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Name : Siti Marwiyah

Assignment : listening video by title “Matching Paragraph Headings:

Keywords, Main Idea-Basic and Reading Skills”

Hi every body..

To day, i am gonna talk about paragraf heading.

This topic sounds easy, but some students probably confuse of how to find the
main idea or key words transferring the main idea or how to find out what the
topic of a paragraph is about.

And here, i am gonna show you how to deal with that if you think this video is

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So, let get start.

Now, let me show you some of the tips we use.

First, read the paragraph to grab the information as a whole. You can skim the
paragraph to get the point of what you read.

Second, read the paragraph and find the main idea. Keywords can be used to
transfer the main idea. But some of them are used to give extra information.

And the last, use the real keywords from the paragraph to match with the heading.

Now, let’s read the lists of the heading one by one and identify the keywords in
the paragraph.

I am writing to reply to the article about teenagers in last week’s Bristol

Evening Post. I am a teenager and i thought it was very unfair. The article gave
the impression that all teenagers are lazy and just hang around the street looking
for trouble. But according to a recent survey, young people between the ages of 16
and 24 are more likely to be victims of street crime than older people. Survey like
that are soon forgotten and newspapers just write about incinsiderate teenagers
who behave badly and don’t care about other people. The truth is, not all
teenagers are like that. Me and my friends are not angels but we don’t go looking
for trouble.

Now, lets write the list of the heading one by one and identify the keywords in the
 Improving our community
There is no keywords about this, and the text doesn’t say about improving. So
this is not the answer.
 Raising money
Have you heard raising money in the text. There is no keyword and ideas stated
in the text. So it is not the answer.
 Teenagers behaving badly
These keywords are in the paragraph but they don’t exactly like the real idea.
This is not a point of the ideas, they did in the paragraph. So it is not the
 Local youth club
There is no information about that in the paragraph. It’s not the corret heading.
 Don’t judge us
You may think this is dating but it’s not. These are not keywords they didn’t
the paragraph. So it is not heading scene, it still says something implicitly.
 Unfair article
The article about teenagers and very unfair, are the keywords, because these
words can be found, and they tell the idea that the article about teenagers are
very unfair. So the best heading is unfair article.

I will be giving you three more paragraphs to practice. Then the answer will be
shown later right here in this video.

Paragraph 2

I’ve been going to a youth club for two years with some of my friends. We chill
out, listen to music and play pool, but we do things to help the local community as
well. Last summer, we put on a concret for young kids in our area and about thirty
of them came along. We had a really good laugh with them.

List of headings

 Improving our community

 Raising money
 Teenagers behaving badly
 Local youth club
 Don’t judge us

Paragraph 3

This year, a group of us have been volunteers on a community project. We talked

to young people about local problems, like crime and drugs and asked for
suggestions. Last month, we met up with some local councilors and they’re going
to carry out some of our ideas for improvements. For examples, they’re going to
start up a website for young people and put a bus shelter outside the school.

List of headings

 Improving our community

 Raising money
 Teenagers behaving badly
 Don’t judge us

Paragraph 4

We do things at school, too. Last term, we raised £800 for comic relief, a charity
which was set up by comedians. On 11 March, Red Nose Day, everybody turned
up at school with red plastic noses and wore funny wigs. We sold food and
organized fun activities.

List of headings

 Raising money
 Teenagers behaving badly
 Don’t judge us

Thank you for watching.

Name : Siti Marwiyah

Assignment : listening video by title “Tiga Komponen Utama Sebuah


Hi everyone..

In this video we’re gonna look at how writers organize their sentences into a
paragraph. If you watch these videos till the end, you will see how main parts of a
paragraph are organized to build in a good paragraph. So stick around and don’t
forget to subsribe to this channel.

Welcome back to learn English.

If you are a good reader you understand that a good paragraph has a single topic.
Which tells the main idea, but if you’re not a good reader, you probably read a
paragraph in an article or books, but you don’t really get the point or the idea of
what you’re reading. That’s because you don’t fully understand of how a
paragraph is built-in with three main components. So stick around and let’s have a
look at the three main components of a paragraph.

“The internet has become really important for three main reasons. First, it enables
to access more information than ever before that is people can read books
newspapers or magazine online and for free. Second, thanks to the internet people
can communicate with others in every part of the world via social networking
websites like Fecebook, WhatsApp, WeChat, Twitter, Skype, Viber, Snapchat,
Linkedin, Reddit, etc. Third, the internet is a perfect tool to study and get
certificates well-known top univesities. In other words, now more than ever,
anyone can do free online courses in variety of subjects. In short, the internet is
beyond doubt and essential and valuable tool nowadays.”

This paragraph has three very important components. The topic sentence, the
supporting sentences and the concluding sentence.

Let’s have a look at this paragraph to identify these main components.

The first sentence of this paragraph says, “the internet has become really
important for three main reasons.” It’s called the topic sentence of the paragraph,
it states the main idea of the paragraph, it shows what the paragraph is about. This
topic sentence is used to control the other components to build-in a good
paragraph and the topic sentence comes at the begginning of a paragraph before
the supporting sentences and the concluding sentences.
Now let’s have a look at the supporting concluding sentences. Now let’s have a
look at the supporting sentences used in this paragraph. There are three supporting
sentences in the paragraph used to develop the paragraph. First, it enables people
to access more information than ever before. Second, thanks to the internet people
can communicate with others in every part of the world via social networking
website. And third the internet is a perfect tool to study and get certificates from
well-known top universities.

You can see that all of these supporting sentences tell three main reasons why the
internet is really important. Therefore, they’re used to support the topic sentence.
“The internet has become really important for three main reasons.” It’s important
to note here is that the supporting sentences are used to support the topic sentence.
On the other word, the topic sentences controls the supporting sentences in
developing a paragraph. Adding details, facts, or examples to the supporting
sentences, make paragraph more informative and clearer.

Take a look at the examples in this paragraph.

The first detail in the paragraph says people can read books, newspaper or
magazines online. This sentence gives extra information about what people can
access through the internet nowadays.

And the phrases like facebook, whatsapp, wechat, twitter, skype, viber, snapchat,
linkedin, reddit, etc in the paragraph is the examples of social networking
websites. These examples give more information to the supporting center, people
can communicate with others through these social networking websites.

And the last sentence detail about free online courses in a variety of subject, is
used to make the supporting sentence cleare, in this case, “the internet is a perfect
tool to study and get certificate(s) from well-known top universities.”

Now let’s identify the last component in a paragraph. Concluding sentence usually
comes at the of a paragraph used to summarize the main points of a paragraph.
You can see the last sentence of the paragraph, “in short the internet is beyond
doubt and essential and valuable tool nowadays”, is the concluding sentence. This
concluding sentence used to restate the topic sentences in defferent words.

Now you know how writers organize their ideas to make a good paragraph.

I’m supri, thank you for stopping by, if you have some comments, please write
them down below.

Goodbye for now.

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