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9 tips to help brainstorm 3x more content ideas for

struggling creators

I have a ton of ideas that I want to write about. Except for when I sit to write them.
To bring out your inner creativity when writing. One must try a whole lot of different
techniques. Then choose the one which works best for him.
A simple solution to this is doing brainstorming.
Brainstorming is writing down any idea that comes to your mind on a paper. Then
you can refine the best ideas from this cluster of ideas.
Why do you need to brainstorm before writing?
• Brainstorming can give ideas for your content
• You need to solve a problem
• It can help you improve your creative thinking
Brainstorming can have several benefits for you writing like:
• Get new ideas: A lot of new ideas come through brainstorming. This is
important if you have nothing on your hand.
• Organizes ideas: This can help you organize your workflow and manage your
ideas. Especially if you have information overload.
• Eases tension: Brainstorming can take a lot of load off your brain and eases
• Critical thinking: Brainstorming improves critical thinking
• A different perspective: It helps you see things differently. And can broaden
your horizon
• Content: Brainstorming can give you a lot of content for later
• Teamwork: This supports stronger collaboration between teams
Rules for group brainstorming
Like any other good thing, there are 4 rules for group brainstorming:
1. Quantity not quality: Quantity over quality. The purpose is to generate a lot
of new ideas.
2. No criticism: Criticizing is neither appreciated nor welcome in group
brainstorming. You are here to generate ideas, not the other way around.
3. Welcome any new idea: You should welcome any new idea no matter how
stupid or childish it is. You are here for the ideas after all.
4. Refine, Refine, and Refine: Combine all the new ideas and then refine for the
best one. Refine them until only the best ones remain.

Brainstorming techniques
Now that you know what brainstorming is and how it can help you. Let’s dive into
how you can do brainstorming. Here are a few brainstorming techniques:

1. Word association
Word association is a simple trick. Jot down your main idea or topic in the center.
Now start writing down any word that you can associate with your topic. Don’t be
too hard on yourself.
You will be amazed to see how many words you already know about the topic. This is
like a backdoor to your subconscious mind.
The main purpose is to find associated words that you can’t remember at first.

2. Branch out a big topic

I have found this technique to very useful. And this has provided me with a lot of
What I do is take a big topic. And branch out other topics or subtopics from it. This
helps me with a lot of content that wouldn’t cross my mind.
For example, This topic itself is a subtopic of my guide for better writing.
So take a topic and list down all the subtopics. This will give you a lot of new ideas
for your content.
3. Take a new perspective on old content
Another easy way to generate new ideas is by updating your old content. I find this
boring myself. What I do instead is, write down things from a different perspective.
If you have written the pros of brainstorming somewhere in the past. Then why not
write the cons of brainstorming. Or how marketers and content generators can use

4. Freewriting
One of the most obvious forms of brainstorming is freewriting. Let your inner
creative loose
Freewriting is a continuous flow of ideas about your topic. What you do is write the
topic on a paper. Then write whatever you know about the topic. Be it a word, phrase,
or anything you heard from.
This helps lead from one idea to another. Freewriting brings out the creativity in you.
Which you might not be aware of yourself.

5. Looping
Once you are done with freewriting. Now it is time to freewrite again.
Wait, What?
Yes, looping is freewriting again but using the word or phrase with the most potential.
Freewriting was your first loop.
Reread the ideas from freewriting and choose the one which has the most potential.
Now, take that idea and start writing anything that comes to your mind about it.
This is the second loop. You can create as many loops as you want. Some people also
set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes. But I do not like to do so. You should try this. As
people write better with deadlines.
The purpose of this is to find as many content ideas or phrases as you can. This
unleashes your creativity.

6. Listing
Listing is simple. List down your articles.
In freewriting, you write anything that comes to your mind in a web or unorganized
way. Whereas in the listing you start to form a list.
What I do is write the main topic on the top and then I make 4 sections. The 4
sections are What, Why, How and Who. And then, I write down the ideas in their
respective section.
This also helps me organize my ideas along with their generation. And I find listing
easier as it helps me a lot when outlining my blogs.
Listing is a good way to brainstorm in a group. One person can make the list while
others brainstorm on ideas.

7. Clustering
I learned clustering when I was still in grad school.
Clustering is my personal favorite. I enjoy the process of clustering more than
generating the ideas itself.
I am more of a visual person myself. And clustering is a technique for people who
rely more on visuals. You can create a visual web of ideas.
I write the main idea in the middle of the page and encircle it. Then I draw out ideas
in separate circles as I get them. I don’t follow a specific pattern. I draw out as
spontaneously as I can.

8. Mind mapping
Mind mapping is the best way to brainstorm not only ideas. But you can also use this
to create content for your blog.
I use mind mapping to create a week or a month’s content. Because of mind mapping,
I am never short on content.
Mind mapping can give a bird’s-eye view of your topic.
You can draw a mind map by jotting down the main idea in the middle. Then write
down all the ideas about the main topic using arrows and boxes.
When you run out of topics, start considering which ideas and subtopics can relate.
And draw lines to connect them. Map these relations with colors, arrows, or images.
Now use these related topics and create a proper flow chart. The main idea on the top
and other related topics should be together.
9. Cubing

Cubing is the process of looking at a topic from six angles (six sides of a cube). We
limit ourselves to one or two angles on a topic. Cubing can help you research a topic
Those six dimensions explained by Gregory Cowan in his book are:
1. Describe it: Describe the topic, what are it’s challenges? What is it? What are
its characteristics?
2. Compare it: This vs that. Different from? Like?
3. Associate it: What is it related to? What can you associate it with?
4. Analyze it: Give a detailed analysis and break it down if necessary.
5. Apply it: Who can use it? how to use it?
6. Argue for and against it: Either support it or criticize it.
You should try out which works best for you. Some works best for others while some
don’t. You should experiment with which technique is best for you.
Which brainstorming technique has helped you? Let me know in the comments.

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