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Study Program Information Technology Faculty of MT and the State Islamic
KeguruanUniversitas Ar-Raniry Banda AcehEmail:


Diera revolution 4.0 at this time humans rely heavily on technology so that technology played
an important role in our lives. Dependence makes many good value shifts shifting social and
cultural values. The impact of this technology is also inevitably also affect the pattern of life
of children. Which children spend more time playing than studying or worshiping gadget.
This will certainly affect the development of the child who becomes less good, As a first step
the school also took part in this case accustom children to see the animated video video hang

Animation is to animate an object where the object could exist or bergerak.Sebuah animated
film is a film produced from the processing of hand image so that it becomes a moving
image. Early discovery of animation actually comes from paper sheets in an image and then
rotate so that the visible image effects appear to move. In today's modern era with the help of
computers and graphics contained on the computer making it very easy and fast, so many
animators (the animators) creates a 3-D animated film of the two-dimensional animated film.
Animation itself into one of the favorite spectacle of children at this time especially Indonesia
many animated films playing on the television broadcast every day a national holiday.
Therefore to avoid the development of bad child because the animation is less educated then
it is necessary to be issued a new breakthrough on the animation in which the animation
contains values or elements that educate to be useful also for the child and reduce also
jekhawatiran parents about the development of technology in the current era this. And outside
of the school that also takes the role of the media to enter the animation in the learning
process so that the children are familiar with video animated videos that are educational.

Theoretical basis
There are two theories suitable references and leads in this study was a
theoryTechnology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory Of Planned Behavior(TPB) which
both theories same as using technology but in this case the researchers prefer TPB theory
because in addition to the function of usefulness and ease in this TPB theory also directly
lead to behavioral attitudes. So it is more direct to mempraktikannya didalalam
TPBbehavioral intentions (behavioral intention) is influenced by the attitude of the behaviors
(Attitude towards behavior) and then to the subjective norm (subjective norm). Subjective
norm is a view of a person's perceived or against or to others on beliefs that other people it
will affect the intention to perform or not perform the behavior that is being a person

Literature review
Another impact of technological advances is a video application either as youtube or
ticktock even from monitoring the author's own children who are still younger than the age of
a lot of interested-based applications such as tiktok besides one application craze child also is
youtube because we may say this youtube more from the TV because we can find videos
diyoutube anything a child wants one of them is an animated video. If we look in terms of
specialization in children more pleased to see a spectacle in a video than read it from the need
to do was approach the approach in imparting valuable education and cultivation of values
islami into a child's self through the medium of animated videos that mendidikan which
contain elements of education in shaping a child's character.

framework for Thinking




Research methods
This study uses a quantitative approach that this method is a method of research that
is the foundation of positivism, is used for research by the population, the sample, and
the specific variables as well. Its data collection using research instruments and data
analisys are fixed as well. In accordance with the objectives and the title of my research
is on media animation as a child learning motivation successful or unsuccessful we
conducted this research by testing involving teachers as repondennya to determine
whether or not the animation media effective when administered to study media.The
informant is a person who is considered capable by the researchers to provide a
description, detailed stories about himself and especially in addition to other individuals,
situations and conditions that become problems in the study. Informants in this study is a
teacher concerned.

Results Penilitian
The data presented in this study were obtained from questionnaires given to teachers
in elementary IT AL-AZHAR this research is variable animation is the independent
variable and the effective use of its sign in the presence terikat.Dengan variable
animation as a medium of learning greatly facilitate the students' learning process
diamana as if to jump in practice the material presented teachers so that students better
understand the material being taught by the teacher for animation media is intended as
a simulation in teaching practice.
The time required in the implementation of this study is for 1 month 14 days which
gradually its data collection phase conducted from conducting interviews, and direct
observation of learning process and the latest was the division of the questionnaire. In
this study, I make distributions questionnaires to a number of respondents (teachers
and parents) and here I have taken the respondents of 50 respondents with 8 questions
and the results obtained are as shown below.


No. item rhitung r Table Information

1 P1 0.565 valid
2 P2 0.632 valid
3 P3 0.659 valid
4 P4 0,447 0279 valid
5 P5 0.297 valid
6 P6 .730 valid
7 P7 0.841 valid
8 P8 0.758 valid

Cronbach's Alpha Information

0.346 Reliable


N Minimum maximum mean Std. deviation

animation 50 00 4:00 3.4800 86 284
Motivation 50 00 4:00 2.2000 1.22890
Valid N (listwise) 50

From the analysis and research that has been carried out starting from the formulation
of the problem, the discussion above, the results we get are

1. Researchers administering the questionnaire distributed to 50 teachers in schools

and teachers agree if the animation media implemented in schools this is
reinforced by;
2. If we see from rhitung on any question then of this study rhitung> rtabel therefore
be valid because the applicable rules are rh> rt = T and vice versa while;
3. From the results of descriptive test using SPSS can we draw the conclusion that
the variable Animations score highs 4:00 and lowest scores 00, then the mean
average ratanya at 3.4800 and Standard Deviation 86 284 while for motivation
scores high of 4:00 with a score lows 00 and the mean average ratanya 2,200 and
a standard deviation of its 1.22890
4. The role of animation on the students motivation is played because with animation
more students can receive the material well and the material presented by the
teacher is also likely successfully delivered to students.

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