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Bioenerg. Res.

(2012) 5:86–94
DOI 10.1007/s12155-011-9129-3

Optimizing Sweet Sorghum Production for Biofuel

in the Southeastern USA Through Nitrogen
Fertilization and Top Removal
John E. Erickson & Kenneth R. Woodard &
Lynn E. Sollenberger

Published online: 26 May 2011

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. 2011

Abstract Sustainable bioenergy cropping systems require Keywords Sweet sorghum N recovery . Sweet sorghum
not only high yields but also efficient use of inputs. P recovery . Sweet sorghum biomass partitioning .
Management practices optimizing production of sweet Sweet sorghum nutrient partitioning . Bioenergy .
sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] for bioenergy Sweet sorghum ethanol
use are needed. The effects of N rate (45, 90, 135, and
180 kg N ha−1) and top removal (at boot stage, anthesis,
and none) on biomass, brix, estimated sugar yield, and N Introduction
and P recovery of sweet sorghum cv. M-81E were
investigated in Florida at two sites differing in soil type. Sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a C4
Across all data, dry biomass yields averaged 17.7 Mg ha−1 grass capable of both high biomass and sugar yields [1, 31].
and were not affected by N fertilization rate at either site It has received considerable attention in recent years for use
(P>0.10). Mean brix values ranged from 131 to 151 mg g−1 as a biofuel crop [8, 21, 28]. Sweet sorghum offers potential
and were negatively related to N rate. Top removal, either at advantages over other candidate biofuel crops in that it
boot stage or anthesis, resulted in greater brix values and stores readily fermentable sugars in the stalk that can be
13% greater sugar yields at both locations. Whole plant N converted to liquid fuels and bio-based products with
recovery was positively and linearly related to N rate and current technologies, it is an annual crop that is readily
ranged from 78 to 166 kg N ha−1, approximately two thirds established from seed and can be incorporated into existing
of which was in leaf and grain tissues. Based on yield and rotations, it does not compete directly with food or feed,
nutrient recovery responses, optimal nutrient requirements and it can regrow (ratoon) following harvest where the
were 90 to 110 kg N ha−1 and 15 to 20 kg P ha−1. Higher N climate is favorable. Despite these attractive features of
fertilization led to greater N recovery, but little to modest sweet sorghum, relatively little is known about its produc-
gain in sugar yield. Thus, proper nutrient and harvest tion for bioenergy use, as it has traditionally been grown on
management will be needed to optimize sugar yields of limited acreage primarily for syrup production. Thus, there
sweet sorghum for production of biofuels and bio-based is a need for improved understanding of management
products. Further research is needed to refine management practices on biomass, sugar yields, and nutrient dynamics
practices of sweet sorghum for bioenergy production, for sweet sorghum production.
especially with regard to the use of leaf and grain tissues. Sweet sorghum biomass yields have been variable within
and across studies. Wortmann et al. [30] reported dry stalk
yields from 8 to 48 Mg ha−1 across a range of N
fertilization rates, cultivars, and plant populations. Soileau
J. E. Erickson (*) : K. R. Woodard : L. E. Sollenberger
and Bradford [25] measured dry biomass yields ranging
Agronomy Department, University of Florida,
P.O. Box 110500, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA from 6 to 18 Mg ha−1 across a range of fertilization and
e-mail: liming treatments. Miller and Ottman [16] reported no
Bioenerg. Res. (2012) 5:86–94 87

effect of irrigation frequencies on sweet sorghum dry matter Materials and Methods
yields, which ranged from 20 to 31 Mg ha−1. In addition,
sweet sorghum biomass yields were found to be similar Experimental Site and Design
across a wide range of seeding densities or plant populations
[15, 30]. However, as plant populations increased, brix, A replicated field experiment was conducted at two sites in
sucrose, and yield of sugar per ton of stalks decreased [4] Florida in 2010. One study was conducted at the University
and lodging increased. of Florida Plant Science Research and Education Unit
Although sweet sorghum uses less water and N than located at Citra (CIT), Florida (29°24′38″ N, 82°8′30″ W),
corn (Zea mays L.) for similar ethanol yields [7, 12], very on a very deep, excessively drained fine Candler sand
few studies have examined the effects of N fertilization on (Hyperthermic, uncoated Lamellic Quartzipsamments). The
sweet sorghum biomass and especially brix and/or sugar previous crop was sorghum followed by winter fallow. A
yields. Sweet sorghum biomass yields increased over soil analysis conducted before the study showed that soil P
twofold compared to unfertilized control plots with the was high for crop production (Table 1). The same study was
application of 100 kg N ha−1 in Louisiana [20]. Tamang et al. repeated at another site located in Live Oak (LO), Florida
[26] evaluated N fertilization rates from 0 to 168 kg N ha−1 (30°18′13″ N, 82°53′47″ W) on deep somewhat poorly
on four sorghums (including two sweet sorghums) and drained Chipley (Thermic, coated Aquic Quartzipsamments),
reported an optimum N rate of 108 kg N ha−1, consistent Albany (Loamy, siliceous, subactive, thermic Aquic Arenic
with N uptake rates between 94 and 105 kg N ha−1 in the Paleudults), and Hurricane sands (Sandy, siliceous, thermic
two sweet sorghums. Wortmann et al. [30] found no effect of Oxyaquic Alorthods). The previous crop was sorghum
N rate (from 0 to 80 kg ha−1) on sweet sorghum biomass or followed by winter rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop. A
sugar yields in six out of seven site-years under dryland soil analysis was done at the beginning of the study and
production in Nebraska. Interestingly, Wiendenfeld [29] showed that soil P was high for crop production (Table 1).
reported a decrease in juice brix values with increased N Weather data were collected at each of the sites as part of the
fertilization rates. Florida Automated Weather Network.
In addition to fertility, top removal prior to pollination The trials at each site consisted of a balanced split-plot
and grain filling may affect sugar yields of sweet sorghum, design with the whole plots arranged in a randomized
as the photosynthates that would be used for grain complete-block design. The treatments consisted of N
formation can be stored as sugars in the juice of the plant.
Although data are limited to support this hypothesis, brix
values have been reported to be higher in sweet sorghum Table 1 Soil analysis (0 to 15 cm) from the sites at Citra and Live
deheaded before grain formation [5] and, more recently, in Oak, Florida
male-sterile sweet sorghum lines compared to male-fertile Property Location
lines [18]. Thus, male sterility may have the potential to
increase sugar yields of sweet sorghum, but it may also be CIT LO
susceptible to sorghum ergot caused by Claviceps africana
Soil analysis data
Frederikson, Mantle, and De Millianan, which has the
pH 5.9 6.0
potential to quickly cause significant sugar yield loss [2].
SOM (g kg−1) 11.2 11.1
Top removal at or prior to flowering, however, would
P (mg P kg−1) 40.0H 49.5H
minimize the possibility of ergot infection and subsequent
K (mg K kg−1) 16.5VL 56.3M
yield loss.
Ca (mg Ca kg−1) 311 480
The objectives of this research were, therefore, to
Mg (mg Mg kg−1) 56.5H 35.8H
evaluate the effects of N fertilization, top removal and
their interaction on biomass partitioning, yield, and sugar Phenological stage
accumulation of sweet sorghum grown on sandy soils in Planting date 2 April 12 April
a humid sub-tropical environment. Furthermore, we Boot stage 8 July 19 July
measured N and P recovery and partitioning among Anthesis 17 July 29 July
plants that did not experience top removal to help Milk stage 28 July 4 August
develop N and P management guidelines for sweet Soft dough (harvest) 2 August 10 August
sorghum production on marginal soils in the region and
Data represent pH, soil organic matter (SOM), and Mehlich-1 P, K,
to gain a better understanding of N and P distribution Ca, Mg, and phenological stage. Letters represent soil test ratings and
within the plant at harvest. indicate very low (VL), medium (M), and high (H) soil levels [17]
88 Bioenerg. Res. (2012) 5:86–94

fertilization rates, which were 45, 90, 135 and 180 kg N ha-1 Experimental Procedures
(referred to hereafter as 45N, 90N, 135N, and 180N,
respectively), and top removal, which was done at boot When plants in the no removal rows reached soft dough
stage, anthesis, or not removed. The N rate treatment was stage, which is optimal for sugar recovery [27], all plots
applied to seven-row main plots, and the inner three rows of were harvested. A 4-m segment of each of the subplot rows
each main plot served as subplots to which the top removal in each plot was cut to a 7.5-cm stubble and weighed fresh
treatment was randomly assigned. The treatments were in the field. A subsample of eight plants was then collected
replicated four times at each site. and weighed fresh in the field. The subsample was then
partitioned into leaves, stems, and panicles plus grain (grain
Cultural Practices and Experimental Treatments heads) where present. These partitioned samples were
weighed fresh in the field. The stems were pressed at
The cultural practices were similar at each site. Following 12.4 MPa of pressure twice in a grooved, two-roller mill
cultivation, M-81E sweet sorghum seed (MAFES Founda- powered by a 1.5-HP electric motor, and the expressed
tion Seed Stocks, MS State, MS) was planted in rows at juice and remaining bagasse were collected. The bagasse
0.76-m row spacing and a within-row spacing of about was weighed and oven-dried at 60°C along with the leaves
8 cm. M-81E is a relatively late maturing cultivar that was and grain heads. The volume and weight of juice from each
developed in Mississippi for use as a potential bioenergy of the eight-stem subsamples were recorded. Juice extrac-
crop [3]. Each main plot consisted of seven rows that were tion efficiency was about 45% (juice weight/stem fresh
7 m long. The plots were sown on 2 April at CIT and 13 weight), and no differences in extraction efficiency were
April at LO and monitored weekly for crop phenology found across treatments. The juice was then mixed
(Table 1). Liquid fertilizer (11-37-0) was applied at planting thoroughly and three 20-mL subsamples were collected
in furrow at a rate of about 14 kg N and 47 kg P2O5 ha−1 for brix (grams per kilogram) measurements using a
along with a systemic insecticide–nematicide (Terbufos: S portable refractometer (ATAGO PAL-1, ATAGO U.S.A.,
[[(1,1-dimethylethyl)thio]methyl]0,0-diethyl phosphorodi- Inc., Bellevue, WA).
thioate) at a rate of 9.4 kg ha−1. All weeds were removed Leaf, bagasse, and grain head samples were dried to a
mechanically, and no herbicides were used throughout the constant weight, which was recorded to determine dry
study. Irrigation was only applied as needed at sign of matter percentage and dry matter yields. To look at effects
visual stress (leaf rolling). of N fertilization rate on N and P recovery, we analyzed the
Approximately 6 weeks after planting (5–6-leaf stage), partitioned tissue and juice samples of the plants that did
the remainder of N needed for the fertilization treatments not experience top removal for N and P concentration. Dry
was applied. Standard grade sulfate of ammonia (21-0-0) samples of these plants were run through a commercial
and muriate of potash (0-0-62) fertilizers (Growers Fertil- chipper–shredder (DEK, Model CH1) and subsampled, and
izer Corporation, Lake Alfred, FL) were uniformly applied the subsamples were further ground with a Thomas-Wiley
(side dressed) by hand to each of the rows. Given the mill (Thomas Scientific, Swedesboro, NJ) to pass through a
relatively low soil test results for potassium (Table 1), it 1-mm screen. The ground tissue samples and the juice were
was applied separately but at the same time in a 1:1 ratio then digested [6] and analyzed for total N and P using
(N/K) for each of the plots. Following fertilizer application, semiautomated colorimetry [9]. Nitrogen and P recovery
the plots were irrigated (approx. 10 mm) to minimize rates were calculated based on the tissue dry matter yields
volatilization. and the concentration of N and P in the respective tissues.
Once the crop reached boot stage (head enclosed in Estimated sugar yields were calculated based on several
swollen flag leaf sheath), the top of the plant was cut assumptions regarding juice and sugar recovery. First, since
with garden shears just above the leaf below the flag leaf commercial sugar mills are able to recover close to all of
for the subplots randomly designated for top removal at the soluble sugars through countercurrent washing, we
boot stage. At anthesis, approximately 10 days after boot assumed that stem moisture concentration (approx. 75% of
stage, the top of the plant was cut with garden shears just stem fresh weight) was equal to theoretical juice recovery
above the leaf below the flag leaf for the subplots and that the brix of the theoretical juice was equivalent to
randomly designated for top removal at anthesis stage. the brix values we measured on actual expressed juice
After top removal, the heads were discarded and were samples. Second, we assumed that 75% of brix measure-
not included in further analyses. No top removal ments were sugars [26, 30]. While these assumptions may
occurred until harvest (see below) for the subplots only approximate actual sugar yields, they allow for
designated for no removal. examination of treatment effects on sugar yields that reflect
Bioenerg. Res. (2012) 5:86–94 89

both biomass and brix (i.e., higher sugar yields can be between tissue N recovery and N fertilization rate. All
achieved through higher biomass yields and/or higher brix treatment effects were considered significant if P≤0.10.

Statistical Analysis Results

Statistical analyses were performed using analysis of variance Climatic and Phenological Data
procedures in the GLIMMIX procedure of SAS [22]. The
Gaussian (normal) conditional distribution and the identity From sowing date to harvest at soft dough stage was about
link function were used. Residuals from each model fit were 122 days for M-81E at each of the sites (Table 1). Average
checked for normality graphically and numerically with the daily air temperature at 2 m was 25.7°C and 25.3°C at CIT
Shapiro–Wilk W test. While treatment effects at the two sites and LO, respectively, during their growth periods. Rainfall
were generally similar, we analyzed the data from the two during the production cycle was greater at CIT (448 mm)
sites separately due to the relatively large difference in compared to LO (331 mm), but the frequency of precipi-
overall yield between the sites. For biomass, brix, and sugar tation was greater at LO, occurring over 31 days compared
yields, fertilizer N application rate and top removal and their to only 22 days at CIT. Along with greater frequency of
interaction were considered as fixed effects and block and precipitation, average daily radiation intensity was reduced
block by N rate were treated as random effects. For N and P at LO (227 Wm−2) compared to CIT (243 Wm−2).
related data, fertilizer N application rate was considered as a
fixed effect and block was treated as a random effect. Biomass and Sugar Yields
Degrees of freedom were determined using the Kenward–
Roger method. Pairwise comparisons were made using the Across all treatments, green biomass yields averaged
LSMEANS statement with the Tukey method. Polynomial 63.1 Mg ha−1 at CIT and 86.0 Mg ha−1 at LO. Green
contrasts were used to evaluate the linear and quadratic biomass yields were affected by N rate at both sites, and the
effects of N fertilization rate. Ordinary least squares linear effect was significant at LO and CIT, but the quadratic
regression procedures were used to analyze relations effect was only significant at CIT (Table 2). Green yields

Table 2 Treatment means (n=4) and analysis of variance results for green biomass yield, dry biomass yield, brix, and estimated sugar yield of M-
81E sweet sorghum at two locations (CIT and LO) in Florida

Treatment Citra (CIT) Live Oak (LO)

Green yield Dry yield Brix Sugar yield Green yield Dry yield Brix Sugar yield
(Mg ha−1) (Mg ha−1) (mg g−1) (kg ha−1) (Mg ha−1) (Mg ha−1) (mg g−1) (kg ha−1)

N rate (kg ha−1)

45 57.0b 15.0a 146a 4,240a 73.2c 17.8a 145a 5,820a
90 63.1ab 15.3a 140a 4,710a 89.9ab 21.2a 145a 7,040a
135 67.9a 16.3a 140a 5,020a 81.5bc 19.1a 143ab 6,350a
180 64.4a 15.2a 139a 4,800a 97.9a 21.8a 139b 7,340a
Na <0.01 0.55 0.53 0.16 <0.01 0.24 0.02 0.19
Lb <0.01 0.62 0.21 0.07 <0.01 0.15 <0.01 0.10
Qb 0.02 0.30 0.52 0.16 0.97 0.81 0.16 0.82
Top removal (T)
Boot 62.5a 15.0b 145a 4,870a 85.9a 19.6b 146a 7,000a
Anthesis 62.3a 14.9b 142a 4,880a 84.2a 19.3b 147a 6,835a
None 64.5a 16.5a 136b 4,320b 87.9a 21.0a 136b 6,080b
Ta 0.26 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.35 0.01 <0.01 <0.01
N×Ta 0.36 0.60 0.38 0.24 0.96 0.75 0.52 0.99

Treatments include N fertilization rate (45, 90, 135, and 180 kg ha−1 ) and top removal at boot stage, anthesis, or no removal. Mean values
followed by a different letter within a column and within a factor are significantly different at the P≤0.10 level
P values for the effects N fertilization rate (N), top removal (T), and their interaction in the ANOVA analyses
P values for the linear (L) and quadratic (Q) polynomial contrasts for the effect of N rate
90 Bioenerg. Res. (2012) 5:86–94

were lowest for the 45N treatment at both CIT and LO, both CIT and LO (Table 2). Thus, despite differences in dry
whereas green yields were greatest for the 135N treatment at biomass yield across the sites, estimated sugar yields from
CIT and for the 180N treatment at LO. Although green juice were about 13% greater at both CIT and LO when the
biomass yields were affected by N rate, total dry biomass tops were removed, regardless of whether tops were
yields were not affected by N rate (Table 2). Across all removed at boot stage or anthesis (Table 2).
treatments, juice brix values averaged 141 mg g−1 at CIT and
143 mg g−1 at LO. While there was a trend towards Nitrogen and Phosphorus Recovery
decreasing brix values with increasing N rate at both sites,
a significant negative linear relationship between brix and N Across all N rates for plants that did not experience top
rate was found only at LO (Table 2). Because of the opposite removal, tissue N concentrations at CIT averaged 14.6,
trends in biomass and brix with N fertilization rate, only a 11.1, and 4.03 mg N g−1 in grain head, leaf, and stem
modest positive linear effect of N fertilization on estimated tissues, respectively, and 13.3, 15.0, and 3.15 mg N g−1 at
sugar yields was seen at either site in the study (Table 2). LO in grain head, leaf, and stem tissues, respectively
Green biomass yields were not affected by top removal (Table 3). Thus, tissue N concentrations were similar in leaf
(Table 2). However, not removing the tops resulted in and grain heads in our study but were about three- to
higher dry biomass yields at both sites (Table 2). Moreover, fourfold less in stem. Despite no differences in dry matter
top removal at either boot stage or anthesis resulted in yields with N fertilization rates at either CIT or LO
greater stem and leaf dry biomass compared to plants that (Table 2), total N recovery increased linearly with N
did not experience top removal (Fig. 1). Accordingly, juice fertilization rate at both locations (Fig. 2; Table 4).
brix values were greater in plants that experienced top Consequently, differences in total N recovery among the
removal compared to those whose tops were not removed at N rate treatments were primarily due to differences in leaf
and stem N concentrations, which increased linearly with N
fertilization, while grain head N concentrations remained
similar across treatments (Table 3). As for the components
of stem N, there were greater N concentrations in bagasse
and extracted juice in the plants that received greater N
fertilization (Table 3). Therefore, N recovery by stem and
leaf increased linearly with increasing N fertilization at both
locations, while N recovery by grain heads was unaffected
by N rate (Fig. 2; Table 4).
For plants that did not experience top removal, tissue P
concentrations at CIT averaged 2.41 and 1.53 mg P g−1 in
grain head and leaf, respectively, and 2.19 and 1.56 mg
P g−1 at LO in grain head and leaf, respectively (data not
shown). These concentrations were not affected by N rate
(P≥0.36) at either site (Table 5). Across all N rates, stem P
concentrations averaged 0.55 mg P g−1 at CIT and 0.43 mg
P g−1 at LO. Stem, bagasse, and juice P concentrations were
linearly and negatively related to N fertilization rate
(Table 5). Thus, P concentrations were greatest in grain
heads, intermediate in leaves, and four- to fivefold less in
stem. Total P recovery averaged 15.8 kg P ha−1 at CIT and
17.5 kg P ha−1 at LO (data not shown) and did not differ by
N rate (Table 5).


The primary objective of the current study was to evaluate

Fig. 1 Biomass partitioning among stem, leaf, and grain head as the effects of N fertilization rate and top removal on sweet
influenced by N fertilization rate (45, 90, 135, and 180 kg N ha−1) and
top removal at boot stage, anthesis stage, or no removal. Partitioned
sorghum biomass yield, biomass partitioning, brix, estimated
biomass bars within a site and tissue type not containing the same sugar yields, and N and P recovery and partitioning. We found
letter are different (P≤0.10) that top removal, either at boot stage or anthesis, resulted in
Bioenerg. Res. (2012) 5:86–94 91

Table 3 Nitrogen (N) concentration in grain, leaf, stem, bagasse, and extracted juice as affected by N fertilization rate (45, 90, 135, and
180 kg ha−1) of M-81E sweet sorghum grown at Citra and Live Oak, Florida

Grain head N (mg g−1) Leaf N (mg g−1) Stem N (mg g−1) Bagasse N (mg g−1) Juice N (mg L−1)

CIT (N rate)
45 13.4a 8.43c 2.17c 2.35c 206c
90 14.4a 9.56bc 3.13bc 3.19bc 410bc
135 16.2a 12.0ab 4.44b 4.42b 628b
180 14.5a 14.4a 6.38a 6.19a 970a
Na 0.16 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
Lb 0.15 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
Qb 0.11 0.52 0.27 0.24 0.41
LO (N rate)
45 12.5b 14.0ab 2.61b 2.70b 334b
90 12.9ab 13.4b 2.70b 2.81b 338b
135 14.1a 15.2ab 3.62a 3.63a 487a
180 13.8a 17.5a 3.65a 3.61a 465a
Na 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.01
Lb <0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.01 <0.01
Qb 0.29 0.16 0.92 0.78 0.69

Data represent mean values (n=4). Mean values followed by a different letter within a column and within a site are significantly different at the
P≤0.10 level
P values for the N rate effect in the ANOVA analyses
P values for the linear (L) and quadratic (Q) contrasts for the effect of N rate

greater brix values and greater estimated sugar yields at concentrations (about 5 mg g−1) than male-fertile sweet
both locations. There was only a modest linear effect of sorghum lines [18]. Greater sugar accumulation in the
N fertilization (45–180 kg N ha−1) on estimated sugar stem associated with sterility and top removal has been
yields at either location. However, patterns of nutrient attributed to changes in patterns of assimilate partitioning
recovery indicated that fertilizer N application rates of with the stem becoming the predominant alternative
90–110 kg N ha −1 would be needed for sustained sink [14].
production of high sugar yields. Notably, we found no Although sterile lines would generally be preferred to
interaction between top removal and N fertilization on top removal, sorghum ergot disease, which has been
biomass, brix, or estimated sugar yields. Excess N reported in the southeastern USA, only attacks unfertil-
fertilization resulted in greater N recovery by the crop, ized ovaries [2]. Thus, male-sterile sorghum plants are
but not always in greater estimated sugar yields, and in likely to exhibit increased susceptibility to this disease,
fact may even result in reduced brix in the juice. whereas top removal would minimize occurrence of ergot
even in susceptible sorghum varieties. While top removal
Top Removal Effects on Biomass and Sugar Yields could lead to increased sugar yields and reduced inci-
dence of some pathogens, the feasibility of top removal
Top removal did not reduce stem and leaf biomass requires further study, as it will depend on cost and/or the
harvested, but resulted in increased brix values (about process(es) employed for conversion to liquid fuels/
10 mg g−1 higher), that led to 13% greater estimated sugar energy. Currently, machinery exists for detasseling corn
recovery from sweet sorghum stems compared with and could presumably be adapted to sorghum. In the
those with no top removal. These findings were the present study, grain heads were not evaluated for their
same across all N rates and were found at both sites, potential energy contribution, but they could be used for
despite site differences in biomass yield. Our findings combustion or conversion of starch to liquid fuels. At
were consistent with those of Broadhead [5], who present, it is not clear whether greater sugars in the stem
reported brix values to be about 8 mg g−1 higher in sweet following top removal or reduced sugars in the stem and
sorghum deheaded before grain formation. Male-sterile collection and use of the grain head would be more
lines have also been reported to have higher brix desirable.
92 Bioenerg. Res. (2012) 5:86–94

was the contribution of residual soil N to the crop. Despite

applying only 45 kg N ha−1 to our lowest N treatment, we
observed N recovery values in aboveground tissues of
about 78 and 104 kg N ha−1 at CIT and LO, respectively
(data not shown). This indicated that residual soil N supplied at
least 30 to 60 kg N ha−1 to the 45N treatment. The residual
soil N recovery seen in the study was greater than is typical
for sandy soils in the region and would not be expected to be
this high on a continual basis in a sorghum–fallow rotation.
For example, N recovery in sweet corn at the CIT site in a
sweet corn-fallow system recovered only 17 kg N ha−1 under
no fertilization [32]. The relatively high values in the present
study could be due to long-term sod production before 2 years
of sorghum at CIT and to the rye cover crop used at LO.
Although only a modest linear effect of N rate on
estimated sugar yields was found at either location, the N
recovery data clearly indicated that 45N was inadequate for
sustained production of relatively high sugar yields.
Minimum N recovery was about 80 kg N ha−1, and
maximum N recovery was about 166 kg N ha−1. Han et
al. [10] also reported similar N recovery (172 kg N ha−1) for
M-81E at a single high N fertilization rate of 155 kg N ha−1.
Given the biomass and sugar yield data and the N recovery
data, optimal N fertilization rates with whole plant
removal for sustainable production were between 90
Fig. 2 Relations between N recovery (kilograms of nitrogen per and 110 kg N ha−1. Although N recovery continued to
hectare) and fertilization rate (45, 90, 135, and 180 kg N ha-1) by increase above these rates (Fig. 2), there was no clear
biomass component for the plots that received no top removal at CIT
benefit for biomass or estimated sugar yields. These
and LO, Florida. Linear regression lines for stem (solid), leaf (short
dash), grain head (dotted), and total (long dash) biomass shown here, findings are consistent with optimum N requirements of
and corresponding regression equations and statistics can be found in 101 to 108 kg N ha−1 reported for sweet sorghum in the
Table 4 southern high plains region of the USA [26].

N Fertilization Effects on Biomass, Brix, Sugar,

Table 4 Regression results for N recovery in stem, leaf, grain, and
and Nutrient Recoveries total plant biomass versus N fertilization rate data presented in Fig. 2
for M-81E sweet sorghum grown at Citra and Live Oak, Florida
Although N fertilization affected biomass yields and brix
values in some cases, these effects went in opposite Regression equation r2 P valuea Qb
directions (i.e., green yields increased and brix decreased CIT
with N fertilization rate), resulting in only a modest linear Stem y ¼ 0:328x þ 7:58c 0.84 <0.01 0.96
effect of N fertilization (45–180 kg N ha−1) on estimated Leaf y ¼ 0:133x þ 15:0 0.66 <0.01 0.95
sugar yields at either location. Wortmann et al. [30] also y ¼ 0:034x þ 32:6
Grain head 0.02 0.61 0.52
reported little effect of N fertilization (from 0 to 80 kg ha−1) y ¼ 0:476x þ 55:3
Total 0.73 <0.01 0.93
on sweet sorghum biomass or sugar yields in six out of
seven site-years. Their study was under rainfed conditions
Stem y ¼ 0:198x þ 24:9 0.53 <0.01 0.84
on better soils, and the site-year where a response to N was
Leaf y ¼ 0:139x þ 31:8 0.42 <0.01 0.46
observed coincided with their highest yields. Thus, we
Grain head y ¼ 0:099x þ 26:7 0.17 0.12 0.96
expected a greater response to N under irrigated production
Total y ¼ 0:442x þ 82:1 0.52 <0.01 0.69
on relatively N-deficient sandy soils. The modest response
of sugar yields to N fertilization rate was likely attributable a
P values indicating linear regression significance
to several factors. First, was the fact that as biomass tended b
P values for the quadratic (Q) contrast for the effect of N rate
to increase with N fertilization, brix values tended to c
Linear regression equations for data in Fig. 2, where y represents N
decline [29]. Second, and most likely the biggest factor, recovery and x represents N fertilization rate
Bioenerg. Res. (2012) 5:86–94 93

Table 5 Phosphorus (P) concentration in grain, leaf, stem, bagasse, and extracted juice, as well as total P recovery as affected by N fertilization
rate (45, 90, 135, and 180 kg ha−1) of M-81E sweet sorghum grown at Citra and Live Oak, Florida

Grain Head P (mg g−1) Leaf P (mg g−1) Stem P (mg g−1) Bagasse P (mg g−1) Juice P (mg L−1) P recovery (kg ha−1)

CIT (N rate)
45 2.37a 1.65a 0.63a 0.65a 78.1a 16.8a
90 2.41a 1.39a 0.51a 0.51a 67.8ab 15.1a
135 2.45a 1.41a 0.56a 0.59a 67.6ab 16.1a
180 2.40a 1.67a 0.48a 0.51a 56.2b 15.3a
Na 0.99 0.49 0.11 0.20 0.12 0.68
Lb 0.87 0.93 0.06 0.14 0.03 0.49
Qb 0.82 0.14 0.55 0.55 0.93 0.73
LO (N rate)
45 2.32a 1.65a 0.59a 0.55a 97.0a 18.0a
90 2.14a 1.38a 0.39b 0.38ab 57.2b 17.2a
135 2.20a 1.63a 0.42b 0.41ab 57.7b 16.6a
180 2.10a 1.59a 0.36b 0.36b 47.8b 18.3a
Na 0.57 0.36 0.01 0.06 <0.01 0.86
Lb 0.26 0.90 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.95
Qb 0.72 0.35 0.11 0.23 0.03 0.46

Data represent mean values (n=4). Mean values followed by a different letter within a column and within a site are significantly different at the
P≤0.10 level
P values for the overall N rate effect in the ANOVA analyses
P values for the linear (L) and quadratic (Q) polynomial contrasts for the effect of N rate within site

At the 90N rate, where biomass and sugar yields were production, assuming harvest and removal of leaves and
close to optimum in this study and N recovery was grain heads. Han et al. [10] reported almost twice the P
minimum, N recovered in the stem, leaf, and grain was recovery (33 kg P ha−1) with similar yields seen in our
35%, 31%, and 34%, respectively, of total N recovery (data study for M-81E, which was due to twofold higher
not shown). Thus, despite stems representing 70% of dry concentrations of P in stem and leaf tissues compared to
biomass, they represented only about 35% of N recovery at the present study. It should be noted that they also applied P
optimal fertilization, whereas leaves and grain heads, which at a twofold higher rate of almost 40 kg P ha−1. For
only represented about 15% of dry biomass each, repre- comparison, long-term studies on corn for grain production
sented over 30% each of N recovery. However, at the 180N in the Great Plains reported optimal corn yields with about
rate, N recovery by the stems as a fraction of total N 180 kg N ha−1 and 20 kg P ha−1 [23]
recovery (42%) increased substantially, mostly as a result of
less total N going to grain. This has implications for using
total aboveground biomass for energy conversion as Conclusions
opposed to the grain alone as is currently the case with
corn ethanol [11, 24]. If total aboveground biomass is Despite differences in biomass and sugar yields attributable
harvested and utilized, our results indicated that it will be to site, the results from these studies were consistent and
critical to achieve optimum N fertility, as excess N general conclusions were warranted. First, the study
application will result in inefficiencies associated with supported top removal, either at boot stage or anthesis,
greater N uptake and recovery without a concomitant for maximum sugar yield in the stalk, irrespective of N
increase in sugar yields. It has been reported that N fertilization rate. Second, the trends in biomass and sugar
fertilization might represent up to 50% of the energetic yield data combined with nutrient recoveries indicated
input into a crop [13, 19]; thus, it will be critical for that the optimal N and P requirements for long-term
bioenergy crops to achieve maximal yields with optimal/ whole plant harvesting were 90 to 110 kg N ha−1 and
minimal N inputs. 15 to 20 kg P ha−1. Higher N fertilization resulted in
In addition to N fertilization, our results indicated the greater N recovery by the crop but not in greater biomass or
need for about 17 kg P ha−1 for sustainable sweet sorghum estimated sugar yields. Thus, proper nutrient management
94 Bioenerg. Res. (2012) 5:86–94

will be needed to optimize sugar yields of sweet sorghum for 14. Lin JY, Lin JL (1994) Post-heading partitioning dynamics of total
nonstructural carbohydrates in rice plants as influenced by sink
liquid production of biofuels and bio-based products. Further
manipulation. J Agric Assoc China 165:53–59
research is needed on refining management practices of sweet 15. Lueschen WE, Putnam DH, Kanne BK, Hoverstad TR (1991)
sorghum for bioenergy production, especially with regard to Agronomic practices for production of ethanol from sweet
the utilization of leaf and grain tissues. sorghum. J Prod Agric 4:619–625
16. Miller AN, Ottman MJ (2010) Irrigation frequency effects on
growth and ethanol yield in sweet sorghum. Agron J 102:60–70
Acknowledgments Financial support for this study was provided by
17. Mylavarapu R, Wright D, Kidder G, Chambliss CG (2009) UF/
a USDA Special Grant, the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, a
IFAS standardized fertilization recommendations for agronomic
Florida Farm to Fuel Grant, and the Florida Energy Systems
crops. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, fact sheet SL129, 9 pp
Consortium. We are grateful to Andrew Schreffler, Jim Boyer, Jeffrey
18. Pfeiffer TW, Bitzer MJ, Toy JJ, Pedersen JF (2010) Heterosis in
Fedenko, Johnathan Holland, Randi Randell, Maninderpal Singh, and
sweet sorghum and selection of a new sweet sorghum hybrid for
Arkorn Soikaew for laboratory and field support.
use in syrup production in Appalachia. Crop Sci 50:1788–1794
19. Reed W, Geng S, Hills FJ (1986) Energy input and output analysis
of four field crops in California. J Agron Crop Sci 157:99–104
References 20. Ricaud R, Arceneaux A (1990) Sweet sorghum research on
biomass and sugar production in 1990. Exp. Stn., Louisiana State
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