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Physiology & Behavior, Vol. 59, No. 6, I I I I-1 115.

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ELSEVIER SSDI 0031-9384(95)02172-8

The Effects of Chronic Corticosterone on Memory

Performance in the Platform Maze Task

“Deparhnent of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110-1093 USA and I-laboratory
for Psychobiology, Department of Psychology, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63121 USA

Received 8 May 1995

BARDGETT, M. E., J. W. NEWCOMER AND G. T. TAYLOR. The effecrs of chronic corticosterone on memory
performance in the plarform maze task. PHYSIOL BEHAV 59(6) 111 l- 1I 15, 1996.-Acquisition and reversal of a
memory task dependent on hippocampal integrity were assessed in rats following chronic corticosterone treatment.
Young adult male rats were injected daily with corticosterone (10 mg/kg, SC) for 8 weeks. Memory was assessed
during the last week of treatment with an elevated platform maze. During acquisition trials, corticosterone-treated rats
did not differ from vehicle-treated controls in either the location of first hole chosen nor in the latency to locate the
escape hole. In the reversal trials, when the position of the escape hole was rotated 135”, both groups successfully
reversed their responses without persevering towards the previously rewarded escape hole location. These findings
suggest that, despite the probability of corticosterone-induced changes in hippocampal physiology, chronic corticos-
terone treatment does not adversely affect performance in a memory task dependent on hippocampal integrity.

Glucocorticoid Glucocorticoid receptors Hippocampus Memory Learning Aging


RECENT research has revealed the deleterious effects of exces- task that is sensitive to hippocampal disruption (2,13,14,18).
sive or prolonged glucocorticoid treatment on hippocampal neu- Young adult male rats were injected daily with either corticos-
rons, including reduced glucocorticoid binding, inhibition of glu- terone (10 mg/kg, SC) or vehicle (peanut oil) for 8 weeks. We
cose uptake, dendritic involution, and neuronal loss (10,22,27). have shown that this dose of corticosterone produces a fourfold
Given the hippocampal role in learning and memory (16,24), elevation of plasma corticosterone (1). During the last week of
behavioral studies have begun to address the potential cognitive treatment, all animals were tested in the elevated platform maze.
consequences of glucocorticoid-induced hippocampal deficits.
Several human and animal studies have demonstrated impaired METHOD

performance in tasks dependent on hippocampal function after

Corticosterone Treatment
glucocorticoid treatment (3-$15). However, not all memory
tasks associated with hippocampal integrity are adversely af- Young adult (80- 100 days old) male Long-Evans rats (n = 13
fected by prolonged exposure to glucocorticoids (12,26). per group; Charles River) were used in the experiment. Animals
We have recently shown that a 2-month regimen of corticos- were housed individually in hanging wire cages with food and
terone, the endogenous glucocorticoid of the rat, impairs sponta- water available ad lib throughout the experiment. Lighting was
neous alternation behavior in rats without producing overt hip- on a 12-h light/ 12-h dark cycle, and room temperature (20-22°C)
pocampal cell loss (1). Although spontaneous alternation is sensi- and relative humidity (55 f 5%) were controlled automatically.
tive to hippocampal disruption (2,201, the question remains as to Animals were injected SC with the peanut oil vehicle or corticos-
whether this corticosterone-induced impairment generalizes to terone (10 mg/kg body weight; Sigma, St. Louis, MO), which
other memory tasks dependent on hippocampal function. To increases plasma corticosterone levels fourfold 1 h after treatment
answer this question, we examined the performance of corticos- (1). Injections were administered daily for 56 days during the
terone-treated and control rats in the elevated platform maze, a first half of the dark cycle. Housing and experimental procedures

’Requests for reprints should be addressed to Mark E. Bardgett, Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, Box 8134,
4940 Children’s Place, St. Louis, MO 63110.


were performed according to the current Guide for the Care and 240 s, it was placed in the tunnel for 1 min. Twenty minutes after
Use of Laboratory Animals (USPHS) under protocols approved the end of the first trial, the second trial started. On subsequent
by the Interdisciplinary Animal Care and Use Committee at the days, each rat received two trials separated by a 20-min intertrial
University of Missouri-St. Louis. interval. Between trials, rats were returned to their home cage,
and the escape tunnel box was washed with a 50% alcohol
Elevated Plarfom Maze solution. Testing was conducted during the first half of the dark
The elevated platform maze test was conducted during the last
Throughout the first nine trials (acquisition trials), the escape
week of treatment. The apparatus (Fig. 1) was similar to the one
tunnel position was fixed in a particular location in the testing
originally described by Barnes (2). It consisted of a white,
room. On the 10th trial, the escape tunnel location was rotated
circular platform (1.2 m in diameter) with 18 equally spaced,
135”, and remained in this new location for the last five trials
9-cm holes located along the perimeter of the platform. A clear
(reversal trials). On these latter trials, perseveration for the
piece of Plexiglas measuring 10 cm high X 30 cm long X 1 cm
previous escape tunnel location was measured and defined as the
thick was located between each hole. A black escape tunnel was
number of holes between the first hole investigated and the
located beneath one hole (the escape hole). The platform could be
former escape hole location.
rotated without moving the escape tunnel from its fixed position.
The platform was rotated in a randomized manner from trial to
trial to disrupt the use of odor trails in locating the escape hole. Data Analysis
The platform was brightly lit by two 150-W spotlights positioned
directly above the maze. A trial started by placing a rat, at a Separate analyses were conducted for the acquisition and
random orientation, into a cylindrical start chamber with a false reversal phases of testing. In each analyses, the first error, latency
bottom. The chamber was located in the center of the platform to enter, and perseveration (reversal phase only) scores were
and was raised to the ceiling by a pulley located in an adjacent compared between groups across trials by a two-way, repeated-
room. measures ANOVA. The main factors were treatment (between
Each rat was given two trials per day over I consecutive days. subjects) and trial (within subjects). A Mann-Whitney test was
Trials were monitored on a closed-circuit television located in an used to compare groups at each trial on the first error, latency to
adjacent room. On the first of day of testing, a rat was placed in enter, and perseveration measures. Significant differences be-
the escape tunnel for a 4-min adaptation period and returned to tween groups were accepted for alpha levels < 0.05.
its home cage for 20 min, after which the first trial started. Two
scores were obtained for each trial: 1) first error-defined as the RESULTS
number of holes between the location of initial hole investigated
and the escape hole, and 2) latency to enter-defined as the time
First Error
(in seconds) elapsed between the start of the trial and the rat
entering the escape hole. The first error was recorded when the Across acquisition trials, there were no significant differences
rat’s nose dropped below the maze surface into an incorrect hole. between corticosterone- and vehicle-treated rats on the first error
After entering the escape tunnel, the rat was allowed to remain measure (Fig. 2). The reduction in first error was significant
there for 1 min. If the rat did not enter the escape tunnel within across acquisition trials [trial effect: F(8, 192) = 5.3, p < O.OOOl].
In the initial trial following reversal of the escape hole
location, there was significant increase in the first error [Mann-
Whitney test: ~(26) = 3.5, p < O.OOOS]in both the corticos-
terone-treated and vehicle groups. Across the remaining reversal
trials, there was a significant reduction in first error [trial effect:
F(4, 96) = 6.6, p < O.OOOl]and a significant interaction between
corticosterone treatment and time [treatment X time interaction:
F(4, 96) = 2.5, p < 0.051. Corticosterone-treated rats displayed a
significantly lower first error score on trial 11 relative to vehicle-
treated rats [Mann-Whitney: ~(13) = 2.3, p < 0.021. There were
no other significant, between-group differences over the remain-
ing reversal trials.

Latency to Enter

There was a significant decrease in the latency to enter the

escape hole over acquisition trials [trial effect: F(8, 192) = 11.8,
p < O.OOOl].There were no significant differences between corti-
costerone- and vehicle-treated rats across acquisition trials (Fig.
3), although there was a trend toward reduced latency at trial 5 in
~~~rticosterone-treated rats [Mann-Whitney: ~(13) = 1.7, p =
PIG. 1. Schematic drawing of elevated platform maze. Eighteen holes . .
surroundedthe perimeterof the tabletop and each hole was separatedby a Latency to enter was initially increased after reversal of the
small Plexiglas wall, one of which is shown on the top left side of the
table. The cylindrical start container located in the middle of the tabletop
escape hole [Mann-Whitney: ~(26) = 4.2, p < O.OOOl], which
was raised at the beginning of each trial. The table top could be rotated was followed by a significant decrease across the remaining
after each trial. Trials were terminated when the rat entered the escape reversal trials [trial effect: F(4, 96) = 8.7, p < 0.00011. There
hole and went into the escape tunnel (shown extending from the lower were no significant, between-group differences in any of the
left side of the table), which was closed during each trial. reversal trials.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


FIG. 2. Effects of 8-week corticostemne treatment (10 mg/kg) on first error measure. The scores denote the mean number of holes between the initial
hole investigated and the escape hole ( f SEM; n = 13 per group). Arrow at trial 10 indicates first reversal trial. Significant difference between groups at
trial 11 denoted by asterisk ( p < 0.02).

Perseveration (Fig. 4). There was a statistical trend towards an interaction

[treatment X trial interaction: F(4, 96) = 6.7, p = 0.061, which
Perseveration in choosing the original escape hole location
indicated increased perseveration in the corticosterone rats on
was measured during the reversal trials. It was expected that
trial 14, t(24) = 2.0, p = 0.06.
during the initial reversal trials, animals would make the original
escape hole location their first choice. Then across the remaining
trials, the animals would make the new escape hole location their
first choice. A deficit in this transition of initial hole choice could Prolonged elevation of plasma glucocorticoids exerts a pro-
be interpreted as an error of perseveration. To address this found influence on hippocampal physiology (22) and several
possibility, we determined the proximity of the first hole chosen behaviors dependent on hippocampal integrity (3-5,151. We have
on each reversal trial to the prior escape hole location. recently shown that a 2-month regimen of daily corticosterone
Perseveration for the prior escape hole location decreased administration impairs spontaneous alternation behavior in the rat
significantly over reversal trials [trial effect: F(4, 96) = 6.7, (1). However, using an identical treatment regimen, the present
p < O.OOOl],as indicated by the increased distance between the study demonstrates that chronic corticosterone does not impair
first hole chosen and the prior escape hole location across trials performance in the elevated platform maze task, another memory

0-I . , . , . ( . , . ! . , . , ,
0 2 4 8 8 10 12 14


FIG. 3. Effects of 8-week corticostercne treatment (10 mg/kg) on latency measure. The scores denote the mean latency (in seconds) between the start of
the trial and the rat entering the escape hole (f SEM; n = 13 per group). Arrow at trial 10 indicates frost reversal trial. There were no significant
differences between tbe groups at any trial.

paradigm sensitive to hippocampal perturbation (2,13,14,18). This duced hippocampal neuronal loss (23). Thus, the above factors
finding suggests that not every behavior associated with hip- could have mitigated against corticosterone-induced deficits in
pocampal function is adversely affected by prolonged exposure to the elevated platform maze task, but may not fully account for
glucocorticoids. this finding.
We chose to assess the effects of chronic corticosterone The results from this study may simply indicate that the type
treatment on performance in the elevated platform maze because of memory involved in the elevated platform maze task may have
of its putative sensitivity to hippocampal deficits (2,13,14,18). been spared after prolonged glucocorticoid treatment, relative to
Barnes (2) had earlier demonstrated that impaired performance in the impairments observed in other memory paradigms after simi-
the elevated platform task could be linked to deficits in hip- lar treatment. Differences in the temporal characteristics of the
pocampal long-term potentiation (LTP), which can be disrupted elevated platform maze task vs. other paradigms may explain
by corticosterone (3,8,17). We also chose the elevated platform why corticosterone treatment did not disrupt performance in the
task because it does not rely on food deprivation or aversive elevated platform maze. For example, performance in the sponta-
stimuli, which could have confounded physiological stress with neous alternation task, which is impaired during chronic corticos-
the corticosterone treatment. Specifically, a food-motivated mem- terone treatment (11, depends on the short-term “retention” of
ory task was avoided, because food deprivation can increase the previously chosen goal arm. Additionally, the location of the
circulating corticosterone levels (7,21,25). In addition, a shock- goal arm in this task depends on the animal’s prior choice and,
motivated memory task may have been confounded by the inter- thus, varies across trials. In contrast, performance in the elevated
action of glucocorticoids with pain sensitivity (19). Despite the platform maze depends on the long-term retention of the escape
moderate level of reinforcement provided by the darkened escape hole location, which remains fixed across trials. Although rever-
hole in the elevated platform task, robust learning was demon- sal of the escape hole location changes the fixed location, the
strated on all of the measures across acquisition and reversal new escape hole location remains permanent over the remaining
trials. reversal trials. Thus, given the adverse effects of glucocorticoids
Regardless of its potential effects on hippocampal physiology, on spontaneous alternation behavior, but not on performance in
chronic corticosterone treatment did not significantly alter mem- the elevated platform maze, it is conceivable that glucocorticoids
ory performance in the elevated platform maze. Several factors, have a greater effect on short-term, fluid memory than on long-
such as dose, age, or rat strain, could account for this finding. It term, permanent memory.
is conceivable that a higher, supraphysiological dose or a longer The possibility that glucocorticoids could disrupt short-term
treatment duration could have impaired performance; however, memory without affecting long-term memory is indirectly sup-
the dose was chosen to produce stress-like levels of plasma ported by electrophysiological studies. Filipini et al. (9) reported
corticosterone (l), and the treatment duration was chosen to that corticosterone treatment depressed LTP for the first 15-30
maximize the effects of corticosterone without producing mortal- min after tetanic stimulation; however, LTP is similar to control
ity, as previously reported with longer treatment durations (23). levels thereafter. This finding suggests that glucocorticoids can
Although younger or older rats may be more susceptible to compromise short-term memory retention, but does not produce a
corticosterone-induced behavioral impairments (6,l l), behavioral long-lasting effect. Interestingly, the role of the hippocampus in
deficits have been observed in young adult rats after prolonged the elevated platform maze task may be limited to short-term
corticosterone treatment (1,s). The Long-Evans rats used in the memory retention. Poucet et al. (18) found that hippocampal
present study may be less sensitive to chronic corticosterone inactivation impairs reversal learning in the elevated platform
relative to other strains; however, Luine et al. (12) have reported maze when the intertrial interval is short (1 min), but has no
that chronic corticosterone does not alter spatial memory in effect at longer intervals (24 h). These findings and the results
Fisher-344 rats, which are more sensitive to corticosterone-in- from our studies indicate that further investigations of hippocam-

. - tgiccesterone



i * T

00 9 10 11 12 13 14 16


FIG. 4. Effects of g-week corticosterone treatment (10 mg/kg) on perseverationmeasure. The scores denote the mean number of holes between the
initial hole investigated and the escape hole location during the acquisition phase of testing ( f SEM; n = 13 per group). Higher scores indicate less
perseveration.There were no significant differences between the groups at any trial.

pal-dependent memory after glucocorticoid treatment will need to may remain intact. It will be important to determine the specific
carefully consider the type of task studied and the timing of the physiological and cognitive characteristics of specific behaviors,
measures. which could predict their sensitivity to prolonged elevation of
In summary, we have shown that memory performance in the plasma glucocorticoids.
elevated platform maze is not altered after chronic corticosterone
treatment. This finding is important because it demonstrates that
not all behaviors associated with hippocampal function are ad-
versely affected by glucocorticoids. Thus, whereas the excessive Supported by a Dissertation Research Award from the American
release of plasma glucocorticoids, which accompanies chronic Psychological Association, a Dissertation Fellowship from the University
stress, aging, or hippocampal damage, may undermine specific of Missouri, and a NIMH Scientist Development Award (MHOl109) to
components of cognitive functioning, other aspects of memory M.E.B. and a NlMH Scientist Development Award (MH01045) to J.W.N.


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