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Lab Layout

Concrete Lab Layout

1. Door
2. White Board
3. Computer Table
4. Sitting Area
5. Cupboard
6. Compatibility Factor Concrete
7. Compatibility Factor Concrete
8. Compaction Testing Machine
9. Vibrator
10. Oven
11. Mixture
12. Curing Tank
13. Shelf
14. Wash Basin
15. Curing Tank
16. Door
17. Shelf

 Core Drilling Machine

 Sample Splitter

18. Weight Balance

19. Shelf Table
20. Sieves
21. Shelves

Experiment No. 01
Determination of Aggregate Crushing Value
To find out Crushing Strength or Crushing value of Coarse Aggregate.
ASTM - C33 / C33M

Aggregate Crushing Value Test is important to test to be performed on aggregate. The strength of
aggregate is determined by preparing a cylindrical shape specimens of size 25 mm diameter and 25
mm height. This cylinder is subjected to compressive stress. Depending on the type of aggregate
gives different compressive strength varying from a minimum of about 45 MPa to a maximum of
545 MPa This testing method is known as an aggregate crushing value test.
Aggregate crushing value test provides the resistance of an aggregate sample to crushing under
gradually applied compressive load. Generally, the test is conducted on aggregate passing 12.5 mm
and retained on 10 mm sieve. The aggregate sample is filled in a cylindrical mold and a load of 40
ton is applied through a plunger in a compression testing machine.
The crushed aggregate sample which is finer than 2.36 mm is separated and expressed as a
percentage of the original weight taken in the mold. The percentage of weight passed through 2.36m
IS sieve is known as Aggregate crushing value.
In situations, when aggregate value 30 or higher the result may be a mistake and in such cases, the
“ten percent fines value” should be determined and used instead.

1. A 15 cm dia Steel cylinder with plunger and base plate.

2. A straight metal tamping rod 16mm diameter and 45 to 60cm long rounded at one end.

3. A Weigh balance of accuracy up to 1 gm.

4. IS sieves of sizes 12.5mm, 10mm, and 2.36 mm

5. Sample Aggregate.

6. Oven

7. Towel
8. A compression testing machine OR U.T.M

9. Cylindrical measure having a diameter of 11.5 cm and 18cm height.

10. A compression testing machine having a loading capacity of 40 tones and which can be
operated to give a uniform rate of loading so that the maximum load is reached in 10 minutes.

Fig.1 Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus


1) Take the Empty weight of cylindrical measure as W1.

2) Fill aggregate sample passing through 12.5 mm and retained on 10 mm IS sieve in measuring
cylinder in 3 equal layers such that each layer is subjected to 25 strokes using the tamping rod.
Take the weight of aggregate with measuring cylinder as W2.

3) Find out the weight of aggregate sample.

W = W2 – W1

4) Now, fill the aggregate sample in 15 cm dia. and 13 cm height steel cylinder and level the
surface of aggregate carefully and insert the plunger so that it rests horizontally on the surface.
5) Place a steel cylinder with a plunger on the loading plate of the compression testing machine.

6) Operate Compression machine such that 40 tonnes of the load is applied on aggregate in
approximately 10 min.

7) Release load and remove the steel cylinder from the machine.

8) Take out the crushed aggregate sample and sieve on with 2.36mm IS sieve, care being taken to
avoid loss of fines.

9) Take off the weight of fraction passing through 2.36 mm IS sieve as (W3).

Observations & Calculations

Aggregate crushing value can be found by the following formula,

“Aggregate crushing value is determined by taking a percentage of weight crushed aggregate

sample passing through 2.36 mm IS Sieve divided by weight of aggregate sample taken for test”

Aggregate crushing value = (W3 / W) or W3 / (W2 – W1)

W1 = Empty weight of cylindrical Measure =

W2 = Weight of Aggregate with Cylindrical Measure =

W = W2 –W1 = Weight of Aggregate Sample =

W3 = Weight of crushed aggregate sample passed through 2.36 mm IS Sieve =

Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) ¿ ×100

Some Pictures during Test

During Applying Load by UTM Sample After Crushed

Sample retained on Sieve 2.36 mm Sample passing from Sieve 2.36 mm


Crushing Value of Aggregate =

Experiment No. 02

Determination of 10% Fineness Value


For determination of the aggregates 10% fines value of coarse aggregate, which passes 12.5 mm. IS
sieve and retained on 10 mm I.S sieve.


1. A 15 cm dia Steel cylinder with plunger and base plate.

2. A straight metal tamping rod 16mm diameter and 45 to 60cm long rounded at one end.

3. A Weigh balance of accuracy up to 1 gm.

4. Oven (300˚C)

5. A compression testing machine OR U.T.M

Preparation of Test Sample

Test sample is dried in oven for a period of four hours at a temperature of 100 to 1100C.


1. The cylindrical measure is filled by the test sample of aggregate in three layers of
approximately equal depth, each layer being tamped 25 times.
2. The test sample in the cylinder with the plunger in position is placed in the compression testing
machine. The load is applied at a uniform rate so as to cause a total penetration of the plunger
of about 20mm for normal crushed aggregates in 10 minutes.
3. For rounded or partially rounded aggregates, the load required to cause a total penetration of
15mm is applied whereas for honeycombed aggregates a penetration of 24mm is applied in 10
4. After the maximum specified load is reached, the load is released and the aggregate from the
cylinder is sieved from 2.36mm IS sieve.
5. The fines passing 2.36mm.IS sieve is weighed and expressed as a percentage of by weight of
the test sample.

Observation & Calculation

The mean percentage fines from the two tests at this load shall be used in the following formula to
calculate the load required to give 10% fines.

14 x
Load required for 10% fines =
( y + 4)

x = load in tones =

y = mean percentage fines from two tests at x tone load =

Result _____________________


 Use hand gloves while removing containers from oven after switching off the oven.
 Use safety shoes & aprons at the time of test.
 Before testing machine should be checked.
 After test electric supply should be off.
 Thoroughly clean & dry the container before testing.
 All parts of the equipment should always be clean.

Experiment No. 03

Design of Concrete Mix using ACI-211 Method


To Preparing A Concrete-Mix And Casting Various Samples Required For Different Tests


This purpose of this experiment is to simulate the actual formation of concrete mix, its design and
production. In this experiment certain number of samples will be prepared which will then be tested
for the verification of concrete mix design process.


 Concrete Mixer

 Materials

 Cement

 Sand/Fine Aggregate

 Crush/Coarse Aggregate

 Water

 Molds for samples to be prepared

 Cubes for compressive strength

 Beams for study of flexure behavior

Related Theory

Plain Cement Concrete

PCC consists of three basic ingredients: aggregate, water and portland cement. According to the
Portland Cement Association (PCA, 1988):

"The objective in designing concrete mixtures is to determine the most economical and practical
combination of readily available materials to produce a concrete that will satisfy the performance
requirements under particular conditions of use."

PCC mix design has evolved chiefly through experience and well-documented empirical
relationships. Normally, the mix design procedure involves two basic steps:

 Mix Proportioning: This step uses the desired PCC properties as inputs then determines the
required materials and proportions based on a combination of empirical relationships and local
experience. There are many different PCC proportioning methods of varying complexity that
work reasonably well.

 Mix Testing: Trial mixes are then evaluated and characterized by subjecting them to several
laboratory tests. Although these characterizations are not comprehensive, they can give the
mix designer a good understanding of how a particular mix will perform in the field during
construction and under subsequently traffic loading

This section covers mix design fundamentals common to all PCC mix design methods. First, two
basic concepts (mix design as a simulation and weight-volume terms and relationships) are
discussed to set a framework for subsequent discussion. Second, the variables that mix design may
manipulate are presented. Third, the fundamental objectives of mix design are presented. Finally, a
generic mix design procedure is presented.

Mix Design is a Simulation

First, and foremost, mix design is a laboratory simulation. Mix design is meant to simulate actual
PCC manufacturing, construction and performance. Then, from this simulation we can predict (with
reasonable certainty) what type of mix design is best for the particular application in question and
how it will perform.

Being a simulation, mix design has its limitations. Specifically, there are substantial differences
between laboratory and field conditions. For instance, mix testing is generally done on small
samples that are cured in carefully controlled conditions. These values are then used to draw
conclusions about how a mix will behave under field conditions. Despite such limitations mix
design procedures can provide a cost effective and reasonably accurate simulation that is useful in
making mix design decisions.

Weight-Volume Terms and Relationships

The more accurate mix design methods are volumetric in nature. That is, they seek to combine the
PCC constituents on a volume basis (as opposed to a weight basis). Volume measurements are
usually made indirectly by determining a material's weight and specific gravity and then
calculating its volume. Therefore, mix design involves several key aggregate specific gravity


PCC is a complex material formed from some very basic ingredients. When used in pavement, this
material has several desired performance characteristics - some of which are in direct conflict with
one another. PCC pavements must resist deformation, crack in a controlled manner, be durable over
time, resist water damage, provide a good tractive surface, and yet be inexpensive, readily made and
easily placed. In order to meet these demands, mix design can manipulate the following variables:

 Aggregate: Items such as type (source), amount, gradation and size, toughness an abrasion
resistance, durability and soundness, shape and texture as well as cleanliness can be
measured, judged and altered to some degree.

 Portland cement: Items such as type, amount, fineness, soundness, hydration rate and
additives can be measured, judged and altered to some degree.

 Water: Typically the volume and cleanliness of water are of concern. Specifically, the
volume of water in relation to the volume of portland cement, called the water-cement ratio
is of primary concern. Usually expressed as a decimal (e.g., 0.35), the water-cement ratio
has a major effect on PCC strength and durability.

 Admixtures: Items added to PCC other than Portland cement, water and aggregate.
Admixtures can be added before, during or after mixing and are used to alter basic PCC
properties such as air content, water-cement ratio, workability, set time, bonding ability,
coloring and strength.


PCC must be capable of being placed, compacted and finished with reasonable effort. The slump
test, a relative measurement of concrete consistency, is the most common method used to
quantify workability. Workability is generally related to one or more of the following:

Water content

Water works as a lubricant between the particles within PCC. Therefore, low water content
reduces this lubrication and makes for a less workable mix. Note that a higher water content is
generally good for workability but generally bad for strength and durability, and may cause
segregation and bleeding. Where necessary, workability should be improved by redesigning the
mix to increase the paste content (water + Portland cement) rather than by simply adding more
water or fine material (Mindless and Young, 1981).

Aggregate proportion

Large amounts of aggregate in relation to the cement paste will decrease workability. Essentially,
if the aggregate portion is large then the corresponding water and cement portions must be small.
Thus, the same problems and remedies for "water content" above apply.

Aggregate texture, shape and size

Flat, elongated or angular particles tend to interlock rather than slip by one another making
placement and compaction more difficult. Tests for particle shape and texture can identify
possible workability problems.
Aggregate gradation. Gradations deficient in fines make for less workable mixes. In general, fine
aggregates act as lubricating "ball bearings" in the mix. Gradation specifications are used to ensure
acceptable aggregate gradation.

Aggregate porosity

Highly porous aggregate will absorb a high amount of water leaving less available for lubrication.
Thus, mix design usually corrects for the anticipated amount of absorbed water by the aggregate.

Air content

Air also works as a lubricant between aggregate particles. Therefore, low air content reduces this
lubrication and makes for a less workable mix. A volume of air-entrained PCC requires less water
than an equal volume of non-air-entrained PCC of the same slump and maximum aggregate size
(PCA, 1988).

Cement properties

Portland cements with higher amounts of C 3S and C3A will hydrate quicker and lose workability
faster. Knowing these objectives, the challenge in mix design is then to develop a relatively simple
procedure with a minimal amount of tests and samples that will produce a mix with all the qualities
discussed above.


In order to meet the requirements established by the preceding desirable PCC properties, all mix
design processes involve basic processes:

1. Aggregate selection

No matter the specific method, the overall mix design procedure begins with evaluation and
selection of aggregate and asphalt binder sources. Different authorities specify different methods
of aggregate acceptance. Typically, a battery of aggregate physical tests is run periodically on
each particular aggregate source. Then, for each mix design, gradation and size requirements are
checked. Normally, aggregate from more than one source is required to meet gradation

2. Portland cement selection

Typically, a type and amount of Portland cement is selected based on past experience and
empirical relationships with such factors as compressive strength (at a given age), water-cement
ratio and chemical susceptibility.

Mix proportioning. A PCC mixture can be proportioned using experience or a generic procedure
(such as ACI 211.1).

3. Testing

Run laboratory tests on properly prepared samples to determine key mixture characteristics. It is
important to understand that these tests are not comprehensive nor are they exact reproductions of
actual field conditions.

The selected PCC mixture should be the one that, based on test results, best satisfies the mix
design objectives.

Concrete Mix Design:

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) mix design method is but one of many basic concrete mix
design methods available today. This section summarizes the ACI absolute volume method because
it is widely accepted in the U.S. and continually updated by the ACI. Keep in mind that this
summary and most methods designated as "mix design" methods are really just mixture
proportioning methods. Mix design includes trial mixture proportioning (covered here) plus
performance tests.

This section is a general outline of the ACI proportioning method with specific emphasis on PCC
for pavements. It emphasizes general concepts and rationale over specific procedures. Typical
procedures are available in the following documents:

The American Concrete Institute's (ACI) Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal,
Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete (ACI 211.1-91) as found in their ACI Manual of Concrete
Practice 2000, Part 1: Materials and General Properties of Concrete.

The Portland Cement Association's (PCA) Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 14th edition
(2002) or any earlier edition .The standard ACI mix design procedure can be divided up into 8
basic steps: Choice of slump

 Maximum aggregate size selection

 Mixing water and air content selection
 Water-cement ratio
 Cement content
 Coarse aggregate content
 Fine aggregate content
 Adjustments for aggregate moisture

A. Slump

The choice of slump is actually a choice of mix workability. Workability can be described as a
combination of several different, but related, PCC properties related to its rheology:

 Ease of mixing
 Ease of placing
 Ease of compaction
 Ease of finishing

Generally, mixes of the stiffest consistency that can still be placed adequately should be used (ACI,
2000). Typically slump specifications are different for fixed form paving and slip form paving.
Table 1, 2 shows typical and extreme state DOT slump ranges.

Table 1: Slump Ranges for Specific Applications (after ACI, 2000)

Type of Construction Slump

(mm) (inches)

Reinforced foundation walls 25 - 75 1–3

and footings

Plain footings, caissons and 25 - 75 1–3

substructure walls

Beams and reinforced walls 25 - 100 1–4

Building columns 25 - 100 1–4

Pavements and slabs 25 - 75 1–3

Mass concrete 25 - 50 1–2

Table 2: Typical State DOT Slump Specifications (data taken from ACPA, 2001):

Specifications Fixed Form Slip Form

(mm) (inches) (mm) (inches)

Typical 25-75 1–3 0-75 0-3

Extremes as low as 25 as low as 1 as low as 0 as low as 0

as high as 175 as high as 7 as high as 125 as high as 5

B. Maximum Aggregate Size

Maximum aggregate size will affect such PCC parameters as amount of cement paste, workability
and strength. In general, ACI recommends that maximum aggregate size be limited to 1/3 of the slab
depth and 3/4 of the minimum clear space between reinforcing bars. Aggregate larger than these
dimensions may be difficult to consolidate and compact resulting in a honeycombed structure or
large air pockets. Pavement PCC maximum aggregate sizes are on the order of 25 mm (1 inch) to
37.5 mm (1.5 inches) (ACPA, 2001).
C. Mixing Water and Air Content Estimation

Slump is dependent upon nominal maximum aggregate size, particle shape, aggregate gradation,
PCC temperature, the amount of entrained air and certain chemical admixtures. It is not generally
affected by the amount of cementitious material. Therefore, ACI provides a table relating nominal
maximum aggregate size, air entrainment and desired slump to the desired mixing water quantity.
Table 5.16 is a partial reproduction of ACI Table 6.3.3 (keep in mind that pavement PCC is almost
always air-entrained so air-entrained values are most appropriate). Typically, state agencies specify
between about 4 and 8 percent air by total volume (based on data from ACPA, 2001).

Note that the use of water-reducing and/or set-controlling admixtures can substantially reduce the
amount of mixing water required to achieve a given slump.

Table 2: Approximate Mixing Water for Different Slumps and Maximum Aggregate Sizes
(adapted from ACI, 2000)

Mixing Water Quantity in kg/m3 (lb/yd3) for the listed Nominal

Maximum Aggregate Size
12.5 37.5 50 75 100
9.5 mm 19 mm 25 mm
mm mm mm mm mm
(0.5 (1.5 (2
(0.75 In. (1 in.)
in) (3 in.) (4 in.)
In.) ) In.) In.)

Non-Air-Entrained PCC

207 199 190 179 166 154 130 113

25-50 (1 - 2)

(350) (335) (315) (300) (275) (260) (220) (190)

228 216 205 193 181 169 145 124
75-100 (3 -

(385) (365) (340) (325) (300) (285) (245) (210)

243 228 216 202 190 178 160

150-175 (6 -

(410) (385) (360) (340) (315) (300) (270)

entrapped air
3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0.2

Air- Entrained

181 175 168 160 148 142 122 1

25-50 (1 - 2) 7

(305) (295) (280) (270) (250) (240) (205)

202 193 184 175 165 157 133 1
75-100 (3 -

(340) (325) (305) (295) (275) (265) (225) (

216 205 197 184 174 166 154
150-175 (6 -

(365) (345) (325) (310) (290) (280) (260)

Recommended Air Content


Mild Exposure
4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1
Moderate Exposure
6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.5 3
Severe Exposure
7.5 7.0 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4

D. Water-Cement Ratio

The water-cement ratio is a convenient measurement whose value is well correlated with PCC
strength and durability. In general, lower water-cement ratios produce stronger, more durable PCC.
If natural pozzolans are used in the mix (such as fly ash) then the ratio becomes a water-
cementitious material ratio (cementitious material = Portland cement + pozzolonic material). The
ACI method bases the water-cement ratio selection on desired compressive strength and then
calculates the required cement content based on the selected water-cement ratio. Table 5.17 is a
general estimate of 28-day compressive strength vs. water-cement ratio (or water-cementitious
ratio). Values in this table tend to be conservative (ACI, 2000). Most state DOTs tend to set a
maximum water-cement ratio between 0.40 - 0.50 (based on data from ACPA, 2001).

E. Cement Content

Cement content is determined by comparing the following two items:

The calculated amount based on the selected mixing water content and water-cement ratio.

The specified minimum cement content, if applicable. Most state DOTs specify minimum
cement contents in the range of 300 - 360 kg/m3 (500 - 600 lbs./yd3).An older practice used
to be to specify the cement content in terms of the number of 94 lb. sacks of Portland
cement per cubic yard of PCC. This resulted in specifications such as a "6 sack mix" or a
"5 sack mix”. While these specifications are quite logical to a small contractor or
individual who buys Portland cement in 94 lb. sacks, they do not have much meaning to
the typical pavement contractor or batching plant who buys Portland cement in bulk. As
such, specifying cement content by the number of sacks should be avoided.

F. Coarse Aggregate Content

Selection of coarse aggregate content is empirically based on mixture workability. ACI

recommends the percentage (by unit volume) of coarse aggregate based on nominal maximum
aggregate size and fine aggregate fineness modulus. This recommendation is based on empirical
relationships to produce PCC with a degree of workability suitable for usual reinforced
construction (ACI, 2000). Since pavement PCC should, in general, be stiffer and less workable,
ACI allows increasing their recommended values by up to about 10 percent.

G. Fine Aggregate Content

At this point, all other constituent volumes have been specified (water, Portland cement, air and
coarse aggregate). Thus, the fine aggregate volume is just the remaining volume:

Volume of fine aggregate = Unit volume (1 m3 or yd3) – (Volume of mixing water + Volume
of air + Volume of Portland cement + Volume of coarse aggregate)

H. Adjustments for Aggregate Moisture

Unlike HMA, PCC batching does not require dried aggregate. Therefore, aggregate moisture
content must be accounted for. Aggregate moisture affects the following parameters:

Aggregate weights: Aggregate volumes are calculated based on oven dry unit weights, but
aggregate is typically batched based on actual weight. Therefore, any moisture in the aggregate
will increase its weight and stockpiled aggregates almost always contain some moisture. Without
correcting for this, the batched aggregate volumes will be incorrect.

Amount of mixing water: If the batched aggregate is anything but saturated surface dry it will
absorb water (if oven dry or air dry) or give up water (if wet) to the cement paste.

3.5 Observations & Calculations:

Calculation of materials required

Volume of Total Weight


Sample Quantity Concrete of Concrete

(inch) (in3) (kgs)

Beam 4 4 × 4.5× 18

Column 10 4 × 4.5× 13
Total concrete required = kg

Allowance for wastage (10%) = kg

Maximum capacity of the mixer = kg

Number of batches = ______

Quantity required per batch = kg

Weight of the concrete constituents:

1. Cement = kg
2. Fine Aggregate = kg
3. Coarse Aggregate = kg
4. Water = kg

Experiment No. 04
Casting of specimen for testing of course

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