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(Draft 1)
1. Age
2. Gender
3. Occupation
4. Yearly Income
5. Education lvl
6. How often did you go to an art exhibition ?
7. What is the purpose you went there?
8. Due to the current covid-19 pandemic, do you think it affects you from going to the
9. How do you think the pandemic affects you from visiting the exhibition?
10. During this pandemic exhibition are cancelled, do you think virtual exhibitions will help?
- troublesome to go out due to SOP
- can’t travel
- exhibition got cancel
- health is more important
- higher queuing time due to low visitor capacity
11. How do you think the virtual exhibition can help you?
- The freedom of time
- Access them from anywhere
- Lower risk to get contact with people
- Less time consuming
- Access to more exhibition in a day
12. Will you go for a virtual exhibition?
13. Are you willing to pay for the virtual exhibition? (consider about range)
14. What are the price range do you think is worth for a virtual exhibition ?

(Draft 2)
Basic information
Section A (Basic Information)
1. Age (Multiple Choice Question)
Under 18

2. Gender (Multiple Choice Question)


3. Education Level (Multiple Choice Question)

High School
College (Diploma/Certified)
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Ph.D. or higher

4. Occupation (Multiple Choice Question)

House wife / husband
Others (fill in)

5. Yearly Income (Multiple Choice Question)

Under 2,000
RM2,001 - RM3,000
RM3,001 - RM4,000
RM4,001 - RM5,000
More than 5,000
No Income

Section B
6. How often did you go to an art exhibition ? (Multiple Choice Question)
Once or twice a year
Once or twice a month
Once or twice a week

7. What is the purpose you went there? (Multiple Choice Question)

School Field Trip
Find Inspiration

8. During this pandemic exhibition are cancelled, do you think virtual exhibitions will help? (Multiple
Choice Question)
Yes / No

9. Will you go for a virtual exhibition?

Yes / No

10. Are you willing to pay for the virtual exhibition?

Yes / No

11. What are the price range do you think is worth for a virtual exhibition ?
Below RM20
RM20 - RM 50
RM50 - RM100
RM 100 - RM 150
RM 150 and above

12. Will you purchase the art pieces that you saw in the virtual exhibition?
Yes / No

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