II. Use of English. Tigers: Choose The Correct Answer A, B, C or D

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II. Use of English.

Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

The tiger is the largest member of the big cat family, and lives in parts of Asia. Most people would (1) ………. that
tigers are extremely beautiful animals, with their black and orange coats.
(2) ………. tigers can’t run fast for long (3) ………., they are good at hunting. Tigers are able to (4) ………. high
speeds, and the animals that they catch for food can often be much bigger than they (5) ………. . However, tigers behave
differently from animals like lions. They will (6) ………. their food with other tigers, even though they have gone miles
to look (7) ………. it.
The population of tigers in the world has decreased (8) ………. the start of the 20th century, but by using radio
collars, scientists have now (9) ………. up projects that are much more (10) ………. at finding out about how tigers live.

1 A tell B agree C decide D suppose

2 A If B Although C Because D So
3 A times B moments C periods D ages
4 A reach B get C make D go
5 A do B will C have D are
6 A divide B choose C share D use
7 A after B at C around D for
8 A throughout B from C since D during
9 A set B given C turned D put
10 A useful B successful C important D suitable

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Writing
Last week you went to a birthday party. This is part of a letter you have received from your English friend,
In your last letter you said you were going to a birthday party. Please tell me what you did at the party. What present did
you take for your friend? Did everyone enjoy themselves?
Now write a letter to your friend.
II. Use of English.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Space Experiment
Some exciting photos of space have recently appeared on the internet - all taken by teenagers!
Using a cheap camera and a simple balloon, some school students got a large (1) ………. of amazing photos from 15
miles (2) ………. Earth.
The teacher said, ‘(3) ……….carried out an experiment to explore what different (4) ………. on the Earth look like
from space - and prove that you don’t have to use expensive equipment as the textbooks say.’
Seventeen-year-old student Miguel reported, ‘We’d spent long (5) ………. working on the experiment after school,
but then had to put it (6) ………. due to the weather. Then we were worried that the balloon (7) ………. rise higher than
10,000 metres, which wasn’t (8) ………. high enough for our experiment. But in the end it wasn’t a problem. And (9)
………. the balloon had travelled so far, it was still working when it returned! So we’ve learned that in (10) ………. life,
experiments don’t always have to follow the textbooks!’

1 A amount B sum C number D total

2 A among B above C about D along
3 A It B There C These D They
4 A positions B distances C areas D background
5 A times B hours C ages D days
6 A off B down C out D up
7 A shouldn’t B needn’t C mustn’t D wouldn’t
8 A quite B so C rather D very
9 A unless B although C because D if
10 A true B actual C normal D real

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Writing
An English friend called Leo has invited you to go to a football match with him on Saturday. Write an e-mail to your
friend. In your e-mail you should:
 Thank him for asking you;
 Say how you feel about going;
 Invite him to a meal afterwards.
II. Use of English.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Dolphins in Scotland
The dolphin population in the Moray Firth area of Scotland is very special. They are the most northerly bottlenose
dolphins in the world with (1) ………. 130 animals recorded so far. These (2) ………. dolphins are different from their
relations living in warmer (3) ………. such as the Indian or Pacific oceans. They are a lot bigger and fatter (4m rather
than 2.5m) - this is due to the large (4) ………. of fat (known as blubber) that their bodies (5) ………. to keep them warm
in the colder waters of the North Sea.
Dolphins, unlike sharks, (6) ………. not automatically replace their teeth when lost – they only have one set which
has to (7) ………. for their whole life! They eat 8-15kg of fish a day, feeding largely on inshore (8) ………. that live on
the sea bed.
They live in very close family groups, (9) ………. can be quite large. Local people around the Firth have seen
dolphins for many years: there are reports from as (10) ………. ago as 1900.

1 A between B among C over D towards

2 A proper B particular C obvious D usual
3 A atmospheres B spaces C seasons D environments
4 A size B amount C pile D load
5 A want B demand C wish D need
6 A do B should C have D ought
7 A stay B hold C last D stop
8 A varieties B sorts C types D ranges
9 A who B which C they D those
10 A much B enough C more D long

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Writing
Your English friend is coming to visit you next month. This is a part of an e-mail he has sent you:
I am really looking forward to this trip, but you know me, I like to plan everything well! I would like to go and see as
much music as possible, without spending too much money, and also visit a few museums. Have you had any thoughts
about how we could make the most of the week?
Write an e-mail to your friend.
II. Use of English.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Kitesurfer Makes Channel Crossing
Andy Ward, a kitesurfer from Dorset in the UK, has recently completed what is thought to be the first crossing from
the Channel Islands to the coast of England.
The 70-mile journey (1) ………. almost six hours but a delighted Mr Ward (2) ………. that he thought it was ‘all over’
on a few (3) ………. .
He says, There were difficulties from the start. First I couldn’t leave the beach (4) ………. the wind wasn’t strong
enough. When I (5) ………. finally get off the beach I worked hard but only managed to travel three or four miles in (6)
………. first hour. Then the kite fell into the water and it was (7) ………. before I could get it up into the air again.’
Andy has been kitesurfing for (8) ………. three years. During the crossing, he was accompanied (9) ………. a
support boat and had a land-based team following his (10) ………. To the English coast.

1 A used B took C spent D needed

2 A told B blamed C spoke D admitted
3 A minutes B occasions C moments D periods
4 A although B unless C because D though
5 A was B had C will D did
6 A that B those C this D these
7 A times B lots C ages D loads
8 A even B only C always D ever
9 A by B with C at D beside
10 A travel B movement C departure D progress

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Writing
You are going to stay with an English family. This is a part of a letter you receive from them:
Can you tell us about your work at school, your hobbies and interests and say what you hope to do while you are in
Now write a letter to this family.
II. Use of English.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Bread is one of the oldest prepared foods, dating back to the earliest development of farming. Now we have a (1)
……… choice of breads, all cut up and wrapped to take home from the supermarket, (2) ………. bread has not always
been so cheap or easily (3) ………. .
Breads dating back 10,000 years were flat breads that (4) ………. not use yeast to make them rise. (5) ………. of flat
breads still eaten today are Indian chapattis and Mexican tortillas. It was in Ancient Egypt, (6) ………. the banks of the
river Nile, that the wheat used to make bread was grown in large (7) ………. Egyptian bakers experimented to create
raised breads and also invented closed ovens. Bread became (8) ……. important and it was often used instead of money.
The Romans enjoyed eating bread, and rich people (9) ………. to have the more expensive white breads. White bread
is still to this (10) ………. the most popular variety in Europe and North America.

1 A high B long C huge D strong

2 A so B but C that D while
3 A ready B allowed C possible D available
4 A did B would C had D must
5 A Methods B Examples C Reasons D Ways
6 A within B about C inside D along
7 A lengths B weights C quantities D sizes
8 A very B even C much D only
9 A said B demanded C suggested D told
10 A time B moment C hour D day

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Writing
An English-speaking friend called Jimmy has sent you a T-shirt and a present. Write an e-mail to Jimmy. In your e-
mail you should:
 Thank him for the T-shirt;
 Ask him where he got it;
 Say when you plan to wear it.
II. Use of English.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Hot-air Balloons
A hot-air balloon consists of three basic parts. The large balloon is (1) ………. as the ‘envelope’ and is made of nylon
- the same material used to produce kites, sails and sleeping bags. There are burners under the envelope to heat the air
inside and finally a basket (2) ………. the passengers stand. From this (3) ………. the passengers can enjoy the views of
the countryside below.
(4) ………. understand what allows the balloon to lift into the air you must know about ‘convection’ or heat transfer.
The scientific (5) ………. is that by heating the air inside the envelope you increase the space the air (6) ………. . When
this happens, (7) ………. air gets pushed out of the envelope. With less air in the envelope, it (8) ………. lighter and
therefore able to travel up. Once the burner is shut off, however, the (9) ………. thing happens. Cold air from outside
enters the envelope, (10) ………. the balloon heavier and it starts to fall.

1 A said B told C called D known

2 A which B that C where D when
3 A position B situation C place D condition
4 A For B By C From D To
5 A reason B explanation C thought D purpose
6 A needs B wants C receives D demands
7 A much B all C many D some
8 A changes B moves C becomes D develops
9 A different B opposite C other D unequal
10 A causing B letting C making D allowing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Writing
This is part of a letter you receive from your Canadian friend:
I guess you will get this when you’ve just come back from your holiday. I’d like to hear about it where did you go? What
did you do there? What sort of place did you stay in?
Now write a letter to your friend.
II. Use of English.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
A Book I Recommend
I found Escape from Time by Andy Treen very exciting and I really enjoyed reading it. It’s a story (1) ………. a boy
called Troy who goes on a journey to (2) ………. for his friend Zyra. It wasn’t what I had expected, although I am inte-
rested (3) ………. science fiction. I thought this story would be like films I had seen, but I (4) ………. after a few pages
that it was (5) ………. interesting than a film.
Troy goes to many places and times. He (6) ………. his knowledge with different (7) ………. of people and learns
new skills from them. Then he moves on. The last part of the book (8) ………. the meeting between Troy and Zyra when
they are both caught by some space criminals from the future. But that’s enough information from me (9) ………. I don’t
want to spoil it for you. It’s really quite (10) ………., too, with some excellent jokes about time travel in it.

1 A from B about C on D with

2 A ask B follow C look D find
3 A by B with C of D in
4 A explained B realised C showed D believed
5 A even B more C much D too
6 A divides B joins C shares D adds
7 A kinds B variety C range D qualities
8 A shows B discovers C describes D says
9 A when B because C if D unless
10 A funny B sad C shocking D frightening

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Writing
You have an English friend called Lee. You are both going to another friend’s birthday party next week. Write an e-
mail to your friend. In your e-mail you should:
 Say how you will get there;
 Suggest you to go together;
 Ask him for advice about a present.
II. Use of English.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
The Airport Man
Yesterday Ahmed left his home for the first time in eleven years. But his home is a very unusual one - he has (1)
………. the last eleven years living in an international airport. Ahmed had no family in his own country, so eleven years
ago he set off to search (2) ………. is sister who lived in Scotland. He hadn’t heard from her for (3) ………., but he
had an old address. He never (4) ………. Scotland, however, because while he was (5) ………. for a connecting flight, all
his documents (6) stolen and he had to ask for new ones. (7) ………. he had nowhere to go, he stayed in the airport.
After a (8) ………. weeks, he was still there. He became (9) ………. as Sir George’ and all the airport staff liked him.
Eleven years (10) ………. his documents arrived and he was free to go. But he no longer wanted to!

1 A taken B passed C spent D used

2 A to B for C from D at
3 A years B times C long D ever
4 A got B arrived C travelled D reached
5 A waiting B thinking C booking D sitting
6 A had B were C are D have
7 A Although B Even C As D If
8 A several B many C lot D few
9 A called B known C told D said
10 A following B since C later D next

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Writing
You have just booked an adventure holiday. Use the ideas below to write a letter to a friend inviting him/her to come
on the holiday with you.
• Express your ideas about travelling in general;
• Give details of when and where it will take place;
• Give details of the activities that you will do.
II. Use of English.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Weather influences the lives of everyone. The climate of any country depends on its position on Earth, its (1) ……….
from the sea and how high it is. In countries which have sea all (2) ………. them, like Britain and New Zealand, winters
are mild and summers are cool. There is not a huge change from one season to (3) ………. .
Countries near the Equator have hot weather all year with some (4) ………. rain, except in deserts where it rains (5)
………. little. Above the desert there are no clouds in the sky, so the (6) ………. of the sun can easily warm the ground
during the day, but it gets very cold at night.
People are always (7) ………. in unusual weather, and pictures of tornadoes, for example, are shown on television.
Strong winds and rain can (8) ………. a lot of damage to buildings, and in spite of modern (9) ………. of weather fore-
casting they can (10) ………. surprise.

1 A distance B space C depth D length

2 A through B beside C around D near
3 A next B another C later D other
4 A thick B large C heavy D great
5 A not B quite C more D very
6 A heat B fire C light D temperature
7 A attracted B interested C keen D excited
8 A make B happen C have D cause
9 A jobs B tools C methods D plans
10 A yet B still C already D ever

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

This is a part of a letter you receive from your English friend:
You told me in your last letter that you sometimes stay with your cousins in the summer. What kind of place do they
live in? Can you tell me about it?
Now write a letter to your friend.
II. Use of English.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Olympic Hopes
Yesterday Eleanor Preston won an international swimming competition for girls (1) ………. under sixteen. She
swam faster (2) ………. girls from ten other countries. This (3) ………. even better when you learn that Eleanor is only
thirteen. She had to have special (4) ………. to enter, because normally competitors are fourteen or older.
Eleanor has been (5) ………. on swimming for a long time - (6) ………. she was three in fact. I wondered whether
she found it hard to (7) ………. several hours a day training. She (8) ………. me that sometimes she has problems finding
time for homework, but that’s all. ‘My parents have given up so (9) ………. time driving me to local competitions, I think
it’s been harder for them, actually.’ Her aim is to swim at the Olympics.
After yesterday’s performance, I think she may (10) ………. there.

1 A age B aged C ages D ageing

2 A that B from C than D of
3 A suggests B means C sounds D shows
4 A permission B attention C opportunity D accommodation
5 A happy B good C pleased D keen
6 A until B since C when D ever
7 A take B use C spend D pass
8 A told B explained C said D agreed
9 A often B much C long D many
10 A reach B find C get D make

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

You have received a letter from an English friend.
At the weekend I like to hang out with my friends at the leisure park where we go to the cinema and go bowling. What do
you like doing at the weekend? Where do you like going at the weekend? How do teenagers have fun in your country?
Now write a letter to your friend.
II. Use of English.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Modigliani – an Italian Artist
Nowadays cards and posters of pictures by Amedeo Modigliani are popular with people all (1) ………. the world, but
the artist himself did not have an easy life.
He (2) ………. born in Livorno, Italy, in 1884. His father was a businessman who did not make (3) ………. money,
and his mother (4) ………. a school.
Modigliani went to art school in Florence and Venice, before moving to Paris (5) ………. he painted and made
sculptures. His work was (6) ……. by art from Africa which he saw in museums. He was very poor and not very strong,
and after a (7) ………. years he gave up making sculptures. He painted people in a gentle, thoughtful style.
Many of his most beautiful paintings (8) ………. Jeanne, the woman he loved. Often the people in his paintings look
sad or tired. Perhaps Modigliani was painting his own feelings. (9) ………. in the end he began to (10) ………. a little
money, he was never very successful in his lifetime.

1 A over B on C through D along

2 A been B has C was D is
3 A many B much C lot D very
4 A held B taught C ran D gave
5 A that B which C when D where
6 A felt B influenced C suggested D discovered
7 A few B several C short D number
8 A see B give C show D realise
9 A Therefore B However C But D Although
10 A earn B take C bring D win

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Writing
Write a letter to your English pen-friend telling him/her about your participation in a special “Clean up our town”
campaign. Include the following information:
 say when, where and why this event took place;
 why it is important to take care about the environment;
 how you helped and what you did.
II. Use of English.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Fashions Go Round And Round
Fashions have always changed with time. No doubt Roman girls worried about having the latest hairstyle and boys in
Ancient Egypt wanted to have sandals (1) ………. were cool and not the sensible ones their mothers preferred.
Looking (2) ………. over recent times, there seem to be two main differences in the (3) ………. fashions have
changed compared to earlier times. Firstly, (4) ………. more people have a choice of clothes available to them. There are
few places (5) ………. the world where the trainers, the caps or the T-shirts of teenagers do not change from one year to
the next. Secondly, styles are (6) ……. within a much shorter time than they (7) ………. to be. For instance, in the 1960s,
(8) ………. had the same low waists and narrow skirts as forty years before.
In the early years of the 21st century, the shops are (9) ………. of long skirts and coloured scarves like the ones in fa-
shion only thirty years before. Soon, we will find that the really fashionable people look no different from the (10) …….
of us, because it is only ten years since their clothes were in fashion before!

1 A they B that C these D those

2 A about B round C back D behind
3 A sort B kind C type D way
4 A some B much C far D even
5 A in B on C of D through
6 A accepted B returned C exchanged D repeated
7 A wanted B needed C used D had
8 A dresses B jackets C trousers D blouses
9 A filling B filled C full D fuller
10 A other B most C rest D all

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III Writing
Your friend likes junk food which is not healthy. Write him a letter remembering about
healthy lifestyle and recommending a diet both healthy and enjoyable.
Include the following:
• disadvantages of eating fast food;
• ideas of healthy food;
• example of your daily meal.


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