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Graphic Rating Scale

The graphical rating scale is a sort of performance appraisal technique. In this strategy attributes or practices
that are significant for effective performance are drilled down and every employee is evaluated against these
qualities. The rating encourages businesses to evaluate the practices showed by their workers. Administrators
use appraisal agendas to rate employee execution, regularly communicated as a mathematical scale. A powerful
evaluating is conceivable utilizing a 1-5 Likert Scale.
A portion of these practices may be:
Quality of work, Teamwork, Sense of responsibility, Ethics, Punctuality, Attendance, Dependability and so
Likert Scale
A Likert scale is a one-dimensional scale that specialists use to gather respondents' perspectives and sentiments.
When reacting to a thing on the Likert Scale, the client reacts dependent on their arrangement or difference
level. These scales permit deciding the degree of agreement or difference of the respondents. Likert scale
accepts that the strength and force of the experience are direct or linear. Subsequently it goes from a total
consent to a total disagreement, accepting that mentalities can be estimated.

Fig. Likert Scale

Advantages of Likert scale

 Ease of usage: This generally acknowledged scale can be effectively perceived and applied to different
consumer satisfaction or representative satisfaction reviews.

 Quantifiable answer choices: Quantify Likert things with no evident connection to the articulation and
conduct the factual examination on the received results.

 Analyze the rank of opinions: There might be an example with fluctuated sees about a specific subject.
Likert scale offers a positioning of the perspectives on these individuals reviewed.

 Simple to react: Respondents can comprehend the aim of this scale and rapidly answer the inquiry.
Qualities of a Good Graphic Rating scale are:
• Performance assessment measures against which an employee must be appraised should be all around
• Scales ought to be behaviorally based.
• Ambiguous practices definitions, for example, unwavering ness, genuineness, and so on ought to be
• Ratings ought to be applicable to the conduct being estimated. For instance, to gauge "English Speaking
Skill" rates ought to be fluent, hesitant, and labored rather than excellent, average and poor.

Example of a Graphic Rating Scale question:

How might you rate the person regarding the nature of work, tidiness, and precision?
1. Outstanding: Work is of high quality. Errors are rare if any. Little wasted effort.
2. Very Good: Reliable worker. Good quality of work. Checks work and observes.
3. Good: Work is acceptable. Not many errors
4. Satisfactory: Work is sometimes unsatisfactory due to untidiness.
5. Unsatisfactory: Careless Worker. Tends to repeat similar mistakes

• The technique is straightforward and is easy to use.
•Graphic rating scales are less tedious to create.
• Standardization of the comparison criteria.
• Behaviors are quantified making the appraisal system easier.

 Judgmental mistake:
Rating practices could conceivably be precise as the view of practices would shift with judges
 Difficulty in rating:
Rating against marks like astounding and poor is troublesome on some occasions as the scale doesn't
epitomize the ideal behaviors needed for accomplishing a rating.
 They are acceptable at distinguishing the best and least fortunate of representatives. However, it doesn't
help while separating the normal or average workers.
 Not compelling in understanding the qualities of workers. various representatives have distinctive solid
qualities and these might measure to a similar score

 Perception issues:
Perception mistake like Halo impact, stereotyping, and so on can cause wrong evaluating
- Halo Effect: When individuals draw an overall impression about an individual dependent on a single
characteristic or quality of an individual, it is known as the Halo effect. Perceptions of a solitary
attribute can extend to how individuals see different parts of that individual.
For example - on the off chance that a representative is capable in certain components of the
performance appraisal, at that point he is capable in every one of them.
- Stereotyping: It alludes to the inclination of summing up the characteristics of all the members of a
At the point when a perceiver passes judgment on some individual dependent on his insight about
the group to which the individual belongs it is known as stereotyping.
Ex-Since all politicians are manipulative, so the political party leader group pioneer is additionally

Organization Analysis

BOSCH Group established in 1886 in Germany as a workshop for precision Mechanics and Electrical designing
by Robert BOSCH Group. The BOSCH Group is one of the biggest auto innovation provider on the planet.
Robert BOSCH Group GmbH is a generally known organization the world over, with a presence across six
landmasses. It has in excess of 300 auxiliaries and provincial organizations in more than 60 nations. The name
Bosch is inseparable from development in-car innovation, modern innovation, and purchaser merchandise and
building innovation. The organization isn't only acclaimed for auto innovation items like Gasoline, Chassis
frameworks, and Car gadgets, it is additionally a pioneer in the regions of mechanization innovation, metal
innovation, bundling innovation, power devices, heating innovation, household apparatuses, vehicle mixed
media frameworks, and security frameworks.
Bosch has been available in India for over 80 years – first by means of agent office in Calcutta since 1992, and
afterward from 1951 through its auxiliary Bosch Limited (earlier Motor Industries Company Limited) Bosch
Limited (at that point MICO) started tasks with a two-man group in Chennai; its exercises were bringing in and
showcasing BOSCH Group car items. The BOSCH Group holds near 71.18% stake in Bosch Limited. The
organization is settled in Bangalore with assembling offices in Bangalore, Nasik, Naganathapura, Jaipur, and as
of late opened offices in Goa. Bosch Ltd: Bosch is additionally spoken to by five other gathering organizations
in India. Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Ltd, Bosch Rexroth India Ltd, Bosch Chassis
Systems India Ltd, Bosch Automotive Electronics India Private Ltd, and Bosch Electrical Drives India Private
Performance Appraisal Process
Graphic Rating Scale
Bosch Ltd. Follows Graphic Rating Scale method for performance appraisal process. They used the key
performance indicators – Outstanding, Very Good, Good, Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory and rate them from 1
to 5 respectively.
Fig. Key Performance Indicators

After that, they performed performance appraisal based on the characteristics like Learning ability, Work
accomplishment, Workplace, Innovativeness, Initiative, Knowledge application, Flexibility, Relationship,
Communication. Each characteristic is defined based on a certain set of questions associated see in the
following fig.
Fig. Performance characteristics
Fig. Overall Performance

In the end, the average is taken for all the characteristics and put in the final appraisal, and calculate the final
score based on a points system. For Outstanding rating scale is 1 and the point associated with this 10 points.
Similarly for Very Good rating scale is 2 and points associated with this 8 points. For Good rating scale is 3 and
point associated with this 6 points. For Satisfactory rating scale is 4 and points associated with these 4 points.
For Unsatisfactory rating scale is 5 and points associated with these 2 points. In the end, all points are recorded
and the Overall performance of the employee is decided.

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