Related Firm Number 2 MREL2O 122 124 3 Related Office Number 2 MREL2A 125 129 5 Related Account Number 2 MREWT 130 130 1 Related Account Type Number 2 MREL3F 131131 1 Related Firm Number 3 MREL3O 132 134 3 Related Office Number 3 MREL3A 135 139 5 Related Account Number 3 - MRELIT 140 140 1 Related Account Type Number 3 MGRPFM 141 141 1 Group Firm Number MGRPOF 142 [144 3 Group Office Number MGRPRR 145 149 5 Group Salesman Number MGRPAC 150 154 5 Group Account Number MBAL 155 16215 muy 163170 15 MsMvy 171178 15 mov 178186 15 NSOV 187 194 15 wc 195 202 15 NWF (203 210 15 MFIR [211 218 15 MFMR |219 226 15 ‘Recount Balance Long Market Value of Secunties on Deposit ‘Short Market Value of Securities on Depesit Long Option Market Value Short Option Merket Volue Total Outstanding Margin Cal witharawable Funds Futures Initial Margin Requirement Futures Maintenance Margin Requirement mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\greg.nard\Desktop\GSOD.chm::/file_layouts/GMIMNYF1.htm 5/14/2014 GMIMNYF1 Page 4 of 10 227 234 15 MME 235-242 15 MOTE 243 250 15 Futures Exchange Minimum Initial Requirement Margin Excess/Deticit P Open Trade Equity MsMA 251 258 15 P Special Memorandum Account Amount MLOOTE 259 266 15 P Long Options Open Trade Equity MSOOTE 267 274 15, P Short Options Open Trade Equity MAVGEQ 275 282 15 P Average Equity MwTDCM 263 290 15, P Month to Date Commission MUNLM 291 298 15 P Unsettied Security Long Market Value MTDBAL 299 306 15, P Trade Date Market Balance of Securities MUNSMY 307 314 15 P _Unsettled Short Market Value MMMHC 315 322 15 Market Maker Haircut Amount MuNDeC 323. 330 15 Japanese Underlying Cash Deposits MMTDPL 331 338 15 P Month to Date P/L MSEGLY 339 346 15 P Segregated Required Long Market Value MSEGSV 347 354 15, P Segregated Required Short Market Value NEIR 355 362 15, P Equities Intial Margin Requirement NEMR 363 370 15 P Equities Maintenance Margin Requirement McvIFB 371 378 15 P Conversion Rate to Firm Base Currency MDVBAL 379 386 15 P Monthly Dividend Balance MipUPL 387 394.15 Japanese Unsettled Unrealized P/L MFOOTE 395 402 15 Futures Style Option Open Trade Equity MLOANY 403. 410 15 Loan Value mBYPWR 411 418 15 MPNDIV 419 426 15 MPMINT 427 43415 MLQVAL 435 442 15 MMRGVL 443 450 15, MOTECR 451 458 15 MOTEDR 459 466 15 MPREM 467 474 15 MOOTEC 475 482 15 MAVSOD 483 490 15 MLoPRM 431 498 35 MuNUPL 499 506 15 MAVGME 507 5i4 15 wPIR S15 522 15, mPIRC 523 530 15 mupMR 531 538 15 P Buying Power Pending Dividend Amount Pending Interest Amount Lquideting Value Margin Collateral Value Futures Open Trade Equlty Credit Futures Open Trade Equity Debit Option Premium Value Futures Style Option Open Trade Equity Credit Average Securtles on Deposit Long Options Premium Unsettied, Unrealized P/L Average Margin Excess Japanese Initial Margin Requirement Japanese Init Margin Requirement Cash Japanese Maintenance Margin Requirement mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\greg.nard\Desktop\GSOD.chm::/file_layouts/GMIMNYF1.htm — 5/14/2014 GMIMNYF1 wTAR NEPOTE MuvusT NTE MavGBL MavGov wevras McMACR wcmacu MsPNOV MEEXM EIT NEOIR MEOMR MFEXMR NGEUDE MNCcOTE McCONT megpct MREGCY NCVTAF MTDVAL nrce NMRGLI MPNOTH miacic muRcec moeroT MSECAM MCLMGN MCLOTE MSPNAE mmvuct MACRET pote MUNDEP meRTC MPRSMA 539 547 555 563 smi 379 587 595 603 Gr 619 627 635 643 6st 659 657 675 683 691 699 707 ns 73 7B 739 77 755 763 ™ 779 787 785 803 ait 819 827 835 843 546 554 562 570 578 586 594 602 610 618 626 634 642 650 658 656 or 682 690 698 706 na me 730 738 746 754 762 770 778 786 74 802 810 818 826 834 842 850 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Fr 15 15 1 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 5 15 1s 18 is 15 15 15 18 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Japanese Initial to Release + P/L + Prem, T+2 Total Account Requirements Equity Products Open Trade Equity Long Market Value of US Treasuries Total Equity Average Balance Average Option Value Conversion Rate to Account Base Currency ‘Commissions Accrued Receivable ‘Commissions Accrued Unsecured SPAN Option Value Equities Exchange Minimum Margin Requirement Equities Initial Requirements Equities Option Initial Requirements Equities Option Maintenance Requirements Futures Exchange Minimum Maintenance Requirements Group Excess Used/Deficit Covered Non-cash Open Trade Equity Cash/Collateral Dally Net Value Equity Percent Regulatory Collateral Value Conversion Rate to Account Base Currency in SMFD Format Trade Date Market Value of Securities Total Current Calls Margin Limit in Firm Base Currency Pending "Other" Amounts Initial Requirements Covered by Ineligible Collateral Initial Requirements Cavered by Eligible Collateral Deficit Offset by Treasuries Secured Amount Cradit Lines Used to Cover Margin Requirements Credit Lines Used to Cover Debit OTE SPAN Adjusted Equity Market Value Used to Cover Initial Requirements Accreted Interest TIFFE Paid-Out OTE Japanese Unrealized Deposits Previous Total Calls Previous SMA (Special Miscellaneous Account Amount) mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\greg.nard\Desktop\GSOD.chm::/file_layoutvGMIMNYF L.htm Page 5 of 10 5/14/2014 GMIMNYF1 Page 6 of 10 851 858/15 2 P __Liquidating Value T-Minus 4 Days MLVIM3 959 866 15 2 P _Liquidating Value T-Minus 3 Days MLVTM2 857 874 15 2 P _Liguidating Value T-Minus 2 Days MPREO! 875 882 15 2 P _ Previous Equity Plus Option Initial Requirement MPREIR 883 890 15 2 P _ Previous Equity Plus Initial Requirement MPRFXM 891 898 15 2 P _ Previous Futures Exchange Requirement MPRFXI 899 906 15 2 P Previous Futures Exchange Initial Requirement MPRFIR 907 914 15 2 P _ Previous Futures Initial Requirement MPROTE 915 922 15 2 P _ Previous Open Trade Equity, MPRTE 923 930 15 2 P Previous Total Equity MPRLQY 931 938 15 2 P__ Previous Liquidating Value MPRRCV 939 946 15 2 P Previous Reg Collateral Value MPREAL 947 954 15 2 P Previous Balance MBNRYL 955 955 1 Binary Bits for Flag MBNRY2 956 956 1 Binary Bits for Flag MBNRY3 957 957 1 Binary Bits for Fag MBNRY4 958 958 1 Binary Bits for Fag MBNRYS 959 959 1 Binary Bits for Flag MMISct 960 960 1 Miscellaneous Code 1 MMIsc2 961 961 1 Miscellaneous Code 2 MIMISCS 962 962 1 Miscellaneous Code 3 MIMISC4 963 963 1 Miscellaneous Code 4 MIMISCS 964 964 1 Miscellaneous Code 5 MIMISCS 965 965 1 Miscellaneous Code 6 MMISC7 966 966 1 Miscellaneous Code 7 Mises 967 (967 1 Miscellaneous Code 8 MISCO 968 968 1 Miscellaneous Code 9 MMIsco 969 969 1 Miscellaneous Code 10 MeNDOL 970 970 1 Conditional Flag Byte t Menpo2 971/971 1 Conditional Flag Byte 2 MCNDO3 972 972 1 Conditional Flag Byte 3 MCNDO4 973 973 1 Conditional Flag Byte 4 MCNDOS 974 (974 1 Conditional Flag Byte 5 MCNDOS 975 975 1 ‘Conditional Flag Byte 6 McNDO7 976 978 1 Conditional Fiag Byte 7 McNDOB 977 977 (1 Conditional Fieg Byte 8 MCNDO9 978 978 1 Conditional Fag Byte 9 McNDIO 979 979 1 Conditional Fiag Byte 10 MUSFLL 960 980 1 Reg/Sec/Unreg Code US Reg Rept mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\greg.nard\Desktop\GSOD.chm::/file_layouts‘GMIMNYF1.htm 5/14/2014 GMIMNYFI Page 7 of 10 1 981 4 SSea/Sec Report Line US Reg Rest MUSFL3 982 982 1 Net Liquidation Class US Reg Rept MUSFLA 983 983 1 Net Equity Cass US Reg Rept MUSALIS 984 984 1 Cross Margin Indicator US Reg Rept MUSFL6 985 985 1 Unused MUSFL7 986 986 1 Unused MUSFL8 987 987 1 Unused MUSFLO 988 988 1 Unused MUSFLA 989 989 1 Unused MUKFLI 990 990 1 UK Flag 1 SFA Reg Rept MUKFL2 991 991 1 UK Flag 2 SFA Reg Rept MUKFL3 992 992 2 UK Flag 3 SFA Reg Rept MUKFL4 993 993 1 UK Flag 4 SFA Reg Rept MFRFLI 996 994 1 MFRFL2 995 995 + MFRFL3 996 996 1 MIPRLi 997 997 1 France Fiag 1 Reg Rept France Flag 2 Reg Rept France Fiag 3 Reg Rest Japanese Flag 1 Reg Rept MPFL2. 998 998 1 Japanese Flag 2 Reg Rept MUPFL3 999 10001 Japanese Flag 3 Reg Rept NHKFLL 1001 1008 1 Hong Kong Flag 1 Reg Rent NGEFL1 1002 1002/1 German Flag 1 Reg Rept MITFLL 1003 1003 1 Italian Flag 1 Reg Rept [Bucket Reference: The following amount fields are also Identified by a 3-digit bucket number (001-100) and a code to control the selection and display of desired flelds on the Customer Account Status (CAS). For more information, see the CAS - Total Money Balances ‘Setup document in the Customer Account Status section. Note: Additional balance amount buckets are stored in the Extended Moneyline File (GMIVMNYF2, Number|Field _|From|ro |code| Description | (001 MBAL_—«155 162 ACB Account Balance (002 MUMV— 163170 LMV_Long Market Value of Securities on Deposit 003 © MSMV-—«171 178 SHV _Short Market Value of Securities on Deposit 004 MLOV.— 179186 LOV._ Long Option Market Value 005 MSOV 187 194SOV Short Option Market Value 006 MTC_~—«185 202 TC Total Outstanding Margin Calls 007 MWF~—-203.« 210 WF __Withdramable Funds 008 MIR. 211218 FIR Futures Infal Margin Requirement mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\greg.nard\Desktop\GSOD.chm::/file layoutyGMIMNYF Lhtm 5/14/2014 GMIMNYF1 009 10 ou 012 os 018 015 016 07 08 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 on 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 oat on 043 044 045 046 oa7 NeWR NFEXIR me NOTE sma MLooTE MsooTE maveeQ mnTocM unum NTOBAL MUNSMY MMC MUNDPC MeTDPL MSEGLV Msecsv MeIR meme McvTrs ovBAL mpuPL FOOTE MLOANY meyewR MPNDIV ent MLQVAL MuRGvL MOTECR MOTEDR PREM MooTEC mavsoD open MUNUPL MAVGME mPIR maiRC mk:@MSITStore: 219 227 235 243 251 259 267 275 283 291 299 307 315 323 331 339 347 355 363 a7 379 387 385 403 au 419 427 435 443 451 459 467 475 483 491 499 507 515 523 226 FR 234 FX 22 M/E 250 OTE 258 SMA 266 LOE 274 SOE 262 AVE 290 com 288 ULV 306 TB 314 uSV 322 HC 330 336 MPL 346 SRL 354 SRS 362 EIR 370 EMR 378 FV 386 DIV 394 UP 402 FOT 410 LON a18 6? 426 oP 4341 aaa iv 450 MCV 459 FEC 465 FED 474 0P-v 482 FOC 490 ASD 498 Lop 506 UUP 514 AME 5221 530 JIC \Users\greg.nard\Desktop\GSOD.chm: Page 8 of 10 Futures Maintenance Margin Requirement Futures Exchange Minimum Initial Requirement Margin Excess/Defict Open Trade Equity Special Miscellaneous Account Amount Long Options Open Trade Equity Short Options Open Trade Equity Average Equity Month-to-Date Commission Unsettled Security Long Market Value Trade Date Market Balance of Securities Unsettled Short Market Value Market Maker Haircut Armount Japanese Underlying Cash Deposits Month-to-Date P/L Segregated Required Long Market Value Segregated Required Short Market Value Equities Intial Margin Requirement Equities Maintenance Margin Requirement Conversion Rate to Firm Base Currency Monthly Dividend Balance Japanese Unsettled Unrealized F/L Futures Style Option Open Trade Equity Loan Value Buying Power Pending Dividend Amount Pending Interest Amount Liguidating Value Margin Collateral value Futures Open Trade Equity Credit Value Futures Open Trade Equity Debit Value Cation Premiurn Value Futures Style Option Open Trade Equity Credit ‘Average Securities on Deposit Long Options Premium Unsettied, Unrealized P/L ‘Average Margin Excess Japanese Initial Margin Requirement Japanese Initial Margin Requlrment in Cash fle_layouts/GMIMNYF1.htm 5/14/2014 GMIMNYF1 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 00 ost 062 063 064 065 0656 067 068 069 070 on on 073 ova 075 076 07 078 079 080 ost 082 083 084 085 086 mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\greg.nard\Desktop\GSOD.chm: mupMR mapRr2 mar MEPOTE muvust wre MavGBL Maveov ovras MCMACR ncmacu nsPNov NEEXM MEIRT MEOIR MEOMR MeXMA MGEUDC nNcoTE NCCONT MEQPcT mRescy McvTAF MrDvAL mice neu MPNOTH inci mIRCEC MDEFOT MsECAM MCLMGN mcLove MsPNAe meavuct MACRET pote unoer MPRTC san 539 547 555 563 sm 579 587 595 603 eu 619 627 635 643 651 659 687 675 683 691 699 707 ns 723 vat 79 747 785 763 mm 779 787 795 803 sit 19 527 835 s38m 546 9R2 554 TAR 562 EPE 570 LvT 578 TE 586 ABL 594 AOV 602 ACY 610 ACR 618 ACU 626 $PO 634 ExM 642 EIT 650 EOL 658 cOM 665 Fx 674 GeU 682 NCE 630 CCD 698 £Q% 706 RCV 7a ace nw 730 Tee 738 MLM 746 OP 754 ICL 762 ICE 770 DoT 778 sant 786 CLM 794 Clo 602 SAE 810 MCI B18 Me3 825 64 834 M85 842 PTC Page 9 of 10 Japanese Maintenance Margin Requirement Japanese Initial to Release + P/L + Prem, TH2 Total Account Requirements Equity Products Open Trade Equity Long Market Value of US Treasuries ‘Total Equity ‘Average Balance ‘Average Option Value ‘Conversion Rate to Account Base Currency Commissions Accrued Recelvable Commissions Accrued Unsecured ‘SPAN Option Value Equities Exchange Minimum Margin Requirement Equities Initia! Requirements Equities Option Intial Requirements Equities Option Maintenance Requirements Futures Exchange Minimum Maintenance Requirements Group Excess Used/Deficit Covered Non-cash Open Trade Equity CastyCollateral Daily Net Value Equity Percent Regulatory Collateral Value Conversion Rate to Account Base Currency In SMFD Format ‘Trade Date Market Value of Securities Total Current Calls Margin Limit in Firm Base Currency Pending "Other" Amounts Initial Requirements Covered Inaligible Collateral Initia! Requirements Covered by Eligible Collateral Deficit Offset by U.S. Treasuries ‘Secured Amount Credit Lines Used to Cover Margin Requirements Credit Lines Used to Cover Debit OTE SPAN Adjusted Equity Market Value Used to Cover Initial Requirernents Accreted Interest ‘TIFFE Pald-Out OTE Japanese Unrealized Deposits Previous Total Calls ‘file_layouts/GMIMNYF1.htm 5/14/2014 GMIMNYF1 088 089 030 ost 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 MPRSHA muvTma MLV muvTM2 MPREOL MPREIR MPREKM REX MPRFIR MPROTE MPRTE MPRLQV precy MPRBAL 843 851 ase 867 875 883 891 299 907 15 923 oat 939 947 850 PSM 858 «Lv 866 3LV 874 av 862 PES 890 PEL 595 PEA 906 PES 914 PF 922 POE 930 PTE 938 PLY 946 PRE 954 PAB Page 10 of 10 Previous SMA (Special Miscellaneous Account Amount) Lquidating Value T-8 Days guiding Value T-3 Days Lquidating Value T-2 Days Previous Equity Plus Option Initial Requirement Previous Equity Plus Initial Requirement Previous Futures Exchange Requirement Previous Futures Exchange Intial Requirement Previous Futures Initia! Requirement Previous Open Trade Equity Previous Total Equlty Previous Liouidating Value Previous Regulatory Collateral Value Previous Account Balance Copyright © 2014 SunGard mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\greg.nard\Desktop\GSOD.chm::/file_layouts/GMIMNYF1.btm 5/14/2014

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