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BBQ Baked Beans & Sausage

From EatingWell: July/August 2008 — Subscribe to EatingWell Magazine Today!

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Here we turn baked beans into an easy main dish by adding chicken sausage and collard
greens. Serve with: Coleslaw and cornbread.

"My wife and I thought this dish was excellent. Everything just worked well for
this lovely June evening. Instead of chicken sausage, we used pork, cause we
already had some. We also used a Carolina (mustard) BBQ sauce, which I think...

• Recipe

Αδ δ/ Ρ ε α δ Χο µ µ ε ν τ σ (6)

• λο γ ι ν το σαϖ ε

• πρ ι ν τ

σηα ρ ε
4 servings, about 11/3 cups each
Active Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
Nutrition Profile
Low cholesterol | Low saturated fat | Heart healthy | High calcium | High fiber | High
potassium |
View Our Nutrition Guidelines »

• 1/2 cup prepared barbecue sauce, (see Shopping Tip)

• 1/2 cup water

• 2 tablespoons tomato paste

• 1 tablespoon molasses

• 1/8 teaspoon salt

• Freshly ground pepper, to taste

• 1 tablespoon canola oil

• 1 medium onion, chopped

• 4 cups chopped collard greens, (about 10 ounces), tough stems removed

• 9 ounces cooked chicken sausage links, (about 3 links), halved lengthwise and

• 2 15-ounce cans great northern or navy beans, rinsed (see Note)

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• ςεγ ε τ α β λ ε & Σαυ σ α γ ε Σκ ι λ λ ε τ Συπ π ε ρ

• Τοα σ τ ε δ Πι τ α & Βεα ν Σα λ α δ

• Λε ν τ ι λ − Σα υ σ α γ ε Χα σ σ ε ρ ο λ ε

• Χη ι λ ι Βυ ρ γ ε ρ σ

• Γρ ι λ λ ε δ Ωη ο λ ε Τρο υ τ ωι τ η Λε µ ο ν−
Τα ρ ρ α γ ο ν Βεα ν Σα λ α δ

• ϑαµ α ι χ α ν ϑερ κ Ση ρ ι µ π & Πιν ε α π π λ ε

Σα λ α δ

• Λεβ α ν ε σ ε Φα τ τ ο υ σ η Σα λ α δ ωι τ η
Γρ ι λ λ ε δ Χη ι χ κ ε ν

Ηυ ε ϖ ο σ Ρα ν χ η ε ρ ο σ ςερδ ε σ

• Preparation
• Whisk barbecue sauce, water, tomato paste, molasses, salt and pepper in a
medium bowl.
Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and collard greens and
cook, stirring occasionally, until the collards are wilted, 3 to 5 minutes. Add
sausage and cook, stirring, until beginning to brown, about 3 minutes more.
Reduce heat to medium-low; add beans and the sauce mixture to the pan. Gently stir
to combine, cover and cook until heated through, about 3 minutes.

Tips & Notes

• Shopping tip: Check the sodium of your favorite barbecue sauce—some can be
quite high. This recipe was developed with a sauce containing 240 mg sodium per
2-tablespoon serving.

• Note: While we love the convenience of canned beans, they tend to be high in
sodium. Give them a good rinse before adding to a recipe to rid them of some of
their sodium (up to 35 percent) or opt for low-sodium or no-salt-added varieties.
(These recipes are analyzed with rinsed, regular canned beans.) Or, if you have
the time, cook your own beans from scratch.

Per serving: 444 calories; 8 g fat (1 g sat, 2 g mono); 45 mg cholesterol; 66 g
carbohydrates; 28 g protein; 14 g fiber; 653 mg sodium; 987 mg potassium.
Nutrition Bonus: Folate (61% daily value), Vitamin A (50% dv), Vitamin C (35% dv),
Magnesium (33% dv), Iron (23% dv).
3 1/2 Carbohydrate Serving
Exchanges: 3 starch , 2 vegetable, 1 lean meat, 2 plant-based protein

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Hari ni hari Jumaat. Malam en somi main badminton. Kalau dia main badminton tak leh
masak nasi. Nanti perut dia kenyang, dia main badminton termengah-mengah. Aku pun
tak sudi nak masak nasi sebab kalau masak mesti nasi tak habis. Bila nasi tak habis, lauk
pun tak habis. Dan bila lauk dan nasi tak habis... aku sakit hati! Mulalah nak bebel satu
rumah dan penyakit M senang sangat menyerang keesokkan harinya.

Jadinya hari ni masak mee. Menunye Wantan Mee Kicap.

Kalau sesiapa ada perasan, aku ada tinggal pesan kat Cik Mat Gebu bertanyakan resipi ni
sebab Boy (anak yg sulong) suka sangat makan Wantan Mee Kicap ni. Sampai suruh
mama dia belajar buat. Hehehe anakku... Cik Mat Gebu ada bagi link kat Merpatiputih66
tapi b4 that aku dah search resipi ni dan dapat dari resipidiana. Bila compare2kan antara
dua resipi ni, akhirnya daku memilih untuk membuat resipi dari resipidiana.

1 ekor ayam
2 s/t minyak bijan
1 s/t kicap cair
1 gumpal mee wantan
1 s/b sos abalone (aku guna sos tiram)
1 s/t kicap cair
1/4 cwn air rebusan ayam
secubit serbuk lada putih
garam secukup rasa
sayur pak choy - direbus

Cara untuk menyediakan ayam

- Ayam direbus. Angkat dan celupkan dalam besen air sejuk. Proses ini adalah untuk
menampakkan cantik pada kulit ayam. Toskan betul-betul. Setelah itu letakkan minyak
bijan dan kicap cair. Sapukan ke seluruh ayam. Perapkan selama lebih kurang 10 minit
atau lebih. Gorengkan dengan minyak yang panas.

Cara untuk menyediakan mee

- Didih air. Celurkan mee wantan. Angkat dan tos. Lalukan di bawah air sejuk. Tos lagi.
Campurkan sos abalone, kicap cair, air rebusan ayam, serbuk lada putih dan garam.
Masukkan mee wantan dan gaul.
Angkat dan dihidangkan bersama ayam dan sayur.

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