Media Study - What Is Meaningful

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The past 12 months have been nothing short of insanity: a global pandemic, virtual

school, civil rights protests, political’s a lot to process!

Your task is to select a meaningful photograph, meme, tweet, or

Instagram post, and tell me WHY you deem your selection
“meaningful”. Why is your selection worth talking about?

You will be sharing in your breakout rooms your selections (if you so desire), but
everyone will be turning in this slide deck to Canvas for credit. PLEASE KEEP IN
ALL DISCUSSIONS SHOULD REMAIN CIVIL. We all have varying opinions, so if
someone states something meaningful to them that is not your opinion, please do
not fight with them.
Paste into this box! Why is this selection worth talking about? Type
here! This meme reinstates the overall treatment
of our planet and how coronavirus has been
giving the world a “break” as everyone has been
inside. This image helps to give the realization
that the earth is constantly being damaged by
the industrialization and advancing of humans in
all aspects of life. It also helps shed light on the
idea that we have choices in life we can either
act now and save the planet or be doomed in
the long run if we don’t act on climate change.

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