Mecanica de Fluidos - Munson-Young 4th Ed-Solution PDF

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4.41 1.1 Determine the dimensions, in both the FLT system and the MLT system, for (a) the product of mass umes velocity, (b) the product of force times volume, and (c) kinetic energy divided by area. mT! (4) mass x velocity = (MCT) Sine Famer? mass x velocity = (FL tr YILT) = Er FL? (eT 203) = Ltr N. (b) force x volume ul. (c) Kinetic energg - Flo pyHl area L — 1.2 1.2 Verify the dimensions, in both the FLT and MLT systems, of the following quantities which appear in Table 1.1: (a) angular velocity, (b) en- ergy, (c) moment of inertia (area), (d) power, and (e) pressure. angular displacemest 77 (@) angular velocity = a = me = (5) energy ~ capacity of body + co work Since work = force x distane, Chergy = FL or with font * energy = (et )(L) 2 ML? () memend of inerha(area) = second moment of arca = (47)(L*) = _L* (A) power = rate of doing work = Fl: per7 = 2 Wir ir) 2 meer? - force» Fo + py? Ce, = ae = ) pressure = TT ye (mt ?)e?) = Me '? Ue 4.3 Verify the dimensions, in both the FLT system and the stem, of the following quantities which appear in Table acceleration, (b) stress, (c) moment of a force, (d) vol- ume, and (e) work. (@) acceleration = velocity = toa rT +ime T = (L) stress = force 7 area Since F2 mtr} 2 stress = a = AL'T ce) tnement of a force = force x distance = FL Sfair dl = Ae? (a) volume = Cengts) 7 = L? (@) work ut force x distance = FL LT UL = Mitr I 1.4 14 If P is a force and x a length, what are the dimensions (in the FLT system) of (a) dP/ dx, (b) &P/dx’, and (6) §P dx? dL dk 2f= fae (4) irs FL (4) PL sf 2 el3 dx} es = © [Pa = FL 1.5 1.5 Ifwisavelocity, x alength, and atime, what are the dimensions (in the MLT system) of (a) au/at, (b) Fulaxat, and (c) f (aulat) dx? 2 @) 5 zg = LT = = | + 6) 2% 2 LT 2 72 axdd (L)(7) — ©) [4 de = ar) 4) = 1°? 1.6 1.6 If Visa velocity, fa length, and va fluid property having dimensions of L?T-!, which of the following combinations are dimensionless: (a) Vbs, (b) Vily, (@) V2v, (a) VIC? (a) VAV = (r-Wt)ler) = ltr? (not dimensionless) ww) VE 2 (eT ML) 2 pore v (17-1) le) V2 = (TD (LET) 3 LIT? Cot dimensionless) ( dimension less ) —t (d) y = ar = L* (not dimensionless ) 17 1.7 Dimensionless combinations of quan- tities (commonly called dimensionless parame- ters) play an important role in fluid mechanics. Make up five possible dimensionless parameters by using combinations of some of the quantities listed in Table 1.1. Some possible examplesi acceleration x time 7" CL T 27) +L? T? velocity (LT-') Frequency xtime = (TINT) = (velocity) . (ur7)* 5 er7e = (eT 2 7 length x acceleration (L)(L rT) forcex time. (ENT) . FMT? ry Prementum (M4 ™m LT!) ler yur) density x velocity x lempth , (me2ltr ML) dynamic viscosity ML 7 FLT? = MLer? 1.8 1.8 The force, P, that is exerted on a spher- ical particle moving slowly through a liquid is given by the equation P= 3muDV where jis a fluid property (viscosity) having di- mensions of FL~*T, D is the particle diameter, and V is the particle velocity. What are the di- mensions of the constant, 32? Would you classify this equation as a general homogeneous equa- tion? P= 30uDV Fle baled [rls (err 37 1s dimensjon less, and the equation’ és a general homogeneous eguation. Yes. 4.9 According to information found in an old hydraulics book, the energy loss per unit weight of fluid flowing through a nozzle connected to a hose can be estimated by the formula hh = (0.04 to 0.09)(D/dy'V?/2g where / is the energy loss per unit weight, D the hose diameter. d the nozzle tip diameter, V the fluid velocity in the hose, and g the acceleration of gravity. Do you think this equation is valid in any system of units? Explain. R= (0.04 o0.09)(2)* ¥ i EE} bors oo( SERIE [1] = [0.0% 40.09] [L] Since each term tn The eguation must have the Same dimensions, the Constant term (0.04 4 0.09) rust be di rmensionless. Thus, The eguntiby Is & general home geneous Epub That 1s Valid th any system of anits. Yes. 1.10 4.10 The pressure difference, Ap, across a partial blockage in an artery (called a stenosis) is approximated by the equation cosity (FLT), p the blood density (ML~), D the artery diameter, Ag the area of the unob- structed artery, and A, the area of the stenosis. Determine the dimensions of the constants K, and K,,. Would this equation be valid in any sys- tem of units? Vv 0 : ap = K+ x (4 1) ove where V is the blood velocity, , the blood vis- Ao _ Voy? p= ky Ad + ka lad apy a2 2 ate foc T= fa) SIE) LES -] EEL] [re’] = [k, | { FL? + {ku} frc*] Since each term must have the same dimensions, Ky, and Ky are dimensionless, Thus, the equation is a general homo geneous eguation that would be valicl tn ang Consistent system of units. Yes 4.14 Assume that the speed of sound, ¢, in a fluid depends of an elastic modulus, E,, with dimensions FL~2, and the fluid dk p, in the form c = (E,)"(p)". If this is to be a dimen- sionally homogeneous equation, what are the values for a and b? Is your result consistent with the standard formula for the speed of sound? (See Eq. 1.19.) ES ay Since C3 LT"! SFL psFl ty? [sr] ( 2%] ° For a dimensionally homogeneous epuakion each term tn the eguation must have the same dimensions. Thus, the vight hand side of £3.01) must have The dimensions of LT! There fore, ath=o (to elimnate F) 2h=-1 C40 sabisty Cond'pon onT) 2at¢b=-l Ch absty conditen on L) rt Lillows Thet ast and bz-d So Met This result i's Consistent. with The shrndard toriula fr the Speed ef sound. yes. 1.12 1.12 A formula to estimate the volume rate of flow, Q, flowing over a dam of length, B, is given by the equation Q = 3.09BH*" where H is the depth of the water above the top Q= 307 Bu of the dam (called the head). This formula gives Q in ft’/s when B and H are in feet. Is the con- stant, 3.09, dimensionless? Would this equation be valid if units other than feet and seconds were used? ler] = Bore] [LI" (37-] 2 [x00] [1 Since each term in the eguation must have the same dimensions the constant 32.09 rust have dimensions Vari rl of L*7~' and is therefore not dimensionless, No. Since the constant has dimensions its value will change with « change in units. No. 1.14 Make use of Table 1.3 to express the following quantities in SI units: (a) 10.2 in./min, (b) 4.81 slugs, (c) 3.02 Ib, (d) 73.1 ft/s*, (e) 0.0234 Ib:s/fe’. @ jo2™ = (102 % )(esmx0 2) few) = -3 vm = 4arxlo”° Ss 432 om (b) 441 slegsz (491 shgs) (2459-410 4)- 70,2 49 (e) 3.02 b= (R02 )(4eve H) = saen A 3/4: (37/4) (aorraw' SB ) 2 223 & 32 a Ibes [bes Ms () 0,0234 = (0.0234 "SS, ) (4 T8PXID “ame ) bet « (0. onay “ed (uretan 4 Te 1.15 1.15 Make use of Table 1.4 to express the following quantities in BG units: (a) 14.2 km, (b) 8.14 N/m’, (c) 1.61 kg/m’, (d) 0.0320 N-m/s, (e) 5.67 mm/hr. (a) 142 4m = (42210%m) (3201 )= 466x108 H a) BKB, = (814% ) (0 366000? FE) = sexi? 4 Mw I ms 4 slugs. 5 ce) Lb) =& = (os , ) (oxi Fe). 31216 sts a cd) 6.0320 %" = (0.0320 M2) (1 5tbx10' al ) M = 23bx10” aay = (2) 547 Mt = (Sb7 x10" a2) (2281) Lhe = 5/7 x10" ee 1.16 1.16 Make use of Appendix A to express the following quantities in SI units: (a) 160 acre, (b) 742 Btu, (c) 240 miles, (d) 79.1 hp, (e) 60.3 °F. #e* 5 amt (4) 160 acre = (lel acre) (4 35t.«10" Z,) (2290x10 z=) = 6.47/10 m* 3S 5 = 1.0 oF l= 783x10° J (r¥2 ary) (i SS x/ 2) 7.8310" J (4) 7¥2 BTU (é) 240 mi = (B40 me) (1609x109 =) = 3.8L 410 om Gd) 79%./ hp= (741 hp ) (1457 x10? al S90 x/0 W # (623-32) = 15.7°C = 189 K te) 7, kK 15.7 °C + 273 4 1.17 Verify the conversion relationships for (a) acre, (b) bar, and (c) U.S. liquid gallon found in Appendix A. (a) Shee | acre = #3560 FL% Chy definition) it follevs thet - 3 / acre =( #3560 2M" LEY) (2, 296304 x10 ex) 3 = HA OKbIS6Y X10 am” 3 Thus, tmultiply | acre by Eb¥LESEH XID fo Convert to tn?. _ S) Since 1 bar = 10° dynes/em> (by definitisa ) ib bls that lb atx dues Vip Mes Md tm , = 10° Thus, rualtiply 1 bar by 105 to converd to N/m? 3? Lo. (2) Siice 1 US. gallon = 231 Ia (by definition) vt follows That / gal =(23/ In, > )(zs4 x an)? = 2ITGEUIE X10 Ann -3 Thus, multiply | VS. Gallon be 3.285¢NS x) Lo Convert to m?. ¥ Exact by cdetinrtibn, 1.18 1.18 For Table 1.3 verify the conversion re- lationships for: (a) area, (b) density, (c) velocity, and (d) specific weight. Use the basic conversion relationships: 1 ft = 0.3048 m; 1 Ib = 4.4482 N; and 1 slug = 14.594 kg. (a) / #*= (I flo sora) 2a" 0.09290 am ye Thus, multiply tt? by 9.270 E-2 t+ convert to m*, th) 7 Slug = (] slog hy \[ 1 fe d/o (1 shed ) (9.5% ft) la a Re = S/S5.4 Fas Thus, multiply slug fe? by S1S¥ E+2 to convert to ko /m?3 ee) y He [| ft) (0.3049 @)= O 3049 & Thus, multiply tt/s bg 3.048 E-1 to convert to mS. w)f_Lée? a te ( a) Havers f [wana | = 171% Thus, multiply I6/A? by L5TLEt2 + convert to N/m, 1.19 1.19 For Table 1.4 verify the conversion re- lationships for: (a) acceleration, (b) density, (©) pressure, and (d) volume flowrate. Use the basic conversion relationships: 1 m = 3.2808 ft; 1N = 0.22481 Ib; and 1 kg = 0.068521 slug. (a) (hs (1% C2808 ft )= 3.28/ bt 2 Thus, rrultiply m/s? by 3.d8) to convert to ft/s2, As. (; 48) slugs)[ Lam _ | &) | Bes (| Sh )(o.ovssar Se4*) aaah - -3 sl = 1. fo x10 = Thus, multiply Ay Jem? by 1.940 E-3 to convert to slug/Le3. Mo (| M.) (oazye: 2 )f te | rn (| me) n 2) (3 2908)? Ft* = noeg x? 2 Thus, mulbiply N/m? by 2.084 F-2 to convert to Ib/ Fe”, 33 3 (d) | a =(I am?) [ @ 2008) |. 35.31 Thas, mult iply m/s by 3531 Et! to convert to ft/s, 1.20 1.20 Water flows from a large drainage pipe at a rate of 1500 gal/min. What is this volume rate of flow in m?/s and in liters/min? = Mm? flowrate = (/500 gal ) (6,309x10° “s ) Pain —_ gal min = 2% x10" ae? Since | liter = 10? m3, flowrate = (9% x10? an?) (102 shes) bes) anin 5680 Liters 1.21 1.24 A tank of oil has a mass of 30 slugs. (a) Determine its weight in pounds and in new- tons at the earth’s surface. (b) What would be its mass (in slugs) and its weight (in pounds) if lo- cated on the moon’s surface where the gravita- tional attraction is approximately one-sixth that at the earth’s surface? ca) weight 2 mass x g = (30 slugs) (222 = (30 slugs) (4454 x ) (481 %)= Yeron 706 bh 66) mass = 30 slugs (rmass does not depend on gravitation) attraction ) weight (2 slugs ) (222 “) = Jel lb @ 1.22 1.22 A certain object weighs 300 N at the earth's surface. Determine the mass of the object (in kilograms) and its weight (in newtons) when located on a planet with an acceleration of gravity equal to 4.0 ft/s? weight Mass = “a 300 N_ = 306 4g Ze) — for gs 40 4e/s> weight = (30.0 4g ) (404) (0.3048 &) 373 N 1.23 1.23 An important dimensionless parameter __the Froude number using SI units for V. g, and in certain types of fluid flow problems is the Froude _€. Explain the significance of the results of these number defined as V/Vgl, where Vis a velocity, calculations. 8 the acceleration of gravity, and (a length. De- termine the value of the Froude number for V = 10 ft/s, g = 32.2 ft/s’, and { = 2 ft. Recalculate Ln 86 units, vo, ot _ i (32.2 )(24) Ln SI units: V=(lo & ) (2.3049 F)- 305 @ = 43! {é & w s2 R= (24) (0.3048 2): 0.610 m Thus, 305 F Vv ———— = 125 ge Visi %)eiom The value of a dimensionless Parameter is independent ef the unit system. es 1.24 — The specific weight of a certain liquid is 85.3 Ib/ft. Determine its density and specific gravity. ib peeks 853 ys 2s slugs 4 322 # Ft slags 26S wy soz poe st . @ # slugs Cot * A G4 oe 1.25 1.25 The density of a certain type of jet fuel is 805 kg/m*. Determine its specific gravity and specific weight. z SG = A = 505 ps = 0,905 a= Ber Toe y=P9 = (905 ££.) (4.81 %)= 7970 BM 1.26 1.26 An open, rigid-walled, cylindrical tank contains 4 ft* of water at 40 °F, Over a 24-hour period of time the water temperature varies from 40 °F to 90 °F, Make use of the data in Appendix B to determine how much the volume of water will change. For a tank diameter of 2 ft, would the corresponding change in water depth be very noticeable? Explain. mass of water = W*P where ts the volume and 2 The densty. Since the mass must vemain Constant as The temperature @hanges OS ye = ae ay From Table B.1 A bs - 1,940 Slets OF - bas bay @ goo = 1 FAL E Therelore, from £4.04) sh “ 2 GAN ED yon ges n° 143) 28, Thus, The sacvease ja volume (3 4)9l -#o00= 20186 ft? The change 1h Wweter depth, AL, a Gael fb 4+ . 0) 8b Ft7 ~ 4a= 7 oN = 592KI0 LL= 0.0Tbin a = @ft)* 7% This small change in clepth would not be very hotrceable, No. Mote: A slightly different value for SL will be obtained if specific wergnt of water Is used feTher Than density. This 1s due to the fact that there is seme ancertuitty in the fourth dignitiant figure oF these tuto values, and fe Solubion 3 sensitive te This unartenty 1.28 1.28 A liquid when poured into a graduated cylinder is found to weigh @ N when occupying 2 volume of 500 ml (milliliters). Determine its spe- cific weight, density, and specific gravity. _ weight _ &N = oo FH volume (0,500 2) (10 3m? ms (6.5008) (10% qe) 3 NW. - = [6 410 78 163 xj AS p= 4 9.81 2 “m3 st ——— 3 hy 163 x10 F3 Pere — The 163 My d 10 ms 5G = 1.29 4.29. The information on a can of pop indicates that the can contains 355 mL. The mass of a full can of pop is 0.369 kg while an empty can weighs 0.153 N. Determine the specific weight, density, and specific gravity of the pop and compare your results with the corresponding values for water at 20 °C. Express your results in SI units. Weight of Fluid a) Y= Plame of Fluid tolal weignt = massx g = O3bthg (981% )= thaw weight ef con= ©. 153 3 . Volume of Fluid = 55xW2L) (072 = £55-x10 om? Thus, trom Eg. l1) ye Bb2N - 0153N os = 7776 x, SSF X 10m =—— P- 3 7.8) 24 s* oy 2 . 79678 Acer 1000 BE Nes? 4 = 996 2S = 79 A8, 4 5G = 0.946 For water a& 20°C (see Table 8.2 Appendix B) = “os 4. sp = Bye 1789-3 5 Oa 16.2% | SG =0.9982 4 comparison of These Values hr Watley with These fer The pop shows Thad The specie weight, density, gad specie gravity & The pop are al] Slightly Jower Than The Corresponding Values for water. 1.30* 1.30* The variation in the density of water, p, with temperature, T, in the range 20°C = T= 60 °C, is given in the following table. Density (kg/m) | 998.2 | 997.1 | 995.7 994.1 | 992.2 988.1 eeeerronlians! =a lagi salraqlonlieay Use these data to determine an empirical equa- tion of the form p = c, + cP + eT? which can be used to predict the density over the range indicated. Compare the predicted values with the data given. What is the density of water at 42.1°C? 7o solve This problem use POLREG. IG EIU III IOI OIE IO ICI ICR ICI CIO IO IIR TOR A AOI AR AA ** This program determines the least squares fit ** ** for any order polynomial of the form: +k ** y = dO + ditx + d2¥x°2 + d3¥x°3 + ... ced SESS EE SS OEIC OE OS ORE OOO OIRO CO COGS ARIAT AR IOI IK Enter number of terms in the polynomial: 3 Enter number of data points: 7 inter data points (X , Y) 20,998.2 25,997.21 30,995. 35,994. 40,992, 45,990, 50,988. Wa www fereneraeey The coefficients of the polynomial are: d2 = -4.0953E-03 di = -5.3332E-02 dO = +1. 0009E+03 x Y Y(predicted) +2,0000E+01 +9.9820E+02 +9.9825E+02 +2.5000E+01 +9.9710E+02 +9.9706E+02 +3.,0000E+01 +9.9570E+02 +9,9566E+02 +3.5000E+01 +9.9410E+02 +9. 9407E+02 +4,Q000E+01 +9.9220E+02 +9.9226E+02 +4,5000E+01 +9.9020E+02 +9,9026E+02 +5.0000E+01 +9.8810E+02 +9.8805E+02 Thus, T 004095 T* Note that P (predicted ) & th goed agreement \y)'th e (green). At T= 4#2./ °C, 2 P= 100l~ 0.08333 (42.1%) ~ 0.004088 (42.1%) = 991.5 28, 1.32 1.32 The density of oxygen contained in a tank is 2.0 kg/m* when the temperature is 25 °C. Determine the gage pressure of the gas if the atmospheric pressure is 97 kPa (2.0 48 (asta 2) [aster 209)a] 155 4h, Gbs) BC9¢9¢) = Tas, ~ Bin * I p=PRT [55 4B -97AR = FORE 1.33 Nitrogen is compressed to a density of 5 kg/m? under an absolute pressure of 425 kPa. Determine the temperature in degrees Celsius. A CEL PR (5 on Nat 37) = 296K Te = UP - 273 = 286K-~aq3 = /13%¢ 1.34 A closed tank having a volume of 2 ft? is filled with 0.30 Ib of a gas. A pressure gage attached to the tank reads 12 psi when the gas temperature is 80 °F. There is some question as to whether the gas in the tank is oxygen or helium. Which do you think it is? Explain how you arrived at your answer. 2304 : ° Z = weight = aan Fr inne © (428 lew) 2 slags = Abb K ID os Since pr Zz with ps (2+ 167) pore Catmosphene pressure assumed to be & 1467 psia ) and with T= (bor +#b0)°R st Allows thet (24.7 i.) (4 i int) Lie shegs BR (S¥OR) 7 iS #3 From Table 7? Rah S5KX107 for oxygen ana Re /22x10% Feb feb Ay helium, ohgR Thus, trom £g.l1) 1h the Gas Is oxygen -3 ana te feluim -+ p> 2 Te = E77 X10 as n24¢2 x10 * (1) A Comparisou of These Values with The actual density of the gas ii the tank indicates That The gas rnust be Ok ygen. 1.36 136 Atire having a volume of 3 ft* contains air at a gage pressure of 26 psi and a temperature of 70 °F. Determine the density of the air and the weight of the air contained in the tire. p= - = Gabe a7) (ree) = 6 4p x10? sass (176 FA) [(r e400) weight = pg x volume = (Gapce? slats) (322 re) (348) = 0.622 1.37 A compressed air tank contains # kg of air at a tem- perature of 80°C. A gage on the tank reads 300 kPa. Determine the volume of the tank. volume = T0425. r 3 n AP (Boor 101) x0 Fre = 349. #4 mm? f= RT ——— oe (ana g, ) [Gore + 27) k] 843 3 volume = ——~£ —— = 2.02 am 39 Re ee mes 1.38 138* Develop a computer program for cal- culating the density of an ideal gas when the gas pressure in pascals (abs), the temperature in de- grees Celsius, and the gas constant in J/kg-K are specified. For an deal gas paPRT So that - 2 C? Rr where pls absolute pressure, and T bs @bsolute temperature. Thus, Jf the temperature is in *C Then T> °C + 273.15 A computer program for calculehig follows. 100 cls 110 Bint ers S edo S OS OKO IORI IOIO KORO IES ERI OREO ORI RoC! 120 print "** This program calculates the density of an **" 130 print "** ideal gas when the absolute pressure ae 140 print "** in Pascals, the temperature in degrees C, **" 150 print "** and the gas constant in J/ke*K are yee 160 print "** specified en 170 Birt HEBER EBS B HES AIO AS KIORISIORIITORIKIOOEAC IOI TOKAI OKA AK 180 print 190 input "Enter absolute pressure in Pascals, P = ",p 200 input "Enter temperature in degs Celsius, T = ",t 210 input "Enter gas constant, R = ",r 220 tk=t+273.15 230 dens=p/(r*tk) 240 print 280 print using "The density of the gas is +#. ###H* kg/m3" ;dens Example: Gleulate fbr pr 200k. tempemtyre = 20°C, and Re 2871S hy k. a ’ SOE OS CEOS OSSD OI ODIODIIOFOEI SEACH OCIA S EI AKIOI IRI AIRE ** This program calculates the density of an ** ** ideal gas when the absolute pressure ** ** in Pascals, the temperature in degrees C, ** #* and the gas constant in J/kg*K are ** ** specified ee JESSIE IORI OR ICICI CII OIA GOI IE TODOS ICI AOA CI OOK AOE TAK Enter absolute pressure in Pascals, P = 200E3 Enter temperature in degs Celsius, T = 20 Enter gas constant, R = 287 The density of the gas is +2.3772E+00 kg/m3 aoe 1.31* Repeat Problem 138 for the case in which the pressure is given in psi (gage). the tempera ture in degrees Fahrenheit, and the gas constant in ft-lb/slug°R. For an ideal I per & so that “RT where p 1s absolute pressure, and T 1s absolute Fem perature . Thus, Wf Femperature in FF, dnd pressure sh pst, Then TF 44587 ond pe [plpse]+ py, (psc) 3 A computer program for Calculating Fellows. 100 cls THO int Hebd rddebon OSS E ES ESS SOSOSI SSE ORS IAI EK EM 120 print "** This program calculates the density of an **" 130 print "** ideal gas when the gage pressure in psi, **" 140 print "** the atmospheric pressure in psia, the ae 150 print "** temperature in degrees F, and the gas eH 155 print "** constant in ft*lb/slug*degR are specified **" 260 (Bint obroRSo EK SS COS SR OS OBOE OEE TER SSE KOGEI KCK OE 170 print 2 180 input "Enter gage pressure in psi, P = ",p 190 input "Enter temperature in degrees Farhenheit, T = ",t 200 input "Enter gas constant, R = ",r 205 input "Enter atmospheric pressure in psia, Patm = ",patm 210 pabs=(ptpatm)*144 220 tket+459.67 230 240 print 250 print using "The density of the gas is +#.####°°°* slug/ft3";dens Example: Gleulate ? & = Yo psc, temperature = /00°F, Reba = (7 Psh@, and Re rte Ft1b/ slg R. JESSIE OISISIOSI IOI SCRIO BS GSORI ICI AE IORI ADI AIA IA ** This program calculates the density of an ** ** ideal gas when the gage pressure in psi, ** ** the atmospheric pressure in psia, the ** ** temperature in degrees F, and the gas ¥ ** constant in ft*lb/slug*degR are specified ** JERE OSORIO IORI CECI CIOOI OO EE II IOI II TOR A OR A Enter gage pressure in psi, P = 40 Enter temperature in degrees Farhenheit, T Enter gas constant, R = 1716 Enter atmospheric pressure in psia, Patm = 14.7 100 The density of the gas is +8.2016E-03 slug/ft3 1.40 1.40 — Make use of the data in Appendix B to determine the dynamic viscosity of mercury at 75 °F, Express your answer in BG units, r ~ 5S fr. _£ een ee PB LEG 32) = & (75% 32) = A3.9°C From Fig, &/ in A ppendix B: Cmercarg af 15°F (43.9%) 2 LSxO rus 2 (isi WE 3.099 x10) ES ~ pS (bes Va =) ( =2E) 31x10 an 1.41 4.44 Determine the ratio of the dynamic viscosity of water 10 air at a temperature of 70 °C. Compare this value with the corresponding ratio of kinematic viscosities. Assume the ait is at standard atmospheric pressure. From Table 8.2 ia Appendiz Bi =t _ <7 2 (fer water at 70°C) (Pe = #02 x10 wi Vs %13¢xi0 From Table 4 in Appendix. 8: = “5 2 Chr air at 70°) Pee 288 410 SME» Ye 197 KIO a Thus, e fino _ Faye 410 19.9 7. - ale 2.03 K 10 <7 Vo = eae Vari 497 x10 = 2loxjo* 1.42 The kinematic viscosity and specific gravity of aliquid are 3.5.x 10°* m?/s and 0.79, respectively. What is the dy- namic viscosity of the liquid in ST units? hove (= (56) Mg eve) fez fasnw? 2) (0.79 «107 44): 1.43 143 A liquid has a specific weight of 59 Ib/ft® and a dynamic viscosity of 2.75 Ib-s/ft?, Determine its kinematic viscosity Sie V2 an P24 Ve Ae = (275 es) (322) _ 150 es 57 a — 1.44 — The viscosity of a certain fluid is 5 x 10~ poise. Determine its viscosity in both ST and BG units. From Appendiz A Wor’ “8 wes = [pas Thus, (5 210 * poise pt Ws = Sujo* Ns f 10 “poise ) ( Wes) = ° es Poke and From Table 14 feo (Bx 1o* Hes ) (2.084 x10" ee.) = 14x10 tes oa 1.45 1.45 — The kinematic viscosity of oxygen at 20 °C and a pressure of 150 kPa (abs) is 0.104 stokes. Determine the dynamic viscosity of oxygen at this temperature and pressure. Arup pe #4. rsox 1X, : er (268.8 92D] (e's tara] 7 oa V= 0,/oy stokes = O/0¢ —= Je (0.10% 2°) (so oe \ (497 4) -5 -e = 2.05 «/d AR 2 gos nie? NS. 4s am 1.46 4.46 Determine from Figs. B.1 and B.2 in Appendix B the dynamic and kinematic viscosity of kerosene at 40 °C. Express your answer in both SI and BG units. From Fig, B,/: 73 ae A (kerosene at Yore) 2 hx 10 aise? LS) (acegni* (sC unite) ye 2.3%)0° eS (Baunite) From Fr, 8.2: 6 2 Y (Kerosne at Jot) # 4x & (SE units) 15x 10 EP Ge units) 1.47 1.47 SAE 30 oil at 60 °F flows through a 2-in.-diameter pipe with a mean velocity of 5 ft/s. Determine the value of the Reynolds number (see Example 1.4). : ~3 Ibes 2 1.77 Sleas 80x Lbs e a fe ) Re = PUD 2 (utr PENSE) (BH Va Box io? bes Fé: = 184% 1.48 1.48 — Calculate the Reynolds numbers for the flow of water and for air through a 3-mm-diam- eter tube, if the mean velocity is 3 m/s and the temperature is 30 °C in both cases (see Example 1.4). Assume the air is at standard atmospheric feared For water at 30°C (trom Table B.2 i Append'y B): 4 - sx! ME f= 795.7 4, oe 1995 0108 Pe a vod “7 Ba, #2) (2. Re = @ ~ (795.7 24) (3 Z) (2.003 m) = 14,200 - 7.975 £j07* MS aa For acr at 30'¢ ( trom Table 8.4 in Appendix B): = Ae = -5 Ms - 2 LIGS Ts PF 186x100 ; 44 2a hee & VD _ (1.168 Fra) (3 3) (6.008) a & 1.86 x10° LS ras 1.49 For air at standard atmospheric pressure the values of the constants that appear in the Sutherland equation (Eq. 1.10) are C = 1.458 x 10* kg/(m-s:K'*) and $ = 110.4 K. Use these values to predict the viscosity of air at 10 °C and 90 °C and compare with values given in Table B.4 in Appendix B. 2 7 3 - CT? (ise 20* At, ) 72 p= 2 —=— = ans: Ke Tts se T+ llo4k For T= /0°C = [0°C + A73,15 = 283.15 Kk, ~6 34 1.459 x10) (483,15 K - Pe oe c Ye Lus«1eF Mes Ag3,IS K + 110,4 —— ae From Table BH, Ae Le w1o® Mee For T= 70°C = 90°C + APIS = 363,5K, From Table 8.4, Pe Zin xjo*® Ms (145g x 107°)( 363,16 n)% -5 = 213x100 Ms 3635 K + O04 2 ym 1.50* 1.50* Use the values of viscosity of air given in Table B.4 at temperatures of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 °C to determine the constants C and S which appear in the Sutherland equation (Eq. 1.10). Compare your results with the values given in Problem 1.49. (Hint: Rewrite the equation in the form Te _ (1 Ss Mm _(1\r.5 # (e)r c and plot T*2/ versus T. From the slope and in- tercept of this curve C and S can be obtained.) Equation 1.10 Can be written in The form ah gis Ss oe =(¢)T+ c and with the deta from Table BY: Tic) Tk) J (sla) ° ABS Lue ® ao A936 182 X10" Yo 31315 187K )0~ bo 393,15 ha7 xo 80 35815 2.07 x Jo* (00 37315 2574 10~ ~) Tye [ bye s)] 2540x108 2.758 x 08 4.963 x108 3.087% 108 2. 06x10 3, 322.X10 A plot of TM/e vs. T 1 shown below: 35x10" z 1.50* (cont ) Since The data plot as an approximate straight Ine, Fg.) aan be represented by an eguetion of The fe mm Yr bx te where yu TYe ) xXwT, b~ Vo, ana am S/e, To obtain a and b use LINREGA, FEE ESOC BIS RIOKIOSI SISSIES OR SE IOSIORISEIIORIORI OIA ARAKI ** This program determines the least squares fit ** ** for a function of the form y = a+b * x ** SEO OS OBO SIERO OE ESE SISOS OS FOSS OSS ISCO RIA AA Number of points: 6 Input X, 2? 273.15,2.640E8 293.15,2.758E8 313.15,2.963E8 333.15,3.087E8 353.15,3.206E8 373.15,3.322E8 2 2 ? 2 ? +7. 44 1E+O7 +6. 969E+05 x Y Y(predicted) +2.7315E+02 +2.6400E+08 +2,6476E+08 +2.9315E+02 +2.7580E+08 +2.7869E+08 #3,1315E+02 +2.9630E+08 +2.9263E+08 +3.3315E+02 +3.0870E+08 +3.0657E+08 +3,5315E+02 +3.2060E+08 +3.2051E+08 +3.7315Et02 +3.3220E+08 +3, 3444E+08 Thus, babs 6.969% 0% ~6 so that C= Lax” ks fimis» K*) ana oe Seas 74 x1 Cc and therefore Ss /07 K These values hr Cand S are in good agreement w/'th values given in Problem 1.49 . 1.51 1.51 — Foracertain liquid ¢ = 7.1 x 10-S1b-s/ ft? at 40 °F andy: = 1.9 x 10-5 Ib-s/ft’ at 150 °F. ‘Make use of these data to determine the constants D and B which appear in Andrade’s equation (Eq. 1.11). What would be the viscosity at 80 °F? B Vi DeT™ (23,10) AL T= Gore 45467) = 49901°R) he aint Sy and -F jbp at T= (50% 145-467) 60767 eR, ws LF x10 Bs Take the logarithm of both sides of Eg. hil to yield tn p= Ble) + 4nd a Substitute above values of fe and T into te give Ln (71 210%) = 8 e44)* 4nd (2) Ln (14 21077) = 8 laa) ten @) and solve Egs.(a) and(3) simultaneously for Band D, Subtuet £4.03) trem £4. (2) 40 give An msi? \. 8 +--+) L4a1ee 494,67 04,67 and B= 3650. Substtute this value of B int &4. (2) fo gleld tn (7.141077) = 3650 (akin) + 44D and “ D=4¥77K 10%, Thus, Bz 3650 nd De h77410" AL T= 0° + 459,67 = 534.67 Bese / 2 497x10 e $3767 = 4/3 X10 -F les 1.52* A plot of /h p vs. 1.52* Use the value of the viscosity of water given in Table B.2 at temperatures of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 °C to determine the constants D and B which appear in Andrade’s equation (Eq. 1.11). Calculate the value of the viscosity at 50 °C and compare with the value given in Table B.2. (Hint: Rewrite the equation in the form Ing = (B) E+ InD and plot In x versus 1/7. From the slope and intercept of this curve B and D can be obtained. If a nonlinear curve fitting program is available the constants can be obtained directly from Eq. 1.11 without rewriting the equation.) Eguation (1 can be written i» the form In x 28) = + InD and with The cata trom Table BZ ° TT) Th) WT) Alm’) Inf eo 2731s 3.Lb/ £10° L787 x07 ~ 6.327 do 293,15 34 K107 1002410" ~ 6.906 ho BIB IS Bu3nio>? —6.829xKp* — ~ 7.334 66-3335 Booznw? KR beGk* = 7. bo G0 38315 aésznio? SS4TKO* ~ 7.444 (00 3735 gesenw? Lele" ~ BIT# Tt ~for 3 shown below : 4.52" (Cont) Since the deta plot as an approximate straight line, 47.0) can be used +o represent These data. To obtein Bann D use EXPFIT. JESSE SSI IIIS OIC IRI ACEI ICI OIDI AOSIOII IORI OER IO A AOR AOR IO ** This program determines the least squares fit ** ** for a function of the form y = a * e * b*x ** IE EOS IOI COI IIE ICI ICI ECE IO AOICE ICO! AAO IIE. Number of points: 6 Input K, Y 2? 3,661E-3,1.787E-3 «G11E-3,1.002E-3 +193E-3,6.529E-4 +002E-3,4.665E-& +832E-3,3.547E-4 +680E-3,2.818E-4 VKwowe +1.767E-06 +1.870E+03 oo wu x y Y (predicted) +3,6610E-03 +1.7870E-03 +1.6629E-03 #3.4110E-03 +1.0020E-03 +1.0418E-03 #3.1930E-03 +6.5290E-04 +6.9298E-04 +3.0020E-03 +4.6650E-04 +4.8482E-04 +2.8320E-03 +3,5470E-04 +3,5277E-04 ¥2.6B00E-03 +2.8180E-04 +2.6548E-04 Thus, ‘ D=as 1167 xI0° Nslan and 3 Bz $= 8X K so That 1870 <6 fe L767 Xl @ At 50°C (323,15k), 1870 3235 = fer ETT x Se From Table B.2, m= 5: HEX) "ysl 1.53 1.53 Crude oi] having a viscosity of 9.52 x 107‘ Ib: s/f? is contained between parallel plates. The bottom plate is fixed and upper plate moves when a force P is applied (see Fig. 1.3). If the distance between the two plates is 0.1 in., what value of P is required to translate the plate with a velocity of 3 ft/s? The effective area of the upper plate is 200 in. P= Tx plate area CAE 32 Pz Gsaxjo* we (25 1.54 1.54 A thin layer of glycerin flows down an inclined, wide Fig, that for equilibrium, the component of weight acting parallel to the plate surface must be balanced by the shearing force devel- oped along the plate surface. In your analysis assume a unit plate width. ® FIGURE P1.54 wt * \-s ZF,=0 TI ag hus, Fao? TAM) W sinto’= T, 0) and with W = ¥Lhl) ¥LhO) sin 20° = %, £0) er yh sinzo= MT, ary At the plate ~ du Cr - (4)... Since du_ zu _2VUy dy > bh h (% > 2U 4Y yen Thus, from #3. (1) Yhoin 207 = ih uy and Ue xh? slr 20° = - C8. 6 $s (22.4) sin 20” 0.269 ft Z (313x107 — 1.55 1.55 The viscosity of blood is to be determined from meas- urements of shear stress, 7, and rate of shearing strain, du/dy, ‘obtained from a small blood sample tested in a suitable viscom- eter. Based on the dita given below determine if the blood is a ‘Newtonian or a non-Newtonian fluid. Explain how you arrived at your answer. For a Newkoman Fluid The ratio of t ts aufdy 1s 4 Constant. For the data given: Z¢ CN s/m: du fty ) The ratio 1s not a Constant but decreases a5 the rate of shearing Strain imeregses. Thus, This Fluid bleed) ss & ton-Wedbonan Flurd. A plot of the data & shown below. Foy a Wewlonen Pluid the curve would be a straight line with « slope of | 40 /- 0. 0178 | 0.0133 |2. 0107 | 2.0080| 0.0067 | 4.0058 \2.0050 | 02047 TEU ala Kate of sheanng skran, tty, 5 1.56 1.56 A 10-kg block slides down a smooth inclined surface 0.1 mm gap. as shown in Fig. P1.56.. Determine the terminal velocity of the we block if the 0.l-mm gap between the block and the surface contains SAE 30 oil at 60 °F. Assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear, and the area of the block in contact with the oil is 0.2 m?, m FIGURE P1.56 y ZF, =0 — w Thus, oe W sin 20° = TA : Since Ts pM where b 1s Film thickness, W sin2o*= av A Thus, (with Wm) m fA (0.3@ %2 V0.2 om) bw sin 20°, (0.c001m)(104s aS 2 Nin 209) 1.57 4.57 A piston having a diameter of 5.48 in, and a length of 9.50 in. slides downward with a velocity V through a vertical pipe. The downward motion is resisted by an oil film between the piston and the pipe wall. The film thickness is 0.002 in., and the cylinder weighs 0.5 Ib. Estimate V if the oil viscosity is 0.016 ths/fi2. Assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear. = Ferical = tA Thus, Ww AW: TA ts, | Where Az=DL£ a a Po and (velocity ) V ke ~ eae D c= C Film thickness) / § 7 so thet We (p 4 \(rod ) Follows The Bh lows * as . (osu) (220? 4) Ve TDrK EHS 4) $50 fe)( 0164S ) = 0.00459 a 1.58 1,58 A layer of water flows down an inclined fixed surface with the velocity profile shown in Fig. P1.5g,Determine the magnitude and direction of the shearing stress that the water exerts on the fixed surface for U = 3 m/s and h = 0.1 m. dé TP a m@ FIGURE P1.58 4 5 oe a et Tha, at the biied surface (4=0) & ) = 2 dy lyre A so That 72 H(4E) = (seis Na) = 67 «107 4. acting in direction of Flow 1.59 4.59 When a viscous fluid flows past a thin sharp-edged | © plate, a thin layer adjacent to the plate surface develops in which the velocity, 1, changes rapidly from zero to the approach ve- locity, er is called a boundary layer ases with the distance x along the plate as shown in Fig. P1.59. Assume that « = Uy/® and 8 = 3.5 Vox/U where v is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Determine an expression for the force (drag) that would Plete be developed on one side of the plate of length / and width b, width=> _ a Express your answer in terms of f, b. v, and p, where pis the &® FIGURE P1.59 fluid density, Drag, B= [Tie 0A Where dhe BK So That D> [te bd ne du - Since tt a(t) and ay bith fo 35 [DE , it follows From &B.1) rf 73h 4% 3 4 - fey sx hor (Cy a: [ ZV % bade = LO x “dx 0 & - and with ve @ = 0.571 bp Vio? Thus, i nS y x oo ™> w ss LL a) 1.60* 1.60* Standard air flows past a flat surface and velocity measurements near the surface indicate the following distribution: y (ft) | 0.005 | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.04 | 0.06 | 0.08 u (ft/s) 10.74 [1.51 13.03 10.21 | 14.43 The coordinate y is measured normal to the sur- face and w is the velocity parallel to the surface. (a) Assume the velocity distribution is of the form u=Cy+ Gy! and use a standard curve-fitting technique to de- termine the constants C, and C;. (b) Make use of the results of part (a) to determine the mag- nitude of the shearing stress at the wall (y = 0) and at y = 0.05 ft. (a) Use nonlinear regression program, such as SAS- LIN, fo obtain Coefbrctents C, ane Cz. This program produces least Squares estimates of The parameters of a nonlinear medel. For the data given, - f Cr 1538 S' am G 4350 fb Ss" () Since, Tah dg it follows That Teh (Gt 36, 4°) Thus, ot the wall (4=0) T+A6, = (a74x 0 BE \fissd) = srax” Ze, At y= 0.05 ft . T-(3% xe" 2) [ss ir 3( 4350 eg Nooste) | -f Ib = 194 x10 Fre 1.61 1.61 — The-viscosity of liquids can be measured through the use of a rotating cylinder viscometer of the type illustrated in Fig. P1.61. In this device the outer cylinder is fixed and the inner cylinder is rotated with an angular velocity, «. The torque ‘required to develop cis measured and the vis- cosity is calculated from these two measurements. Develop an equation relating 4, @, 5, f, R, and R,. Neglect end effects and assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear. Torgue, qf, due +o shearing stress on faner cylinder 13 egual t a7T= R. TIA where JA =(fe.d0)h, Ths, a7: RL T do and forgne regained to rotate inner cylinder is yy Fixed outer cylinder ‘inner cylinder _ ZZZZZIZIILILLILLL Ri Ro~ FIGURE PI. 64 (L~ cylinder length ) 7. RT [ de = arR Lt For a linear velocity distribution in the gap T Fee wo V Re-Re se that ° 1.62 1.62, The space between two 6-in. long concentric cylinders is filled with glycerin (viscosity = 8.5 X 107? Ib-s/ft?). The inner cylinder has a radius of 3 in, and the gap width betweer cylinders is 0.1 in, Determine the torque and the power requirec to rotate the inner cylinder at 180 rev/min. The outer cylinder is fixed, Assume the velocity distribution in the gap to be linear From Problem 1.66, 3 Ty = ark; SAO RR, and with wes (180 Fe rev (ar rea ) ee = 617 vad then 3.6 -3 Mes Ne weed ) ope RIOR NASI RINT ED spy to (2 | ft) Since power = Teor ct fellows That power = (0.994 fe-b)lom M4) = 178 4 1.63 1.63 One type of rotating cylinder viscometer, called a Stormer viscometer, uses a falling weight, ‘W,, to cause the cyl- inder to rotate with an angular velocity, «, as illustrated in Fig. 1.63, For this device the viscosity, 1, of the liquid is related to W and @ through the equation ‘W = Kyo, where K is a constant that depends only on the geometry (including the liquid depth) of the viscometer. The value of K is usually determined by using a calibration liquid (a liquid of known viscosity). (a) Some data for a particular Stormer viscometer, obtained using glycerin at 20 °C as a calibration liquid, are given below. Plot values of the weight as ordinates and values of the angular velocity as abscissae. Draw the best curve through the plotted points and determine X for the vis- cometer. ‘W (lb) 022 | 066 | 110 | 1.54 | 2.20 w(rev/s) | 0.53 159 | 279 | 3.83 | sa9 1—Fixed outer cylinder @ FIGURE P1.63 (b) A liquid of unknown viscosity is placed in the same viscometer used in part (a), and the data given below are obtained. Determine the viscosity of this liquid. Wb) oos | ou | 022 | 033 | 044 w(rev/sy | 072 | 189 | 3.73 | saa | 7.42 (2) Since W= Kyu the slope of The 2) ys, W earve Ms Wb) slope = Kk = So that 4 slope C ) n Far the glycerin data (see plot on next page) The slope Cbasea on a least squares fit of The dela) & Sloe glycerin) = 0.390 tes Since M Gplycenin) = 213 x10 "ILS then 9 Mes k= 0398S F513 X10" tos (4) For the unknown fluid deta Csee plot on neck page) The Slope Cbesed on 4 least sguares Hit of the data ) Ks Slope Cankwown fui) = 2.0601 gs (cont) 1630 ort) Thus, from &7 ll) /b-s -3 Pi letaoun Fluid) = 7 ape #73x10 3% 1.64* 1.64* The following torque-angular velocity data were obtained with a rotating cylinder vis- cometer of the type described in Problem 1.61. Torque (ft-lb) _ | 13.1 | 26.0 | 39.5 | 52.7 | 64.9 | 78.6 Angular velocity (rad/s) | 1.01 2.01 3.01 4.01 sol 60 For this viscometer R, = 2.50 in., R, = 2.45 in. and { = 5,00 in. Make use of these data and a standard curve-fitting program to determine the viscosity of the liquid contained in the viscometer. The torgue, ZT is related +» the angular velocity, 23, Through the gua bion , (4) (see solution to Problem 166). Thus, tor « tied geometry and a gwen viscosity, £3.) fs of The form y=bx (9D and xaW) Where b I's 4& Constant gual to 3 b= ae AA (2) RS To obtain b use the dete given with LINREG |, ISIE SII OEIC ISIE IS OI GEORGE SEI ORI SRK ORI OK IE ** This program determines the least squares fit ** ** for a function of the form y = b * x ee FEBS SSIS IODIDE ERICH CE IBIS OIRO ASR ADI IOS ESE AEA AOE IK Number of points: 6 Input X, 7.1.0,13. 2.0,26. 3.0,39. 4.0,52. 5.0,64. 6.0,78. www Owe rnoned +1.308E+01 ft-lbs o " x Y ¥ (predicted) +1.,0000E+00 +1,3100E+01 +1.3082E+01 +2.,0000E+00 +2.6000E+01 +2,6165E+01 +3,0000E+00 +3.9500E+01 +3,9247E+01 +4.0000E+00 +5.2700E+01 +5.2330E+01 +5.0000E+00 +6.4900E+01 +6,5412E+01 +6.0000E+00 +7.8600E+01 +7.8495E+01 (con't ) 1.64" (Cut) Thus, trom Ey 2) pe (6) (Fe- Bz) 2r RR and with the cate given, (3.08 felbes M450 24s a an (248 2) (824) 1.65 1.65 A 12-in.-diamet Rotating plate lar plate is places ap between the two plates filled Torque P1.65. Determine the torque > requir e circular plate slowly at 2 rpm. Assume that the velocity distribution in the gap is linear and that the shear stress on the edge of the rotating plate is negligible. Lin. gap FIGURE P1.65 Torgue,dT , due to shearing stresses on Plate 5 egual te t IN ede aT=+ tdA « * where dA-= 2rrdr, Thus, S— vr AG: + Tearrdr us . ana or. al bo dr stresses acting on bottom of plate 0 ; [—> V2 rw Since Ts fh gu y and hr a Fee /inear men Astri butin Cseehgure) = rw lu ov. rw ase dy 57 Ss Tas, bs + Velocity distribute ” mr: amp [ria = He(E) locity distribuhon ana with the data gien Pp xr. tse ya por Yow ts Lae #) . (2 (4) 1.67 1.67 A rigid-walled cubical container is completely filled with water at 40 °F and sealed. The water is then heated to 100 °F. Determine the pressure that develops in the container when the water reaches this higher temperature. Assume that the volume of the container remains constant and the value of the bulk modulus of the water remains constant and equal to 300,000 psi. Since The water mass remains tonstoat, AY *P Cr At) too? where Vou volume and 4¥ ks Change in volume s# water were Unconstraimed during hecting, Thus, Ay Ge! - Oa . From Table B.l 10 Appendex B, oe 1940 hess and 2: 07 Me So That slags AY. 190 #3 ve -] 2 0.00675 4 ps A427 Se a beh From 7,112 dp &y & it Allows wi des and Ap= SP Tet The change yn pressure reguired to Compress the water back t its original Valume 1's APs - (300,000 pat )E2.00075) = 2,03x)08 pse 1.68 Ina test to determine the bulk modulus of a liquid it was found that as the absolute pres- sure was changed from 15 to 3000 psi the volume decreased from 10.240 to 10.138 in.’ Determine the bulk modulus for this liquid. =. ot (Eq, hi2) UV d¥/¥ J Ss, nome dp 2 Ap = 3000-15 = 2985 pse ana dee 4¥ = 10.d40-10,/32= 0.102 in? 4 Bs — 2955 wee ( 2,102 in? ) 10.240 In? = 3.00 x10" pre 1. Calculate the speed of sound in m/s for (a) gasoline, (b) mercury, and (c) seawater. c= (&.119) (a) For gasoline’ iON th) For mercury) C= PASH nt = 14s om 136% 10" 42, s (¢) For seawater: © 1.70 1.70 Airis enclosed by a rigid cylinder con- taining a piston. A pressure gage attached to the cylinder indicates an initial reading of 25 psi. De- termine the reading on the gage when the piston has compressed the air to one-third its original volume. Assume the compression process to be isothermal and the local atmospheric pressure to be 14.7 psi. For isothermal compression, Ps constant 30 thet 2 where &~ (inital state Gnd £~ Final state . Thas, . Mass a é, Since pF aie ) 2 = fathal whine. 5 Chr consent mass) Final volume and therefore B= (3)[A5 + 1%) psiGbsy}= 117 psd Gabe) & (gage) =(//9- 1,7) pat 104 psi (gage) 1.71 4.74 Often the assumption is made that the flow ofa certain fluid can be considered as incompressible Now if the density of the fluid changes by less than 2%. If air is flowing through a tube such that the air pressure at one section is 9.0 psi and at a downstream section it is 8.6 psi at the same temperature, do you think that this ow could be considered an imcompressible flow? Support your answer with the necessary calculations. As- sume standard atmospheric pressure For ssothermal change in density & 4 so That 4, fh The percent change th ast densities Lefuten sechons 1) FO) 18 of change * At x 1b0 4 =(- & ) «100 = (1- B) + to Cie) - (y- Brie T pce \ 155 Change = (Fo r1%7) pia = 169% Since 1b9%K< 2% the flow could be considered mesmpressible. 1.72 1,72 Oxygen at 30 °C and 300 kPa absolute pressure ex- pands isothermally to an absolute pressure of 120 kPa. Deter- mine the final density of the gas. For /sothermal expansion, S = constant so That tee FE where '~ tnibial state and 4 ft~ final state. Thas, 4 (t = = Z: 2 Also ? 3 te: 300x110 Z fs see = = 39) 42 RT, (a5% ee o )[Gererar)k] ae so that 1204 - 4 a (thon) 10 1.73 1.73 Natural gas at 7o °F and standard at- mospheric pressure of 14.7 psi is compressed is- entropically to a new absolute pressure of 60 psi- Determine the final density and temperature of the gas. For /sentrepre Compression , a = constant so That ee, * & Where in inital state and ia Ff fx tind! state. Thus, 4. tet Br Be or A (2) 2 2: Also , px tee Wah iF ) oa eh 6 RT sete ni? fh aay hte oS (2 tae) )[ae%+s0°e] so that a 3d fs 60 pet labs) (429 «10° sue) = BIT xi slugs 147 pst Cabs) #63 3 and Ge tees (60 8, (4B) BR Sy xo? slues \Vfo p79 jp tee \ 377x107 SMEs 3 o99x lo FEB [: x/0 Fe ]Ge 9x10 Flug = 740 °R er Tp= 140 - 4d = 280 °F 1.74 1.74 — Compare the isentropic bulk modulus of air at 101 kPa (abs) with that of water at the same pressure. For air (&3,hI7), Ey? Ap = C40) (tor x wih) = 1.41 «10° RB For water (Table lt) Ey = 215 x10"R Thus, E, (water) 2.16x 10" ¢ = — =z = 1524/0 E, (aur) LY 10° -; SS 1.75* 1.%5* Develop a computer program for cal- culating the final gage pressure of gas when the initial gage pressure, initial and final volumes, atmospheric pressure, and the type of process (isothermal or isentropic) are specified. Use BG units. Check your program against the results ob- tained for Problem 1.70 For compression or expansion, 4 = Constant where R=! for sothermal process, and #> specific heat vati for entropic process. Thus, tes Br aR 4 where tin imibal state, £~ ting! stabe, so That 8: (2)*2 a) Since _ mass ~ Volume then fe Ve a oN where yy Ye, are The mitial and tinal volurnes, vespectively . Thus, trom £3 01) k = [Me 4e r hem . (% ) (ty ibm ) ay Where the subscrpt g refers to gage pressure Eguation 2) can be written as \4 4, = (#) (Ay * teow) ~ Bm ” A computer program tr coleulatvig fey follows. (cont ) 4.75* (ton é ) 100 cls 7110 Srlint ESR EG eK ESOS OSE OSS KSOS SOR ISSO RIECK IORI RIAA AEE I 120 print "** This program calculates the final gage pressure of 130 print "** an ideal gas when the initial gage pressure in psi 140 print "** the initial volume, the final volume, the 150 print "** atmospheric pressure in psi, and the type of 160 print "** process (isothermal or isentropic) are specified oe seer sen set ern 770 Unt ORS R SEE OSA SEES COS D EEC OES ECORI OSOSS I IORI IERIE IRC 180 print 190 input "Enter initial gage pressure in psi, Pi = ",p 200 input "Enter initial volume, Vi = ",vi 210 input "Enter final volume, Vf = ",vf 220 input "Enter atmospheric pressure in psi, Patm = ",patm 230 pabsi=p+patm 240 print:print "Enter type of process" 250 print "0 : Isothermal" 260 print "1 : Isentropic" 270 input pt 280 print 290 k=1 300 if pt=1 then input "Enter specific heat ratio, k = ",k 310 pabsf=pabsi*(vi/vf)"k 320 absf-patm 330 print 340 print using "The final gage pressure of the gas is P£ = +#.####°°°* psilypf Run program using data trom Problem 1.70. ESOS OE IOI IOS IE ORO ORCS AGEI ORGIES OSI OIA ** This program calculates the final gage pressure of ** ** an ideal gas when the initial gage pressure in psi, ** ** the initial volume, the final volume, the ie ** atmospheric pressure in psi, and the type of ee ** process (isothermal or isentropic) are specified # JOSE OO OSCE ESSE OR OE COO OE EE ORS ISOS AICO AAO IK Enter initial gage pressure in psi, Pi =25 Enter initial volume, Vi = 1 Enter final volume, Vf = 0.3333 Enter atmospheric pressure in psi, Patm = 14.7 Enter type of process Isothermal 1: Isentropic 2 The final gage pressure of the gas is Pf = +1,o4#[E+02 psi 1.76 “1.76 — Determine the speed of sound at 20 °C in (a) air, (b) helium, and () natural gas. Express your answer in m/s, = VART (Eg. 120) Win T= 80°C +273 = 293k : (4) fe | =|! v Br air, eS = 543m (h) For helium, iG Se (293%) = J/o10 a ce) For natural gas, @ WHh31) $17.31) (578, = ? ( #320 ) rsx) = au, 1.77 1.77 Jet airliners typically fly at altitudes between approx. imately 0 to 40,000 ft. Make use of the data in Appendix C to show on a graph how the speed of sound varies over this range. c= VART (Eg. 20) tr b= 140 and R= 1716 Shag 19k c= 440 V7 From Table C1 in Appendix C at an altitude of OF2 T= 57.004 ¥60 = SIV?R 30 het cs #ROVEITR = M6 LE Similar caleulations Can be made tor cther alb'tudes and The resulting graph is shown below. fAittude, ft Temp.°F Temp.°R c, Tus o 59 519 11416 5000 41.47 501.17 1097 10000 23.36 483.36 1077 15000 5.55 465.55 1057 20000 “12.26 447.74 1037 25000 -30.05 429.95 1016 30000 -47.83 412.17 995 -65.61 394.39 973 390.3 968 40000 15000 20009 25000 30000 25000 40000 Altitude, ft 1.78 1.78 When a fluid flows through a sharp bend, low pres- sures may develop in localized regions of the bend. Estimate the minimum absolute pressure (in psi) that can develop without causing cavitation if the fluid is water at 160 °F. Cavitation may occur when the local pressure eguals the vapor pressure. for water at 160°F ffhom Table 6.1 va ApptrdicB) zB = 474 pst labs) Thus, minimum pressure = 474 psclabs) 1.79 1.7% — Estimate the minimum absolute pres- sure (in pascals) that can be developed at the inlet of a pump to avoid cavitation if the fluid is ethyl alcohol at 20 °C. Cavitation may eccur when the suction pressure at the pump inlet eguals the vapor pressure. Sor ethyl alcohol at 20°C ps7 BR (abs). Thas, minimum pressure = 5,94F. (abs) 1.80 4.80 When water at 90 °C flows through a converging sec- tion of pipe, the pressure is reduced in the direction of flow Estimate the minimum absolute pressure that can develop with- out causing cavitation, Express your answer in both BG and SI units. Cavitation tmaq occur th The converyng section of pipe when The pressure eguals The vapor pressure. trom Table 6.2 tn AppenlixB for water at 90°C, B= 70.1 RR Cabs). Thus RR Cabs) yy 5D units, minimum Pressuve = 7. Ln 86 units nes ; . ramimum pressure = (Fe) x10 Vb ysoxii* EE ) & 10.2 1.81 4.81 Apartially filled closed tank contains ethyt alcohol at 68 °F. If the air above the alcohol is evacuated what is the minimum absolute pressure that develops in the evacuated space? Minimum pressure = vapor pressure = 0.95 psu labs) 1.82 1.82 Estimate the excess pressure inside a rain drop having a diameter of 3 mm. = ao (€. Las pe 4 aD) 20734%07°£ ) 0.00/5 am 97.9 B 1.83 4.83 A 12-mm diameter jet of water discharges vertically into the atmosphere, Due to surface tension the pressure inside the jet will be slightly higher than the surrounding atmospheric pressure, Determine this difference in pressure, For equilibrium (see tyure ), plant): 7 (2 SL) 4 That So == PER 734 x G xi ”™m parsf = 12.22 prexcess pressure surtace Htnsion Sovces 7 2.50 1.84 1.84 Whatis the difference between the pres- sure inside a soap bubble and atmospheric pres- sure for a 3-in.-diameter bubble? Assume the sur- face tension of the soap film to be 70% of that of water at 70 °F. are bor eguilibrium , V29ee 1 2 A (arree)= prR <— pret I i or 40 i Re radiies ? R pu excess pressure (Mex | There ave two surfaces for bubble, | 7 (water at WF) = 4497x107 2 (Table BI si Apptndnd) Thus - 4 #07491 x #) A pe — = O11] xe 45 Sz ft 1.85 1.85 Determine the height water at 70 °F will rise due to capillary action in a clean, }-in.-diameter tube. What will be the height if the diameter is reduced to 0.01 in.? 27 cos® he rR For water at 70°F (From Table 2.1 rr Appendic B), (€3. 422) oz 47 x? B and F* 62.30 Hy. Thug with O70, (fr R=0.15th.) -3 , : 2t4 Z - = 2 C497 x ge NO) - Aen) = 153 x10 * ft (02.30 is) (“3° #) or . , = hy. > 12 = a E . ha (usexw ft)(2M) = 2184 In Sa a Jmailarly, (for R= 0.005 1.) - » \(fO125 In \ . 4 = (0.194 in.) Bee ) = 4,60 in. 1.86 1.86 Twovertical, parallel, clean, glass plates are spaced a distance of 2 mm apart. If the plates are placed in water how high will the water rise between the plates due to capillary action? For eguilibrium in the vertieal divechéu , oh 2 kee W= 2(0L cose) Since, i w= vhbs i VRLL= 27h tos or, kb 4: ce (Q~ width of plates) Thus, (fer 620) 2(rauuet RB) T4d XB im = THQ nt ( 4.80x10 2, (0,002 m) 1.87 1.87 — Anopen, clean glass tube, having a diameter of 3 mm, is inserted vertically into a dish of mercury at 20 °C. How far will the column of mercury in the tube be depressed? Ae 20° 0050 ae (23.122) for o = 130° _ 2 Cpetxw' * ) cos /30° -3 = oes ees — 3,00 X10 om (133 x10? )(o. 0015 om) Thus, column will be depresses 3.00 mam 1.88 1.88 Anopen2-mm-diameter tube is inserted into a pan of ethyl alcohol and a similar 4-mm- diameter tube is inserted into a pan of water. In which tube will the height of the rise of the fluid column due to capillary action be the greatest? Assume the angle of contact is the same for both tubes. 4 = 20 COs@ Pel (Eg. 122) TS; Caleohel) — C-Laleel) ¥Cunter) (#22) Z (water) TF Lwater) F Caleshol) © 2mm - (2.28/07 H Maver? 2%, \(4 mm) PERO NEE (7.341107 & ) (174410? 25) (amon) = 0.7817 Height of rise of water column is greatest. 1.89* 1.87* The capillary rise in a tube depends on the cleanliness of both the fluid and the tube. Typically, values of h are less than those predicted by Eq. 1.22 using values of ¢ and 0 for clean fluids and tubes. Some measurements of the height, h, a water column rises in a vertical open tube of diameter, d, are given below. The water was tap water at a temperature of 60 °F and no particular effort was made to clean the glass tube. Fit a curve From Eg. |2r to these data and estimate the value of the prod- uct ¢ cos @. If it is assumed that ¢ has the value given in Table 1.5 what is the value of 6? If it is assumed that 0 is equal to 0° what is the value of 0 d (in. 0.10.05 h (in.) 10.133 10.1651 0.198 10.273 10.421 10.796 fe sel) © ese (4) “ with d=2R. Thus, Eg.0) & of the form 4:6! 4 0-tas 8 + where: b= (2) and ‘= + The constent,b, can be obtained by 4 Vinear least Sguares fit of the gwen deta (CR and Yel ). /d ("') Yo 48 60 Bo 120 L4o (cont) 4 ft) 0,0/108 0.0087 0.01650 0, 02275" 0.03508 0, 06633 1.89* (cont ) To obtan & use LIVREG L. IEE CORIO COCCI ACTOR ORCA AAAI AAR AAA ACI ** This program determines the least squares fit ** ** for a function of the form y = b * x Sad IEC SISO EEE CIE AIA ACAI TOA TC AAAI AA AACA A. Number of points: 6 Input K, Y ? 40,0.01108 48,0.01375 60,0.01650 80,0.02275 120,0.03508 240 ,0.06633 aes b = +2.799E-04 #¢* x Y Y(predicted) +4.,0000E+01 +1.1080E-02 +1,1195E-02 +4.8000E+01 +1.3750E-02 +1.3434E-02 +6.0000E+01 +1.6500E-02 +1,.6792E-02 +8.Q000E+01 +2.2750E-02 +2.2390E-02 +1.2000E+02 +3,5080E-02 +3,.3584E-02 +2.WO00E+02 +6,6330E-02 +6.7169E-02 Thus, o~ Tose: &f | C & - 4 ren x18 * H*Norn $s) wie iz = 437xI0 Fy Df os 5.03 20" WME, Then te H37KI0 fe = 0 369 5 b3X10°3 605.6 F = Ft and 6= 227° If 620° Then cos =t0 and 3 le Le 3 4BTKIO fe 2 437 x10 40 bs FL 1.90 1.90 The capillary tube viscometer device shown in Fig. P1.90 can be used to determine the kinematic viscosity, v 12/p, of a liquid. The volume flowrate, Q cubic feet per second or mé per second, at which a viscous liquid flows through a small diameter tube (i.e., a capillary tube) depends upon many parameters including the diameter and length of the tube, the acceleration of gravity, the density and viscosity of the liquid, and the head (height) of the liquid above the top of the tube. ‘An advanced analysis of this situation would show that with other parameters held constant, the kinematic viscosity is re- lated to the flowrate as v = K/Q, where K is a constant. The value of the constant K can be determined by measuring Q for a fluid of known viscosity, in this case water. The flowrate is given by Q = ¥/t, where ¥ is the volume of water collected in a graduated cylinder in the time period t. ‘Values of ¥ and r determined experimentally when us- ing water at different temperatures are shown in the table below. | capita tube For each temperature, use the book value of the viscosity of water and the given data to determine the constant K. It is assumed that the value of K is constant, independent of the viscosity of the fluid used. Do your results support this? Discuss some possible reasons for this not being true. -— Graduated cylinder TCC) ™ FIGURE P1.90 Values of the Linemahi. viscosity of water at the various Lemperebures ( based on Iriver interpolation from Table 8.2 Wi AppenbrB) are giten below. Values of Q Caltalaten trom Q: (mt) : eos) are also gwen, along with the Caltalted value of K where k= VQ 2 T @c) wvlF) 26.3 | asbx0 | 0.540 x10~* 2.3 2.778 x10 | a.5g5x 10-6 12.3 4 237 0-8 0. 549 x 707% 343 0.739 x 10 0.5i¢ x 10~* S04 0.550% 1% | 0,522 x10 58.0 0. 4404 10-8 0,50/ K1p~6 The average value for K ts kK, = 0.527 xe ane ak ge ‘av > 3 but K does appear to be decreasing with an increasing temperature, 1.1R 1.4R (Dimensions) During a study of a certain flow system the following equation relating the pressures p, and p, at two points was developed: P2 = py + In this equation V is a velocity, & the distance between the two points, D a diameter, g the acceleration of gravity, and fa di- mensionless coefficient. Is the equation dimensionally consis tent? Bzpr FAV 7? OG erViV it pe] s[er] - (ee fre?) = Pec) +O] Since each term in the eguation does not have the same dimensions, the eguation 1s not dimensionally consistent. No. 1.2R 1.2R (Dimensions) If V is a velocity, ¢ a length, Wa ight, and w a fluid property having dimensions of FL~ 27, determine the dimensions of: (a) VEW/a, (b) Wwe. (©) Vie/€, and (@) Vem /W (a) VLW (Lt-YL)(F) = Ltr? / (FL-*7 ) (6) Wels (FM FLIRT) 4 FPL ey VAR v4 (a a Ge 7K (4) () VK (ureNee?7) ., ue w Zz) aa 1.3R 1.3R (Units) Make use of Table 1.4 to express the follow- ing quantities in BG units: (a) 465 W, (b) 92.1 J, (€) 536 N/m?, (d) 85.9 mm°, (e) 386 kg/m’. (a) ¥e5 w= (465 W) (1.31% x107' 44 ye 3.43 x10 Fel ie TS O) 921g = (4217) (13% KI" fh ) 67,97 #t-% ce) 536% 5 (532 % ) (2089«0"* b )= W2 2, _ 3 a5 “ (d) 85.9 mm = (85.9 x10 ‘m?) [ G281) fe] 2208010 fe 4 ho t ) €) 3% a (ase 42, _) (e920 * shee) ane slugs = 6 Ze Shes 1.4R A person weighs 165 Ib at the earth's surface. Determine the persdars mast fs sugs,Knas and pot _ Weight mass = z In s lugs ‘mass - £64 2 sp slags 32,2 FE/52 Sn th &¢ v ? (16516) (4448 =) mass = = HP ay 9.8) am/s* a Ln lbm, ymass = 165 Ibm 4.5R (Specific gravity) Make use of Fig. 1.1 to determine the specific gravity of water at 22 and 89 °C. What is the specific volume of water at these two temperatures? From Fig. 1/ : Z at 22°C 4, = 744 3, at 89°C A, = Feb Ae, 1 mas, eC _ 798 48, SG" 7 oye ye Os ore @ arte hao © # Joon #é Se m3 and 96h Bes Pe SG = a 0966 @ 4 loco RE ——— im Since specific volume rae / ~3 an3 P = = Lo00gxld” F- @ 22° Y= ggg te OKO fy? and Ss hose xl @ 87 *g 1.6R 4.6R (Specific weight) A 1-ft-diametercylindrical tank that is 5 ft long weighs 125 Ib and is filled with a liquid having a specific weight of 69.6 Ib/ft’. Determine the vertical force re- quired to give the tank an upward acceleration of 9 ft/s? lft weight of tank =W,+ (251 rR ot ean weight of liguid = Wy = Xe ¥ velume Wh = (69.4 1 2) [Ede wor) L fay = 273 Ib te, v ZF, Fy -wWy-WwWe = rm ay _ ~ [l2sbe 2731) ft Fy, ~ 12516 - 273 1b (ae x9 a 507 Ib b 1.7R 4.7R (Ideal gas law) Calculate the density and specific weight of air at a gage pressure of 100 psi and a temperature of 100 °F. Assume standard atmospheric pressure. From he ideal gas Jaw: a bb ty 144 1A ps _ (100 #. at (ATS, #.) ae ) Th 73 EE ) [Cee er 4e0)®| = 172 x10” sluas 3 Ry SI = eg = (trax shes) (322 B)= assy 1.8R (Ideal gas law) A large dirigible ha 90,000 m* contains helium under standard atmo: tions {pressure = 101 kPa (abs) and temperature = 15 °C] yetermune the density and total weight of the helium. Cc > 3 volume = 90,000! From the ideal gas law, _ & 701 x10" 2, Cems Tm ds gg 42, a (aor Wistar weight = 09x volume = (2109 4 (4 g/ ot) (G10 m3) = L49«10°N 1.9R 1.9R (Viscosity) A Newtonian fluid having a specific grav- ity of 0.92 and a kinematic viscosity of 4 x 10-* m?/s flows past a fixed surface. The velocity profile near the surface is shown in Fig. P1.9R. Determine the magnitude and direction of the shearing stress developed on the plate. Express your answer in terms of U and , with U and 6 expressed in units of meters per second and meters, respectively. Fed surface FIGURE P1.9R Toy bse = G 74 yee where L=VP At 4-0, da. Zz -72Z() 4 Since, M2772 where PSG Alyy * 0-92 (J000 FA) ‘surkee HO(E £) (fet Naga xi 84 (E z# = 0,579 fa W/m* acting to right on plate 1.10R 4.10R (Viscosity) A large movable plate is located between ‘ovo large fixed plates as shown in Fig. P1.10R. Two Newtonian fluids having the viscosities indicated are contained between the plates. Determine the magnitude and direction of the shearing ° stresses that act on the fixed walls when the moving plate has a velocity of 4 m/s as shown, Assume that the velocity distri- 43 ene TES Fixed plate bution between the plates is linear. ® FIGURE P1.10R rent Howe so that TAE = 0a ts 4a ) t a -e aia TEP TTP ETE TOTTI 4m LAL = (0.01 ws)( TF) Stresses act on tized walls sr direction of moving plate 1.11R 4A1R (Viscosity) Determine the torque required to rotate 2 50-mm-diameter vertical eylinder at a constant angul ity of 30 rad/s inside a fixed outer cylinder that has 2 of 50.2 mm. The gap between the cylinders is filled with SAB 10 oil at 20 °C. The ler der is 200 mm. ribution in the gap is linear. If of the oil increases to 80 C, what will be the percentage change in the torque? Torgue, 47, due +o shearing shess en saner cylinder 13 egual t d= 2 TAA where JA = (ke. d0)4, Thus, A7T= BLT de and forgue reguired to rotate top wew nner cylinder is (L~ cylinder length ) x. att [s en = ark Lt For a linear velocity distribution in the Gab, T=-4 Ro-Re se that T ar Riknw 5 RR: From Fig, 8.1 in Appendig B! (for SAE 10 el at dC) f= hon KS Ms -3 (Lor SAE 10 01/ at 80°C) f= Fos” XB, (contined) 1.11R Continued Thus, at 20°C 7. 27 (2.252 9,9 (a.m lh 0410 Be )(30 e) (OE wn - 00,0500 m Zz = ©.589 N-m At 80%, oe = (0.599 Man S XY = (0.589 wv Tins 50 That = % reduction in torgue ts Cgual te? . O.589 - 2 504 Aas of veduchon wu TL = CH : A20° | x 100 Oo S8F = f _ Aa = 941.0 at 1.0 £107 | 1.12R Estimate the increase in pressure 1.42R (Bulk modulus) (in psi) required to decrease 2 unit volume of mercury by 0.1%. 5 d: eye ey wwheve from Table 15, Ey= #14 x10° 2 Thus, in Er 4¥ 2 _ (ymxp # Mo 0,001) dp 7 3 e 414 X10 pPse 1.13R 4.13R (Bulk modulus) — What is the isothermal bulk mod- ulus of nitrogen at a temperature of 90 °F and an absolute pres- sure of 5600 Ib/ft? For isothermal bulk modulus, E,i 4 (eq, bib) So That 4b £, = $600 fem 1.14R 1.14R (Speed of sound) —_ Compare the speed of sound in mercury and oxygen at 20°C. For mercury , (49.117) so That oN C= \l 285X e k M45 x10 2 i 136 x01 EZ ms For oxygen, c=VART (Ep, 1.20) so that c= |G-4e) (asa oe lave rane] = 526 Thus, ¢ Cmercary) _ 1.45 «107 Bus c (exggen ) F2o a (See Tables 1.6 and 1.8 for values of Ey, k, and R.) 1.15R 4.15R (Vapor pressure) Ata certain altitude it was found that water boils at 90 °C. What is the atmospheric pressure at this altitude? The vapor pressure of water at FOC Is To1x 10" Pa Cabs) (from Table 8.2 in Apptndie B). Thus, (f water boils at this temperature, the eee pressure must be egual to Patm= 701 410 *2o = Jo] AP labs) 2.1 2.1 The water level in anopen standpipe is 0 ft above the ground. What is the static pressure at a fire hydrant that is con- nected to the standpipe and located at ground level? Express your answer in psi prsh +p Since the standpipe 1s open f,20, ana therebre p= lean By )(00 2)/( JE) = s47pse MYsn > 2.2 er 2.2 How high a column of SAE 30 oil would be required to give the same pressure as 700 mm Hg? pra fr ty © by] Yay tug * Git 4y x, _ (33%) fun f (0,700. m) = 10.4% 1m 2 L044 om Fay ere 4 ) — 2.3 2.3. What pressure, expressed in pascals, will a skin diver be subjected to at a depth of YO m in seawater? pra +P AL the surface ose Thet P= (10.1210 Mom) = yon x10 &, = Hy kR 2.4 The two open tanks shown in Fig. P2.4 have the same bottom area, A, but different shapes. When the depth, /, of a liquid in the two tanks is the same, the pressure on the bottom of the two tanks will be the same in accordance with Eq. 2.7. However, the weight of the liquid in each of the tanks is dif- ferent. How do you account for this apparent paradox? a Von 5 LY, weight, of Ngud supported | Lf” Uaclined ule FIGURE P2.4 For the tank with The inclined walls, the pressure on The boHem ts due fo the weight of the liguid i The Column Clirectly above The boom as shown by The dashed lies si the figure. This is the same wert as That for the tank with the straignt sides. Thus, the pressure on the bottom of the two tanks 13 the same. The adaihenal Weight ti the tink wity the thelined walls 13 supported by the inclined unlls, 45 sTlustrated 1h the figure. 2.5 2.5° The closed tank of Fig. P25 is filled with water and is 5 fi long. The pressure gage on the tank reads 7 psi. Determine: (a) the height, h, in the open water column, (b) the gage pressure acting on the bottom tank surface AB, and (¢) the absolute pres- sure of the air in the top of the tank if the local atmospheric Pressure is 14.7 psia. Open | FIGURE P25 p= th+ RB (4) he U,, Gt +h, Also p= Ying & se Tmt (one By) k = (C248, ate) +(7 je yles tn”) hs 24 or ce) By = [Cone Kylee) ol Be ce) Pay = 7 pu + MAT psia 7 2/7 prea 2.6 2.6 Bathyscaphes are capable of submerging to great depths in the ocean. What is the pressure at a depth of 6 km, assuming that seawater has a constant specific weight of 10.1 KN/m?? Express your answer in pascals and psi. pork +h At the surtue 222 30 Thad pz (0.1410 4 5 Me x108m) = 606x106 X = 606 MP Also, 8190 psc p= (C26 x10* Mavso xe * iB ) x ane 27 2.1 For the great depths that may be en- countered in the ocean the compressibility of sea- water may become an important consideration. (a) Assume that the bulk modulus for seawater is constant and derive a relationship between pressure and depth which takes into account the change in fluid density with depth. (b) Make use Ca) d - oP .-y =-pg Thus, dp. _ a dt ep of part (a) to determine the pressure at a depth of 6 km assuming seawater has a bulk modulus of 2.3 x 10° Pa, and a density of 1030 kg/m’ at the surface. Compare this result with that ob- tained by assuming a constant density of 1030 kgim. (£g. 2.4) a1) Lf p ts a funchon of Pp, we must determne P>F(p) bere integrating £4. UW), Since, me db Cee, WI3) then o CIP p d, Jp z, [# le so Tht pe bn 4 Thus, = er where ps, at po ° pro at surfuce From &9.0) : * 4 ° is 4 oe + hek® be 4 or e v2 Ccon#) where k= %-z,, the depth below surface 2.7 con't. lb) From part a), 2-6, bn (1 ~ Ag ) so that at fz bhm pe - (2.3x101 & )4n ! = (hossvo mi al er 43 x 107%, om mG # p = GIA X10 raid GLY MPa (c) For constant density peth= pak =(i og x10" $8) (4.6) % Nlexi°m ) = 6046 M% 2.8 2.8 Blood pressure is usually given as the ratio of the maximum pressure (systolic pressure) to the minimum pressure (diastolic pressure). For example, a typical value for this ratio for a human would be 120/70, where the pressures are in mm Hg. What would these pressures be in pascals and in psi? path For IkOmm Hg! p= (33x10, yo.1aom) = 16.0 Fa oe pa(Ie0x1 Husson tae Be). 2.32 psc me For 70 mag Hey ! pe (1334 10° 55 )(0.010m) ~ £314 or Ie ps (431210 % )(i 450x160 fates ): 135 pse & 2.9 2.49 Two hemispherical shells are bolted together as shown in Fig. P29. The resulting spherical container, which weighs 400 Ib, is filled with mercury and supported by a cable as shown. The container is vented at the top. If eight bolts are symmetri- cally located around the circumference, what is the vertical force that each bolt must camry? Sphere diameter = 3 ft m FIGURE P2.9 \tA Mg Ei ~ force in one bolt pr pressure at mid-plane Aw area at anud-plane VW ~ weight of mertury in bottom helt 44 oF shell — — W, weight of bottom half of shell Pr eguilibrium, L Frertical =° Thus, eR = pa + Way + Ws 4,2) Fo") * Ga (ED) + + (10 ) leer SEVER) (04) org) GEE) f = /9/0 |b 2.10 2.10 Develop an expression for the pressure variation in a liquid in which the specific weight increases with depth, h, as y = Kh + 7, where Kis a constant and )y is the specific weight at the free surface. Jd. Ste ny ( Eg, 24) Let Aad E so That dh =-dz Thus, and for Gnd dps ¥dh [* [re r= khrh, [op> [eevee pe kt’, xe 2.11* (cont) 2.11* Ina cettain liquid at rest, measurements 60 407 of the specific weight at various depths show the 0 110 following variation: 80 112 90 114 h (it) 7 (Ib/ 100 115 D 6 The depth, h = 0, corresponds to a free surface 20 a4 at atmospheric pressure. Determine, through nu- 30 1 merical integration of Eq. 2.4, the corresponding 0 ” variation in pressure, and show the results on a 50 102 plot of pressure (in psf) versus depth (in feet). ed dz Let 22 2-R (see figure) so tad dz=-dh and Therefre dp=-tdzt= tdh b & fs = gah ‘0 ° or a R . [ oak a where #. 1 the pressure at depth ty. Eguation (1) can be integrated numerically using The following program. Thus, (Note’ The numerical integration can sho be acemplished Through viptated use of The program TRAPEROI |). (cont ) 2.11* con't. 100 cls THO mint HORSE OS a Bojionicioconi doin ic ioc OCI ISI ORA TOKAI ACK AK ACI 120 print "** This program integrates Eq. 2.4 numerically **" 130 print "** using the trapezoidal rule to obtain the 140 print "** pressure at different depths 160 print 170 dim p(11),gamma(11) 180 n=11 190 200 p(l 210 for i=1 ton 220 read gamma(i) 230 next i 240 data 70,76,84,91,97,102,107,110,112,114,115 250 for i=2 ton 260 s=(gamma(1)+gamma(i))/2 270 imt: 280 for 3=2 to imi 290 s=st+gamma(3) 300 next 3 310 p(i)=dh*s 320 next i 330 ' 340 'Print the results 350 print 360 print "h (ft) Pressure (psf)" 370 for i=1 ton 380 print using "###.# SEES 390 next i i-1)*dh,p(i) The tabulated results ave given below, along with the Corresponding plot ef pressure vs. depih. FE SSS OSS IOS OSORIO OKO OSORIO OKO AIO II Aa: ** This program integrates Eq. 2.4 numerically ** ** using the trapezoidal rule to obtain the ad ** pressure at different depths Sia JE EIS I OEOOCOO OETA AIOE III IO h (ft) Pressure (psf) 0.0 0.0 10.0 730.0 a 20.0 1530.0 30.0 2405.0 40.0 3345.0 50.0 4340.0 ers 60.0 5385.0 70.0 6470.0 80.0 7580.0 90.0 8710.0 100.0 9855.0 o.2 ° 2 78 80 Benen, mn (fe) oR sex TSO Blin Res C GOCE OO RO SOE COO OE ORI ORI SEO ISIERIOIARKAAI AK AK CM 30 c elements of a hydraulic press are shown in Fig. P2.12. The plunger an area of 1 in.?, and a force, F), can be applied to the plunger through a lever mechanism having ‘a mechanical advantage of 8 to 1. If the large piston has an area ‘of 150 in2, what load, F;, can be raised by a force of 30 Ib applied to the lever? Neglect the hydrostatic pressure variation. Plunger Hydraulic fie . FIGURE P2. Ah terce of 30 1b applied to The ever’ vesalts 1m & phinger force, i, of = (@)Bo) = 240/16. Since Fl=pa, and Fy= par where p ts the Pressure aad A, and A, ave the 4reas of the plunger and piston, respectively. Since p 1s constant throughout the Chamber, Fis Fe A, Ae a Ale & R= (2m) (2¥0 4) = 36000 Ib 2.13 2.13 A 0.3-m-diameter pipe is connected to a 0.02-m-diameter pipe and both are rigidly held in place. Both pipes are horizontal with pistons at each end. If the space between the pistons is filled with water, what force will have to be ap- plied to the larger piston to balance a force of 90 N applied to the smaller piston? Neglect friction. F= ph Fa= paz Thus, fl.f Ar Az Ae 00,30 )* 2 2 om = FRA eoam)? Gon) = 20,300N 2.15 2.15 What would be the barometric pressure reading, in mm Hg, at an elevation of 4 km in the U.S. standard atmosphere? (Refer to Table C.2 in Appendix C.) Ak an elevation of 44m, pz beri” (trom Table Ca th Appendix C), Since yh P yw Ae Pb LOU XID Ayr = OLY am = HoH mam 133% 10° X im? 2.16 2.16 An absolute pressure of "7 psia corre- sponds to what gage pressure for standard at- mospheric pressure of 14.7 psia? fp labs)= P Gage) + platm) P lgage)* Pp labs ) - fp latm) = Tpsca- /¥%Ipsé = 7.7 psd Thus, 2.17 2.17 A Bourdon pressure gage attached to the outside of a tank containing air reads 77.0 psi when the local atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg. What will be the gage reading if the atmospheric pressure increases to 773 mm Hg? P(abs) = Plgage) + Platm) Assuming the absoluke pressure of the air in The tank Vemains Constant , then [poget)+ plate). = (t gaged + P (atm)], Where €~ initial state Md f~ dinil state, Thus, % Cpane)= #. Cpare) + lam) - fp letmn) Since % Belatn) = YA = (000 f, No Tom (a 201 BYE.) = 14.7 psta and ° £ (atm) = - (Wm Juss psia) = IED pce then a Gage) 77,0 psi + I%T psi ~ It Ipsec = 768 pst 2.18 2.18 For an atmospheric pressure of 101 kPa (abs) determine the heights of the fluid columns in barometers containing one of the following liq- uids: (a) mercury, (b) water, and (c) ethyl alco- hol. Calculate the heights including the effect of vapor pressure, and compare the results with those obtained neglecting vapor pressure. Do these results support the widespread use of mer- cury for barometers? Why? (Lneluany vaper pressure ) Pletm) = yh +h, where Bw vapor pressure Thus, f= Plbm d= fe x v (A) For mercury: 4-= 4 133. x10°—*% ™ = 0,159 am 3 4 101 x10 730x109 & ™ &) For weter: = 10.1 mm a) For ety | he LO/X10 aw 59x10 f. alcoho] ! 7.74 x103 = 14.3™ Yes. For mereur 3 =! Jol «10° B= 1 oxio > = A77410 # an (Wr thovt vapor pressure ) flat) = ah Plato) io 3 ay 4 FOL XID ra. wu 133x1D aa 0.7154 m aw A= 101 1D Tm® Tox, ™ = 10,3 am Sw, 4, . Jor XID Iw TTF KID Oy u 13,01 barameters the effect of vapor pressure Is negligible, and the reguired hetght of The rmercurg column is bensenable, 2.19 2.14 Aneroid barometers can be used to mea- ‘sure changes in altitude. If a barometer reads 30.1 in. Hg at one elevation, what has been the change in altitude in meters when the barometer reading is 28.3 in. Hg? Assume a standard atmosphere, and that Eq. 2.12 is applicable over the a of altitudes of interest. toh (-4)* ( ep. 212) 2 At 222, ane er 7 - & on gyn g Similarly, fr 222, te ef ~ 62 a2 a) 1 y Subtract £9.02) from £9.) 0 obtacn, Ta | 2. 3 t, ¥ a) 222, Fla - (2) | For Te= 289K, = e.c0esk , B= IRR, | Raas7 Jo » and RB. (avi gig) (0.00050 ) = 0190 d 921, with pF Yy 4, = (133 x10 )( 30.1 in (a. 5t0 x10 2 ) =/02 AB and . aw . stm\. os Big = (133008, (29.3 in)(2 50a = 9b AP then from EG (3) 0,190 a= AK (2 hp \o"? (se 4-2," e006, |\ toi kha 7 \ Tor RP = 543 ™ 2.20 2.20 Pikes Peak near Denver, Colorado has an elevation of 14,110 ft. (a) Determine the pres- sure at this elevation, based on Eq. 2.12. (b) If the air is assumed to have a constant specific weight of 0.07647 lb/ft’, what would the pressure be at this altitude? (c) If the air is assumed to have a constant temperature of 59 °F what would the pressure be at this elevation? For all three cases assume standard atmospheric conditions at sea level (see Table 2.1). 2 )% 4 (a) pe h (I~ az ) Eg, 2,12) fr f= aileoak, , f=000257 8, gx 8214 & , Ta = 918.67°R , R= 1116 EH, ane slag 4 = 32174 A _ = 262 z 3 : ? ( mb Hayne) (80807 ) Hen 5.152 oR . Lb (0.00357 Zz) 4110 #8) PF (aue2 Be) aise = (240 2B, (ats) (6) p= hrs = Qile2z a - (osry7 2 )ig no 4) = 1040 (abs) fone Be fabs) - gh «@) Pt e RT = (a1s6.24,) (eg.2107 = fe B) (4,10 F0) | e ) 73 2 THe Ba re UE GTR = 1270 aa labs) 2.21 2.21 Equation 2.12 provides the relationship between pressure and elevation in the atmo- sphere for those regions in which the temperature varies linearly with elevation. Derive this equa- tion and verify the value of the pressure given in Table C.2 in Appendix C for an elevation of 5 km. B a [# => 2 & (E39. 24) %, 7 let prp for 420, Erp for B28, and TT,62- Thus, a 4 Zz ie 6 ze] iu -a2 he o z ne Boke men % Ta) | - gh) and taking logarithm of both sides of eguation grelds #4 (7 8)* (£5, 2.12) For = Shon with = zo 32dPe , Ty = 288.5, y= 48078 A= 6.006505 R= asy Be ) my ae 7.907 K (0. 0065 \(5x10%m (4878 x) )b.cves&) pliers 4A.)] acer est 293,16 K + ow = 5.40 K 10) (Fem Table Cd to Appondie C, p= S405xi0'#, -) 2.22 2.22. As shown in Fig. 2.6 for the U.S. stan- dard atmosphere, the troposphere extends to an altitude of 11 km where the pressure is 22.6 kPa (abs). In the next layer, called the stratosphere, the temperature remains constant at —56.5 °C. Determine the pressure and density in this layer at an altitude of 15 km. Assume g = 9.77 m/s* in your calculations. Compare your results with those given in Table C.2 in Appendix C. For isethermal conditions, ~¢ C4.-2)) pepe *% (4, 210) z m leh 42 lik, pr22badhe , Re 287 2 ) gi tN, and — Tz - 565°C + A93,15 = DbbSKk Thus, ; _|f77 (ox 10m = 40m y al - f= (420£h) e Gen gE, )(214.e5k) = 1a) &Pa aca 12,1210 ee ie pf? a = + = 0.195% si 7 (487 Hx (roe) ——_ (From Table C2 in Appendix C 5 g 21a RPE and e a f= alae 44.) 2.23* 2.23* Under normal conditions the tempera- Elevation (ft) Temperature (°F) ture of the atmosphere decreases with increasing 5000 2=~*~*”*COCO”~S*«SL (base) elevation. In some situations, however, a tem- 5500 55.2 perature inversion may exist so that the air tem- 6000 60.3 perature increases with elevation. A series of 6400 62.6 temperature probes on a mountain give the ele- 7100 67.0 vation-temperature data shown in the table be- 7400 68.4 low. If the barometric pressure at the base of the 8200 70.0 mountain is 12.1 psia, determine by means of 3600 69.5 numerical integration the pressure at the top of 9200 68.0 the mountain. 9900 67.1 (top) From E%. 2.9, uel F Wite the temperature date. gwen the mtegal th BS.2.9 Can be evaluated emanee a asing TRAPEZO!. JESS OIC CIC CEERI OE IORI IOSD TICE ACI AOA TOK ACA ** This program performs numerical integration ae ** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule ** JE EECA IOS IIE OI IC AO I SEI OI IORI TDI IAI AEA AA AAA Enter number of data points: 10 , Enter data points (X,Y) pte: Yu 2 5000,1.962E-3 Mote: TR) 5500, 1.942E-3 6000,1.923E-3 6400,1.915E-3 7100,1.899E-3 7400,1.894E-3 8200,1.888E-3 8600,1.890E-3 9200,1.895E-3 9900,1.898E-3 WWW The approximate value of the integral is: +9.3452E+00 Thus, 9900 £4 L = fe (qde = 435 ae Sec ft so thd (with 92 92.2 “S* any R= 11h fi bi[sugR) Ly, B= > (32.2% (9358) © ose an R 1716 ¢élb/sug-R (cont) 2.23 con't. tt fllows from £30) with P= 12.) psa Met ~ 01754 ei (72.1 psia) @ = 10,2 psia Wore ! Smee the temperature variation 1s not very large it would be expected That the assumphin of & ‘Censhnk temperature would give good results. If The temperature 1s assumed to be constant «t The base temperature ($0.1), f= 10.1 psi@ , lwhih 1s only shghtly dPherert from the result give above. ) 2.24 Closed valve 2.24 A U-tube manometer is connected to a closed tank containing air and water as shown in Fig. P2.24 At the closed end of the manometer the air pressure is 16 psia. Determine the reading on the pressure gage for a differential reading of 4 ft ) on the manometer. Express your answer in psi (gage). Assume standard atmospheric pressure, and neglect the weight of the air columns in the manometer. Air pressure = 16 psia Gage fluid (y= 80 bit’) m FIGURE P2.24 pr doe lef) e %,o (eft) = Fpage (ute- mrt fie ES ) + (% bbw) tend Ly 1 He on, = (or ANGE) Thus, © £47 pst 4" 2.25 Hemispherical dome ay Prin LSG=08 2.25 A closed cylindrical tank filled with water has a hem- i ispherical dome and is connected to an inverted piping system as shown in Fig. P2.25. The liquid in the top part of the piping. system has a specific gravity of 0.8, and the remaining parts of the system are filled with water. If the pressure gage reading at Ais 60 kPa, determine: (a) the pressure in pipe B, and (b) the on pressure head, in millimeters of mercury. atthe top ofthe dome | | (point C) | ' i 2m I —t FIGURE P2.25 (2) $+ (s6NG,,) Gm) + 4, (Am) =F B= GoAR + (aa) fe1ew 2) m)+ (Resi 2, ) lem ) AR 6) he tye Bi, (Bm) e Loh (3.00x0° 2, )Gm ) 3 = 30k xib as 3N B. 30.4 x) = A= a EN = 8.250m hy 133 x 10° 2.26 2.26 In Fig. P2.26 pipe A contains carbon tetrachloride (SG = 1.60) and the closed storage tank B contains a salt brine (SG = 1.15). Determine the air pressure in tank B if the pressure in pipe A is 25 psi Carbon tetrachtoride m FIGURE P2.26 Ft Boag (UA + Nag OH) = + ty= les # (mB e)- (is)( 24 ,)(144) (to) aut, ee) > ty ine = 3230 a = 230 By = ARM poe 2.27 Poy = 208% 2.27 AU-tube mercury manometer is connected to a closed fa pressurized tank as illustrated in Fig, P2.27. If the air pressure is 2 psi, determine the differential reading, fh, The specific weight of the air is negligible. Water | ~ HESSEES EP seas UAE ea] i Mercury (SG = 13.6) J FIGURE P2.27 fis tad Ye, A+ tht) = Ri My p= The (4) _ (beef) @) = = LSDF Diy Fo (a Nba¥fs)-bz4Z, 2.28 Lin, diameter tube ' 2.28 An inverted open tank is held in place by a force R as shown in Fig. P2.28. If the specific gravity of the manometer fluid is 2.5, determine the value of fh att ciameter tank tog h-s) + UG) =0 Sarit | A= 34 - Vo (24) ; (56) Vy,o ap] Mae py 2 = FIGURE P2.28 a aH- SE = 2.2044 in. diameter Din, diameter 2.29 \ / 2.29 Water, oil, and an unknown fluid are contained inthe = LJ : vertical tubes shown in Fig. P2.29, Determine the density of the E unknown fluid. f! on Ly unkown se =09 | 1a Water~| FIGURE P2.29 (S48, FE) — Cage OF) ~ Taneaany (0.9%, 27) ~ %, (A) - Ry F (ft) #0 Z = (424 #3 ).8-1) =] Ibs? unknown G2 & yA #) fee Since [1h= Islug« it Jb+s* / slug a So That . j 1b:S* 1,55 Sluas Aanknowa? 1.55 we 2.31 2.31 The mercury manometer of Fig. P2.3 indicates a differential reading of 0.30 m when the pressure in pipe A is 30 mm Hg vacuum. Determine the pressure in pipe B. FIGURE P2.3\ at Uy (618m + 0,30m) - ty (03m) hy, (o1sm) =P where P, =~, [0.030m) 7 = ~¥, (6030) - ty? hy Sir = ~ (193 2 V/p0.0m) - fast ams +(133 84 Nite) + (7.80 84 Yousm) Thus, (0.¥5m) +d, hig (3m) + Yo (0.18) = 234 24R 2.32 2.32 For the inclined-tube manometer of Fig. P2.32 the pressure in pipe A is 0.8 psi. The fluid in both pipes A and B is water, and the gage fluid in the manometer has a specific gravity of 2.6. What is the pressure in pipe B corresponding to the differential reading shown? FIGURE P2.32 ty + Uy (BH) ~My E te) sino — 3, (2) Cuhere Ugg 12 the specific weight of the gage Fluid ) Thus, 4” Bb - agg (Z ft) Sin 30° = (08 2 nee ne Cer BNE a)(o.5) = 424 pst ts 2.33 2.33 Compartments A and B of the tank shown in Fig P2.33 are closed and filled with air and a liquid with a specific 'y equal to 0.6. Determine the manometer reading, h, if the jetric pressure is 14.7 psia and the pressure gage reads 0.5 psi. The effect of the weight of the air is negligible. Bip ~ Ugh) + Sanh) + hy Core) = Ae Pent Tay O1F) Uno ~ Se Oven Air ae 4 pss 4 4 ore Vite 1 {| } Liquid EEO eur (90 = 13.6) FIGURE P2.33 . lb = (0.5 #,) (ity) + Crasylbaw ss) (6.1 Fe) b24 Bs - (0.6 lez4h,) = 6.29 f8 2.34 2.34 Small differences in gas pressures are commonly measured with a micromanometer of the type illustrated in Fig. P2.34. This device con- sists of two large reservoirs each having a cross- sectional area, A,, which are filled with a liquid having a specific weight, y,, and connected by a U-tube of cross-sectional area, A,, containing a liquid of specific weight, y.. When a differential gas pressure, p, — ps, is applied a differential reading, h, develops. It is desired to have this reading sufficiently large (so that it can be easily read) for small pressure differentials. Determine the relationship between h and p, — p; when the area ratio A,/A, is small, and show that the dif- ferential reading, h, can be magnified by making the difference in specific weights, », — 7, small. Assume that initially (with p, = p,) the fluid levels in the two reservoirs are equal. . inuhal level initial level __ for gage Fluid When a differenhal pressure, R-f, 1s append we assume tuk level in loth veseryoir drops by « distance, Ah, and vight jevel rises by Ah. Thus, the (nanometer eguation becemes Br vythrh-44) -4 4-4, (8 rhhah R-b= GA -444 yak) a) Since the Niguids tn The manometer are incompressible, 44, 44 or 2h -4 % r and if 4 Vs small Then abhe<% and /ast term in £3.) can be neglected. Thus, #-= (G-%)F er yah . and lange values of h can be obtained for smell pressure differentials if %-%, 1 Samal, 2.35 2.35 An inverted U-tube manometer containing oil (SG = 0.8) is located between two reservoirs as shown in Fig. P2.35 The reservoir on the left, which contains carbon tetrachloride, is closed and pressurized to 9 psi. The reservoir on the right contains water and is open to the atmosphere. With the given data, determine the depth of water, h, in the right reservoir, FIGURE P2.35 Let ~, be the air pressure in lef reservoir. Menemeter cyua box Can be written 45 Br & g,(8 FEO feo - ante) +¥,, (078) -¥, , (4-1-1) =0 that =e As Fy + Sect, (0.3 Ft) + Boi (0.74) on neo - (1 ivy 2) +0995 BN los Mode tone) a 62, ee 23.2 Ht 2.36 2.36 Determine the elevation difference, Ah, between the water levels in the two open tanks shown in Fig, P2.36. FIGURE P2.36 Water $- HK + 56) Ys (tm) + Yi Ce oat) + 8, (Ah) = B Since pzhe0 Adz 04m ~ (9) (0.4m) = 0.0400 2.37 Olt density, = 1.20 slugsit Lin, diameter 2.37 — Water, oil, and salt water fill a tube as shown in Fig. P2,37. Determine the pressure at point | (inside the closed tube), Salt water A (M sG=1.20 I vv | | ‘Water FIGURE P2.37 PR- (56)au Yao (36) + y,, (2H) + ¥, G4) = = (1.20 e242, \Ca41)~ (20 BNo2r& ha) (cay be Net) = —/b/ 2 a 2.38 2.38 An air-filled, hemispherical shell is at- tached to the ocean floor at a depth of 10 m as shown in Fig. P23. A mercury barometer lo- cated inside the shell reads 765 mm Hg, and a mercury U-tube manometer designed to give the outside water pressure indicates a differential reading of 735 mm Hg as illustrated. Based on these data what is the atmospheric pressure at the ocean surface? FIGURE P2.33 let: fp ~ absolute air pressure inside shell = bag (0.7050 ) b Pi,” surface atmospheric pressure Sour ~ specific weight of seaunter Thus, manometer eguation can be written as Pv, + YL (om) +% (0.360m) — %yy (orm) = Be Jo That been? £- xs, (10,36 m) + ag (0.7351) ur = (133 24 N(0,765m) ~ (10,1 BY ) (iv. 36m) + (iva *Y Vora 749 AR 2.39 2.37* Both ends of the U-tube mercury ma- nometer of Fig. P23? are initially open to the atmosphere and under standard atmospheric pressure. When the valve at the top of the right leg is open the level of mercury below the valve is h,, After the valve is closed, air pressure is applied to the left leg. Determine the relationship between the differential reading on the manom- eter and the applied gage pressure, p,. Show on Mercury a plot how the differential reading varies with p, for h, = 25, 50, 75, and 100 mm over the range 0 =p, = 300 kPa. Assume that the temperature of the trapped air remains constant. FIGURE P2.39 With the valve closed and 4 pressure, fy, applied, R- %, sk= £ af: BR “) Sug where ~p and p are gage pressures for isothermal or compressvo’s ef trapped alr Lz Constant so thet for constent air mass ane $4 here 1 ts arr volume, P 1s absolute pressure, and & and L refer te snitval and fiial states , respectively, Thus, Bet = (At bin YG ay A (Aree of tube) 30 Tad For ate trapped i'n right eg, % Fg.l2) can be written as ata t.[ 5 -1| 03) a Substitute 25.2) info £g.U) 4 obtain et he te Ft ta ad ces) 2.39 con’ 100 110 120 130 140 145, 150 160 162 164 166 170 Equation 4) Can be expressed in the form 2 + 2 he (ak). (ake 4 4s er) ah + 44 =o 4 and the roots of Ths quadratic eguation ave? Ahe (4. + Br str)» 25, 7 Mg t eveleate LR the negehve Sign 1s used since Sh=0 for =O. Program for Compu ling Qh os @ banchon of f, for various 4, follows (with Been? folk Pa and Sy 1332N v8 ). els Ent HAE GGGB ESSAI IISA AIO SII AAA AAAI print "** This program calculates the lower root of a = **" print "** quadratic equation to give Dh (in m) for a **" print "** range of gage pressure, Pg (in kPa), and for **" print "** a set of different initial heights, hi (in m) **" BILInt HERBS ESA SORE DOGO DE IIS CISI AO OBO IIIA CEI AEIDAID AA! print dim dh(s) patm=101 ghg=133 print "Pg Dh(hi=0.000) Dh(hi=0.025) Dh(hi=0.050) Dh(hi=0.075) (hy + Be Bate) ohn big Dh(hi=0.100) 180 190 195 for pg=0 to 300 step 30 200 a=hit(pg+patm)/(2*ghg) 210 dh(i)=a-(a"2-2*pg*hi/ghg)”.5 220 next i 230 print using "HHH. ie idee ee de FE ne #48 HREHE" pg, dh(1),dh(2),dh(3),dh(4),dh(5) 240 next pg (cont ) 2.39¢ con't Tabulated data and a plet of The data ave sheun below. FEROS IS OSI IARI IOS DOSS AOI IA ** This program calculates the lower root of a ** ** quadratic equation to give Dh (in m) for a ** ** range of gage pressure, Pg (in kPa), and for ** ** a set of different initial heights, hi (in m) ** JESS BIBI IS ISCO OSODEIS EEC SORIA OEE EE EGE Pg Dh(hi=0.000) Dh(hi=0.025) Dh(hi=0.050) Dh(hi=0.075) 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00000 0.00000 30.0 0.00000 0.01101 0.02120 0.03064 60.0 0.00000 0.01816 0.03538 0.05170 90.0 0.00000 0.02313 0.04539 0.06681 120.0 0.00000 0.02678 0.05280 0.07807 150.0 0.00000 0.02956 0.05847 0.08673 180.0 0.00000 0.03175 0.06295 0.09359 210.0 0.00000 0.03353 0.06657 0.09913 240.0 0.00000 0.03499 0.06956 0.10370 270.0 0.00000 0.03621 0.07205 0.10753 300.0 0.00000 0.03725 0.07418 0.11078 (= on Hedghe, ° 100 ‘200 Gage Pressure, Pg (kPa) Dh(hi=0,100) 0.00000 0.03938 0.06716 0.08739 0.10258 0.11433 0.12365 0.13119 0.13741 0.14262 0.14704 ‘300 2.40 Fluid 1: specifi welant = 62.4 I a Flu 2: density = 1.60 slugs? 2.40 Three different liquids with properties as indicated fill Fiuid 3: specific gravit the tank and manometer tubes as shown in Fig. P2.40, Deter- Fluid 2 mine the specific gravity of Fluid 3. FIGURE P2.40 p+ oy GH) —% ef) -% if) ULI} x @#) = ¥, Ge) — 4, (Fe) Sie é 2 l ft - ib a = (hbo the )(e.. ft) « TLS Fs nd “ 3 lex #s Yon) - Gis Bi) Ge pe a 2 £t 1 2677 #, Thus, C7. 74s = ——— = 1oF 54, 624 1b #t3 2.41 2.41 A G-inediameter piston is located within a cylinder which is connected to a }-in.-diameter inclined-tube manometer as shown in Fig, P2.41. The fluid in the cylinder and the ma- nometer is oil (specific weight = 59 1b/ft®). When a weight W is placed on the top of the cylinder the fluid level in the ma- nometer tube rises from point (1) to (2). How heavy is the weight? Assume that the change in position of the piston is negligible: m FIGURE P2.41 With piston alone let pressure on face ef piston = p, ) and manometer eguetion becomes #, -%y, 4, Sin 30° =0 a) pressure 4 dncreasts fo 4, where Wit weight added (Ay aves of piston ) a Ww b's we 6 % Ap and manometer ep uetion bewomes (2) # - bi, (4+ £4) sin 30° Subtract g.) from £962) fo cbtain ‘-£ - &;, (f4)si3o er Wis Oi © bt) si Bo" ? so Tat my) ‘ lb = (S95 i WS, = (59 B,) £ #)(o5) UTZ and Ww = 2.90 lb 2.42 242 — The manometer fluid in the manometer of Fig. P2.42 has a specific gravity of 3.46. Pipes A and B both contain water. If the pressure in pipe A is decreased by 1.3 psi and the pressure in pipe B increases by 0.9 psi, determine the new differential F Weterg reading of the manometer. bhe2 +2@ | Gage fluid (SG = 3.46) m FIGURE P2.42 For tre initral configuration Fy th, 2) + by (2)~ 0,0) = 4, / a) where al] lengths ere in £4, then p, decreases to pf,’ and B increases to a the heights of the Fluid columns chenge as shown on fore Fo, the thal contiguratiwn ; 1 pt Fup (a-a) + + dag farae)~¥ (ita) = Pe (2) Sabtrct Ey 62) from £3.01) t obtain Ah + F, (0) by 4) + byt) = B- a to er 1 1 ge (tect) - (% -#i) 4 (dn5- Gt) Since , BB = 13 psc , Anh? ~O9 psi, and op? 54b YE (-0.9#.)lm 2) - (ha Boy 2) 2 (62.4) (1 - 346) = 103 ft Gna there hre Ah @firaa = 2 +A(L03 H) = 4obtt 2.43 2.43 Determine the ratio of areas, A,/A;, of the two manometer legs of Fig. P2.43if a change in pressure in pipe B of 0.5 psi gives a corre- sponding change of 1 in. in the level of the mer- cury in the right leg. The pressure in pipe A does not change. Area = Ay SEE it (SG = 0.8) a. ‘Area = Ag ‘Mercury FIGURE P2.43 For the inihal configuration Lsee figure) : Bt typ A, +4he )- Hy, (ahs) -%, HY “0 When By increases the right Column falls a distance a, and the Jett column rises a distance, b, Since the volume of the liguid must remain constant 4,5 = A,e oF Ars & J A, 6 For The tinal configuration, with pressure in B egual t ty’: ty +h, Arsh; -6) -4, (dhe a-b)- Ghote) =p! ca) Subtract &g.0) from £g.(2) fe obtain - 4,0 (b)+ ng (a+b) ~& i) (a) = ts ~ te oe g- (R-%) Mug (a) + %js (2) ing - Sino Since te -?s 2 OSps and az! tn.) £ fllows thet los #. Mim) 67 Wh A) + (o.2Nez4 Aa) ur By - 62.4 Bs b= = 0,007) ft Thus, , Ht 5 oS & b Als Ar ! NI ©. 00711 £4 —— 2.44 2.44 The inclined differential manometer of Fig. P2.44 contains carbon tetrachloride. Initially the pressure differential between pipes A and B, which contain a brine (SG = 1.1), is zero as illustrated in the figure. It is desired that the ma- ay nometer give a differential reading of 12 in. (mea- sured along the inclined tube) for a pressure differential of 0.1 psi. Determine the required angle of inclination, 0. Carbon tetrachloride FIGURE P2.44 When bt, is increased $ ft the left column falls 4 distane,a, and The right column rises a distance b along the thelined tube 45 shown in Agure. For this Final Configuration « B+ %,, (4+ a) - eco, (a +4 sino) - %, (4 -b sing )= +, or , i-th + (%,- ben, (a 4bsn8)=0 m The di ferential reading, Mh, along The tube is bhe= = +b Sin’ Thus, trom &4.0)) P,'- Pa, + (%,- Xen, )(4h sine ) er B -(b'- t') sing = > tag, lem hag, YAM and with By ~Bye Oul pst ne ; aan Ns } 9.5 L = 0 4be [font 2.4 2, )~ mms ad (ih for oh= tain. Th ° “ 6=27.8 2.45 2.45 Determine the new differential reading along the inclined leg of the mercury manometer of Fig. P2.45, if the pressure in pipe A is de- creased 1 kPa and the pressure in pipe B remains unchanged. The fluid in A has a specific gravity of 0.9 and the fluid in B is water. FIGURE P2.45° For the initial configuration Bryloue "y (0.08 sin 30°) - Yppp (0.08) = ty W) where all lengths ave inm, When » decreases left Column Moves up 4 cdestance,a, and want llumn moves down a distame ,4, aS shown in figure. Far the tinal configuration | Bt ¥, fol - 4 sin30*) + Ys (a sin 30° + 0,08 sin 30° +4) — = i m, Fao (0.08+a) = ts a where pts The new pressure in pipe A. Subtract Eg .02) trom Eg.ll) 40 obtn oh + % (a sin30*) ~ Ye a (sindo%r!) + Hole) =o Th 2 7 hy - ty!) Yq Stn 30? - Yay (sin 30") + By. Br b-ht 10 AR as _ ip AN ae rz (0,4)(4.31 8) los) -(133 #8 Yossi) + 2B05%, = 0,0540™m New differential reading, Ah, measured along inchned tube is equal to Sh Fin ao* = 0540 m O5 +005 +2 + 0.057m+ 0, 0540m 2.46 2.4@ Determine the change in the elevation of the mercury in the left leg of the manometer Oil (SG = 0.9) of Fig. a result of an increase in pressure 5 +e) of 5 psi in pipe A while the pressure in pipe B AreazA, ~| » In remains constant. o% . ciameter a $n Areas Ay diameter al FIGURE P2.46 for the inidial configurebon ! tat Viol) - big Cf snd) -%,,(2)=& where all lengts are in tt. When fp, Increases te a the left column falls by the distance,a, and The righd elumn roves Up the distance, 5, 45 shown in The figure, For The final Configuration: Ris 0 (Bra)- Yy (a+ peas b sin 30°) — bi (4 - b sin 30") = 4 (2) Subtract a from 59.12) to obtain -B +h, @)-% (44 b singe’) + &;, (bsin 30°) =o ¢3) Since. the volume of guid must be constant Aa = A, b or (Lin)? a = (din)? 4 So That bea Thus, &4.@) Can be written 4s y'- Py + hing (4) - Sag (ara sino?) + yy ¥., (4a 14 30*) =0 ana = a ) . rf Bee, Tigo ~ iy 2) Bi) bz 4 8 =(e7 BO ONear gs Jo a= = 0.304 £t (down) 2.47* 2.41* Water initially fills the funnel and its connecting tube as shown in Fig. P247. Oil (SG = 0.85) is poured into the funnel until it reaches a level h > H/2 as indicated. Determine and plot the value of the rise in the water level in the tube, ¢, as a function of h for H/2 sh = H, with H = D = 2 ft andd = 0.1 ft. Initial Final FIGURE P2.47 Since Beh Csee Figure), 1+ follous Thad by EA) HR, (bet) 4 Be (#et-k) oh “ The volume of water must be conserved, and There kere or - E(2)V# ? Tt d2h arg) (2) 27 cal (2) 4, €2) Also, D, D. B- He BS a .2 2 H Wa Fo ae eg and E912) Can be written as 3 29 ~ DH _ (ey Bah = (@)4, (3) 2 : 1 for H22 Ft D=2ft, d= Ol ¢t , and tne» 55 7 £4.01) becomes 246 4e rhe ( +t-h) oh or Ls oh ¢o0.15k -1 (4) (cont ) 2.47 con't. Sima larly, £3. (3) becomes er (2 #4)? (2) e 4 4: (1- 0.03L) 3 (oitt) 0 = as) A program for computmg £ as a tunctiin of & follows. 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 165 166 167 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 els BIEnt HACE S BE EO ASUS O OBES RESO RSE ASIIAE SIE I print '** This program solves iteratively a system of **" print "** equations to calculate the elevation 1 (in ft) **" print "** range of heights h (in ft) aa BILLIE HARB EGOG SOOO OBO ISC SOSA RIE SIDES OEE print print " h (ft) 1 (fty" ' for h=1 1-0 print using " ###. #4 tHE HN for h=1.10 to 2.01 step 0.10 1=0.0 las=1 hO=(1-0.03*las)*(1/3) 1=0.85*h+0.15*hO-1 if abs(1-las/1)>0.001 then goto 190 print using " HEH. HEE Het. HEN GL next h Tabulated dato @nd « plot of the deta ape shown below, SES ESS IOI ICSI OOO IORI OCI SOSIIEKIOR IEE ICE IA IAI: ** This program solves iteratively a system of *t ** equations to calculate the elevation 1 (in ft) ** + ** yange of heights h (in £t) IESE SBOE OG IORI OCI OCR OE TORIC IORI AGRI OGE IIIA. h (£t) 1.000 1.100 1.200 1.300 1.400 1.500 1.600 1.700 1,800 1.900 2.000 1 (ft) a) 0.000 0.085 0.170 0.255 oe 0.339 0.424, 0.509 0.8 0.594 3 0.679 a 0.764 - 0.849 oa 0.2 0.0, 1.0 12 ta 7.6 rary 2.48 2.48 — Concrete is poured into the forms as shown in Fig. P2.H8 to produce a set of steps. Determine the weight of the sandbag needed to keep the bottomless forms from lifting off the ground. The weight of the forms is 85 Ib, and the specific weight of the concrete is 150 Ib/ft?. From The tree- body - diagram @=z Fy=0 wW, + uw + Wy - 4 A=o Where’ W,= weight of sqndbag We> weight of concrete 2d = weight of forms Bin. risers en = FIGURE P2.48 Ws ® = pressure along botom surface due to concrete 6 A= area of Sottem surface From the dete given: W,- (50 Ba) Vl concrete) : = (oo ap) \@ataen) 1500 & WwW, = 05 4 lb jy (ise EH) 300 Fo Ao (22 2) Ft) = zstt Thus, From By. 01) 4 u Ue Goo Ars #2) - ook - 85k = bb5 b L410 in. tread Open top Send—f Tr IT Lope bottom (" ty + loin) (bri) + (10 in NB ined] > 146 eT 2.49 2.4% A square gate (4 m by 4 m) is located on the 45° face of a dam. The top edge of the gate lies 8 m below the water surface. Determine the force of the water on the gate and the point through which it acts. Faz YA A : (4.80 BL) (4.4m) (om Yon) Aue Yom + (Dim) Sin Ys? = 148 MW a —= es LO + dm = 1331 m . . sim 4se " de® oa + 9, where Lye? 7 Hom) lion)? ° Thus, ; Te Lito) (tm) YRe + /2.3/mM = 3.4m (13.31 im 400) The force of 148 MN acts at Yq=/34m along the Gkis of symmetry ef the gate, 2.50 2.50 An inverted 0.1-m-diameter circular cylinder is par- tially filled with water and held in place as shown in Fig. P2.50. ‘A force of 20 N is needed to pull the flat plate from the cylinder. Determine the air pressure within the cylinder. The plate is not fastened to the cylinder and has negligible mass. “ FIGURE P2.50 +A For egdilibrivm Sued 2 Frerbial 0 Vay pA +2Z0N =O pez - zal ( Nete that pressure must = (b.1am)* be a ‘suchiy’ Pressure. Also, b + os, (0.2m) = —~ Thus, ? _—— we - (do x10") (62m) a air 4 Glm) m 2-4 510%, = —~45/4R 2.51 2.51 A large, open tank contains water and is connected to a 6-ft diameter conduit as shown in Fig. P2.51.. A circular plug is used to seal the conduit. Determine the magnitude, direction, and location of the force of the water on the plug. m FIGURE P2.5\ Fp oh, A = (6248, \n(Ben) = ZI, 200 Ib ive aw Ge) 4 Kee TA t+ 4e where L,,.7 —g = 3h ft Thus, + EG#H) + irft = (2.944 de” Gane GH) The force of 21,200/b acts 1219 FE below The water surface and ts perpendicular te the plug Surface as shown. 2.52 Cable feo 2.52 A homogeneous, 4-ft-wide, 8-ft-long rectangular gate Weighing 800 Ib is held in place by a horizontal flexible cable as shown in Fig, P2.52, Water act st the gate which is hinged at point A. Friction in the hinge is negligible. Determine the tension in the cable. Fes ¥AA where A (48) sin bo* Thus, Ae (244 4a (EMule Nites 4f4) = 339704 Zo locate Fr, Ya 7 + 4, where Y2 aft so That / 3 4g? 2 On + sth = #6 46 (3 Ft AXA) For equilibrium, 2M, =o and T (aft\bin bo) = Ww (4) tosbo') + Fy (24) G00 Ib) (444) os b0°) 4 G 840 Ib) (2 #4) (8 Ft) Gin b0*) = 1350 lb 2.54 2.54 An area in the form of an isosceles tri- angle with a base width of 6 ft and an altitude of 8 ft lies in the plane forming one wall of a tank which contains a liquid having a specific weight of 79.8 Ib/ft’. The side slopes upward making an angle of 60° with the horizontal. The base of the triangle is horizontal and the vertex is above the base. Determine the resultant force the fluid ex- erts on the area when the fluid depth is 20 ft above the base of the triangular area. Show, with the aid of a sketch, where the center of pressure is located. aof Fr 20 ra Sin 7) a f) fA oe = A043 ft 2 7 ° Center of he = Y, sin bo rears Bes TRA = (19.8 a aon #) snbo' (4)(e# «ete 3 where Lye? x, (orelen) © iiss hee re” (ao¥a tea )(6 Fex8t) t+ doys fi = 306 Ft The force A, acts Through The center of pressure which Is located a distance of 22 py. go g ty “9 ft Sth 60° above The base of the triangle es shown in shetch, 2.55 2.55 Solve Problem 2.54 if the isosceles tri- angle is replaced with a right triangle having the same base width and altitude. do ft SN We Fe / Fg = 33, 00 lb SS J, y's 2.49 ¢4 he ; (see solution fo N center of em Pressure Problems 2.54 ) Ly x, Rk gt Ix x, ge 4A tke (4, 2.20) where 2 Luye = (6 #4) °C #4)* | 32 fe" (see Fig. 2.18 d) Th and 4,7 20,43 FL [see solution Problem 2.54) Thas, 32 ft* L xp = > HH Ot = Re Gove PelaNercen) 3 ft eeakneN The bree fe , atts through The center of pressure w'Te Coordinates 2 2.07 Ft and = 249 ft Gree sketch), 2.56 2.56 A horizontal 2-m-diameter conduit is half filled with a liquid (SG = 1.6) and is capped at both ends with plane vertical surfaces. The air pressure in the conduit above the liquid surface is 150 kPa. Determine the resultant force of the Neca fluid acting on one of the end caps, and locate ' end this force relative to the bottom of the conduit. Far e A> avec . . coveved by liguid = pA, where p ts air pressuve Ta Fair = (150 «10° (EF )(am)* SUAAL where A= ES (see Fig aire) 31 3 i507 x10 N Fivguca Fig © (oaneg.aic0' gf Aber AE )em) 2 tog x0 W For Fi 48) iguid ) ; 4? where Ty. = 0.109% R (see fig, 218¢) = = ¢R and y= - Thus , 4 Ye? (eer nai + cay) = 0.5841 m9] (E(B) am 2 Since Fresaltand = Fale 7 Faguia * (1501 + 10.8 )xiow = ¥8ZEN, we Can sum moments about 0 +e locate vesultunt te obtain Fresutet (4) * Fate (lm) + Figg (lem - 0,584) so thet (15077 xin (im) + (10,5 x10 N) (0. 4104 m) 492 x 107 N = 0.997 wm abeve betom of conduit 2.57 2.57 Two square gates close two openings ina conduit con- rected to an open tank of water as shown in Fig. P2.57. When the water depth, hi, reaches 5 m it is desired that both gates open at the same time. Determine the weight of the homogeneous horizontal gate and the horizontal force, R, aeting on the vertical ‘gate that is required to keep the gates closed until this depth is reached. The weight of the vertical gate is negligible, and both gates are hinged at one end as shown. Friction in the hinges is negligible, Horizontal gate, 4m x 4m Hinge <_< Vertical gate, Am x dm ~~ Hinge FIGURE P2.57 tw fy horigentel gake, en = M, =o m1 PA so That W= pA where p 1s the waler pressure on the Lo tom surface. Thus, - = Sino (tm) Jo That Qu = (9800%, )(2m) (4m x4) = BAN For vertical gate, ae thA where h= 7m , so That 6 Fas (7800 2, (1m dom x 4m) = 1100 eH fe ou loeste. Fe 1 ; Hy pe lt) 4a) 27 : = ZIG lam de® +4. Can ]Ctmt bn) Ut By api SZ My =0 so That P= TILES AES = YaTAN 2.58 Open to atmosphere 2.58 The rigid gate, OAB, of Fig. P2.58 is hinged at O and rests against a rigid support at B. What minimum horizontal force, P, is required to hold the gate closed if its width is 3 m? Neglect the weight of the gate and friction in the hinge. The back of the gate is exposed to the atmosphere. Be YA, where fe, = 5m Th “© B= (ate %, \(om Viton 130m) = 598 x10°N Berd be here 4, Ton 50 That B= (00 2, (qm 2.0m x 3m) = 412 x 10° N bb locate Ff, fi A Ye> THe yy = em Nom)” 5, 2 5 2b "GA ' (Sm) (Van £30 ) The bree EL acts at the Center of the AB section. Thus, ZH, =0 quad & (5: 267m ~ Fam) + E Cm) = P C#m) ed (saeawi Nz. 267m) + (ER 11054) an) . 4am = 434 AN 2.59 The massless, 4-fl-wide gate shown in Fig. P2.59 piv- Itis held in place by the 2000 jine the water depth, h Gate Ib counterweight, W. Det Width = 4 ft FIGURE P2.59 RaVhA where her 4 Thus, Fe ce Ah«s * ir Tay 2 (beh) tL. = Uno A? (42) ° Ber egirh brim, 2M, = kd = Wat) where d= d-gpz 4 so that h . (2000 ls )(3 #4) FG MAG AD Thas, fs (32000 I )(3f) . (6248, Yr)48) dz 5.2448 2.60* 2.60* A 200-Ib homogeneous gate of 10-ft. width and 5-ft length is hinged at point A and held in place by a 12-ft-long brace as shown in Fig. P2.60. As the bottom of the brace is moved to the right, the water level remains at the top of the gate. The line of action of the force that the brace exerts on the gate is along the brace. (a) Plot the magnitude of the force exerted on the gate by the brace as a function of the angle of the gate, 0, for 0 < 0 = 90°. (b) Repeat the calculations for the case in which the weight of the gate is negligible. Comment on the results as 6-0. Moveable (4) For the tree- body - diagram of the gate (see figure), Zhj=o So that RP) + wh cos8) = (Fy cos 6)(Lsi0) + [hy 5104) (Jere) 1) Also, : . Ash =L sing Cassumng hinge and end of brace at same elevation) or . Sih p= 4 Sin O ana DO B-yh dw y AS (Qu) where ur is the gate width, Thus, &%.C) can be wri ben as 3 (PY sind) wr + ows Cos6 = Fg £ ( tos$ sin8 + svi cos) so That pe ay Bz (S20) sine + w cos ® (£2) bane a 5 - cosd sin6 + sind cos 6 cosh tan 6 + sing For Y=62.4 b/f?, L=5¢t, urs lott, and W = 200/b, Ee loz4 Bs NSH) io tung » 222 — ab00 tan +100 8 . T (3) (0s g tnd +sin g cosh tand + sing (cont) 2.60 con't. Since sing = sin ond ks ft, L=/2 ft aud for 4 guin ®, ttn be determmed. Thus, Eg.63) Cun be used 4 determne Fz for 4 given 8. A conpuber program for Calculating Fr, as a funchon ef @ fallows. 100 cls (LO Bint MORES ORB aS Ep OSE SISOS OSA SISO IEEE AEB A IERIE 120 print "** Variation of the resultant Fb as a function of theta **" 130 print ese SdESraR EROS Sa EOBCGE CO EEE I ACOCOOTC OCTET IIE IA I AE! 140 print 150 print " Theta (deg) Fb (Ibs) (w=100 lbs) Fb (lbs) (w=0 lbs)" 160 pi=4.0*atn(1.0) 170 for theta=pi/2 to pi/36 step -pi/36 180 sph=5/12*sin(theta) 190 atn(sph/(1-sph*2)*(0.5)) 200 2600*tan(theta)+100)/(cos (phi)*tan(theta)+sin(phi)) 210 fb2=2600*tan( theta) /(cos(phi)*tan(theta)+sin(phi) ) 220 print using" ###.# EH tet. #";theta*180/p i, fb1, £b2 230 next theta Tabulated data and a plot of The data are given on the following page. () For Wed, £3.(3) reduces te i= 2600 +e & (4) los tind + sinh and The same program as was used sh part la) (wrth W set egual to Gere) can be used 40 cbtath Rs a function of @. Tabulated data mf 4 plot ef the date are given on The tollewng page. (cont) 2.60* con't. SCISSORS ERI ISIC SIE EOS ARISES OORT ARI OOK IACI IRIE SEA %* Variation of the resultant Fb as a function of theta ** IESE IE EIS ISI ICS CEO ECO DOROEKSRI ISI AR IEEE EI SOKA AAA AAA I Theta (deg) Fb (lbs) (w=100 lbs) Fb (lbs) (w=0 lbs) 90.0 2860.1 2860.1 85.0 2757.4 2748.1 80.0 2659.4 2641.5 75.0 2567.0 2540.9 70.0 2480.9 2446.7 65.0 2401.6 2359.2 60.0 2329.4 2278.8 55.0 2264.8 2205.4 50.0 2208.0 2139.0 45.0 2159.6 2079.6 40.0 2120.0 2027.2 35.0 2090.0 1981.2 30.0 2071.3 1941.9 25.0 2066.4 1909.0 20.0 2081.1 1882.2 15.0 2128.8 1861.6 10.0 2249.8 1847.0 5.0 2646.3 1838.2 10? as Lagena o———eu-100 ibs a——aend bs ape Theta, deo (con't) 2.60 con't. As O70 te yalue of Fs cay be debermned trom Eg.l+), = 2600 tan6 8 ts tend esing Since sing = © sin6 it follows Mat cos p> Vir sive = V /~ 6, Bind and therepre ze tanh 2600 ez = ea & buy \, 2 |r wre tne + Zane |!- Gy site's Fee Thus, as @-%0 2600 . OS = PY 1b a ~ ne 40 Physically This resulé mess thet for 820, The value of Fy 1S indeterminate , but fev any "very smali" value of o,% will approach 190 lb, 2.61 2.61 A rectangular gate 6 fi tall and 5 fi wide in the side of an open tank is held in place by the force F as indicated in Fig. Water P2.61. The weight of the gate is negligible, and the hinge at O Hinge 0 is frictionless. (a) Determine the water depth, h, if the resultant ft above the bottom of gate, ie., itis collinear with the applied force F. (b) For the depth of part (a), determine the magnitude of the resultant hy- drostatic force. (¢) Determine the force that the hinge puts on the gate under the above conditions. Gate—+f} | 1A GHG) (neste) (he 048) = 72 OHI (n~ 3 Ft) (6 ase) (b) Re dha ushere he h-3 FE = be (2.42, ) (4 fA) (0 x tt) 4 it 11, 200 |b ce) For eguilidriem , =M, So thet re (arti )> fa GSA) =e o 2.62 2.62 A gate having the shape shown in Fig. P2.62 is located in the vertical side of an open tank containing water. The gate is mounted on shaft. (a) When the water level is at the top of the g the magnitude of the fluid force Y.. ; on the rectangular portion of the gate above the shaft and the magnitude of the fluid force on the semicircular portion of the Wester én gate below the shaft, (b) For this same fluid depth determine the moment of the force acting on the semicircular portion of the gate with respect to an axis which coincides with the shaft ras Side view 1 of gate FIGURE P2.62 Fer rectangular portion , (f}- gh A where he 4 ie So That (Fe), * (98002, (4m bon xbom) = For sem/-circular portion , (BY = rh A where he = bm + re (See Fig, 2.13) = by ioe so that a = 127 am CF), = (Teoo 121m) (F m)*) = 1610 kw 4 3m 6) Foy sem'-crireular perkics Tre 1098 = = + 7.21m te ga th (atm YE) R* mt 01098 (3am) e2ta = 736m (Frm XE em)* Thus, moment with respect t shatt, M, M=(e),, © (13bm~ 6.0000 ) (Jolo x1?H )( 1 36m) 1.37105 Noam a 2.63 2.63 A gate having the cross section shown in Fig. P2.63 {s-4 ft wide and is hinged at C. The gate weighs 18,000 Ib, and its mass center is 1.67 fi to the right of the plane BC. Determine the vertical reaction at A on the gate when the water level is 3 ft above the base, All contact surfaces are smooth, f= XAA Where bh, = 1.5 Ft Thus "re bea, (sk) (oe « 4) = {/Z0 hb The fore Facts at a chstence of 1 Ft from The base of The jake, Foe fA Where t=4,. (3 ft) r F, Thus, * Be (b292, ate) (5H « tf) = 3740 1h and acts at the center of the boom gate surtace. For eguihdvian , = Me=0 a Ente) + & (ast) + & (et) = W(167#) qn so That . (18, v00 Ib) 1.6744) - Ir z0 Is (ue) ~ 9-740 1b) (2, 5 4) 4 ot = /686 |b 2.64 EEE 2.64 _A structure is attached to the ocean floor as shown in Fig. 2.64. A 2-m-diameter hatch is located in an inclined wall and hinged on one edge. Determine the minimum air pressure, Py, within the container to open the hatch. Neglect the weight of the hatch and friction in the hinge. Seawater I Hatch: m FIGURE P2.64 Fee Ih A where f= 2m + f (4m) st030" es Th = 25 m fe The Ms, Be (10. 110° X Mes m(Z)le i BA Ee = a m3 Z. am, 1 = 74.3.x10° Te locate Fr, Ye Pre 4 y where 4.2 22 + lm = Sm IR % A fe © S130 so Net rn =: (Eim)* , 501 = S05 m C5 om) iam)* For eguilibnum, = M,=0 so that Fy (5.05 an 4m) =p OrMion)* Can) and (793x107 N)( 1.08 m) Ee owt s U5 AR a 7 Cian)*C lan) eee 2.65 2.65 An open rectangular container contains a liquid that has a specific weight that varies ac- cording to the equation y = c, + c,h, where c and c, are constants and h is a vertical coordinate measured downward from the free surface. De- rive an equation for the magnitude of the liquid force exerted on one wall of the container having a width, b, and height, H, and an equation that gives the vertical coordinate of this force. (@g,2.4) + te = dp=¥dh = (4+Qh) ak — center of pressure ee nel far = [torah rod er L che £? vearad Thus the force actny on the deferential area, bak, 15 = pda = peak ona he ear ge jek « bf ak™, ge] B= bo yt, bay? & = eo To locate resultant sum moments about axis formed by intersection of wall and Hha'd. Thus, As [han * a [ats S&L? )ak and bo #4 be yt R4,= Say Sh 3 CG + tee dp b 2, bee y ~ bent [i+ 32) ] fe, 34 9S)4 # 1+$(S)H or 2.66* leont ) 2.66* An open rectangular settling tank con- 2.0 12.3 tains a liquid suspension that at a given time has 2 12.7 a specific weight that.varies approximately with 2.8 12.9 depth according to the following data: 3. é By 3. ; — —Aim)__y (Nim) The depth h = 0 corresponds to the free surface. P 10.0 Determine. by means of numerical integration, 0.4 10.1 the magnitude and location of the resultant force 08 10.2 that the liquid suspension exerts on a vertical wall 12 10.6 of the tank that is 6 m wide. The depth of fluid a aT in the tank is 3.6 m. |__| The magnitude of Me Huid ferce,k, & Can be found by Summing The di Lereahay Weg gepZZCCLeE Z| 4 forces actiig on The horrgoate! strip shown “i The Fryure. Thus, he I 4 Hw Be [asf dh an R —_ ‘S t 6 where p is The pressure at dein dh. To find p we use by 24 (2) Eguation (2) Can be mntegrated sumericallg with The following Program aud using The Variatién ih & WITH h given. 100 cls TUL print Mader ed BES BO SESH SEES SE EO SESE OSE E SESS ORS IORI 120 print "** This program integrates Eq. 2.4 numerically **" 130 print "** using the trapezoidal rule to obtain the eM 140 print "** pressure at different depths eM 150 (print cdesodoeiaroicciacoioiiociiiokioioiicioinciecioictct let dok ack i 160 print 170 dim p(10),gamma(10) 180 n=10 190 dh=0.4 200 p(t 210 for i=1 ton 220 read gamma(i) 230 next i 240 data 10.0,10.1,10.2,10.6,11.3,12.3,12.7,12.9,13.0,13.1 250 for i=2 to n 260 s=(gamma(1)+gamma(i))/2 , 270 imi=i-1 Ccont ) 2.66* (cont) 280 for j=2 to im1 290 s=s+gamma(3) 300 next 3 310 p(i)=dh*s 320 next i 330 ' 340 ‘Print the results 350 print 360 print " h (m) Pressure (kPa)" 370 for ton 380 print using "###.# Hit. ##"5 (i-1)*dh,p(i) 390 next i The pressure distribubov 1 given below, Yelp ieiciooioisiioiiociniciaoe oe ieici obi ai SS ORISA SEE ** This program integrates Eq. 2.4 numerically ** ** using the trapezoidal rule to obtain the He ** pressure at different depths ** JESSIE IS EGOS IOI OS OS OKIE SI OE IEKIORORIOR OE SIAR h (m) Pressure (kPa) 0.00 4.02 8.08 12.24 16.62 21.34 26.34 31.46 36.64 41.86 Eguation (1) can now be integrated numerically using TRAPEZOL JESS OS OIG ISS SEI OBESE C IGE IIR AISI IORI ** This program performs numerical integration ** ** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule ** JOS I SIO JODIE ESSE SIE OS IOSD ICKI ISI IIA RI RIE WURBNERGOS Dreronnaes Enter number of data points: 10 Enter data points (KX , Y) 2 0.0,0.00 4,4.02 +8, 8.08 +2,12.24 -6,16.62 -0,21.34 +4, 26.34 +8,31.46 +2, 36.64 -6,41.86 WIV De WYORNNEHOOCO The approximate value of the integral is: +7.1068E+01 Ctont) 2.66* (cont ) Thus, wits ” JS pdb = 7hoT ke 5, = (bm) (71.07 2 WY) = 426 2N beste fe Sum moments about axis formed by lotersectioy of vertical wall and Aacd surface, Taus, # E#,= b [apa 63) ° The integrand 4p can be determined and £g.0) wtbegrated numerically ws TRAPEZO/. Tabulated results are given "lows. Joipgois ei OibioS on min oioicoinicoisioin gia nani aac IOI ORI OKIGE ** This program performs numerical integration + ** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule ** FEROS EI ORS SEI OE] CCAS IEICE’ CASCIO IER TOC I ACK AAI AIC A AAK Enter number of data points: 10 Enter data points (X , Y) ; -0,0.000 Note: Yoh 4,1. 608 +8, 6.464 12,14. 688 +6,26.592 +0,42.680 +4, 63.216 +8, 88.088 «2,117,248 +6, 150.696 HA OD WONNNEHOOO The approximate value of the integral is: +1.7437E+02 th og Thus, i [4pat 2 /THE AW ° it follows trom EG, (3) Thet a gp: Shp th _— Comi17#4 bd) e & 426 AN 2, 46m The vesultant force acts 246m below fluid surkce, 2.67 2.67 — The inclined face AD of the tank of Fig 2.67 is a plane surface containing a gate ABC, which is hinged along line BC. The shape of the gate is shown in the plan view. If the tank contains water, determine the magnitude of the force that, the water exerts on the gate. RiYhA -iv where As fae'dy' (see bigue) 7 t = [ath Wy = yy Ts locate centroid ! Tee "x 2,08] ¢ 4A [yea zgnidg = | (4') “dy! - 2G) )= Yat / 2 a ° ’ Thus , 4,5 3 = 2.4% ££ % St 9,7 SFE- 24 FL * 3.6 fe and Since 4.2 % ne Fa = Gre B, Meee Non sor) $a) = 597k 2.68 2.68 The concrete dam of Fig. P2.68 weighs am 23.6 KN/m? and rests on a solid foundation. De- termine the minimum coefficient of friction be- tween the dam and the foundation required to keep the dam from sliding at the water depth shown. Assume no fluid uplift pressure along the base. Base your analysis on a unit length of the dam. — FIGURE P2.68 Reith where A= (2x,.)6 ) so thet RN 4 Fe (4.80 84 SY) Ey) hm ) = 5 = loo kn tan ora for equilibrium , = 513° ZFezo or FR sin $1.3°2 FE = IN where Yr coetbicitnt of Fricton. ther 5p, xe so thet N=%/ + E, Cos 513° where W = Lrerete )Crolume of concrebe) 7 = (23.0 © \(zom3) + (100KN) cos $1.3° = SBYAN and & 5th S13" Cook) sth 513° 7 . Nv S3tRN u O.146 2.69* 2.61* Water backs up behind a concrete dam as shown in Fig. P2.04. Leakage under the foun- dation gives a pressure distribution under the dam as indicated. If the water depth, h, is too great, the dam will topple over about its toe (point A). For the dimensions given, determine the maxi- mum water depth for the following widths of the dam: ( = 20, 30. 40, 50, and 60 ft. Base your analysis on a unit length of the dam. The specific weight of the concrete is 150 Ib/ft’, FIGURE P2.L4 A Free- bedy- diagram of the dam ts Shown in the figure at the right, where: ae we Chor unit length) ow = ¥(4)(2)(t) = Hor 2 Re (tht y4r) 9 ‘, . nev Cr )(Zz)+ Ye, £ y= 3 a: 4(4,) ste To determine yz consider the pressure distrubuhon on the bottom: = Fre thy KR 5 FERRE Summing moments about A, R4y= FR) + & (38) C con't? 2.69" (cont ) so Imt _ . Fcl4)+ & (E8) Ys 5 . where Fe Ft Fy. Substitution of expressions hr Fp and Fe Yields, A 4, L (Gas + Fh) hth, For egui librium of the dam, ZMy=0, so thet 4,-W(F2)- A 4, +R 4,20 eb and with Y= 62.4 U/ft?, ¥,= 150 ff? and > 10 Ft, then: 3/.2 22 Ws boook B= 3242 4,2 tof3 Re 2 Sh Sind Re 342 (hei) h y,° 4 CBr FQ) © (2h) Rehr aR tio) Substitution of These expressions sto EZ.) yields, (312 AW) ~ (owos) (8) ~ (225)(24) t [31.2 (ArvoyAl[ Gets =o “hich can be simplified to 40, ¥0O =O €2) 22 £7 + 20.9L'R - 3396 £- sine Thus, for 2 given g) 2 can be determined from the condition tan B= 20! and Ey.(2) solved for h A Computer program fr determinns h fra gven £ follows, (cont) 2.69" (cent ) LTHOnIGSKIS SISA SSSR CRISS OCICS RIESE SEIS SSE ISAS IAG eH "** This program solves a cubic equation to determine **" "** the maximum water, h, depth for a series of dam = **"" mee widths, 1 ven LIE SIS ORES SSIS ISIS RISO CSDISOE FESSOR CORI SII ISIS Rc 1 " Dam width, 1 (ft) Maximum depth, h (£t)" 20 to 60 step 10 atn(80/1) 3/321. 2*(3896%1°2+10400/(sin(theta)~2)-20.8*1°2*hp) )* bs(1-hp/h)>0.001 goto 210 240 print using " tet HH." shh 250 neat 1 For The dam widths s ccs fred, the maximum water depths are given below. Note" That for the two largest dam widths The water would overflow The dam before t would topple. JBOSS RIE SESE SISSIES SS TOSI IEE Jo 4 ak A ACH A i a cubic equation to de $ program sclve ty e maximum water, h, depth for a series of dam = ** ** widths, 1 +e SESS SEIS EGS ICS TORISO SISSIES SOR ISK InCI AGI EI HR I HK 13 Maximum depth, h (ft) 48.2 61.2 74.8 81.1 89.2 2.70 2.70 A't-m-long curved gate is located in the side of a reservoir containing water as shown in Fig. P2.70. Determine the magnitude of the hor- izontal and vertical components of the force of the water on the gate. Will this force pass through point A? Explain. = Fi For eguil briam, A LL Z Fix hn fee A ¥ te Aa = ¥ (Yon ttn Yea x4.) 5 4 a so ht F fy? (9.40 ew \(Sm)(8m*) = 392 bv v es volume ~ + Similarly, od rll y ZF, =0 =r m? Ae Rew Where * Fe [¥ Com)]am 4m) = (1.50k0 \ bom) C2 mt) w= ¥¥= (7.80 44 )(t7 m?) Ths, B= (9.80 #2 )[ 32 mi em mt] = YBT AW (Wole: Force of waber on gate will be oppesite th direction *) thet shewn en fegune, The direction of alt dittevential forces acting on the curved surface ts perpendicular te surface and Therehore , the vesulfand must pass Through The mdtersectioy ef all These forces Which 1s at port A. Yes. 2.71 2.71 contains water and has a hemispherical bottom as shown in Fig. P2.7|. Determine the magni- tude, line of action, and direction of the force of the water on the curved bottom. A 3-m-diameter open cylindrical tank FIGURE P2.71 Force = weight of water supported by hemispherical better ¥ Yl vlan of cylinder )- (volume of hemisphere) | u 408% ¥ Gy" (@m) - © (sm) ] = SRN The force i's directed vertically downward, «nd due to symmetry it acta on the hemisphere along the Vertical axis of the Cylinder. 435 AN 2.72 2.72 The 20-ft-long gate of Fig. P2.72 1s 2 quarter circle and is hinged at H. Determine the horizontal force, P, required to hold the gate in place. Neglect friction at the hinge and the weight of the gate, Hinge m FIGURE P2.72 wl x, k . . . Fy ia For eguihbriim (trom free- bedy -dlaqram w { ef Fluid amass), y La | We By Tho 1 | So Tet f te & BAe YA, Ar z (ora 8.) Sf) (erento) = 22,500 Ib Similarly , ZF, =e so That 4 Fyp=W = Yi (vslume of Fut) = (62.4 Pl kigor zofe] 35301 Alse, Xx, a = Zz ft (see Fig. 2.18) and = bf of 47> at For eguil'brium fron free-body-didqam of gate) 2M, =e so that bP (cee) = Fy Gy) + &) (22,500 [h (2 ft) + (3530016) % ft) PG er = 22 seo |b 2.73 Q» kea 2.73. A plug in the bottom of a pressurized tank is conical in shape as shown in Fig. P2.77. ‘The air pressure is 50 kPa and the liquid in the tank has a specific weight of 27 KN/m*. Determine the magnitude, direction, and line of action of Bet the force exerted on the curved surface of the cone within the tank due to the 50-kPa pressure and the liquid. For eguilrbrium , Z Freeda 7° So thet Re Py ATW where Fi is the force the Cone exerts of the flard. Alse, 2 A Pep Ae (Soba MEME) fin soz = FE )C1.158e)= SA,4-4N 4 (50 AAG )luiss ) ‘ d= ztan30°= [155m an we ¥ [FA Gn)- ¥(4yu-3] volume of cne= F(A) = yTd* [ez - eI (27 ay \(r) (115500) (3m) = Tsukn Thas, Es 52.4 RN + 15,4kN = 122 RN and the force on the cone has a magnitude of 2ERN and 1s directed vertically downward along The tone exis. 2.74 2.74 A 12-in.diameter pipe contains a gas under a pressure , What is the average of 140 psi. Ifthe pipe wall thickness is } circumferential stress developed in the pipe wall? For eguililibrium (for « unit length of the pipe), zork= fy, (Re) er Pasi. o )(on (tin) 4 3360 psi om circumferential strecs 2.75 2.75 The concrete (specific weight = 150 Ib/ft’) seawall of Fig. P2.75 has a curved surface and restrains seawater at a depth of 24 ft. The trace of the surface is a parabola as illustrated. Determine the moment of the fluid force (per unit length) with respect to an axis through the toe (point A). FIGURE P2.75 The components of the fluid force acting on the wall ave Fo oand W as shown on the Figure where = UhA = = (bog 3 CHF Nav £4 xiee) = 18,4008 and 9,7 A = Pe Also, We oe To determine * tind area 860, Thus, (see Sigure te cist), x, Az [ray-y)de* (24-0.9x') dx e 2 37% [aex - ae | C note: Al lengths sh £t) and with 4y7 View» A= b75 #t* 50 Thad ws Axl tt = 17s ft Thus. "2 ay = (40 Zs )(175 #3) = M200 Ib To locete centroid of At xe az “Ua. [ian [Cerg)ads > [tine eagle = (2hy~ 22% a 12 CVi)%- 0.2 (Vieo)* and x, * = Ws Thus, My = FY, ~ W (S- %) C18, 400 1 (844) ~ (1h, 200 C8 FE - 4 £4) = 2 § 200 41b,) u 2.76 2.76 — Acylindrical tank with its axis horizontal has a diameter of 2.0 m and a length of 4.0 m ‘The ends of the tank are vertical planes. A ver- tical, 0.1-m-diameter pipe is connected to the top of the tank. The tank and the pipe are filled with ethyl alcohol to a level of 1.5 m above the top of the tank. Determine the resultant force of the alcohol on one end of the tank and show where it acts. i £ centroid Reith A 20m ( f jh where 4,2 LSmt Lom = 25m LL Le So That 4 center of pressure Fe = (11454 \Casom)\(E)(a.0m) "= b0.8 bl Also, Zt, ae wA where 4,7 te vo Thet 7 Cam)? = Tt 2m = Jbom (3.5m NE) ea)? Thus, the resulteat force hus @ magnitude of bb. BAW Gnd acts at a distance of BrG, = boas - 250m below center ef tank end well. 2.77 2.77 If the tank ends in Problem 2.76 are hemispherical, what is the magnitude of the re- sultant horizontal force of the alcohol on one of the curved ends? For eguilibrium , ' = 1 Fe = Fi)] (see Agure) Bo Fou bese 1 = bO8AN L , Since Solubion for horiyontel force the Same as fer Problem 2.80. 2.78 2.78 — Imagine the tank of Problem 2.7% split by a horizontal plane. Determine the magnitude of the resultant force of the alcohol on the bottom half of the tank. Consider a Free- beely- diagram of botem halk of tank (see figure ) Where’ spo pressure of flid on borigentel plane f Aw aveq of heriyonta! plone Q~ weight of volume of Fluid in huer hal€ of fank Fix vesulfand force exerkd by tank on Fluid For eguilbrium (refer to Problem 2.30 for tank dimensions ), fe PAtW = ¥ (15 mela)(am xm) +8 [2 (F)l2-F m)] = (1.7% este ) (40 m3 an?) = 2034N Thus, force of alcohol on tank = 203RN__divected verhcally downward. 2.79 2.79 A closed tank is filled with water and has a 4-f- diameter hemispherical dome as shown in Fig. P2.79. A U-tube manometer is connected to the tank. Determine the vertical _-Avtt diameter force of the water on the dome if the differential manometer “7-5 reading is 7 ft and the air pressure at the upper end of the ma- ) nometer is 12.6 psi = _ at Watee i FIGURE P2.79 Por eguilibriam, Fo 2 Frekial =? (i so that ‘ pA R= PA- Where Fy 15 the Force the deme exerts on the Fluid and p is The water Pressure at The base of The dome, Frem The manemeter, h 4 Xe (7#t) -%,, GA) =f Jo That p- a) Ib in™ (ash, Jin) + GsNnap. Ye) e4h be) = 2580 2, Thus, From £3.) with volume ef sphere =F Geameter 3 = lb z Fy= (ave A. EN oH) ~ 4[% bee] cz4,) = 35,100 Ib The Lerce thot the vertical force that the weber exerts on The dome /s 35, l00lo * . 2.80 2.80 A tank wall has the shape shown in Fig. 2,89, Determine the horizontal and vertical components of the force of the water on al -ft length of the curved section AB. FIGURE P2.80 Feed A = (624 2, (15-44) (cFexlee) volume =¥ Ah = 22,502 Ib | aw) y Be rh As fl FL x = (62.4 Z, )(i8 )(orex4 fe) 5 = 27,000 |b w= ¥¥ = (624 2, Lylrle re) * yee) = 7060 |b For eguili briam , ZRzo so That y= Fi = 22,500 Ib e~_on tank and ALF E-W = 27,000 |b - T0b0l, = 19,700 bt on tank 2.81 2.81 Three gates of negligible weight are used to hold back water in a channel of width b as shown in Fig. P2.81. The force of the gate against the block for gate (b) is R. Determine (in terms of R) the force against the blocks for the other two gates. C) wo © For Case (bh) m FIGURE P2.81 My Faz dheA= Ff yhus) = Wes + He and Jp2 ZL i Thus, - 50 thed 2My=0 4 R nr (F4)R man Lee (Zk) reS ) Fate | wth 2 ee 3 = a #4 (Se 72 "Fig 218) Far Case (a) on free-body- chegram showh by Fast (fom stove) and “ 7 Ja Fh and MW = x Vl = ¢f rey, ] [780 B = weh?b Te Thus, E My =0 50 Theat w(4- #4) + RB) = BA gud AWS. Hh b+ HH (Zh) =% A Cont) 2.81 Cloné ) LL follows That = YAS (0.340) From £¢.0) — dh*h BR, thus Fg = LLIR for case (C), for the free- bedy- chegram shown, the force fe, on ME turved section passes Through the hinge ana Therefere does not tontribube The moment around H. On boom part of gate fas thA = ECPM A xd) = u's 3 ™ ~ Lhe - LOMB) 3h 4A tY, hh 7S G (2G xb) = Bf Thus, =My So Thet iC Oar 2g = 7 is °r onl) Awe From fg.0) ghth= 3k, thus Fz 7 gee QETESR 2.82 2.82 AIM x 3 ft X 3 f wooden cube (specific weight = 37 Tb/it®) floats in a tank of water. How much of the cube extends above the water surface? If the tank pressurized so that the air pressure at the water surface was increased to 1.0 psi, how much of the cube would extend above the water sur- face? Explain how you arrived at your answer, Br egiilbrium, Zz Frerhéal “ so That Ww = Fes Thus, (314) fi) = (C24 f, \ah-h) Gf 22h) A= 1.22 44 Tt the ait pressure at tne Water surface increases by | psi There Would be po change Ii The heghe of The tube above The water surface. The Invvensed pressure force on the top of The tube 13 balanced by an efual force on the bottom of The ube since The Surbace pressure Vs Transtiited Throughout the Fluid . 2.83 283 The homogeneous timber AB of Fig. P2.83 is 0.15 m by 0.35 m in cross section, Determine the specific weight of the ‘umber and the tension in the rope. es m FIGURE P2.83 W=¥ where ¥ is the specific weight of the timber Gud t+ ts tts volume . Thus, U5 ¥ (0.15m0 x 0.35 m x 10.0) ene Fia= For egitim 7 ZM,70 Seo That \K/ (1220 ) Cos 7 Fe (82" ) cos . (0.505 ¥)(Sm) = (040%, | (+m ) 4 an y= Coyeo\ 4.80 84 (a) = 621 4% CosigV sm) —_* Also, . z Fyerteal - so that Ts Fy-W= stam? )(4.80 84 y)- (6.506 m?)( 6.27 BY Labmerpect = y, ° (015m & 035m Pm) = 2 %420 So 5) = 4M 2.84 A 2-ftthick block constructed of wood (.6) is submerged in oil (SG = 0.4). and -thick aluminum (specific weight = 168 /f) plate attached to the bottom as indicated - in Fig. P2.84. Determine completely the force required to hold the block in the position shown. tT Aluminum Locate the force with respect to point A 0.5 ft pemeecineeeeY Tal “10 ft- FIGURE P2.84 fe ‘Sf for eguilibrium , Me Zerheat 7° bart so That age F = Wy Fou, tM Ge ie where : ; ~ id My #(56,.)(%,.) Ye eran = (0.b) (62 ves) (4)(losexater 244) = 1500 lb Fw force to held block .® (Ibs (os Hex iotex 26t) = lego ee = (56; no) Hay = (0A ra" Bs YA\ (iol xvfee2 2) «2250 Ib Frat (SG.:1) (Sino) He = (0A)(62.4 2s (0.54 « of x 2H) = 5¢2 Ib Thus, Fs (5001, — 2250 Ib + 1680 Ib- Sbz Ib = 368 |b upward Also, Z M20 mt ore (12 £4)(W,p- Fou) + (S#t) (We ~ Fe) D (369 bb) = (2 #4)(1500b- 2250 Ik) -+ (5 +t)(1080 lb ~842 b) or and Lo = 340 £t to vight of pomt A ‘An inverted test tube partially filled with air floats in 3 on fr and >t ¥ (EY (44) é wy [ (egal sm) aos fim)" (2:5m~ om} 2.89 2.89 A 1-fi-diameter, 2-ft-long cylinder floats in an open \k containing a liquid a specific weight y. A U-tube anometer is connected to the tank as shown in Fig. P2.89. When the pressure in pipe A is 0.1 psi below atmospheric pres sure, the various fluid levels are as shown, Determine the weight of the cylinder. Note that the top of the cylinder is flush with the fluid surface. From a tree hedy- duagran of The Cylinder ZFehel = so That W= be v(E\in)'ee) 5] z 4A manometer eguetion gives, So that Gna ye bof Thus, from Fg. a) atl ey att oylindar | FIGURE P2.89 ‘Spewt. = 7 1 Ob ft seas) + 4 |+— Water |— age fluid S@=1.5 fre y Caste) aby.) (254) - dio (= 4 -(¢Yb0sH) = 278 a) ot (2.5ft)~- eaeiesead -berb)li a ge(oshe (ase) int) 2.90 Q 2.90 The thin-walled, 1-m-diameter tank of [pom Fig. P2.50 is closed at one end and has a mass of 90 kg. The open end of the tank is lowered into a the water and held in the position shown by a 3.0 m steel block having a density of 7840 kg/m’. As- sume that the air that is trapped in the tank is compressed at a constant temperature. Deter- mine: (a) the reading on the pressure gage at the top of the tank. and (b) the volume of the steel kn >| block. Open end Cable Steel block (a) For constant temperature Compression , FIGURE F290 PV TAY where vw imbal stake and £~ final state. z Let erA,R see fegure) where Ay ts the tress sectional aren of tank, and #* y(h-06)e by, (where all lengths are im a). wn Thus, %? AA = Since A> Lb +2 A(3) f= ttm MO. 3 tatom fe Ae ¥(h-0.6) * Bebim so That Foch 3 Pebm = 2» (Tate -oe)R - 3 tate 20 4? + (tela — 0.4) hs B, 4 7.804% and $y = oi BR , 2 lor-h Pa — BC key _ t + Zi0 G30 my =o a a or hie adh 309 78 thet * i. ius V (fy 4305) 3 2.530 Be Thus, from E01) £Y)(9.53m~ dom) = 12 IRFR £ (9286) = (9,40 33) (2.5% dbo) = L2FAT 2.90 (eon) (8) fr eguilibriuom of bank (see free-body ~ diagram); THT r= 6AM ba | where Um tank weignt, and ter eM ste! block. hw, T= We — fe, = ¥5 (4 -¥) Thus, Y teA, - Wh T T & Ke - fA %-8 %-% ‘tT _(2.qen & .)(E)im)"- ~ Go hy (4814) a ee volume ~ V5 “(800 ne Be )Ga%)- 7aox 10, Tr, 2 = 0,208 m 2.91* 2.91* An inverted hollow cone is pushed into the water as is shown in Fig. P2.9]. Determine the distance, t. that the water rises in the cone as a function of the depth. d, of the lower edge of the cone. Plot the results for 0 = d = H, when H is equal to 1 m. Assume the temperature of the air within the cone remains constant, FIGURE P2.9| For constant temperature compression of The alr within the cone, RUBE a) where VY 13 The air volume, and & and £ refer to inrhal and Fital states, respectively, L¢ follows Thet (see figure): Ee Rbm Bee Cd-4) + hat tts Few B= Fe) (0-2) FD) os) Thus, From Eg.) 1 3 b,, (ER) = [y (aL) + bey, | FG) (#0 which simplifies +e a-d- [()-'] 2) For Peter? lol kPa, Y= PEON, and Helm , tee ly = d- m>| (—)P-1 A= d inode may-4 or os fz d- 10.3 [ 0-2 -] (3) where L and d ave tn meters, ae computer program follows tor Caleulahng 4 as a tanchon of d. (cont ) 2.91* (cont) HO padenoideisgiobeinickioleiickicnvoke ica kicick ioe teen nee This program solves iteratively th ber “*«* order equation to give the water eH wee 1, as a function of the depth, d aa Thee ESR orice opr ccinciicobnbnliskasik ies tn "Depth, d (m) Water rise, 1 (m)" 0.0 to 1.01 step 0.1 20 ip/1}>0.001 goto 190 2 print using " Hee HEE GSE next a Tabulated deta and a plot of the date are shown below. FORO RIC ISIS SII SISO III ORISA IORI AG ISOS ICE st ** This program solves iteratively a fourth +** ** order equation to give the water rise, *# ** 1, as a function of the depth, 4 aed SHS oI a TSS na aS ic be iooriciacich ica EIR Ea (m) Water rise, 1 (m) 0.0000 0.0031 0.0062 0.0092 0.0122 0.0152 D.0182 0.0241 0.6239 9.0268 0.0296 \ ovo O28 0.4 oe oe To Depth, a (m 2.92 2.92 An open container of oil rests on the flatbed of a truck that is traveling along a hori- zontal road at 55 mi/hr. As the truck slows uni- formly to a complete stop in 5 s, what will be the slope of the oil surface during the period of con- stant deceleration? Q@ slope = $2 = — cd (eg 2.28 pe F 7G 4.2.28) a te a elit heat eae ‘bine takervel on, - o- (55 mph Vlossro & ) om GL Ss Thus , dz = Cin) 43 92IS +6 2.93 2.93 A 5-gal, cylindrical open container with a bottom area of 120 in. is filled with glycerin and rests on the floor of an elevator. (a) Determine the fluid pressure at the bottom of the er when the elevator has an upward acceleration of 3 ft/s*. (b) What resultant force does the container exert on the floor of the elevator during this acceleration? The weight of the container is negligible. (Note: 1 gal = 23] in.) x (ay =z =P (qr 4) (Eq. 2.26) ma avea,= A ee RA= volume ° ino [er = -P (gray) [48 R (i20 in) sel) SL") ° i A= 7.63 in and a # (gta) h (2.44 (x22 + 3H )( 263g) = 689 By il (b) From free-bedy -diagram of contamer, = %, A 2 (29 B,) (20 iw >) Lf .) Wyte 57.4 |b Thus, force of container on floor 's 2.94 2.4% — An open rectangular tank 1 m wide and 2 m long contains gasoline to a depth of 1 m. If the height of the tank sides is 1.5 m, what is the maximum horizontal acceleration (along the long axis of the tank) that can develop before the gas- oline would begin to spill? To prevent spilling, dz = _b Sm ~ hom Sy ia - 0,50 (see Ligure). Since ode. ~ 2 4 94g er, with 4,70, : -/dt ay: -(S)4 so That Vs zs - (-0 8 At = m (Ay) 27 Ca selae se) = 2a (Hote: Acceleration could be either te the right or the left, ) 2.95 2.45 — Ifthe tank of Problem 2.74 slides down a frictionless plane that is inclined at 30° with the horizontal, determine the angle the free surface makes with the horizontal, From Newkons Amd laur, Zz Fy: =ma, Since the only force in the 4+ direchin is the Component of weight (amg) sin, (an g)sin@ =m &y ~ F tank end ae / fmm mass 0 aj = gsiné Gasoline and therefore as ' i, oe Gy = Ay tose =~ 4g sinB PX ay Also, a Qe dz: - 4 (eg, 2.28) ay 444, _ ay se <- gsine CosO g- a,sine 9 - 9508 C038 4 sm2e a_i 4 sinzo and tor © 730° Le de, ent - 0 7U4 35 L- Sinbo* Thus, tangs 0.164 (see figure) a $= 37H 2.96 is 2g Ths, a 24 fer = ~0 4s [ay z or 2.96 A closed cylindrical tank that is 8 ft in diameter and 24 ft long is completely filled with gasoline. The tank, with its long axis horizontal, is pulled by a truck along a horizontal surface. Determine the pressure difference between the ends (along the long axis of the tank) when the truck undergoes an acceleration of 5 ft/s”. + #4 — 2% (e925) Co 5 5 f- c a) —— aastt go OL - B-4= -p% Ge) = ~ (32 BE Mt N/s £ )ian te) 4 = ~/58 = #t tb B-# 188 fen at 4=0 and pap at Y=zy ft, 2.97 2.97 The open U-tube of Fig. P2177 is par- ily filled with a liquid. When this device is ac- celerated with a horizontal acceleration, a, a differential reading, h, develops between the ma- nometer legs which are spaced a distance apart Determine the relationship between a, t, and h. FIGURE P2.77 2.98 2.98 An open L-m-diameter tank contains water at a depth of 0.7m when at rest. As the tank is rotated about its vertical axis the center of the fluid surface is depressed. At what angular thaia velocity will the bottom of the tank first be ex- Se aaa | posed? No water is spilled from the tank. + . Al a & Eguation for Surfaces ef Constent pressure at 5 Ts Jocabe Fe - F, 4 3p > Ve Z My = Cin Moin ’ G- ain) le" Gf- Zin. \CFin,x ¥in) = A 333i. s 2 fi- Zin ho in. This , from Eg.) fon) el . , 333i Wit in.) * ¥Ch-2in) Cz ik) [tin - Ch - zn, and with $2624 Yee Bg 62) becomes 7728 in?/p23 Ccond) 2.102 ( ¢on't) W = 0.2532 - 0.4857 Chor h> #in) (3) Where YW issn lbs with A tn mehes. for AS ban, ; Fee rh A with Aez and Ax(3inxkh) Ab te? F Thus, from £g.0) . "wy lain)= WA) Gk) [92-4 24)] #) ; . D aan with ae 27.) becomes YW = 0.00451 42 (Fin -#) (Lr £4 in.) ws) where W ks Jin los with & in inches, A companson of the Theoretical results, as expressed by kgs. (3) and (5), and The experimental results is shown 1m The graph be lou. AB Experimental 05 + tt 2.103 2.103 A bottomless tank with vertical sides and slanted ends sits on a flat surface as shown in Fig. P2.103. The hydro- static pressure force on the slanted ends has an upward vertical component. If the water depth is large enough, the vertical com- ‘ponent of the pressure force becomes greater than the combined weight of the tank W;,,, and the applied load ‘W.. The tank will then lift slightly off the surface upon which it sits, and some of the water will drain from the tank. This happens when the depth ish. Values of W’ and h determined experimentally are shown below. Use these results to plot a graph of water depth as a function of the applied load. On the same graph plot two the- oretical curves obtained as follows. First assume that the com- bined weight of the tank and the applied load is supported by the vertical component of the hydrostatic forces on the slanted ends. For the second theoretical curve, assume that there is an additional upward force caused by the pressure between the edges of the box and the surface upon which it rests. Assume Wane = 0.942 tb t \ Bin z | Fin In j-—Tank |.p, = yh 7 foot print on | m FIGURE P2.103 this pressure is equal to yh/2 since it varies from py = yh at Wd) Ain.) the inside of the edge to p. = 0 at the outside (see the figure 0 2.06 below), 0.221 2.44 ‘Compare the experimental and theoretical results and dis- 0.441 2.67 cuss some possible reasons for any differences between them. 0.662 2.94 0.881 3.16 Nie Weglectinig Pressure at the edges, For eguilibriim lw Oe on =o verbica/ Fe ia BL C width = 410.) LE sings = Wr, (1) utr j hy; t Facthe A = (A) 4.x tin) re © 2 ) Gass Thus A in.) sn 45° = D+ Bd, tx tin.) sin 45° = 4 jk 2 ( AH 45° ) tan or (tin) ¥ and with QW = o.fwelk, f= ae 2.63 \ we 0.742 Oly As 3 (Ree, (2) with fh ta inches and W tn Ibs. Ceont) 2.103 (Cont ) Lt the chbect of pressure, , anand The tank edge is tncluded then Fy.) becomes 25 sds + pA = W+Wy, (2) where Ay ts the area of the tank fotprint . From Fig, P2103 Aye 2 [GoZin.x $m.) + Cen. « Zim) ] = 198 ie Por p=%h 9 l2) becomes yA? lyin) + FAA, = Wt Wark = 624 Ys E ye 5 and win f= SEER) Ane 198 tnt and QW, V4 Ib 1728 inde, A= O.yaet Ve77+h.93W (3) with A in inches ana YW 10 lbs, 4 Comparison of the Theoretical results, as expressed by Egs. (2) and 3), and experimental resus 1s shown in The graph below a HE 35 7 t +h, inches I a+ 2st [ 4 Bi Esperimental bi Lee! yee je 02 ° 02 o4 06 08 1 12 W, Ib 2.104 2.10 — The device shown in Fig. P2.104 is used to investi- gate the hydrostatic force on a plane rectangular surface. The tank is filled with water to a depth h and the force R (applied at the location indicated) needed to open the rectangular gate is measured. Values of R and A obtained experimentally are shown in the table below. Use these results to plot a graph of the force Ras a function of the water depth. On the same graph plot the theoretical curve obtained by equating the moment that the ap- plied force produces about the hinge to the moment that the resultant water force produces. Compare the experimental and theoretical results and dis- cuss some possible reasons for any differences between them. Rib) 98 87 1 64 6.0 48 42 2.6 2OhA where * a & Ch-4in) (bra. * $n.) Lie £ Cin bin? yok = HH yy = hth, de® aA te (¥en) ri) ™ FIGURE P2.104 Water bd in. “ Ch- #in)" Ch Hin) For eguilibnim, = My =o Loin. So That (s5in WR)* [Ye~ Ch- in) lez) a 624 Yer aE 0) becomes k= 0.158 (3h-9in.) (z) where Ris in lbs with & tr inches. A Comparison of The MWeéovetical results, AS expressed by Eg.l2), ak The experi merttal results 18 Shown en The following Trph. With Fe and Ye given above ana o> (cont) (Cont) 2.104 1s 10 A, inches 2.1R 2.4R (Pressure head) — Compare the column heights of water, carbon tetrachloride, and mereury corresponding to a pressure of 50 kPa. Express your answer in meters. path 3 For water : As Otte = sib om 2.80 410° os ee 2y¥ sox X, For carbon tebachbride: A= me W66xwr%, 3M for mercury * fz S04)0 me = 0.376 133 x10? & om 2.2R 2.2R (Pressure-depth relationship) A closed tank is par- tially filled with glycerin. If the air pressure in the tank is 6 Ib/in.? and the depth of glycerin is 10 ft, what is the pressure in Ib/ft at the bottom of the tank? glycerin. ab 0 ~ » + ob u bb 1650 fe " (784 Bye ft) + (6 BEE ft* oft *) 2.3R 2.3R (Gage-absolute pressure) On the inlet side of a pump a Bourdon pressure gage reads 600 Ib/ft? vacuum. What is the corresponding absolute pressure if the local atmospheric pres sure is 14.7 psia? Plabs) = P(gage) + p(atm) LA FF? ata Tagine) +47 psia = 10.5 psia =-600 4, 2.4R 24R (Manometer) _ A tank is constructed of a series of cyl- inders having diameters of 0.30, 0.25, and 0.15 m as shown in Fig. P24R. The tank contains oil, water, and glycerin and a ‘mercury manometer is attached to the bottom as illustrated. Cal- culate the manometer reading, h. Mercury Figure P2.4R Pit Beit (lm) + Yao (om) + uy (0.2m) - yy 4=R Thus, mR (9 oe 4M) (0:10) + (at08 $Y) fostm) + (12.4%) (120) RN 133 ms = 0,0321™ 2.5R Air bubble a 2.5R (Manometer) A mercury manometer is used to mea- sure the pressure difference in the two pipelines of Fig. P2.5R. Fuel oil (specific weight = 53.0 Ib/ft®) is flowing in A and SAE 30 lube oil (specific weight = 57.0 1b/ft*) is flowing in B. An air pocket has become entrapped in the lube oil as indi- cated, Determine the pressure in pipe B if the pressure in A is 1533 psi FIGURE P2.5R: Grie 24). Pht Big, (BH) + Y, (Led) y (Sa), (aM oi Thus, p= (iss He\br it!) a.0 Bs) (At 0) + G47 AN #)-(0%,) (228) = abisdh = (28. GES) 18,2 P36 2.6R 2.6R (Manometer) Determine the angle @ of the inclined i tube shown in Fig. P2.6R if the pressure at A is I psi greater | than that at B. t aft 4 FIGURE P2.6R A+ (nolloz4#,)- (ho ez 48,)(io ft) 5100 = fr Thus, A -f = Co loz.44;) [00 At) 4in6 -1] Since B-B = | psc C4 (fe) 5100 -1 = C1 His Mew C0) (oz.4#, so That Sin @ = 0.331 or 2.7R 2.7R (Force on plane surface) A swimming pool is 18 m long and 7 m wide, Determine the magnitude and location of the resultant force of the water on the vertical end of the pool where the depth is 2.5 m, b= width = 7m Fg = Yh A = (4.2024 (22% )( Ym 2.8m) = BIEN : tee = 7b mace) Yn? The where Lye Fz A 3 Thus, (Tom (2.50) + 25 = Lotm alee >= eect) de (2:52) (Ima 25m) The force of ale kN acts 1bTm below surface along vertical Centerline ef end. 2.8R 2.8R (Force on plane surface) The vertical cross section ree of a 7-m-long closed storage tank is shown in Fig. P2.8R, The tank contains ethyl alcohol and the air pressure is 40 kPa, De- am| air termine the magnitude of the resultant fluid force acting on one end of the tank, + am | ethyt cohol — FIGURE P2.8R Break area into Hyree parts as shown in frgure, 0 For arew | = fe thi, = (102 Vom nam) = too tu [ENT For area 2%: (From Table 1.6 Yety! = 7.14 84 ) ®@ Slebte Fane #4 + tes Ar = (40 AM ) (mx 4an) + C7 BH) ($2 am x 4m) = $¥4¢4 AN 6 For area 3: Fa* fay As + ates Ay = (RM L)(amrim) (1.74 4 N/E) tm )(4) 2m 4 0m) = 243 by Thus, Fase, thea ths = leo kw + ¥¢4y ~ 27kN = FH AN 2.9R 2.9R (Center of pressure) A 3-ft-diameter circular plate is located in the vertical side of an open tank containing gasoline. The resultant force that the gasoline exerts on the plate acts 3.1 in. below the centroid of the plate. What is the depth of the liquid above the centroid? 2.10R 2.10R (Force on plane surface) A gate having the trian- |p. [emmeerne gular shape shown in Fig. P2.10R is located in the vertical side of an open tank. The gate is hinged about the horizontal axis AB. The force of the water on the gate creates a moment with Water Vertical respect to the axis AB. Determine the magnitude of this mo- °\"" wall ment [Fe 6m FIGURE P2.10R_ 2 2 Fath A where Ae? Pmt Flom) = om Thus * fee (00, Nizm) (Eom xbm) = 2/2048N Te locate Fry 4, Zs th, with Yer te 50 Thad 1c 3 4p = aelben Mem)? ns lant ® Camb Nom)}* Thus, te determme the moment about AB Ee = 3 Y Mig = 120 x07) (4m 12.1614 ) ‘ = 3990 £N-m teem ag 2.41R 2.11 (Force on plane surface) The rectangular gate CD of Fig P2.11R is 1.8 m wide and 2.0 m long. Assuming the ‘material of the gate to be homogeneous and neglecting friction at the hinge C, determine the weight of the gate necessary to keep it shut until the water level rises to 2.0 m above the hinge FIGURE P2.11R, Rath A where he = don + 4 [Elam)] = 22am Thus, Fe= (4.30 BEV 2.8m 1B x dm) = 93.8 4AN Alse, Lee In” GA so that : Ye * CEM Bm Mam)” 3.5m = 3, 5950 Ro (3, Sm) (1.82 x 200) +4, where 9.7 For eguil brium , ZMy=0 (Woke: Sek Fy=0 to obtein minimum wend and whiz) Gm] ~ fe (y- 7H) = 0 (993 AN)( 3.5450 — 2.5m) 4) [Gem] or = /802N 2.12R 2.12R (Force on curved surface) _A gate in the form of a Tainter partial cylindrical surface (called a Tainter gate) holds back ‘water on top of a dam as shown in Fig. P2.12R. The radius of the surface is 22 ft, and its length is 36 ft. The gate can pivot yz. about point A, and the pivot point is 10 ft above the seat, C. EF Determine the magnitude of the resultant water force on the Water gate. Will the resultant pass through the pivot? Explain i FIGURE P2.12R Let & be force of gate on Aucd a qnd beydA = (62.4 8, (LE) lott 304) = 112,000 Ib > 4" (Nok: AM fous 2 in £8) “a Rs (624 )(10 tt) (2, * 36 ft) be Sih OF # = fizy & . OF aT.0° ( 4 53 Y(ie FE) (2.40 Fx 3644) fgg! Sg # 22 Lan = 53, goo Ib = 22- 22 cos and = 24048 we ¥ H,. = U(hcce x 3b te) where + Aeve* Peon Bee (tox Bye) - Ance Aoce = Ance ~ = 7 (224t)" (22) -4 (soft « [22 cos a10}fe) = Ibo a Thus , Aeoe = (10 fx 240ft) — bo ft® = 8.00Ft* and we (62.4 Bs) (800 Hr) (se #e) = 18,000 Ib 2.12R continued For eguilibrium , ZF =o or bot = 112,000 lb Also * Zhyz0 OF Fag BW = 53, Golb- 1% 00018 = 3590016 Th us, , , EE fh) *} (y)* = Gor, oooh) *, (5,100 /)* = /19, 000 |b The direction of all ditferental forces acting on the gate 1s perpendicular to the gate surface, and Therefore, the resultant must pess through the intersechén of all these fortes Which '$ at pomt A, Yes. force distribution gale: circular arc centered at A 2.13R (a) @) 2.43R (Force on curved surface) 2 A conical plug is located in the side of a tank as shown in Fig. 2.13R. (a) Show that the horizontal component of the force of the water on the plug does not depend on h. (b) For the depth indicated, what is the mag- nitude of this component? FIGURE P2.13R, Consider a eylinder of Flurd of diameter, D, and length, 4, with The plug removed (see figure). Tre pressure clistributrens ever the right and leLt surfaces ave shown. We note that the Pressures cance/ except for the center area of diameter, d. The pressure distribution over ths center avea will yield « resultant which is independent of A and depends only on the fluid specific weight , the tluid depth, and tne hole diameter, dt For a circular A= Yh A = (oa ft.) (is 44)(3 Vise)” area of diameter, A=ItE, = 735 |b 2.14R 2.14R (Force on curved surface) The 9-ft-long cylinder of Fig. P2.14R floats in oil and rests against a wall. Determine the horizontal force the cylinder exerts on the wall at the point of contact, A The horiganta | forces acting on the free-bedy-diagranm ave shown en The figure. Foy eguili brim, 5 2 A~-R Areal ‘Area2 Where Fos The horiqonte J force the wall exerts on the cylinder. Since 7 Re, A = (oto H,) (EE lee case = 49230 |b and Fut ¥ ter An = (1.0 #5) (344+ See) (364 <9) = 6430 |b then F,= 9230 b- 6930 = 2300 Ib —> on “he wall 2.15R 2.16R (Buoyancy) A hot-air balloon weighs 500 Ib, in- cluding the weight of the balloon, the basket, and one person. ‘The air outside the balloon has a temperature of 80 °F, and the heated air inside the balloon has a temperature of 150 °F. As- sume the inside and outside air to be at standard atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psia, Determine the required volume of the balloon to support the weight. If the balloon had a spherical shape, what would be the required diameter? Volume = For eguilibriim , Z Frerkical = so That Fo Mae My Tote Where * ar B= buoyant force Wa = weight of air inside balloon W, w= weignt ef basket and load Thus, (8 outside ) Sal *(Yrinde) Ye +, ay aie aie From the deal gas lau pzeRT = gear or = at oe oF For outside alr with T= 80°F + ¥60= S¥0°R, oa Yeoutase = (322 aa Yl Be live oe) ee (171 F4, ) (540) Similarly tor inside aie with T= 1s0°F +¥bo =b/0°R, tb = 0.07356 ke . ‘” bw). de Vuiside = (S28 Keorse Zs) = 0.00512 Bs er Thus, from gl) foo lb ; we . TE ~ 5, obsia se * 94, 200Ft ¥ ous ide ~ Diriide 0.07356 G5~% jes For spherical shape (with d= diameter), X q%= 57 200ft? so ted d= ¥e3 ft 2.16R 2.16R (Buoyancy) An irregularly shaped piece of a solid material weighs 8.05 Ib in air and 5.26 Ib when completely submerged in water. Determine the density of the material Wis are) = fg x (volume) eshere p~ density of maternal W Gh water) = fg « (volume) - buoyant foree Thus, = Pye (volume) ~ 4, 4* (volume) W Cis air) . P . ! W (in water) ?-fro |- Pe 2 or po Ces = Ne Bo, st _ Wn water) Sib 7 fe3 W Un air) !— Sou Fear Fana= CnoF ¥ Rin

thet ye seo0 4 __ = 738 bs SO Ma Ht ft) For the tank well AB, Faz the A Where he= #4 So Tat Fe= (138 fa ony Ex 9 Ft) = 75,000k4 A te 2 SH» pt 7) Yo = Zee py, where $7 To Saat LA ana 3 £ OM 1 ng = gaz ft Je To fjleohex8h) 75,000\b Oe 13,33) Thys, 2.18R 2.18R (Rigid body motion) —_A container that is partially filled with water is pulled with a constant acceleration along a plane horizontal surface. With this acceleration the water sur- face slopes downward at an angle of 40° with respect to the horizontal. Determine the acceleration. Express your answer in m/s dz__ _% ag Gta, (eg, 2.28) Since gz. D coh tan ¥o @y,= gtanyo? = (7.81 & ) ton fo" = 97781 2.19R 2.19R (Rigid body motion) An open, 2-ft-diameter tank contains water to a depth of 3 ft when at rest. If the tank is rotated about its vertical axis with an angular velocity of 160 rev/min, what is the minimum height of the tank walls to pre- vent water from spilling over the sides? For free surface, ait, 4 a +h, (eg. 2.32) tt R, The volume of Fluid in the votating tank is quien by“! R R ag [amrkdr = an [(22t" « Ar )ar oO ‘o 4 2 wa Rk’ wh R 44 2 + ad a =o (lee Hien OH ede Let) (#8) + 7H, (fey + (32.288 ) a = w(2ie +h) £3 (uit 4, in £4) Since the inhal volume, yee hy, = 1 (i#t)* GH) = 30 Ht and te final volume must be egual, Bem ee 1 (219 +h.) t3= 3m £t* ana to = 0.820 tt Thus, from the first eguahon (4.232) ) 5 $ Ae wt 0.920 4 a Hn = (Woo BY, « ty Mid « tenth ) (ise) nn a f377 ee, aud + 08S = S18 ft 3.1 3.4 Water fiows steadily through the vari- able area horizontal pipe shown in Fig. P3.1. The velocity is given by V = 10(1 + x)i ft/s, where xis in feet. Viscous effects are neglected. (a) De- termine the pressure gradient, ap/dr, (as a func- tion of x) needed to produce this flow. (b) If the pressure at section (1) is 50 psi, determine the pressure at (2) by: (i) integration of the pressure gradient obtained in (a); (ii) application of the FIGURE P31 Bernoulli equation (a) -ssine-3@ = eVX but O~0 and V=10(1+x) HA ee -evit or Hz -eViE =-¢ (i0lt#x) (00) Ths, 3 = -/, 14 SE (0B (144) , with X in feat 194(1+x) 4, a X2=3 (Of = -194 (14x) 0 thal hb = -194 {U4de fiesors! — X20 or f= Sopsi-194(3 2) (i = 50-10. =39.9 pst’ “) ptzeye “482, =f tek” +02, or with 2,72, P2048 0(r- WI) where V, 2 10(1+0) = /0fe = 10 (143) = 4o# Thus, 0, = Sopsi tt (1.94 ies) (10° - 40)Le ( 1 SE. it.) ) = 39.9 psi 3.2 Repeat Problem 3.1 if the pipe is vertical with the flow down, (a) -¥sine -3 = eVEE — with O=- 90° and yertn) e ¥ BR =-pVdlry or B =-evil +F =-eliolita) (io) + Thus, 2B = -194 SUBUI0H)" (44) + 62.4 By, with X in feet = ~/9# (14x) #624 fo X2=3 ()l) = p99 (14x) 0624 0 thad (up = ffrvciin 482.4] de Arete “x0 on pf = Sopsi -194(3+2) $i ( Hii) + 62. rat, (j.) = 50 -/0.1443 = 4h2pst Rtzel "+02, = = prt Ze +022 op with 2,= 0, 2,=-3 ht and V,=sollt0) =f he lolit3) -40# dil) RB “Attell Vis) - 822 = sopes +4 (1.94 EL) ()0*-40*) ~ 52-4 fhe (-3 F) = 4Lapss 3.3 3.3. Anincompressible fluid flows steadily past sure at the stagnation point (x = ~a) is po + acircular eylinder as shown in Fig, P3.3. The fluid pV3/2, as expected from the Bernoulli equation. velocity along the dividing streamline (—* = - x = —a) is found to be V = Vy (1 — wx’), Dividing where a is the radius of the cylinder and Vy is the streamline fo upstream velocity. (a) Determine the pressure Y% gradient along this streamline. (b) If the upstream pressure is po, integrate the pressure gradient to obtain the pressure p(x) for -»

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