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(16-MARCH-2020 — 29-MAY-2020)

Student Name: Su Su Tun

Student ID: S10187917E

Diploma: ECE

NP Internship Supervisor: Mr Patrick Fung

Company Supervisor: Sri Gayatari

Declaration by student:

1. By submitting this report online, I confirm that the report has been submitted
to and vetted by my company supervisor, and thereby confirm that the report
contains no confidential material from the company.

2. I declare that the report is written by me and not plagiarised from other

______________________ Susu Tun 22/05/2020

Supervisor Name/Signature/Date Student Signature/Date

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This is my Interim Report, which I have been under the Company, SUN-DAC for the
past 11 weeks as an civic IT project intern. For my job requirements as an intern, I
am supposed to provide administrative support for their IT projects, liaise and
coordinate with internal stakeholders and external vendor on the IT projects, assist
the preparation and cleaning up of data for digitalisation, observe and document
work processes, and recommend improvements, provide secretariat and
documentation support to the IT projects, assist in client (persons with disabilities)
activities, assist with office activities, and assist with any tasks that may be assigned
by the project team or Executive Director.

My main project currently is the tech-booster project, in which the company aims to
improve and digitalise the clients’ database and the donors’ database so that the
staff of SUN-DAC is able to serve clients more efficiently and to invest in more
equipment such as the Timocco, which is a fun therapy game. However, the project
is being delayed currently, since there is yet to be a vendor thus, I have only
proceeded in completing doing the backend preparation for the client’s data.

However, I am also being tasked to do other tasks like drafting the contents of the
annual report, converting the appraisal form into an easier form by using excel to do
away with calculating, designing a cover page which has a checkbox and it can be
directly approved by email. I was also attached to classrooms to assist client
activities and observe how classes are being conducted before the circuit breaker.
All of these tasks were given in a timely manner gradually. All of the tasks given so
far were completed and all the requirements of each tasks were met.

From the tasks given, I am now more equipped with Microsoft Office skills (such as
learning how to use different excel formulas and functions) and more familiar with
how charities usually work. I also learnt more about the company as a whole and
how it operates differently from a cooperate one. Being attached to classrooms and
interacting with the clients had also made me learn how to empathise on the
disabled people. It was an eye-opening experience because I have never really
interacted with people with intellectual disabilities before and thus the way they
behave was quite shocking for me.

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I would like to express my gratitude to Ngee Ann Polytechnic for arranging this
Internship program for me.

Thanks to Miss Faith and Miss Karina from the office of Civic Internship, I was able
to have the opportunity to work for the company SUN-DAC. They had been
supporting me and the other civic interns of March 2020, since the start of the
internship by constantly checking on us and asking whether we face any issues
during the internship. They have also conducted talks such as the Inspirational Start
and the Fireside Chat and invited guest speakers from non-profit companies such as
Water-Roam and Soap Cycling to get us more inspired and motivated and have a
greater understanding on what we can expect for the internship as well as how non-
profit companies and business social enterprises function as a whole.

Mr Patrick Fung, my internship supervisor from school, had guided me in many ways
as well. Before the start of internship, he gave friendly reminders on attire wise as
well punctuality. He also gave guidelines on what is expected to be written in the
weekly reports and also conducted a video chat during the work from home period to
check on how I have been doing during the internship period and asked whether I
had sufficient work for the period since other interns might have been terminated or
had their internship suspended and had to apply and do the alternative programme.

Mr Quek Hong Choon, the Executive Director of SUN-DAC mentored me during the
past 11 weeks. Whenever I am unsure and needed clarity for a particular task given,
I will ask him for help and he will explain on what he expects in a particular task. He
will also direct me to who to look for, if I required resources for different aspects.

My colleagues from SUN-DAC had also helped me. Whenever I had queries and the
Executive Director isn’t around, I would consult my other colleagues for help to clarify
the issue that I am facing. When I am attached to the classes, the training official
would let me try out some stuff in the class such as assisting one of the clients who
have a short attention span to read a book as well as giving out refreshments to the

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CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................6
1.1 About Company...........................................................................................6
1.2 My Section...................................................................................................8
1.3 Task Assigned.............................................................................................9

CHAPTER 2. LEARNING POINTS AT COMPANY.........................................................10

2.1 Listing of major learning points..................................................................10
2.2 Details of learning points and skills achieved.............................................10
2.3 My Roles in company.................................................................................11

CHAPTER 3. MAJOR PROJECTS/TASKS DETAILS.....................................................12

3.1 Annual Report Draft...................................................................................12
3.2 Appraisal form, Cover Page and Muster List..............................................18

CHAPTER 4. REFLECTION........................................................................................20

CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION.......................................................................................21

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Figure 1-1 : Company Logo...............................................................................................................7

Figure 1-2 : Programme Fee Subsidy..........................................................................................8
Figure 1-3 : Transport Fee Subsidy..................................................................................................8
Figure 3-1 : Icon For Core Values..................................................................................................13
Figure 3-2 : Logos of different companies edited on illustrator...................................................14
Figure 3-3: Designing of the annual report....................................................................................17


Table 1-1 : Organisation Structure...................................................................................................8

Table 3-1 : Process of writing the annual report...........................................................................13

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Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 About Company

Figure 1- : Company Logo

SUN-DAC is a non-profit social service agency that serves and care for people with
disabilities. It is an affiliate of NCSS and it has 3 branches Day Activity Centres
today, one at Bedok South, one at Choa Chu Kang and one at Upper Thomson

All of the branches equip persons with disabilities with daily living skills and
community living skills to maximise their independence. The activities and curriculum
conducted in the centres also aim to meaningfully occupy our clients with social and
recreational activities and hone their vocational skills so that they are able to find a
job. The centre also conducts occasional therapy and physiotherapy services as well
as psychological services for clients who requires it. Respite for parents and
caregivers of people with disability are also given through support and assistance

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Programme Fee Subsidy Transport Fee Subsidy

0-49% Subsidy 50%-75% Subsidy 0-49% Subsidy 50%-75% Subsidy

>75% Subsidy >75% Subsidy

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