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In light of the global pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, the University of Nevada Las Vegas, and the
School of Music, has determined that many face-to-face courses require alterations and revisions.
Given that conditions for safe singing in face-to-face settings have yet to be determined by medical
experts and aerosol scientists, applied voice instruction will take place remotely until further notice.
The addendum should clarify the major changes that apply to learning and teaching in the applied
voice setting. Any questions or concerns that cannot be addressed by individual applied instructors
should be forwarded to Dr. Kimberly James ​​, Coordinator for the Division of
Vocal Studies

Entrance Procedures (prior to new enrollment in lessons)

Please e-mail Dr. James for more information; students are encouraged to submit video links for 2
classical art songs (or arias) to ensure that they are placed in the appropriate applied voice section (this
includes entering freshmen majors who did not previously complete an in-person audition).

Accompanists for Applied Voice Lessons

● For Fall 2020, we suggest that you obtain video accompaniments of your repertoire from your
● For best results, meet over the phone or video to discuss tempi and any special requests before
having your pianist record tracks
● Any in-person rehearsals must be agreed upon by both parties; please adhere to mask
requirements established by the UNLV administration and State of Nevada, limit rehearsals to
30 minutes, and maintain a distance of at least 12 ft
● In the unlikely event that we are able to hold in-person juries in December, you will be
expected to perform your jury with a pianist

Voice Division Addendum for Fall 2020 -- pg. 1

Repertory Class Requirement
● All applied voice majors (MUSA145-446, MUSA173, MUSA661Q, MUSA764Q) will attend Rep
Class led by Professors Anderson, Cooper, James, Lister, and/or Williams
● Rep class will take place over Zoom (or a similar platform)
● Rep class counts for 1/3 of the course grade; attendance is taken and communicated to the
● Please send e-mail to Perry Chacon, ​​, ​and your instructor should you
need to miss your rep class

Technology for Applied Lessons

● Stable high-speed internet connection
● Device to connect to the internet (audio is required; video is strongly recommended)
● Ability to access video-conferencing platforms (s.a. Google Meet, WebEx, Zoom, etc.)
Strongly Recommended:
● USB microphone (e.g. Samson GoMic, AKG Lyra, Blue Yeti or Snowball, etc.) or high-quality XLR
mic and audio interface (connected to computer)
● Cat 6 ethernet cable for direct connection to router
● Open-back headphones (or ear buds)

Connecting with Your Teacher for Applied Lessons

● Our instructors will have their own preferred platforms and tech setups
● Your instructor will work with you to determine the best setup given your current and future
tech components

Additional Materials
Commonly required materials for voice lessons include, at a minimum:
● Organized notebook containing legal copies of music
● Vocal scores/anthologies (usually $25-50 per semester)
● Notebook & pencil for making notes of important concepts and exercises given out in lessons;
pencils are strongly recommended over permanent pens for marking music
● Recording device (to review lessons)
● Pianist/accompanist for in-person lessons (when applicable) and for rehearsal tracks (when
applicable); fees vary and are negotiated directly with the pianist

Choral Ensembles & Opera

● Please speak with Professor Weiller ​​ or Dr. Svendsen​ about how choral ensembles will work this semester
● Please speak with Dr. Lister ​​ about opera courses

Voice Division Addendum for Fall 2020 -- pg. 2

Semester Literature Guidelines
● These are still in effect and remain unchanged (see syllabus or Voice Division Handbook)

Juries: ALL MAJORS (MUSA145-446, MUSA173 majors, MUSA660 pre-majors, MUSA661Q)

● We will conduct juries this semester; more information will follow as campus leaders continue
to monitor the health & safety of our students

Juries: 1​st​ SEMESTER DMA (MUSA764Q)

● We will conduct juries this semester; more information will follow as campus leaders continue
to monitor the health & safety of our students
● First semester DMA students are encouraged to consult with their major professor by
mid-semester to clarify requirements
● By mid-semester, full-time voice faculty will meet to discuss end-of-semester requirements for
individual students
● By semester end, students should have identified potential DMA committee members

● Recitals may be scheduled for Fall 2020 but will extremely limited in terms of rehearsing in the
campus venue and attendance (likely only the major professor, recording personnel, etc.; no
● Recitals may be scheduled off-campus as long as they conform to state health requirements;
we recommend you follow more stringent industry consensus-based policies (e.g. masks, 12 ft
min. distance, limited attendance, etc.)
● DMA students needing to perform a chamber recital in Fall 2020 may substitute solo vocal
repertoire instead; no student is required to program multiplayer (n>2) repertoire
● Chamber works may not be permissible for Fall 2020; please check with your instructor
● Recital hearings are waived for Fall 2020; instead, recital recordings will be graded by at least 2
full-time faculty members (or the student’s committee in the case of DMA recitals)


NEW​: Public Health Directives
Face coverings are mandatory for all faculty and students in the classroom. Students must follow all
active UNLV public health directives while enrolled in this class.​ ​UNLV public health directives (Links to
an external site.)​ are found at Students who do
not comply with these directives may be asked to leave the classroom. Refusal to follow the guidelines
may result in further disciplinary action according to the​ ​UNLV Code of Student Conduct (Links to an
external site.)​,,
including being administratively withdrawn from the course.

Voice Division Addendum for Fall 2020 -- pg. 3

NEW​: Black Lives Matter
Please take the time to view the School of Music’s statement and pledge at
The Division of Vocal Students stands with students, staff, faculty, and community members who
experience systemic harm and abuse.

Additional Resources
Academic Policies (Links to an external site.)​:
Student Services & Activities (Links to an external site.)​:
University Policies (Links to an external site.)​:
University Community & Libraries (Links to an external site.)​:

Voice Division Addendum for Fall 2020 -- pg. 4

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