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Angelica Rodriguez

Professor Harrison

MGT 3070

12 January 2021

Chapter 1 Discussion Questions

1. Human Resources management contributes to a company’s success because of the
policies, practices, and systems that are implemented to influence employees’ behavior
attitudes, and performances. HR creates a strategic plan that is beneficial to the company
in order to maintain and increase the company’s performance.
2. The Human Resources functions that would be affected is Human Capital because it
would reduce HR value and might lay off some people because they are moving to a new
system that is automated. To not lose human capital motivation and effort is to implement
training to use the new systems.
3. The competencies that are important for the success in Human Resource management is
ethical practice, communication, and business acumen. I would develop communication
and ethical practice because it will keep employee retention rate and keep employees
from having any thoughts of committing fraud.
4. Non-HR managers are getting more involved because having basic knowledge of HR
management will help the organization and determine what kind of job their department
needs to get done.
5. I would entrust the specialist with employee rights and standard ethical behaviors because
having a specialist who has experience will have a better idea of what rights employees
would like to have and seen as fair treatment. In addition, setting standard ethical
behaviors because it gives a general idea of what is deemed ethical and can prevent any
form of collusion.
6. They need to have knowledge and skills related to HR management because it would
make the company/organization run more smoothly and efficiently
7. It is an ethical requirement because discriminating against ones race, sex, national origin,
or age over 40 goes against all the civil rights laws we have passed to guarantee that
everyone is treated equally.
8. Bring up the incident in the next staff meeting and ask the employees opinions on how to
improve the safety of the workplace.
9. The advice I would give my friend is to look into careers that involve or specialize in
recruiting, training, or labor relations.

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