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Andraste has always been a “passionate” person. That’s what her parents liked to call it anyway.

was quick to anger and got in many fights as a child. It was thought mostly harmless and they hoped that
she would grow out of it given time. That approach, however led to tragedy. One day in her tenth year
while arguing with an older boy by the name of Fredrich, the brother of her closest friend Raistia, She
became violent once again. This time though no one came to break the fighting up and Andraste
continued to strike at the boy. Face red with fury she attacked until the boy stopped struggling and still
she kept attacking. Soon Fredrich was dead and reality in their small town was turned upside down.
Some believed the girl possessed, this outburst the final proof they needed to declare her a minion of
Tormach. They demanded she be exorcised and executed. Others demanded that she be exiled banished
from the village, not much better than a death sentence for a child her age. Some demanded that she be
given to the guards, have her taken to the nearest city where she might be tried for murder by the wise
law givers. These debates went on for weeks no one side being able to sway enough, until one day fate
intervened. A traveling holy man came through town. An Inquisitor on his way back from a witch hunt
stopped in the village for rest and the Alderman came to him for guidance in this harrowing matter. The
Clergyman agreed to see the child and, upon meeting Andraste and seeing the regret and passion in her
eyes came to a decision. He took the girl into his care; the church would see to her growth from this
point onward. A decision made she was taken from her home never to look back. The Inquisitor, Father
Uriel, told her she was to make amends for her transgressions by bringing righteousness back into the

From then on Andraste was raised under the strict discipline of the church. Her temper was turned
toward the church’s enemies, her energy trained into a strong body, and her passion directed to faith.
She would always wear the burden of murder upon her heart, believing that in that moment she had
acted on the whims of a foul demon. The girl showed and aptitude for holy rights, her strong will was
perfect for focusing the miracles of the Seraphs and giving shape to their designs. On the advent of her
23rd year after 13 long years of training Andraste was confirmed a Cleric of Emperyus and was allowed to
seek initiation into the Inquisition. The task given to her, hunt down a suspected witch, confirm her
crimes, and punish her if she is guilty. When her mentor the same Inquisitor that pulled her from the
pits of evil all those years ago gave her the assignment she was told that this would be a true test of her
faith and commitment to the Church and the will of the Seraph’s. The name of the alleged witch was
Rastia Hearthfelt. Her closest childhood friend. The girl whose family she had destroyed.

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