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Stephen Stockman 23502-479

Congressman Stockman was a perpetual whistleblower on Obama administration

corruptions and successfully blocked several key administration pieces of
legislation, including his immigration and gun control bills. Stockman, later
described by Salon magazine as a “proto-Trump character,” stood firm in face of
much opposition. DOJ took over four years and four grand juries to obtain an
indictment; conducted a government-controlled trial on trumped up and stacked
charges, all stemming from supposed non-profit fraud. Sentenced to 10 years in
prison, 3-year supervised release, and restitution.
President Trump commuted the sentence on December 22, 2020, but this patriot needs full pardon to come
out from under the thumb of the corrupt justice system that has sought several ways to kill him.

Jonathan Woods 14657-010

Arkansas state senator was the only elected official in the state to endorse Trump in the
2016 presidential primary. Was indicted by the DOJ almost exactly one year later. First
time offender who is innocent and a strong Christian; is serving an outrageous 18-year
federal sentence for "honest services fraud" involving his support of a nonprofit
conservative Christian College.
FBI agent wiped his government-issued computer hard drive before turning it over to FBI
Forensics, but suffered no repercussions. So unacceptable, the left-leaning National
Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers filed an amicus brief in the case, calling for the
case to be dismissed. Woods has been in solitary confinement since June 2020.

Randell G. Shelton, Jr., 14656-010

First-time offender who refused to bear false witness against his co-defendant, Sen. Jon
Woods. He therefore went to trial in 2018 and is currently serving a 6-year sentence on
the corrupt DOJ retribution charge of "honest services fraud" for routine consulting
services provided to a nonprofit conservative Christian College. He endured multiple acts
of prosecutorial misconduct, including the FBI destruction of evidence cited in the case
above with co-defendant Woods.

Robert Watson, 72972-279

Robert Watson is a 6 ½-year, third generation veteran – a decorated military senior
intelligence analyst with an above top-secret security clearance. His intelligence
skills make him first to be called up in case of war. Due to a completely inept public
defender, he is serving an absurdly long 20-year sentence for trumped-up
securities fraud. He was chairman and CEO of a Houston-based hedge fund at the
time of the 2008-2009 economic crash when one of his board advisors became a
target of a government task force on finance crimes. Watson, who only had two
speeding tickets, was forced to take a plea agreement. His 2016 petition for
commutation survived five cuts by the Obama administration, leaving it on
Obama’s desk for signature when he left office.
Jesus forgave the thief on the cross; if anyone deserves a pardon, this highly skilled defense operative should
be pardoned.
John Leontaritis, 25091-479
Forty-two-year-old first-time offender serving an outrageous 20-year sentence in
Beaumont, Texas, for supposed “conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute
methamphetamine.” Owner of a high-end car dealership, Leontaritis legally sold a car
to a customer who happened to be a drug dealer. The sale was properly documented,
filed with the county, appropriate taxes paid, with disclosure of actual name of the
drug dealer to whom it was sold. Leontaritis had no involvement in any drug dealings,
but was prosecuted because the customer sold 176 kilos of drugs to obtain the funds
with which he purchased the car. John’s sentence was 10 times that of all others
involved in the case who were sentenced to between 2 and 13 years.
Leontaritis needs a commutation or pardon to correct the overzealous prosecution.

Martin “Marty” Gottesfeld, 12982-104

Conservative Martin “Marty” Gottesfeld, a systems engineer, viciously convicted
and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for “conspiracy to intentionally damage
a protected computer” because he tried to help save the life of Justina Pelletier by
temporarily disrupting Web operations of the hospital withholding her from
parents’ custody. Leftists have taken similar action and didn’t suffer any
repercussions. Justina Pelletier’s plight was highly publicized and championed by
many prominent conservatives including Mike Huckabee.
Michelle Malkin, Sen. Orrin Hatch and Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) are among those
who’ve written to members of the Trump administration requesting intervention
for Gottesfeld.

Philip Zodhiates, 18649-084

Sixty-five-year-old first-time offender serving a 36-month sentence in Ashland,
Kentucky. Zodhiates was the target of a politically-motivated prosecution
because he was one of the largest direct mail vendors exposing President Obama
and his liberal policies. The bogus case revolved around a woman who asked for
help to remove her child from an abusive situation. All he did was drive her and
her daughter to a different city. Mr. Zodhiates is a deacon in his church, on the
board of directors of an international Christian ministry, father of six adopted
children and a grandfather. While in prison he has led bible studies and
ministered to many fellow inmates and has been a model prisoner.

James David Wright, 0541-275481

James David Wright is a 65-year-old first time offender. Wright served as a pastor in
Texas 1976 until 2003, founding a Christian school during that time. Beginning in 2004,
Wright began business consulting to support foreign missions. Under threat of his
spouse’s arrest, he accepted a conspiracy plea for illegalities by company founders of a
publicly traded company in Mexico that Wright agreed to serve as an interim CEO. After
10 years of pre-trial release, he was still sentenced to 7 years in prison to begin April 15,
2021. With his wife receiving final treatments for cancer, Wright who is a father and
grandfather, is valuable contributor to his community, currently serving as an associate
pastor, bible teacher and Christian counselor to many.

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