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Kid’s Box 5


Caroline Nixon & Michael Tomlinson

Primary Education

Lesson Programme

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 1- © Cambridge University Press 2017
KID´S BOX 5 (Updated 2nd Edition) is divided into eight units as well as an introductory unit. There are also two units about different celebrations: Peace
Day, Guy Fawkes and the Edinburgh Festival.

This Lesson Programme has been drawn up for use throughout the academic year at bilingual educational centres or at schools where more hours are spent
learning English than the minimum established by the Spanish educational system. Each teacher can adapt the programme to his/her needs and those of his/her

In the fifth year of Primary Education each unit consists of five lessons of 45 to 50 minutes every week.

1st term: Units 0, 1, 2 and activities about Guy Fawkes Night

2nd term: Units 6, 7 and 8 and activities about Peace Day.
3rd term: Units 6, 7 and 8 and activities about the Edinburgh Festival

Each table in this Lesson Programme suggests how to use the activities in the Pupil’s Book (PB), Activity Book (AB) and others parts of Kid’s Box 5 during
a lesson. They also reflect the general and specific objectives of each objective such as skills, types of interaction and the materials required. The abbreviations
used are:

OC - Oral Comprehension
OE - Oral Expression
RC - Reading Comprehension
WE - Writing Expression

Ind - individual
P - in pairs
SG - small groups
LG - large group, the whole class

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 2- © Cambridge University Press 2017
LC - Linguistic Communication
MSCT- Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology.
DC - Digital Skills
LL - Learning to Learn
SCS - Social and Civic Competences.
SIE - Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship
CCE - Cultural Conscience and Expressions

At the end of each lesson there are optional activities in the Teacher’s Book (Extra activities) which the teacher may use if there is time, giving priority to
those which reinforce the most needed structures, vocabulary and skills.

In the Reinforcement-Extension / Homework* column activities are added for different purposes:
1. Reinforcing parts of the unit which are not clear or which are difficult.
2. Giving pupils who learn slowly more chance to practice.
3. Allowing faster pupils to reinforce and extend their knowledge without getting bored.

Some of these activities may be used in class and others can be given as homework (marked with *). Pupils also have My Home Booklet, which allows them
to revise the materials and skills they have learned in class with their parents at home; there are various exercises for each unit.

El Teacher’s Resource Pack (TRP) includes Worksheets which are also shown in this column. These may be used in various ways depending on what the
teacher considers most appropriate for the class's needs of for those of specific pupils. They are briefly explained during the class so that pupils know how to
use them and can do so later. With each Worksheet there is also an Optional follow-up activity (see Teacher’s notes in each TRP unit).

Previously mentioned optional extra activities can also be used at home to reinforce what has been learned and give further information, if they have not
already been used in each lesson.

The CD-ROM includes fun games and songs for each unit. These may be used as extensions in class or at home and so it is included in the lesson
reinforcement column in which the information needed to use the games or sing the song is given.

The interactive DVD offers further games, videos and activities for studying vocabulary and structures.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 3- © Cambridge University Press 2017
The evaluation tables at the end of each unit reflect the activities at the end of each lesson which can be used to evaluate different skills. The teacher can use
these and others to observe pupils' progress, or choose specific options to evaluate the whole unit, although to do the latter we recommend using the Tests
included in theTeacher’s Resource Book. An evaluation lesson is recommended at least once per unit.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 4- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit Welcome to our ezine. Lesson 1, PB and AB page 4

- Exchange personal information.
- Revise greetings and suggestions.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Exchange - Greet the pupils. In pairs, they exchange personal OE/OC P LC/SCC
of the personal information. They tell the rest of the class about it. LG
lesson information.

Lesson - Remember and - Write school on the board. Have a brainstorm about OE/WE LG LC
order recognise school the school words pupils remember. Pupils copy the Ind
vocabulary. concept map obtained in the notebook.
- Identify school - PB, p. 4, Act 1. CD 1, 02: Pupils listen to the OC/WE Ind LC PB Hungry snake*
vocabulary. school words and point at them on the list in the
notebook. AB
- Understand AB, p. 4, Act 4*
school - AB, p. .4, Act 1: Pupils organise school vocabulary RC/WE Ind LC Notebook
vocabulary. in semantic areas. They compare in pairs. P
CD 1 Language
- Identifying - PB, p. 4, Act 2. CD1, 03: Write the name de the OC/OE Ind LC Portfolio, pp. 1-2
characters characters on the board. Pupils listen to the CD.
Pupils decide who is talking.
- Practise ways of
greeting. - PB, p. 4, Functions: Pupils decide who used the RC/OE P LC
expression in the box. They write dialogues to
- Recognise practise it.
answers to
greetings. - AB, p. 4, Act 2: Pupils link the expressions with the RC Ind LC
characters. They compare in pairs.
- Answer

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 5- © Cambridge University Press 2017
questions about a - PB, p. 4, Act 3: Pupils ask and answer in pairs. RC/OE/W Ind LC
dialogue. Give complete sentences. Pupils copy the answers in E P
their notebooks.
- Read a text Ind LC
thoroughly. - AB, p. 4, Act 3: Pupils complete the text with the RC/WE
words from the box. They compare in pairs.
- Correct Ind LC
sentences about a - AB, p. 4, Act 4: Pupils read the sentences and find RC/WE
text. the mistake. They write them again. They compare in

End of the - Ask about what pupils have learned in the lesson. OE LG LC
Lesson Say goodbye saying See you on ... TB

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 212 (p. 2). Extra activity 1: OE/OC/W P LC Pieces of

Making friends. E paper

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 212 (p. 2). Extra activity 2: SG LC

Word race. OE/WE

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 6- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit Welcome to our ezine. Lesson 2, PB and AB p. 5

- - Revise daily routines.
- Revise how to express tastes and preferences.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Introduce the - Write the names of the characters on the board. Ask OE/OC LG LC
of the characters in the a pupils what they remember about them. Pupils give
lesson box. more information before reading.

Lesson - Read about - PB, p. 5, Act 4: Pupils read the text. Write RC/OE Ind LC
order routines, tastes questions about the characters on the board. Pupils LG CD-ROM:
and preferences. look for the answer and answer in pairs. Treasure hunt*
- Understand - PB, p. 5, Act 5, CD 1, 04: Pupils listen to the OC/OE P LC
routines, tastes questions. Pupils identify the character and whisper AB
and preferences. the name to a classmate.
Notebook Language
- Put a text in - AB, p. 5, Act 5: Put the sentences in order. They RC Ind LC Portfolio, p. 7
order. compare in pairs. CD 1

- Revise questions - AB, p. 5, Act 6: Revise question words with wh-. RC/WE LG LC
with wh-. Pupils complete the questions. Ind

- Ask and reply in - PB, p. 5, Act 6: Pupils ask questions with the two WE/OC/O Ind LC
simple present. words. Pupils ask their partners and write down their E P
answers. Pupils make up other questions.
- Differentiate the
parts of a - AB, p. 5, Act 7: Explain the activity box. Pupils Ind LC
sentence. make sentences by linking the columns. RC/WE

End of the - Say sentences about what has been learned in this OE LG LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 7- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Lesson lesson. Pupils stand up if it is right. Large pieces
of paper
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 212 (p. 5). Extra activity 1: WE Ind LC
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 212 (p. 5). Extra activity 2:
Mime game.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 8- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit Welcome to our ezine. Lesson 3, PB and AB page 6

- Name school subjects.
- Choose the favourite ones and explain why.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension /

Beginning - Explain school - Write six school subjects with their letters mixed up RC/WE P LC
of the subjects. on the board. In pairs, pupils put them in order and LG
lesson come out to write them on the board.

Lesson - Give opinions - PB, p. 6, Act 7: Read the school subjects and RC/WE/O Ind LC
order about school explain their meaning. Pupils choose their favourite E LG
subjects. school subject and explain why it is. Pupils read the AB, p. 6, Act 11*
text and compare with their school. Pupils make
sentences with the differences. PB
- Write school Reinforcement
vocabulary. - AB, p. 6, Act 8: Pupils links the words and the RC/WE Ind LC AB Worksheet 1-2*
drawings. Pupils write the answers and compare them (TRP, pp. 8, 9, 10)
- Recognise with a classmate. Notebook
school vocabulary
orally. - PB, p. 6, Act 8. CD 1, 05: Pupils listen to the names OC/OE LG LC CD 1
of the school subjects.
- Recognise Pupils repeat aloud and say the the letter for each text.
school vocabulary
in writing. - AB, p. 6, Act 9: Pupils differentiate school words RC/WE Ind LC
from others.
- Classify words They compare with a classmate.
in semantic
groups. - AB, p. 6, Act 10: Pupils complete the box using RC/WE P LC
previous words
- Talk and write Pupils compare the final questions and answer them
about the school in pairs.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 9- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- PB, p. 6, Act 9: Pupils read the sentences and RC/WE/O P LC
- Answer compare with their school (same or different). In E SG
questions. pairs, pupils say more things about their school.

- AB, p. 6, Act 11: Pupils read the questions and RC/WE Ind LC

End of the - Name school subjects. Pupils answer with connected OC/OE LG LC Large pieces
Lesson words. of paper
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 212 (p. 6). Extra activity 1: RC/WE SG LC Felt pens
Ezine page. Pieces of
All SG LC paper
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 212 (p. 6). Extra activity 2:
Dictionary game.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 10- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit Welcome to our ezine. Lesson 4, PB and AB p. 7 (Song)

- Practise vocabulary about the school.
- Sing a song.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Practice school - Say school words. In turns, pupils spell them aloud. OC/OE LG LC
of the vocabulary.

Lesson - Understand - PB, p. 7, Act 10 CD 1, 06: Pupils listen to clues OC/OE LG LC

order clues about about school subjects. Pupils guess which it is and tell Song Worksheet
school subjects. a classmate the answer. They listen again. (TRP, p. 13)
- Identify the - PB, p. 7, Act 11: Pupils read the complete sentence. LC Ind LC
contents of the Pupils choose the appropriate school subject. They AB AB, p. 7, Act 14*:
school subjects. compare in pairs. Pupils write their
Notebook favourite day's
- Listen to and - PB, p. 7, Act 12: CD 1, 07: Pupils read the letter RC/OC/O P LC/CCE timetable.
understand and and link the numbers and the drawings. Pupils listen E LG CD 1
sing a song about and compare in pairs. Then they sing verse by verse.
school subjects. Pupils sing the karaoke version in groups. Dictionaries Interactive DVD:
The music room
- Complete the AB, p. 7, Act 12: Pupils read the text and complete
contents of a the timetable. They compare in pairs. RC/WE Ind LC
- PB, p. 7, Act 13: Explain that they are going to read
- Understand definitions of school words. Pupils read and guess the RC/OE Ind LC
definitions of word. LG
- PB, p. 7, Act 14: Pupils suggest others definitions. WE/OE/O SG LC
- Give definitions Pupils write at least three more. In groups of four or C

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 11- © Cambridge University Press 2017
of certain words. in pairs, pupils read them and guess them.

- Write the daily - AB, p. 7, Act 13: Pupils write the timetable for RC/WE Ind LC
class timetable. Monday as in the timetable they drew up.

- Write the daily - AB, p. 7, Act 14: Pupils write about their own days' WE Ind LC
class timetable. timetables.

End of the - Pupils sing the song again. OE LG LC/CCE

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 212 (p. 7). Extra activity 1: OE/OC SG LC
School song.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 212 (p. 7). Extra activity 2: RC/WE P LC
Word poems.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 12- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit Welcome to our ezine. Lesson 5, PB and AB p. 8

- Identify the sounds /dʒ/ and /tʃ/
- Write your class timetable.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Recognise - Write the words kitchen, question and cheese on the OC/OE LG LC
of the words with the board. Ask a pupils about the sounds they have in
lesson sounds /ei/ and common. Repeat with Julia, giraffe and juice.

Lesson - Recite a chant - PB, p. 8, Act 15. CD 1, 09: Pupils listen to the CD OC/OE LG LC AB, p. 8, Act 18*
order. and mark the and identify the sounds of the coloured-in words. P
sounds /dʒ/ and Pupils listen to the CD again and then repeat it as a
/tʃ/. group. PB CD-ROM: Sounds
- Talk and write - AB, p. 8, Act 15, CD 1, 11: Pupils read the words OC/OE Ind LC AB
about the class with the sounds /dʒ/ and /tʃ/ and write them in the P
timetable. right columns. Pupils listen and compare in pairs. Notebook
- Practise time - PB, p. 8, Act 16: Explain the instructions for the CD 1 Portfolio, p. 9
expressions with a game. Read the dialogues. The pupils play in pairs. OE P LC
- AB, p. 8, Act 16: Explain the use of capital letters. LG
- Follow the rules Pupils read and circle the mistakes. RC/WE Ind LC
for using capital
letters. - AB, p. 8, Act 17: Pupils write the corrected text in
the notebook. RC/WE Ind LC Joke corner*:
- Practise Pupils tell the joke
spelling. - PB, p. 8, Act 17: Pupils write their class timetable. at home
They add their preferences about their favourite day WE Ind LC
- Write about and school subject.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 13- © Cambridge University Press 2017
your own
timetable. - AB, p. 8, Act 18: Pupils write about their perfect WE Ind LC
- Write a school
timetable. OC LG LC/SCC
- PB, p. 8, Joke corner. CD 1, 10: Explain the
- Understand a meaning of Joke corner. Pupils listen to and read the
joke. joke until they understand it.

End of the - Pupils recite the chant again, changing the rhythm OE LG LC
Lesson and volume. TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 212 (p. 8). Extra activity 1: C LG
About our timetables. SG LC
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 212 (p. 8). Extra activity 2:
Writing together.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 14- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit Welcome to our ezine. Lesson 6, PB and AB, p. 9

- Read a story.
- Revise the unit vocabulary
- Self-evaluate learning.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Introduce a - Ask what they know about what archaeologists do OC LG LC

of the story about and find one. Introduce the episode. CD-ROM:
lesson archaeology. Movie Hopper*

Lesson Read, listen to - PB, p. 9, Story. CD 1, 12: Introduce the story. RC/OC/O LG LC
order and understand a Pupils read in silence and then listen. Ask and check E P Interactive DVD:
story. comprehension. Pupils answer in pairs. Listen again Treasure Hunt
and repeat each cartoon. Provide information about PB
the Rosetta Stone, archaeology and dinosaurs.
AB Interactive DVD:
- Show - AB, p. 9, Act 19: Pupils read the story again to Story extension
comprehension answer the questions from the story. They compare Ind LC Notebook
of the story. in pairs. RC/WE
CD 1 Topic Worksheet*
- Understand the - AB, p. 9, Act 20: Read the text about the Ind LC (TRP, p. 14)
concept of code. Egyptians. Pupils decipher the code to find a secret RC/WE
message. They compare in pairs.
- Revise the Extension
contents of the - AB, p. 9, Do you remember?: Pupils complete Ind LC/LL Worksheet 1 - 2*
unit. using what they remember from the unit without RC/WE (TRP, pp. 8, 11, 12)
looking at the book. Then they look at it to correct it.
- Self-evaluate Ind LC/SIE
learning. - AB, p. 9, Can do: Pupils read the statements and RC/OE SG
colour in the symbols for what they know. In groups
of three, pupils take it in turns to give examples.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 15- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Pupils choose a song or chant and repeat it. OC LG LC/CCE A big piece
Lesson of paper with
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 213 (p. 9). Extra activity: the
Role play. RC/OE SG LC/SCC incomplete
text of the
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 213 (p. 9). Extra activity: Fill RC/WE P LC story (TB, p.
in the words. 24)

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 16- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit Welcome to our ezine. pp. 4 to 9
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6
PB, p. 7, Act 10,
PB, p. 4, Act 2. CD1, PB, p. 5, Act 5. CD1, PB, p. 6, Act 8. CD1, PB, p. 8, Act 15.
CD1, 12
03 04 05 CD1, 09
Song Worksheet
(TRP, p. 13)


PB, p. 4, Act 3 PB, p. 5, Act 6 PB, p. 6, Act 8 PB, p. 7, Act 13 PB, p. 8, Act 16
2 (TRP, p. 12)

COMMUNICATIVE PB, p. 4, Act 3 PB, p. 5, Act 4 PB, p. 6, Act 9 PB, p.7, Act 12 PB, p. 8, Act 17

READING SKILL Topic worksheet

AB, p. 4, Act 3 PB, p. 5, Act 4 PB, p. 6, Act 7 PB, p. 7, Act 12 AB, p. 8, Act 16
READER (TRP, p. 14)

READER AB, p. 4, Act 3 AB, p. 5, Act 5 PB, p. 6, Act 7 AB, p. 7, Act 12 AB, p. 8, Act 16 AB, p. 9, Act 20


AB, p. 4, Act.4 AB, p. 5, Act 6 AB, p. 6, Act 10 AB, p. 7, Act 13 AB, p. 8, Act 15
Do you remember?

COMMUNICATIVE AB, p. 5, Act 7 PB, p. 7, Act 14 AB, p. 8, Act 18 AB, p. 9, Act 18


Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 17- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 1: Time for television. Lesson 1, PB and AB page 10

- Ask and say the time.
- Talk about television programmes.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Teach the time - Ask the time of habitual actions (meals, etc.) Show OC/OE LG LC Clock
of the using a clock. them on a clock on the board. Explain past/to with Wristwatches
lesson colours on the clock.

Lesson - Ask and say the - AB, p. 10, Vocabulary: In pairs, pupils practise OE/RC P LC
order time. asking and telling the time. CD-ROM:
Hungry snake*
- Link times with - AB, p. .10, Act 1: Read the time with the class. RC/OE P LC PB
daily activities. Pupils link it with the drawings.
AB Reinforcement
- Write the time. - AB, p. 10, Act 2: The pupils complete the time and OC/OE P LC Worksheet 1*
compare in pairs. CD 1 (TRP, pp.15, 16)
- Present Write TV in a circle on the board.
vocabulary about Notebook
TV. - PB, p. 10, Show what you know: Read the question. OC/OE LG LC
Pupils say the words they know about television. Ind
Recognise the Write them on the board. Pupils copy them in their
words connected notebooks.
with TV.
- PB, p. 10, Act 1. CD 1, 13: Pupils listen to the OC/RW Ind LC
- Understand a dialogue and mark the words they wrote in the
dialogue about notebook. They compare in pairs.
- PB, p. 10, Act 2 CD 1, 14: Pupils listen to the OC/OE P LC
- Revise the dialogue. They whisper yes or no to a classmate.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 18- © Cambridge University Press 2017
contents of a Correct the incorrect sentences.
- PB, p. 10, Act 3: Pupils read the sentences and the RC/WE P LC
- Say and write link with the correct time in pairs. Pupils write the
the time. time in the notebook
- AB, p. 10, Act 3: Pupils read and draw the time.
They compare in pairs.

End of the - Write words de television mixed up on the board. RC/OE LG LC TB

Lesson Pupils say which they are.
Coloured A4
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 213 (p. 10). Extra activity 1: OC/WE/O P LC cards
Matching game. E SG

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 213 (p. 10). Extra activity 2: Ind LC

My day. WE/RC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 19- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 1: Time for television. Lesson 2, PB and AB page 11

- - Revise the time.
- Revise the daily routines and talk about them in the present and the past.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the - Draw eight clocks on the board. Pupils draw a 2x2 OC LG LC/SCC
of the time. table and fill it in with four times they choose. Play
lesson Clock bingo!

Lesson - Reinforce - PB, p. 11, Act 4: Tell the time using your arms. WE/OE Ind LC/SCC
order learning of the Pupils write six times in the notebook. They mime P AB, p. 11, Act 7*
time. and guess their classmates' times. PB

- Identify the - AB, p. 11, Act 4: Pupils read the sentences in the AB CD-ROM: Treasure
time of an action past and link them with the clock. They compare in RC/WE Ind LC hunt *
in the past. pairs. CD 1

- Say and - PB, p. 11, Act 5: Form new pairs. Pupils take it in OE/OC P LC Notebook
recognise the turns to tell the time on the clock in the series and Extension
time. guess what time it is. Worksheet 1 (TRP,
pp. 15, 18)
- Recognise - PB, p. 11, Act 6. CD 1, 15: Pupils listen to the OC Ind LC
information in a interviews and look at the clocks. The whisper the
dialogue. answer to partners or write them.

- Ask and reply - PB, p. 11, Act 7: Pupils think up or write clues WE/OE P LC
about daily about their routines. In pairs, pupils play at guessing
routines. what time things happen.

- Practise verbs - AB, p. 11, Act 5: Pupils look for and link verbs in WE Ind LC
in the past. the infinitive and the past.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 20- © Cambridge University Press 2017
They compare in pairs.
- Ask and answer
questions in the - AB. p. 11, Act 6: Pupils read and answer questions RC/WE Ind LC
past. about the past.
They compare in pairs.
- Describe a day WE Ind LC/SIE
in the past. AB, p. 11, Act 7: Pupils write about their favourite
day in the week before.

End of the - Play Clock Bingo! again. OE LG LC

Lesson Photocopiable
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 213 (p. 11). Extra activity 1: WE Ind LC activity 1 (TB,
School times. p. 202)
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 213 (p. 11). Extra activity 2: SG
Talking about yesterday. LG

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 21- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 1: Time for television. Lesson 3, PB and AB p. 12

Read and talk about television programmes.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise - Write words about TV programmes marking only OE LG LC

of the vocabulary about one line per letter. Pupils guess the missing letters.
lesson TV programmes.

Lesson - Find out about - PB, p. 12, Act 8: Pupils read the website. Explain OC/OE Ind LC
order and talk about vocabulary and ask questions to check LG CD-ROM: Hungry
types of comprehension. Collect pupils' opinions. snake*
- PB, p. 12, Act 9. CD 1, 16: Pupils listen to a word, OC/WE Ind LC PB
- Recognise copy it in the notebook and repeat it. Then they listen AB, p. 12, Act 11*
types of TV and link it with a letter. AB
programmes. Reinforcement
- AB, p. 12, Act 8: Pupils choose the words for each RC/WE Ind LC CD 1 Worksheet 2*
- Practise type of programme in the photos. They compare with (TRP, pp. 15, 17)
vocabulary about a classmate. Notebook
TV programmes. Extension
- AB, p. 12, Act 9: Pupils read the definitions and RC/WE Ind LC Worksheet 2 (TRP,
- Identify a decide which programme it is. Pupils compare the pp. 15, 19)
programme by its list with a classmate.
- PB, p. 12, Act 10: Pupils ask and answer in pairs. RC/WE P LC
- Find specific Pupils write complete answers in the notebook. Ind
- AB, p. .12, Act 10: Pupils look at TV stations'
- Look for data in schedules. Pupils answer the questions. They RC/WE P LC
a TV schedule. compare with a classmate. LG

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 22- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Choose TV - AB, p. .12, Act 11: Pupils write a TV schedule they WE Ind LC
programmes. like.

End of the - Mime programmes. The other guess them. OE LG LC

Lesson TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 213 (p. 12). Extra activity: WE/OE/O P LC
TV programme survey. C

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 213 (p. 12). Extra activity: All SG LC

Making a TV programme.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 23- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 1: Time for television. Lesson 4, PB and AB p. 13 (Song)

- Read and talk about television programmes.
- Sing a song.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise types of - Name TV programmes. Pupils say what type they OC/OE LG LC
of the TV programmes. are.

Lesson - Learn the - PB, p. 13, Act 11. CD 1, 17: Pupils look at the OC Ind LC
order adjectives and drawings and the words. They listen to the CD. They
their degrees. make the type of programme. Song Worksheet
PB (TRP, p. 20)
- Classify types of - PB, p. 13, Act 12: Form groups of four. Pupils give OE/RC/W SG LC
programme. their opinions about the types of programmes using E Ind AB
comparative and superlative adjectives. Pupils write Interactive DVD:
- Understand six sentences with comparatives in the notebook. Notebook The music room
- AB, p. 13, Act 12: Pupils read each character's RC/WE Ind LC CD 1
- Answer preferences and fill in the table. They compare in AB, p. 13, Act 15*
questions and pairs. (after watching the
demonstrate DVD)
comprehension. - AB, p. 13, Act 13: Pupils answer questions about RC/WE Ind LC
the text in the previous activity. They compare in
- Sing a song pairs.
about TV habits.
- PB, p. 13, Act 13. CD 1, 18: Pupils copy the clocks
- Read about the in the notebook. Pupils listen to the song, read and OC/OE LG LC/CCE
characters' draw the clock hands. Explain the vocabulary. Pupils
preferences. sing everything bit by bit. Pupils repeat with the
karaoke version and in groups.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 24- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Write about
personal - PB, p. 13, Act 14: Pupils look for the programme RC/WE Ind LC
preferences. the text mentions. Then they slowly read and
complete the text using words from the box
- Practice
vocabulary. - AB, p. .13, Act 14: Pupils read the questions and RC/WE Ind LC
answer them. They compare in pairs.

- AB, p. 13, Act 15: Pupils write words using letters WE Ind LC
from the documentaries.

End of the - Pupils sing the song again. OE LG LC/CCE TB

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 213 (p. 13). Extra activity 1: RC/WE SG LC Photocopy of
Reading race. a TV schedule
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 214 (p. 13). Extra activity 2:

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 25- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 1: Time for television. Lesson 5, PB and AB p. 14

- Identify and pronounce the phoneme /ju:/
- Read and write TV and film review.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Identify and - Write on the board the words you, Tuesday and OC/OE LG LC
of the practise the sound usually. Ask a pupils which sound they have in
lesson /ju:/ common.

Lesson - Recognise and - PB, p. 14, Act 15. CD 1, 20: Pupils listen to the OC/OE LG LC
order pronounce the rhyme on the CD and read it at the same time. The P
phoneme /ju:/ repeat it to identify the sound. Pupils practice in pairs.
PB CD-ROM: Sounds
- Link letters with - AB, p. .14, Act 16: Pupils complete the sentences RC/WE Ind LC machine*
the phoneme /ju:/ with the words from the box. They compare with a AB
CD 1 Joke corner*:
-AB, p. 14, Act 15. CD 1, 21: Pupils listen to the CD OC Ind LC Pupils tell the joke
and correct the previous exercise. Notebook at home

- Answer a - PB, p. 14, Act 16: Explain the questions in the OE/RC/W Ind LC Sheets of A3
questionnaire questionnaire. Pupils ask in pairs and copy a E P Topic Worksheet
about TV. classmate's answer. Felt pens 1*
(TRP, p. 21)
- Write about - PB, p. 14, Act 17: Choose one of the previous Ind LC
preferences. answers. Explain the third person. Pupils write about RC/WE
a classmate in the notebook.
- Read a TV
review. - AB, p. 14, Act 17: Read the text and explain review. Ind LC
Read the questions and revise words with Wh-. Pupils RC/WE
write their answers.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 26- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Write a review.
- AB, p. 14, Act 18: Pupils write a TV or film review. Ind LC/SIE
- Understand a RC/WE
joke. - PB, p. 14, Joke corner. CD 1, 21: Remember the
section. Pupils listen to the joke various times until LG LC/SCC
they understand it. OC

End of the - Pupils recite the rhyme in turns. Pupils change some OE LG LC
Lesson words making use of AB, p. 14, Act 16. TB

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 214 (p. 14). Extra activity 1: OE/RC/W SG LC

Comparing information. E

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 2134 (p. 14). Extra activity 1: P/PG LC

Writing together. RC/WE

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 27- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 1: Time for television. Lesson 6, PB and AB p. 15(Song)
- Read a story.
- Revise the unit vocabulary and structures.
- Self-evaluate learning.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement-
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise - Revise the previous episode. Ask the type of OC/OE LG LC
of the vocabulary about programme in the story which the pupils are going to
lesson archaeology. read.

Lesson Read, listen to - PB, p. 15, Story. CD 1, 27: Ask questions about the RC/OC/O Ind LC
order and understand a episode. Pupils listen, read and reply. Check in pairs E LG
story. and then with the class. Pupils listen again and repeat CD-ROM: Movie
the text copying the intonation. Ask questions to check Hopper*
- Answer comprehension. PB
questions after
reading a text. AB, p. 15, Act 19: Pupils answer the questions about LG LC AB Interactive DVD:
the story. WE/OE Story extension.
- Change a text They compare with a classmate. CD 1
from present to
past. - AB, p. 15, Act 20: Explain that the text is in the Notebook
present. Pupils look for the verbs and circle them. Ind LC
- Revise the unit Pupils read the text and write it again in the past RC/OE
vocabulary and
structures. - AB, p. 15, Do you remember?: Pupils complete Ind LC/LL
using what they remember from the unit without LC
- Self-evaluate looking at the book. Then they look at it to correct it.
learning. Ind LC/SIE
- AB, p. 15, Can do: Pupils read the statements and RC/OE SG
colour in the symbols for what they know. In groups
of three, pupils take it in turns to give examples.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 28- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Pupils choose a song or chant and repeat it. OE LG LC/CCE
Lesson TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 214 (p. 15). Extra activity 1: OE SG LC/SCC
Role play.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 214 (p. 15). Extra activity 2: C
The news.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 29- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 1: Time for television. Lesson 7 PB and AB p. 16
- Find out about the process of creating a series of cartoons.
- Suggest ideas for creating a webtoon.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Find out about - Show a DVD or photos of a series of cartoons. OC LG LC DVD or
of the the cartoons. Explain to the pupils that they are going to learn photos of
lesson about this type of programmes. cartoons

Lesson - Give opinions - PB, p. 16, Fact: Talk about the series The RC/OE LG LC
order about cartoons. Simpsons.
- Guess people's - PB, p. 16, Act 1: Read the questions. Pupils copy C Interactive DVD:
preferences about them in the notebook and ask classmates questions. PB The school hall.
cartoons. Share the results.
- Recognise - PB, p. 16, Act 2: Read the questions. Discuss the OE/RC AB, p. 16, Act 3*
characters. answers. Notebook

- Read about - PB, p. 16, Act 3: Explain the text vocabulary. Read Ind LC
creating cartoons. the questions aloud one by one. Pupils read each LC
paragraph in silence and reply.
- Answer a
questionnaire Ind LC
- AB, p. 16, Act 1: Pupils complete the questionnaire RC/WE
- Revise about cartoons.
pronunciation and Ind LC
letters for the - AB, p. 16, Act 2: Pupils read the sentences and LC
past. decide if they are true or false. They compare in pairs.
Ind LC
- Plan a report. - AB, p. 16, Act 3: Pupils plan a script for a cartoon, RC/WE
with an introduction, development and ending.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 30- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Write a report.
- AB, p. 16, Act 4: Pupils write a report about their Ind LC/SIE
cartoon RC/WE

End of the - Revise what they have done and learned in today's OE LG LC
Lesson lesson. TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 214 (p. 16). Extra activity 1:
Our cartoon. All SG LC Large piece of
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 214 (p. 16). Extra activity 2:
Class survey.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 31- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 1: Time for television. Lesson 8, PB and AB, p. 17
- Listen to information about cartoons and their characters.
- Do a project about a cartoon.
- Do alistening task as in the Movers exam.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise - Give definitions of words learned in the unit. Guess OC/OE LG LC
of the vocabulary about which word it is.
lesson cartoons.

Lesson - Revise the - PB, p. 17, Act 4. CD 1, 24: Pupils read the OC/OE LG LC/MSST PB
order pronunciation de questions and the answer options. Pupils listen to the AB
the years CD and choose. Correct the pronunciation of the CD 1
(numbers). years. Ask about Walt Disney and animation in
general. Materials for
- Create a cartoon RC/WE Ind LC/CCE/SIE the project AB, p. 17, Act 7*
in a flipbook. - PB, p. 17, Project: Explain to the pupils that they (see TB, p. 40) (after doing the
are going to create a cartoon with a book (flipbook). project)
- Practise a Flyers Show it step by step and when it is finished. A pre-
exam task. prepared
- AB, p. 17, Act 5 CD 1, 25: Pupils listen and colour OC Ind LC flipbook (see Extra project
in the drawing as appropriate. project) ideas: Making
models (TB, p.
End of the - Ask about pupils' preferences with regards to what OE LG LC 226)
Lesson they have seen in this lesson and the previous ones. TB

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 214 (p. 17). Extra activity 1: WE Ind LC

My personal timeline.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 214 (p. 17). Extra activity 2: RC/WE Ind LC
CLIL vocabulary.

TEST 1: In the next lesson the test for unit 1 (TB, pp. 232) can be given.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 32- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 1: Time for television. pp. 10 to 17
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8
PB, p. 12, Act AB, p. 17, Act
ORAL COMPREHENSION PB, p. 10 Act 1. PB, p. 11 Act 6. PB, p. 13, Act PB, p. 14 Act PB, p. 15,
9. PB, p. 16, Act 1 5. CD1, 25
CD1, 13 CD1, 15 13. CD1, 18 15, CD1, 20 Story. CD1, 23
CD1, 16
PRECISION PB, p. 12, Act PB, p. 13, Act PB, p. 14, Act PB, p. 17, Act 4
PB, p. 10, Act 1 PB, p. 11, Act 6 worksheet 2 PB, p. 16, Act 2
(TRP, p. 19)
PB, p. 13, Act PB, p. 14, Act
COMMUNICATIV PB, p. 11, Act 8 PB, p. 16, Act 3 PB, p. 17, Act 4
14 17
READING SKILL AB, p. 10, Act AB, p. 11, Act AB, p. 12, Act PB, p. 13, Act AB, p. 43, Act PB, p. 17, Act 4
worksheet PB, p. 16, Act 3
(TRP, p. 21)
AB, p. 17,
READER AB, p. 11, Act AB, p. 12, Act AB, p. 13, Act PB, p. 14, Act AB, p. 16, Act
PB, p. 10, Act 2 PB, p. 15 Story
6 10 12 18 2 Evaluation 1
(TRP, p. 232)

WRITING PB, p. 17, Act 3

AB, p. 10, Act AB, p. 11, Act AB, p. 12, Act AB, p. 13, Act AB, p. 14, Act AB, p. 15 AB, p. 16, Act
Evaluation 1
2 5 8 13 18 Do you...? 3
(TRP, p. 232)

AB, p. 11, Act AB, p. 13, Act AB, p. 14, Act AB, p. 15, Act AB, p. 16, Act
7 14 19 21 4

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 33- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 2: People at work. Lesson 1, PB and AB, p. 18
- Talk about intentions and plans for the future in the future.
- Find out about different professions.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise - Pupils mime professions they are familiar with. OE/RC LG LC
of the professions. Write them on the board as the others guess them.
- PB, p. 18, Show what you know: Start a concept
Lesson - Name map aboutJobs using the words on the board. Pupils All LG LC
order professions. add others. Give the vocabulary needed. Pupils copy
it in their notebooks. CD-ROM: Hungry
PB snake*
- Recognise the - PB, p. 18, Act 1. CD 1, 26: Pupils look at the OC/OE Ind LC
names of characters and say where they are. Teach exhibition. AB
professions. Pupils listen to the conversation and mark the Reinforcement
professions they hear which are on the list in the CD 1 Worksheet 1*
notebook. (TRP, pp. 22, 23)
- Identify Notebook
sentences with - PB, p. 18, Act 2. CD 1, 27: In pairs, pupils give OC/OE P LC
going to. predictions about how to complete the sentences. LG
They listen to the dialogue and check. Explain going
- Talk about plans to for plans and intentions.
for the future.
- PB, p. 18, Grammar: Ask what they want to be OC/OE LG LC
- Practise going to when they grow up. Pupils answer with going to in P
in writing. pairs and to the class.

- Recognise - AB, p. 18, Act 1: Pupils read the words in the box
questions and and complete using the right verb. They compare in RC/WE Ind LC
answers with pairs.
going to.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 34- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- AB, p. 18, Act 1: Pupils read the words in the box
- Form questions and complete it using the verb LC Ind LC
with going to.
- AB, p. 18, Act 2: Read the questions and emphasise
- Decipher a code. going to. Pupils link the questions with their answers. RC/WE P LC
They compare in pairs. Ind
- Write a message
using a code. - PB, p. 18, Act 3: Put the words in order to make
sentences, in pairs. Pupils copy them in their RC/WE P LC

- AB, p. 18, Act 3: Pupils look for the secret message RC/WE/ Ind LC
in pairs. OE P

- AB, p. 18, Act 4: Pupils make up a secret code LC/SIE

based on the previous activity. Pupils copy in their
notebooks. Pupils exchange with a classmate.

End of the - Write Goodbye on the board. See you tomorrow RC/OE LG LC
Lesson using the code from AB, p. 18, Act 3. Pupils decipher Photocopiable
it. activity 2A
WE/RC P LC (TB p. 203)
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 214 (p. 18). Extra activity 1:
Sentence parts. All Ind LC
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 214 (p. 18). Extra activity 2:
Find someone who…

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 35- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 2: People at work. Lesson 2, PB a d AB, p. 19
- Practise going to to express intentions and plans for the future.
- Sing a song.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the time. - Draw eight clocks on the board. Pupils draw a 2x2 OC LG LC/SCC Notebook
of the table and complete it with four times. Play Clock
lesson bingo!

Lesson - Recognise the - PB, p. 19, Act 4. CD 1, 28: Pupils read the song RC/OC/O LG LC/CCE
order parts of a song mixed up in silence. Pupils predict the correct order E
and sing it. in pairs. Pupils listen and check. They listen again CD-ROM:
and repeat it verse by verse in groups. Then they sing PB Treasure hunt*
the karaoke version.
- Make - PB, p. 19, Act 5: Pupils predict what the children in OC/OE P LC Song Worksheet
predictions using the illustrations are going to do. Pupils take turns to CD 1 (TRP, p. 27)
going to. ask and answer questions in pairs.

- Practise - AB, p. 19, Act 5: Pupils look at the drawings and RC/WE Ind LC
predictions with answer the questions.
going to.

- Identify - PB, p. 19, Act 6: Pupils read and correct the RC/WE/O P LC
mistakes in a sentences in pairs. They write the right answers in E Ind
sentence. their notebooks.

- Practise going - AB, p. 19, Act 6: Pupils make negative sentences. RC/WE/O Ind LC
to in the negative. Pupils compare in pairs. E

- Talk about plans - PB, p. 19, Act 7: Pupils ask and answer in pairs. All P LC
for the future. Pupils make up other questions. Pupils write them Ind

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 36- © Cambridge University Press 2017
down in their notebooks.
- Revise questions RC/WE Ind LC
with wh-. - AB, p. .19, Act 7: Remember the questions with
wh-. Pupils makes sentences about Sam's diary.
End of the
Lesson - Listen to the song again with the class. OE LG LC/CCE
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 215 (p. 19). Extra activity 1: WE/OE SG LC
Song time.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 215 (p. 19). Extra activity 2: C P
My diary.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 37- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 2: People at work. Lesson 3, PB and AB, p. 20
- Talk about different professions and the jobs they do.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension/

Beginning - Revise - In groups, pupils write all the professions they can WE/OE SG LC Notebook
of the vocabulary think about in the notebook. The group with most
lesson about professions wins.

Lesson - Find out about - PB, p. 20, Act 8: Pupils read the web in silence. RC/OE Ind LC
order professions and Explain vocabulary and ask: What´s the most exciting LG
give opinions job? Pupils give their opinions. Reinforcement
about them. PB Worksheet 2*
- PB, p. 20, Act 9. CD 1, 30: Pupils listen to the CD. OC/OE Ind LC (TRP, pp. 22, 24)
- Find out about Pupils say the profession and the name of the person. AB
characters and They compare with those at the beginning of the lesson.
their CD 1 AB, p. 18, Act
professions. - AB, p. 20, Act 8: Pupils choose the words for each RC/WE Ind LC 11*
type of profession in the photos. They compare with a
- Recognise the classmate.
professions All P LC
visually. - PB, p. 20, Act 10: Pupils take turns to ask and answer Ind
questions in pairs. Pupils write the answers in the
- Answer with notebook. RC/WE Ind LC
from a text. - AB, p. .20, Act 9: Pupils link the profession with the
job or action they carry out. In pairs, the pupils correct. RC/WE Ind LC
- Link
professions and - AB, p. 20, Act 10: Pupils read the definitions and
the actions they write the professions. Emphasise the use of a/an with WE Ind LC/MSCT/SIE
carry out. professions. Pupils complete the letter soup.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 38- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Guess the - AB, p.18, Act 11: Pupils write a definition of a
profession from scientist.
its definition.

- Write a

End of the - Pupils give definitions of a profession. The other OC/OE LG LC Photocopiable
Lesson guess what it is. activity 2B
RC/OE LG LC (TB, p. 204)
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 215 (p. 20). Extra activity 1:
Disappearing text. OE/OC P LC

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 215 (p. 20). Extra activity 2:


Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 39- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 2: People at work. Lesson 4, PB and AB, p. 21

- Practise the use of going to to talk about professions.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension/
of the - Revise the - Spell professions. Pupils guess them and write them OC/WE LG LC Notebook
lesson alphabet. in the notebook.

Lesson - Recognise - PB, p. 21, Act 11. CD 1, 31: Pupils listen to the OC/OE Ind LC
order professions. CD. They whisper to partners the professions they P
hear. They listen again.
- Listen to Extension
understand - PB, p. 21, Act 12. CD 1, 32: Pupils read the OC/OE Ind LC PB Worksheet 1*
details. sentences in silence. Pupils listen and choose the right (TRP, p. 22, 25)
word. They compare in pairs. AB
- Revise wh-
questions. - AB, p. 21, Act 12: Pupils read and guess each RC/WE Ind LC CD 1 AB, p. 21, Act 14*
character's profession.
- Revise going to,
the days of the - AB, p. 21, Act 13: Pupils read Jim Slim's plan and RC/WE Ind LC/SCC
week and the fill in his diary. They compare in pairs.
- PB, p. 21, Act 13: Pupils read each character's box RC/OC/O P LC
- Answer and guess the profession. Pupils ask and answer in E
questions about a turns.
- PB, p. 21, Act 14: Pupils answer questions about a P LC
- Talk about known person's profession. Then pupils ask a OC/OE/R
professions and classmate. C
- Write about - AB, p. 21, Act 14: Pupils answer personal questions RC/WE Ind LC
future plans. about future plans.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 40- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Ask which of today's professions they have most OC LG LC
Lesson liked and why. TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 215 (p. 21). Extra activity 1:
Predictions. All LG LC

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 215 (p. 21). Extra activity 2:

Guess the job.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 41- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 2: People at work. Lesson 5, PB and AB, p. 22

- - Identify and pronounce the sound /ə/.
- Write a text.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension/

Beginning - Find out about, - Write the words teacher, doctor, picture and slower OC/OE LG LC
of the identify and on the board. Ask pupils about the letters and sound
lesson practise the sound they have in common.

Lesson - Recognise and - PB, p. 22, Act 15. CD 1, 33: Pupils listen to the OC/OE LG LC Extension
order practise the sound rhyme on the CD and read it at the same time. The P Worksheet 2*
/ə/ repeat it to identify the sound. Pupils practice in pairs. (TRP, p. 22, 26)
- AB, p. 22, Act 15: Pupils complete the sentences OC/OE LG LC
with the words from the box. The pupils listen to the AB CD-ROM:
CD and check their answers. They compare with a Sounds machine*
classmate. CD 1

- Talk about plans - PB, p. 22, Act 16: Give out photocopiable activity Notebook Interactive DVD:
for the future. 2C. Pupils ask questions until they find their pair. OE LG LC The music room.
Then they write a single list of plans for the week Photocopiable
without repeating the verbs. Read the longest. activity 2C
- Write a weekly (TB, p. 205) Joke corner*:
plan. - PB, p. 22, Act 17: Pupils write a personal list in the All P LC/SIE Pupils tell the joke
notebook, with real plans for next week, without at home
- Revise the use repeating the verbs.
of the apostrophe.
- AB, p. 22, Act 16: Explain the use of the WE Ind LC
- Practise the use apostrophe. Pupils read the text and identify mistakes.
of the apostrophe. Correct as a group.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 42- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Write about a - AB, p. 22, Act 17: Pupils write the corrected text in RC/WE Ind LC
relative's the notebook.

- Understand a - AB, p. 22, Act 18: Pupils write about a relative's WE Ind LC
joke. job. Ask for volunteers to read it.

- PB, p. 22, Joke Corner. CD 1, 34: Pupils listen to OC Ind LC/SCC

and read the joke until they understand it.

End of the - Pupils listen to and practise the rhyme again. OC/OE LG LC TB
- OPTIONAL: TB. p. 215 (p. 22). Extra activity OC LG LC Newspapers
Guess the job.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 43- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 2: People at work. Lesson 6, PB and AB. p. 23

- Read a story.
- Revise the unit vocabulary and structures.
- Self-evaluate learning.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Assign - Write the characters from the story on the board. RC/OE LG LC
of the characters Ask a pupils the adjective they would give each one
lesson adjectives.

Lesson Listen to and - PB, p. 23, Story. CD 1, 36: Pupils read the story in RC/OC/O Ind LC
order understand a silence and check to see if the adjectives they said E LG CD-ROM: Movie
story. appear in it. Ask comprehension questions. Pupils Hopper*
listen to the CD without reading and look for the PB
answers. Then they listen and read. Check
comprehension. AB Interactive DVD:
- Answer Ind LC A treasure hunt
questions after - AB, p. 23, Act 19: Pupils answer questions about RC/WE CD 1 game & The
reading a text. the story. They compare in pairs. classroom
Ind LC Notebook
- Reconstruct the - AB, p. 23, Act 20: Pupils read and put the sentences RC/WE P
story. from the story in order. They compare with a

- Revise the - AB, p. 23, Do you remember?: Pupils complete RC/WE Ind LC/LL
contents of the using what they remember from the unit without
unit. looking at the book. Then they look at it to correct it.

- Self-evaluate - AB, p. 23, Can do: Pupils read the statements and RC/OE Ind LC/SIE
learning. colour in the symbols for what they know. In groups, SG
pupils take it in turns to give examples.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 44- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Pupils repeat the song or rhyme in the unit. RC/WE LG LC/CCE
Lesson TB
- OPTIONAL: TB. p. 215 (p. 23). Extra activity 1: RC/OE SG LC/SCC
Role play.
- OPTIONAL: TB. p. 215 (p. 23). Extra activity 2:
Job alphabet.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 45- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 2: People at work. Lesson 7, PB and AB, p. 24

- Read information about teeth.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Find out about - Ask a pupils about the number of teeth they have. OC/OE P LC/MSST
of the vocabulary about Guess the answer in pairs.
lesson teeth.

Lesson - Reflect on - PB, p. 24, Fact: Pupils read aloud. Ask about the RC/OE LG LC
order looking after material which toothbrushes are made of.
- PB, p. 24, Act 1: Pupils read in silence and link the RC/OC/O LG LC
- Find out about illustrations and the epigraphs. Check. Pupils read E PB AB, p. 24, Act 3*
different types of aloud. Correct pronunciation and talk about the
teeth. contents. Pupils say which teeth are used for eating AB
- Give
information about - AB, p. .24, Act 1: Pupils answer the questionnaire. RC/OC/O P LC
teeth. Clear up doubts and correct. E LG

- Find out about - PB, p. 24, Act 3: Pupils read and connect each part
the structure de a of the tooth with its explanation. In pairs, the pupils RC/WE Ind LC
tooth. correct. Draw the diagram to correct.

- Link vocabulary - AB, p. 25, Act 2: Pupils complete the concept map. RC/WE Ind LC
depending on it They compare in pairs.
- AB, p. 25, Act 3: Pupils read the questions and RC/WE Ind LC
- Answer about reply.
the looking after

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 46- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Revise what has been learned during the lesson. OC/OE LG LC TB
- OPTIONAL: TB. p. 215 (p. 24). Extra activity 1: RC/WE Ind LC Notebook
Draw and label.
- OPTIONAL: TB. p. 215 (p. 24). Extra activity 2: animals.
Other animals and their teeth.
Felt pens

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 47- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 2: People at work. Lesson 8, PB and AB, p. 25
- Learn more about teeth and oral hygiene.
- Do a project about looking after teeth.
- Practise doing a Reading & Writing task like the ones in Flyers exam.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise - Ask about some information about teeth seen in the OC/OE LG LC
of the information from previous lesson.
lesson the previous

Lesson - Read about - PB, p. 25, Act 3: A pupil reads the introduction RC/WE LG LC AB, p. 25, Act 7*
order habits for looking aloud. Then they read in silence and write the words Ind (after doing the
after teeth. in the notebook. PB project)

- Recognise a PB, p. 25, Act 4: Ask how they wash their teeth. OE/RC LG LC AB Topic
text's order. Pupils put the text in order and compare with their Ind Worksheet* (TRP,
answers. Explain the vocabulary. Notebook p. 28
- Find out about
certain products' - PB, p. 25, Project: Explain that they are going to do RC/WE Ind LC/CCE/SIE Materials for Extra project
effect on teeth. an experiment about teeth cleanliness. Read the the project ideas: Find out
materials and explain the steps. Pupils work in groups (see TB, p. what’s good for
- Practise a Flyers of four. They show their conclusions. 56) your teeth. (TB, p.
exam task. 226)
- AB, p. 25, Act 5: Pupils read the letter and complete RC/WE Ind LC
it using the missing words.
- Revise what has been learned in the lesson and ask OE LG LC
End of the which activities they have enjoyed most. TB
Lesson - OPTIONAL: TB. p. 215 (p. 25). Extra activity 1: RC/WE Ind LC
Brushing my teeth
- OPTIONAL: TB. p. 215 (p. 25). Extra activity 2: All LG LC
CLIL vocabulary. Ind

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 48- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Units 1&2: Values Lesson 9, PB PB and AB p. 90

Value the importance of being respectful in class.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement-
objectives Extension

Beginning - Reflect on being - El teacher pretends not to be interested in the class, OE LG LC/SCC
of the respectful in having forgotten to bring material, yawning. Do this
lesson class. well, and then ask the pupils if it is good behaviour.

Lesson - Reflect about an - PB, p. 90, Act 1.: Ask questions about the drawing. RC/OE P LC/SCC
order illustration. Notice the letters from each situation and, in pairs,
ask what type of behaviour is incorrect in each case. PB
- Understand an
oral text. - PB, p. 90, Act 2 CD 4, 28: The pupils listen to the OE/OC P LC AB
CD and check their answers in the previous exercise.
In pairs, the pupils correct. CD 4

- PB, p. 90, Act 3: Pupils read the questions and RC/WE Ind LC TB
reply to them.

- AB, p. 90, Act 1.: Pupils read the questionnaire and LC/SCC
- Reflect about reply based on their own experience. They compare OC Ind
your own in pairs. P
behaviour. LC/SCC
- AB, p. 90, Act 2: Pupils write a contract with the WC Ind
rules for behaviour in class.

End of the - Make a concept map of the rules and incorrect OC/OE LG LC/SCC
Lesson behaviour in class. Pieces of
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 225 (p. 90). Extra activity 1: paper with
Make rules. OC/OE LG LC halves of
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 225 (p. 90). Extra activity 2: sentences (TB,
Contract for the teacher. OE LG LC p. 186)

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 49- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 1 and 2. Lesson 10, PB and AB, p. 26

- Revise vocabulary and structures from units 1 and 2.
- Tell and write a story based on a series of drawings.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise units 1 - Form groups of six. - Give out a word to each pupil. RC/OC/O SG LC
of the and 2 vocabulary. Without showing it, they define them to their E
lesson classmates in their groups.

Lesson - Revise contents - PB, p. 26, Act 1: Explain the instructions. Pupils RC/WE Ind LC
order with a written complete in silence.
dialogue. Correct with the class, assigning parts of the dialogue
to pairs.
Teach techniques for doing this type of activity. PB Pupils write the
- Use words to final version of
complete a text. - AB, p. 26, Act 1: Pupils read the text. Pupils AB their story at
complete using the words from the box They compare RC/WE Ind LC home.*
- Choose a title with a classmate. Notebook
for a story.
- AB, p. 26, Act 2: Pupils choose an appropriate title RC/WE Ind LC
- Show for the text.
through drawing. RC/WE Ind LC
- AB, p. 26, Act 3: Pupils draw the main character in
- Tell a history the text
based on some
- PB, p. 26, Act 2: Create a story in pairs. Pupils use
a minimum of two sentences per drawing, give names WE/OE P LC
- Write a story to the characters and use adjectives to make the story
based on some more interesting. Pupils read it to the class.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 50- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- PB, p. 26, Act 3: Pupils give their story a title and RC/WE Ind LC/SIE
write it in the notebook. They can invent events P
- Revise questions which happen between the drawings. They swap
with wh-. notebooks and make suggestions.
- AB, p. 26, Act 4: Pupils link the animal questions
with their answers. They compare in pairs.

End of the - Ask what the pupils are going to do in the afternoon OC/OE LG LC
Lesson and at the weekend. Pupils answer with going to. TB

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 216 (p. 26). Extra activity 1: OE LG LC

Song and chants.

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 216 (p. 26). Extra activity 2: OE/RC/W SG LC

Telephone conversation. E

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 51- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 1 and 2. Lesson 11, PB and AB, p. 27

- - Revise vocabulary and structures from units 1 and 2.
- Take part in a board game.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the time. - In pairs, one pupil looks at the board and the other OC/OE P LC/SCC Notebook
of the does not. - Draw clocks at different times on the board.
lesson The one looking tells them to his/her partner. The
partner draws them in the notebook. They check.

Lesson - Practise - PB, p. 27, Act 4: Explain the rules of the game. Form OC/OE/W SG LC
order structures by groups of three, one being the secretary and the other E
playing a game. two players.
PB AB, p. 27, Act 8*
- Link the word - AB, p. 27, Act 5: Pupils complete the sentences with
to its definition. the right word. they count the letters. They compare in Ind LC AB
pairs. RC/WE
- Do a crossword.
- AB, p. 27, Act 6: Pupils do the crossword. They Ind LC Language
- Answer a quiz. compare in pairs. RC/WE Portfolio, p 3

Do a quiz. - AB, p. 27, Act 7: Pupils do the quiz. They compare in Ind LC
pairs. RC/WE
- AB, p. 27, Act 8: Pupils write questions for a quiz in P LC
the notebook. They swap to answer. RC/WE

End of the - In groups of three, write six sentences from the All LG LC TB
Lesson sections Can do in units 1 and 2. Pupils talk about what
they have learned and give examples. Large
pieces of

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 52- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Ask which subjects and/or activities pupils have most paper
enjoyed. OE/OC LG LC

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 216 (p. 27). Extra activity 1: RC/WE Ind LC

Vocabulary review
- OPTIONAL: TB. p. 216 (p. 27). Extra activity 2:

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 53- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 1 and 2. Lesson 12, PB and AB, p. 28 (Say it with me)

- Pronounce and recognise the phonemes /ŋ/, /m/ and /n/.
- Link letters with the phonemes /ŋ/, /m/ and /n/.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Pronounce the - Show how to pronounce the phonemes and try to OC/OE LG LC
of the phonemes /ŋ/, /m/ get pupils not to pronounce two sounds when they
lesson and /n/. say –ng. Make three columns and give an example in
each one. The pupils say more words.

Lesson - Pronounce - PB, p. 28, Act 1. CD 2, 02: Pupils listen to the OC/OE LG LC
order words with /ŋ/, sentences and repeat them. Pupils identify the three
/m/ and /n/. sounds. Pupils repeat as quickly as they can.
PB CD-ROM: Sounds
- Differentiate /ŋ/, - AB, p. 28, Act 1. CD 2, 05: Pupils listen to and OC/WE Ind LC machine*
/m/ and /n/ orally. write the words in the right column. AB

Practise the - PB, p. 28, Act 2. CD 2, 03: Talk about the RC/OE LG LC/CCE CD 2 AB, p. 28, Act 3*
phoneme /ŋ/. illustration. Pupils listen to the song and identify the
/m/ and /n/ words with /ŋ/, /m/ and /n/. Pupils sing.
- AB, p. 28, Act 2: Pupils read the series and decide
- Link letters with which the odd word out is. Pupils write the reason for RC/WE Ind LC
sounds. that. LG

- Listen to a story - PB, p. 28, Act 3. CD 2, 04: Pupils listen to and read RC/OC/O Ind LC
and identify the text. Pupils look for the words with /ŋ/, /m/ and E P
sounds. /n/. Pupils practise reading in pairs.
Ind LC
- Revise - AB, p. 28, Act 3: Pupils look in the letter soup from RC/WE
words from the e-mail in activity 3, PB, p. 88. Pupils

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 54- © Cambridge University Press 2017
vocabulary with complete the sentences.
the phonemes
/ŋ/, /m/ and /n/.

End of the - Pupils make up two more lines for the song, with OE LG LC/CCE
Lesson more words with the the phonemes /ŋ/, /m/ and /n/.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 55- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 1 and 2. Lesson 13, PB and AB, p. 29 (Get it right!)

- Ask with do/does and be.
- Recognise false friends.
- Spell words with –ie and –ei.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Teach questions - Point at yourself and say I watch TV. Write it and OE/OC LG LC
of the in present simple. ask a pupil Do you watch TV? Point at him/her and
lesson ask the class Does he/she watch TV?

Lesson - Understand the - PB, p. 29, Act 1. Grammar: Read the first two OC/OE LG LC
order use of do/does in questions with the class. Revise the use of do/does.
- PB, p. 29, Act 2: Read the example with the class. RC/OE P LC
- Practise Pupils take it in turns to ask questions with those PB AB, p. 29, Act 4*
questions in words and answer using complete sentences.
present simple. AB
- AB, p. 29, Act 1: Ask when do and does are used.
- Ask in simple Pupils circle the right word and ask a classmate. RC/OE LG LC Notebook
present. P
- AB, p. 29, Act 2: Pupils complete the text with the
- Write questions. verbs. WE Ind LC

- Understand the - PB, p. 29, Act 3. Vocabulary: Explain what false OE/RC LG LC
concept of false friends are. Pupils translate the words to their
friend. language. Correct mistakes.

- Differentiate the - AB, p. 29, Act 3: Pupils read the sentences and the OC/OE Ind LC
meanings of false correct individually. Then they take turns on the
friends. board.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 56- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Write and - PB, p. 29, Act 4. Spelling: Pupils identify the word OC/RW LG LC
pronounce words with the sound /i:/. Explain that they have to follow
with –ie, -ei. spelling rules in such cases.
- Practise spelling. - AB, p. 29, Act 4: Pupils put the lyrics in order.
They compare with a classmate.

End of the - Pupils ask classmates what they like on TV. OC/OE P LC

TEST 2: In the next lesson, the test for units 1 and 2 (TRP, p. 233) can be given.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 57- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 2. People at work. pp. 18 to 29
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8
PB, p. 18, Act 1. PB, p. 19, Act 4, PB, p. 20, Act 9, PB, p. 21, Act PB, p. 22, Act PB, p. 23, Story.
ORAL COMPREHENSION CD1, 27 CD1, 28 CD1, 30 11, CD1, 31 15, CD1, 33 CD1, 36
ORAL PRECISION PB, p. 18, Act 2 PB, p. 19, Act 5 PB, p. 20, Act 10 PB, p. 21, Act 12 PB, p. 22, Act 16 worksheet 2 PB, p. 24, Act 2

COMMUNICATI PB, p. 19, Act 7 PB, p. 20, Act 8 PB, p. 21, Act 13 PB, p. 22, Act 17

AB, p. 21, Act AB, p. 22, Act Topic worksheet PB, p. 25, Project
READING SKILL AB, p. 18, Act 1 PB, p. 19, Act 4 PB, p. 20, Act 8 PB, p. 24, Act 2
READER 13 16 (TRP, p. 28)

AB, p. 21, Act AB, p. 22, Act AB, p. 25, Act 5

READING AB, p. 18, Act 2 AB, p. 19, Act 5 PB, p. 20, Act 10 PB, p. 23, Story AB, p. 24, Act 1
READER 12 16
AB, p. 23,
WRITING PRECISION AB, p. 21, Act AB, p. 22, Act AB, p. 25, Act 5
PB, p. 18, Act 3 AB, p. 19, Act 6 AB, p. 20, Act 9 Do you AB, p. 24, Act 2
AB, p. 20, Act AB, p. 21, Act AB, p. 22, Act AB, p. 23, Act
COMMUNICATI PB, p. 19, Act 7 AB, p. 24, Act 4
11 14 18 20

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 58- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 2. People at work. pp. 18 to 29
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13
Values Review Review Say it with me! Get it right!
Evaluation 2 (TRP, p. 233,
PB, p. .90, Act 2, CD4, 28 AB, p. 26, Act 1 PB, p. 27, Act 4 CD4, 19)
Act 3, CD1, 24
PB, p. 90, Act 1
ORAL PRECISION PB, p. 26, Act 1 PB, p. 27, Act 4 PB, p. 28, Act 1 PB, p. 29, Act 3
PB, p. 90, Act 3
COMMUNICATI PB, p. 26, Act 2 PB, p. 28, Act 4 PB, p. 29, Act 2
AB, p. 90, Act 1
READING SKILL PB, p. 26, Act 1 AB, p. 27, Act 5 AB, p. 28, Act 2 PB, p. 29, Act 4
AB, p. 90, Act 1
READING AB, p. 26, Act 1 AB, p. 27, Act 7 PB, p. 28, Act 3 AB, p. 29, Act 3
AB, p. 90, Act 2
WRITING PRECISION AB, p. 26, Act 4 AB, p. 28, Act 1 AB, p. 29, Act 4
AB, p. 90, Act 2
COMMUNICATI PB, p. 26, Act 3 AB, p. 27, Act 8 AB, p. 28, Act 2 AB, p. 29, Act 2

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 59- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Extra unit: Guy Fawkes Night. Lesson 1, PB p. 99

- Learn about the tradition and history of Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Night in the United Kingdom.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Find out about - Write and draw on the board: a bonfire, a torch, OC/OE LG LC
of the vocabulary fireworks. Ask a pupils with which celebration they
lesson connect with the are connected with. Explain and read the title of the
celebration. text. Ask if they know anything about the celebration.

Lesson - Read and - PB, p. 99, Act 1: Pupils look at the drawings and OE/RC/W LG LC
order understand say what they see. Pupils take turns to read them E Ind
information about aloud. Explain the vocabulary. Pupils read the
Guy Fawkes sentences and correct them in the notebook as per the PB
Night. text. They compare in pairs. Ask the class to check
general comprehension. CD 4

- Recite a chant - PB, p. 99, Act 2. CD 4, 33: Explain that this chant LG LC Notebook
which identifies is said on that night. Pupils listen to the CD while OC/OE
the festivity. they follow it in silence in the book. Explain the
vocabulary. Pupils listen to it again and repeat it
together. They change the rhythm, intensity, etc.
- Talk about well- - PB, p. 99, Act 3: Pupils look at the drawings and OE/RC LG
known say what they see. In groups, they think of festivities
celebrations. held in that way. Obtain conclusions and write them
on the board. Discuss.

End of the - Ask them about the use of fireworks and fire OE/RC/W LG LC
Lesson crackers. Pupils talk about safety. Write answers on E P
the board. In pairs, pupils write lists of DOs and
DON’Ts in the notebook.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 60- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Extra unit: Guy Fawkes Night. Lesson 2, AB, pp. 94 - 95

- Learn about the tradition and history of Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Night in the United Kingdom.
- Put on a play
Stage Activities' Activities Skill Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise - Do a brainstorm with the class and write words and OC/OE LG LC/CCE
of the information about expressions which pupils remember on the board.
lesson Guy Fawkes

Lesson - Listen to and - PB, pp. 94/95. CD 4, 30: Explain vocabulary from AB
order understand a play. the play: throne, taxes, Light a fuse, barrels, the worst OC/RW LG LC
job, the rack, stretch, I’m in, What a relief. Pupils Ind CD 4
listen to the CD and follow the play in their books.
- Put on a play Notebook
about Guy - PB, pp. 94/95. CD 4, 30: Give out the parts in the OC/OE SG LC/CCE
Fawkes. play to groups de six or four pupils (a narrator is LG Costumes and
needed). Pupils listen to the play and practise the accessories for
pronunciation. The rehearse in groups and learn their the play
parts by heart. They act for the class using the
costumes and accessories they have chosen.

End of the - Pupils talk about about which characters and parts OE LG LC
Lesson they have like most and give their opinions about the

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 61- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 3: City life. Lesson 1, PB and AB, pp. 30

- Revise city vocabulary.
- Give directions about how to move around the city.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Differentiate city - Define city without mentioning the word. Pupils OC/OE LG LC
of the and village. guess it. Repeat with village. Pupils talk about where
lesson they prefer to live.

Lesson - Remember - PB, p. 30, Show what you know: Do a All LG LC/SCC
order vocabulary about brainstorming with vocabulary about the city. Pupils Ind
the city. copy them in their notebooks PB CD-ROM: Hungry
- Identify - PB, p. 30, Act 1. CD 2, 06: Pupils listen to the AB
vocabulary about dialogue. Pupils name the characters and say where OC/RW LC
the city. they are. Then they listen and mark the words in the Ind Notebook
notebook which they hear.
CD 2
- Understand - PB, p. 30, Act 2. CD 2, 07: Pupils make predictions
details from a before listening. Pupils listen to the conversation, All P LC
conversation. check and compare in pairs. Then they listen to the Ind
dialogue and complete the sentences.

- Answer - AB, p. 30, Act 1: Pupils read the text in silence and RC/WE Ind LC
questions about a answer the questions. They compare with a classmate.
written text.
- AB, p. 30, Act 2: Pupils identify true and false
- Identify mistakes sentences about the text. They compare in pairs. RC/WE Ind LC
in a written text.
- PB, p. 30, Act 3: Pupils read the sentences and copy
- Write them in the notebook with the right word. The correct RC/WE Ind LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 62- © Cambridge University Press 2017
vocabulary for using the CD.
giving directions.
- AB, p. .30, Act 3: Pupils complete the sentences RC/WE Ind LC
- Describe a route. using the words from the box They compare with a

End of the - Name the words learned for giving directions. Pupils OC LG LC TB
Lesson mime the meaning of the word.
Posters with
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 216 (p. 30). Extra activity 1: All P LC places in the
Following directions. city

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 216 (p. 30). Extra activity 2: WE/OC P LC

Now draw the map. LG

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 63- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 3: City life. Lesson 2, PB a d AB, p. 31
- Give and follow directions to move around the city.
- Find you way around a map
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the - Draw a map on the board and revise vocabulary. Some OC/OE LG LC/SCC
of the words for giving pupils come out to give directions.
lesson directions.

Lesson - Find places on a - PB, p. 31, Act 4: Read the places on the map and the RC/WE Ind LC/SCC
order map. directions. Pupils read in silence and write the place they
reach in the notebook. They compare in pairs.
- Uncover a CD-ROM:
message using - AB, p. 31, Act 4: Explain the activity. Follow the RC/WE Ind LC PB Treasure hunt*
code. directions in the word box and write the message. They
compare in pairs. AB
- Find your way
around using a - PB, p. 31, Act 5. CD 2, 08: Pupils listen to the directions Notebook
map. to the place they want to go to and write them down in the OC/WE Ind LC Reinforcement
notebook. They compare with a classmate. Worksheet 1-2*
- Identify the (TRP, pp. 29, 30,
places on a map. - AB, p. 31, Act 5: Pupils write the name of the places on RC/WE Ind LC 31)
the map after reading where they are. They compare in
- Give and follow pairs.
directions. All Ind LC
- PB, p. 31, Act 6: Pupils write directions to get to various P
- Follow places. In pairs, pupils take it in turns to read them and say
directions. where they get to.
- Write and
understand - AB, p. .31, Act 6: Pupils read the directions and use the RC/WE Ind LC
directions. map from the previous activity to write the place they get
to. Ind

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 64- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Give directions. - AB, p. .31, Act 7: Pupils write similar directions in the
notebook and swap them.
- PB, p. 31, Act 7: Pupils say how to get to the zoo and to
the computer shop.

End of the - Talk about a place without saying its name. The pupils OC/OE LG LC TB
Lesson guess it.
LC Ind LC A large
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 216 (p. 31). Extra activity 1: piece of
Correct the mistakes. RC/WE Ind LC paper with
the text
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 216 (p. 31). Extra activity 2: How from TB,
to get there. p. 70

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 65- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 3: City life. Lesson 3, PB and AB, p. 32
- Learn vocabulary about cities.
- Read information about London.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Talk about - Write London on the board. Pupils talk in pairs OC/OE LG CL/SCS/CCE
of the London. about what they know about and what they would
lesson like to visit in the city.

Lesson - Find out about - PB, p. 32, Act 8: Pupils read the web in silence. RC/OC/O Ind LC
order places in Read aloud and explain vocabulary. Pupils give their E LG Extension
London. opinions about whether London is exciting. Worksheet 1*
PB (TRP, pp. 29, 32)
- Identify places - AB, p. 32, Act 8: Pupils choose the words for each RC/WE Ind LC
in the city from of the photos. They compare in pairs. AB
- AB, p. 32, Act 9: Put the letters in order to make RC/WE Ind LC Notebook
- Write exact words. They compare in pairs. Language
places in the city. CD 2 Portfolio, p. 10
- PB, p. 32, Act. 9. CD 2, 09: Pupils listen to the CD. RC/OE Ind LC
- Name places in Stop after each place. Pupils look for them in the text
London. and repeat them aloud.

- Select relevant - PB, p. 32, Act 10: Pupils read the text from the web RC/WE Ind LC
information. again and correct the mistakes. They compare with a
- Recognise RC/WE Ind LC
vocabulary about - AB, p. 32, Act 10: Pupils complete a table using
the city. the information read. Pupils compare in pairs.
- AB, p. 32, Act 11: Pupils form words using letters
marked by clock hands. Correct as a group.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 66- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Say a common place in a city. Pupils name a OC/OE LG LC/CCE activity 3
Lesson specific place like that in London: castle - Tower of (TB, p. 206)
All P LC Cards, colours,
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 216 (p. 32). Extra activity 1: scissors, glue,
Pair dictation. RC/WE SG LC information
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 216 (p. 32). Extra activity 2: London/the
London posters. Internet

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 67- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 3: City life. Lesson 4, PB and AB, p. 33

- Practise vocabulary and structures for giving directions.
- Sing a song.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning -Recite a chant. - Recite a chant about London (see TB, p. 73). In OC/OE LG LC
of the groups, pupils repeat it until they know it by heart. SG

Lesson - Remember the - PB, p. 33, Act 11. CD 2, 10: Pupils read the song CL/OC Ind LC/CCE Extension
order places in a city. and predict how to complete it. Pupils listen and LG Worksheet 2*
complete it. They compare in pairs. Pupils sing, line (TRP, pp. 29, 33)
by line and then as a whole. The repeat with the
- Practise karaoke version. PB
questions with RC/OE P LC
wh-. - PB, p. 33, Act 12: In pairs, pupils ask questions AB Song Worksheet
using wh- and answer them. (TRP, p. 34)
- Complete RC/WE Ind LC CD 2
definitions of - AB, p. 33, Act 12: Explain the differences between
places and the three relative pronouns. Pupils complete the Notebook AB, p. 31, Acts 15
professions. sentences and compare in pairs. and 16*
- Revise city - AB, p. 33, Act 13: Pupils look for the words
vocabulary. defined in the previous activity the letter soup. They
compare in pairs.
- Define places WE Ind LC
and professions. - AB, p. 33, Act 14: Pupils write definitions of the
illustrations. They compare in pairs.
- Revise place OC/OE P LC
prepositions. - PB, p. 33, Act 13: Revise place prepositions with
objects in the class. Pupils ask about places on the

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 68- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- PB, p. 33, Act 14: Read the text aloud. Pupils E
suggest places near the school. They give directions
- Give and follow to a classmate for him/her to guess the place.
directions. Ind LC
- AB, p. 33, Act 15: They put the places on the map RC/WE
- Practice as they wish.
- AB, p. 33, Act 16: Pupils write the directions from Ind LC
- Write directions. the castle to the places they have put on the map. RC/WE

- AB, p. 33, Act 17: In pairs, pupils take it in turns to P LC

- Give and follow give directions reading their text. RC/OC/O
directions orally. E

End of the - Pupils sing the song again. OE LG LC/CCE

Lesson TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 216 (p. 33). Extra activity 1: RC/WE Ind LC
Drawing a map.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 216 (p. 33). Extra activity 2:
Ten questions.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 69- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 3: City life. Lesson 5, PB and AB, p. 34

- Differentiate and pronounce the sounds /s/ and /ʃ/
- Write a text.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension
- Identify and
Beginning practise the - Write words with the sounds /s/ and /ʃ/. OC/OE LG LC
of the sounds /s/ and /ʃ/ Read them for the pupils to identify what they have
lesson in common. They repeat them and think of others.

Lesson - Pronounce the - PB, p. 34, Act 15. CD 2, 12: Recite the rhyme while OC/OE LG LC
order sounds /s/ and /ʃ/ the pupils read. Pupils listen and repeat. Pupils P
practice in pairs. CD-ROM: Sounds
- Revise the - AB, p. 34, Act 18: Pupils identify and classify the OC/OE Ind LC PB
spelling of –s and words depending on whether they have the sounds /s/ P
-ing. and /ʃ/ AB Interactive DVD:
LC The music room
- Practise spelling. - AB, p. 34, Act 19, CD 2, 14: The pupils listen to the OC/OE Ind CD 2
CD and check their answers in the previous exercise.
- Identify LC Notebook AB, p. 34, Act 21*
differences. - AB, p. 34, Act 20: Pupils look at the changes in All LG
spelling on adding - y, -ing. Practice pronunciation. Ind
- Describe a Pupils correct the mistakes. Joke corner*:
scene. Pupils tell the joke
- AB, p. 34, Act 21: Pupils copy the corrected text in RC/WE Ind LC at home
- Write a the notebook.
description. LC
- PB, p. 34, Act 16: In pairs, look for the ten RC/OE P
- Understand a differences.
- PB, p. 34, Act 18: Pupils choose one of the WE Ind LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 70- © Cambridge University Press 2017
drawings and describe it.

- AB, p. 34, Act 22: Pupils write a description the WE Ind LC/SIE
school playground

- PB, p. 34, Joke corner. CD 2, 13: Pupils listen to
and read the joke until they understand it.

End of the - Pupils repeat the rhyme in turns. They can change OC/OE LG LC TB
Lesson words with the help of AB, p. 34, Act 18.
36 cards with
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 217 (p. 34). Extra activity 1: OC/WE Ind LC words from
Spelling. AB, p. 34, Act
18 (prepare)
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 217 (p. 34). Extra activity 2: RC/OE P LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 71- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 3: City life. Lesson 6, PB and AB, p. 35

- Read a story.
- Revise the unit vocabulary and structures.
- Self-evaluate learning.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Talking about - Make statements about previous chapters. Pupils decide OC/OE LG LC
of the previous if they are true or false.
lesson episodes.

Lesson Read and - PB, p. 35, Story. CD 2, 15: Pupils name the characters OC/RC/O Ind LC
order understand a from the episode. Ask general questions. Pupils predict the E LG CD-ROM: Movie
story. answers. Pupils listen to the CD and check without PB Hopper*
reading. Then they listen and read. Stop after each drawing
for pupils to repeat. AB
Interactive DVD:
- Answer - AB, p. .35, Act 22: Pupils answer questions about the RC/WE Ind LC CD 2 The school library,
questions about story. They compare in pairs. story extension.
the story. Notebook
- AB, p. 35, Act 23: Pupils link the characters with their RC Ind LC
- Recognise quotes. They compare with a classmate.
quotes from the
story. - AB, p. 35, Do you remember?: Pupils complete using RC/WE Ind LC/LL
what they remember from the unit without looking at the
- Revise the unit. book. Then they look at it to correct it.
- AB, p. 35, Can do: Pupils read the statements and colour SG
- Self-evaluate in the symbols for what they know. In groups, pupils take
learning. it in turns to give examples.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 72- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Pupils repeat the song or chant which they choose. OC/OE LG LC/CCE TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 217 (p. 35). Extra activity 1: Role RC/OE/O SG LC/SCC Posters
play. C LG with places
P LC/SCC in the city
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 217 (p. 35). Extra activity 2: All
Following directions

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 73- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 3: City life. Lesson 7, PB and AB, p. 36

- Read about the history of some cities.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension
12 cards with
Beginning - Find out about - Pupils name cities around the world. Give out the OC/OE LG CL/SCS/CCE cities (prepare)
of the cities around the cards (one per pair). Pupils read the city and stick it A world map
lesson world. on the map.

Lesson - Talk about - PB, p. 36, Fact: Talk about Istanbul's special OC/OE LG LC
order Istanbul. geographical situation.
- PB, p. 36, Act 1: Ask pupils know the cities in the WE Ind LC/SCC PB DVD: The school
- Identify cities photos. hall*
from photos. Pupils write their answers in the notebook. Correct AB
- Read about the Notebook Topic
creation of some - PB, p. 36, Act 2: Explain vocabulary from the text RC/WE/O Ind LC Worksheet *
cities. before reading. Ask questions about data. Pupils E LG (TRP, p. 35)
predict the answers. Then pupils read quickly and
- Put events in look for it. Pupils read again and answer true or false
order. to the statements in the activity. Correct the false AB, p. 36, Act 4*
- Answer a quiz Ind LC
about cities. - PB, p. 36, Act 3: Pupils put the events in order. LC
Pupils check them in pairs.
- Read about Ind LC
Stratford. - AB, p. 36, Act 1: Pupils complete the questionnaire RC/WE
about cities. They compare with a classmate.
- Complete a Ind LC
mind map. - AB, p. 37, Act 2: Pupils read the information about LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 74- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Design a mind Ind LC
map about your - AB, p. 37, Act 3: Pupils complete the concept map RC/WE
city. about Stratford.
- Write about the - AB, p. 37, Act 4: Pupils design a concept map LC
city. about a city they know. They compare with a WE
classmate. Ind
- AB, p. 37, Act 5: Pupils write a text about the city WE
they have chosen
End of the
Lesson - Revise what has been learned during the lesson. OC/OE LG LC TB

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 217 (p. 36). Extra activity 1: OE/OC/W LG LC Information

Cavemen. E Ind about the
SG LC industrial
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 217 (p. 36). Extra activity 2: All LG revolution/the
The Industrial Revolution. Internet

Paper and felt


Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 75- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 3: City life. Lesson 8, PB and AB p. 37
- Collect information about a known city
- Do a project about an imaginary city.
- Do alistening task as in the Movers exam.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Summarize the - Ask pupils about what they learned in the previous OC/OE LG LC
of the history of the cities. lesson. Supervise the contribution of ideas to unify
lesson answers.

Lesson - Talk about a - PB, p. 37, Act 4: Remember what a concept map All SG LC/SCC PB
order known city. (mind map) is. In groups, make one about your city. AB
Then talk about good and bad things and how to
improve. Pupils write down their conclusions. Information AB, p. 37, Act 9*
about your (after doing the
- Create the perfect - PB, p. 37, Project: Explain that they are going to RC/WE/O SG LC/CCE/SIE city project)
city. create an imaginary city. Read what is needed and E LG
explain the steps. Pupils work in groups of four. They Materials
show their conclusions. for the Extra project
project (see ideas: City
- Practise a Flyers - AB, p. 37, Act 9, CD 2, 16: Pupils listen to and Ind LC TB, p. 80) research project
exam task. complete the data. OC (TB, p. 227)

End of the - Revise what has been learned in the lesson and ask OC/OE LG LC
Lesson which activities they have enjoyed most. TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 217 (p. 37). Extra activity 1: WE Ind LC
What we did for the project.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 217 (p. 37). Extra activity 2: All LG LC
CLIL vocabulary Ind

TEST 3: In the next lesson the test for unit 3 (TB, p. 234) can be given.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 76- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 3: City life. pp. 30 to 37
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8

AB, p. 37, Act 6,

ORAL COMPREHENSION PB, p. 30, Act 1. PB, p. 31, Act 5. PB, p. 32, Act 9. PB, p. 33, Act PB, p. 34, Act PB, p. 35, Story,
CD2, 16
CD2, 06 CD2, 08 CD2, 09 11. CD2, 10 15. CD2, 12 CD2, 15
PB, p. 30, Act 2 PB, p. 31, Act 6 PB, p. 32, Act 10 PB, p. 33, Act 12 PB, p. 34, Act 16 worksheet 2 PB, p. 36, Act 2
PB, p. 32, Act 8
COMMUNICATIV PB, p. 31, Act 4 PB, p. 33, Act 13 PB, p. 34, Act 17 PB, p. 36, Act 3

Topic Worksheet PB, p. 37, Project

READING SKILL AB, p. 30, Act 1 AB, p. 31, Act 5 PB, p. 32, Act 8 PB, p. 33, Act 14 AB, p. 34, Act 19 PB, p. 36, Act 3
ON PB, p. 37, Act 4
READER AB, p. 30, Act 2 AB, p. 31, Act 6 AB, p. 32, Act 10 AB, p. 33, Act 12 AB, p. 34, Act 20 PB, p. 35, Story AB, p. 36, Act 3 Evaluation 3
(TRP, p. 234)

AB, p. 37, Act 6

EXPRESSION AB, p. 30, Act 3 AB, p. 31, Act 7 AB, p. 32, Act 9 AB, p. 33, Act 13 PB, p. 34, Act 18 Do you AB, p. 36, Act 3 Evaluation 3
remember? (TRP, p. 234)

COMMUNICATIV PB, p. 31, Act 4 AB, p. 33, Act 16 AB, p. 34, Act 21 AB, p. 35, Act 22 AB, p. 36, Act 5

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 77- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 4: Disaster! Lesson 1, PB and AB p. 38

- Talk about the past using the simple past and past continuous.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Talk about - Talk about a disaster natural caused by the weather OC/OE LG LC/SCC
of the natural disasters. (storms, floods…) Present Disaster! Pupils talk about
lesson their own experiences. Do a concept map about the

Lesson - Learn - PB, p. 38, Act 1. CD 2, 17: Pupils copy the concept WE/OC/O Ind LC
order vocabulary about map in the notebook. Pupils listen to the dialogue and E LG CD-ROM:
the weather. mark the words. They compare in pairs. Correct with Hungry snake*
the class using the map. PB

- Identify words - PB, p. 38, Act 2. CD 2, 18: Pupils identify the Ind LC AB Reinforcement
about the weather characters who talk. Pupils write the name in the OC/WE Worksheet 1*
orally. notebook. They compare in pairs. CD 2 (TRP.pp. 36, 37)

- Differentiate - PB, p. 38, Grammar: Teach the simple past and LG LC Notebook
verb tenses in the past continuous with the sentences in PB, Act 2. OC/WE Ind
past. Underline them in different colours and draw a
timeline to show the difference. Pupils listen to the
CD and raise their hands when they hear past
- Put a narrative
in the past in - AB, p. 38, Act 1: Pupils link the pictures with their LC Ind LC
order. sentences. They compare in pairs.

- Write gerunds. - AB, p. 38, Act 2: Explain how to form the gerund. RC/WE Ind LC
Pupils write the correct form of the verbs. They
- Make sentences. compare in pairs.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 78- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Complete - PB, p. 38, Act 3: Pupils link the sentences. They RC/WE Ind LC
sentences. compare in pairs.
- AB, p. 38, Act 3: Pupils choose the correct option
for making the sentences.

End of the - Pupils revise what they know about the stories of OC/OE LG LC TB
Lesson natural disasters from the start of the lesson.
Script of CD
- OPTIONAL: TB. p. 217 (p. 38). Extra activity 1: RC/OE SG LC/SCC 2, 17 on a
Role play. large piece of
RC/WE Ind LC paper
- OPTIONAL: TB. p. 217 (p. 38). Extra activity 2:

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 79- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 4: Disaster! Lesson 2, PB and AB p. 39

- Practise the simple past and past continuous to talk about actions interrupted in the past.
- Sing a song.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise how to - Ask a pupils about actions done in a specific OC/OE LG LC
of the use present moment in the past: What were you doing at 8 pm
lesson continuous. yesterday?

Lesson - Listen to a song - PB, p. 39, Act 4. CD 2, 19: Remember the unit OC/OE LG LC/CCE
order with past theme. Pupils read the questions aloud. Explain the P
continuous and vocabulary. In pairs, pupils predict the words in each SG CD2
simple past. gap and fill them in as they listen. Pupils sing line by CD-ROM:
line, in three groups and, finally, the karaoke version. PB Treasure hunt*

- Revise - PB, p. 39, Act 5: Pupils write sentences in the RC/WE Ind LC AB Extension
vocabulary about notebook looking at the drawings. In pairs, they Worksheet 1*
natural disasters. correct. Pupils make up other sentences. Notebook (TRP, pp. 36, 39)

- Write sentences - AB, p. 39, Act 4: Pupils look at the clocks and write RC/WE Ind LC
with simple past questions and answers about Paul. Song Worksheet
and past (TRP p. 41.)
continuous. - AB, p. 39, Act 5: Pupils read the text and complete RC/WE Ind LC
the table using that data. They compare in pairs.
- Make
deductions about - PB, p. 39, Act 6: In groups pupils ask classmates OC/OE SG LC
the past. until the guess the answer. Maximum five questions
(Guess it in five).
- Play a guessing

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 80- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Pupils sing the song in three groups. OC/OE SG LC/CCE TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 217 (p. 39). Extra activity 1: WE/OE/O Ind LC
Palms up or down? C LG

- OPTIONAL: TB. p. 217 (p. 39) Extra activity 2: P LC

Survey. WE/OE/O

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 81- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 4: Disaster! Lesson 3, PB and AB p. 40

- Read about famous natural disasters around the world.
- Revise ordinal numbers and the months.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Teach - Write Disaster. Ask pupils if they remember OC/WE LG LC/SCC
of the vocabulary about disasters around the world. Note them around the
lesson natural disasters. written word.

Lesson - Read and talk - PB, p. 40, Act 7: Read aloud and explain RC/OC/O Ind LC/SCC
order about natural vocabulary. Pupils read in silence. Ask: Which was E LG
disasters. the worst disaster? Have a vote. Make pupils ask in
order to situate the events in time. PB Reinforcement
Worksheet 2*
- Revise - PB, p. 40, Act 8. CD 2, 21: Pupils listen to the CD. OC/OE LG LC AB (TRP, pp. 36, 38)
vocabulary and Pupils whisper yes/no to a classmate. Remember the P
dates. use of in/on with expressions of time. CD 2

- Read and write - AB, p. 40, Act 6: Pupils choose a date for each RC/WE Ind LC Notebook
dates. photo. They compare in pairs.

- AB, p. 40, Act 7: Pupils guess and write the dates. RC/WE Ind LC/MSST
- Write ordinal They compare in pairs.
- PB, p. 40, Act 9. CD 2, 22: Pupils listen to the OC/OE LG LC
- Pronounce the chant. The class repeats as a group and then in SG
months. smaller groups. Emphasise the pronunciation of the
months. RC/WE Ind LC
- Write the
months. - AB, p. 40, Act 8: Pupils complete the sentences
with the months. They compare in pairs.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 82- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Put the letters in RC/WE Ind LC
the months in - AB, p. 40, Act 9: Pupils put the letters in order to
order. get the months.

End of the - Pupils recite the lesson rhyme. OC/OE LG LC TB

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 217 (p. 40). Extra activity 1: All Ind LC
Important dates in my life. SG

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 40). Extra activity 2: CL/WE/O LG LC

Date bingo. C

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 83- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 4: Disasters! Lesson 4, PB and AB p. 41 (Song)

- Practise ordinal numbers, months and years.
- Practise narratives in the past.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the - Choose twelve pupils. Whisper a month of the year OC/OE LG LC
of the months of the to each one. Pupils stand in alphabetical order and say SG
lesson year their month. The class decides whether it is correct or

Lesson - Understand - PB, p. 41, Act 10. CD 2, 23: Pupils read and look at OC/OE LG LC/MSST
order what is done the drawings of the months in silence. Pupils listen to P Interactive DVD:
during each the clues and, in pairs, agree the month being talked Quiz 2
month of the year. about. Listen again and stop to correct with the whole PB
class. Talk about the drawings and whether they do
the same things. AB
RC/WE Ind LC AB, p. 41, Act 13*
- Write about the - AB, p. 41, Act 10: Pupils read the questions and P CD 2
months. reply. Pupils check their answers with a classmate.
RC/OE/O P LC Notebook
- Ask and reply - PB, p. 41, Act 11: Read the dialogue. Pupils ask C
about the months. and answer in pairs looking at the drawings of the
- Identify LG LC
mistakes in the - PB, p. 41, Act 12: Pupils read each sentence aloud. RC/OE
sentences. Pupils identify extra word in each by raising their
- Name disasters Ind LC/SCC
and natural - AB, p. .41, Act 11: Pupils link the drawings with RC/WE
phenomena. the disasters and natural phenomena shown. They
compare in pairs.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 84- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Identify Ind LC
disasters from - AB, p. 41, Act 12: Pupils read the definitions of the LC
their definitions. natural disasters and link them with the name and the
illustration. They compare in pairs.
- Write a narrative
in the past. - PB, p. 41, Act 13: Revise the use of past P LC
continuous and its narrative function. Pupils write the RC/WE
story with the clues in the notebook and in pairs.
- Look at the
time. - AB, p. .41, Act 13: Pupils write down the time each Ind LC
day for a week. WE

End of the - Pupils talk about their favourite month and explain OC/OE LG LC TB
Lesson why it is. The class votes for its favourite month.
World map
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 41). Extra activity 1: All LG LC
The other hemisphere. P Photocopiable
activity 4 (TB,
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 41). Extra activity 2: All P LC p. 207)
Pairwork information gap.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 85- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 4: Disaster! Lesson 5, PB and AB p. 42 (Song)
- Differentiate the emphasised syllables in a word.
- Write a text.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Identify and - Pupils read the sentences they wrote in the AB, p. OC/OE LG LC
of the practise 38, Act 3. Pronounce some of them to make them
lesson emphasised realise which the emphasised syllables are. Pupils
syllables in a repeat.
AB, p. 42, Act 17*
Lesson - Recite rhymes. - PB, p. 42, Act 14. CD 2, 24: Pupils listen to the OC/OE LG LC
order rhymes and follow them in silence. Pupils repeat it. P
Pupils practise various times en pairs. PB CD_ROM:
- Differentiate Sounds machine*
weak and strong - AB, p. 42, Act 14: Read the examples before AB
syllables. starting. Write the words in the columns depending OC/OE Ind LC
on the emphasis. LG CD 2 Interactive DVD:
The music room
- AB, p. 42, Act 15 CD 2, 26: Pupils listen and check Notebook
- Do a survey their answers from the previous exercise. RC/OC/O LG LC
about the past. E Ind
- PB, p. 42, Act 16: Pupils copy the table and ask
- Write a text three classmates. Make sure the pupils use thepast Ind LC Joke corner*:
about last week. continuous and the weak form of were. All P Pupils tell the joke
at home
- PB, p. 42, Act 17: Write Monday to Friday. Ask LG LC
- Learn narrative what they were doing on those days using simple past OC/OE/W Ind
formulae. and past continuous. Write examples. Pupils carry on E
in a similar diary in the notebook.
- Show LG LC
comprehension of - AB, p. 42, Act 16: Read Write it right y explain Ind

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 86- © Cambridge University Press 2017
a written text. how to write a narrative. Pupils identify verbs and RC/WE
connectors in the text.
- Understand the
meaning of a - AB, p. 42, Act 17: Pupils answer questions about RC/WE Ind LC
joke. the text read. They compare with a classmate.

- Describe a scene - PB, p. 42, Joke corner. CD 2, 25: Pupils listen to OC/OE LG LC/SCC
from a film. the joke various times until they understand it.

- AB, p. 42, Act 18: Pupils describe a scene from the WE Ind LC/SIE
film they choose.

End of the - Pupils repeat the rhyme at the start of the lesson in OC/OE LG LC
Lesson turns. TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 42). Extra activity 1:
Recording survey information. RC/WE P/PG LC

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 42). Extra activity 2:

Writing together.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 87- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 4: Disaster! Lesson 6, PB and AB page 43
- Read a story.
- Revise the unit vocabulary
- Self-evaluate learning.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Talking about - Ask questions about previous episodes (places, OC/OE LG LC
of the previous episodes. characters, actions…). Pupils say what they
lesson remember. Ask if Brutus will find the secret cave

Lesson - Read and - PB, p. 43. CD 2, 27: Pupils read the history quickly. RC/OE Ind LC CD-ROM: Movie
order understand a Pupils find out if they reach the secret cave. Ask more LG PB Hopper*
story. questions. Pupils predict the answers. Pupils listen to
the story without looking at the book and compare AB
what they have understood with a classmate. Pupils
read and check. Pupils listen again, read and repeat. CD 2
Interactive DVD:
- Demonstrate - AB, p. 43, Act 18: Pupils read questions about the RC/WE Ind LC Notebook The classroom
comprehension of story and write the answers. They compare with a
a story. classmate.

- Revise the story. - AB, p. 43, Act 19: Pupils complete the sentences in LC Ind LC
the story and link them with their drawing.

- Revise the - AB, p. 43, Do you remember?: Pupils complete RC/WE Ind LC/LL
contents of the using what they remember from the unit without
unit. looking at the book. Then they look at it to correct it.

- Self-evaluate - AB, p. 43, Can do: Pupils read the statements and LC Ind LC/SIE
learning. colour in the symbols for what they know. They show SG
their self-evaluation to the group.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 88- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Pupils choose a song or chant and repeat it. OC/OE LG LC/CCE
Lesson Large piece of
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 43). Extra activity 1: OC/OE P/PG LC/SCC paper with a
Role play. birthday chart
OE/WE P LC (see TB, p. 92)
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 43). Extra activity 2:
Birthday chart. Adhesive

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 89- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 4: Disaster! Lesson 7, PB and AB page 44
- Read about volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquakes.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Teach - Write volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquake on the OC/OE LG LC

of the volcanoes, board. Pupils talk about the connection between
lesson tsunamis and them.

Lesson - Talk about the - PB, p. 44, Fact: Pupils read the text about the word RC/OE LG LC
order origin of some volcano. Pupils name others words derived from Interactive DVD:
words. Latin. The school library.
PB Story extension
- Read about - PB, p. 44, Act 1: Pupils read the questions and RC/OC/O Ind LC/SCC
natural disasters. predict the answers looking at the drawings. Do not E LG AB Topic Worksheet*
correct. Pupils read the text quickly and check their (TRP, p. 42)
- Revise answers. They compare with a classmate. Now Notebook
information about correct with the class. The pupils read aloud. Explain
natural disasters. key vocabulary and talk about contents. World map

- Do a quiz about - PB, p. 44, Act 3: Pupils read the text in silence RC/WE Ind LC
natural disasters. again. Pupils read the sentences and the complete
them without looking at the text.
- Read about RC/WE Ind LC
tsunamis. - AB, p. 44, Act 1: Pupils complete the quiz about
natural disasters.
- Look for LC Ind LC
information about - AB, p. 45, Act 2: Pupils read the text and complete
natural disasters. it using the words.
- Write about - AB, p. 45, Act 3: Pupils choose one of the natural
natural disasters. disasters and look for information about it. They take

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 90- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- AB, p. .45, Act 4: Pupils write a short report with
the information they have found.

End of the
Lesson - Revise what has been learned during today's lesson. OE LG LC
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 44). Extra activity 1: All P LC
Catch me if you can. Reference
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 44). Extra activity 2: RC/WE Ind LC
My own wordsearch. P

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 91- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 4: Disaster! Lesson 8, PB and AB p. 45
- Read about volcanoes.
- Do a project about volcanoes.
- Practise doing a Reading & Writing task like the ones in Flyers exam.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise - Give definitions of words learned in the unit. OC/OE LG LC

of the lesson information about The pupils guess which word it is.
natural disasters.

Lesson - Find out about - PB, p. 45, Act 4: Pupils read the text with OC/OE P LC/SCC
order the parts of a the class. In pairs, write the names of the parts PB AB, p. 45, Act 7*
volcano and how it del volcano in the notebook. (after doing the
is formed. AB project)
- PB, p. 45, Act 5. CD 2, 28: Ask the pupils OC/OE LG LC
- Find out about know about Mount Saint Helens. Pupils listen CD 2
and locate a large to the CD with the information and the answer. Extension
volcano. Notebook Worksheet 2*
- PB, p. 45, Act 6. CD 2, 29: Pupils read the OC/OE Ind LC (TRP, pp. 36, 40)*
- Read about a questions and their possible answers in silence. LG Materials for the
volcano. Pupils listen to the CD twice and choose the project (TB, p.
answer. Ask what surprises them most from 96)
- Do a project what they have heard.
about the about animals.
formation of a - PB, p. 45, Project: Explain that they are RC/WE Ind LC/CCE/SIE
volcano. going to 'build' a volcano. Read aloud what
they need and the steps to take.
- Practise a Flyers RC/WE Ind LC
exam task. - AB, p. 45, Act 7: Pupils read the sentences
and choose the correct ones in each case to
complete the dialogue.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 92- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Pupils talk about what they have learned in OC/OE Ind LC
Lesson the lesson and about what they have most liked TB
in the unit.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 45). Extra P
activity 1: Write about your volcano.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 45). Extra E
activity 2: CLIL vocabulary.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 93- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Units 3&4: Values Lesson 9, PB PB and AB p. 91

Value the importance of emergency services and how they help people.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement-
objectives Extension

Beginning - Reflect on the - Write emergency services and 999 on the board. OE LG CL/SCS/MSCT
of the emergency Explain that this is the number for the fire service,
lesson services. police and ambulances in the United Kingdom, the
equivalent of 112 in Spain.

Lesson - Reflect about an - PB, p. 91, Act 1.: Read the interview with a young RC/OE LG LC/SCC
order illustration. person who had an accident and answer the
questions. PB
- Understand an
oral text. - PB, p. 91, Act 2, CD4, 29: Pupils listen to the CD OE/OC P LC AB
and repeat the names of the emergency services
personnel. They compare in pairs. CD 4

- AB, p. .91, Act 1: Pupils read the sentences from LC Ind LC TB

- Reflect about the story and put them in the right order. In pairs, P
your own they correct.
behaviour. WE Ind CL/SCS/AA
- AB, p. .91, Act 2: Pupils write a letter of thanks to
the emergency services for helping them in an
imaginary accident in their personal lives.
- Revise what has been learned during the
End of the lesson. Ask pupils if they think that the OC/OE LG LC/SCC
emergency services are heroes and why.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 225 (p. 91). Extra activity 1: OC/OE LG LC
Which job?
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 225 (p. 91). Extra activity 2: OE LG LC/SCC
Emergency call role play.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 94- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 3 and 4. Lesson 10, PB and AB page 46
- Revise vocabulary and structures from units 3 and 4.
- Listen to a narrative.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension
Pieces of paper
Beginning Revise contents - Form groups of six. Give each pupil a word from RC/OE/O SG LC with vocabulary
of the from units 3 and the Extra activity 2, p. 45 (TB, p. 221). Without C from units 3 and
lesson 4. showing it, give your group a definition for them 4 (prepare)
to guess it.

Lesson - Read and find - PB, p. 46, Act 1: Introduce the letter and ask RC/WE Ind LC
order out about the questions about their contents: who wrote them, to PB
format of a whom, which team won, the name of the museum, Extra project
letter. etc. Pupils read in silence and complete. Explain AB ideas: A local
that pupils have to look at the words around them disaster (TB, p.
- Revise to choose the correct one. CD 2 227)
contents from
units 3 and 4. - AB, p. 46, Act 1: Pupils read the story and RC/WE Ind LC Notebook
complete it using words from the box. Pupils
- Choose a title compare in pairs.
for the narration.
- AB, p. 46, Act 2: Pupils choose a title for the RC/WE Ind LC
- Identify story.
questions and
answers in the
past. - PB, p. 46, Act 2. CD 2, 30: Pupils read and look OC/OE Ind LC
at the comics. Pupils listen to the CD twice and
write the answer in the notebook. Pupils compare
- Recognise the list with a classmate.
words from the
same vocabulary - AB, p. 46, Act 3: Pupils circle and explain why RC/WE Ind LC
area. the word does not go with the others.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 95- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Write the months on twelve pieces of card and OC/OE SG LC/MSST TB
Lesson stick them back-to-front on the board. Write
numbers at random on the backs. Form two teams. Cards with the
In turns, pupils choose a number and read the months (prepare)
month. Each team has ten seconds to spell.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 46). Extra activity
1: Project Part 2. All LG LC

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 46). Extra activity

2: Songs and chants.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 96- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 3 and 4. Lesson 11, PB and AB p. 47

- Revise vocabulary and structures from units 3 and 4.
- Take part in a board game.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning of - Revise directions - Draw a ship on the board. Pupils come out and point OC LG LC
the lesson on a map. at what the teacher says.

Lesson order - Revise units 3 - PB, p. 47, Act 3: Explain the rules of the game. OC/OE SG LC
and 4 in a game. Form groups of three. Pupils play. PB
AB, p. 47, Act
- Revise units 3 - AB, p. 47, Act 4: Pupils complete the sentences RC/WE Ind LC AB 7*
and 4 vocabulary. with a word and count the letters. Pupils compare in
pairs. Notebook
- Do a crossword
- AB, p. 47, Act 5: Pupils do the crossword. Pupils RC/WE Ind LC Dice and Language
- Answer a quiz. compare in pairs. cards Portfolio, p 4

- Write a quiz. - AB, p. 47, Act 6: Pupils read the questions and RC/WE Ind LC
answer them.

- AB, p. 47, Act 7: Pupils write questions for a quiz in WE Ind LC/SIE
the notebook.

End of the - Form groups of three. Pupils write the six sentences All SG LC
Lesson from the sections Can do from the AB (Units 3 and TB
4). Pupils give examples looking at the book or
notebook if necessary. Ask for various volunteers.

- Ask which lesson, theme or activity were their


Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 97- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 47). Extra activity 1:
Vocabulary review. RC/WE Ind LC

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 218 (p. 46). Extra activity 2:

Games. All P/PG/LG LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 98- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 3 and 4. Lesson 12, PB and AB p. 48 (Say it with me!)
- Differentiate and pronounce the phonemes /ʌ/ and /æ/
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Distinguish the - Pronounce /ʌ/ and /æ/ and show how they are OC/OE LG LC
of the phonemes /ʌ/ pronounced. Explain that incorrect pronunciation can
lesson and /æ/. lead to confusing two words.

Lesson - Distinguish the - PB, p. 48, Act 1. CD 2, 31: Concentrate on the OC/OE LG LC
order phonemes /ʌ/ drawings and questions the pupils see. Pupils listen to
and /æ/. the CD and repeat. In pairs, pupils take it in turns to
point and say the word. PB
CD-ROM: Sounds
- Write words - AB, p. 48, Act 1. CD 2, 34: Pupils listen to the OC/WE Ind LC AB machine*
with the words twice and write them. Pupils compare the list
phonemes /ʌ/ with a classmate. CD2
and /æ/. AB, p. 47, Act 3:
- PB, p. 48, Act 2. CD 2, 32: Ask about the OC/OE/W Ind LC/CCE Notebook Pupils write the
- Sing a song with illustration. Pupils listen to the song and read it. Then E SG corrected text
the phonemes /ʌ/ pupils listen and repeat. Pupils identify the
and /æ/. phonemes /ʌ/ and /æ/. They come out to the board to
classify them.
Ind LC
- Answer - AB, p. 48, Act 2: Explain the activity using the RC/WE
questions about a example.
song. Pupils write the answer individually.

- Listen to and - PB, p. 48, Act 3. CD 2, 33: Pupils identify where Ind LC
read a text with the event took place. Listen to and read the CD. Ask OC/OE P
/ʌ/ and /æ/. to check that they have understood. Pupils practise in LG
pairs and then in front of the class. Correct the

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 99- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Learn about the All Ind
consequences of - AB, p. 48, Act 3: Explain misunderstandings due to P
confusing /ʌ/ mispronouncing pairs of sounds (minimal pairs). Ask
and /æ/. about the drawing.
Read the text aloud. Pupils lift their hands when they
hear a mistake. Then they write the corrected text.
Pupils read the text in pairs.
End of the
Lesson - Pupils act out the song as a dialogue in pairs OC/OE P LC/CCE

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 100- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 3 and 4. Lesson 13, PB and AB p. 49 (Get it right!)

- Revise and consolidate the use of going to.
- Learn about more cases of false friends.
- Write and pronounce words with ll.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise - Write the word yesterday and ask for other OC/OE LG LC
of the expressions about expressions about the past. Pupils say what they were
lesson the past. doing at that time.

Lesson - Identify PB, p. 49, Act 10 Grammar: Put past, present and RC/OE LG LC
order expressions about future on a line. Circle past and write a sentence in
the past, present the past. Repeat using present and future. Pupils read
and future. Grammar and the questions. They compare them with PB AB, p. 49, Act 5*
their own language.
- Talk about plans AB
for the future. - PB, p. 49, Act. 2: Write expressions about the RC/OE P LC
future on the board. Read the example. Pupils take Notebook
- Complete turns to ask and answer questions in pairs.
sentences with
going to. - AB, p. 49, Act 1: Emphasise the use of be in front RC/WE Ind LC
of going to. Pupils complete the sentences.
- Write about
plans for the - AB, p. 49, Act 2: Pupils write five sentences about WE/RC/O Ind LC
weekend. that they are going to make at the weekend. They E LG
read them to the class.
- Understand the LG LC/SCC
concept of false - PB, p. 49, Act 3. Vocabulary: Pupils discuss the RC/OC/OE P
friends. questions. In pairs, pupils take it in turns to make up
incomplete sentences and finish them.
- Use false Ind LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 101- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- AB, p. 49, Act 3: Complete the sentence using the OE/RC/W
right word. E P LC

friends. PB, p. 49, Act 4. Spelling: Explain that ll sounds like OC/OE
a single l. In pairs, pupils take it in turns to pronounce
- Practice and spell.
pronouncing ll.
Ind LC
- AB, p. 49, Act 4: Pupils find the seven mistakes in
- Identify spelling the text. Pupils compare in pairs. RC/WE
mistakes. Ind LC
- AB, p. 49, Act 5: Pupils write the text in the correct
- Correct spelling form in the notebook. They compare with a RC/WE
mistakes. classmate.

End of the - Give each pupil an expression about the future. RC/OE/OC LG LC
Lesson Pupils make up a true sentence with it.

TEST 4: In the next lesson, the test for units 3 and 4 (TRP, p. 235) can be given.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 102- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 4: Disaster! pp. 38 to 49
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8
PB, p. 38, Act 1. PB, p. 39, Act 4. PB, p. 40, Act 8. PB, p. 41, Act PB, p. 42, Act PB, p. 43, Story. PB, p. 45, Act 5.
ORAL COMPREHENSION CD2, 17 CD2, 19 CD2, 21 10. CD2, 23 14. CD2, 24 CD2, 27 CD2, 28

ORAL PRECISION PB, p. 38, Act 2 PB, p. 39, Act 5 PB, p. 40, Act 9 PB, p. 41, Act 12 PB, p. 42, Act 15 AB, p. 25, Act 7

PB, p. 40, Act 8

COMMUNICATI PB, p. 42, Act 16 PB, p. 44, Act 1

AB, p. 41, Act Topic Worksheet

READING SKILL PB, p. 38, Act 3 AB, p. 39, Act 5 PB, p. 40, Act 7 AB, p. 43, Act 7 PB, p. 44, Act 2 PB, p. 45. Project
READER 12 (TRP, p. 42)
READER AB, p. 41, Act AB, p. 42, Act AB, p. 43, Act
AB, p. 38, Act 1 AB, p. 39, Act 5 AB, p. 40, Act 7 AB, p. 44, Act 2 AB, p. 45, Act 5
10 16 18

- AB, p. 34
WRITING PRECISION AB, p. 41, Act AB, p. 42, Act
AB, p. 38, Act 2 AB, p. 39, Act 4 AB, p. 40, Act 8 Do you PB, p. 44, Act 3
AB, p. 41, Act AB, p. 42, Act AB, p. 43, Act
COMMUNICATI AB, p. 38, Act 3 PB, p. 39, Act 5 PB, p. 44, Act 4 AB, p. 45, Act 5
13 17 19

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 103- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 4: Disaster! pp. 38 to 49
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13
Values Review Review Say it with me! Get it right!

PB, p. 91, Act 2, CD2, 29 PB, p. 46, Act 2. CD2, 30 PB, p. 47, Act 3 PB, p. 48, Act 3 PB, p. 49, Act 1
PB, p. 91, Act 1
ORAL PRECISION PB, p. 47, Act 3 PB, p. 48, Act 1 PB, p. 49, Act 2
PB, p. 91, Act 1 Evaluation 4 (TRP, p.235)
COMMUNICATI PB, p. 46, Act 2 PB, p. 48, Act 2
AB, p. 91, Act 1
READING SKILL PB, p. 46, Act 1 AB, p. 47, Act 4 PB, p. 48, Act 3 AB, p. 49, Act 4
PB, p. 91, Act 1
READING AB, p. 46, Act 1 AB, p. 47, Act 4 PB , p. 48, Act 3 AB, p. 49, Act 3
AB, p. 91, Act 2
WRITING PRECISION AB, p. 46, Act 3 AB, p. 48, Act 1 AB, p. 49, Act 4
AB, p. 91, Act 2
COMMUNICATI AB, p. 47, Act 7 AB, p. 48, Act 3 AB, p. 49, Act 2

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 104- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 5: Material things. Lesson 1, PB and AB page 50

- Talk about the materials which the objects are made of.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Name types of - Show various objects and say, wrongly, the OC/OE LG LC
of the materials. materials they are made of. The pupils correct. Write
lesson the title of the unit on the board to start it.

Lesson - Teach materials - PB, p. 50, Show what you know: Start a concept RC/WE/O LG LC
order vocabulary. map with the words which the pupils have used to E
talk about Materials. They add others. Give the PB
vocabulary needed. Pupils copy it in their notebooks. CD-ROM:
- Identify the AB Hungry snake*
name of the PB, p. 50, Act 1. CD 3, 02: Pupils listen to the Ind LC
materials. dialogue and put a tick next to the words in the OC/RW CD 3
notebook they hear. They compare them.
- Recognise Notebook
materials in an - AB, p. 50, Act 1: Pupils link the drawings and the Ind LC
illustration. materials. Pupils compare the list with a classmate. RC/WE

- Understand a - PB, p. 50, Act 2. CD 3, 023: The pupils listen to the Ind LC
dialogue about dialogue and whisper the answer to a classmate. They OC/OE/R LG
materials. listen again. Correct asking for the complete sentence C
for the incorrect sentences.

- Learn and - PB, p. 50, Grammar: Teach made of using an LG LC

identify the example. Pupils listen to CD 2, 31. Pupils lift their
expression made hands up when they hear it. Emphasise the weak form RC/OC/O
of. of of. Pupils summarise the story. E
Ind LC
- AB, p. 50, Act 2: Pupils read and and put the words

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 105- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Form sentences. in order to make sentences. Pupils compare in pairs.
- AB, p. 50, Act 3: Pupils read the question and write
- Revise the use what the objects are made of. Pupils compare in Ind LC
of made of. pairs.

- Find mistakes in - PB, p. 50, Act 3: In pairs, pupils choose the right RC/WE P LC
the sentences. word after reading the sentences. They compare with
other pairs.
- Find and correct RC/WE Ind LC
mistakes in the - AB, p. 50, Act 4: Pupils find the mistakes and
sentences. correct them. Pupils compare in pairs.

End of the - Pupils name wooden objects. Repeat with other OC/OE LG LC TB
Lesson materials.
RC/OE/O SG LC/SCC Script from
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 219 (p. 50). Extra activity 1: C CD 3, 02 on a
Role play. SG LC large piece of
OE/OC paper
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 219 (p. 50). Extra activity 2:
What’s it made of?

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 106- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 5: Material things. Lesson 2, PB and AB page 51

- Use made of with different objects and materials.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the - Pupils write the materials from the previous lesson OC/OE LG LC
of the materials in the notebook. They swap them with a classmate
lesson vocabulary. and correct them using the concept map. Pupils get
one point for each material written correctly.

Lesson - Practise - PB, p. 51, Act 4: Remember the question what´s… OC/OE P LC
order questions with made of? In pairs, pupils ask and reply looking at the CD-ROM:
made of. drawings. One pupil reads to the class to be corrected. PB Treasure hunt*
Pupils use I think if they are not sure.
- Understand - PB, p. 51, Act 5. CD 3, 04: Pupils listen to the OC/OE P LC
dialogues about questions and answers on the CD. Pupils tell a CD 3 Reinforcement
materials. classmate which illustration they are from. Worksheet 1-2*
Notebook (TRP, pp. 43, 44,
- Write sentences - AB, p. 51, Act 5: Pupils choose the parts of the RC/WE Ind LC 45)
with made of. sentence and write them.

- Identify - AB, p. 51, Act 6: Pupils read the text and write the RC/WE Ind LC
materials in a parts of the house and their parts in the illustration.
- PB, p. 51, Act 6: Concentrate on the hats and shoes RC/WE Ind LC
- Read about in the drawings. Pupils link each part of the text with
materials and their drawing.
- PB, p. 51, Act 7: Pupils read the text again and RC/WE Ind LC
- Correct correct the sentences individually. Pupils compare in
sentences. pairs.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 107- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Read about
ancient Roman - AB, p. 45, Act 7: Pupils read the text about the RC/WE Ind LC
constructions. materials which the Romans used and complete it.

End of the - Write the names of the materials with the letters RC/WE/O Ind LC TB
Lesson mixed up. Pupils put them in order. Ask what things E LG
are made with those materials. Photocopiable
P LC activity 5 (TB,
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 219 (p. 51). Extra activity 1: All p.208)
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 219 (p. 51). Extra activity 2: All P
My imaginary house.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 108- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 5: Material things. Lesson 3, PB and AB p. 52

- Find out about natural and man-made materials.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Differentiate - Show two objects. Ask the pupils what they are OC/OE LG LC
of the between natural made of and the difference between them. Write on
lesson and man-made the board man-made and natural.

Lesson - Differentiate - PB, p. 52, Act 8: Pupils read the web in silence. RC/OC/O Ind LC/DC
order types of materials. Explain vocabulary and ask What´s the most E LG
important material? Why? Pupils give their opinions.
- Identify objects LC
and materials. - PB, p. 52, Act 9. CD 3, 05: Pupils listen to the OC/OE/R Ind PB Extension
materials and look for them in the text. Pupils point at C Worksheet 1*
the corresponding illustrations. They listen again. AB (TRP, pp. 43, 46)
- Identify and Stop after each one for the pupils to repeat them.
write the name of LC CD3
the materials. - AB, p. 52, Act 8: Pupils choose the materials for Ind
each of the objects in the photos. Pupils compare in RC/WE Notebook
- Do a letter soup. pairs. LC
- Understand - AB, p. 52, Act 9: Pupils look for eight materials in RC/WE
definitions. the letter soup. Pupils compare the list with a LC
classmate. Ind
- Value the RC/WE
importance of - AB, p. 52, Act 10: Pupils guess the name of the
recycling. materials from their definitions and characteristics. LC
Pupils compare the list with a classmate. SG
- Revise the time RC/WE/O
and adjectives. - PB, p. 52, Act 10: In groups of three, pupils answer E

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 109- © Cambridge University Press 2017
the questions. Write new vocabulary. Ask what and LC/SCC
where to recycle. Ind

- AB, p. 52, Act 11: Pupils write the time and the RC/WE
word for the material. Pupils compare the list with a

End of the - Name a material. Pupils reply saying an object OC/OE LG LC/MSST TB
Lesson made from it.

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 219 (p. 52). Extra activity 1: WE/OE Ind LC

Natural or man-made. P

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 219 (p. 52). Extra activity 2: WE/RC/O Ind LC

Odd ones out. E P

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 110- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 5: Material things. Lesson 4, PB and AB p. 53 (Song)
- Practise the expressions made of and come from.
- Sing a song.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the - Draw a triangle with the words sweater, wool and OC/OE LG LC
of the materials sheep on each side. Pupils think how to relate them.
lesson vocabulary. Write the sentences given on the board.

Lesson - Identify - PB, p.53, Act 11: Pupils read in silence the RC/WE/O Ind LC/MSST
order materials and sentences and choose the right word. Pupils compare E LG PB
where they in pairs. The class says where the materials come Song Worksheet
come from. from (sentences 1-5). The others mention everyday AB (TRP, p. 48)
Ind LC CD 3
- AB, p. 53, Act 12: Explain that each word comes RC/WE
- Write words from changing a letter in the previous word. Pupils Notebook
using their read the definitions and write them. Ind
definitions. LC Information about
- AB, p. 53, Act 13: Pupils write a definition for each RC/WE objects and
- Define words. word. materials/Internet
- Put in order - PB, p. 53, Act 12. CD 3, 06: Pupils read the lines of OC/OE SG
and sing the the song. Explain the meaning and the contents of the
lines of a song. activity. Pupils listen to the CD and put it in order.
They correct in pairs. They listen again. Correct as a
group. Divide into six groups. Each group sings a
- Ask about part of the song. The pupils sing the karaoke version.
materials P LC
objects are - PB, p. 53, Act 13: With the book closed, pupils take OC/OE
made of. it in turns to ask about the nine objects mentioned in
the song. They change them if they make a mistake.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 111- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Write objects P LC
and their - PB, p. 53, Act 14: Pupils copy the table in the RC/WE/O
materials. notebook and look for five objects made out of each E
material. Give an example with wood. Pupils get a
point for each object. The pupils play in pairs.
- Identify Ind LC
mistakes in the - AB, p. 53, Act 14: Pupils read and circle the
contents of a mistakes del text. Pupils compare the list with a LC
text. classmate. Ind LC

- Rewrite a text. - AB, p. .53, Act 15: Pupils copy the corrected text WE
from Act 14.

End of the - Pupils sing the lesson song. OE LG LC/CCE

Lesson TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 219 (p. 53). Extra activity 1: All SG LC
Finding out.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 219 (p. 53). Extra activity 2:
Material chains.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 112- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 5: Material things. Lesson 5, PB and AB p. 54

- Identify the sounds /ei/ and /eə/
- Write a description.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Recognise words - Write the words chair, take, OC/OE LG LC

of the with the sounds ate, bear, where, break on the board. Ask a pupils
lesson /ei/ and /eə/ about the sounds they have in common.

Lesson - Identify and - PB, p. 54, Act 15. CD 3, 08: Pupils read and OC/OE LG LC
order pronounce the identify the homophones in the rhyme. Pupils listen P CD-ROM: Sounds
sounds /ei/ and and practise in pairs. And then as a group. PB machine*
. - AB, p. 54, Act 16: Pupils identify the homophone in OC/OE LG LC AB
a sentence and change it for another. Pupils compare Interactive DVD:
the list with a classmate. CD 3 The music room

- AB, p. 54, Act 16. CD 3, 10: Pupils listen and RC/WE Ind LC Notebook
- Practise spelling. correct their answers from the previous exercise. AB, p.54, Act 18*

- Make sentences - PB, p. 54, Act 17: Read the example and repeat OC/OE P LC
using with two volunteers. Continue in pairs.
homophones. Joke corner*:
- PB, p. 54, Act 18: Pupils write sentences with the RC/WE/O Ind LC Pupils tell the joke
homophones from the box in the previous activity in E LG at home
- Understand the their notebooks. They show them to the whole class.
meaning of a joke.
- PB, p. 54, Joke corner. CD 3, 09: Pupils listen to LG LC/SCC
- Make and read the joke until they understand it. OC/OE
sentences. - AB, p. 54, Act 17: Read the section Write it right. P LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 113- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Explain that they are going to describe a house using LC
some previously taken notes. Pupils complete the
- Describe a sentences in pairs.
house. Ind LC/SIE
- AB, p. 54, Act 18: Pupils write the description of WE
their ideal house and draw it. Hang them up around
the class.

End of the - Pupils repeat the rhyme from the start of the lesson. OC/OE LG LC TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 219 (p. 54). Extra activity 1: RC/WE/O P LC Card divided
Picture a sound. E in 18 sections

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 219 (p. 54). Extra activity 2: P/PG LC Envelopes

Writing together. RC/WE

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 114- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 5: Material things. Lesson 6, PB and AB page 55
- Read a story.
- Revise the unit vocabulary and structures.
- Self-evaluate learning.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the - Ask pupils questions about the contents of the OC/OE LG LC
of the previous previous episodes. Pupils make predictions about
lesson episodes. what is going to happen in this episode.

Lesson Read, listen to - PB, p.55, Story. CD 3, 11: Ask questions about the OC/OE/R LG LC
order and understand a episode. Pupils listen without looking at the book and C CD-ROM: Movie
story. check their predictions in pairs. Pupils listen again PB Hopper*
and read. Correct as a group. Pupils listen and repeat
the text copying the intonation. Ask questions to AB
- Answer check comprehension. Interactive DVD:
questions after CD 3 The school library.
reading a text. - AB, p. 55, Act 19: Pupils read the questions and LG LC Story extension
reply. Pupils compare in pairs. RC/WE Notebook
- Put the parts of
the story in order. - AB, p. 55, Act 20: Put the sentences from the story Ind LC
in order. Pupils compare in pairs. RC/WE
- Revise the unit Language
vocabulary and AB, p. 5, Do you remember? Pupils complete what Ind LC/LL Portfolio, p 11
structures. they remember from what they have seen in the unit RC/WE/O
without looking at the book. Then they look and E
- Self-evaluate correct.
learning. Ind LC/SIE
- AB, p. 55, Can do: Pupils read the statements and SG
colour in the symbol for what they know. In groups, RC/OE
pupils take it in turns to give examples.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 115- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Pupils choose a song or chant and repeat it. OE LG LC/CCE
End of the - OPTIONAL: TB, p. 219 (p. 55). Extra activity 1: All SG LC
Lesson A different ending. LG

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 220 (p. 55). Extra activity 2: All P LC

Who said it? LG

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 116- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 5: Material things. Lesson 7, PB and AB page 56

- Read about types of plastic, how they are made and why they are recycled.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Find out about - Write plastic on the board. Pupils say objects made OC/OE LG LC/MSST Topic Worksheet
of the the properties of of plastic. Ask what they know about different types (TRP, p. 49)
lesson plastic. of plastic.

Lesson - Find out about - PB, p. 56, Fact: Ask about the word decompose. OC/OE LG LC/MSST Interactive DVD:
order the concept of Discuss the consequences it being impossible for The school hall
decomposition. plastic to decompose.
- Read about the - PB, p. 56, Act 1: Pupils read aloud about the titles. RC/WE/O Ind LC
types, uses and Pupils read the text in silence and link. Pupils answer E AB
recycling of the questions.
plastic. CD 3
- PB, p.56, Act 2: Pupils reread the text and look for Ind LC
- Choose a title and explain the most appropriate title in pairs. RC/WE Notebook
for a text. Discuss with the class.

- PB, p. 56, Act 3. CD 3, 12: Pupils look at the Ind LC/MSST

- Study the data in diagram. Explain its contents and form. Pupils listen OC/OE
a diagram. to the CD and complete it in pairs.

- Recognise the - AB, p. 56, Act 1: Pupils read the information about Ind LC/MSST
properties and recycling and identify the sentences as true or false. RC/WE/O
uses of plastic. Pupils compare in pairs. E

- Find out about - AB, p. 57, Act 2: Pupils read the information. Ind LC/MSST
the possibles uses Pupils classify the correct and incorrect use of plastic.
of plastic. Pupils compare in pairs. RC/WE

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 117- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Write about the - AB, p. 57, Act 3: Pupils write about the plastic Ind LC/MSST
use of plastic at things used at school and how to change them. Pupils
school. read them to the class. WE

End of the - Revise what they have done and learned in today's OC/OE LG LC
Lesson session. TB
All Ind LC
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 220 (p. 56). Extra activity 1: SG
Alternatives to plastic.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 220 (p. 56). Extra activity 2:
The most useful plastics.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 118- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 5: Material things. Lesson 8, PB and AB p. 57
- Read about the recycling of plastic.
- Do a project about plastic.
- Do alistening task as in the Movers exam.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise - Without opening the books, revise the previous OC/OE LG LC/MSST
of the information about lesson. Ask the pupils questions about the contents
lesson plastic. and key vocabulary.

Lesson - Read about the - PB, p. 57, Act 4: Three pupils read the first RC/WE/O LG LC/MSST Extension
order process of paragraph in turns. Pupils read the text in silence and E Ind Worksheet 2
recycling plastic. link the illustrations and the stages of the process. (TRP, pp. 43, 47)
Pupils compare the list with a classmate. Explain the PB
- Talk about the vocabulary.
recycling plastic AB AB, p. 57, Act 6*
in daily life. - PB, p. 57, Act 5: Suggest the idea de reusing P LC/MSST (After finishing the
plastic. In pairs, think which plastic objects we use OE/OC LG Notebook project)
- Do a project and how they can be used again. Discuss with the
about recycling class. Materials for
plastic. Ind LC/CCE/SIE the project Extra project
- PB, p. 57, Project: Explain that they are going to CL/CO (see TB p. ideas: Recycling
- Practise an exam make a photo frame using a CD box. Read with the 120) bins (TB, p. 228)
task from Flyers. class what is needed and the steps needed to do it.
Ind LC
- AB, p. 57, Act 6 CD 3, 13: Pupils listen to the CD RC/WE
and identify the main characters in each recording.

End of the - Revise what they have talked about and ask what OC/OE LG LC
Lesson they have liked most in this lesson and in the previous TB

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 119- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 220 (p. 57). Extra activity 1:
Our ideas for reusing plastic.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 220 (p. 57). Extra activity 2: Ind
CLIL vocabulary.

TEST 5: During the next lesson the text for unit 5 (TB, pp. 236) can be given.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 120- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 5: Material things. pp. 50 to 57
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8

PB, p. .56, Act 3, AB, p. .57, Act

ORAL COMPREHENSION PB, p. .50, Act 1, PB, p. 51, Act 5, PB, p. .52, Act 9, PB, p. .53, Act PB, p. .54, Act PB, p. 55. Story,
CD3, 12 4, CD3, 13
CD3, 02 CD3, 04 CD3, 05 12, CD3, 06 15, CD3, 08 CD3, 11
PB, p. 50, Act 2 PB, p. 52, Act 8 PB, p. 53, Act 13 PB, p. 54, Act 16 worksheet 2 PB, p. 56, Act 3
PB, p. 57, Act 5
ABILITY Evaluation
PB, p. 51, Act 4 PB, p. 53, Act 13 PB, p. 54, Act 17 PB, p. 56, Act1
5(TRP, p. 236)

PB, p. 57,
READING SKILL AB, p. 53, Act - AB, p. 54, Act Topic Worksheet
PB, p. 50, Act 3 PB, p. 51, Act 6 PB, p. 52, Act 10 AB, p. 56, Act 3 Project
READER 14 17 (TB, p. 49)

AB, p. 52, Act PB, p. 57, Act 4

READING AB, p. 50, Act 2 AB, p. 51, Act 7 PB, p. 53, Act 11 AB, p.54, Act 16 PB, p.55 Story AB, p. 56, Act 1
AB, p.55
AB, p. 50, Act 4 AB, p. 51, Act 5 AB, p. 52, Act 8 PB, p.54, Act 18 Do you AB, p. 56, Act 2

COMMUNICATIVE AB, p. 50, Act 3 PB, p. 51, Act 7 AB, p.53, Act 15 AB, p.54, Act 18 AB, p.55, Act 22 AB, p. 56, Act 3

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 121- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Extra unit: Peace Day. Lesson 1, PB and AB p. 98

- Find out about Peace Day.
- Suggest how to celebrate Peace Day.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Talk about war - WriteWar and Peace on the board . Do OE/RC LG LC/SCC
of the and peace. brainstorms to find related vocabulary.

Lesson - Read and - PB, p. 98, Act 1: Pupils say what they know about OE/RC/W LG LC/SCC
order understand Peace Day. Pupils take turns to read the text aloud. E PB
Peace Day. Correct the pronunciation and explain vocabulary.
Pupils read the sentences and decide, in pairs, CD 4 Pupils prepare the
whether they are true or false. project texts at
Notebook home*
- Find out about - PB, p. 98, CD 4, 32: Pupils look at the drawings. Ind LC
how Peace Day Explain the contents and ask the pupils what they OC/OE LG 3 Cards and
is celebrated. see. Pupils listen to the dialogue and put the felt pens
drawings in the order they appear in the dialogue.
They listen again.
- Do a project SG LC/CCE/SIE/SCS
for Peace Day. - PB, p. 98, Project: Pupils suggest actions to RC/WE/O LG
improve life at home or at school. Write them on the E
board. Pupils look for a symbol of peace to represent
them. In groups, pupils make a poster with symbols
and messages of peace. Show them in class.

End of the - Show titles of famous songs about peace. Listen to OC/OE LG LC Songs about
Lesson some. peace

Peace Day is held in other countries on 21st September, but, as it is held in January in Spain, this lesson can be given during the second term.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 122- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 6: Senses. Lesson 1, PB a d AB, p. 58
- Name and talk about the five senses.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Reflect about - Ask pupils how we can perceive the things around OE LG LC
of the the senses us. Get answers by naming the senses. Introduce the Notebook
lesson title of the unit. Ask which sense they think most

Lesson - Find out about - PB, p. 58, Show what you know: Draw a circles OE/RC/W LG LC/SCC
order vocabulary about with the names of the five senses. Pupils say words E Ind CD-ROM:
the senses. connected with each one. Make a concept map: PB Hungry snake*

- Recognise - PB, p. 58, Act 1. CD 3, 14: Pupils listen to the AB

vocabulary about conversation and put a tick next to the words in the Ind LC
the senses. notebook they hear. Pupils compare in pairs. WE CD 3

- PB, p. 58, Act 2. CD 3, 15: Pupils read and think

- Understand a what the sentences said. Write 1, 2, 4 and 5 on the LG LC
conversation board. Pupils remember what they talked about. OC/OE/R
about the senses. Pupils listen to the dialogue once more. Pupils lift C
their hands when they hear the verbs about the senses.
They check their answers. Pupils summarise the story
as a group.
- Give
descriptions using - AB, p. 58, Act 1: Pupils copy the picture in the Ind LC
like. notebook. Pupils read and put the words in order to
make sentences. RC/WE
- Identify –s in
the present - AB, p. 58, Act 2: Pupils identify the –s in the third Ind LC
simple. person singular of thepresent simple. They correct the
sentences. RC/WE

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 123- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Practice word
order in - PB, p. 58, Act 3: In pairs, pupils put the words in P LC
sentences. order to make sentences. They compare with other
pairs. WE
- Practise P LC
vocabulary about - AB, p. 58, Act 3: Read the email and explain the
the senses. meaning. Pupils read and complete in pairs. RC/WE
Bag with
End of the - Make noises using different objects. Pupils guess OE LG LC objects to
Lesson what they are without looking (paper, write on the recognise by
board…) touch.

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 220 (p. 58). Extra activity 1: OE LG LC Photocopiable

Feely bag. activity 6
RC/WE/O SG LC (TB, p. 209)
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 220 (p. 58). Extra activity 2: E
What does it look like?

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 124- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 6: Senses. Lesson 2, PB a d AB, p. 59

- Ask and talk about the five senses.
- Describe sensations connected with the senses.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Remember - Ask about the agreeable sensations the pupils wrote OE LG LC
of the vocabulary about about in the notebook in the previous lesson.
lesson the senses. Remember the five senses.

Lesson - Identify sounds, - PB, p. 59, Act 4. CD 3, 16: Pupils look at the OE/OC LG LC
order expressions, drawing's activity. Ask what they see in it. Pupils read P
sensations. it aloud. Pupils listen to the CD. Pupils reply in pairs. PB CD-ROM:
Correct asking for complete sentences. Treasure hunt*
- State sensory - PB, p. 59, Act 5: Read the instructions for the game WE/OE SG LC/SCC
perceptions. aloud. Give out five cuttings to each pupil. They write CD 3 Photocopiable
down words which can be described with sounds. activity 6 (TB, p.
Form groups. Pupils come out to get a card and make Bag with 209)
a sound which the group has to guess. objects to
- Say sensory recognise by
perceptions - PB, p. 59, Act 6: Read the dialogue. Pupils take OE/OC P LC touch. Reinforcement
connected with turns to ask and answer questions in pairs about each Worksheet 1*
sight. picture. (TRP, pp. 50, 51,
- Practise - AB, p. 59, Act 4: Pupils describe the appearance of WE P LC
adjectives with the people in the photos. Pupils compare in pairs. Extension
verbs about the Worksheet 1
senses. - AB, p. 59, Act 5: Read the first guessing game as an RC/WE Ind LC (TRP, pp. 50, 53)
example. Pupils read and write the rest in silence. In
- Understand pairs, they correct them.
guessing games.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 125- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- PB, p. 59, Act 7: Read the dialogue and practise
with the objects from the previous lesson. Pupils ask OE/OC SG LC
- State sensory and answer as a group.
perception by
touch. - AB, p. 59, Act 6: Pupils answer the questionnaire. WE Ind LC
Pupils compare in pairs.
- Answer a
- Name verbs about the senses many times and OC LG LC
End of the quickly. Pupils show what they feel with. TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 220 (p. 59). Extra activity 1: WE Ind LC
What things sounded and looked like.

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 220 (p. 59). Extra activity 2: WW/RC P LC

More riddles.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 126- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 6: Senses. Lesson 3, PB and AB, p. 60

- Read about how to make a pizza.
- Follow a recipe.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Talk about food. - Describe a pizza for the pupils to guess what it is. OC LG LC
of the Pupils give their opinions about their favourite pizzas.
lesson Introduce the word recipe.

Lesson - Find out about - PB, p. 60, Act 8: Pupils read the website in silence. OC/RW Ind LC
order the steps in a Read the vocabulary aloud and explain it. Ask: What LG
recipe. would you put on your pizza? Take in different opinions. PB CD-ROM:
Hungry snake*
- Choose - AB, p. .60, Act 7: Pupils choose the words to name the WE Ind LC AB
ingredients for a photos and write them. Pupils compare the list with a
pizza. classmate. CD 3 AB, p. 60, Act 9*
- Identify food - PB, p. 60, Act 9. CD 3, 17: Pupils listen to the words. Notebook Reinforcement
vocabulary. Repeat them and look for them in the text. Worksheet 2
RC/WE Ind LC (TRP, pp. 50, 52)*
- Differentiate - PB, p. 60, Act 10: Pupils read the sentences and the
between verbs, correct without looking at the text. Pupils write the
nouns and sentences in the notebook and check them in the book. Extension
prepositions. WE Ind LC Worksheet 2*
- AB, p. .60, Act 8: Pupils look for the words in the (TRP, pp. 50, 54)
- Identify food Word snake and classify them.
vocabulary. RC/WE Ind LC
- AB, p. 60, Act 9: Pupils solve the definitions and take
- Do a crossword. the words to the crossword. Pupils compare in pairs.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 127- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Pupils remember the ingredients for Mario's pizza. OE LG LC TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 220 (p. 60). Extra activity 1: My RC/WE Ind LC Pupils bring
favourite pizza. a recipe in
OE/OC P LC/SCC their
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 220 (p. 60). Extra activity 2: language
Pizza role play. (next

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 128- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 6: Senses. Lesson 4, PB and AB, p. 61

- Follow a recipe.
- Sing a song.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise - Pupils say ingredients for pizza. Ask which Mario OE LG LC
of the ingredients for used in the previous lesson.
lesson making pizza.

Lesson - Learn a song - PB, p. 61, Act 11. CD 3, 18: The pupils listen to the OC/OE LG LC/CCE
order about recipes. song. Pupils link the drawings with a verse.. Pupils Song Worksheet
listen to and repeat line by line. Form five groups. PB (TRP, p. 55)
- Write Pupils sing with gestures and then do the karaoke
ingredients for a version. AB
pizza. OC/WE Ind LC Interactive DVD:
- PB, p. 61, Act 12. CD, 20: Pupils listen to and write CD 3 Quiz 3
- Understand a the words in the notebook. Pupils compare in pairs.
text about the Pupils spell for the class. Notebook
history of the RC/WE Ind LC
pizza. - AB, p. 61, Act 10: Read the text about the origin of
pizza aloud. Explain the vocabulary. Pupils read in
- Identify sentence silence and complete.
order in a text. RC/WE P LC
- AB, p. 61, Act 11: In pairs, pupils read the
- Write a recipe. sentences and put them in order to make a text. They
compare with other pairs. WE Ind LC/SIE

- PB, p. 61, Act 13: Pupils write the recipe for

making pasta.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 129- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Pupils sing the unit song in groups. Each one sings a OE LG LC/CCE TB
Lesson verse and mimes.
A recipe in
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 221 (p. 61). Extra activity 1: WE SG LC your language.
My favourite recipe.

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 221 (p. 61). Extra activity 2: OE/WE P LC

Recipe word maps.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 130- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 6: Senses. Lesson 5, PB and AB p. 62

- Practise the phonemes /z/ and /s/
- Write a text.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Find out about - Pupils say ingredients in plural. Write them on the OC/OE LG LC
of the the phonemes /z/ board in two columns: /z/ and /s/. Explain why they
lesson and /s/. are in one column or the other.

Lesson - Identify and - PB, p. 62, Act 14, CD 3, 21: Say the rhyme to OC LG LC
order pronounce the differentiate /z/ and /s/. Pupils listen to the CD. Repeat CD-ROM: Sounds
phonemes /z/ several times. Pupils practice in pairs. PB machine*
and /s/.
- AB, p. 62, Act 12: Pupils complete the series of the OE P LC AB
- Identify and words with the sound /s/. In pairs, pupils correct.
practise the CD
phonemes /z/ - AB, p. 62, Act 13 CD 3, 23 Pupils listen to the CD OC Ind LC Interactive DVD:
and /s/. and correct their answers to the previous exercise. Notebook The music room.

- PB, p. 62, Act 15: Pupils talk about about their last RC/WE/O P LC
party. Pupils use the questions in the book to plan a E
party. In pairs, pupils choose the reason for the party. Joke corner*:
- Agree on plans Pupils ask and write the answer in the notebook. Pupils tell the joke
for a party. at home
- PB, p. 62, Act 16: Pupils write their plans in the Ind LC
notebook. WE
- Revise going
to. - AB, p. 62, Act 14: Explain how to write a diamond LG LC
poem. RC/OE
- Understand and Recite the poem. Pupils repeat and then answer the
recite a poem. two questions.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 131- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Identify names, - AB, p. 62, Act 15: Revise categories in a language. Ind LC
adjectives and Give examples. Pupils complete the table. WE
- AB, p. 62, Act 16: Pupils write a diamond poem. Ind LC
- Write a poem. Pupils recite it when they finish. OE

- PB, p. 62, Joke corner. CD 3, 22: Pupils read and LG LC/SCC

- Understand a listen to the joke until they understand it. OC

End of the - Pupils recite the rhyme in turns. OE LG LC

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 221 (p. 62). Extra activity 1: All P LC
/z/ and /s/ words.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 221 (p. 62). Extra activity 2:
Writing together.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 132- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 6: Senses. Lesson 6, PB and AB, p. 63
- Read a story.
- Revise the unit vocabulary
- Self-evaluate learning.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Talking about - Form groups of four. Pupils say sentences from the OE/OC LG LC
of the the previous previous episode in chronological order.
lesson episode.

Lesson Listen to and - PB, p. 63, Story. CD 3, 24: Pupils look for the RC/OC/O Ind LC/MSST
developm understand a animals in the story and say its sounds. Ask general E LG Topic Worksheet
ent story. questions. Pupils predict the answers. Pupils listen to (TRP, p. 56)
the episode without reading and check it. Then they
listen and read. Explain the vocabulary. PB
CD-ROM: Movie
- Show - AB, p. 63, Act 17: Pupils answer the questions Ind LC AB Hopper*
comprehension of about the story. RC/WE
the story. Notebook

- Correct - AB, p. 63, Act 18: Pupils read the sentences, Ind LC
mistakes. identify the mistake, correct it and write it again. RC/WE
Pupils compare the list with a classmate.

- Revise the unit - AB, p. 63, Do you remember?: Pupils complete Ind LC/LL
vocabulary and with what they remember without looking at the LC
structures. book. Then they look and correct.
- Self-evaluate - AB, p. 63, Can do: Pupils read the statements and RC/OE SG
learning. colour in the symbol for what they know. In groups,
pupils take it in turns to give examples.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 133- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Pupils choose a song or chant and repeat it. OE Ind LC/CCE
Lesson Bag with
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 221 (p. 63). Extra activity 1: All P LC/SCC objects to
Role play. recognise by
OE SG LC touch.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 221 (p. 63). Extra activity 2:
Feely bag.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 134- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 6: Senses. Lesson 7, PB and AB, p. 64

- Read about optical illusions.
- Choose a title for a text.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Find out about - Show the picture to the pupils. Ask about the OC LG LC A painting by
of the the concept of author. Ask pupils about others pictures they know. an artist the
lesson optical illusion. pupils are
familiar with.

Lesson - Find out about - PB, p. 64, Fact: Pupils look at the drawing of the OE LG LC/MSCT/CCE
developm the concept of elephant for a while. Explain optical illusion. Pupils CD-ROM:
ent optical illusion. give further examples. Parachuting*
- Identify pictures - PB, p. 64, Act 1: Pupils look at the drawings and
with optical find the optical effect. Read the text aloud and stop at AB AB, p. 64, Act 4*
illusion. each inserted question. The pupils reply. Pupils read
in turns. Explain the vocabulary. Notebook
- Choose a title RC/WE P LC
for a text. - PB, p. 64, Act 2: Pupils read the text again in
silence and choose one of the titles in pairs. They
- Find out about share their choices and decide which is most
Escher's work. appropriate. RC/WE Ind LC

- Talk about - AB, p. 64, Act 1: Explain this new example of

pictures with optical illusion in writing. Pupils decipher the text. In
optical illusion. pairs, they correct them. LC Ind LC/MSCT/CCE

- Find out about - AB, p. 65, Act 2: Pupils analyse the pictures and
an optical answer the questions. Pupils compare in pairs. LC Ind LC/MSCT/CCE

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 135- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- AB, p. 65. Act 3: Pupils colour in the pictures and
- Write about an say what they see
optical illusion. WE Ind LC

- AB, p. 65, Act 4: Pupils write about the optical

illusion they have most enjoyed. Pupils read their
answers to the class.

Pictures by
End of the - Revise what has been learned during the lesson. OE LG LC Escher
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 221 (p. 64). Extra activity 1: OE LG LC Strips of
Tricks of the eye. paper,
OC/WE Ind LC scissors, glue
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 221 (p. 64). Extra activity 2:
Möbius strip. Möbius strip

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 136- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 6: Senses. Lesson 8, PB and AB p. 65

- Read about optical illusions.
- Do a project about an optical illusion.
- Practise doing a Reading & Writing task like the ones in Flyers exam.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the - Remember with pupils what they learned in the OE LG LC
of the concept of optical previous lesson. Ask which optical illusion they
lesson illusion. found most interesting.

Lesson - Revise the - PB, p. 25, Act 3: Pupils read and discuss the OE P LC/SCC
developm concept of optical questions. Pupils exchange answers and help each LG PB
ent illusion. other to understand them. AB, p. 65, Act 8*
AB (After doing the
- Create an optical - PB, p. 65, Project: Explain what the project is going WE Ind LC/CCE/SIE project)
illusion to consist of. Read what is needed and how to do it P Materials for
aloud. Help the pupils with the drawings of the mouse the project
and the cheese. Encourage them to finish it at home. (see TB, p.
- Practise an exam 136)
task from Flyers. - AB, p. 65, Act 8: Pupils look at the drawing, read LC Ind LC
the story and complete the sentences.

End of the - Pupils talk about what they have most enjoyed in the OE Ind LC
Lesson unit. TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 221 (p. 65). Extra activity 1:
Write about your optical illusion.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 221 (p. 65). Extra activity 2: Ind
CLIL vocabulary.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 137- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Units 5&6: Values Lesson 9, PB PB and AB p. 91

Value the importance of saying the truth without hurting people.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement-
objectives Extension

Beginning - Reflect on - The teacher says sentences about him/herself and OC LG LC/SCC
of the saying the truth. the pupils say, with thumbs up or down, whether they
lesson are true or not.

Lesson - Reflect on an - PB, p. 92, Act 1.: Pupils read the questionnaire and RC/OE LG LC/LL
order illustration. answer saying what they would do in each situation.
- Understand an - PB, p. 92, Act 2: They compare their answer to the RC/WE Ind LC
oral text. questionnaire in pairs. P AB

- PB, p. 92, Act 3: In small groups pupils discuss the OE SG LC/SCC CD 4

questions set.
- AB, p. .92, Act 1: Pupils read the text and answer P
the questions.
- Reflect on your WE Ind LC/SCC
own behaviour. - AB, p. .92, Act 2: Pupils imagine a situation and
write about how they would tell the truth.

End of the - Write halves of some of the sentences learned on the RC/WE Ind LC/SCC
Lesson board. Pupils link the correct halves and correct in P Sticky tape
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 225 (p. 92). Extra activity 1: OC/OE LG LC
Quiz question.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 225 (p. 92). Extra activity 2: OE LG LC
Truth or white lie?

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 138- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 5 and 6. Lesson 8, PB and AB p. 66
- Revise vocabulary and structures from units 5 and 6.
- Do an oral comprehension activity.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension
Pieces of
Beginning - Revise - Form groups of six. - Give out a word to each pupil. OE/OC SG LC paper with
of the vocabulary. Without showing what it is, they define it to the group, vocabulary
lesson which has to guess it. from the

Lesson - Revise types of - PB, p. 66, Act 1: Talk about the blogs. Explain that RC/WE Ind LC/DC Extra project
order words. pupils have to identify the missing word's category in ideas: Menus (TB,
order to choose the right one. Pupils read and complete. PB p. 228)
Pupils compare in pairs.
- Revise the AB
lesson vocabulary - PB, p. 66, Act 2. CD 3, 25: Pupils look at the drawings OC/WE Ind LC
and structures. and then listen to the example. Pupils listen to all the CD 3
dialogues and write the answers in the notebook. Pupils
compare the list with a classmate. Notebook
Use words to
complete a text. - AB, p. 66, Act 1: Pupils read the story and complete it RC/WE Ind LC
using words from the box.
- Choose a title
for the story. - AB, p. 66, Act 2: Pupils choose an appropriate title LC Ind LC
appropriate for the story.
- Revise
vocabulary. - AB, p. 66, Act 3: Pupils find, circle and explain the RC/OE Ind LC
odd word out in the series. Pupils compare in pairs.

End of the - Play Time bingo. Draw twelve clocks and number OC LG LC TB
Lesson them. Each pupils copies four in his/her notebook. The

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 139- © Cambridge University Press 2017
pupil who calls out Bingo! wins. Pieces of
WE/OE P LC card
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 221 (p. 66). Extra activity 1:
Picture a sound.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 221 (p. 66). Extra activity 2:
Songs and chants.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 140- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 5 and 6. Lesson 11, PB and AB p. 67
- Revise vocabulary and structures from units 5 and 6.
- Take part in a board game.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise units 5 - Write materials on the board. Do a brainstorm to revise OE LG LC

of the and 6 vocabulary. vocabulary which pupils remember without looking in
lesson the book.

Lesson - Take part in a - PB, p. 67, Act 3: Explain the rules of the game. OE/RC SG LC
order game about Remember the seven materials. Pupils play in groups of PB
materials. four. AB, p. 67, Act 7*
- Revise - AB, p. 67, Act 4: Pupils complete the sentences with a WE Ind LC
vocabulary. word and count their letters. Dice and
cards Language
- AB, p. 67, Act 5: Pupils do the crossword and write WE Ind LC Portfolio, p 5
- Do a crossword. the message.

- Answer a quiz. - AB, p. 67, Act 6: Pupils answer the questions from the RC/WE Ind LC
quiz. Pupils compare in pairs.

- Write a quiz. - AB, p. 67, Act 7: Pupils write questions for a quiz. WE Ind LC/SIE

End of the - In groups of three pupils write six sentences from the All LG LC
Lesson Can do sections in units 5 and 6 on a large piece of
paper. Pupils talk about what they have learned and give TB
OE/OC LG LC Large piece
- Ask which subjects and/or activities pupils have most of paper
enjoyed. RC/WE Ind LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 141- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 67). Extra activity 1: All SG LC
Vocabulary review

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 67). Extra activity 2:


Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 142- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 5 and 6. Lesson 12, PB and AB, p. 68 (Say it with me!)
- Revise and practise the sounds /s/ and /z/.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement –
objectives Extension

Beginning - Pronounce /s/ - Show the positions of the mouth and the tongue OC/OE LG LC
of the and /z/. when pronouncing /s/ and /z/. Pupils make a snake
lesson sound with /s/ and a bee sound with /z/.
- Link sounds and - Write words with these sounds. Pupils pronounce
letters. them to check whether the sounds exist in their

Lesson - Differentiate /s/ - PB, p. 68, Act 1. CD 3, 26: Pupils listen to the OC/OE LG LC
order and /z/ in sentences. Stop after each one. Pupils say the sound. Interactive DVD:
sentences. Then pupils listen and repeat. PB School library.
Story extension
- Pronounce /s/ - PB, p. 68, Act 2. CD 3, 27: Pupils listen to and read OC/OE LG LC AB
and /z/ depending the text. Then they listen and repeat after each P
on the letter. sentence. Pupils practice in pairs. CD 3

- Differentiate /s/ - AB, p. .68, Act 1. CD 3, 1294: Pupils listen to the OC/WE Ind LC
and /z/ en in loose words. Stop after each one for pupils to write in the
words. correct columns.

- Practise the - AB, p. 68, Act 2: Pupils make up sentences using RC/WE Ind LC
sounds /s/ and /z/ words from the previous activity and write them
and their letters. down. If possible, pupils include two or more words
in the same sentence.
- Practise the - PB, p. 68, Act 3. CD 3, 28: Pupils listen to the text E P
sounds /s/ and /z/ while they read it. Then some volunteers read it
in a text. aloud. Read the sentences below. Pupils say whether

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 143- © Cambridge University Press 2017
they are true or false. Pupils practise pronunciation
by reading in pairs.
Ind LC
- Recognise - AB, p. 68, Act 3: Pupils read the questions about RC/OE
rhyme between the cloud and link them by rhyme.
words. P LC
- AB, p. 68, Act 4: In pairs, pupils read the groups' OC/OE
words and classmates guess which they are.

End of the - In pairs, write ten words with the sounds /s/ and /z/. WE/CO/O P LC
Lesson Pupils read another pair's list and decide which sound E
each one has.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 144- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 5 and 6. Lesson 13, PB and AB, p. 69 (Get it right!)

- Practise questions in simple past.
- Write and say dates.
- Learn the spelling of the past of irregular verbs ending in -ght.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Differentiate - Write the infinitive of twelve verbs on the board. OC/WE LG LC
of the between regular Divide the board in two parts. Form two groups. Say
lesson and irregular a verb. Two pupils from each group come out. One
verbs. writes the verb and decides whether it is regular or
irregular. The other writes the simple past.

Lesson - Revise the PB, p. 69, Act 1. Grammar: Pupils read the RC/OE LG LC AB, p. 69, Acts 1
order interrogative form questions. Pupils answer both questions. They and 2*
of the past. compare them with their own language. PB

Practise questions - PB, p. 69, Act 2: Ask the first question as a model. OC/OE P LC AB
and answers in In pairs, pupils ask and reply in the past. Pupils give
simple past. complete answers. CD 2

AB, p. 69, Act 1: Pupils read the verbs. Remind RC/WE Ind LC Notebook
Practise questions them about the use of did. Pupils complete the
and answers in sentences individually. In pairs, pupils correct.
simple past.
- AB, p. 69, Act 2: Pupils write the questions for
- Revise the dates. answers in the past. Pupils compare in pairs. RC/WE Ind LC

- PB, p. 69, Act 3. Vocabulary: Revise the months.

- Revise the Write a complete date on the board and read it. RC/WE/O LG LC
months and Revise ordinal numbers. Pupils answer both E P
ordinal numbers. questions. Discuss with the class. In pairs, pupils ask

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 145- © Cambridge University Press 2017
and reply about the dates in the book and continue
with others.

- Write dates. - AB, p. 69, Act 3. CD 2, 30: Pupils listen to and Ind LC/MSST
write the date using numbers in the first column, and OC/WE
with words in the second.
- Recognise the
spelling –ght in PB, p. 69, Act 4. Spelling: Emphasise the ending – LG LC
verbs in the past. ght in the verbs. Write the alphabet and circle the RC/OE P
order of the three letters as a clue for remembering
the spelling. Pupils read the sentences aloud and spell
- Complete them. In pairs, pupils take it in turns to say a verb in
sentences with the present, and then in the past and spell it.
verbs in the past. Ind LC
- AB, p. 69, Act 4: Pupils complete the sentences RC/WE
with verbs in the past. Pupils compare the list with a

End of the - Pupils ask and give answers about the date of their OC/OE P LC Large piece of
Lesson birthdays. They write them on a Class Birthday paper

TEST 6: In the next lesson the test for units 5 and 6 (TRP, p. 237) can be given.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 146- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 6: Senses. pp. 58 to 69
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8
PB, p. 58, Act 2. PB, p. 59, Act 4. PB, p. 60, Act 9. PB, p. 61, Act PB, p. 62, Act PB, p. 63, Story
CD3, 14 CD3, 016 CD3, 17 12. CD3, 18 14. CD3, 21 CD3, 24
- PB, p. 62, Act
ORAL PRECISION AB, p. 58, Act1 PB, p. 59, Act 6 PB, p. 60, Act10 PB, p. 61, Act 11 PB, p. 63, Story PB, p. 64, Act 1 PB, p. 65, Act 3
Photoc. activity AB, p. 63, Act PB, p. 65, Act 3
COMMUNICATI PB, p. 59, Act 7 PB, p. 61, Act 13 PB, p. 62, Act 16
6 (TB, p. 207) 16
READING SKILL AB, p. 62, Act PB, p. 65, Project
PB, p. 58, Act 3 AB, p. 59, Act 6 PB, p. 60, Act 8 PB, p. 61, Act 11 worksheet 2 PB, p. 64, Act 1
(TRP, p. 54)
READING AB, p. 61, Act AB, p. 63, Act PB, p. 65, Project
AB, p. 58, Act 3 AB, p. 59, Act 5 AB, p. 60, Act 8 worksheet 1 AB, p. 64, Act 1
READER 10 16
(TRP, p. 53)
AB, p. 61, Act AB, p. 62, Act AB, p. 63, Act
WRITING PRECISION AB, p. 58, Act 2 AB, p. 59, Act 4 AB, p. 60, Act 7 AB, p. 64, Act 3 AB, p. 65, Act 5
13 15 17
COMMUNICATI Reinf. worksheet AB, p. 65, Act 5
PB, p. 62, Act 16 worksheet 2, AB, p. 64, Act 4
VE ABILITY 1 (TRP, p. 51)
(TRP, p. 54)

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 147- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 6: Senses. pp. 58 to 69
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13
Values Review Review Say it with me! Get it right!

PB, p. 66, Act 2. CD3, 17 PB, p. 67, Act 3 AB, p. 68, Act 1. CD3, 14 AB, p. 69, Act 3

ORAL PRECISION PB, p. 92, Act 1 PB, p. 66, Act 2 PB, p. 67, Act 3 PB, p. 68, Act 1 PB, p. 69, Act 2
PB, p. 67, Act 3
COMMUNICATI PB, p. 92, Act 3 PB, p. 66, Act 2 PB, p. 68, Act 3

READING SKILL PB, p. 92, Act 1 PB, p. 66, Act 1 AB, p. 67, Act 4 PB, p. 68, Act 2 PB, p. 69, Act 4
AB, p. 69, Act 1
READER AB, p. 92, Act 1 AB, p. 66, Act 1 AB, p. 67, Act 6 AB, p. 68, Act 3
Evaluation 6 (TRP, p. 237)

WRITING PRECISION AB, p. 92, Act 1 AB, p. 66, Act 3 AB, p. 67, Act 4 AB, p. 68, Act 1 AB, p. 69, Act 4

COMMUNICATI AB, p. 92, Act 2 AB, p. 66, Act 1 AB, p. 67, Act 7 AB, p. 68, Act 2 AB, p. 69, Act 2

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 148- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 7: Natural world. Lesson 1, PB and AB page 70

- Talk about taking care of nature.
- Give advice using should and shouldn’t.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Find out about - Ask pupils what they see in the country. Present the OC/OE LG LC
of the vocabulary about unit title.
lesson nature.

Lesson - Remember - PB, p. 70, Show what you know: Ask the question CO/OE/W LG LC
order vocabulary about and make a concept map on the board using the E Ind
nature. answers. Pupils copy in their notebooks. CD-ROM:
PB Hungry snake*
- PB, p. 70, Act 1. CD 4, 02: Present the characters LG LC
- Teach and ask where they are. Pupils listen to the OC/OE AB
vocabulary about conversation. Pupils mark the words they have copied Reinforcement
nature. when they hear them. They compare in pairs and then CD 4 Worksheet 1*
correct with the whole class. Pupils listen again and (TRP, pp. 57, 58)
raise their hands when the hear the vocabulary. Notebook

- PB, p. 70, Act 2. CD 4, 03: Give time for pupils to Ind LC

- Correct mistakes read the sentences which they have to correct. Pupils OC/RW
in contents. listen to the CD. Pupils correct in pairs, then with all
the class giving long answers.

- Find out about - Presentation: Write sentences 5 and 6 from Act 2. LG LC

the use of should Underline should and shouldn’t and explain. Pupils CL/CO
and shouldn´t. listen to CD 3, 19 again. Pupils raise their hands
when they hear it and then repeat it. Ask What should
we do? Pupils summarise the story.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 149- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Recognise - AB, p. .70, Act 1: Pupils copy the picture in the Ind LC
problems and notebook. Pupils read the questions with should and LC
advice. look for the answer.
Ind LC
- Recognise - AB, p. 70, Act 2: Pupils choose the affirmative or RC/WE
problems and negative answer for giving advice.
advice. Ind LC
- AB, p. 70, Act 3: Pupils identify the mistake in the RC/WE
- Correct contents and correct it.
mistakes. P LC
- PB, p. 70, Act 3: Pupils read the sentences and LC
- Form sentences. complete them in pairs.

End of the - Ask: What should you do at the end of the lesson? OC/OE LG LC TB
Lesson Pupils answer with should and shouldn’t.
Script of CD
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 70). Extra activity 1: All SG LC/SCC 3, 18 on a
Role play. large piece of
RC/OE/O SG LC paper
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 70). Extra activity 2: C
More sentence halves.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 150- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 7: Natural world. Lesson 2, PB and AB p. 71

- Give advice about looking after nature.
- Sing a song.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise - Ask about the title of the unit. Remember some OC/OE LG LC
of the vocabulary and sentences from the previous lesson about looking
lesson advice about after nature, affirmative and negative. Remember the
nature. impersonal use of you and the infinitive without to
with should.

Lesson - Learn a song and - PB, p. 71, Act 4. CD 4, 04: Pupils read the All LG LC/CCE CD-ROM:
order identify infinitives infinitives in silence and think where to put them. Treasure hunt*
in it. Pupils listen to the song, without completing it the PB
first time. In pairs, pupils say what they remember
and complete the verbs in the notebook. Pupils listen AB AB, p. 71, Act 6*
line by line. Correct and explain meaning and
pronunciation. Pupils sing and act, then singing the CD 4
- Practise should karaoke version. Song Worksheet
and shouldn’t. OC/OE P LC Notebook (TRP, p. 62)
- PB, p. 71, Act 5: In pairs, pupils look at the LG
- Link pieces of drawings and choose the right answer. Pupils give Pieces of
advice and more advice about the illustrations. paper or cards
problems. LC Ind LC
- AB, p. 71, Act 4: Pupils link the problem explained
- Give advice after with their piece of advice
being told about a Pupils compare the list with a classmate.
problem. RC/WE Ind LC
- AB, p. 71, Act 5: Pupils read the problem and write
- Talk about a piece of advice in the notebook.
problems and All SG LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 151- © Cambridge University Press 2017
solutions. - PB, p. 71, Act 6: Form groups of four. Give each
group a card/piece of paper. Pupils cut them into eight
pieces and write a problem on each one. They read
them to the other group, which give advice aloud.
- Answer RC/WE Ind LC
questions. - AB, p. 71, Act 6: Pupils read the questions and
answer about themselves.

End of the - Pupils sing the song again. OE LG LC/CCE TB

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 71). Extra activity 1: RC/WE Ind LC
Written advice.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 71). Extra activity 2:
Helping each other.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 152- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 7: Natural world. Lesson 3, PB and AB p. 72

- Read and talk about animals in danger of extinction.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Identify animals - Differentiate the words spotted and striped using OC/OE LG LC/MSST
of the with stripes and pupils¡ clothes and objects. Pupils name animals with
lesson spots. those characteristics. They write them on the board.

Lesson - Find out about - PB, p. 72, Act 7: Pupils read the web in silence. RC/OE Ind LC
order animals in danger Pupils look for animals with the previously LG CD-ROM:
of extinction. mentioned characteristics. Pupils read aloud. Explain PB Hungry snake*
pronunciation and vocabulary. Emphasise
- Identify animals. endangered species. Read the words below. Ask AB
What should you do to help? Pupils give their Interactive DVD:
- Recognise opinions. CD 4 The music room
animals RC/OE Ind LC
vocabulary. - AB, p. 72, Act 7: Pupils choose the words to name Notebook
the photos. Reinforcement
- Revise OC/OE LG LC Worksheet 2*
vocabulary. - PB, p. 72, Act 8. CD 4, 06: Listen to the words and (TRP, p. 57,59)
pupils repeat them. Then pupils listen to and point at
- Revise the corresponding text.
information about RC/WE Ind LC
animals in danger. - AB, p. 72, Act 8: Put the letters in order to make a Language
word. Portfolio, p 12
- Revise animals RC/OE P LC/MSST
vocabulary. - PB, p. 72, Act 9: Pupils read the questions and look LG
for the answer in the text. Pupils name other animals
- Differentiate in danger in pairs. Share the answers.
types of word. RC/WE Ind LC
- AB, p. 72, Act 9: Pupils read the definitions and

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 153- © Cambridge University Press 2017
write the word. Pupils compare with a classmate.
- AB, p. 72, Act 10: Pupils classify the words by
grammatical category.

End of the - Write all the words on the board which they CO/OE/W LG LC TB
Lesson remember from this lesson. E
Large map of
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 72). Extra activity 1: LG LC the world
Where do they live? RC/WE Ind
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 72). Extra activity 2: SG LC photocopies
Guessing game. WE/OE/O of the map of
C the world

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 154- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 7: Natural world. Lesson 4, PB and AB p. 73

- Describing animals.
- Give advice with should and shouldn’t.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Describe - Describe one of the animals f the previous lesson. OC/OE LG LC/MSST
of the animals by their Pupils guess it without looking at the book. Then they
lesson appearance. describe them themselves.

Lesson - Compare the - PB, p. 82, Act 10: Pupils look at the drawings. OC/OE LG LC
order appearance of Explain male and female. Pupils describe the P
various animals. drawings in pairs using comparatives. PB AB, p. 73, Act 14*
- Collect data - PB, p. 73, Act 11. CD 4, 07: Explain which data OC/RC/W Ind AB
about an animal's they have to make a note of. Pupils listen to the CD E Extension
characteristics. and write words or numbers about the butterfly. CD 4 Worksheet 1*
Compare in pairs LC (TRP, pp. 57, 60)
- Identify animals. Notebook
- AB, p. 73, Act 11: Pupils link the pictures of the Ind
animals with their names. Pupils compare the list with RC/WE Reference
- Look for more a classmate. LC books / the
information about Internet
animals. - AB, p. 73, Act 12: Pupils look for more data about Ind
the animals in Act 11. They tell the class about them. RC/WE/O LG LC/MSST
- Identify types of E
words in a text. - PB, p. 73, Act 12: Explain words to complete the Ind
text and its contents. Pupils read and complete. LC
- Value RC/WE
knowledge about - AB, p. 73, Act 13: Pupils make a questionnaire Ind
animals. about animals in danger of extinction. They swap P
with a classmate. WE/OE LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 155- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Discuss about
looking after - PB, p. 73, Act 13: Read the text. Explain how to SG
nature. show disagreement. In groups, pupils take it in turns LC
exchange opinions. OE/WE
- Put a story in Ind
order. - AB, p. 73, Act 14: Pupils read the fragments and
put them in order to make up a story. RC/WE

End of the - Write the words from the lesson with the letters RC/WE P LC TB
Lesson mixed up. Pupils guess the words and correct in
pairs. Large piece of
All SG LC paper, felt
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 73). Extra activity 1: pens
The school environment.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 73). Extra activity 2: E
Endangered animals.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 156- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 7: Natural world. Lesson 5, PB and AB p. 74

- Identify and pronounce the the weak form of and.
- Write a letter.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Find out about - Write black, socks, OC/OE LG LC

of the the the weak form fish on one side of the board and chips, shoes, white
lesson of and. on the other. Pronounce each pairs of words
connecting them with and (weak form). Pupils listen
and repeat.

Lesson - Identify and - PB, p. 74, Act 14. CD 4, 08: Pupils listen to the OC/OE LG LC CD-ROM: Sounds
order pronounce the rhyme while they read. The repeat to identify the P PB machine*
weak form of sound. Pupils practice in pairs.
and. AB
- AB, p. 74, Act 15: Pupils look for and write the OC/OE LG LC
- Identify pairs of pairs of words. Pupils compare the answers with a P CD 4 Joke corner*:
words. classmate and repeat them. Pupils tell the joke
OC Ind LC Notebook at home
- Answer a - AB, p. 74, Act 16 CD 4, 10: Pupils listen to the CD
questionnaire. and correct their answers from the previous exercise.
- Prepare a - PB, p. 74, Act 16: Read and answer the first P
questionnaire. question as an example. Pupils ask and answer the
questionnaire in pairs.
- Find out about OE/OC P LC
parts of a letter. - PB, p. 74, Act 17: Write questions for a
- Write a letter to Form groups of six. Pupils ask each other.
ask for
information. - AB, p. 74, Act 17: Explain six parts of a letter. LC Ind LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 157- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Pupils read it and number the parts. Correct as a
- Understand a group.
joke. WE Ind LC/SIE
- AB, p. 74, Act 18: Pupils write a letter asking for
information about recycling bins.
- PB, p. 74, Joke corner. CD 4, 09: Pupils listen to
the joke various times.

End of the - Pupils repeat the rhyme at the start of the lesson in OE LG LC TB
Lesson turns.
RC/OE/O LG LC Pieces of
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 74). Extra activity 1: C P paper with
Find your partner. words to put
P/PG LC in pairs (TB,
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 74). Extra activity 2: LC p. 154)
Writing together.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 158- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 7: Natural world. Lesson 6, PB and AB page 75
- Read a story.
- Revise the unit vocabulary and structures.
- Self-evaluate learning.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the - Ask about the snake from the previous chapter and OC/OE LG LC/MSST
of the previous episodes. which animals it looks like. Pupils answer. Revise
lesson spots and stripes. Summarise the previous episode.

Lesson Read and - PB, p. 75. CD 4, 11: Ask general questions about OC/OE Ind LC CD-ROM: Movie
order understand a the story. Pupils read it quickly and predict the PB Hopper*
story. answers. Pupils listen and check with the book closed.
Pupils compare in pairs. Pupils listen and repeat each AB
cartoon. Interactive DVD:
CD 4 Story extension
- Answer - AB, p. 75, Act 19: Pupils answer the questions OC/OE LG LC
comprehension about the story. Notebook
questions. In pairs, they correct them. Topic Worksheet
7* (TRP, p.63)
- Put a summary - AB, p. 75, Act 20: Pupils read the sentences. Clear RC/WE Ind LC
of the story in up doubts. Pupils put them in order.
- AB, p. 75, Do you remember? Pupils complete with RC/WE Ind LC/LL
- Revise contents what they remember about the unit without looking in
of the unit. the book. Then they look and correct.
- Self-evaluate - AB, p. 75, Can do: Pupils read the statements and
learning. colour in the symbol for what they know. In groups,
pupils take it in turns to give examples.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 159- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Pupils choose a song or chant and repeat it. OE LG LC/CCE Photocopiable
Lesson activity 7 (TB,
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 222 (p. 75). Extra activity 1: All SG LC/SCC p. 210)
Role play.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 223 (p. 75). Extra activity 2:
Word pairs.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 160- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 7: Natural world. Lesson 7, PB and AB page 76
- Read the reasons for animals becoming extinct.
- Read about the origin of the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Talk about extinct - Pupils name extinct animals. Ask pupils about the OC LG LC/MSST
of the animals. date of extinction and the cause. Ask pupils if they
lesson believe that there are still animals in danger of

Lesson - Find out more - PB, p. 78, Fact: Give pupils time to read and look OE LG LC/MSST CD-ROM:
order about the at the data about the extinction of insects. Read the Parachuting*
extinction of text aloud. Ask pupils if they are surprised. PB
- PB, p. 76, Act 1: Pupils read the text quickly and AB Interactive DVD:
- Find out about give it a title. LC LG LC The school hall
the causes of the Notebook
extinction of - PB, p. 76, Act 2: Pupils read the questions aloud.
animals. Explain their meaning. In pairs, pupils look for the RC/OC/O LG LC Reference
answers. Pupils read each paragraph aloud in turns E books / the Extension
- Link vocabulary and explain the vocabulary. Answer with the class Internet Worksheet 2
and definitions. (TRP, p.57, 61)
- PB, p. 76, Act 3: Pupils look in the text the words
- Make a concept for each definition. Pupils compare the list with a Ind LC
map. classmate. RC/OE

- Interpret the data - AB, p. 76, Act 1: Read the ideas on the concept
on a sheet and map. Pupils suggest others. Pupils use the text to Ind LC
write a text based complete it. RC/WE
on it. - AB, p. 77, Act 2: Pupils read the data about the
diplodocus. Write a text and compare with a Ind LC/SIE
classmate. RC/ WE

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 161- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Revise what has been learned during today's OE LG LC TB
Lesson lesson.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 223 (p. 76). Extra activity 1: E
The extinction of the dinosaurs.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 223 (p. 76). Extra activity 2: RC/WE
Find out and write about an extinct animal.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 162- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 7: Natural world. Lesson 8, PB and AB p. 77

- Read about fossils.
- Do a project about fossils.
- Do alistening task as in the Movers exam.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the - Ask questions about extinction and dinosaurs. Pupils OC/OE LG LC/MSST
of the concept of extinct remember and reply.
lesson animals.
- Ask if they know what a fossil is. Explain what it is OC/OE LG LC
- Introduce the made of. Explain soft and hard parts of the body.
concept of fossil.

Lesson - Identify the - PB, p. 77, Act 4: Ask about the photos. Pupils read OE/RC Ind LC PB AB, p. 77, Act 6*
order parts of a fossil. the text in silence and link the drawings with the part LG AB (After doing the
of the text they are connected with They compare in Materials for Project
pairs and then correct with the class. Pupils take turns the project
to speak. Explain the vocabulary. (see TB, p. Extra project
- Create a fossil 160) ideas:
footprint. - PB, p.77, Project: Explain that they are going to RC/WE/O Ind LC/CCE/SIE Animal extinctions
make a fossil footprint. Read the materials and explain E Information around the world
- Practise an the stages. Pupils work individually. Emphasise that about fossils / (TB, p. 229)
exam task from pupils must mark the footstep when the fossil is still Internet
Flyers. fresh.
Ind LC Visit an
- AB, p.77, Act 6, CD4, 12: Pupils listen to the CD OC archaeologist
and link the names of the characters their drawings in (if possible)
the illustration.

End of the - Pupils talk about what they have most enjoyed in the OE LG LC
Lesson unit. TB

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 163- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 223 (p. 77). Extra activity 1: P
Write about your fossil prints.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 223 (p. 77). Extra activity 2: E Ind
CLIL vocabulary.

TEST 7: In the next lesson the test for unit 7 (TB, p. 238) can be given.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 164- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 7: Natural world. pp. 70 to 77
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8

- AB, p. .77, Act


PB, p. 70, Act 1 PB, p. 71, Act 4 PB, p. 72, Act 8 PB, p. 73, Act 11 PB, p. 74, Act 14 PB, p. 75, Act 17 Evaluation 7
CD4, 02 CD4, 04 CD4, 06 CD4, 07 CD4, 08 CD4, 11 (TRP, p. 238,
CD4, 21)

PB, p. 70, Act 2 PB, p. 71, Act 6 PB, p. 72, Act 8 PB, p. 73, Act 10 PB, p. 74, Act 15 worksheet 2 PB, p. 76, Act 2
PB, p. 77, Act 3
COMMUNICATIV PB, p. 71, Act 6 PB, p. 72, Act 9 PB, p. 73, Act 13 PB, p. 74, Act 15

AB, p. 74, Act Topic worksheet PB, p. 77. Project

READING SKILL AB, p. 70, Act 1 AB, p. 71, Act 4 PB, p. 72, Act 7 PB, p. 73, Act 12 PB, p. 76, Act 2
READER 15 (TPR, p. 63)

AB, p. 73, Act PB, p. 77, Project

READING PB, p. 70, Act 3 AB, p. 71, Act 4 AB, p. 72, Act 9 PB, p. 74, Act 15 PB, p. 75 AB, p. 76, Act 2
AB, p.75,
WRITING PRECISION AB, p. 72, Act AB, p. 73, Act AB, p. 74, Act.
AB, p. 70, Act 3 AB, p. 71, Act 6 Do you AB, p. 76, Act 1
AB, p. 73, Act AB, p. 74, Act AB, p. 75, Act
COMMUNICATIV AB, p. 71, Act 5 AB, p. 76, Act 2
13 17 18

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 165- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 8: World of sports. Lesson 1, PB and AB page 78

- Revise sports vocabulary.
- Talk about the experience of playing sports.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Teach sports - Make gestures for various sports. Pupils guess what OC/OE LG LC
of the vocabulary. they are. Pupils deduce the theme to be worked with:
lesson sport.

Lesson - Revise names of - PB, p. 78, Show what you know: Read the question OC/OE/R LG LC
order sports. to the class. Pupils name the sports know about. C Ind
Make a concept map on the board. Pupils copy in PB
their notebooks. CD-ROM:
- Identify sports. AB Hungry snake*
- PB, p. 78, Act 1. CD 4, 13: Present the characters Ind LC
and ask where they are. Pupils listen to the OC/OE LG CD 4
conversation. Pupils mark the words they have copied
when they hear them. They compare in pairs and then Notebook
correct with the whole class. Pupils listen again and
- Recognise raise their hands when the hear the vocabulary.
sports vocabulary. Ind LC
- PB, p. 78, Act 2. CD 4, 14: Give time for the pupils OC/OE/R
to read the sentences they have to complete. Pupils C
- Find out about listen to the CD and write the words in the notebook.
present perfect. Pupils compare the list with a classmate.

- Presentation: Write sentences 3 to 6 from PB Act Ind LC

2. Show how to form and the meaning of the verb LG
tense. Emphasise that when it happened is not RC/WE/O
specified. Explain the contractions. Pupils listen to C
- Revise regular CD 4, 02 again and raise their hands when they hear

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 166- © Cambridge University Press 2017
and irregular the present perfect. They summarise what they have
verbs heard. Pupils read the Functions and copy them in the
- Use the present Ind LC
perfect in - AB, p. 78, Act 1: Revise the difference between
negative. regular and irregular verbs. Pupils read them and
write R or I. RC/WE Ind LC
- Correct mistakes
in verb tenses. - AB, p. 78, Act 2: Pupils write each sentence in the
negative form. RC/WE
- Link pictures Pupils compare in pairs. Ind LC
with texts in
present perfect. - PB, p. 78, Act 3: Pupils read the sentences and
choose the correct form. Correct with the class and RC/WE
ask the complete forms. Ind LC

- AB, p. 78, Act 3: Pupils link the drawings with the

texts. LC

End of the - Ask things which the pupils have never done but OC/OE LG LC TB
Lesson which they would like to do.
LC P LC Script of CD
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 223 (p. 78). Extra activity 1: 4, 13 on a
Find the present perfect. large piece of
WE/OE Ind LC paper and
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 223 (p. 78). Extra activity 2: SG photocopies
In my life.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 167- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 8: World of sports. Lesson 2, PB and AB p. 79

- Practise the present perfect.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the use - Ask a pupils what they have done today to revise OC/OE LG LC
of the of present perfect. the present perfect. Give some examples to help
lesson them. Write their answers on the board.

Lesson - Revise verb - PB, p. 73, Act 4: Read the example to explain the OE/RC/W P LC
order tenses. idea of the sequence of drawings. In pairs, pupils E LG
write more sentences using the words in the box. PB
Write them on the board to correct them. Pupils copy CD-ROM:
them in their notebooks. AB Treasure hunt*
- Answer Ind LC
questions in - PB, p. 79, Act 5. CD 4, 15: Pupils listen to the CL/CO/W Notebook
present perfect. questions and answer in the notebook. Pupils E AB, p. 79, Act 8*
compare in pairs. Correct with the class listening
again and repeating the answers.
- Solve a riddle. Ind LC Reinforcement
- AB, p. 79, Act 4: Answer the questions and solve Worksheet 1
the riddle. Pupils compare the list with a classmate. RC/WE (TRP, pp. 74 - 75)
- Come up with a Ind LC
riddle. - AB, p. 79, Act 5: Pupils write questions for their
own riddle. Remind pupils to use the participle. WE

- Write the - AB, p. 79, Act 6: Pupils write the correct Ind LC
participle. participles. Pupils compare in pairs.
- Put the words in - PB, p. 79, Act 6: Put the words in order to form a Ind LC
order in sentences sentence.
in present perfect. WW/RC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 168- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Ask questions in - AB, p. 79, Act 7: Look at the illustrations and write Ind LC
present perfect. the corresponding the questions.
- Answer - AB, p. 79, Act 8: Pupils number the answers to the Ind LC
questions in questions from the previous activity.
present perfect. WE

End of the - Pupils mime a series of actions. Pupils make the OC/OE/R P LC
Lesson three sentences from the sequence. C TB

- OPTIONAL: TB. p. 223 (p. 79). Extra activity 1: SG LC

Talking about actions. OC/OE

- OPTIONAL: TB. p. 223 (p. 79). Extra activity 2: P LC

What we’ve done in the lesson. RC/WE/O

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 169- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 8: World of sports. Lesson 3, PB and AB p. 80

- Read and talk about playing sports in different seasons of the year.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Link sports and - Write sports on the board and ask which season of OC/OE LG LC
of the seasons of the the year they are played. Pupils answer. Introduce the
lesson year. name of the seasons and their differences in different
parts of the world.

Lesson - Read about - PB, p. 80, Act 7: Pupils read the text quickly. Pupils RC/OE/W Ind LC
order playing sports at look to see when it is spring in each hemisphere and E LG
different times in the countries mentioned. They read the questions CD-ROM:
and places. aloud and look for the answer reading the text slowly. PB Hungry snake*
Explain pronunciation and vocabulary. Explain the
words below. Pupils compare the answers with a AB Reinforcement
classmate. Worksheet 2*
- Identify sports. CD 4 (TRP, pp. 64, 66)
- AB, p. 80, Act 9: Pupils choose the words to name LC
- Identify seasons the photos. RC/WE Ind Notebook
of the year.
- AB, p. 80, Act 10: Pupils read the clues and answer Ind LC
- Say words about with the season of the year. Pupils compare the list RC/WE
sports and with a classmate.
seasons. LG LC
- PB, p. 80, Act 8. CD 4, 16: Listen to the words and OC/OE
- Identify a repeat them. Pupils look for the word pronounced in
mistake in the the text and say the letter.
reading of a Ind LC
message. - PB, p. 80, Act 9: Pupils read the sentences, look for RC/OE
the mistake and correct it in the notebook. Pupils
- Classify compare in pairs. Ind LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 170- © Cambridge University Press 2017
different sports RC/WE
using criteria. - AB, p. 80, Act 11: Pupils look at the table and
classify each word in a column. Compare in pairs
- Do a crossword. Ind LC
- AB, p. 80, Act 12: Pupils complete the crossword RC/WE
about sports.

End of the - Name the seasons of the year out of order. Pupils OC/OE LG LC TB
Lesson say which sport they like to play in each season.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 223 (p. 80). Extra activity 1: RC/WE Ind LC books / the
When people do sports. P Internet

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 223 (p. 80). Extra activity 2: RC/WE/O P LC Large pieces
Unusual sports. E of paper

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 171- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 8: World of sports. Lesson 4, PB and AB p. 81 (Song)

- Read and write about sports.
- Sing a song.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise sports - Say the letters in the alphabet. Pupils say OC/OE LG LC
of the vocabulary. sports which start with each letter.

Lesson - Identify words - PB, p. 81, Act 10. CD 4, 17: Pupils listen OC/WE/OE Ind LC
order spelt out. to words spelt out connected with sports and Interactive DVD:
the seasons of the year. The pupils write them PB The classroom
in their notebook. Pupils compare in pairs.
- Listen to and Pupils listen to the CD again. AB
learn a song about AB, p. 81, Act 16*
sports. - PB, p. 81, Act 11. CD 4, 18: Pupils read OC/OE Ind LC/CCE CD 4
the lines of the song. They listen to them and LG
put them in order. Pupils compare the list Notebook
- Identify sports with a classmate. They listen again. Explain
from their vocabulary in the song. Pupils sing all Song Worksheet
definitions. together, then in groups and, lastly, they sing (TRP, p. 69)
the karaoke version.
- Define sports. RC/WE Ind LC
- AB, p. 81, Act 13: Pupils write the name of
- Answer a sport after reading its definition. Pupils
questions about a compare the list with a classmate.
- AB, p. 81, Act 14: Pupils write definitions WE Ind LC
of six more sports.
- Find data in a - PB, p. 81, Act 12: Pupils look at the

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 172- © Cambridge University Press 2017
text. drawings of Jane's holidays in the mountains.
Ask where she was and what she did. Pupils
- Personalise a answer by only looking at the drawings.
story. Explain the words above. Pupils read and
complete. Pupils copy the questions and reply
in the notebook. RC/WE Ind LC

- AB, p. 81, Act 15: Pupils read the text.

Pupils complete the data in the table.
Pupils compare the list with a classmate. LC Ind CL/CCE/AA

- AB, p. 81, Act 16: Pupils read the text and

choose the vocabulary options to make up a
story. Pupils draw the snowman.

End of the - Sing the lesson song again. OC/OE LG/SG LC/CCE TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 81). Extra OE/OC/WE SG LC Photos from
activity 1: Holiday stories. holiday
RC/WE Ind LC brochures
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 81). Extra
activity 2: Mind maps.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 173- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 8: World of sports. Lesson 5, PB and AB p. 82

- Practise the pronunciation de rhyming words.
- Write an e-mail.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Find out about, - Ask a pupils what they have done today/in their OC/OE LG LC
of the the pronunciation lives. Write the the participles, differentiating
lesson of –ed. irregular and regular verbs. Organize in two sections:
in the centre, verbs pronounced /Id/ and /d/, and, on
the other side, verbs pronounced /t/. Pupils practise.
CD-ROM: Sounds
Lesson - Recite a rhyme - PB, p. 82, Act 13. CD 4, 20: Pupils listen to the CD. OC/OE LG LC machine*
order with rhyming Pupils follow the rhyme in silence. Then they repeat P PB
words. it. Pupils practice in pairs.
AB Interactive DVD:
- Identify and - AB, p. 82, Act 17: The pupils read the words and Music room
pronounce link the ones which rhyme. Pupils compare in pairs. OC/OE P LC CD 4
rhyming words.
- AB, p. 82, Act 18, CD 4, 20: The pupils listen to the Notebook Extension
- Do an interview CD and check their answers in the previous exercise. RC/OE Ind LC Worksheet 1*
about experiences. (TRP, pp. 64, 67)
- PB, p. 82, Act 14: Read the example to explain the
activity. Remember the short answer. Pupils copy the OE/RC Ind LC Joke corner*:
- Do a report with questionnaire in the notebook and change the names. P Pupils tell the joke
the answers Pupils walk around the class asking at home
- PB, p. 82, Act 15: Pupils write a report in the WE Ind LC
- Find out about notebook with the answers from the previous activity
the format and anterior following the model.
contents of an e- WW/RC Ind LC
mail. - AB, p. 82, Act 19: Read the section Write it right LG

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 174- © Cambridge University Press 2017
about the format and contents of an e-mail. Compare
with the letters (less formal). Pupils read the e-mail
- Write an e-mail and look for the information. Correct as a group.
about the
weekend. - AB, p. 82, Act 20: Pupils write the e-mail in the WW/RC Ind LC/SIE
notebook. Pupils read it to the class.
- Understand a
joke. - PB, p. 82, Joke corner, CD 4, 21: Pupils listen to OC/RW LG LC
and read the joke until they understand it.

End of the - Pupils pronounce the rhyme from the start of the OC/OE LG LC TB
Lesson lesson once more.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 82). Extra activity 1:
Writing together.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 82). Extra activity 2:
-ed endings.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 175- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 8: World of sports. Lesson 6, PB and AB page 83

- Read a story.
- Revise the unit vocabulary and structures.
- Self-evaluate learning.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the - Remember previous episodes with the class. Explain OC/OE LG LC
of the previous that it is the last episode. Pupils predict how it will
lesson episodes. finish.

Lesson Listen to and - PB, p. 83, Story. CD 4, 23: Ask general questions RC/OC/O Ind LC CD-ROM: Movie
order understand a about the story. Pupils read it quickly and predict the E LG PB Hopper*
story. answers. Pupils listen and check with the book
closed. Pupils compare in pairs. Pupils listen and AB
repeat each cartoon. Interactive DVD:
CD 4 School library
- Answer - AB, p. 83, Act 21: Pupils answer the questions LG LC
comprehension about the story. OC/OE Notebook
questions. Compare in pairs Extension
Worksheet 2
- Identify quotes. - AB, p. 83, Act 212 Pupils read the quotes and link Ind LC (TRP, pp. 64, 68)
them with the characters. WE/OE
- Revise contents
of the unit. - AB, p. 83, Do you remember?: Pupils complete
with what they remember about the unit without Ind LC/LL
- Self-evaluate looking in the book. Then they look and correct. RC/WE
- AB, p. 83, Can do: Pupils read the statements and Ind LC/SIE
colour in the symbol for what they know. In groups, RC/WE
pupils take it in turns to give examples.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 176- © Cambridge University Press 2017
End of the - Pupils choose a song or chant and repeat it. OC/OE LG LC/CCE
Lesson TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 83). Extra activity 1: RC/WE P LC/SCC
Role play.

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 83). Extra activity 2: OC/OE SG LC

Diggory’s email.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 177- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 8: World of sports. Lesson 7, PB and AB page 84

- Read about the Olympic Games and Paralympics.
- Do a project about the Olympic Games.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Find out about - Draw the five Olympic rings. Ask a pupils if they OC/OE LG LC/SCC
of the the the Olympic know what they represent. Explain logo. Pupils say
lesson Games logo. what they know about the Games, the ceremony and
the sports.

Lesson - Find out about - PB, p. 78, Fact: Give pupils time to read about and RC/OE LG LC/SCC CD-ROM:
order the Olympic get data about the Olympic Games. Read the text Parachuting*
Games. aloud. Pupils talk about what they know about this PB
- Read about the - PB, p. 84, Act 1: Pupils read the text in silence and RC/WE LG LC Topic
Olympic Games. link it with the illustrations. Pupils compare in pairs. Notebook Worksheet*
Then correct with the class. (TRP. p. 70)
Pupils read each paragraph aloud in turns, explain A3 paper
vocabulary and respond with the class.
- Understand a Felt pens
text about the - PB, p. 84, Act 2: Cover the text and, in pairs, RC/OE Ind LC
Olympic Games. pupils take it in turns to read and answer the
- Read about RC/OE Ind LC
Paralympics - AB, p. 84, Act 1: Pupils choose the words from
sports. the box to complete the text. Pupils compare in
- Recognise
sports. - PB, p. 84, Project 1: Explain that they are going to
design an Olympic logo for a nearby city. In pairs,

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 178- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- Do a project pupils decide what they want to emphasise. They
about the show it and explain it to the class. RC/WE/O P LC/SCC
Olympics E
- AB, p. 85, Act 2: Pupils read the sections of the
- Invent an concept map. Pupils make up a sport for the next
Olympic sport. Olympic Games. Ind LC/SIE
- Write a letter to - AB, p. 85, Act 3: Pupils write a letter using the
the Olympic contents of the concept map. They show it to the
Committee. class.

End of the - Revise what has been learned during today's OC/OE LG LC
Lesson lesson. Pupils give their opinions about what they TB
have most enjoyed.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 84). Extra activity 1:
Write about your logo.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 84). Extra activity 2:
Paralympics sports.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 179- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 8: World of sports. Lesson 8, PB and AB p. 85
- Read about the Olympic Games.
- Do a project about the Olympic Games.
- Practise doing a Reading & Writing task like the ones in Flyers exam.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Talk about the - Revise what has been learned in the previous OC/OE LG LC
of the Olympic Games. lesson about the Olympic Games and remember the
lesson different logos.

Lesson - Identify types - PB, p. 85, Act 3: Read the text and explain gold, OE/RC LG LC
order of Olympic silver, bronze medals, and front and back. Ask what SG PB
medals. they see in the photos. Pupils read the questions and AB, p. 85, Act 6*
then the text in silence. They answer in small AB (after doing the
groups. Correct as a group. Pupils read loud and in project)
turns to explain vocabulary. Notebook

- Create and - PB, p. 85, Project 2: Explain that they are going to RC/WE/O Ind LC/CCE/SIE/SCS Materials for
show an design an Olympic medal to complete Project 1. E LG the project
Olympic medal. Read the materials and explain the stages. Pupils (see TB, p.
work individually. They show them to the class and 174)
vote for the best. LC
- Practise a Ind Reference
Flyers exam - AB, p. 85, Act 6: Read the text and choose the LC books / the
task. appropriate words from the box to complete it. Internet

End of the - Pupils talk about what they have most enjoyed in OC/OE Ind LC
Lesson the unit. TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 85). Extra activity 1:
My medal. RC/WE Ind LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 180- © Cambridge University Press 2017
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 85). Extra activity 2:
CLIL vocabulary.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 181- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Units 7&8: Values Lesson 9, PB PB and AB p. 93
Value the importance of having friends.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement-
objectives Extension

Beginning - Reflect on the - Take an example from a personal questions or OE LG LC/SCC

of the importance of friends page in a newspaper or magazine. Explain
lesson friendship. that in the United Kingdom the experts who reply on
these pages are called Agony aunts/uncles.

Lesson - Reflect on a - PB, p. 93, Act 1.: Read the main character's letters RC/OE LG LC/SCC
order situation. and respond to the comprehension questions.
- Understand a - PB, p. 93, Act 2: Pupils read the letter and debate
written text. the questions in small groups with personal opinions. OE/OC P LC/SCC AB

- AB, p. .93, Act 1: Pupils put the words in order and CD 4

write the questions. In pairs, they correct them.
- AB, p. 93, Act 2: Pupils read the text and answer P
the questions.
- Reflect on your - AB, p. 93, Act 3: Pupils write an answer to the main
own behaviour. character of the previous exercise with their own
advice. WE Ind LC/SCC

End of the - Ask the pupils who they would talk with if they had OC/OE LG LC/SCC
Lesson problems like those mentioned in the lesson.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 225 (p. 93). Extra activity 1: OC/OE LG LC
Ask Betty and Robert.
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 225 (p. 93). Extra activity 2: OE LG LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 182- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 7 and 8. Lesson 10, PB and AB page 86

- Revise vocabulary and structures from units 7 and 8.
- Do an oral comprehension activity.
- Do an oral expression activity.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension
Pieces of
Beginning - Revise units 7 - Form groups of six pupils. Give pupils words from OC/OE SG LC paper with
of the and 8 vocabulary. units 7 and 8. Without showing them, pupils give a vocabulary
lesson definition. The other guess the word. from units 7
and 8
Extra project
Lesson - Describing a - PB, p. 86, Act 1: Pupils look at the drawing without OE P LC ideas:
order illustration. paying attention to the proper nouns. Teach LG PB Olympic athletes
expression for describing drawings. In pairs, pupils in our country
describe what they see. AB (TB, p. 229)
- Identify actions.
- PB, p. 86, Act 2. CD 4, 24: Pupils listen to the CD 4
proper nouns and link with the characters in the OC/OE/R Ind LC AB, p. 86, Act 3*
- Complete a text. drawing. Pupils compare in pairs. C Notebook

- PB, p. 86, Act 3: Pupils read the text and the words Ind LC
with which to complete it. Pupils read and complete RC/WE/O LG
in silence. Pupils compare the list with a classmate. E
- Complete a text. Give pupils time to think of the most appropriate title.
Reach an agreement with the class.

- Choose a title - AB, p. 86, Act 1: Pupils read the story and complete Ind LC
for a story. it using words from the box.
- Find answers to - AB, p. 86, Act 2: Pupils choose an appropriate title Ind LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 183- © Cambridge University Press 2017
questions. for the narrative. Pupils compare in pairs.
- AB, p. 86, Act 3: The pupils read the questions and Ind LC
link them with the answers.
End of the
Lesson - Describe a pupil the class; the other guess who it is. OC/OE LG LC TB
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 86). Extra activity: All P LC
Crossword. Photocopiable
OC/OE LG LC activity 8 (TB,
- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 86). Extra activity 2: p. 211)
Songs and chants.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 184- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 7 and 8. Lesson 11, PB and AB page 87

- Revise vocabulary and structures from units 7 and 8.
- Take part in a board game.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension
Beginning - Revise - Show the questions mixed up on a large piece of paper. RC/OE P LC with the
of the questions forms. In pairs, pupils put them in order and the write in the LG words mixed
lesson notebook. Write some more questions and answers on up (see TB,
the board p. 180)

Lesson - Take part in a - PB, p. 87, Act 4: Explain the rules of the game. The OE/RC/W P LC AB, p. 87, Act 7*
order revision game. pupils play in pairs. Remember that the classmate E PB
decides whether the question is correct or not.
- Revise contents AB
from units 7 and - AB, p. .87, Act 4: Pupils complete the sentences with Ind LC Language
8. a word and count their letters. RC/WE Notebook Portfolio, p 6

- Do a crossword. - AB, p. 87, Act 5: Pupils do the crossword and write Ind LC Dice and
the message. RC/WE cards
- Answer a quiz.
- AB, p. 87, Act 6: Pupils answer the questions from the
- Write a quiz. quiz. They compare them. Ind LC
- AB, p. 87, Act 7: Pupils write questions for a quiz. Ind LC/SIE

End of the - In groups of three, pupils makes sentences using RC/WE/O SG LC

Lesson section Can do in the AB. Pupils correct with the PB E TB
and the notebook.

- Ask what their favourite lessons, themes and activities LG LC

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 185- © Cambridge University Press 2017
have been. OE/OC

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 87). Extra activity 1: Ind LC

Vocabulary review. RC/WE

- OPTIONAL: TB, p. 224 (p. 87). Extra activity 2: SG LC

Games. All

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 186- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 7 and 8. Lesson 12, PB and AB p. 88 (Say it with me!)

- Practise emphasis in words and rhythm.
- Recognise pairs of words with and.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Practise the - Write the beginning of sentences like I love…, I’ve OC/OE/W LG LC
of the emphasis in a got…, I eat…, Can I have…? Pupils complete them E
lesson sentence. and say them aloud. Correct the emphasised syllables
in each sentence.

Lesson - Identify tonic - PB, p. 88, Act 1. CD 3, 25: Pupils look at the OC/OE/R LG LC
order syllables a sentences. Explain the activity. Pupils listen to the C AB, p. 88, Act 3*
sentence. CD. Stop after each sentence for pupils to answer a or
b depending on the emphasised syllables. Clap along. PB

- Mark the rhythm - PB, p. 88, Act 2. CD 3, 26: Pupils listen to the LG LC AB
of a rhyme. rhyme and follow it in the book. Pupils listen and OC/OE
keep the rhythm by clapping. Emphasise the extra CD 3
words extra in lines 2 and 3.
- Complete Notebook
sentences with - AB, p. 88, Act 1. CD 3, 27: Pupils look at the Ind LC
words heard. sentences. Pupils try to guess the word missing All P Post-its or
without writing it. Pupils listen to the CD and write it cards with
down. Correct as a group. Pupils practise with a letters a-i
- Recognise the classmate. (prepare)
order of pairs LG LC
words. - PB, p. 88, Act 3: Explain the fixed order of word OC/OE
pairs. Write a letter a-i from the book post-it. Give
each one a card. The class claps at a steady rhythm.
Say a letter. The pupil with the letters says them in
- Produce pairs of time.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 187- © Cambridge University Press 2017
words in the same
semantic field. - AB, p. 88, Act 2: In pairs, pupils choose two word P LC
categories. In a limited time, pupils write all the RC/OE/W LG
- Write a poem words they can. They share them as a group. Pupils E
with pairs of complete their lists and think about word pairs.
words. Ind LC/CCE/SIE
- AB, p. 88, Act 3: Pupils write their own poems LG
using the words on the board or others. Pupils read RC/WE/O
their poems to the class. E

End of the - Pupils write their poems on large pieces of paper RC/WE Ind LC
Lesson and illustrate them. They show them to the class and LG
read them.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 188- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Revision: Units 7 and 8. Lesson 13, PB and AB p. 89 (Get it right!)

- Revise modal verbs can, must and should.
- Revise the use of place prepositions in and on.
- Revise spelling with the ending –gh.
Stage Activities' Activities Skills Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcement -
objectives Extension

Beginning - Revise the unit - Write questions with the three modal verbs. Pupils OC/OE LG LC
of the vocabulary and answer.
lesson structures.

Lesson - Revise the forms - PB, p.89, Act 1. Grammar: Pupils read the OE/RC SG LC
order can, must and grammar summary and pupils answer the two LG
should. questions in pairs. They compare with their language. PB

- Find - AB, p. 89, Act 1: Pupils read in silence the text and RC/WE Ind LC AB Pupils write
grammatical cross out the incorrect word. They compare with a LG sentences with the
mistakes in a text. classmate, then with the class in turns and aloud. Notebook information from
Pupils copy the text in the notebook. the table (see end
of the lesson)
- Form sentences - PB, p. 89, Act 2. Explain the uses of the three verbs OE/RC P LC
with modal verbs. and write them on the board. A volunteer reads the
text. In pairs, pupils take it in turns to make sentences
with the vocabulary in the box.
- Write sentences
with modal verbs. - AB, p. 89, Act 2: Pupils read the words and write a RC/WE Ind LC
- Use place
- PB, p. 89, Act 3. Vocabulary: Read the questions. OE/WE Ind LC
- Complete Pupils answer and revise the use of in and on. Pupils
sentences with in play I spy in pairs.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 189- © Cambridge University Press 2017
and on.
- AB, p. 89, Act 3: Pupils read the sentences and RC/WE Ind LC
- Pronounce the choose on/in. Pupils compare the list with a
ending –gh. classmate.
- PB, p. 89, Act 4. Spelling: Remember the different
- Complete sounds of the letters –gh at word ends. In pairs, pupils
sentences with take it in turns to say a word and spell it. Pupils make
words ending in – a sentence using it.
gh. RC/WE/O Ind LC
- AB, p. 89, Act 4: Pupils read and complete the E
sentences with the words ending in –gh. Pupils
correct in pairs and pronounce each sentence.

End of the - Pupils interview two classmates about what they OC/OE/W P LC
Lesson know how to do. They write the results in the table E LG
(see TB, p. 185). They tell the class about them.

TEST 8: In the next lesson, the test for units 7 and 8 (TB, pp. 239) can be given.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 190- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 8: World of sports. pp. 78 to 89
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8

ORAL COMPREHENSION PB, p. 78, Act 1. PB, p. 79, Act 5. PB, p. 80, Act 8. PB, p. 81, Act PB, p. 82, Act PB, p. 83. Story
CD4, 13 CD4, 15 CD4, 16 10. CD4, 17 13. CD4, 20 CD4, 23

PB, p. 85 Project
ORAL PRECISION PB, p. 78, Act 2 PB, p. 79, Act 4 PB, p. 80, Act 8 PB, p. 81, Act 11 PB, p. 82, Act 14 PB, p. 83, Story PB, p. 84, Act 2

TB, p. 84 Project PB, p. 85 Project

COMMUNICATI PB, p. 79, Act 4 PB, p. 80, Act 7 PB, p. 81, Act 11 PB, p. 82, Act 15
1 2

AB, p. 82, Act AB, p. 83, Act

READING SKILL AB, p. 78, Act 3 AB, p. 79, Act 6 PB, p. 80, Act 7 PB, p. 81, Act 12 PB, p. 84, Act 1 PB, p. 85, Act 3
READER 18 18

AB, p. 80, Act AB, p. 81, Act AB, p. 82, Act AB, p. 83, Act
READING PB, p. 78, Act 3 PB, p. 79, Act 6 AB, p. 84, Act 1 PB, p. 85, Act 3
READER 10 13 18 20
AB, p. 83,
WRITING PRECISION AB, p. 80, Act AB, p. 81, Act AB, p. 82, Act
AB, p. 78, Act 1 AB, p. 79, Act 5 Do you AB, p. 84, Act 2 AB, p. 85, Act 4
AB, p. 81, Act AB, p. 82, Act Topic Worksheet
COMMUNICATI AB, p. 79, Act 8 AB, p. 84, Act 3
14 16 (TRP, p. 70)

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 191- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Unit 8: World of sports. pp. 78 to 89
Evaluation activities
SKILLS Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13
Values Review Review Say it with me! Get it right!
PB, p. 77, Act 3
ORAL COMPREHENSION PB, p. 86, Act 2 PB, p. 87, Act 4 PB, p. 91, Act 1. CD3, 26

AB, p. 77, Act.4

ORAL PRECISION PB, p. 93, Act 1 PB, p. 86, Act 2 AB, p. 91, Act 1. CD3, 28

COMMUNICATI PB, p. 93, Act 2 PB, p. 86, Act 1 PB, p. 87, Act 4 AB, p. 91, Act 3 PB, p. 77, Act 2

READING SKILL PB, p. 93, Act 1 PB, p. 86, Act 3 AB, p. 87, Act 4 PB, p. 91, Act 1 AB, p. 77, Act 1
AB, p. 77, Act 6
READER AB, p. 93, Act 2 AB, p. 86, Act 1 AB, p. 87, Act 6 AB, p. 91, Act 3
Evaluation 8 (TRP, p. 239)

AB, p. 77, Act 3

EXPRESSION AB, p. 93, Act 2 AB, p. 86, Act 3 AB, p. 87, Act 5 AB, p. 91, Act 2
Evaluation 8 (TRP, p. 239)

COMMUNICATI AB, p. 93, Act 3 AB, p. 91, Act 1 AB, p. 77, Act 2

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 192- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Extra unit: The Edinburgh Festival. Lesson 1, PB p. 100
- Read about the Edinburgh Festival.
Stage Activities' Activities Skill Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcem
objectives ent -
Extension /
of the - Talk about - Find Edinburgh on a map. Show photos OC/OE/W LG LC
lesson Edinburgh and and ask pupils what they know about the E
its particular Edinburgh Festival.

Lesson - Read about - PB, p. 100, Act 1: Pupils look at the OE/RC/W Ind LC Pupils look
order the Edinburgh photos and say what they see. Explain that E LG for more
Festival. they are going to read about the Edinburgh PB information
Festival. Pupils read in silence and link the about
paragraphs with the photos. Pupils read Notebook Edinburgh*
- Find out aloud.
about LG LC A map of the United
performances - PB, p. 100, Act 2. CD 4, 34: Pupils look OC/OE P Kingdom
at the at the photos. Explain the contents and ask
Edinburgh the pupils what they see. Pupils listen to the Photos of Scotland
Festival. CD and point in pairs. They listen again. LG LC
- Understand - PB, p. 100, Act 3: Read and explain E
an Edinburgh vocabulary. Pupils talk about about what
Festival they would most and least like to see. The
programme. explain why. Pupils make up their own
- Pupils explain the performances they have
End of the come up with to the class and explain where OC/OE LG LC
Lesson they would take place. They vote for the

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 193- © Cambridge University Press 2017
Extra unit: The Edinburgh Festival. Lesson 2, AB pp. 96 - 97

- Put on a short version of Romeo and Juliet.
Stage Activities' Activities Skill Interaction Competences Materials Reinforcem
objectives ent -
Extension /
of the - Talk about - Do a brainstorm with what the pupils OC/OE/W LG LC/CCE
lesson the learned about the Edinburgh Festival in the E
Edinburgh previous lesson.
Pupils look
Lesson - Listen to - AB, p. 96/97. CD 4, 31: Ask the pupils if RC/OC/O Ind LC for other
order and they have heard of William Shakespeare, E LG AB versions of
understand a when he lived and what he wrote. Pupils SG Romeo and
version of listen to the CD and follow the play in the Notebook Juliet*
Romeo and book. Explain the vocabulary. Pupils read the
Juliet. play in groups. Costumes and
LG LC/CCE accessories for the
- AB, p. 96/97. CD 4, 31: Give out the roles RC/OC/O SG play.
- Put on a in the place in groups of eight. Pupils listen E
play. to the CD and practise the pronunciation. The
rehearse in groups and and memorize their
parts. They act it for the rest of the class
wearing the most appropriate clothes.

End of the - Pupils put on their own, modern (up-to- OE SG LC/CCE/SIE

Lesson date) version of Romeo and Juliet using their
own words and ideas.

Kid’s Box 5 – Updated 2nd Edition - Lesson Programme - 194- © Cambridge University Press 2017

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