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Week Learning Objective Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

1. Collect and interpret the meaning of the word
A student is able to:
1. Explain the meaning of chemistry
2. Discuss some examples and their uses of
1.1 Understanding 2. List some common chemicals
common chemicals used in daily life
Chemistry and its used in daily life
3. View a computer courseware on careers that
1 importance. 3. State the uses of the common
need the knowledge of chemistry
(3/1 – 7/1) chemicals in daily life
4. List examples of occupations that
require the knowledge of chemistry

Carry out an activity to:

• Observe a situation
A student is able to: • Identify all variables
1. Identify variables in a given
• Suggest a question
1.2 a) Synthesising situation
2 scientific method 2. Identify the relationship between • Form a hypothesis
(10/1 – 14/1) two variables to form a hypothesis • Select a suitable apparatus
3. Design a simple experiment to • List down work procedures
test the hypothesis

1.3 b) Synthesising A student is able to: Carry out an experiment and:

scientific method 1. Carry out a simple experiment to a. collect and tabulate data
test the hypothesis b. present data in a suitable form
2. Record and present data in a c. Interpret the data and draw conclusions
suitable form d. write a complete report
3. Interpret data to draw a
conclusion Impact:
4. Write a report of the invest..



Week Learning Objective Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

Discuss and explain the particulate nature of
A student is able to
Use models or view computer simulations to
1. Describe the particulate nature of
3 matter.
1. the kinetic theory of matter
(17/1 – 21/1) 2.1 a) Analysing 2. State the kinetic theory of matter.
2. the meaning of atoms, molecules and ions
Matter 3. Define atoms, molecules and ions.
3. Conduct an activity to investigate diffusion
4. Relate the change in the state of
of particles in solid, liquid and gas.
matter to the change in heat

1. Conduct an activity to determine the melting

and freezing points of naphthalene.
1. Relate the change in heat to the
2. Plot and interprete the heating and cooling
change in kinetic energy of particles.
2.1 b) Analysing curves of naphthalene.
2. Explain the inter- conversion of
the states of matter in terms of
kinetic theory of matter.

4 2.2 a) Synthesising A student is able to : 1. Discuss the development of atomic models

(24/1 – 28/1) atomic structure 1. describe the development of proposed by scientists namely Dalton,
atomic model, Thomson, Rutherford, Chadwick and Bohr.
2. state the main subatomic 2. Discuss the contributions of scientist
towards the development of ideas on the atomic
particles of an atom, structure
3. describe the contributions of 3. Use models or computer simulation to
scientists towards the illustrate the structure of an atom.
understanding of the atomic
structure Impact/reflect:

A student is able to: 1. Conduct activities to determine the proton

1. compare and contrast the number, nucleon number and the number of
relative mass and the relative protons, electrons and neutrons of an atom.
charge of the protons, electrons 2. Use a table to compare and contrast the
and neutrons, relative mass and the relative charge of the
2.2 b) Synthesising
2. define proton number and protons, electrons and neutrons.
atomic structure
nucleon number,
3. determine the proton number Impact/ reflect:
and the nucleon number,
4. relate the proton number to
the nucleon number.
A student is able to: 1. Investigate the proton and nucleon numbers
1. Relate the proton number to of different elements.
the type of element. 2. Discuss the relationship between proton
2. Write the symbols of number and nucleon number.
elements. 3. Carry out an activity to write the standard
2.2 c) Synthesising
5 3. Determine the number of representation for an atom
atomic structure
(7/2 – 11/2) neutrons, protons and electrons
from the proton number and the
nucleon number and vice versa. Impact/reflect:
4. Construct the atomic
2.3 A student is able to: Collect and interpret on :
Understanding isotopes 1. state the meaning of isotopes 1. the meaning of isotope
2. isotopes of hydrogen,
oxygen, carbon,
2. List examples of elements
chlorine and bromine
with isotopes
and assessing their 3. Determine the number of
Gather information from the internet or from
importance sub-atomic particles of isotopes
printed materials and discuss the uses of isotope
4. Justify the uses of isotope in
daily life

A student is able to
1. Describe electron
Understanding the
arrangements of elements with
electronic structure
proton numbers 1 to 20
of an atom
2. Draw electron arrangement
of and an atom in an element
1. Discuss the meaning of valence electrons
3. State the meaning of valence
using illustrations.
2. Ilustrate electrons arrangements of elements
4. Determine the number of
with proton numbers 1 to 20.
6 valence electrons from the
3. Write electron arrangements of elements
(14/2 – 18/2) electron arrangement of an atom.
with proton numbers 1 to 20.
Discuss the contributions of
scientists towards the development
of ideas on the atomic structure .
Appreciate the
orderliness and
Conduct a story-telling competition
uniqueness of the atomic
on the historical development of the
atomic styructure with emphasis on
the creativity of scientists

Week Learning Objective Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

3.1 Understanding A student is able to Discuss the use of C 12 scale as a standard scale
and applying the 1. State the meaning of relative for determining RAM and RMM
concepts of relative atomic mass based on C- 12 scale
atomic mass and 2. State why C 12 is used as a Carry ouit a quiz to calculate the relative molecular
relative molecular standard for determining relative mass of substances based on given chemical
mass atomic mass and relative molecular formulae.
3. Caculate the relative molecular Impact/reflect:
mass of substances.
3.2 Analysing the A student is able to 1. Discuss the relationship between the
relationship between 1. Define a mole as the amount number of particles in one mole of a substance
7 the number of moles of matter that contains as many with the Avogadro constant
(21/2 – 25/2) with the number of particles as the number of atoms 2. Carry out problem solving activities to
particles in 12 g of C12 convert the number of moles to the number of
2. State the meaning of particles for a given substance and vice versa.
Avogadro constant
3. Relate the number of Impact/reflect
particles in one mole of a
substance with the Avogadro
4. Solve numerical problems to
convert the number of moles to
the number of particles of a
given substance and vice versa.
3.3 Analysing the A student is able to 1. Discuss the meaning of molar mass
8 relationship between 1. State the meaning of molar 2. Discuss to relate
(28/2 – 4/3) the number of moles mass a. molar mass with the Avogadro
of a substance with its 2. Relate molar mass to the constant
mass Avogadro constant b. molar mass of a substance with its
3. Relates molar mass of a RAM or RMM
substance to its relative atomic 3. Carry out problem solving activities to
mass or relative molecular mass convert the number of moles of a given
4. Solve numerical problem to substance to its mass and vice versa
convert the number of moles to
the number of particles of a Impact/reflect:
given substance and vice versa

A student is able to Discuss

9 1. State the meaning of molar a) the relationship between molar volume and
(7/3 – 11/3) 3.4 Analysing the volume of a gas. Avogadro constant
[ UJIAN 1 ] relationship between 2 Relate molar volume of agas to the b) to make generalization on the molar volume of
the number of moles Avogadro constant a gas at STP or room condition
of a gas with its 3.Make generalization on the molar
volume volume of a gas at a given 2. Carry out activity to calculate the volume of
temperature and pressure gases at STP or room condition from the number of
4. Calculate the volume of gases at moles and vice versa.
STP or room condition from the
number of moles and vice versa
5. Solve numerical problems
involving number of particles Constuct a mind map to show the relationship
number of moles , mass of between the number of particles, number of moles ,
substances and volume of gases at mass of substances and volume of gase4s at STP
STP or room conditions and room condition.

2. Carry out problem solving activities involving

number of particles , number of moles , mass of
asubstance and volume of gases at STP or room
A students is able to conditions
3.5 a) Synthesising 1. State the meaning of
chemical formulae chemical formula Impact/reflect:
2. State the meaning of
empirical formula 1. Collect and interpret data on chemical
3. State the meaning of formula, empirical formula.
molecular formula 2. Conduct an activity to:
4. Determine empirical and a. Determine the empirical formula of
molecular formula of substances. MgO.
5. Compare and contrast b. Compare and contrast empirical
empirical formula with formula with molecular formula.
molecular formula

A student is able to Conduct activities to:

3.5 b) Synthesising 1. Construct chemical formula a. Write ionic formula.
chemical formulae of ionic compounds b. Write chemical formula
2. Write ionic formula of ions
3. State names of chemical Carry out problem solving activities involving
compounds using IUPAC empirical and molecular formula.
4. Solve numerical problems
involving empirical and Impact/reflect:
molecular formula.


(21/3 – 25/3) A students is able to: Discuss:
3.6 a) Interpreting 1. State the meaning of a. meaning of chemical equations.
chemical equations chemical equations. b. the reactants and products in a chemical
2. Identify the reactants and equation.
products of chemical equations.
3. Write and balance chemical Carry out an activity to:
equations. a. write and balances chemical equations.
4. Interpret chemical equations b. solve numerical problems using chemical
quantitatively and qualitatively. equations
3.6 b)Interpreting A student is able to: Carry out an activity to:
chemical equations a) write and balances chemical equations.
1. Solve numerical problems using b) solve numerical problems using chemical
chemical equations equations.




Week Learning Objective Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

11 4.1 Analysing the
(28/3 – 1/4) Periodic Table A students is able to Collect information on the contributions of various
1. describe the contributions of scientists towards the development of the Periodic
scientists in the historical Table.
development of the Periodic
Table, Study the arrangement of elements in the periodic
2. identify groups and periods table from the following aspects :
in the Periodic Table. a. group and period
3. state the basic principle of b. proton number
arranging the elements in the c. electron
Periodic Table from their proton arrangement.
4. relate the electron Carry out an activity to
arrangement of an element to its a. relate the electron arrangement of an
group and period element to its group and period.
5. explain the advantages of b. to predict the group and period of and
grouping elements in the element based on its electron arrangement.
Periodic Table
6. predict the group and the Impact/ reflect: :
period of an element based on its
electron arrangements
A student is able to : 1. Use a periodic Table to list all the elements
4.2 1. List all Group 18 elements; in Group 18.
Analysing Group 18 2. State in general the physical 2. Decribe the physical properties; the
elements properties of group 18 elements;. physical state, density and boiling point,
3. Describe the changes in the 3. Discuss on the
physical properties a. the changes in the physical
4. Describe the inert nature properties
5. Relate the inert nature of b. the inert nature
Group 18 elements to their c. the relationship between the
electron arrangements; electron arrangement and the inert nature,
6. Relate the duplet and the d. View a computer simulations to
octet electron arrangements of illustrate the duplet and octet arrangement
Group 18 elements to their to explain their stability
stability; 4. Gather information on the reasons for the
7. Describe the uses of Group uses of Group 18 elements
18 elements in daily life

12 4.3 a) Analysing A student is able to : Gather information and discuss

(4/4 – 8/4) Group 1 1. list all Group 1 elements a. Group 1 elements
elements 2. state the general physical b. general physical properties of lithium,
properties of lithium, sodium and sodium and potassium
potassium c. changes in the physical properties from
3. describe changes in the lithium to potassium with respect to hardness,
physical properties from lithium density and melting point
to potassium d. chemical properties of lithium, sodium and
4. list the chemical properties potassium
of lithium, sodium and potassium e. carry out experiments to investigate the
5. state the safety precautions reaction of with water and oxygen
when handling Group 1 elements

4.3 b) Analysing A student is able to : Gather information and discuss

Group 1 1. describe the similarities in a. the similarities in chemical properties of
Elements chemical properties of lithium, lithium, sodium and potassium
sodium and potassium b. the relationship between the chemical
2. relate the Group 1 elements properties of Group 1 elements and their
to their electron arrangement electron arrangements
3. describe changes in
reactivity of Group 1 elements Study the reaction of lithium, sodium and
down the group potassium with chlorine and bromine through
4. predict physical and computer simulation.
chemical properties of other
elements in Group 1 Discuss changes in the reactivity of Group 1
elements down the group

Predict physical and chemical properties of Group

1 element other than lithium, sodium and

Watch multimedia materials on the safety

precaution when handling Group 1 elements.

A student is able to :
13 4.4 1. list all group 17 elements Gather information and discuss on :
(11/4 – 15/4) Analysing group 17 2. State the general physical a. Group 17 elements and their physical and
properties of chlorine, bromine chemical properties.
and iodine. b. the similarities in chemical properties of
3. Describe changes in the Group 17 elements
physical properties from chlorine c. the relationship between chemical
to iodine properties of group 17 elements with their
4. List the chemical properties electron arrangements
of chlorine, bromine and iodine
5. Describe the similarities in Carry out experiment to investigate the reactions of
chemical properties of chlorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine with
bromine and iodine a. water
6. Relate the chemical b. metals such as iron
properties of group 17 elements c. sodium hydroxide
with their electron arrangements
A student is able to : Collect and interpret data on the properties of
4.5 1. List all elements in Period elements in Period 3 such as
Analysing elements in a 2. Write electron arrangements a.proton number
period of all elements in Period 3 b.electron arrangements
3. Describe changes in the c.size of atom
properties of elements across d.electro negativity
Period 3 e.physical state
4. State changes in the
properties of the oxides of Carry out experiments to study the oxides of
elements across Period 3 elements in Period 3 and relate them to their
5. Predict changes in the metallic properties
properties of elements across
Period 2 Discuss and predict changes in the properties of
6. Describe uses of semi- elements in Period 2
Collect and interpret
data on uses of semi-metals


A student is able to; 1. Collect and intrepret data on properties of

14 4.6 Understanding 1. Identify the positions of the transition elements based on the melting
(18/4 – 22/4) transition elements transition elements in the point and the oxidation number
Periodic Table, 2. Observe the colour of
2. Give examples of transition a. a few compound of transition
elements elements
3. Describe properties of b. products of the reaction between
transition elements aqueous solution of the compounds of
4. State uses of transition transition elements with sodium hydroxide
elements in industries and ammonia solution
3. Observe the colour of precious stones and
identify the presence of transition elements
4. Give examples on the use of transition
elements as catalysts in industries


4.7 Appreciating the Gather informational efforts of scientist in

existence of elements and discovering the properties of elements and make a
their compound multimedia presentation.

Discuss in a forum about life without various

elements and compounds.

Carry out projects to collects specimens or pictures

of various types of rock

Discuss and practice ways to handle chemical

safely ang to avoid their wastage



Week Learning Objective Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

A student is able to:
1. explain the stability of inert Discuss:
gases a. The stability of inert gases with respect to
5.1 2. explain conditions for the the electron arrangement,
Understanding formation formation of chemical bonds b. Conditions for the formation of chemical
of compounds 3. state types of chemical bonds bonds,
c. Types of chemical bonds

A student is able to: Conduct an activity to prepare ionic compounds for
(25/4 – 29/4)
1. explain formation of ions example, magnesium oxide,MgO, sodium
5.2 2. write electron arrangement chloride,NaCl and iron(lll) chloride,FeCl3.
Synthesising ideas on of ions
formation of ionic bond 3. explain formation of ionic Carry out an activity to illustrate formation of ionic
bond bond through models, diagrams or computer
4. illustrate electron simulation.
arrangement of ions
5. illustrate formation of ionic Impact:

16 5.3
(2/5 -6/5) Synthesising ideas on A student is able to: Use models or computer simulation to illustrate
formation of covalent formation of:
bond 1. state the meaning of covalent a. Single bond in H2, Cl2, HCl,
bond H2O, CH4 NH3, CCl4,
2. explain formation of b. Double bond in O2 and CO2,
covalent bond c. Triple bond in N2.
3. illustrate formation of
covalent bond by drawing Draw diagrams showing electron arrangements for
electron arrangement the formation of covalent bond including Lewis
4. Compare and contrast structure.
formation of ionic and covalent Discuss and construct a mind map to compare the
bonds formation of covalent bond with ionic bond.


A student is able to:

1. list properties of ionic Work in groups to carry out an activity to compare
compounds the following properties of ionic and covalent
2. list of properties of covalent compounds:
5.4 compounds a. melting and boiling points
Analysing properties of 3. explain differences in the b. electrical conductivies
ionic and covalent electrical conductivity of ionic c. solubilities in water and
compounds and covalent compounds organic solvents
4. describe differences in
melting and boiling points of Impact:
ionic and covalent compounds



Week Learning Objective Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

A student is able to : Carry out an experiment to classify chemicals into
1. State the meaning of electrolyte, electrolytes and non-electrolytes.
2. Classify substances into
6.1 Understanding electrolytes and non- Discuss the relationship between electrical
properties of electrolytes electrolytes, conductivity and presence of freely moving ions.
(9/5 – 13/5)
and non-electrolytes 3. Relate the presence of free
moving ions to electrical Impact/reflect:

6.2 a) A students is able to: Discuss:

1. Describe electrolysis a) electrolysis process
2. Describe electrolytic cell, b) structure of electrolytic cell
3. Identify cations and anions in a
molten compound, Using computer simulation to:
4. Describe evidence for the identify cations and anions in a molten
Analysing electrolysis of
existence of ions held in a compound,
molten compounds
lattice in solid state but move illustrate to show the existence of ions in solid
freely in molten state, state but move freely in molten state.


(16/5 – 27/5)
A students is able to: Conduct an activity to investigate the electrolysis
1. Describe electrolysis of a molten of molten lead(II) bromide, PbBr2 to:
compound, a. identify cations and anions,
2. Write half-equations for the b. describe the electrolysis process
discharge of ions at anode and c. write half-equations for the discharge of
6.2 b)
cathode, ions at anode and cathode.
Analysing electrolysis of
3. Predict products of electrolysis
molten compounds
of molten compounds. Collect and interpret data on electrolysis of
molten ionic compounds with very high melting
(13/6 – 17/6)
points, for example, sodium chloride, NaCl, and
lead(II) oxide, PbO

Predict products from the electrolysis of other

molten compounds.


21 6.3 a) A student to able to: 1. Conduct experiment to investigate electrolysis

1. Explain using examples factors of copper(II) sulphate solution and dilute
affecting electrolysis of an sulphuric acid using carbon electrodes to:
aqueous solution based on a. identify cations and anions in an aqueous
a) positions of ions in solution
Analysing electrolysis of electrochemical series b. describe the electrolysis of an aqueous solution,
(20/6 – 24/6)
aqueous solutions c. write half-equations for the discharge of ions at
the anode and the cathode


A Student is able to: 1. Conduct experiment to investigate

2. Explain using examples factors electrolysis of dilute and concentrated
affecting electrolysis of an hydrochloric acid or potassium iodide solution
aqueous solution based on using carbon electrodes to:
b) Concentrations of ions in a. identify cations and anions in an aqueous
6.3 b) solutions. solution
Analysing electrolysis of 3. write half-equations for b. describe the electrolysis of an aqueous solution,
aqueous solutions the discharge of ions at c. write half-equations for the discharge of ions at
the anode and the the anode and the cathode

22 6.3 c) A student is able to: 3. Conduct experiment to investigate electrolysis

(27/6 – 1/7) Analysing electrolysis of 2. Explain using examples factors of copper(II) sulphate solutions using
aqueous solutions affecting electrolysis of an carbon and copper electrodes to:
aqueous solution based on a. identify cations and anions in an aqueous
c) types of electrodes solution
1. write half-equations b. describe the electrolysis of an aqueous solution,
for c. write half-equations for the discharge of ions at
the discharge of ions at the anode and the cathode
the anode and the d. using computer simulations to explain factors
cathode affecting electrolysis of an aqueous solution
e. Predict the product of electrolysis of aqueous
solutions and write their half-equations.


A student is able to: Conduct experiments to to study the purification

1. State uses of electrolysis in and electroplating of metals.
2. Explain the extraction, Using computer simulation, study and discuss
purification and electroplating of a. extraction of aluminium from aluminium oxide,
metals involving electrolysis in b. purification of copper
6.4 industries c. electroplating of metals
Evaluating electrolysis in 3. Write chemical equations to
industry represent electrolysis process in Carry out activities to write chemical equations for
industries, electrolysis in industries
4. Justify uses of electrolysis in
industries Collect data and discuss the benefits and harmful
5. Describe the problems of effects of electrolysis in industries
pollutions in industry.

A student is able to: Study the structure of a voltaic cell such as a

6.5 a)
1. Describe the structure of a simple voltaic cell & Daniell cell
Analyzing voltaic cell
simple voltaic cell & a Daniell
cell Conduct an experiment to show the production of
2. Explain the production of electricity from chemical reaction in a simple
(4/7 – 8/7)
electricity from a simple voltaic voltaic cell
3. Explain the reaction in a Carry out activities on a simple voltaic cell & a
simple voltaic cell & Daniell Daniell cell to explain the reaction in each cell
A student is able to:
Collect data & discuss the advantages &
1. Compare and contrast the disadvantages of various voltaic cells including dry
advantages and the cell, lead acid accumulator, mercury cell, alkaline
disadvantages of various voltaic cell & nickel cadmium cells
6.5 b)
Analyzing voltaic cell
2. Describe the differences Discuss and compare an electrolytic cell with a
between electrolytic & voltaic voltaic cell

A student is able to: Carry out an experiment to construct the

1. describe the principals used electrochemical series base on :
6.6 a) in constructing the a. potential difference between two metals
Synthesizing electrochemical series b. the ability of a metal to displace another
(11/7 – 15/7)
electrochemical series 2. construct the electrochemical metal from its salt solution

6.6 b) A student is able to: Discuss uses of the electrochemical series to

Synthesizing 1. explain the importance of determine :
electrochemical series electrochemical series a. cell terminal
2. predict the ability of a metal b. standard cell voltage
to displace another metal from its c. the ability of a metal to displace another
salt solution metal from its salt solution
3. write the chemical equation
for metal displacement reaction Carry out experiment to confirm the prediction of
the metal displacement reaction

Carry out an activity to write the chemical equation

for metal displacement reaction

A student is able to: • Discuss the importance of electrochemical
1. Justify the fact that industries in our daily life
electrochemical industries can • Collect data & discuss the problems of
improve the quality of life pollution caused by the industrial processes
6.7 2. Describe the problem of involving electrochemical industries
Develop awareness and pollution caused by the industrial
responsible practice • Hold a forum to discuss the importance of
processes involving electrolysis waste disposal from electrochemical industries
when handling chemicals 3. Justify the need to dispose of
use in electrochemical in a safe and orderly manner
waste from electrochemical • Show a video on the importance of
industries industries in a safe and orderly recycling and systematic disposal of used
manner batteries in a safe and orderly manner. Practice
4. Practice safe and systematic recycling used batteries.
disposal of used batteries



Week Learning Objective Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

A student is able to :
• State the meaning of acid,
base and alkali;
• State uses of acids, bases and
Discuss ; the concept of acid, bases and alkali in
alkalis in daily life;
7.1 Analysing terms of the ion, uses of acid and alkali in daily life
25 characteristics and • Explain the role of water in
(18/7 – 22/7) properties of acids and the formation of hydrogen Carry out an expt to show that the presence of
bases ions to show the properties water is essential for the formation of ion hydrogen
of alkalis; and hydroxide ions that cause acidity and alkalinity
• Explain the role of water in
the formation of hydrogen
ions to show the properties
of alkalis
7.1 Analysing A student is able to: Conduct the activities to study chemical properties
characteristics and
of acids and alkalis from the following reactions:
properties of acids and 1. Describe chemical properties
acid with bases, acids with metals, acids with
bases of acids and alkalis.
metallic carbonates
A student is able to :
1. State the use of pH scale;
2. Relate pH value with acidic
or alkaline properties of a
substance; Carry out an activity using pH scale to measure the
3. Relate concentration of pH of solution used daily life such as soap solution,
hydrogen ions with pH value; carbonate water, tap water and fruit juice.
7.2 Synthesizing the
4. Relate concentration of
concepts of strong acids,
hydroxide ions with pH value Carry out an activities to measure the pH value of a
weak acids, strong alkalis
5. Relate strong or weak acid few solutions with the same concenteration, eg.
and weak alkalis
with degree of dissociation; Etanoic acid. Ammonia and sodium hydroxide
6. Relate strong or weak alkali with the use of indicator, pH meter or computer
with degree of dissociation; interface
7. Conceptualise qualitatively
strong and weak acids;
8. Conceptualise qualitatively
strong and weak alkalis.
A student is able to:
1. state the meaning of Discuss:
concentration, a. the meaning of concentration
2. state the meaning of b. the meaning of molarity
molarity, c. the relationship between the number of
7.3 a)Analysing
3. state the relationship moles with the molarity and the volume of
concentration of acids
between the number of moles solution.
and alkalis
with molarity and volume of a d. Method for preparing standard solutions
4. describe the methods for
preparing standard solutions,
A student is able to:
1. describe the preparation of a
solution with a specified
concentration using dilution
Prepare a standard solution of NaOH, KOH
2. relate pH value with
Prepare a solution with specified concentration
molarity of acid and alkali,
from the prepared standard solution through
3. solve numerical problems
26-27 dilution.
7.3 b) Analysing involving molarity of acids and
(25/7 -5/8)
concentration of acids alkalis. describe the preparation
Carry out an experiment to investigate the
and alkalis of a solution with a specified
relationship between pH values with the molarity
concentration using dilution
of a few diluted solution of an acid and an alkali.
Solve the numerical problems on the molarity of
4. relate pH value with molarity
acids and alkalis
of acid and alkali,
5. solve numerical problems
involving molarity of acids and

(8/8 – 12/8)
(15/8 – 9/8) 7.4 Analysing A student is able to: Collect andinterpret data on neutralization and its
neutralisation 1. explain the meaning of application in daily life. Carry out activities to
neutralisation, write equations for neutralization.
2. explain the application of
neutralisation in daily life, Carry out acid-bes titration and determine the end
3. write equations for point using the indicator.
neutralisation reactions,
4. describe acid-base titrations, Carry out problem solving activities involving
5. determine the end point of neutralisation reactions to calculate either concent.
titration during neutralisation, or volume solution
6. solve numerical problems
involving neutralisation reactions
to calculate either concebtration
or volume of solutions.



Week Learning Objective Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

Collect and interpret data on :
a. naturally existing salts
A student is able to :
b. the meaning of salt
1. State examples of salts used
c. uses of salts in agriculture, medical field ,
in daily life
30 8.1 a) Synthesizing salt preparation and preservation of food
2. Explain the meaning of salt
(22/8 – 26/8)
3. Identify soluble and
Carry out experiments to study the solubilities of
insoluble salts
nitrate, sulphate, carbonate and chloride salts.

Prepare soluble salts by reacting :

A student is able to: a) acid with alkali
1. Describe the preparation of b) acid with metallic oxide
soluble salts
8.1 b)Synthesizing salt
2. Write chemical equations for Carry out activity to write chemical and ionic
reactions used in the preparation equations for preparation of soluble sailts.
of salts

8.1c) Synthesizing salt A student is able to: Carry out an activity to purify soluble salts by
1. Describe the purification of re-crystallizations.
soluble salts by re-crystallization Discuss the need to purify salts
Observe to identify physical characteristics of
List physical characteristics of crystals such as CuSO4, NaCl, K2CrO4


(29/8 – 2/9)
Prepare insoluble salts such as PbI2, PbCrO4 and
A student is able to:
1. Describe the preparations of
Carry out activities to write chemical and ionic
insoluble salts
equations for preparation of soluble and
8.1d) Synthesizing salt 2. Write chemical and ionic
insoluble salts
equations for reactions used in
the preparation of salts
Construct a flow chart to select suitable
3. Design an activity to prepare
methods for preparation of salts
a specified salt
(5/9 – 9/9)
Carry out experiment to construct ionic
8.1 e) Synthesizing salt A student is able to
equations through continuous variation method.
1. Construct ionic equations
through the continuous variation
Calculate quantities of reactants or products in
stoichiometric reactions
2. Solve problems involving
calculation of quantities reactants
or products in stoichiometric
Discuss the meaning of qualitative analysis
A student is able to :
1. state the meaning of
Study and make inferences on the colour and the
qualitative analysis
solubility of various salts in water.
2. make inferences on salts
8.2 Synthesising based on their colour and
Carry out chemical tests to identify oxygen, O2,
qualitative analysis of solubility in water
hydrogen, H2, carbon dioxide, CO2, ammonia, NH3,
salts 3. describe tests for the
chlorine, Cl2, hydrogen chloride, HCl, sulphur
identification of gases
dioxide, SO2, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2, gases.
4. describe the action of heat on
Carry out tests to study the action of heat on
carbonate and nitrate salts.
Carry out tests to confirm the presence of
carbonate, sulphate, chloride and nitrate ions in
8.2 Synthesising A student is able to : aqueous solutions.
qualitative analysis of 1. describe the tests for anions
(12/9 – 16/9)
salts Impact/reflect:

Carry out test to identify the presence of Cu2+,

A student is able to : Mg2+,Al3+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Pb2+, Zn2+, NH4+, Ca2+ ions in
8.2 Synthesising 1. state observation of reaction of aqueous solution using sodium hydroxide and
qualitative analysis of cations with sodium hydroxide ammonia solution.
salts solution and ammonia solution

A student is able to : Carry out test to confirm the presence of Fe2+, Fe3+,
8.2 Synthesising 1. describe confirmatory tests Pb2+, NH4+ ions in aqueous solution.
2+ 3+ 2+ +
qualitative analysis of for Fe , Fe , Pb and NH4
salts 2. Plan qualitative analysis to Plan and carry out tests to identify anions and
identify salts cations in unknown salts.

Week Learning Objective Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

Discuss uses of sulphuric acid in daily life such as
A student is able to : in the making of paints, detergents, fertilizers and
1. List uses of sulphuric acid accumulators.
9.1 Understanding the 2. Explain industrial process in
manufacture of sulphuric the manufacture of sulphuric Collect and interpret data on the manufacture of
acid acid sulphuric acid.
3. Explain that sulphur dioxide
causes environmental pollution. Impact/reflect :

1. Discuss uses of ammonia in daily life e.g. in the

33 A student is able to :
manufacture of fertilizers and nitric acid
(19/9 -23/9)
1. List uses of ammonia.
2. Carry out an activity to investigate properties of
2. State the properties of
9.2 ammonia.
Synthesizing the
3. Explain the industrial
manufacture of ammonia 3. Design an activities to prepare and ammonium
process in the manufacture
and its salts fertilizer, for example ammonium sulphate ,
of ammonia
4. Design an activity to
prepare ammonium
34 9.3 A student is able to : Look at some examples of pure metals and
(26/9 – 30/9) Understanding alloys 1. Relate the arrangement of materials made of alloys in daily life. List and
atom in metals to their ductile discuss their properties.
and malleable properties
2. State the meaning of alloy. Carry out an activity to compare the strength and
3. State the aim of making the hardness of alloys with that of their pure metals.
4. List the examples of alloys. Study the arrangement of atoms in metals and
5. List compositions and alloys through computer simulation.
properties of alloys. Carry out experiments to compare the rate of
6. Relate the arrangement of corrosion of iron, steel and stainless steel.
atoms in alloys to their strength
and hardness. Study various local products made from alloys.
7. Relate properties of alloys to
their uses. Impact/reflect:

Discuss the meaning of polymers

Observe exhibits of materials made of polymers

and classify them into naturally occurring polymers
and synthetic polymers.
A student is able to :
Identify the monomers in synthetic polymers using
1. State the meaning of
models or computer simulation.
2. List naturally occurring
Identify information on the quantity and types of
9.4 polymers
household synthetic polymers disposed of over a
Evaluating users of 3. List synthetic polymers and
certain period of time.
synthetic polymers their users.
4. Identify the monomers in the
Discuss the environmental pollution resulting from
synthetic polymers.
the disposal of synthetic polymers.
5. Justify uses of synthetic
polymer in daily life.
Discuss the uses and the environmental effect of
non-biodegradable synthetic polymers in daily life.

A student is able to:
Collect and interpret data on types, composition,
1. List uses of glass
properties and uses of glass and ceramic including
35 9.5 2. List uses of ceramic
photo chromic glass and conducting glass.
(3/10 – 7/10) Applying uses of glass 3. List types of glass and their
and ceramics properties
4. State properties of ceramic.

Watch a multimedia presentation and prepare a

folio on :
A student is able to : a. the meaning of composite materials,
b. a list of composite materials
1. Describe needs to produce including reinforced concrete, specific super
new material for specific conductor, fibre optic, fibre glass and photo
purposes chromic glass,
2. State the meaning of c. components of composite materials,
composite materials. d. uses of composite materials.
3. List example of composite
materials and their components. Compare the superior properties of composite
Evaluating uses of
4. Compare and contrast materials to their original component through
composite materials
properties of composite materials computer simulation.
with those of their original
component. Discuss and justify the uses of composite materials.
5. Justify uses of composite
materials Watch the production of composite material in
6. Generate ideas to produce factories.
advance materials to fulfill
specific needs. Impact/reflect:
38,39,40 PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR TAHUN (27/10 – 12/11)

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