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Angelica Rodriguez

Professor Harrison

MGT 3070

20 January 2021

Immigration Case Study

The impact on recruiting immigrants has on the demand of labor is high. Recruiting immigrants,

especially those who are undocumented, is beneficial to organizations that require extensive

labor like construction, farming and other services because these undocumented workers willing

take up those jobs at a cheap price. In addition, the huge spike in immigration that started in the

1970’s still continues to grow and the people immigrating mostly come from Latin America.

According to Jeanne Batalova and her colleagues stated, that in 2018 alone 25% of the

immigrant population coming into the U.S. come from Mexico. This affects other service

orientated companies recruiting process because they would need to start looking for people who

are fluent in Spanish; since more than 33% come from Hispanic/Latino origins and 67% were

U.S. Natives, but are fluent in Spanish making it the most commonly spoken language after

English. Furthermore, organizations have been recruiting many foreign-born citizens and putting

them in more professional roles in management, business, science and the arts. But, with hiring

more foreign-born citizens the organization has to accommodate these employees’ to meet

satisfy their needs, so it can be a friendly work environment for them. In addition, to helping

them adjust to the different company culture America has compared to when they were back in

their home country.

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