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Suggestions on format of Internship Interim Report

1. An internship report:
- Is a FORMAL and TECHNICAL report, so write no diary
- Carries heavy assessment weight, so put in every effort

2. Some aspects of your internship that examiners are interested to know from reading your report:
(i) Background of your assignments
- Where are you attached to?
- What does the company do?
- Which department do you work under?
(ii) Description of assignments
- What projects are you assigned to do?
- What are the deliverables?
(iii) Execution of assignments
- What are you required to learn in order to complete the assignments/projects?
- What are the results?
- How did you do them – description?
- What are your contributions?
(iv) Progress and status of assignments
- Have the assignments been completed?
- What are the steps ahead in the next half of internship?
(v) Connection with studies
- How are the assignments related to your studies?
- What have you learnt – soft/hard skills?

3. Suggestions for Internship Report Table of Content

- Abstract/Summary
The Abstract is the first most important part of the report, where examiners find CONCISE
answers to the following questions:
 Q1: What did the company ask the student to do?
 Q2: What were the deliverables? What must he/she deliver in order to do a good job?
 Q3: What has the student delivered/accomplished? Has he/she done a good job?
 Q4: Did the student learn anything? What has he/she learnt?
- Acknowledgment
Who have mentored/advised/guided you during this period of internship, and in what way? You
can express your gratitude in this section.
- Introduction to Company
 Company Profile
 Core Business
 Organization Structure
 Department Attached To
- Project Overview
This is also a very important section. Provide a skeleton of your work in a language everybody
can understand. Try to present in a graphical/pictorial/table/list form that gives a quick picture
of ALL your work. For example,
Official (Closed) - Non Sensitive

Projects/Tasks Deliverables Achievements

Dinner Plan for a  Prepare an Italian cuisine for  Identified 20 recipes for most
Group of 10 10 people palatable Italian delicacies after
 Must include appetizer, main watching 100 Youtube clips
course, dessert  Designed menu for 10 guests, each to
be served a unique appetizer, main
course, and dessert
 Planned table settings, seating
arrangements, and live Italian opera
performances, for an immersive
Italian experience
 Solicited feedback from Italian
 Listed all ingredients required for the
dinner preparation, and their online
suppliers and prices
Tour Plan for a  Prepare an itinerary for a 2-  Researched on internet the most
Group of 5 day local Singapore tour for 5 loved attractions in Singapore
Korean guests  Conducted an online survey with
Koreans living in Singapore on
favorite local places they bring their
families and friends to
 Planned 3 sets of itinerary to prepare
for different weather conditions and
guest make-up and age groups
(families, or businessmen,
youngsters, seniors, etc)
 Write-up of itinerary in cartoon form
with conversations given in Korean to
help the guests understand where
they will be visiting and what they
will be experiencing

- Project 1: Dinner Plan for a Group of 10

 Introduction and Background
 Project Deliverables
 Project Implementation and Results
 Skills and Knowledge Acquired
- Project 2: Tour Plan for a Group of 5
- Project 3: XXXX
- Progress Status and Future Plan
 Where are you in completing the deliverables given by the Company? 50%/80% achieved?
 What is the plan for the remaining half of the internship?
- Reflection and Suggestion
 How is internship different from school? How has the internship experience shaped your
understanding of the engineering industry, and your decision to pursue engineering in the
future? What are your thoughts?
- Conclusions
The Conclusion is the last most important part of the report, where RE-CAP for the examiner all
the work you have done in the most concise form. It is very similar to the Abstract. While the
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focus for the Abstract is to provide the examiner an overview of what you have done, the
Conclusion aims to consolidate the answers to the same set of questions, before the examiners
walks away with a decision for your grade.
 Q1: What did the company ask the student to do?
 Q2: What were the deliverables? What must he/she deliver in order to do a good job?
 Q3: What has the student delivered/accomplished? Has he/she done a good job?
 Q4: Did the student learn anything? What has he/she learnt?
- References
Everything you have quoted, and sources of information in your report, for example
 Links to Youtube videos for Italian recipes
- Appendix
Everything you have worked on, but too long or repetitive to reside in the main text; purpose is
to keep the main text neat and focused, for example, you can put into the Appendix:
 Online survey forms you designed and sent to Koreans living in Singapore

4. Interim Report Submission Deadline – 29 May 2020 (Fri)

- Please ENSURE that your Company supervisor has VETTED your reports (all reports, whether weekly reports,
interim report or final report) BEFORE submission.

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