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Owner versus contract mining

Global Mining Services, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

ABSTRACT: Where direct mining costs are a significant proportion of total operating costs, a mine has a life
of more than five years, there is the ability to maintain a reasonably constant mining rate and there are
existing or available experienced mining personnel then owner mining should be considered along with the
option of contract mining. Contract mining in Australian mines has become a significant, established and
efficient practice over the last decade. Contractors offer mine owners a number of advantages for projects that
have short mine lives, widely varying mining rates, limited company borrowing or credit capacity,
complicated joint venture arrangements, a lack of mining experience, a policy of out-sourcing or a rigid
labour market. This paper is based on the recent evaluation of owner versus contract mining for two large
Australian open pit mines. The two options are compared by discussing the main corporate, operational, cost
and risk issues.
Most mines use out-sourced services in some way
for mining ore and waste. The main distinction The mining process consists of a number or inter-
between Owner mining and Contract mining is related functions, including:
therefore normally based on whom has the most  Mine design;
control over the mining process. This is most clearly  Scheduling & budgeting;
demonstrated by which party owns (or leases) the  Drilling & blasting;
mining equipment and operates that equipment.  Loading and hauling of ore and waste; and
In Australia over the last 15 to 20 years there has  Equipment Maintenance.
been a significant increase in the number of mining All of these functions can have a supply and/or
operations, both open pit and underground, that use service component, which is typically defined by a
independent contractors to carry out mining formal contract. Supply contracts are normally based
activities. on a specific material or product where the focus is
There have been a number of conferences, plus on quality, product specification, delivery and price.
individual papers written, on the subject of contract Service contracts are typically more complex and
mining, mostly from the contractor’s perspective. which party is responsible for what function is
This paper will cover some of the better known important. How risk is shared and the duration of the
arguments about contract versus owner mining and service may also be significant issues.
some different approaches for both mining options There are often a number of choices as to who has
to help the mine owner evaluate them. Two recent the prime responsibility for each function or part of a
and relevant Australian open pit case studies will be function, ranging from most functions being under
used to illustrate the main strategies and issues, the direct control of one contracting company
Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM) (Contract Mining) to the other extreme of the mine
Fimiston or “Superpit” operation in Western owner controlling the majority of functions (Owner
Australia and the Ernest Henry copper-gold mine in Mining). This is illustrated in Table 1 where
Queensland. “Contractor” means the main contracting company
is responsible and “Owner” means the mine owner.

Table 1. One-stop-shop Contract Mining and traditional Owner

Mining by function.
Function Contractor Owner Miner
Mine equipment ownership Contractor Owner

MPES 2000 1
Equipment maintenance Contractor Owner and with relatively short mine lives. It therefore
Drilling & blasting Contractor Owner made sense to contract out major work and, under
Loading & hauling Contractor Owner these conditions, it still does.
De-watering Contractor Owner Contract mining in Australia has expanded to all
Ground support Contractor Owner minerals, including coal, and there has been a
Dumps & stockpile maintenance Contractor Owner significant growth in contract mining in
Rehabilitation Contractor Owner underground operations in the 1990’s. There have
Feed crusher Contractor Owner been a number of innovations that have resulted
from a diverse, competitive contracting mining
industry and this will likely continue to keep
In most mines the actual situation is somewhere in Australia up with the best and most cost effective
between, as shown by the two case study mines mining techniques in the world. Australian
included in Table 2 and designated as “Owner contractors have also moved into several other
Managed”. In this table “Service” is a specialist countries, with one of the largest contractors
contractor providing a particular service and currently also working in New Zealand, Africa,
“Supply” denotes a formal supply arrangement Indonesia and South America.
between the mine owner and a specific supplier. There have also been significant changes with
how mining contracts have been structured and
Table 2. Owner managed mining by function. managed. Contracts have become more detailed, due
Function KCGM Ernest Henry to additional experience on both sides, and in some
cases the traditional Schedule of Rates form of
Mine equipment ownership Service Service
contract has moved towards a cost plus profit margin
Equipment maintenance Service Service
type of contract. However there has also been an
Drilling consumables Contractor Supply
increase in litigation between some contractors and
Drilling Contractor Owner
mine owners, which highlights the need to have
Explosives Supply Supply
contracts carefully drawn up and then well managed
Charge & blast Contractor Service
by both parties thereafter.
Load & haul Owner Owner
The other change in contracting in Australia is a
Tyres Supply Supply
consolidation of the contracting companies. There
Tyre management Service Service
are now three main contractors, one medium sized
Ground engaging tools Supply Supply
contractor and a number of smaller companies,
Fuel & lubricants Supply Supply
down from a total of about twenty contract miners
De-watering Owner Service
only five years ago. The move to increasing
Ground support Contractor Service
economies of scale and reducing overhead costs by
Dumps & stockpiles maint. Owner Owner
merging reflects the mining industry as a whole.
Rehabilitation Owner/service Owner/service
Feed crusher Contractor Owner
Sample analysis & laboratory Service Service
For the purposes of this paper the distinction There is more than one way of comparing and
between Contract or Owner mining is based on evaluating contract and owner mining but the main
which party has direct control over the mining issues can be classified as:
equipment and the people who operate that  Corporate;
equipment.  Project specific;
 Operational;
 Cost; and
Mining Contractors were slowly introduced onto
Australian mines in the late 1970’s however the gold4.1 Corporate Issues
boom of the 1980’s is what led to a very rapid Corporate issues are those that are normally
increase in contract mining, especially in small to considered by company directors and group
medium sized open cut gold mines. Australian gold executives, rather than mine-based management.
production rapidly increased from 18t in 1981 to 57t There are many issues that relate to corporate
in 1985 and to over 200t by the end of the decade. strategies, corporate “culture” or policies, the
Current production is around 300t per year. experience of influential individuals, the outlook for
Many of the new gold producers were small the product being mined and share market
companies, with limited capital and mining expertise perceptions.
Corporate policy on out-sourcing in the mining project to help secure work. The biggest risk here for
industry will depend on the strategic focus of the the mine owner’s shareholders is the possible
mine owner, which can change over time (Dunn reduction in competition due to a preferred
1998). If it is believed the company’s competitive contractor, which may lead to increased costs
advantage is in exploration, mine design and compared to competitive tendering.
marketing then the actual mining, although
necessary, may not be a strategic function. On the
other hand in tough times the focus changes to4.2 Project Specific Issues
minimising the cost of production from existing Although every mining project is unique, when
resources. evaluating mining options the main considerations
A major corporate issue is the availability and use usually include:
of capital. The key issue is the return on capital,  Mine life;
whether sourced as equity or debt, and what is the  Is it an existing mine or a “greenfields” project;
best use of available capital. For smaller mine  The planned initial mining rate and the
owners, companies with a poor credit rating, or for variability of the mining rate over the life of the
short-life projects, the contractor is expected to have project;
several advantages in providing capital items, such  The availability of trained and experienced
as mobile equipment, or be able to obtain better personnel;
commercial terms for purchasing new equipment.  The commencement of mining as part of the
Mining companies evaluating owner mining need project schedule. Is mining or pre-stripping of
to consider: waste material on the project development
 Is capital for mining equipment needed or is critical path or is there a commercial advantage
leasing preferred? An operating or leveraged in bringing the project on stream as soon as
lease normally would only result in a relatively possible;
small contingent liability being included on the  Does the project financing require greater
company balance sheet. confidence in mining costs? Is the feasibility
 Would leasing of mining equipment or another study conservative;
form of external capital raising significantly  Is there any government incentives that may
affect the company’s future borrowing capacity? affect the evaluation? For example at the
 What capital is needed for infrastructure, such as beginning of one of the case study projects a
the processing facility? Is the provision of government development allowance was
mining infrastructure, such as equipment available to the mine owner but not to a
workshops, significant and who should fund contractor.
 Will the treatment of capital have a significant
effect on operating costs or unit cost of4.3 Operational Issues
production? All of a contractor’s capital costs are The key issues revolve around people, equipment
included in the mine owners operating or “cash” and grade or ore mining control.
cost but for the owner to purchase equipment, or All mining operations are dependent on the people
use finance leases, the resultant depreciation who run them. Identifying the particular skills
charge is usually treated as a corporate rather needed, then locating and retaining the best people
than operating cost. for the job is common to contract or owner mining.
The above requires careful financial modelling If the people with the required skills and experience
and can be a key component of estimating reliability. are not already in that organisation the first step is to
Another corporate issue that may be important is evaluate how difficult it will be to find, attract and
the company structure of the operating entity. For retain these people. Contractors should have an
example both case studies involve joint ventures obvious advantage in already having a pool of
between major mining companies, and it is trained and experienced personnel but the mine
reasonable to expect that each joint venture partner owner may also have existing experienced personnel
will have some different views or priorities on or be confident of recruiting them.
mining options. Where there is one owner, or an One cost advantage that contractors may have is
owner with a clear majority, decision making may the ability to work their personnel on a longer roster
be clearer and easier to implement. Where there is a than the mine owner. The mine owner’s personnel,
joint venture arrangement it is recommended that an such as in the process plant, are seen as long term
independent party assist the joint venture parties find employees and may be on a 2 weeks on 1 week off
common ground and carefully evaluate the differing roster at a fly-in fly-out operation, for example. The
or conflicting corporate views. mining contractor’s employees are more likely to be
An interesting development in Australia has been interested in longer hours for more money and not
contractors taking equity in a mining company or be as concerned about the long term and be prepared

MPES 2000 3
to work a 4 weeks on:1 week off roster, say. This backhoes or excavators, compared to face shovels,
could result in reduced employment costs, on-costs for selective mining was primarily developed by an
and accommodation costs and subsequently lower Australian contractor, for example (Roche 1996).
mining costs, but only if the labour turnover rate The issue here is not so much the mining method
does not become excessive or productivity and but the required quality control and quality
efficiency suffers. assurance over ore mining. The contractor has a
Industrial relations or union issues have profit-based focus, which depends on maximising
previously been a significant consideration in loading productivity, and hence maximising the
Australia to use mining contractors. In the 1980’s volume mined. The mine owner may be more
much of Australian industry had rigid, inflexible concerned about the quality of the ore that is mined,
labour agreements. Coupled with significant wage which may reduce loading productivity due to the
increases in the mid 1980’s, and the consequent extra care required in selective mining of ore and
decrease in international competitiveness, Australian adjacent waste. In either case the focus should be on
mining companies were forced to look at what is best overall in terms of cost and net benefit.
alternatives. The employment of contractors with
more flexible labour conditions was part of the
4.4 Cost Issues
This may still be significant in other countries but How significant the cost of mining is compared to
in Australia there is now less difference in general the total mine costs, and how sensitive the project’s
employment terms and conditions between viability is to mining costs, are often the main
contractors and mine owners. Contractors would still considerations in evaluating who should do the
be expected to have better training programs and mining. Should the mine owner concentrate on other
more experienced trainers although this important more value-adding issues such as exploration,
item can be addressed by mine owners by utilising processing and marketing the final product, or is the
the equipment suppliers trainers and independent mining cost critical in determining if the project is
specialist training companies, at least in the short viable or a significant factor in determining mine
term. life?
Equipment selection and flexibility is a strong For both case studies mining costs are significant
point of contractors, especially in the most as a percentage of total operating costs and therefore
commonly sized equipment. Contractors have the in determining profitability. Both mines also have
experience and a current cost and productivity data relatively low grade deposits and the final pit depth
base on a large range of different mining equipment and hence mine life is based on economic criteria,
whereas an owner miner would normally have a not a physical bottom limit of known mineralisation.
much more limited fleet and less direct operating The issue may then become what cost premium or
experience. Contractors are also often able to margin, if any, is justified in employing a contract
mobilise additional or replacement equipment at miner rather than undertaking the mining directly, if
short notice, for short periods, or to meet peak there aren’t other more important issues such as the
demands. An owner miner can still use hired corporate and operational issues discussed above or
equipment from contractors in the same way but it the risk assessment issues discussed below. There is
may require a lot more time and effort to organise always an inter-relationship between cost, benefit
and may cost more. and risk.
A possible counter to the above contractor It should not be assumed that a contractor would
advantages is that the owner miner may be able to cost more than owner mining would. In the current
change the mine plan to suit the situation and the depressed times for much of the resources industry
available fleet, compared to the risk of having to competition between contractors is high. The
change the contract scope of work that could lead to contractors may also have an existing mining fleet
increases in contract costs. Also for the largest or available at a significantly lower ownership cost
more specialised equipment, such as draglines, than a new, replacement fleet, particularly if there
contractors may not have this equipment available or has been a significant change in exchange rates that
be able to provide suitable replacements. affect new equipment supply prices, for example.
Ore control during mining, that is the careful However it is reasonable to expect that the
separation of the valuable minerals from the contractor will include at least some replacement
surrounding waste, is normally more important in equipment costs in calculating the contract prices, as
selective, high value mines, such as shear-zone well as including a profit margin no lower than the
hosted gold deposits, than in bulk mining operations current cost of capital.
such as coal or large, low grade metal deposits. The Apart from the contractor requiring a profit there
mine owner usually determines the ore mining is also the cost of duplication of some functions.
method although the experienced contractors can This includes site-based costs such as some
often provide practical solutions. The use of duplication in management and administration and
off site costs such as company related overheads that The end result is a much lower overall margin but
are common to both the mine owner and the without accepting a major increase in risks, if these
contractor. Depending on the economies of scale and contracts are as well written and as well managed as
the relative efficiencies and competencies of a mining contract would need to be. Managing very
management and administration between the two specific individual contracts may also be easier than
organisations this cost may not be significant and managing one large general contract.
could even favour the contractor.
Related to costs is who would benefit from any
future savings. With changes in mining methods or4.5 Risk Assessment
processes, improvement in technology or continuous There are significant risks in mining, regardless of
improvement of the whole mining operation it is who does the actual mining. The mine owner already
reasonable to expect there would be some savings, carries the risk of geological modelling, grade
or a slowing of cost increases in real terms. For control, mine design, geotechnical stability,
contract mining the majority of any savings would environmental and community issues, overall
normally go to the contractor and at best the owner responsibility for health and safety and of course the
would get 50% of any savings. For owner mining vagaries of the market for the end product.
the majority of any savings would go to the owner, In the evaluation of contract or owner mining the
although suppliers or specialist service providers main comparative risk areas are:
may earn a share.  Equipment selection;
If costs increased rather than decreased the  Equipment performance (productivity,
contractor may have to absorb this but only if the availability and utilisation);
contracts scope of work and contract terms and  Quality control of ore mining;
conditions were very clear on the specific issue. It is  Health and safety;
more likely that the owner will incur the majority of  Human resources management;
increased costs in any event. However there is a  Implementation (new mine) or transition (change
greater risk that an owner miner would be less from one mining option to the other) risks;
focussed on reducing unit costs than the contractor,  Contractual and litigation issues; and
who has no other way to improve profitability.  Production or operating costs.
The above discussion on cost issues is not new but It is often difficult to quantify all the above risks
what is often not considered is the value or although sensitivity analysis of equipment
proportion of the total mining cost by individual performance and operating costs can quantify the
major cost items and what are the risks and likely range for both options. There are more
difficulties in managing each of these items. subjective judgements required for risk issues than
Using the case study examples the major contracts for the other key issues.
listed below in Table 3 comprise almost 80% of the
total mining costs at each site.
Table 3. Cost items as a percentage of total mining costs.
Cost Item KCGM Ernest Henry KCGM and Ernest Henry are both established, large
% % open pit mines with a mine life of well over 5 years,
Equipment ownership/lease 16 20 mining costs of more than 50% of the total operating
Equipment maintenance 17 19 cost, and increasing mining costs due to the pits
Drill & blast 24 19 becoming deeper and waste dumps getting higher or
Fuel & lubricants 13 12 further away. Both companies have site-based and
Tyres 9 9 other experienced personnel and their product prices
TOTAL 79 79 (gold and copper) remain under pressure.
Both mines had employed mining contractors
since start up of the mines, and both of the then
current contracts were soon due to expire. Both
Each of these cost items requires varying amounts operations are joint ventures (JV), KCGM a 50:50
of effort to manage and control them but with a JV between Normandy Mining and Homestake Gold
mining contractor they are grouped together, plus of Australia, Ernest Henry a 51:49 JV between
the contractors direct cost inputs, and a margin M.I.M.Holdings and Pasminco. In each case the JV
applied to them all, as far as the mine owner is partners had different views on contract mining but
concerned. An owner miner could accept a all agreed on the need to fully investigate owner
reasonable margin on the service contracts, such as mining at the same time as formally tendering
equipment maintenance and blast hole drilling, but contract mining for a five year period.
there should be no additional margin on supply Another important similarity was a high rate of
contracts such as leasing, fuel, explosives and tyres. mining for at least the next 5 years, between 70 –80

MPES 2000 5
Mt per annum, which predicated the use of large entity and project specific factors. The key
mining equipment. operational issues involve people, equipment and ore
KCGM had investigated owner mining in 1992 mining quality control. Confidence in achieving
and called for contract mining tenders in 1993. The similar production performance and efficiencies to
tendered rates were significantly lower than the then that of contractors is a key risk and the need for
current rates and similar to the estimated owner detailed transition or implementation planning
mining costs, and a contract was awarded to Roche should not be underestimated.
Bros. Changing from contract mining to owner managed
Ernest Henry had also previously considered mining is more often considered where mining costs
owner mining, in 1996 as part of the project are a significant portion of the total operating costs.
feasibility studies. Due to the differing views of the In analysing what makes up the mining costs there
JV partners and because of the risk of achieving the may be an opportunity to reduce margins or fees,
required equipment productivity a mining contract without significantly increasing risk. For example
was awarded to Thiess Contractors. To minimise the mine owner could directly manage some or all of
contract costs and to keep future mining options the major supply contracts, such as equipment
open Ernest Henry purchased (leased) the major leases, fuel supply and explosives supply, while still
mining equipment, which Thiess then operated and employing a mining contractor to manage the other
maintained in addition to the equipment provided mining functions and employ the operating
directly by Thiess. personnel.
In late 1998 and after a very detailed evaluation of
competitive contract mining tenders and a first-
principles owner mining estimate KCGM concluded 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
that owner mining:
 Was significantly cheaper; The author wishes to thank the owners and
 Had marginally lower risk overall; management of KCGM and Ernest Henry for
 Had greater benefits; and permission to use information about their operations
 Was better value for money. in this paper.
It was concluded that the increased technical and Thanks are also extended to relevant colleagues at
human resource risk was more than offset by the Global Mining Services and other mining
reduced commercial risk. Contracting out blast hole consultants who were also part of the mining options
drilling, mining equipment maintenance and other evaluation teams at both mines.
less significant activities, as shown in Table 2 above,
mitigated technical risk.
In 1999 at Ernest Henry a competitive tender for 8 REFERENCES
contract mining was evaluated in parallel to a
detailed owner mining estimate, the main difference Dunn, S. 1998. Evaluating the Use of Contractors as a Cost-
to KCGM being that Ernest Henry already “owned” cutting Measure. Shine 1998.
Roche, K.J. 1966. Contract Mining – A Catalyst for Change.
a large part of the mining fleet. Surface Mining 1996. Johannesburg: South African
Ernest Henry also concluded that the cost and Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: pp. 169-173
other benefits outweighed the transition and
technical risks, including for blast hole drilling
which is now also being done in-house.


There continues to be a major role for contract

mining where contractors have demonstrated that
they have the necessary skills and expertise, can
provide flexibility in the use of differing mining
equipment and variable mining rates, are prepared to
accept a reasonable amount of technical and
operational risk and are competitive in pricing.
Owner mining should be compared to contract
mining for larger, longer-life mining operations and
a detailed analysis of the corporate, operational, cost
and risk issues should be carried out.
Corporate issues include the best use of and return
on capital, the company structure of the operating

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