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Neolie A. Laturnas Jr.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the material specifically about?
a. The material is about the various elements of the educative process.
2. What is the intention of the text?
a. To let us know and understand the teaching profession and the
educative process.
3. What are the elements of the educative process?
a. Curriculum, Teachers, Learners, Learning Environment, Instructional
Materials, Administration, Syllabuses.
4. How does each element relate with all the other elements in the process?
a. The elements of educative process are made to create a system that
works and support the needs of learners to be well educated. It
incorporates how manageable a curriculum works by using this system.
5. Why do you think it is important for you to learn about these elements?
a. Teachers need to know how the system works for them to operate

Elements/Components Functions Importance

Teacher The facilitator of knowledge
that implements the
The Learner Receivers of knowledge and
players of curriculum
Content/Teaching The way to teach the
Strategies learners based on their needs

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