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Lesson Project

School: Scoala Gimnazială Filipeni

Name: Jurebie Ioana-Emilia

Date: 16.12.2020

No. of students: 27

Grade: 5th grade

Textbook: Limba modernă 2 – Limba engleză pentru clasa a V-a,

Ana Magdalena Iordăchescu – Mariana Stoenescu, Editura Litera, 2017

Level: L2 elementary

Unit: 4a Places in town

Lesson: There is/ there are

Time: 50 min

Type of lesson: mixed

Lesson Objectives:
 Cognitive Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. to introduce the topic of the lesson and raise expectation;
2. to internalize the new topic by activating the students’ knowledge of the context;
3. to enrich Ss’ vocabulary;
4. to determine Ss to make use of their knowledge while discussing about the usage of There is / There
5. to develop knowledge and understanding of There is / There are;
6. to practice There is/ There are in solving certain tasks;
7. to develop abilities to make use of There is/ There are;
8. to provide further practice;

 Affective objectives:
1. to engage the students in a short conversation;
2. to create a pleasant atmosphere;
3. to improve the students’ ability to use the new information in different types of exercises;
4. to stimulate students’ imagination and creativity;

Skill focus: integrating all skills with special focus on grammar and English in use.

Methods and techniques:

 conversation;
 explanation;
 brainstorming;
 question – answer;
 matching exercises;
 discussion;
 fill – in exercises.

Learning activity: individual work

Previous knowledge: students have already been acquainted with most of the vocabulary and grammar that
comes across this lesson.

Anticipating students’ problems:

 some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and they may also
need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
 some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, so they may need
 some students may encounter problems with connecting and connection;

Anticipating student’s problems:

 some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and they may also
need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
 some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity;
 some students may encounter problems with connecting and connection;

Aspects I particularly need to be aware of: the students to understand everything the teacher says and

Teaching aids/ Materials: Google classroom, Meet, PPT presentation,,,
you tube. (Ss. will also find the lesson links on Google Classroom)

Students’ Methods Aims

Stages of Interact
Teacher’s activity activity Skills and
the Lesson ion
1. The teacher greets the Students Checking
class, waits for all the answer the the
students to login and asks the teacher’s presence
children how they are, the questions and
teacher checks who is absent. introducing
The class prepares for the Students students in
lesson. and Conversatio the subject.
2. The teacher tells the teacher n
1.Warm-up students that they will play a play the listening Brainstormin Activating
TT speaking
1 min. game named “Last Letter game. g vocabulary
Word Chain” which is the Question- for the
English version of Romanian answer lesson.
“Fazan”, to activate their
previously acquired
vocabulary. The next student
has to say a word which starts
on the last letter of the word
given by the teacher.
Teacher asks the students to Students ST speaking Reading - Checking
take turns and read their read their conversation understandi
homework. homework. ng of the
2 min. problem
3. Feed- Teacher offers feed-back to Students TT Listening explanation To let
back students. listen. students
1 min. know how
they worked
at home
1. The teacher shows the Ss a Students Identifying
video on plural and singular. listen and revising
Then reinforces the rules on grammar
using the plural: - S vs –ES Students elements answer the already
3. Lead-in questions
atch?v=lD1OaD4FBqM learned.
2.The teacher asks the Explanation
checking Listening
students: ST speaking
Question- Creating
How many pets you have? answer interest in
How many brothers or sisters the topic.
5 min.
do you have?
How many red pens do you
have, how about blue ones?
The students answer the
Teacher tells the students Students teaching
they are going to talk about listen to new
“there is and there are” and the teacher grammatical
the differences between presentatio structures
them. She shows them a n while
PowerPoint presentation and
discusses the following Students
questions while watching: read the
1. What is the informatio
singular of a n
noun? Give presented
examples. and take
2. What is the plural? notes in
Give examples. their
3. “A/an” can you notebooks. Explanation
4.Teaching Listening
explain the TT Conversatio
new Speaking
difference? Students Writing
4. A short review of watch the ST Reading Question-
20 min.
the verb “to be” in you tube answer
the Present Tense video and
5. When do we use pay
“there is” and attention
when do we use” to the
there are”? explanatio
Teacher gives ns given.
examples and
The teacher presents the
following you tube

1. Using pictures, the teacher

will ask students to match Students exercising
answer. Speaking Fill –in the new
them with “there is” or “there
5.Practice Writing exercises grammar
are” on the board. ST
10 min Students Reading Matching through
2. The teacher will asks Ss to
solve the following exercise: solve exercises games and
https://www.liveworksheets. exercises worksheets.
as_a_Second_Language_(ESL) and
/There_is_- provide
_there_are/There_is- evidence
_there_are_sh112991si of doing so
3. The teacher opens two by sending
games on Wordwall named the screen
There is/there are: shot of the score they
3739252/angielski/there-isnt- got.
1. The teacher tells the Students Consolidati
students that they are going watch the ng the new
to watch a video about the you tube grammatical
singular and the plural uses of video and structures
the verb to be aka “there pay through
is/there are”. attention explanation to the and
atch?v=jLIF7NNqFfo explanatio
The students have to solve ns given, in
orally ex 1 and 2 page 48 order to
from the textbook. solve the Fill – in
2. The students listen to the following Listening exercises
6.Consolida teacher’s explanation about exercises. Speaking
tion the affirmative/negative and ST Writing Discussion
10 min interrogative forms of “there Reading
is/ there are’’ and short Matching
answers. exercises
3. Then the students will play
a simple game where they
practice the use of “THERE IS
The teacher gives Students Letting
7. Feedback
feedback by congratulating listen Conversatio know
the students and encouraging TT listening n- students
the less talkative ones to explanation how they
1 min
speak more. worked.
The teacher tells the Students Give
students that their homework listen students
is to solve some worksheets further
on work to
8.Assigning regarding what they have Conversatio encourage
homework TT listening n-
learned today: practice of
1 min explanation the new
worksheets/en/English_as_a_Sec learned

1. Bonta, Elena, English Teaching Methodology, Suport de curs, Universitatea „Vasile Alecsandri”,
Bacau, 2001.
2. Harmer, Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Longman, 1983.
3. Scrievener, Jim, Learning Teaching. A Guidebook for English Language Teaching, Macmillan
Education, Oxford, 2005.
4. Vizental, Adriana, Metodica predării limbii engleze, Strategies of Teaching and Testing English as a
Foreign Language, Polirom, București, 2008.
%20worksheet.pdf, accessed March, 2nd, 2019

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