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Alper Kilinc

Naam: ............................................................ 16
Nummer: .............
Klas(sen): 5 OR, 5 OL Datum: 19/01/2021
Leerkracht: Mr. Braekevelt
/ 15
Vak: English


Assignment: take a look at the documentary ‘Teens, Social Media, and Technology’ and
answer the questions.

Tip: keep your assignment at hand whilst watching the documentary.

In the documentary, we get to know Douglas Rushkoff who is an expert on social media
and youngsters. He will be the narrator of this documentary.

Question 1: Early on in the documentary, a teenage girl describes what a profile picture
is. How does she describe it? (2p)
People visualize you and they tell about your personality

Question 2: Why does Douglas Rushkoff refer to this generation as ‘Generation Like’?
Every cares about likes, "how more likes you, how better you feel"

Question 3: Ceilee Lynch is officially in the top 100 of The Hungergames fans. How did
she achieve this? (2p)
He post and share his content on twitter or retweet

Question 4: We also meet Tyler Oakley, a famous Youtuber. Why did he ever start
making Youtube videos? (1p)

He got a new laptop and he wanted to stay in touch with his 3 best friends.

Question 5: Why do companies need kids to stay online? (2p)

They like, share and retweet there stuff

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Question 6: What does the company ‘The Audience’ do exactly? (1p)
It's a talent of agency, publisher promoter and network in one part.

Question 7: In the documentary, they say ‘the consumer is doing as much as the
marketer is’. What do they mean by this? (2p)
They share, like, repost and retweet so it becomes popular.
Because they want to be a part of a company.

Question 8: In which way does The Hungergames represent social media? (2p)
It's like a social community, the kids are alone and they try to survive.

Question 9: Write down your own opinion on this documentary. (1p)

I don't like the documentary because I do not believe in vampires.


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