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BSN-N3A Sir.

Joselito Angulo
De Belen, Hanna Mae A.
Lina, Joed Louise E.
Noveno, Jamaica Leslie M.
Reyes, Rogelyn C.
Realoza, Ghenel C.

Make a group which consists of five members

• How would react on a given three situations with the guidance of laissez faire principles?

Laissez Faire Leadership Example 1: A team member comes to you and says, “The way the
team structure has been set out is not as productive as it could be. Can you rearrange the team
structure so that we work better together?”. 

A laissez faire leader would, first, listen to the team member and then suggest that the
team gets together to determine the best way to move forward. Notice, the leader didn’t step in
and interfere with any structures or processes. They didn’t suggest ways around the issue. They
simply provided support for the team to do that themselves. They listened to the concern but
ultimately left it up to their employees and their own experiences and abilities to figure it out
themselves. This is the essence of laissez faire leadership.

Laissez Faire Leadership Example 2: An employee comes to you and says that another
member of the team isn't pulling their weight. Does the laissez faire leader confront the team
member and ask to see evidence of their work? 

No. A laissez faire leader would approach this quite differently. They would approach the
employee and check to see if there was anything that might help them to work more effectively.
Notice, the leader never stepped in and outright asked the team member if they thought they had
been working effectively enough. They offered them the opportunity to improve their own
effectiveness, leaving the autonomy with the individual team members.
Laissez Faire Leadership Example 3: You outline your vision to your team and challenge them
to create, plan and execute their own strategy in order to follow it. However, later down the line,
you have a suspicion that changing your team’s course might yield better results. Do you step in
and alter course or allow the team to follow through?

A laissez faire leader would see this kind of intervention as a last resort. As a laissez
faire leader, you need to give your employees the freedom to figure things out for themselves
otherwise you can’t ever expect them to grow as team members. Have faith in the vision you’ve
set out and let them follow through with their strategy. Laissez faire leadership is a self-
rewarding concept. The more autonomy you give your employees by listening to them, putting
trust in them and trusting the vision you’ve set out for them, the faster the group will grow into a
collaborative team that manages itself.

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