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Reopening Q&A

• Is the district still talking about bringing back 50 to 100 high-needs students per school
by Feb. 1? Yes.

• Who is considered high needs? How are those students being chosen, by the principals?
The high needs population of students selected to return for in-person are being
identified by principals based on data, teacher recommendation, and parental

• Have those families already been contacted? Yes. This process has been ongoing.

• Any idea how many we are talking High Needs about districtwide? Would they still go
five days a week?
• These students are in the school plans on our website - 50 to 100 and inclusive of the
previously mentioned populations that are coming back February 1. At this point they
will attend 5 days.

• Will all pre-k to grade 2 students will be invited back during first phase? Yes.

• Will all seniors will be invited back by Feb. 1? Yes.

• Why were those two groups chosen to return first?

• Seniors based on the fact that they missed the end of their junior year last year and
need to gear up for graduation and college this year.
• Pre-K to 2 based on research that shows the early years make a difference in several
key areas of development, both academic and social/emotional.

• Will those students be in a hybrid format? Do you know what that will look like yet? Pre-
K – 2 will be on a two day schedule to start. Group A Mon/Tues. Group B Thurs/Fri.
Wednesdays asynchronous/remote.

• When will those students and parents be contacted to determine if they do want to
return? Ongoing, and continual as students are phased in.

• Next phases will be in one to two week intervals through mid-March, correct?
• Depending on the science, testing, and what we learn from Phase 1.

• Will those phases be done by grade level?

• Likely to be done by grade with input from School Based Teams (SBTs).

• Is the goal to reach every district parent in January to determine if they want their child
to return or not? Yes. Through SBTs.
• What about testing? Has that process of obtaining tests and obtaining parental consent
started yet? This is underway through the direction and coordination of our Health
Advisory Council (HAC) Members including our Medical Director Dr. Dennis Kuo Dr. and
Dr. Tonja Williams.

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