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December 2019

Republic of the Philippines

Province of Albay



Municipal Mayor

PTRERRP November 2020

Table of Contents
I. Acronyms ......... 4
II. Executive Summary ......... 5
III. Overall Situation ......... 8
IV. Disaster/Calamity Context ......... 8
V. Objectives ......... 11
VI. Proposals ......... 12



Proposal 1
2. Project Components:
a. Core Shelter Assistance and Relocation Site
b. Emergency Shelter assistance
c. Food for Work
d. Cash for Work


Proposal 2
1. Project Title: Infrastructure Repair and RehabilitationProject
2. Project Component:
a. Roads and Bridges
b. Government Facilities
c. Flood Control
d. Irrigation System
e. Water System Utilities
f. Upgrading of Education Facilities andEmergencyEvacuation
g. Upgrading of Medical and Non-MedicalFacilities


Proposal 3
1. Project Title: Capacitating Business Sectors on Business Continuity
2. Project Components :
a. Implementation of Enterprise Rehabilitation Fund by Small
Business Corporation(SBC)
b. Conduct of Business Continuity Plan Workshop
c. Continuing Green Advocacies

Proposal 4
1. Project Title: Rehabilitation and Upgrading of damaged Agricultural
Crops and Fisheries
2. Project Components:
 Rice Production Program (Lowland, Rainfed, Upland)
a. Corn and Cassava Production (Upland)
b. High Value Commercial Crops
 Vegetables, Sugar Cane and others
c. Coconut Rehab Program
d. Abaca Production
e. Fisheries
f. Livestock

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Proposal 5
1. Project Title: Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Community-Based
Disaster Risk Reduction

Proposal 6
1. Project Title : Repair/Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Damaged
Educational Facilities
a. Elementary and Secondary schools
b. College/Campus
 BU Polangui Campus


Proposal 7
1. Project Title: Upgrading and Rehabilitation of Health Services and
Nutrition Program
2. Project Components:
 Upgrading and Assessment of Damaged Equipment
 Improve the Nutrition of Children at the Coastal Areas

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APSEMO Albay Public Safety and Emergency Management Office

BFP Bureau of Fire Protection
CC Climate Change
CCA Climate Change Adaptation or Academy
CSO Civil Society Organization
CD Critically Damaged
DEO District Engineering Office
DepEd Department of Education
DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways
DOE Department of Energy
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
DRRM Disaster Risk Reduction Management
DA Department of Agriculture
DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources
ENRO Environment and Natural Resources Office
LGU Local Government Unit
LSWDO Local Social Welfare Development Officer
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
NGA National Government Agencies
NGO Non-Government Organization
NHA National Housing Authority
NSO National Statistics Office
NAT National Achievement Test
NEDA National Economic and Development Authority
OCD Office of Civil Defense
P2TE2RP Polangui TY Tisoy Early Recovery and Rehab Plan
PTCAO Provincial Tourism of Culture and Arts Office
PCEDO Provincial Cooperative Employment Development Office
PHO Provincial Health Office
PED Provincial Education Department
PVS Provincial Veterinary Services
PAS Provincial Agriculture Services
PEO Provincial Engineering Office
PGA Provincial Government of Albay
PDRRMC Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council
PHIVOLCS Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
PAGASA Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration
PSWDO Provincial Social Welfare Development Office
PPDO Provincial Planning and Development Office
PA Philippine Army
PNP Philippine National Police
PN Philippine Navy
PTA Parent-Teachers Association
RDC Regional Development Council
RDRRMC Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council
TD Totally Damaged
TOG5-PAF Tactical Operations Group-Philippine Air Force

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Typhoon Rolly, with international name Goni, entered the Philippine Area of
Responsibility in the afternoon of October 29, 2020 as a severe tropical storm which
swiftly strengthened into a typhoon later evening of the same date. According to the
early weather update from the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomic
Services Administration (PAGASA), the typhoon was headed west to Central Luzon-
Quezon Area expecting landfall on the evening of November 1 or morning of November
2 with an estimated sustained winds of 120 km/h to a gustiness of up to 150 km/h, and
a warning that Typoon Rolly will likely gain more strength before hitting the land.

On the Morning of October 31, 2020, the typhoon was tracked down moving
Southwestward at 25 kms/ph, with a maximum sustained wind of 225 km/h and
gustiness of up to 265km/h projected to reach the Bicol Region by Sunday. Hence,
Signal No. 4 was hoisted in Catanduanes, Eastern part of Camarines Sur and Northern
Part of Albay including the Municipality of Polangui.

At 2 am of November 01, 2020, Typhoon Rolly was officially declared a Super

Typhoon as it maintained its maximum sustained wind of 225 km/h but more wind gusts
at 310 km/h, the whole Province of Albay was then raised to Signal No. 5. By 4:50 am,
Super-Typhoon Rolly made its first landfall in Bato Catanduanes, violent winds and
torrential rainfall were already prevalent at this point. It intensified when the course of
the Super-Typhoon jumped to Albay when Rolly made its second landfall in the
Municipality of Tiwi, Albay at 7:20 am. The Municipality of Polangui, having a proximity
of only 28 kilometers away from the Municipality of Tiwi, made it closely experienced the
intense fury of Super-Typhoon Rolly resulting to heavier rains and more violent winds
for the next four more hours up until it calmed down before 12 noon, resulting to the
over-flow of water in several rivers within the Municipality most especially the San
Francisco River which is the main fluvial artery of Polangui.

This recent calamity took its toll on our Agricultural and Infrastructures. Not to
mention the number of residential houses from both mainland and upland barangays
which were flattened to the ground by the Super-Typhoon Rolly. Unluckily, one casualty
was reported in Barangay Sugcad which was death exclusively caused by the family’s

Polangui 7,163 1
TOTAL 7,163 1


PROPERTIES etc. Super Typhoon Rolly’s effect on the following are massive.
According to collected data, there are a total of 2,297 totally damaged houses and
8,164 critically damaged houses across the Municipality of Polangui, from lowland,
upland and rinconada barangays. Furthermore, as to agriculture assessment, it sighted
coconut as the major resource affected by the Typhoon. As a result, 2,000 coconut
trees are unlikely to bear fruit for the next three (3) years with estimated damage of Php.

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34,938,000.00. combined with damages sustained by other agricultural resources such

as banana, abaca, rice, corn, sugar cane, vegetables and live produce amounting to a
staggerring Php. 167,009,013.00.

Infrastructure recovery plan is proposed for a long term resiliency approach designed at
least 300 to 450 kph wind-load-capacities, for vertical structures, or 30-year flood return
period for Horizontal and flood coastal structures.

TABLE OF DAMAGES (As of 01 November 2020– MDRRMOs/APSEMO)

Cost (PhP)
Totally Damaged 2297 160,790,000.00
Critically Damaged 8614 258,420,000.00
Sub-Total 419,210,000.00

INFRASTRUCTURE 382,209,237.50
ECONOMIC 6,500,000.00
HAZZARD 88,050,000.00
EDUCATION 439,800,000.00
GRAND TOTAL 1,025,747,115.00


the declaration of the State of Calamity by the Sanguniang Panlalawigan, the Local
Government of Polangui through its Sangguniang Bayan declared the same through
Resolution No. 007 s. 2020 on November 02, 2020, thus giving the LGU the legality to
spend the remaining 30% of its calamity fund for the purpose of responding to the
immediate needs of the affected constituents. However, due to the massive aftermath
brought by the Typhoon, said fund cannot suffice to cover all expenses, hence the Local
Government Unit still needs support from the national government to quickly respond to
the immediate recovery requirements which is the rationale for this Recovery and
Rehabilitation Plan.
AFTERMATH ASSESSMENT.  Immediately after the typhoon, the Municipal Disaster
Risk Reduction Management Office (MDRRMO) conducted a dissaster assessment.
Collected Data were then submitted to the Albay Public Safety and Emergency
Management Office (APSEMO) to check on the gaps not covered by the local initiatives.
The Municipal Planning and Development Office, Engineering’s Office and the
Department of Social Welfare and Development jointly conducted barangay to barangay
assessment and validation of damages to residential properties of the constituents.
These are then included in the preparation of the rehabilitation and recovery plan of the
Local Government Unit of Polangui for funding assistance from the national government
and other funding agencies.


REHABILITATION PLAN OF POLANGUI. It shall also include the implementation as
well as monitoring and evaluation activies of the rehab and recovery plan of Polangui.

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Municiplaties in Albay that is always greatly affected by Typhoons everytime one hits
the province which is majorly caused by its location. Due to its low elevation, it then
serves as the catch basin of floodwater from 1st and 2nd district of Albay before waters
go to Lake Bato as its final reservoir. Being a small town, it needs the help from the
national and international agencies in the rehabilitation and development of the
damages in housing, Infrastructure and agriculture.

MDCs ENDORSEMENT.  Given the special circumstances where economic damages

were heavy and affected population is substantial, humanitarian assistance has largely
been difficult to source given the absence of deaths and visuals of destruction. Thus,
the endorsement of each Municipal Development Councils (MDC) of this recovery and
reconstruction document is critical in securing adequate resources so that these
economic damages will not transform into malnutrition in the short-term and structural
poverty in the long term and the Province and its people are afforded the opportunity as
well as resources to sustain the momentum of growth particularly in tourism and
diversified agriculture. 



1.1 Location and Geographic Bounderies

The Municipality of Polangui is situated on the central northern part of the Province of
Albay. It is geographically located at coordinates between 13°32’ N and 123°5’ east
longitude. It is bounded on the North by the municipality of Buhi and Iriga city, on the
South by the Municipality of Libon and Oas, on the East by the Municipality of Oas and
Tabaco City and on the West by the Municipality of Libon, Albay and Municipality of
Bato of the province of Camarines Sur. (Northwest of Municipality of Tiwi)

1.2 Agricultural Land Use Classification

Polangui has a total land area of 145.30 square kilometers that accounts for about
17.28% of the total land area of the province. Of those total land area 10,872.3
hectares are classified as agricultural land or 75% of the municipal total land area. Rice
is the major crop which accounts for about 42% then follows the coconut plantation.

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Sugarcane which is being cultivated in almost twenty upland barangays has a total
land area of 1,324.5 hectares or 12.2% of the agricultural lands. The rest of the
agricultural lands are planted to several crops such as corn, banana, root crops,
diversified crops, fruit trees and abaca.


2.1 Typhoon Rolly, et al

In the event of Super-Typhoon Rolly, there are four (4) major effects that caused
substantial devastations in the proposed rehabilitation areas and these are:
1) Strong winds of 225 kilometers per hour sustained wind and gustiness of up to 310
kilometers per hour;
2) Landslides in the mountainous and steep slopes;
3) Floods along the flood plains and urban centers;
4) Flash flood and debris flows along the river systems
Early dawn of November 01,2020, Typhoon Rolly pounded Polangui at 225 kph for 8
hours non-stop, brought havoc to the lives and properties of the 88,221 Polanguenos.
The Local Government Unit recorded a data of totally damaged houses of 2,297 while
critically damaged stretched to 8, 614. These are structures majorly made up of light
materials, whose inhabitants need the most assistance.
Flooding and severe wind caused distressing devastations to properties, livelihood,
infrastructure, lifelines and other critical local resources.. In agriculture alone,
assessment report showed that 1,715 hectares of ricelands, 348.9 hectares of
vegetable plantation, 105 hectares of corn were severely affected.The coconut farms
(2,027 hectares) and farmers of 2,000 (PCA:Albay) were the most affected.

The strong winds wasted coconut fruits and rendered coconut trees expected to be
unproductive for the next three (3) years, reducing opportunities of coconut farmers for
subsistence and livelihood. In the infrastructure sector, farm to market roads were
eroded, flood structures crumbled and rendered useless, water passages blocked, thus
spilling over to low lying areas, ravaging farms.
Power energy outage left chain reactions to the economic losses of the business sector
and the general public where communication system, water supplies, banking and
finance, as well as commercial and government transactions brought about setbacks.
The validated damage assessment report consolidated by the consortium indicated that
damages on properties, houses, crops and fisheries, school buildings, day care centers
health facilities, roads and bridges, lifelines and other critical resources have an
estimated damage value of Php 968,428,250.50 as of 02 November 2020.
Damage Report in Tables:

Typhoon Rolly Summary Report on Damage Houses

Municipality Totally Damaged Critically Damaged Remarks

Polangui 2,297 8,614  

GRAND TOTAL 2,297 8,614

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Cost (PhP)
Totally Damaged 2,297 160,790,000.00
Critically Damaged 8,614 258,420,000.00
Sub-Total 419,210,000.00

Type Affected area Farmers Production Loss
(Has.) affected
Coconut (PCA Est) 2027 2000 34,938,000.00
Rice 1715 1831.9 122,019,500.00
Corn 105 92 730,250.00
Veggies, etc 348.9 1165 7,853,683.00
Banana 501 575 187,870.00
Abaca 201 92 804,000.00

Sub-Total 166,533,303.00


Type Heads Cost (PhP)
Swine/Breeden 51
Mallard 513
Chicken 482
Turkey 25
Goat 9
Sub-Total 475,710.00

Polangui Misc. Facilities 382,209,237.50
GRAND TOTAL   968,428,250.50

2.2 Early Recovery Efforts

Immediately after Super-Typhoon Rolly, reports coming from the barangays were
then validated by the assigned departments such as the Municipal Agriculture,
Engineering, Municipal Planning and Municipal Social Welfare and Development for
possible interventions that would fasten the assessment of assistance that shall be
readily be provided for the constituents.

The Local Government Unit of Polangui then, collated and consolidated the damages
on housing (both partial and total), infrastructure and agriculture for submission to to
various offices in need of the data such as Office of the President, the OCD, APSEMO,
DSWD, DPWH and other national/international agencies that could fund for the early
recovery of these sectors. This report would comprise of interventions on Agriculture,
Food and Security; Health, Housing, Settlements and Livelihood; Public Infrastructure;

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Education; Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem and enhancement of

Ecosystem, Disaster Risk Reduction and Hazzard Review.

Under the structure and mechanism, the following were the immediate
efforts/interventions implemented:
1. Education

a. Assessment of damages
b. Plan for the upgrading and rehabilitation of education facilities and utilities
c. Continuous clearing operations by the PTA/Barangay Officials and the
d. Securing damaged classrooms/buildings for the safety of the school
properties, teachers and pupils

2. Environment & Natural Resources

a. Assessment of damages in the ecosystem of the province

b. Plan for interventions in the re-creation of balance in the ecosystem
c. Clearing of areas affected with debris and uprooted trees
d. Declogging of river ways

3. Infrastructure

a. Assessment of damages to public infrastructure and other utilities

b. Clearing of roads for accessibility
c. Planning of upgrading and rehabilitating public infrastructure
d. Provision of temporary walk paths for accessibility

4. Agriculture

a. Assessment of damages to crops

b. Preparation of early intervention for farmers’ hunger mitigation
c. Farmers consultation

5. Health

a. Assessment of damages on health infrastructure

b. WILD Watch and prevention
c. Advocacy and Education for health promotion


The rehabilitation and upgrading of Typhoon Rolly damages through a “Build-Back-

Better” scheme will take a period of at least three years. This can be achieved through
partnership between the local government and the national government with support
and committed participations from the private sector, national or international donors
and national or international non-government organizations. The proposals herein are
aimed to achieve the following:
1. Institute early socio-economic repair, recovery and upgrading efforts, inter-
complementing development initiatives in restoring local resources, facilities,
livelihood, health, education, housing, agriculture, industry, tourism, environment
and ecology;

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2. Re-establish higher and stronger community resiliency by providing safe and

permanent settlements and resettlement sites;

3. Restore livelihood activities to achieve reasonable income of affected families

and help them sustain health, education and comfortable living.


The proposed Super Typhoon Rolly: Early Recovery and Rehabilitation Plan of Polangui
is a comprehensive strategy thought to be valuable application of adaptation concepts
in development to reduce anticipated disaster risks. These proposals in the plan, each
one addressing every sector’s need in upgrading and rehabilitating facilities and utilities
as well as well-being of Polaguenos, for a better and safer disaster risk reduction
management. The following are the proposals.

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Typhoon Rolly, with international name of Goni, traversed southwestward hitting

directly the Province of Catanduanes on its first landfall and Municipality of Tiwi on its
second. It has a sustained centerwind of 225kph and up to 310 0kph gustiness with an
estimated rainfall of 400mm. The diameter of Rolly was 600km and Polangui was
located at its eyewall hence were battered with a destructive rains and winds for 8 hours
non-stop starting 4:00 am November 01, 2020 to 12 noon. Polangui was at the eyewall
during the wrath bringing massive destructions in infrastructure, agriculture, housing
and environment. This also causes economic losses because most of the commercial
establishments were damaged and submerged to flood waters. There was also an
estimate of 8,614 partially damaged houses and 2,297 totally damaged houses.

The Provincial Government of Albay has been widely recognized for pursuing
exemplary disaster risk reduction and management initiatives. It undertakes a
comprehensive emergency preparedness program, such as pre-emptive evacuation of
population at risk, stockpiling of food commodities, among others to ensure zero
casualty and build resilience and capacitate communities. On the other hand, the
MDRRMO also made preparations in terms of pre-emptive evacuations and pre-
positioning of relief goods.

To ensure prompt recovery of the Local Government Unit and its people. This SUPER
POLANGUI was then conceptualized. Among the priorities of this are the
reconstruction of the destroyed houses of the community to be able to rebuild their lost
morale and livelihoods. This Plan will identify the gaps in terms of rebuilding houses and
propose interventions for a resilient community, if not minimized, destruction in the
future especially to the lives of the people.

The Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office of Polangui is the designated
lead of the Housing, Settlement and Livelihoods group. It will work hand in hand with the
PSWDO and National Housing Authority (NHA) to organize and facilitate restoration of
housing conditions of the affected population.


Project Site : Municipality of Polangui, Albay

Project Components:

a. Core Shelter Assistance and Relocation Site

b. Emergency Shelter assistance
c. Food for Work
d. Cash for Work

Project Proponent : HON. ANDY A. MARISCOTES

Municipal Mayor of Poalngui

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Project Implementer: Municipal Government of Polangui and

Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office

Project Beneficiaries : Families affected by Super Typhoon Rolly

Total Project Cost : Php. 257,269,300.00

Project Duration : January 2021 to December 2022


The Philippines is visited by an average of 22 typhoons every year. It is a tropical

country which is situated in western portion of the pacific and the pacific ring of fire
which renders it vulnerable to typhoons and earthquakes. The typhoons which enter
the Philippine area of responsibility and affect the province trigger occurrences of
flooding, landslides and storm surges to the coastal areas and swamp areas and other
high risk communities.

On October 29, ,2020, Super-Typhoon Rolly entered the Philippine Area of

Responsibility. On November 01, 2020, it then made two (2) separate landfalls, one in
Bato Catanduanes at 4:50 am and Tiwl, Albay at 7:20 am. Polangui was one of the
most devastated LGUs since it was within the eyewall of the typhoon being 28
kilometers Northeast of Tiwi. For about 8 hours non-stop, the flood waters came rushing
from the first district and went through the San Francisco river causing the flood water to
rise up to 3 feet high. The following significant data were recorded by the LGU brought
about by the wrath of Typhoon Rolly:

 It brought some 7,163 families or 28,200 persons to designated

evacuation centers as a preventive measure of the concerned MDRRMCs.

 It also contributed to significant damages to houses and infrastructures

and extensive economic losses particularly in the agricultural sector.

 These impacts in the socio-economic condition of the people are most felt
among the vulnerable and marginalized population as manifested by
reduced or lost income and occupation and impaired social functioning.

The Local Government of Polangui is working with the Provincial Government of Albay
on the recovery and rehabilitation of the effected population. It spearheads partnership
and convergence with various stakeholders to mobilize resources and participation.


The project aims to prevent loss of lives and properties and mitigate the effects of flood
and landslide and storm surge to population at risk.

Specifically, the project attempts to attain the following:

 Institute early recovery efforts to support socio-economic development

through early rehabilitation and reconstruction/ repair of damaged
infrastructure and provide support requirements to affected families.

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 Establish higher community resiliency by providing safe and permanent

resettlement site and core shelter.


The Provincial Government of Albay has been widely recognized for pursuing
exemplary disaster risk reduction and management initiatives. It undertakes an
integrated emergency preparedness program, such as pre-emptive evacuation of
population at risk, stockpiling of food commodities, among others to ensure zero
casualty and build resilience and capacity of the communities.

The Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office as member of the Municipal
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (MDRRMC) whose response
activities and interventions are in place and timely executed for prepositioning and
distribution to the affected populace.

As the displaced population is starting and trying to regain their lives, the government
works and converges its efforts to help the affected population. The MSWDO is the
designated lead of the Housing, Settlement and Livelihoods group. It works hand in
hand with the DTI, DOLE, Provincial Cooperative and Enterprise Development Office
(PCEDO) and National Housing Authority (NHA) to organize and facilitate restoration of
housing condition of affected population as one of its main functions.

 The project beneficiaries are those families whose housing structures were
damaged by typhoon Rolly. They are classified as follows:
 Families with totally damaged (TD) houses – whose housing unit is washed out;
entire structure is damaged and unusable and cannot be repaired
 Families with critically damaged (CD) houses – their houses incurred major
structural damage and unsafe for use and will take some period of time to
 Families with partially damaged (PD) houses with houses which suffered some
structural damage but safe for limited use.

The target beneficiaries of this project was identified and validated by the LGUs through
their MSWDO.


The Project has four (4) components: `

1. Core Shelter Assistance and Relocation Site

This is a program of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) which
responds to disaster mitigation and preparedness. It aims to provide a structurally
strong house that can withstand up to 200 kph wind velocity, earthquake up to intensity
4 of the Richter scale.

In order to help the families who were rendered homeless by Typhoon Rolly and face
continued vulnerability to hazard, assistance shall be made available through provision
of limited financial and material support for the construction of shelter units, temporary
shelter and land acquisition and site development to serve as the relocation site.

The relocation site to be acquired can accommodate 1,000 core shelter units per
hectare. The site development includes construction drainage, road networks, septic
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tanks and land titling. The selection of land shall be based mainly on its safety from the
hazards of flood, landslide, tsunami, storm surge, mud and lahar flow.

Initially in Polangui, forty (40) % of the totally damaged houses or 920 families are
targeted to benefit from the assistance. Each family is entitled to receive P70, 000.00
cash grant to enable each beneficiary purchase materials.

2. Emergency Shelter Assistance

It is the provision of housing materials to augment resources of families in repairing and

rehabilitating their totally damaged and critically damaged houses. 2,297 of the totally
damaged houses and 8,614 families of the critically damaged houses will be extended
with this type of assistance.

3. Food for Work

This intervention is a proven and effective tool in early recovery of affected areas. As
most of displaced population particularly those engaged in the agricultural sector cannot
immediately return to their livelihood as an offshoot of destruction incurred to their farm
implements and fishing equipment, among others, they are therefore left jobless and are
more incapacitated to rebuild their shelter.

The food for work is intended to assist the families with totally and critically damaged
houses in expediting the repair and reconstruction of their dwelling.

In addition to this, the food grant will go to the rehabilitation of damaged community
infrastructures to be taken part by families having totally and partially damaged houses.
They will render service for one day and will receive P300.00 worth of rice as incentive.

The TD beneficiaries shall be paid rice which is equivalent to P1,500.00/ family while
the CD recipients shall receive the same food commodity amounting to P750.00.

4. Cash for Work

This cash grant shall likewise be provided to the disaster victims in exchange for their
services or involvement in undertaking house repair and construction as well as
restoration and rehabilitation activities in the community. This will be availed of by CSAP
beneficiaries in order for them to build a temporary shelter which they can occupy while
construction of core shelter units is underway. Each family will be paid P300.00/day for
serving 10 days of work.


The final list of beneficiaries as per validation conducted by the MSWDO and submitted
to the Housing, Settlement and Livelihood Cluster shall be the basis for identifying the

Prior to the commencement of the project implementation, the MSWDO shall conduct
social preparation activities to the beneficiaries, community and partner agencies.

To encourage community participation and mobilization, the MSWDO shall organize the
beneficiaries into a Neighborhood Association for Shelter Assistance (NASA) which
shall be responsible in the procurement, management and control of resources,
safekeeping of tools, maintaining of inventory of construction materials, construction
worker and monitoring of project progress.

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The core shelter units to be built shall conform with the design and standard of the
DSWD’s approved shelter plan and specification. The actual construction works shall be
rendered by the family heads and other male members of the family with the support of
other NASA members.

The LSWDO shall be assisted by the LGU Engineer in the supervision of shelter

The LSWDO shall be required to submit accomplishment and terminal report to the
Provincial Cluster Head.



Families Individuals PGA Other DSWD TOTAL

40% of Totally
 Construction of
Units; 920 4,600 64,400,000.00 P64,400,000.00
 Temporary
Shelter; 3446 17,228 30,000,00.00 30,000,000.00
 Land
Acquisition and
Site 30,000,000 30,000,000.00

P 124,400,000.00
 60% of the
Totally 1377 6,885 P41,310,000.00 P41,310,000.00
@ 30,000
 60% Critically 5168 258406
Damaged P77,520,000.00 P77,520,000.00
@ 15,000


100% of the Totally
Damaged and
Critically Damaged
 Totally 2,297 11,485 P3,445,500.00 P3,445,500.00
@ 1,500
 Critically 8,614 43,070 P6,460,500.00 P6,460,500.00
@ 750 P9,906,000.00

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 Community- 11,911 54,555 3,573,300.00

program for
one day @
(100% of TD
and CD)


 10 days @
1200 6000 P300,00 P360,000.00
300 for CSAP

GRAND TOTAL: P257,069,300.00



1. Validation of report on
damaged houses
2. Consolidation and
finalization of list of
families with damaged
house category/
3. Preparation of project
proposal/ justification and
masterlist of families
recommended for shelter
4. Submission of project
proposal/ justification and
masterlist of families
recommended for shelter
5. Conduct of social
6. Organization of
Neighborhood Association
for Shelter Assistance.
0 2
1. Supervision of
2. Monitoring of
3. Meeting with
NASA and
4. Submission of
status report
5. Submission of

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terminal report


While the family heads are aware of the need to repair and rebuild their house, they are
caught between working on their units and going to work to earn a living. The various
interventions to be offered will solve this dilemma as the family heads and other working
members of the family can now focus on rebuilding their shelter without having to worry
for the daily food need and other expenses related to house construction to be incurred,
thus teaching them to prioritize basic needs and developing self-reliance and proper
utilization of resources.

This food and cash grant will also be utilized to draw participation and involvement of
the families in rehabilitating basic infrastructures and working for other community
projects, hence promoting self-help and value for community resources.


Monitoring and evaluation will be adopted to ensure the proper conduct of the
implementation of the project. The LSWDO shall be required to report and to submit an
accomplishment and terminal report to the Provincial Cluster Head to monitor the
progress of the project.


Each and every year Philippines is most likely experiencing numerous and devastating
calamities. Almost each year; not lower than five or more than 15 typhoons passes in
the Bicol Region and, some of these typhoons greatly hit and devastate the province of

In fact, early morning of November 01, 2020 a Super-Typhoon named Rolly passed by
and brought havoc to the Albayanos. Bringing a sustained wind of 225 k/ph and
gustiness of more than 310 k/ph, Signal No. 5 was hoisted in the whole Province of
Albay. Massive trees are uprooted seemingly looking Albay as it was cleared. This

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incident to be looked in deeper sense is just a small percentage compared to what truly
lies from the disaster left.

Some roads are in-penetrable, bridges were shaken causing most of it were weakened,
electric lines was cut that brought broad darkness for weeks after weeks, government
facilities like Municipal Halls, Town Centers, hospitals, and offices were damaged.
Classes will be interrupted due to vast wreckages in school buildings. In addition,
utilities like water facilities and irrigation system were damaged too, causing difficulties
in both water and food supplies.

Infrastructure damage are crucial in economic growth, rehabilitation and reconstruction

of these facilities are essential to ensure life to its people. First hand activities and
services must be addressed soon enough in order to sustain its people’s living, thus
must also provide them security. Without doing so, a probable much damage or loss will
be experienced as most of these infrastructures had gone old and need for upgrading or
much efficient a reconstruction.

A detailed list of this damaged report for rehabilitation is presented as attached for
further review. This consist of following list of roads and bridges for rehabilitations,
restoration of government facilities, rehabilitation of flood control, irrigations, water
systems, and the education and emergency evacuation centers.

However, the LGUs cannot afford much for this rehabilitation. Hence a combined effort
of other government offices and private institutions are called in attention for support to
fast hit recover the specifically for the municipality of Polangui.



 Project Component : a. Roads and Bridges

b. Government Facilities
c. Flood Control
e. Irrigation System
f. Water System Utilities
g. Upgrading of Education Facilities and
EmergencyEvacuation Center
h.Upgrading of Medical and Non-Medical

Project Proponent : HON. ANDY A. MARISCOTES

Municipal Mayor
Municipality of Polangui, Albay

 Project Area : Municipality of Polangui, Albay

 Project Implementer : a. Provincial Engineering Office

c. DPWH District Engineering Office III
d. NIA
e. LGU of Polangui

 Total Project Cost : Php 382,209,237.50

A. Project Background and Rationale

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In the Bicol Region, occurrences of major disasters such as typhoons usually create an
atmosphere of chaos and crisis with demands for rehabilitation efforts to support the
affected communities.

On November 01, 2020 Super-Typhoon “ROLLY” hardly hit the Municipalities of from 1 st
and 3rd District. Dwellings and some vital infrastructures were knocked down by flood
and strong wind, while other facilities and control systems like irrigations and water
systems, roads, and government sites have been destroyed; and household settlements
have been displaced.

As infrastructure is crucial to social and economic growth of an area, there is a serious

need to rehabilitate them to ensure that activities and services be not hampered.
Unrestored infrastructure will mean sluggish economic development. Flood control
systems should be repaired immediately as this poses harm to communities near coast,
rivers and other bodies of water; same with irrigation systems which are vital to ensure
food security.

In line with this, barangay Facilities such as Barangay Halls, Covered Courts, Day Care
Centers and Health Centers must be well aided in terms of necessary shelter. These
facilities stand a very important role for all basic services delivered both by the local
government unit and the provincial government. These structures are also used as
disaster operation and evacuation centers during calamities.

Meanwhile, it is imperative to restore all damaged road networks, as these serve as an

all-purpose passage for agricultural production, trade, commerce and for transport and
mobility of people and government basic services. In addition, water systems, as well,
are to be given emphasis to be looked forward to rehabilitate to eradicate water-borne
diseases, and to provide efficient supply of potable water to rural communities.

However, the said rehabilitation efforts, thus, need a huge amount of funds and
considerable resources providing aid unto. The LGU and the provincial government of
Albay alone cannot entirely restore all these damages. Hence, fund sourcing from other
government offices and non-government organizations is looked-for.

B. Project Objectives

1. To restore all damaged structures, ensure sustainability, and resistance from

typhoons and other natural calamities, thereby, shall provide Albayanos a
safe and livable place.

2. To mitigate the possible harmful impacts of hazards and related disasters to

structures, lives and properties.

C. Brief Description of the Project

The rehabilitation and restoration of damage public structure is a Provincial intervention,

to provide its constituents with a sustainable and disaster-resilient infrastructure
projects. It’s Repair and Rehabilitation Program on Infrastructure is divided into seven
project components namely:

1. Rehabilitation and Restoration of Roads and Bridges, which include the


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Description Classification Length Damage Cost

1 Alomon Hanging Bridge- FMR 200,000.00
Purok 4
2 Alomon- Hanging Bridge Provl Road 200,000.00
Purok 6B
3 Balangibang- Barangay Local Rd 150m 500,000.00
Road 150m
4 Balinad- Foot Bridge 2 Local Rd 200,000.00
5 Balinad- Foot Bridge 2 Local Rd 300,000.00
@ Purok 1,2 and 3
6 Centro Occidental- Local Rd 20,000.00
Eroded Road Shoulder
at Purok Jupiter
7 Centro Oriental- Foot 6,000,000.00
Bridge to Ubaliw
8 Cepres- Foot Bridge Local Rd 100,000.00
9 Kinuartelan- Unpassable Local Rd 2,000,000.00
Damaged Road at Zone
10 Lourdes- Bridge going to Local Road 3,000,000.00
La Purisima
11 Lourdes- Pathway at Local Road 20,000.00
Zone 5
12 Maynaga- Temporary FMR 100,000.00
Foot Bridge at Zone 1
13 Maynaga- Temporary FMR 100,000.00
Foot Bridge at Zone 2
14 Maynaga- Temporary FMR 100,000.00
Foot Bridge at Zone 3
15 Maysua- Spillway Local Road 300,000.00
16 Napo- Hanging Bridge Local Road 300,000.00
connecting to Isla Verde
17 Napo- Provincial Road Local Rd  500m 10,000,000.00
Napo to Balaba
18 Salvacion- Provincial Local Bridge 50 m 500,000.00
19 Salvacion- Barangay Local Bridge 60 m 600,000.00
Road- Zone 1
20 Salvacion- Barangay Local Bridge 50 m 500,000.00
Road- Zone 2
21 Salvacion- Barangay Local 60 m 600,000.00
Road- Zone 3
22 Ubaliw- Damaged Foot National Rd 1,000,000.00
Bridge connecting to
Centro Oriental

2. Rehabilitation and Restoration of Government Facilities, which include the


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1 Agos- Senior Citizen Building PARTIALLY DAMAGED 30,000.00
 50% Roof
2 Agos- Waiting Area Building PARTIALLY DAMAGED 30,000.00
 Roof & Gutter
3 Agos- Child Development PARTIALLY DAMAGED 3,000.00
 4 Window Glasses
4 Agos- Evacuation Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 10,000.00
 1 Glass Door
5 Agos- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 8,000.00
 Gutter
6 Agos- Solar Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 2 poles
7 Alnay- Waiting Shed Roofing PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
8 Alnay- Evacuation Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 Window Glass and Door
9 Alnay- Multi-purpose Building PARTIALLY DAMAGED 10,000.00
 Door
10 Alnay- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
11 Alomon- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 200,000.00
12 Alomon- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 10 posts
13 Amoguis- Material Recovery PARTIALLY DAMAGED 30,000.00
Facility (2)
14 Amoguis- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 35,000.00
 35 posts
15 Anopol- Evacuation Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
16 Anopol- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 10 posts
17 Anopol- Material Recovery PARTIALLY DAMAGED 10,000.00
18 Balaba- Day Care Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
19 Balaba- Material Recovery TOTALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
20 Balaba- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 200,000.00
21 Balaba- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 10,000.00
 10 posts
22 Balinad- Rice Processing Corp. PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
23 BaIinad- CCTV TOTALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 1 set
24 Balinad- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 250,000.00
 25 posts
25 Basud- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
26 Pintor- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 200,000.00
27 Buyo- Evacuation Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
28 Buyo- Day Care Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
29 Buyo- Barangay Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
30 Buyo- 4 Material Recovery TOTALLY DAMAGED 40,000.00
31 Buyo- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00

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 10 poles
32 Centro Occidental- Material PARTIALLY DAMAGED 20,000.00
Recovery Facilty
33 Centro Occidental- Multi- PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
Purpose Building
34 Cepres- Barangay Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 Roofing
35 Cepres- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 10 posts
36 Cepres- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 20,000.00
 Light Bulbs
37 Cepres- Waiting Shed PARTIALLY DAMAGED 20,000.00
 Roofing
38 Cepres- Day Care Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 Roofing
39 Cepres- Evacuation Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 Glass Window
40 Cotmon- Day Care Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 150,000.00
41 Cotmon- Material Recovery PARTIALLY DAMAGED 10,000.00
42 Cotmon- Barangay Outpost PARTIALLY DAMAGED 10,000.00
43 Cotmon- Evacuation Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
44 Cotnogan- Day Care Center 1 PARTIALLY DAMAGED 30,000.00
 Window
45 Cotnogan- Day Care Center 2 PARTIALLY DAMAGED 20,000.00
 Gutter
46 Cotnogan- Barangay Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
47 Cotnogan- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000,00
48 Danao- Barangay Outpost PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
49 Danao- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 10 posts
50 Gamot- Day Care Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 Roof and Ceiling
51 Gamot- Barangay Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
52 Gamot- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 200,000.00
 Roofing
53 Gamot- Multi-purpose Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
54 Itaran- Barangay Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 5,000.00
 Window
55 Itaran- Drop-wire for Street PARTIALLY DAMAGED 20,000.00
56 Kinale- Barangay Hall Roofing PARTIALLY DAMAGED 300,000.00
57 Kinaurtelan- Evacuation Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 3,000,000.00
 Door Locks Damaged
 Damaged Doors
 Public CR Unroofed
58 Kinaurtelan- DAR Muscovado TOTALLY DAMAGED 500,000.00
Processing Bldg.
 2 Buildings
59 La Medalla- Talipapa Market TOTALLY DAMAGED 20,000.00
60 La Medalla- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 200,000.00
 Gutter and Roofing

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61 La Purisima- Barangay Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00

 Roofing
62 La Purisima- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 400,000.00
 Roofing
63 La Purisima- Day Care Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 Roofing
64 La Purisima- SK Office PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 Roofing
65 La Purisima- Material Recovery PARTIALLY DAMAGED 10,000.00
66 Lanigay- Barangay Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 150,000.00
 Unroofed ( 8x10 Roofing)
67 Lanigay- Evacuation Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 1,000,000.00
 Pacquiao Building
68 Lidong- Barangay Pavilion PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 Ceiling
69 Lidong- Multi-purpose Building TOTALLY DAMAGED 500,000.00
 Roof and Window
70 Lidong- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 500,000.00
 Roof
 Basketball Board
 20 Light Bulbs
71 Lidong- Day Care Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
72 Lidong- Corn Dryer Building PARTIALLY DAMAGED 300,000.00
 Roofing
73 Lidong PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 Main Door and Window
74 Lidong- Stage TOTALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
75 Lourdes- Barangay Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
76 Lourdes-Day Care Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
77 Lourdes-Evacuation Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
78 Lourdes- Basketball Rings PARTIALLY DAMAGED 25,000.00
79 Lourdes- Barangay Outpost PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
80 Lourdes- Material Recovery PARTIALLY DAMAGED 10,000.00
81 Lourdes- Public Comfort Rooms PARTIALLY DAMAGED 20,000.00
82 Lourdes- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 10 posts
83 Matacon- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 5 Street Posts ( Zone
84 Matacon- Stage PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 Zone 2
85 Maynaga- Material Recovery PARTIALLY DAMAGED 20,000.00
86 Maynaga- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
87 Maysua- Barangay Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 Roofing
88 Maysua- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 200,000.00
 Roofing
89 Maysua- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 250,000.00
 26 posts

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 
Maysua- Barangay PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 Roofing
91 Maysua- SK Building PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 Roofing
92 Mendez- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 15 Posts

93 Mendez- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 150,000.00

 Roofing
94 Napo- Day Care Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 Door and Window
95 Napo- Evacuation Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 30,000.00
 Window
96 Napo-Multi-purpose PARTIALLY DAMAGED 400,000.00
Building/Barangay Hall
97 Napo- Session Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 Roofing, Ceiling and
98 Napo- Kitchen PARTIALLY DAMAGED 3,000.00
99 Napo- SK Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 200,000.00
 Roof, Ceiling and
100 Napo- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 Roof
101 Napo- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 180,000.00
 18 Road Lamps and
102 Napo- Stage PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
103 Pinagdapugan- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 200,000.00
 8 posts
104 Pinagdapugan- Street Lamps PARTIALLY DAMAGED 90,000.00
 9 lamps

105 Ponso- Multi-purpose Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 80,000.00

 Ceiling and Electrical
106 Ponso- Material Recovery TOTALLY DAMAGED 80,000.00
 Concrete
107 Ponso- Material Recovery PARTIALLY DAMAGED 20,000.00
• Movable (2pcs)
108 Ponso- Day Care Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
109 Ponso- Multi-purpose Building PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
110 Ponso- Barangay Outpost TOTALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
111 Salvacion- Multi-purpose PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
112 Salvacion- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 5,000.00
 3 Posts
113 Salvacion- 2 Material Recovery PARTIALLY DAMAGED 20,000.00

114 Salvacion- Day Care Center TOTALLY DAMAGED 250,000.00

115 San Roque- Material Recovery PARTIALLY DAMAGED 80,000.00
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Facility 4
116 San Roque- Waiting Shed PARTIALLY DAMAGED 150,000.00
 3 Units
117 San Roque- Day Care Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
 2 Buildings
118 San Roque- Barangay Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 200,000.00
119 Santicon- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 5 Posts
120 Santicon- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 6,000.00
 4 Units Mercury Light
121 Santicon- Covered Court PARTIALLY DAMAGED 200,000.00
 Roofing
122 Santicon- Barangay Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 200,000.00
123 Santicon- Day Care Center/ALS PARTIALLY DAMAGED 200,000.00
124 Sta. Cruz- Street Lights PARTIALLY DAMAGED 210,000.00
 21 posts
125 Sta. Cruz- Barangay Hall PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
126 Sta. Cruz- Barangay Outpost PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
127 Sta. Cruz- Evacuation Center PARTIALLY DAMAGED 100,000.00
128 Sta. Teresita – Waiting Shed PARTIALLY DAMAGED 50,000.00
 2 Units
129 Sugcad- Street Lights TOTALLY DAMAGED 10,000.00
 60 Bulbs
130 Ubaliw- Material Reciocery PARTIALLY DAMAGED 15,000.00
Sub Total

3. Rehabilitation and Restoration of Flood Control, which include the following:


1 Amoguis- Line Canal Local 100 m 100,000.00
2 Anopol- Line Canal Nat’l 150m 150,000.00
3 Apad- Damaged Rip rap Nat’l 10m 100,000.00
4 Centro Oriental- Damaged Nat’l 200m 2,000.000.00
Rip rap
5 Cotnogan- Cross Local 100,000.00
Drainage at Zone 6
6 Cotnogan- Line Canal at Nat’l 200,000.00
Zone 1-7
7 Danao- Drainage Canal Nat’l 50,000.00
8 Kinale- Flood Control Dike Nat’l 120m 5,000,000.00
9 Kinale- Eroded Flood Nat’l 80m 3,500,000.00
Control Dike
10 Lourdes- Slope Protection Nat’l 70,000.00
at Zone 1
11 Matacon – Line Canal at Nat’l 100m 100,000.00
Zone 1 & 3
12 Pinagdapugan- Line Nat’l 3m 50,000.00
Canal at Zone 2

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13 Ponso- Rip rap / Flood Nat’l 100m 3,000,000.00

Control at Purok 3
Ponso- Rip rap / Flood 100m 3,000,000.00
Control at Purok 7
Santicon- Eroded Prov. 50m 100,000.00
Sta- Cruz- Drainage Canal 2m 5,000.00
Sugcad- Riprap Destroyed 100,000.00
at Zone 2
Sugcad- Riprap Destroyed 100,000.00
at Zone 5


4. Rehabilitation and Restoration of Water System Utilities, which include the


1 Cotmon- Water System Polangui, Albay 100,000.00

2 Ubaliw- Water Pipeline Polangui, Albay 4” 10,000.00


5. Rehabilitation and upgrading of education facilities and emergency

evacuation centers.

1 11 classrooms major AgosPolangui Construction 5,800,000.00

damaged and 7 school /Repair of 18
classrooms minor damaged classrooms
2 2 classroom partially damaged Alnay, Polangui Repair of 2-
classrooms 1,000,000.00

3 2 classrooms major damaged & 4 Alomon, Construction 1,600,000.00

classrooms minor damaged Polangui /Repair of 6
4 1 classroom totally damaged and Amoguis, Polangui Construction/ 1,500,000.00
1 partially damaged Repair of 2
5 1 Classroom partially damaged Anopol Repair of 1 500,000.00
6 1 Classroom Totally Damages, 4 Apad Construction/ 3,000,000.00
Classroom Major Damages, Repair of 8
Classroom Minor Damage classrooms
7 3-classroom partially damaged Balaba Repair of three 2,000,000.00
8 Capability Enhancement Building Purok 2, Maynaga 500,000.00
9 3-classrooms damaged Napo Napo elem School 2,000,000.00
Elem School
10 3- Classrooms partially damaged Pinagdapugan 1,500,000.00
Elem School

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11 1-classroom unroofed Sta Cruz Elem 800,000.00


12 Gymnasium unroofed Ponso Elem School 2,000,000

13 Gymansium unroofed Cotnogan 2,000,000

14 3-classrooms unroofed (bagong PSCS 2,000,000.00

Lipunan Building)

15 2-storey 8-classroom building PSCS 4,000,000.00

partially damaged

16 APSTA building damaged PSCS 800,000.00

17 Covered Court partially damaged Mendez Elem 1,000,000.00


18 Principal’s Office partially Mendez Elem 500,000.00

Damaged School

19 Bagong Lipunan Building partially Napo Elem School 1,500,000.00


20 IRP-ADB Grade 3 Building totally Napo elem School 2,000,000.00


21 Multi-Purpose Building partially Ponso National 500,000.00

damaged High School

22 Senior High School Building Ponso National 1,000,000.00

partially damaged Highschool

23 Bayanihan Building Hall damaged Ponso National 2,000,000.00


24 Principal’s Office unroofed Balinad Elem 500,000.00


25 Gate and Perimeter fence Balinad elem 200,000.00

partially damaged School

26 Marcos Type Building totally Ponso North elem 2,000,000.00

damaged School

27 Nursery Building unroofed Ponso North Elem 500,000.00


28 Bagong Lipunan Building Ponso South Elem 2,000,000.00

collapsed School

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29 Multi-Purpose Building partially Ponso south elem 1,000,000.00

damaged School

30 RP-US Bayanihan Building Ponso South Elem 1,000,000.00

unroofed School

Sub-total 54,100,000.00

7. Rehabilitation and upgrading of medical and non-medical facilities.

Agos- Barangay Health Center
 Roof, Ceiling and Gutter
3 Alnay- Barangay Health Center 50,000.00
4 Amoguis- Barangay Health Center 100,000.00
5 Anopol- Barangay Health Center 100,000.00
6 Buyo- Barangay Health Center
 Ceiling
7 Cepres- Barangay Health Center
 Gutter
8 Cotmon- Barangay Health Center 100,000.00
9 Cotnogan- Barangay Health Center
 Gutter
10 Danao- Barangay Health Center 50,000.00
La Purisima - Barangay Health Center
 Roofing
Lidong- Barangay Health Center
 Ceiling 150,000.00
 Ceiling Window Glass
Mendez- Barangay Health Center 50,000.00
Napo- Barangay Health Center
 Roof
 Ceiling
 Window
Ponso- Barangay Health Center 100,000.00
San Roque- Barangay Health Center 100,000.00

Sub Total 1,800,000.00

D. Management and Implementing Arrangements

The project will be implemented by both national government, provincial government

and Municipal Local Government of Polangui. However, its maintenance and operation
shall be the responsibility of the LGU. Project construction will be done by contract. To
ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the project, a qualified and

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PTRERRP November 2020

competent contractor with proven track record should be hired following the government
procurement law.

E. Project Financial Requirement

The Total project cost is PhP 382,209,237.50 for Polangui is itemized as follows:

Particulars Cost

Pre-Engineering & Construction 9,983,890.10

Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Roads & Bridges 269,600,000.00

Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Government Facilities

Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Flood Control 134,900,000.00

Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Irrigation System 29,394,505.00

Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Water System Utilities 15,300,000.00

Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Education Facilities 54,100,000.00
and Emergency Evacuation Centers
Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Medical and Non-
Medical Facilities
In Phil Pesos (PhP) Php382,209,237.50

Upon receipt of the certificate of cash availability, the national government and grant
counterparts shall be deposited in a Special Account to be opened for this particular

F. Timeline

To ensure effective implementation of the projects, the proper process on project

development must be conducted starting from preparation of detailed engineering
design, civil works including procurement activity, construction works, monitoring and
supervision and impact evaluation.

G. Monitoring, Evaluation and Documentaton

Project implementation monitoring and evealuation will be conducted by the Provincial

Engineering Office (PEO) through periodic reports and documentation.

As shown below, the project duration is twelve months or one year.

Activity Duration: 3 years

1 2 3
Q Q Q3 Q Q 1 Q Q3 Q4 Q Q Q3 Q4
1 2 4 2 1 2
1.Preparation of Detailed
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PTRERRP November 2020

a. Survey
b. Preparation of
c. Program of works

a. Advertisement
b. Pre-procurement
c. Pre-bidding etc.
3.Project Implementation

H. Socio-Economic Justification

Better irrigation systems will mean increase in farm yields and more income to the
farmers. Local entrepreneurship will be boosted again and employment opportunities
will be created. The employment opportunities will push labor participation and
employment rates will tend to up igniting household family income to increase in the

Clean water systems will result to less number of cases of water-bourne diseases.
There will be an increase in school participation since children will be free from
infestation of such diseases.

The rehabilitation of roads and its associated infrastructure as bridges, slope protections
and line canals will continue to boost agricultural productivity in the project areas due to
unhampered transport of agricultural production. It will also improve access to
government programs and support mechanisms particularly in the field of crop
production and other trade facilities.

It shall also result to a developed access to health and medical facilities, and a result
too, to a developed access in health and medical facilities, schools and other
educational facilities; thus, decreasing the burden of people from affected communities
can be served.

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PTRERRP November 2020


In the early morning of November 01, 2020, the Province of Albay became the centre of
“Typhoon ROLLY”. It was to become essentially an economic destruction for the
people of Albay. The 225 k/ph and gustiness of more than 310 k/ph for eight (8) straight
hours savaged the Polangui economy which lost P50M in output and income losses as
well as impairment of fixed invesments. This could become structural damage if not
offset with net resource transfer. The entire province was distressed including the
telecommunication system, power supply, banking institutions, business
establishments, enterprises, manufacturing services. The biggest impact would have
been the loss of momentum particularly in tourism which would have taken time and a
lot more money to restart the consumer and business optimism needed to sustain it.

In order not to minimise the liquidity gap (between the arrival of new resources and the
execution of programs and projects) which could lead to demand and supply
constraints, the Economic Society Sectors Group of Albayimmediately went to task by
proposing measures, some of which have already been realized.


1. CLEARING OF ROADS. The DPWH Region V, DEO 3 in particular, together with

the Provincial Engineering Office and units of Provl PNP Office and AFP,LGU office
started to clear main roads at about 6 am of November 02, 2020 immediately after
Pagasa ascertained that Rolly has already passed Albay. Thus, in 3 days, all roads
in Albay were passable. On the other hand, clearing operation in the barangay and
municipal roads as well as the business center of the LGU of Polangui were
undertaken by the Municipal Engineering Office.

2. POWER RESTORATION. 19,488 houses and business connections had to be

reconnected after the massive damage of Rolly on vertical structures.

3. TELECOMMUNICATIONS. Most telecom firms operating in Albay are non-

operational since November 02,2020 hence disrupting the day-today economic
activities of the economic sector.

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4. BANKING. ATMs are not yet operational but banking sector is back to normal


The aftermath “Typhoon Rolly” brought heavy devastation to Albay. The entire province
was distressed including the telecommunication system, power supply, banking
institutions, business establishments, enterprises, manufacturing services and business
process outsourcing (BPOs) which caused losing investments and moving to other
places. With an estimated total damage cost of Php 500M to the business sector in the
Province of Albay created by the typhoon, there is a significant need to push for the
sector’s urgent rehabilitation in order to bring back its dynamism and to keep the local
economy going. In Polangui alone, an estimated economic loss of 50M due to damages
incurred in their buildings and waste of products as caused by flood.

Immediate interventions initiated by the government and private sector are essential to
regain the losses and mend what have been incurred. One of these strategies is the
implementation of enterprise rehabilitation fund from the Small Business Corporation. It
is a special loan package for the affected SMEs approved by the SBC to create a
special lending window for Albay-Based Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

At a single digit interest rate with relaxed collateral requirements and a longer payment
period to allow affected businesses to recover financial losses brought about by
Typhoon Rolly. The loan carries a low 8% interest per annum at diminishing balance,
with grace period of six (6) to nine (9) months, 5 years term payment with amortization
on a tapering mode. Each business is allowed to avail a loan with a minimum amount
of P200,000.00.

Another approach is the conduct of business continuity planning workshop that will
capacitate the local Small & Medium Enterprises in preparing their Business Continuity
Plans (BCPs). It will help them build back their production and operation to be better
and be resilient to any risk that may arise.

Ultimately, the continuing advocacies is an environmental campaign program. It is

designed to promote among local businesses, households and even offices to support
the green practices and technologies for them to adopt in their operations to save cost
and help in preserving the environment.


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2. Project Components :

• Implementation of Enterprise Rehabilitation Fund by Small Business

• Conduct of Business Continuity Plan Workshop
• Continuing Green Advocacies

3. Project Areas/Site : Municipality of Polangui

4. Project proponent : Hon. ANDY A. MARISCOTES

Municipal Mayor
Polangui, Albay

5. Project Implementer : Department of Trade & Industry

Provincial Office, Legazpi City

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6. Project Beneficiaries : 450 Engaged in SMEs, Manufacturing

Services, Agribusiness and Consumer Group

7. Total Project Cost : PhP 6,500,000.00

a. Total Cost of Grant Aid : 1,500,000.00

b. Total Cost for National

Government Assistance : 5,000,000.00

8. Project Duration: January-December 2021


In the aftermath of typhoon Rolly in November 02,2020, finds the province of Albay in
desolation. The outage of power system and other lifelines rendered the business
operations paralyzed for two days. Even small retail stores shut down. Long queus in
limited operational ATM were noticed.
As a continuous downtime/abnormal data internet services from TELCOs will cost
millions of losses on the part of their subscribers as today’s business are largely
dependent on telecom services.
On the manufacturing sector, typhoon Rolly destroyed roof of warehouses, work areas,
damaged packing materials, raw materials, delivery vehicles and damaged even the
finished products ready for delivery.

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Operation was likewise shut down for two days due to unavailability of workers. The
manufacturing sector faces the difficulty of serving customers with previous
commitments. Retail chain big and small suffered from damaged stores and goods
soaked in water that operations have likewise to shut down due to clean-up and repair.
The indicative cost of damages to the industry sector in just in four days amounted to
PHP 797,100,000.00


The proposed project aims to get back the losses and provide an assistance to sustain
the industry group. Enhance the resiliency of the business industry during and after the
Specifically, the proposed projects intends to:

a. Replenish the costs of damages to its extent due to “Super-Typhoon Rolly”.

b. Regain the business back to normal through capacity building assistance and
directing the essentials.


This proposed rehabilitation plan is a complete package of approaches to immediately

respond the need for recovery of the province. This will cater the basic necessity of
economic sector to initially mend from the disaster caused by “ Super-Typhoon Rolly.


1. Implementation of Enterprise Rehabilitation Fund by Small Business


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It is a package for the Albay-based Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) where they
can avail a loan with a minimum amount of Php 200,000.00 with 8% interest per annum
and will be given a six (6) to nine (9) months grace period, payable in 5 years. This
rehabilitation fund from the Small Business Corporation (SBC) is a result of the request
from the Province of Albay and Albay Economic sector group to provide assistance to
the business institutions in coping with the devastation of Typhoon Tisoy.

2. Conduct of Business Continuity Plan Workshop

A capacity building trainings will be given to the local small and medium enterprises to
capacitate them in preparing Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) and become flexible in
every disaster that may arise in the locality. The program will be in partnership with GIZ,
Promotion of Green Economic Development (ProGED) and the Department of Trade
and Industry - Albay (DTI - Albay) considering the Province of Albay as of the seven
replication sites in the country.

3. Continuing Advocacies

It is designed to promote among local businesses, households and even offices to

support the green practices and technologies for them to adopt in their operations to
save cost and help in preserving the environment.


The Department of Trade and Industry Provincial Office through its technical staff will be
responsible for the implementation and project management. The project will conduct
capacity building trainings, seminars and colloquium to affected small and medium
enterprises, manufacturing services, agribusiness and consumer groups.

It is tasked to accomplish the physical targets according to the objectives in support to

the scheme of the province Building-Back-Better.

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The project will require an amount of Six Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos
( P6,500,000.00) to bear the cost of expenses in restoring the business sector in the

The DTI Provincial Office shall determine the details of the project financial requirement
which shall be subject to government accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

Breakdown of Financial Requirements:


1.Implementation of Enterprise
Rehabilitation Fund by Small Small Business Corp.
Business Corporation (SBC)

2.Conduct of Business Continuity

Potential Donors/
Planning Workshop P500,000.00

3.Continuing Green Advocacies Potential Donors/

TOTAL P6,500,000.00


2021 2022

am/ Activities

1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 0 1 2

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ion of
n Fund

Conduct of



The carrying out of the project will strengthen the susceptibility of business sector in
addressing the needs to improve the knowledge in disaster preparedness of the
stakeholders. Once the economic group was fully revitalize, this will have a chain effect
to the community then to the entire province as well.


The implementation of the project will be quarterly monitored by the TWG on project
monitoring and evaluation through reports and other activities.

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Polangui has to fast track recover from the havoc That Super-Typhoon Rolly left behind.
Agriculture was the main sector who suffered severe damaged. The farmers and
fisherfolks are now experiencing adversity that difficult to resist due to the instant effect
of the said calamity. Damage were found on rice that were about to be harvested in a
month, and coconut trees that were tumbled down. Value of loss and damage to rice
crops was estimated at Php 122,019,500.00; Corn Crop Php 730,250.00, vegetables
Php. 7,853,683.00 and bananas Php.187,870.00 and livestock damages at Php 475,

The agricultural recovery plan has two major components: the Rehabilitation and
Upgrading of damaged Agricultural Crops and the other is the Replacement and
Upgrading of Livestock and Poultry.

The first component addresses the agriculture and fishery commodity against the
disastrous effects of natural calamities such as typhoon and floods. This covers seven
different sub-components namely Rice Production, Corn and Cassava Production, High
Value Commercial Crops, Coconut Rehabilitation Program, Abaca Production, and Agri-
Facilities and Equipment.

On the other hand, the second major component which is the Replacement and
Upgrading of Livestock includes the Livestock Dispersal Program, Livestock Upgrading
Program, Veterinary Medical Mission and Extension Services as well as Trainings and
Seminars for livestock farmers. Veterinary assistance will be provided by DA-TWG.
Animal Health services like vitamin injection, deworming will be covered in order to
enhance the body resistance and control transmissible diseases and restore their
productive capability.

This sector requires the total budgetary requirement of 33,336,000.00 allocated for
Rehabilitation and Upgrading of damaged Agricultural Crops and for Repair and
Rehabilitation of damaged Livestock.


a.Project Title : Rehabilitation and Upgrading of damaged Agricultural

Crops and Fisheries

b.Project site : Municipality of Polangui

c. Project Components:

Project Components Direct Project Local Total

Cost as Grant Counterpart (Php)
(Php) (Php)
1.Rice Production Program 10,200,000.00 10,200,000.00
Lowland, Rainfed& Upland
2.Corn and Cassava Production 6,700,000.00 6,700,000.00
3.High Value Commercial Crops 2,031,000.00 2,031,000.00
- Vegetables, sugar caneetc.
4.Coconut Rehab Program 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
5. Abaca Production 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00
6.Agri-Facilities and Equipment 10,000,000.00 5,000,000.00
7.Food for work 405,000.00 405,000.00
Total 33,336,000.00 33,336,000.00
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d. Project Proponents : Municipality of Polangui

e. Project Implementers : Municipal Agricultural Services Office
f. Project Beneficiaries:
Rice, Corn, Coconut, HVCC, Root Crops Farmers, Fisherfolks
g. Total Project Cost
1. Direct Project Cost as Grant : Php 33,336,000.00
2. Total Budget Requirement : Php 33,336,000.00

h. Project duration: Two (2) years

II- Project Background and Rationale

Super-Typhoon “Rolly” had recently brought damage to our agricultural crops

specifically on rice, corn, vegetables, fruit trees, bananas and others. Several agri-
facilities were also damaged by the strong winds with 225 k/ph and gustiness of more
than 310 k/ph wind force. Damaged were noted on rice at seedbed/ seedling stage and
on early planted rice while others at vegetative stage. Still an estimated 1,831.9
hectares were affected. In forms of peso value damage for rice crop was estimated at ₱
122, 019, 500.00

Corn crop damage particularly among corn cluster areas in the area were estimated at
92 hectares with an estimated amount of ₱ 730,250.00 loss in production.

Henceforth, an immediate rehabilitation plan is needed to offset production loss and

ensure steady food security. As part of the rehabilitation effort, the Provincial
Agricultural Services in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture RFU5 shall
provide subsidized or full subsidy certified palay seeds, vegetable seeds, organic and
inorganic fertilizers including technical assistance to affected farmers. For identified
areas which no longer fit for rice planting, vegetables and other cash crops can be
provided to these affected areas.

Providing the farmers/ fisherfolks with production inputs especially after calamities will
help minimize dependence of farmers on high- rate private loans and can boost
agricultural production to ensure food security.


1. The general objective of the proposed project is to revitalize the agriculture

and fishery sector in Albay.

2. Specifically, the proposed project aims to:

a) Help rice farmers recover from their production loss after the calamity;
b) Help corn and cassava farmers rehabilitate their existing corn and
cassava areas;
c) To establish safe and sustainable agriculture involving high value
commercial crops towards sustainable vegetable production and
nutritional improvement.
d) Strengthen the capability of fisherfolks against the disastrous effects of
typhoons and other weather related hazards through coastal risk
mitigation strategies.
e) Provide rehabilitation assistance to damaged farmland with agri-
infrastructure facilities.

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The proposed project addresses itself to the resiliency of agriculture and fishery
commodity against the disastrous effects of natural calamities such as typhoon and
floods. With this project on rehabilitation agenda it is hope that the farmers recover their
production loss and further continue their economic activity.

IV.1 Following are the specific project description of the components:

1. Rice Production

a. Lowland and Rainfed Rice

The sufficiency level for rice production for the past two years was computed 120%, a
normal rice production year.

The total damage to rice crop for both lowland and rainfed rice areas was assessed as
245 hectares. Most of these rice areas were at vegetative, flowering and booting stage.
There are also areas at seeding stage where palay are on seedbed ready for planting.

Although upland rice areas did not suffer severe damage, The Agriculture sector
proposed to be provided by seed assistance to upland rice farmers, thus they could
plant upland rice integrated with other upland crops.

Technical Assistance to these rice farmers will be a joint effort coming from DA-RFU
5,PAS,MAS/CA and the local Farmer-Technician (LFT) specifically following the
Farmers Climate Field School Module.

In partnership with the Department of agriculture RFU 5 together with the City/Municipal
Agricultural Services Office. The PGA shall provide subsidized certified Palay seeds to
masterlisted rice farmers whose areas were damaged by Super Typhoon “Rolly”.
Accredited seed growers shall supply and deliver the needed certified seeds to
CLGUs/MLGUs and will be responsible for the seed/s distribution based on the
guidelines formulated.

2. Corn and Cassava Rehabilitation Plan

Corn farmers whose areas were damage by the Super-Typhoon “Rolly” and upon
validation by the PAS and MAS Staff found to be areas with no chance of recovery shall
be provided with input assistance thru the formulated guidelines. The municipal
agriculture office shall prepare the masterlist of corn farmers indicating the area in
hectares and the number of bags needed for planting. Then will be indorsed to the DA
RFU 5 upon validation by the PAS

 The necessary technical assistance shall be extended to those

farmers through the Municipal Agricultural Extension Workers.

 Periodic reports from MAS Office shall be submitted to the

Provincial Agricultural Services Office about the status/ progress of
the rehabilitation areas. DA- RFU 5 shall be copy furnished with the
reports after review and consolidation by PAS report officers.

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3. High Value Commercial Development Project (HVCDP)

High value crops especially vegetables commodities suffered the most areas damaged
by typhoon “Rolly”. These vegetable commodities were reported as crops damage with
no chance of recovery.

Through partnership with the DA- RFU 5, the Municipal Agricultural Services Office and
the Provincial Agricultural Services will collaborate to carry project activities.

A. Commercial Vegetable Areas

To augment our vegetable production in Albay, areas which were planted on a

commercial scale and reported as damage areas will be provided with seeds and
organic fertilizers starting with 1,000 square meters to one (1) hectare.

Through the Albay Vegetable Association, farmers who are classified as commercial
growers will be masterlisted by the AEW with the corresponding areas to be planted.

Municipal Agricultural Office HVCDP Coordinators will facilitate the distribution of

vegetable seeds in coordination with the Provincial Agricultural Services and the DA-
RFU 5. Likewise, technical assistance shall also be a component activity of this rehab
plan for high value commercial crops which will be a prime responsibility of the AEWs in
the city/ municipal agriculture office. The use of organic fertilizers and pesticides for
crop production as a means to promote ecological, social, economic sustainability shall
be given priority.

B. Backyard Vegetable Production

Contributing to the significant volume of production loss for vegetables are the damage
caused to small/backyard vegetable and semi-commercial growers..The MLGUs and
will be the recipient of these rehabilitation plan with their masterlisted vegetable farmers.

Initially, the DA- RFU 5 shall allocate 500 packets of assorted vegetables for each three
(3) municipalities for distribution to farmers who will be planting early after the typhoon.
This quantity are coming from the buffer stock of the DA – RFU 5 allocation for Albay



District Municipality Quantity of Seeds

Polangui 500 packets of 5 sachets each

TOTAL: 2, 500 packets

4. Coconut Rehab Program

Coconut seedlings are program for distribution to affected coconut farmers,This will be
done in close co//ordination with the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA).Masterlisted
Coconut farmer whose coconut areas were damaged by the typhoon are primary
beneficiaries of these assistance and based on the set criteria by PAS and PCA.

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5. Abaca Rehabilitation Plan

Areas devoted to abaca is fast declining due to occurrence of past typhoons and viral
diseases,hence, rehabilitation efforts should be extended to regain theprovince’ status
as the seat of fibercraft industry in the country.

Sinamay,scrunch and pinukpok production are potential dollar earners’ and source of
livelihood opportunities for our rural families,however,processors are facing difficulties
starting from sourcing of raw materials to scarcity and low grade production equipments
up to marketing of finished products.

This rehabilitation/reconstruction plan will rehabilitate 30,000 has. of abaca farms,also

develop 1000 has.potential areas for expansion.It will also provide abaca farmers with
training on post harvesthandling,fiber grading and classification and pests and disease
control for abaca.

6. Food for Work (FFW)

This project component addresses the idea of providing emergency or immediate food
assistance specifically rice to affected farming/fishing communities, meantime that they
have no production and income from their damaged farm areas:

 Masterlisted marginalized farmers/fisherfolks whose farm areas were

damagedby typhoon and after validation by agri-staff will be endorsed
to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for
proper allocation of relief assistance.

 DSWD in coordination with NFA and PAS will prepare the package
assistance based from the masterlist submitted.

 Farmers/Fisherfolks shall be entitled to claim this food for work

assistance meantime that they are working on their farm to produce
immediate food supply to their farm family.

 Periodic monitoring and evaluation shall be conducted to determine the

continuity or cut-off period of providing relief assistance to these
marginalized farmers/fisherman.


PART (₱)
1. Rice Production Program
a.) Certified Palay Seeds 1,600.00 2,000 3,200,000.00
b.) Fertilizers 1,400.00 5,000 7,000,000.00

SUB-TOTAL 10,200,000.00
2. Corn Program (Upland)
a.) Corn Seeds (Hybrid) 5,500 1,000 5,500,000.00

b.) Fertilizers 1,200 1,000 1,200,000.00

SUB- TOTAL 6,700,000.00

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3. High Value Commercial

Crops (Vegetable and
Vegetable Seeds 2,200 150 cans 330,000
- Ampalaya 1,200 80 cans 96,000
- Eggplant 1,100 50 cans 55,000
- Tomato 2,400 50 cans 120,000
- Others (squash)

a.) Vegetable Seeds

- Assorted Vegetable 2500/bag 500 1,250,000.00
b.) Organic Fertilizers) 90.00 2000 180,000.00

c.) Pili seedlings (grafted)

Sub-Total 2,031,000.00
4.Coconut Rehab Program
a. Provision of coconut 60.00 50,000 3,000,000.00

Sub -total 3,000,000.00

5. Abakabuhayan
a. Rehabilitation Expansion 15,000/has 300 has 4,500,000.00
b. Technical Training 1,500,000.00

Sub Total 6,000,000.00

Sub –Total

6.Agri-Facilitiesquipment 5,000,000.00
7. Food For work
(This component look into the idea
of Budgetary requirement for this is put under DSWD relief
providing immediate food for work assistance program
(rice) meantime that farmers (300 sacks at 1,350.00)
working on their farm
and they have no income after the
Grand total

7.1 Pre- Implementation Phase
a.) Preparation of Damage Report November 8-22, 2020
b.) Damage Assessment & Validation - do -
c.) Preparation of Rehabilitation Plan/ Proposals December 1- 15, 2020

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d.) Submission and Approval/ Release of Funds December16-December


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The whole process of project planning and implementation including the approaches,
activities, problem and results shall be a continuous process to monitor the progress of
the rehab plan implementation. The Municipall Agricultural Services shall monitor all
activity plan implementation.
In- house review shall be undertaken as the means for making adjustments in
implementation of further activities. This system will complement feedback mechanism
from barangay to municipal and provincial level.
Periodic project accomplishment report submitted by the project implementers to the
PAS shall be duplicated to be forwarded to the DA- RFU 5 and to the donor agency.


a. With the realization of this project proposal; Albay province will:
 Rehabilitate/ Restore production areas for crops/ fishery prime
 Help increase production and income of farmers/ fisherfolks.
 Contribute to food security and improve health and nutrition of
farming community.
 Help generate employment
 Reduce out migration from farming and fishing communities
 Help attain peace and development through delivery of basic
services to our farming/ fishing and marginalized sector of our



a. Project title: Replacement and Upgrading of Livestock and Poultry

b. Project components

Components Cost

1.Livestock Replacement Program

 Cattle/Carabao Production
 Swine Production
 Goat Production
 Poultry Production 8,950,000.00
Livestock Upgrading Program
 Breeder stocks
 Upgrading of

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Veterinary Medical Mission and 3,510,500.00

Extension Services
Training / Seminar 50,000.00
Administrative Support 100,000.00

c. Project areas : Municipaliy of Polangui

d. Project proponent : HON. ANDY A. MARISCOTES

Muncipal Mayor

e. Project implementer : Local Government Unit of Polangui

 DA – Bureau of Animal Industry
 DA – Regional Field Unit V
 Philippine Carabao Center at UP Los Baños
 Provincial Veterinary Services

f. Project beneficiaries : 500 Affected Livestock Farmers

: 1000 Targeted Livestock Farmers
for Upgrading Program

g. Project duration : Two (2) Years

2021 – 2022

h. Total project cost : Php12,610,500.00


Typhoon Rolly that hit the Municipality of Polangui with strong winds and heavy rains
had affected much of our livestock farmers causing mortalities on their draft animals and
poultry. Much of their desire to evacuate the animals during the onset of the typhoon, it
was dangerous and may lead to injury and casualty.

Housing facilities, corrals, animal modules and poultry houses made of light materials
were totallydemolished and flattened by strong winds. The supply of water and
electricity broke down causing extreme stress condition to the animals.

Based on the Damage Report, about 400 livestock farmers were directly affected,
however during monitoring and evaluation of the PVS-TWG it was presumed that
apparently 500 farmers are affected and targeted 1000 livestock farmers that must be
provided immediate interventions.


General Objective

1. To replace and upgrade the livestock and poultry within two (2)

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Specific Objectives

1. Ensure immediate replacement and upgrading of animals and

facilities affected through the adaption and implementation of the
planned components of the project.

2. Provision of veterinary medical and extension services to initiate

health of animals for production and profitability.


The implementation of the project shall cover the municipality of Polangui with heavy
losses/damages of livestock as priority target. Veterinary assistance will be provided by
the PVS-TWG.

Animal health services like, vitamin injection, deworming etc. In order to enhance the
body resistance and control transmissible diseases and restore their productive

The municipal LGU’s through the MAO-Livestock Technologist shall identify the
beneficiaries number of animals for enrollment to avail the services offered.
Coordination with the barangay officials to disseminate the benefits of government
assistance for animal rehabilitation program.

The beneficiaries shall organize into cluster and established a pooling center of their
animals for medical services.

They shall provide for the labor requirement and needs during the activity. They shall
attend trainings on animal husbandry practices, hands-on technique set forth by the
municipal Livestock Technicians.

The project implementers and cooperating agencies shall infuse new stocks for
replacement, drugs and medicines and technical assistance for the project.
Dispersal/roll over scheme or loaning contract shall be followed for such agreement with
the beneficiaries.

The project is expected to produce offspring and calf drop in one production cycle and
source for next in line beneficiaries.

Rehabilitation of livestock and poultry will sustain the production which will contribute to
generate employment and income among our smallhold raisers and eventually promote
community activities intended for food security and nutrition enhancement.


1. Networking

a. The Provincial Veterinary Services shall coordinate and submit the project
proposal to the DA-Regional Field Unit V and Bureau of Animal Industry

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PTRERRP November 2020

for resources of veterinary drugs, medicine, and biologics.

b. Coordination/complementation with the municipal LGU implementer.

2. Responsibilities of each entities

a. Project Beneficiaries
- Cluster group of livestock raisers at the barangay level for
the establishment of animal pooling centers.

b. Barangay Animal Health Worker Farmer Key Leaders

- be responsible for the submission of data/inventory of
animals enrolled for health services to the Municipal
Livestock Technicians.

c. BAI/Regional Field Unit 5

- Provide technical assistance through the Regional Disease Diagnosis

and Laboratory services for cattle and carabao.

- Provide expertise for animal upgrading program like estrus

synchronization/artificial insemination for cattle and carabao.

- Pooling of resources of AI technicians from DA-RFU 5 stations to

augment manpower for upgrading program.

- Provide planting materials (forages grasses, vegetable seeds for

pasture & crop development).

- Provision of veterinary drugs, medicines for immediate rehabilitation of

healthcare of animals.

- Provision of small, large animal as replacement breeders to affected

backyard raisers.

d. PVS – Technical Working Group

- Responsible for the animal health services (vitamin injection,

deworming, blood collection, fecalysis, pregnancy diagnosis).
- Conduct veterinary medical mission of animals for rehabilitation and
upgrading program.

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Components Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

1. Weanling piglets, 10-15 kgs.,
Large White Breed 50 6,000.00 300,000.00
2. Cattle, yearling heifer, 200-250
kgs. Brahhman x Red Sindhi
breed Sahiwal breed. 2-3 yrs. Old 50 60,000.00 3,000,000.00
3. Carabao, yearling caraheifer, 300-
350 kgs., graded/murrah cross 20 70,000.00 1,400,000.00
4. Goat (Doe) 10-12 mos., 15-20
kgs., Anglo-nubian cross 100 2,500.00 250,000.00
Goat (Buck) 2-3 yrs. Old, 30-50
kgs., Anglo-nubian breed 100 40,000.00 4,000,000.00

III. Veterinary Medical Supplies/Equipment – Php3,510,500.00

Drugs/Medicines - 1,500,000.00
Feed Supplement - 1,850,000.00
Medical Supplies - 160,500.00

IV. Training/Seminar – Php50,000.00

a. 2-day Training Course on Livestock/Poultry Production.
b. Training module shall be lecture and practicum (hands-on); STAY-OUT
c. Livestock raisers of Super-Typhoon Rolly stricken Municipality of


1. Transportation & Delivery Exp.
2. Repair & maintenance of 1 unit Service van
3. Gasoline/Oil/Lubricants
4. Office Supplies (Computer ink, etc.)
5. Miscellaneous Expense


 Restore the production efficiency of animals.

 Control of zoonotic diseases
 Food security and nutrition enhancement.
 Generate income.
Attain peace and development through delivery of basic services in promoting the
general welfare of backyard raisers and marginalized sector.


project activities implementation shall be closely monitored by the DA-RFU 5 and the
PVS (Albay) . Periodic reports shall be furnished to co-implementing agencies.

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Albay is one of the Province in Bicol Region where the perfect cone Mount
Mayonis located. But during the hit of some types of natural calamities such as
typhoons ,earthquake , etc. Albay suffers from minor and major threats of
hazards namely : mudflow ,landslide, floods, erosion and eruption.

On November 01, 2020 Typhoon Rolly struck the Province for about 8 hours with
wind force of 225 to more than 310 k/ph. This proposal dubbed as Risk
Assessment and Hazards-Vulnerability Mapping includes the Conduct inter-
agency GeoHazard updating and study to re-evaluate and re-assess existing
hazards, risk and vulnerabilities in Albay.

Identifying Information



Project Component : 1. Community DRR

1.1Enhancement of Early Warning System

2. Construction of Municipal Emergency Evacuation

2.1 Purchase of 2,500 modular units tents

Project Proponent : HON. ANDY A.MARISCOTES

Municipal Mayor
Polangui, Albay

Implementors : MDRRM

Project Duration : 16 months

Total Project Cost : Php 83,050,000.00

Project Beneficiaries : Municipality of Polangui

II. Rationale

Albay, considered as one of the most vulnerable area in the country in terms of
volcanologic and hydro-meteorologic hazards due to its geographic location.
Weather systems as TECF, ITCZ, LPA, Monsoons, Tropical Depressions,
storms and typhoons usually affects the province and cause moderate to severe
flooding as well as storm surges, landslides and damages to houses made up of
light materials due to strong winds that usually accompanied storm and typhoon.

As of the latest event, the province was severe affected by Super-Typhoon

ROLLY (GONI) on November 01, 2020 thereby by causing massive damages to

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agriculture, infrastructure, houses, health facilities, educational facilities and

telecommunications totaling to almost 500 Million.

Pre-emptive evacuation has been an effective strategy to achieve Zero Casualty

but must be supported not only by community participation but with adequate
safe evacuation centers as temporary shelter areas during hazard events. It has
been observed however that there is still a gap in terms of the evacuees -
classroom ratio that needs immediate solutions to ensure adequate rooms to be
use as evacuation during emergency response and evacuation.

This stratagy sets us to initiate this proposal to construct additional emergency

evacuation center each in every flooded barangays particularly in the following
local government unit of Polangui in lieu of relocating the affected population or
building new houses somewhere which more costly and will entail education,
health and livelihood components. This has been proven to be cost effective of
protecting the population against calamities.

It is also at this moment immediately after occurrence of a major disaster event a

re-assessment and re-evaluation of existing hazards, risk and vulnerabilities is
undertaken to establish new parameters and data for decision making and the
conduct of human resource capacity development to enhance coping mechanism
at the community level as well.

III. Objectives:

The general objective of the project is to enhance local capacity on disaster risk
reduction and adaptation strategies.

The following are the specific objectives:

1. Conduct inter-agency Geo-Hazard updating and study to re-evaluate and

re-assess existing hazards, risk and vulnerabilities in Albay

2. Production and distribution of update maps to all LGUs as reference for

decision making and disaster avoidance.

3. Community training and education campaign.

4. Improvement of Barangay Emergency Evacuation Centers to protect the

flood vulnerable population

5. Enhance local capacity on disaster risk reduction and adaptation


IV. Project Description and Management:

Component 1: Community Disaster Risk Reduction

Sub Component 1.1 Enhancement of the Community-Based Disaster

Monitoring System

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PTRERRP November 2020

Enhancing the warning capacity of the LGU is enhancing the early warning
capacity of PAGASA as well. PAGASA will do the macro warning system to
forecast the impending threat on typhoon with the established warning criteria on
wind threats for public emergency advisories while the LGUs will do the micro
warning procedures and locally detect the real-time rainfall that will be analyzed
to determine the probability of flooding, landslide and mud and debris flows within
a short period of time.

The Municipality, therefore, shall be provided with the wired mini weather
station that will give real time information on rainfall, temperature, relative
humidity, barometric pressure and the thunderstorm forecast. They will likewise
undergo training for the instrument monitoring, maintenance, analysis and date
interpretations. This proposed activity requires about P 2,000,000.00 for the
procurement of unit more or less, P 300,000.00 for the technical trainings that
will be conducted by APSEMO and PAGASA and the installation as well.

Component 2. Construction of Municipal Emergency Evacuation Center

The LGU proposes to construct a Municipal Emergency Evacuation Center to be

located in Alnay, Polangui, the lot owned by the LGU. The proposed building
area is 3,000 sq.m. This building will cost P35,000,000.00. As a component,
2,500 units of modular tents is also requested costing of P8,500.00/unit. A total of

Component 3. Strengthening of DRR partners through APSEMO and PHO

Mobile clinic shall be utilized for the pre-hospital care of disaster victims on site
and for public health support services as well. Mobile kitchen shall be mobilized
to provide safe food supplies to the evacuation centers with no available
communal kitchen and can also be use during the normal days to support the
provincial nutrition program. The mobile command post shall serve as the
satellite incident command post equipped with mobile and satellite
communication equipment that will further enhance the coordinating mechanisms
of disaster responders to sustain an organized disaster risk management
operations in terms of logistics efficiency and time effectiveness. The mobile
sanitary toilets shall be supporting health and sanitation requirements in the safe
evacuation centers to improve compliance of the sphere standards on health and
sanitation where Albay is still way below the standards.

All in all it will cost us about P83,050,000.00 M broken down as: mobile clinic-
P15M, mobile kitchen – P7M, Moile toilet and bath – 2.5M, barangay
enhancement of community early warning system- 2M, re-orientation training- P
300,000,purchase of mobile tents- P21,250,000 and emergency evacuation
center- P35M.

V. Summary of Budgetary Requirement

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Component 1
1.1Barangay P2,000,000.00
Enhancement of
Community Early Warning
1.2.Re-orientation 300,000.00
Sub Total 2,300,000.00
1.1Construction of 35,000,000.00
Municipal Emergency
Evacuation Center
1.2Purchase of 2,500 2,500 @8,500/unit 21,250,000.00
modular tents
Sub-Total 56,250,000.00
Component 3
1. Procurement of moblie clinics 15,000,000.00
mobile clinics 15,000,000.00
2. Procurement of mobile kitchen 7,000,000.00
mobile kitchen @7,,000,000.00
3. Procurement of mobile sanitary 2,500,000.00
Mobile sanitary toilet/bath
toilet and @2,500,000.00
Sub-Total 24,500,000.00
GRAND TOTAL P83,050,000.00

VI. Timeline


Activities M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
1. Procurement and
installation of Weather
Stations as Early
Warning Equipment.
2. Community
Reorientation Training


Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6
1. Development of
Program of
2. Bidding and
other Admin

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PTRERRP November 2020

3. Actual
Construction in 44
4. Turn over


Activities M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
1. Admin and Bidding
2. Procurement of mobile
3. Organizing MDRRMC
Teams and Training on
operation and
3.Conduct of Dry Run
VII. Socio Economic Benefits:

The proposed training program will enable the LGUs particularly at the barangay
level to update their existing maps (Hazards, Vulnerability, Risk and Resources)
as basis and reference for their timely and appropriate decision making to
support Zero Casualty Goal. Particularly these maps will be very useful for
localized evacuation. This will also be used as inputs in contingency and
development planning hence, help us reduce the risks of social and economic

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On education sector, Super-Typhoon Rolly brought damages to school buildings,

water sanitation facilities, laboratory rooms and other school facilities and
properties in different extent. These devastations resulting to major and total
damages in classrooms prompted the division, district and school management
to adopt contingency plans like holding classes in Barangay Halls, Chapels, non-
instructional rooms (libraries, canteens, computer rooms, office, etc.) and other
available safe structures that can temporarily house affected classes in order to
ensure that regular classes go on while waiting for fund allocation from the
government and other potential donors.
It is on these premises that the education cluster proposes the project
“Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Damaged Educational Facilities”is a
project that will cater to recovery, educational sustainability and modernization.
The project will undertake many activities such as Rehabilitation and Upgrading
of Damaged Elementary and Secondary School Buildings, Rehabilitation and
Upgrading of Damaged Toilet and Handwashing Facilities, Repair of Security
Fence, Covered Court, Stage and other Educational Facilities, Strengthening the
School Nutrition Program through Gulayan sa Paaralan, Construction of
Drainage System, Rip-Raps, Catwalks and Foot Bridges and Replacement of
Damaged Textbooks, Workbooks, Supplemental Books/Materials & Computers.

These activities will provide conducive environment to learners, upgraded water

and sanitary facilities and better nutrition. Other facilities can ensure the safety
of the school personnel and students from flood during heavy rains. The new
school buildings shall adopt typhoon resilient design.

The total funding requirement of this project is Php 440,800,000.00, itemized

below by education cluster member:

The project intends to benefit the affected schools, school personnel, and the
learners. Furthermore, it will enhance the teaching-learning conditions and boost
the morale of the teachers and school authorities.




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PTRERRP November 2020

B. Project Components :

1. Department of Education (DepEd)


1.    Repair /Rehabilitation and Upgrading of
Damaged Elementary School Buildings (276 165,600,000.00
2.    Repair /Rehabilitation and Upgrading of
Damaged Secondary School Buildings (88 52,800,000.00
3.Repair and Rehabilitation and Upgrading
nof Damaged Toilet and Handwashing 1,000,000.00
POLANGUI 4.    Replacement of Damaged chairs,
School stage, and IT Equipment.

TOTAL Php 440,800,000.00

2. Project Areas:

1. Schools Covered by Albay Division (Polangui)

3. Project Proponent:


Municipal Mayor


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PTRERRP November 2020

4. Project Implementer/s:

Department of Education (DepEd) thru:

Division of Alba

5. Project Beneficiaries:

1. Elementary and Secondary Pupils /Students

2. Basic Education/Personnel and Administration

6. Total Project Cost:

Division/SUCs(BU) Project Cost

1. Albay Division Php 440,800,000.00

TOTAL Php440,800,000.00

7. Project Duration: Three (3) years


“Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Damaged Educational Facilities” is a project

that will cater to recovery, educational sustainability and modernization. The
project will undertake many activities such as Rehabilitation and Upgrading of
Damaged Elementary and Secondary School Buildings, Rehabilitation and
Upgrading of Damaged Toilet and Handwashing Facilities, Stage and other
Educational Facilities,damaged chairs and Computers.These activities will provide
conducive environment to learners, upgraded water and sanitary facilities and
better nutrition.

Other facilities can ensure the safety of the school personnel and students from
flood during heavy rains. The new school buildings shall adopt typhoon resilient


The project aims to rehabilitate and upgrade the Typhoon ROLLY damages in
Education Facilities thru a Building-Back- Better Scheme in three (3) year period.

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PTRERRP November 2020

This will be achieved through partnership between the local government and the
national government with support and participation from the private sectors and
financial institutions.

Specifically, the proposed plan aims to:

1. Institute early recovery, repairs, restoration, and upgrading of school

facilities for maximum functionality;

2. Strengthening linkages/networks with line and other support agencies

in providing better and safe school facilities; and

3. Replace damaged Textbooks, Workbooks, Supplemental

Books/Materials &IT facilities.


The proposed project strategizes the immediate recovery and rehabilitation of

damaged education facilities and the adoption of disaster risk reduction/climate
change adaptation measures to minimize the loss of property and to attain zero (0)
casualty during calamities. Furthermore, the project also supports the
implementation of the GulayansaPaaralanProgram as an integral part of the school
nutrition program.

a. Brief Description of the Components

i. Elementary / Secondary/Tertiary School Buildings

School buildings are categorized as instructional and non-instructional structures.

Instructional facilities are those that are used for academic instructions while non-
instructional are those utilized as office, library, canteen, and laboratories.

Classrooms are considered as haven of learning where competencies are honed

and values are developed to prepare learners as they move along from different
grade levels. Therefore, rehabilitation and upgrading of these facilities damaged
by Typhoon Rolly are urgently needed to resume the regular classes in a
conducive learning environment.

1. Sanitary Facilities

In DepEd, sanitary facilities pertain to the Toilet and Hand washing stations in the
school. It is one major concern of schools to develop among pupils/students the
habit of using comfort rooms thereby attaining cleanliness and good health.

Sanitary facilities is a necessity for every school. Likewise, the provision of

handwashing facilities in every school is also important where pupils/student
become aware that cleanliness should be part of their daily routine.

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Rehabilitation of the damaged sanitation facilities is an urgent concern of school

authorities among all other typhoon affected educational facilities. This will
prevent the pupils and students from incurring common ailments,
communicable/contagious diseases.

2. Textbooks, Furniture, Computers & others

Damages in schools also include textbooks, furniture, IT equipment or computers

and other office supplies. The typhoon has even aggravated the inadequacy of
computers in schools when classrooms were unroofed and devastated by the
strong wind, hence they need to be replaced.

Similarly, such furnitures as armchairs, desks, tables, cabinets, etc. in some

schools were also damaged.

These facilities are all vital for effective and efficient teaching-learning activities to
achieve quality learning.

Total No. of Damaged Elementary Total No. of Damaged Secondary

Classrooms Classrooms
  Minor Major Totally Minor Major Totally
Total Total
Damage Damage Damage Damage Damage Damage

125 81 70 276 41 24 23 88


The Department of Education is the front liner in the implementation in strong

coordination/collaboration with all stakeholders. For SUCs, it will be implemented
subject to the provisions in their charter.

Its implementation will be guided by existing laws on the National Building Code,
Procurement per R.A. 9184 and other pertinent laws necessary for the satisfactory
completion of the project.


Division/SUCs(BU) Project Cost

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1. Albay Division Php 64,250,000.00

2. Bicol University 2,000,000.00
TOTAL Php 66,250,000.00


This project will enhance the teaching-learning conditions and boost the morale of
the teachers and school authorities. Improved nutritional status will most likely result
to higher learning outcomes and completion rate. The project will no doubt benefit
the affected schools, school personnel, and the learners

The Department of Education/SUCs will adopt a system of monitoring and

evaluation of the implementation of the project to ensure quality and transparency in
this undertaking.
Qualified DepEd/SUCs engineers and concerned officials will be tapped to
undertake and extend technical assistance and overall supervision in all phases of
the project. Monthly monitoring report shall be done and submitted to higher offices
and Commission on Audit.
The GulayansaPaaralan and the Feeding program coordinator shall be among those
who will be tasked to monitor and evaluate the program implementation.


The province of Albay, in terms of Disaster Prevention Program flagged its

triumph maintaining a good record of zero casualties in terms of disaster
preparedness and management.On November 01, 2020 , the province was hit
by a Super-Typhoon Rolly, bearing a strength wind of 225 kph and gustiness of
more than 3100kph, placing Albay under Public Storm Warning Signal No. 5 that
lasted for 8 hours. It left severe damages to infrastructures, properties,
agriculture and health facilities.

Damages are reported in the municipalities, hospitals, RHUs and an MHO. Due
to vast destructions, health care services are hindered. Health issues increased
during and after a typhoon. Likewise, injury, water borne-diseases and viral
infections emerge. Increase in water borne diseases is noted. A lot of water
systems were damaged and pipe lines were broken, thus need of potable water
is increasing. Absence of safe drinking water has a huge impact on people’s
health. Many diseases are connected to lack of water or unsafe water. This
needs immediate support and assistance from the government. Immediate
restoration of the facilities is vital in providing basic health services such as
providing first aid, maternal and child health care, assessment and management
of social diseases and other medical needs of all the residents of the community.

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Aside from the damaged infrastructures, people’s nutrition, especially of the

children, is compromised. After a disaster, food insecurity occurs and children
are among the most at risk of malnutrition, leaving the children hungry and
nutritionally deprived. Health and nutrition are amongst the priorities of the
province. A continuous beneficial health supports like medical assistance, relief
goods distributions, and supplemental feeding shall be provided immediately.

In line with these, proposal for the upgrading and rehabilitation of health and
nutrition facilities and program is laid to continue and improve its operation and
services. The implementation of the said program is projected to last for 3 years.
Monitoring and evaluation shall be done to track the progress and to determine
the effectiveness and impact of the project.


a. Project Title : UPGRADING and REHABILITATION of


b. Project Components :

1. Upgrading and Assessment of Damaged Equipment and Facilities

2. Improve the Nutrition of Children at the Upland Barangays

c. Project Site : Municipality of Polangui, Albay

d. Project Proponent : Hon. Andy A. Mariscotes

Municipal Mayor

e. Project Implementer : Municipal Health Office

f. Project Beneficiaries: Residents of

the Municipality of Polangui

g. Project Cost : PhP 12,000,000.00

h. Project Duration : Three (3) Years


The Province of Albay is frequently visited by typhoons that threaten lives,

nutrition and properties. On November 01, 2020 , Super-Typhoon Rolly hit the

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PTRERRP November 2020

province with wind strength of 160 kph and gustiness of up to 240kph, placing
the province on signal #5. The typhoon lingered for approximately 10 hours,
brought heavy rains and strong winds that caused flooding, landslides and storm
surges. Majority of our health facilities were severely damaged-many lost power
and water, and even more lost/damage supplies and equipment needed to
address medical needs of its constituents.

The availability of good quality, safe and effective medical equipment is an

important condition for a well-functioning curative and preventive health service.

Aside from that, the nutrition and well-being of the residents especially of the
children are greatly affected. Injury, water borne-diseases and viral infections
emerge after a typhoon. Food insecurity occurs after a disaster, leaving the
children hungry and nutritionally deprived.


a. To upgrade and replaced damaged medical equipment in our

health facilities in order to continue its aim to provide basic health
services such as providing first aid, maternal and child health care,
assessment and management of social diseases and other medical
needs of all the residents of the community. To provide
supplemental feeding to improve the nutrition of the children at the
coastal barangays.

b. To provide supplemental feeding to improve the nutrition of the

children at the coastal areas and upland barangays.


The province of Albay is known in prioritizing the health and nutrition of its
populace. Further effortto upgrade and replaced damaged medical equipment in
our health facilities and provision and improvement of the nutrition of the affected
people are vital. Water borne diseases, viral infection and malnutrition occur
after every typhoon, health and nutrition needs should be met promptly to reduce
environmental morbidity.


The upgrading and replacement of damaged medical equipment as well as

provision of nutritional services which include nutritional assessment, infant and
young child feeding promotion, protection and support of management of acute
malnutrition and micronutrient malnutrition will be implemented by the Municipal
Health Office. Barangay Nutrition Scholars are required to assess and evaluate
the children to determine their latest nutritional status.


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1. Nutrition/Supplementation 20,000,000.00
2. Health Facilities upgrading 1,000,000.00
3. Disease Prevention and
Sub-total Php31,000,000.00


3 Years
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Project Activities
Q2 Q4 Q2 Q4 Q Q4
Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3
1. Management and Planning
2. Allocation of financial resources
3. Selection of equipment
4. Purchase of equipment
5. Installation of equipment
6. Supplemental Feeding
7. Nutritional Assessment
8. Infant and Young Child Feeding
9. Management of Acute
10. Micronutrient Supplementation
11. Monitoring and Evaluation


The goal of the province is better health for every Albayano and to provide everyone
health delivery system which is affordable to everyone through basic health services
by providing high quality of care. Nutrition in emergencies is important in order to
prevent death and protect the right to nutrition. Population groups who are already
malnourished even before the emergency are more vulnerable to illness and death
during emergencies. On the other hand, affected populations during emergencies
are more likely to experience malnutrition because of lack or inadequate food and
water, poor access to health services and inadequate deliver of assistance.

Nutrition in emergencies is also important because malnutrition in Albay is a pre-

existing problem and can, therefore, worsen when emergencies and disaster strikes.

Medical equipments play an important role in the provision of health services at all
levels, giving health service providers the necessary medical equipment resources

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that meet the requirements of the LGU of Polangui,Albay in the prevention,

diagnosis and management of diseases / conditions will ultimately improved delivery
of health services.


The Municipal RHU will monitor, assess and evaluate the project. Monitoring tools
will be formulated during the evaluation to determine the status of the project and the
beneficiaries’ impression and response. Reports will subsequently be submitted for

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