Artoza Week6 Assessment1

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Christian Jelo R.

Artoza January 4,

BSChE 2-2

Eclipse vs NetBeans

I will use the Java programming language mainly for graphing, plotting, or tabulating data;
creating and organizing documents; and for making algorithms that will aid calculations
such as that for matrix rank, solutions of a system of equations, determinants, and
solutions of differential equations. Hence the two Java IDE’s I have chosen were Eclipse,
and NetBeans.

One of the capabilities and functionalities of Eclipse that met the criteria mentioned above
is that it has tools for the various processes in application development such as charting,
modeling, reporting, testing which will be useful for developing calculating applications.
The best feature of Eclipse that I found is that it can also be used for creating
mathematical documents with LaTeX, which is a feature that will be very useful for me
since I always use LaTeX for creating my math documents such as homework
assignments and notes, and therefore will give me a single application where I can do
both my math documents, calculations and graphs.

Next, one of the features of NetBeans that meet the criteria is that it has tools that help in
writing bug-free code and extensions for working in other programming languages such
as C, C++, PHP, HTML5, JavaScript, etc. One of the best programming languages for
doing math and statistical analyses are MATLAB, Python, and R and so this feature of
the NetBeans IDE will help me use the programming skills that I will learn from the course
in making use of the best features of various programming languages especially the ones
that are best for their capabilities in solving math problems.

To conclude this, both IDE’s that have been chosen by me are good for general
computations and developing applications. The main difference between the two is in the
tools they provide for the user: The Eclipse IDE provides tools that are good for doing
mathematical documents and for app maintenance. On the other hand, the NetBeans IDE
provides ones that are good for debugging and working with other programming

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