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Published in IET Information Security

Received on 30th September 2009
Revised on 15th June 2010
doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196

Special Issue on Multi-Agent & Distributed Information


ISSN 1751-8709

Adaptive link-state routing and intrusion

detection in wireless mesh networks
S. Misra1 P.V. Krishna2 K.I. Abraham2
School of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
School of Computing Sciences, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract: Security in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) has always been a major concern ever since the existence
of these networks. The open medium and the lack of physical security make the WMNs susceptible to various
kinds of attacks. This study addresses the problem of intrusion detection in WMNs. The authors propose a
routing protocol that is capable of detecting intrusions, while undertaking the tasks of routing in WMNs. The
authors base the routing tasks in the existing protocol on the existing optimised link-state routing protocol.
This protocol uses the sampling mechanism for the detection of malicious information in the network.
Concepts of learning automata have been introduced to optimise the sampling process. Two new frame
formats and its associated handling procedures have been developed. The authors evaluated the performance
of our protocol using network simulator 3. In the experiments performed, the highest achieved intrusion
detection rate with the proposed protocol was observed to be 94%.

1 Introduction alongside is capable of effectively detecting intrusions.

There are many recent published works that discuss and
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) [1 – 4] are envisioned to propose different security solutions/protocols for use in
provide various applications in the future, including these networks. In this paper, we present some of the
broadband services, distributed information sharing and works carried out recently.
storage and different multimedia applications at very low
costs. Such networks can be deployed in both the urban Ferreira et al. [5] proposed an intrusion detection
and rural areas to offer a wide range of wireless coverage. mechanism for WMNs using a hybrid approach. In this
WMNs offer cost-effective and flexible wireless solution. approach, the concepts of wavelets and neural networks are
WMNs are reliable, and the key advantages of these used for detection and classification of attacks. Gao et al.
networks include robustness, higher bandwidth and spatial [6] developed a community intrusion detection and pre-
reuse. Securing WMNs from various threats is challenging warning system for WMNs. This system is used to detect
because of its growing demands. human intrusions by capturing human signals using
multihop communication mechanisms.
The critical security challenges of WMNs [1 – 4] include
detection of corrupt access points (APs), securing the Zhang et al. [7] developed a protocol called RADAR –
routing mechanism and definition of a proper fairness reputation-based scheme for detecting anomalous nodes in
metric to ensure a certain level of fairness in the WMN. WMNs. RADAR presents a reputation-based anomaly
Security in WMNs explores key challenges, which include detection scheme for detecting anomalous nodes in these
authentication, attacks, privacy, trust, encryption, key networks. Xuyanga et al. [8] discuss about providing
management, identity management, denial-of-service security at communication level, based on encryption
attacks, intrusion detection and prevention, secure routing methods for WMNs. The communication encryption
and security policies [1 – 4]. In this paper, we focus on scheme is used to encrypt data packets and develops a risk
developing a secure routing protocol for WMNs, which avoidance scheme to avoid the malicious nodes during

374 IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374– 389
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010 doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196

communications using multipath communication. But it is threshold cryptography to verify the authenticity of the
very difficult to defend the WMN from various security messages. The use of Shamir’s k-share key-based
threats based on encryption methods only. Hakami et al. encryption [20] ensures that the security mechanism cannot
[9] proposed principal component analysis (PCA)-based be broken and make the solution attractive. But, the
anomaly detection for WMNs. An anomaly identification algorithm is computationally expensive. Fourati and Agha
scheme is discussed and it is used to detect packet flow [19] argued that the time delay in receiving the TC
inequalities. However, PCA is effective for wired networks message is within acceptable limits, but there is no mention
when compared with wireless networks. Li et al. [10] about the energy efficiency of this method.
proposed a multipath routing protocol to prevent attacks in
WMNs. The routing policy is designed based on game The following makes the algorithm in [19]
theory concepts. The main focus in their study was to computationally expensive. As it can be seen, the
improve the network throughput for WMNs when it is cryptographic techniques are not energy efficient. In this
under attack. approach [19], the TC messages are sent through a set of
selected trusted neighbours with K one hop neighbours
One of the crucial security problems is the detection of each signing the message with their respective portion of
potential intrusions into the network. There are several the share. For every TC message sent (time period 6 s), k
proposals for building intrusion detection systems (IDSs). nodes need to sign this message and this will require a lot
Recent literature addressing the problem of intrusion of processing power. The selection of trusted neighbours
detection and proposing different intrusion detection also requires some amount of processing power.
solutions include [11 – 16].
In addition to this, the source node sends a TC messages
The OLSR request for comment (RFC) [16] clearly states to ‘k ’ of its trusted neighbours. The trusted neighbours sign
the lack of security features in OLSR: ‘Currently, OLSR does the copy of the TC message and send it to the destination
not specify any special security measures. As a proactive node. The destination node, on receiving the source TC
routing protocol, OLSR makes a target for various attacks.’ message from k trusted nodes, can verify the integrity of
The various attacks that OLSR is vulnerable to are also the message. The destination node must receive k TC
discussed in RFC [16]. messages. Energy is not only consumed in signing of these
k TC messages by k different nodes, but also the
In one of our recent works [17], we suggested another destination node needs to decrypt and compare k messages
learning automata (LA)-based protocol for intrusion to authenticate and verify the contents of the TC message.
detection (LAID) in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The public key of each node in the network needs to
LAID functions in a distributed manner, and the LA are flooded [19].
used to optimise the selection of routes on which sampling
has to be performed. The system, in essence, tries to The use of Shamir’s algorithm [20] makes this method
identify or approximate the location of the attacker and, secure, but the application of it to secure the TC messages
thus, catch the malicious packets sent by the attacker. We puts a serious load on the TC nodes involved. This load on
have further simplified the LAID protocol with a focus on the node is analogous to the maximum budget of a node
energy conservation and it is named as simple LA-based (MAX_RATE parameter) in simple link-state routing
protocol for intrusion detection (S-LAID) [18]. The (SLSR). Fourati and Agha [19] assumed that the nodes
S-LAID protocol considers each node in the network have enough energy to execute the encryption, decryption
individually and functions without any coordination and verification of the messages. This is similar to a
between the nodes. Each node in the network identifies situation where SLSR is run with a high system budget. In
and removes malicious information from the network in an Section 6.5, it can be seen that as MAX_RATE increases,
energy-efficient manner. the detection rate also increases. Secondly, Fourati and
Agha [19] assumed that all nodes are capable of executing
In our search for existing solutions for intrusion detection the protocol. In a real-life situation we cannot expect the
in WMNs, we found that most of the existing literatures nodes to be homogeneous. On the other hand, our
discuss specifically about intrusion detection in mobile protocol takes the heterogeneous nature into consideration
ad hoc networks (MANETs) and very few papers present and allows each node to be configured with a sampling
intrusion detection schemes specifically for WMNs [5 – 10] budget (MAX_RATE). Further, the routing components
and these proposals are very preliminary. A lot of research preference to route through nodes experiencing the least
has been done in the field of intrusion detection in load makes sure that the intrusion detection does not hurt
MANETs and again not many papers use OLSR as the any node. Also, Fourati and Agha [19] analysed the mean
base protocol. It is to be noted that MANET scenario can TC arrival delay due to the overhead of cryptographic
be extended to WMN scenario and thereby the protocol functions being introduced. Fourati and Agha [19] found
discussed in [19] is perfectly applicable within the WMN that as the size of the network increases, the delay in the
domain. Fourati and Agha [19] propose a modification to arrival of TC also increases. The increase in TC delay may
OLSR topology control (TC) messages by introducing result in incorrect routing information within the network.

IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374 – 389 375
doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010

As we will see in Experiment 2 in Section 6, the proposed Oommen and Misra [23]. Examples of applications of LA
protocol’s performance actually increases with the increase in the domain of networks include [24 – 33].
in size of network.

Our approach relies on the concept of packet sampling, 2.1 Automaton

which was also used by Kodialam and Lakshman [21] to The learning automaton can be represented as a quintuple
detect network intrusions using a game theory-based represented as {Q, A, B, F, H}, where [22]
approach. In packet sampling, some portions of the packets
taking certain paths are sampled to examine whether they † Q is the finite set of internal states. Q ¼ {q1 , q2 , q3 , . . . ,
are malicious ones of any intruder or not. In our work, this qn}, where qn is state of the automaton at instant n.
fundamental concept of sampling has been juxtaposed
within the framework of LA to obtain a novel and robust † A is a finite set of actions performed by the automaton.
IDS for WMNs. Also, we present LA framework for the A ¼ {a1 , a2 , . . . , an}, where an is the action performed by
OLSR protocol that includes a new route selection the automaton at instant n.
† B is a finite set of responses from the environment.
The main contributions of our paper include development B ¼ {b1 , b2 , b3 , . . . , bn}, where bn is the response from
of an IDS for WMNs, meticulously intertwining ‘fine’ the environment at instant n.
concepts of LA to make the sampling process more energy
efficient, extension of the already existing OLSR protocol † F is a mapping function that maps the current state and
by introducing two new message formats for exchange of input to the next state of the automaton. Q × B  Q.
LA information, development of handling functions for the
two new messages formats and development of a new route † H is a mapping function that maps the current state and
selection algorithm. response from the environment to determine the next
action to be performed.
Our motivation to use OLSR [16] for a wireless mesh
scenario is due to the fact that OLSR maintains routing
information for the nodes. OLSR maintains an updated list
2.2 Environment
of its neighbours in the neighbour table. Additionally, the The environment corresponds to the medium in which the
use of multi-point relays reduces the number of messages automaton functions. Mathematically, an environment can
that flood the network. Also, the use of OLSR facilitates be abstracted by a triple {A, B, C}. A, B and C are defined
the extension of the protocol for MANETs. as follows [22].

A ¼ {a1 , a2 , . . . , ar} represents a finite input set;

2 Learning automata B ¼ {b1 , b2 , . . . , br} is the output set of the environment;
LA is a self-operating learning model, where ‘learning’ refers
to the process of gaining knowledge during the execution C ¼ {c1 , c2 , . . ., cr} is a set of penalty probabilities, where
of a simple machine/code (automaton) and using the gained element ci [ C corresponds to an input action ai .
knowledge to decide on actions to be taken in the future.
This model has three main components – the automaton, We now provide a few important definitions used in the
the environment and the reward/penalty structure. field of LA. Given an action probability vector P (t) at time
‘t ’, the average penalty is defined as [22]
The automaton refers to the self-learning system. The
medium on which this machine functions is called the M(t) = E[b(t)|P(t)] = Pr[b(t) = 1|P(t)]
environment. The automaton continuously performs

actions on the environment and the environment responds = Pr[b(t) = 1|a(t) = ai ] × Pr[a(t) = ai ]
to the actions. This response may be either positive or i=1
negative and serves as the feedback to the automaton, 
which, in effect, leads to the automaton either getting = ci pi (t) (1)
rewarded or penalised. i=1

LA can be used for any optimisation problem. Over a The average penalty for the ‘pure-chance’ automaton is given
period of time, the automaton learns the characteristics of by [18]
the environment and identifies ‘optimal’ actions that can be
performed on the environment. A comprehensive overview
1 r
of LA can be found in the classic text by Narendra and M0 = c (2)
r i=1 i
Thathachar [22] and in the recent book chapter by

376 IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374– 389
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010 doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196

As t  1, if the average penalty M(t) , M0 , at least

asymptotically, the automaton is generally considered to be
better than the pure-chance automaton. E[M(t)] is given
by [22]

E[M(t)] = E{E[b(t)|P(t)]} = E[b(t)] (3)

Figure 2 SLSR system

3 System model
3.1 Network model network can be more damaging. Not only does this allow
the attacker to flood the network with malicious
The SLSR protocol has two distinct components. The first information, but also the processing and the routing of
component is the LA system, which makes the sampling these packets consumes a lot of energy. This injection of
process energy efficient. The second component involves malicious packets will eventually lead to latency in the
the routing of packets. This is done to increase the chance network. Therefore it is important to scan for malicious
of detection of malicious packets sent by the attacker/ packets to remove them in a timely and efficient manner.
intruder. The functioning of the proposed LA system is
independent of the network topology. The LA system in This work is based on the concept of packet sampling [21,
one node is independent from the functioning of the LA 34, 35]. In any packet sampling technique for intrusion
component in another node. The objective is that, given an detection, a portion of the packets traversing through the
input traffic, the node should filter out the malicious traffic node is sampled and examined to ascertain whether the
and pass the legitimate traffic to the next node. Depending packets are malicious or not. In IDS, typically, a thorough
on various circumstances, the node may detect all the scan of packet header is required. Therefore it is important
malicious packets that pass through the node or detect only to associate an energy cost with this. We think, it is worth
a portion of the malicious packets that traverse through it. emphasising that the sampling approach is not new to our
Fig. 1 shows the LA component of a node in a WMN. work – it has been used previously in different networking
problems, both not involving (e.g. [34 – 36]) and involving
The second component, that is, the routing component, (e.g. [17, 18, 37]) intrusion detection.
functions with the knowledge of the LA system being
employed in the adjacent nodes. Messages are passed
between the neighbour nodes to inform each other about 3.3 Need for a learning system
each other’s LA system. Fig. 2 shows a typical SLSR IDS can be modelled as a two-player game between the
system consisting of two wireless mesh nodes. attacker and the system. The attacker sends malicious
packets into the network. The system tries to detect and
3.2 Identification of malicious remove them. On the one hand, the goal of the attacker is
information to maximise the number of packets that go undetected by
the system. On the other hand, the goal of the system is to
The wireless medium used by WMNs is prone to a wide minimise the number of malicious number of packets that
range of attacks. This is because of the open and ad hoc go undetected and thus maximising the number of detected
nature of the WMN. Lack of physical security and limited packets. In a real-life situation, both the players would be
processing power of ad hoc nodes make cryptographic constraint by some budget. For example, the attacker will
techniques difficult to implement. There are many types of have some hardware constraints that limit the maximum
attacks, but the ultimate aim of any attacker is to take number of packets that can be sent within a given period of
control over the network. The attacker may do so by time. The system also has constraints. Scanning and
capturing packets from the network or inject new/malicious sampling all the packets would result in a large processing
packets into the network. Both the methods possess an overhead. This processing overhead will not only waste
eminent security threat. But injecting packets into the energy but also introduce latency into the network.

When we design the IDS, we associate a cost with

sampling of one packet. We define this cost as the cost of
thorough scan of packet header and any additional cost
(latency) involved in routing of the packet. Now, we can
associate a budget for this IDS. For example, a budget of
60 packets would mean that the complete examination
of the 60 packets will only result in an acceptable amount
Figure 1 LA component of a node in the network of energy utilisation and any latency introduced will also be

IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374 – 389 377
doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010

tolerable. The budget is not defined for the system as a whole, 4 SLSR – the learning component
but instead on a per node basis. In a WMN, the ad hoc wireless
nodes are heterogeneous and will have different budget. 4.1 Learning automata model
In Fig. 4, we present the proposed LA-based model for
The simplest solution to this game would be for the system
intrusion detection in WMN.
to sample continuously at its maximum budget. Even though
this will maximise the number of malicious packets that get
Let us define the following parameters:
detected, it is not an efficient solution. Controlling the
sampling rate in an energy-efficient manner requires the
a: {a1 , a2 , . . . , ar} be the set of sampling rates in the system;
nodes to be self-learning in nature. Further, in the context of
WMN, the learning system employed should have low space
b: environment response set for an action ai;
and time complexity. One such learning system is LA [18].
In our proposed algorithm, we design a simple LA-based
n: the time instant of the automaton;
solution to efficiently control the packet sampling rate,
making it suitable for use in resource constrained WMN.
Z: reward constant (0 , Z , 1). Used in the reward function
discussed in Section 4.4;
3.4 Need for a routing system
Y: penalisation constant (0 , Y , 1). Used in the
The LA discussed in the above section works independent of
penalisation function discussed in Section 4.5.
the neighbouring nodes. Unlike other networks, such as
WSNs, WMNs are not strictly bound by battery life. This
provides us the flexibility of introducing some Also, we consider the following parameters:
communication overhead between the nodes. As already
mentioned in Section 3.1, there also exists a routing MAX_RATE: The maximum allowed sampling rate for the
component. This routing component is responsible for the node. This value is dependent on the hardware capabilities of
exchange of LA information between the nodes. The need the nodes. In a homogeneous network, all nodes will have the
for this routing component can be explained using an example. same MAX_RATE. In a heterogeneous network, all nodes
need not have the same value of MAX_RATE. The higher
Let us consider the network configuration shown in Fig. 3. value of MAX_RATE signifies that the node is capable of
Nodes A, B and C are neighbours. Node D is a neighbour of scanning more number of incoming packets within a time
node B. Nodes B and C are neighbours with E. Let us period.
assume that node A wishes to send data to E. In a typical
scenario, OLSR [16] would have already established a best MIN_RATE: The minimum sampling rate at which the
route. Let us say, the gateway for A to send to E is nodes sample the network.
B. OLSR will continue to use the route as long as it is
active. In IDS, all nodes are actively on the watch for any MAX_SESSION_BUDGET and step value (S): The
attempts to intrude the network. If OLSR [16] continues maximum session budget and the step value S are used to
to send all the packets through the best route (A – B –E) make sure that the system performs in an energy-efficient
the resources on this path will get depleted and intrusion manner. The MAX_SESSION_BUDGET is the maximum
detection will be difficult. Instead, we suggest balancing the rate at which the node can sample during the next instant of
load on the IDS by choosing alternative paths (A – C –E). the automaton. The MAX_SESSION_BUDGET allows
the learning system to gradually adjust itself to the attack.
We propose the maintenance of a table to store LA The MAX_SESSION_BUDGET is used and modified in
information of neighbouring nodes. This new table and the the resource allocator algorithm, which is discussed in detail
route selection algorithm are discussed in detail in Section 5. in Section 4.6. The step value (S) is also used in the
resource request algorithm. The step value is used along with
the MAX_SESSION_BUDGET to control the increase in
sampling rate.

Figure 3 Example of a wireless mesh network Figure 4 Learning automata model for intrusion detection

378 IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374– 389
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010 doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196

detection rate is higher than the penalty threshold, then the

sampling rate is increased. Sampling is again performed
with the new sampling rate. If the detection rate is still
high, the rate may be further increased. When the
detection rate reduces below the penalty threshold, the
sampling rate is reduced.

4.3 Learning component algorithm

The learning component algorithm is given in Fig. 6.

4.4 Reward function

The algorithm for reward function is given in Fig. 7. The
reward function is used to reduce the node’s sampling rate.
The reward function is called when the detection ratio is
lower than the penalty threshold, that is, the rate of
sampling the node uses was not yielding very energy-
efficient results. The function in turn ‘rewards’ the node by
reducing its rate. During the next instant, the node will
need to spend less energy onto the sampling process.

Figure 5 Flowchart – LA component strategy

4.5 Penalisation function
Penalty threshold (P): (0 , P , 1) It is used to measure the
The algorithm for penalisation function is given in Fig. 8.
system’s performance.
The penalisation function is used to increase the node’s
sampling rate. The penalisation function is called when the
4.2 Sketch of the functionalities: system’s detection ratio is larger than the penalty threshold. This
signifies that the node detected a lot of malicious packets
strategy passing through it. This could be because the attacker is
Definition 1: Detection ratio is defined as the ratio between close to the node or the node lies on the best path taken by
the number of malicious packets detected and the number of the routing protocol. The high detection ratio signifies the
packets sampled. high probability of an attack in progress. In response to
this, the function increases the rate of sampling, so as to
The system’s strategy is shown in Fig. 5. In SLSR, each detect more number of packets. This is called ‘penalisation’
node continuously samples its interface at a minimum because during the next instant, the node will need to
sampling budget. If malicious packets are found and the spend more energy onto the sampling process.

Figure 6 SLSR – learning component

IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374 – 389 379
doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010

checks whether it is profitable (detection rate . penalty

threshold) to increase the sampling budget. This allows the
system to make sure that it is performing in energy-
efficient manner. The algorithm for rate control is given
below in Fig. 9.

Figure 7 SLSR – Algorithm for reward function 4.7 Evaluating the system’s performance
Compared to nodes in wired networks, the nodes in wireless
networks generally have lower processing capabilities.
Therefore it is not just important to associate a cost and a
budget with the sampling process, but also to measure the
efficiency with which the available budget will be used.
Sampling with the maximum available budget might result
Figure 8 Algorithm for penalisation function in more malicious packets being detected. This is only true
when the network is under an attack. During other times,
monitoring for the malicious packets will prove to be very
4.6 Resource allocator algorithm expensive. Our solution is more cost effective by moderately
Correctly predicting the nature of attack is an extremely increasing the sample budget. Whenever the system feels
difficult problem. Conventional methods employed in that the sampling process is not efficient, it reduces the rate.
wired networks cannot be efficiently used in wireless
networks. In WMNs, the constantly changing environment When evaluating an IDS, we suggest that one should not
makes the problem worse. The learning system discussed only consider the total number of malicious packets that the
earlier tries to learn the characteristics of the attack in a network was able to successfully detect and remove, but also
distributed manner. Although the routing component the efficiency with which it performed this task. In a wireless
shares information between the nodes, the shared networks, this sampling efficiency is crucial.
information is not used by the learning component. The
learning component may be, thus, vulnerable to bursty Definition 2: Sampling efficiency is defined as the ratio
traffic. If an attacker sends malicious packets is a bursty between the total number of malicious packets detected and
manner, the nodes will suddenly increase and decrease the total number of packets sampled during the duration of
sampling rates. The sudden increase in sampling rates may the attack.
not result in more packets being caught and will also waste
a lot of energy. We have evaluated the performance of our protocol by not
just analysing the percentage of packets that were successfully
In principle, increasing the sampling rate does not detected but also the efficiency with which it was detected.
guarantee that all the malicious packets are caught.
Increasing the sampling rate could also lead to lower 5 SLSR – the routing component
sampling efficiencies. In order to maintain efficiency, we
bound the value by which the sampling rate is allowed to 5.1 LA-TABLE
increase. This allows for a more moderate increase in The routing component maintains a table called LA-
sampling rate. After each increase/decrease, the system TABLE. This table is used by the route selection

Figure 9 Resource request algorithm

380 IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374– 389
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010 doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196

below in Fig. 11. The LA STATUS packet is sent out by a

node at the end of each instant of the automaton. The
purpose of this message is to inform the other nodes on
the new sampling rate being used by the node.
Figure 10 Blank LA-TABLE
When a node receives an LA STATUS packet it assumes
that the sender node has just started the LA automaton
instant. The receiving node sets the ‘Tuple expiration time’
in the LA-TABLE to one instant of automation. The
proposed protocol does not require the any time/
‘automation instant’ synchronisation between the nodes.
The proposed protocol, however, requires that the time of
one instant of the automation to be the same. For example,
we have assumed in our simulations that the value of time
for one instant of the automation be equal to 60 s.
Figure 11 LA STATUS frame format

Definition 3: Sampling load is defined as the ratio between

algorithm given in Section 5.4. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 explain
the current rate of sampling and the maximum rate at which
how the LA-TABLE is updated. The template for the LA-
the node is capable of sampling.
TABLE is shown in Fig. 10.
‘Sampling rate’ is the rate of sampling that will be used by
The fields in the LA-TABLE are explained below:
the node. ‘Sampling load’ is the relative load experienced by
the node. It is calculated as per the above definition.
Neighbour address: The IP address of the neighbour node. ‘Sampling load’ is used by the routing algorithm to
determine the next hop for an outgoing packet. ‘Address of
Balance budget: This field contains the balance sampling the node’ is the IP address of the node.
budget for the neighbour node. This value is set when the
LA STATUS message (Section 5.2) is received and updated Below is the algorithm used to send a ‘LA STATUS’
when the LA UPDATE (Section 5.3) message is received. message. The algorithm fills the LA STATUS packet
header with the required information. The packet is not
SRATE: The sampling rate of the neighbouring node. This intended to be forwarded. For this, the hop count is set to
value is set by the LA STATUS message. one (Fig. 12).

LOAD: The sampling load being experienced by the Upon receiving this message, the neighbouring nodes
neighbouring node. The load of the neighbouring is update the LA-TABLE. The balance budget in the LA-
calculated and sent by the neighbour. The route selection TABLE will be reset to the sampling rate specified in the
algorithm uses this to decide the next hop. LA STATUS packet. The ‘Process LA STATUS’
algorithm is followed by the nodes, when a LA STATUS
UpdateID: The update ID is used to differentiate between packet is received (Fig. 13).
the update messages sent by the neighbour nodes.

Tuple expiration time: The time when the tuple should

5.3 LA UPDATE packet
expire. This is normally set to one instant of the automaton. We propose a new routing message called LA UPDATE.
The frame format for LA UPDATE is shown below in
Fig. 14. The LA UPDATE packet is sent out by a node
5.2 LA STATUS packet during the instant of the automaton. For simulation
We wish to propose a new routing message called LA purposes, we considered that this packet is sent twice
STATUS. The frame format for LA STATUS is shown during the instant of the automation. The purpose of this

Figure 12 Send LA STATUS

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doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010

Figure 13 Process LA STATUS

detection ratio is lesser than the penalty threshold then the

rate is decreased. A

If the system uses a low penalty threshold, the sampling

rate of the system will easily increase. Increasing the
sampling rate will result in higher probability of detection
of malicious packets. This will improve the detection rate at
the node.
Figure 14 LA UPDATE format
If the system uses a high penalty threshold, the sampling
message is to inform other nodes on the amount of sampling rate of the system will not increase very easily. In order to
budget that is left in the node. This allows neighbour nodes do sampling of most of the packets, the routing component
to be updated on the status of the LA component. will route the packets in such a way that its gets sampled.
The smaller sampling rate ensures that the sampling of the
This message is particularly important in WMNs. This packets is done is a very energy-efficient manner. The
message help in reducing problems caused due to hidden routing algorithm distributes the sampling load among the
node problems. Let us consider that two nodes A and B nodes in the network. Thus, the systems performance is
want to send data through C. But each of them is a dependent on the penalty threshold.
neighbour to C, but are hidden from each other’s view.
From the LA STATUS message, both A and B would Lemma 2: The sampling efficiency of the system is
have got information about the sampling rate being used at dependent on the intensity of the attack.
node C. Both A and B will send packets to C assuming
that C will be able to sample them. The update message
allows C to keep its neighbours updated about its available Proof: Let the total number of packets that traverse through
sampling budget. This way A and B will be better a node (during an instant of automation) be T. Let the
informed about C’s available budget. Based on this number of malicious packets be M and the number of
information, their routing algorithms may change its path legitimate packet be L. Now, T ¼ M + L
(Fig. 15).
The probability of detecting a malicious packet during the
sampling process ¼ M/T. Therefore as the intensity of the
5.4 Routing selection algorithm attack increases, the probability of detecting a malicious
The route selection algorithm is summarised in Fig. 16. packet increases. This will result in more malicious packets
being found per sampling and thus increases the sampling
5.5 Theoretical characterisations efficiency. A

Lemma 1: The performance of the system is dependent on

the penalty threshold. Lemma 3: The performance of the system is inversely
proportional to the rate at which the attacker is attacking at.
Proof: The LA algorithm for SLSR uses penalty threshold
to decide on whether to increase or decrease the system’s Proof: Let the attacker be injecting one packet every l
sampling rate. If the detection ratio is greater than seconds. Let us now consider the first node that this packet
the penalty threshold, then the rate is increased. If the is traversing through. The budget for the node is designed

382 IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374– 389
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010 doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196

Figure 15 Algorithms to send and process LA status

for one instant of the automaton. For example, let one instant performance is inversely proportional to the rate at which
of the automaton be a 60 s time period. the attacker is attacking at. A

Now, the number of packets that the attacker inject during Lemma 4: The probability of detecting all the malicious
one instant of the automaton is 60/l. The larger the value of packets that traverse through the node is numerically equal
l, the smaller the number of packets received by the node. to (M! × (T 2 R)!/(M 2 R)! × T ).
The smaller the value of l, larger the number of packets
received by the node. In Lemma 2, we have already proved Proof: Let the total number of packets passing through a
the relation of the intensity of the attack and sampling node (per instant of the automaton) be T. Let the number
efficiency (or system’s performance). Thus, the system’s of malicious packets be M.

Figure 16 Route selection algorithm

IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374 – 389 383
doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010

Assume that the system is sampling at a rate of R packets. Table 2 Experimental parameters for experiments 1 and 2
Now, the probability of detecting all the malicious packets
that passes through the node is given by Parameters Value
LA reward parameter 0.1
CR M! × (T − R)!
= LA penalisation parameter 0.7
R (M − R)! × T !
penalty threshold 0.6
6 Experimental evaluation
step value (S) 5
We simulated the proposed protocol using network simulator
3 (NS3) [38]. We have evaluated the proposed protocol’s no. of mesh nodes 25
performance with the performance of S-LAID [18]. We
have studied the effects of the various protocol parameters
order to ensure a fair comparison, OLSR was used during
on the protocol’s efficiency. The important simulation
the simulation of the S-LAID protocol. The parameters for
parameters set in NS3 are given in Table 1.
this experiment are given below in Table 2.

6.1 Experiment 1: performance We considered three different scenarios. In each scenario,

evaluation between SLSR and S-LAID we varied the number of malicious packets that the attacker
In this experiment, we studied the performance of the injected into the network and studied the percentage of
proposed system with the existing S-LAID system [18]. packets that the two protocols were able to successfully
Even though S-LAID was designed for WSNs, it is can be detect and remove. The rate at which the attacker was
employed on mesh networks also. In this experiment, we injecting packets was different in three scenarios. In the
have adapted the S-LAID protocol [18] for the WMN first scenario, we considered that the attacker was sending
scenario. Although comparison of a protocol designed for one packet every 0.4 s, that is, l ¼ 0.4. The result of this
sensor networks to a protocol designed for mesh networks simulation is shown in Fig. 17.
is not a recommended practice, we feel that this
comparison here is important. First, because this In the second scenario, we considered that the attacker was
experiment not only tests the performance of the SLSR sending packets every 0.5 s, that is, l ¼ 0.5 s. In the third
system with S-LAID [18], it also studies the impact of the scenario, we again increased the value of l. This time we
routing component in the IDS. S-LAID [18] was designed considered that the attacker was sending packets every
so as to work irrespective of the routing protocol being 0.8 s, that is, l ¼ 0.8 s. The result of this experiment is
used. SLSR, on the other hand, is designed to work with important. From Fig. 17, we see that SLSR outperforms
OLSR. Secondly, both the protocols are LA-based S-LAID [18]. For example, at l ¼ 0.4 when the attacker
protocols. We feel that the comparison of one self-learning sent 250 packets, SLAID was able to detect 28% of
protocol with another is important. packets, whereas SLSR detected 37.2% of the packets.

Owing to the use of LA, SLSR and S-LAID [18] have

many similar parameters; for example, reward and
penalisation parameters and the penalty threshold. In our
experiment, while comparing S-LAID and SLSR,
common parameters were configured with the same values.
S-LAID works independent of the routing protocol, but in

Table 1 NS3 parameters

Parameters Value
channel helper YansWifiChannel Helper
channel propagation ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagation
delay DelayModel
physical medium YansWifiPhyHelper::Default
MAC type AdhocWifiMac Figure 17 Performance of SLSR against SLAID when
l ¼ 0.4

384 IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374– 389
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Also, at l ¼ 0.8, when the attacker sent 350 packets,

S-LAID [18] was able to detect 31%, whereas SLSR
detected 45% of the malicious packets sent. One of the
major reasons why SLSR was able to outperform SLAID
was because of its routing component. When a node is out
of energy to sample packets, its routing component tries to
find a route in such a way that the packet can get sampled.
This ensures that every packet gets thoroughly checked and
also better utilises the available sampling budget of the
other nodes which otherwise might not fall along OLSR’s
best route to destination.

If the sampling budget is very high or the number of

malicious packets sent is very small in number, then the
routing component may not surface out. But whenever the Figure 18 Performance of SLSR when network size is 25
attacker’s budget is high, the sampling budget of the node nodes
will get exhausted and the routing component will come
into play. This is evident from Fig. 17. In all the three with 25 nodes caught 41.25% of malicious packets, whereas
figures, the performance of SLSR increases with increase in the network with 50 nodes caught 82% of malicious packets.
number of packets that the attacker sent. For example, in
Fig. 17 we see that as the duration of the attack (attacker The observation that the performance of the network
sending more packets) increases, the performance of improves with an increase in l can be made in this
S-LAID drops from 40% to 32%. On the other hand, experiment also. In Fig. 19, we see that when the 300
SLSR was unaffected by the increase in number of packets packets were sent by the attacker, SLSR was able to detect
being sent. SLSR maintained a detection rate close to 40%. 77% when l ¼ 0.5. When l increased to 0.8, the
The gap between the performance of SLSR and S-LAID performance also increased with 84% of packets being
is most evident when l was set to 0.8. As the number of caught. When the attacker attacked at an interval of 1 s,
packets sent by the attacker increased beyond 300, the SLSR caught 91% of the packets.
SLSR started to detect around 15% more packets.
We observe that as the duration of the attack increases,
One more observation can be made. If the value of l SLSR adjusted itself to capture more number of packets.
increases, the rate of detection increases. This has already For example, in Fig. 18, when the number of packets sent
been proved earlier. We observe that in Fig. 17, the at l ¼ 0.8 is 100, SLSR caught 32% of the packets,
SLSR’s average detection rate is between 30 and 40%. As l whereas when 700 packets were sent, SLSR caught 70% of
increases to 0.5, SLSR’s average detection rate also the packets.
increases to between 40 and 50% of total malicious packets.
In Fig. 17, when l ¼ 0.8 then average detection rate lies
between 45 and 50% of total malicious packets.
6.3 Experiment 3: performance of
SLSR – study of sampling efficiency
of the network
6.2 Experiment 2: performance of In this experiment, we study the sampling efficiency of
SLSR – effect of network size the network varying the penalty threshold values. This

In this experiment, we aimed to study the impact of network

size on the performance of SLSR algorithm. We simulated
two scenarios with 25 and 50 nodes in the network.
Fig. 18 shows the percentage of malicious packets caught
against the number of malicious packets sent by the
attacker for different attack interval l rate when
the network consists of 25 nodes. Fig. 19 shows the
performance of the SLSR system with the varying number
of malicious packets sent by the attacker for various values
of l when the network consists of 50 nodes.

Comparing Figs. 18 and 19, we can notice that the

performance of SLSR improves with an increase in
network size. For example, when the attack interval was 0.5 Figure 19 Performance of SLSR when network size is 50
and 400 packets were sent by the attacker, the network nodes

IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374 – 389 385
doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010

experiment was conducted in order to prove that the We observe from Fig. 20 that when the penalty threshold
proposed protocol distributes its load among all the nodes is 0.1, very few nodes are able to sample at an efficiency
and does so in an efficient manner. Figs. 20– 22 show the greater than 0.5. Only two nodes achieved sampling
sampling efficiency at nodes in the network when the efficiency above 0.75. From Fig. 21, we observe that setting
penalty threshold was set to 0.1, 0.5 and 0.9, respectively. the penalty threshold to 0.5 resulted in more nodes
The parameters for this experiment are given below in sampling at efficiencies above 0.5. In total, eight nodes are
Table 3. sampled at efficiencies above 0.5.

Figure 20 Sampling efficiency of the network when penalty threshold is 0.1

Figure 21 Sampling efficiency of the network when penalty threshold is 0.5

Figure 22 Sampling efficiency of the network when penalty threshold is 0.9

386 IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374– 389
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010 doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196

Table 3 Experimental parameters for experiment 3

Parameters Value
LA reward parameter 0.1
LA penalisation parameter 0.7
penalty threshold 0.6
step value (S) 5 Figure 23 Number of malicious packets detected against
no. of mesh nodes 40
L 0.5 6.5 Experiment 5: performance of
SLSR – varying step value (S)
The step value (S) plays an important role in the LA system.
Table 4 Experimental parameters for experiment 4 The step value controls the increase in LA sampling rate.
This experiment is designed to study the effect of step
Parameters Value
value on the performance of the SLSR protocol. The
LA reward parameter 0.1 parameters for this experiment are given below in Table 5.
LA penalisation parameter 0.7
Fig. 24 shows the performance of the SLSR protocol when
penalty threshold 0.6 the step value was varied. Theoretically, increase in step value
MIN_RATE MAX_RATE/4 will allow the LA component to suddenly increase its
sampling budget. This sudden increase will not be
step value (S) 5
no. of mesh nodes 40 Table 5 Experimental parameters for experiment 5
L 0.3 Parameters Value
LA reward parameter 0.1
LA penalisation parameter 0.7
From Fig. 22, we observe that setting the penalty threshold
to 0.9 resulted in two nodes sampling at full efficiency. A penalty threshold 0.6
total of eight nodes are sampled at efficiencies above 0.5. MAX_RATE 40
Out of this seven nodes maintained sampling efficiencies
above 0.6. MIN_RATE 10
step value (S) 5

6.4 Experiment 4: performance of no. of mesh nodes 40

SLSR – varying MAX_RATE L 0.3
MAX_RATE is the maximum rate at which a node is
capable of scanning. In this experiment, we evaluate the
effect of MAX_RATE on the performance of SLSR. In
this experiment, we study the performance of SLSR
varying the MAX_RATE of the node. The parameters for
this experiment are given below in Table 4.

We notice that as the MAX_RATE increases for the

node, the performance of SLSR increases. In Fig. 23, we
see that when the MAX_RATE was 10 packets, SLSR
detected only 49% of packets. On the other hand, when
the MAX_RATE was increased to 40 packets, SLSR
detected 72% of the packets that were injected. When
MAX_RATE was further increased to 80 packets, SLSR Figure 24 Number of malicious packets detected against
detected 91% of the malicious packets. step value

IET Inf. Secur., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 374 – 389 387
doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2009.0196 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010

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