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ideas/Question #First one (Patty' tyrants episode in Dom's episode) [is that in organizations where
friction is relatively low there is sort of an etiquette a set of norms or agreement that
what we do is we hold one another responsible for not making life harder for one
1st- notion of another]
etiquette #2nd-(haggy and Bob Sutton) got rewards for addition versus subtraction [the people you
2nd-easier rather reward and are your heroes are the people who make things if you will easier rather than
than harder harder]
3rd - how we #3rd – (Kim Scott's stories Haggy and Patty)[notion that one of the things that helps
behave and don't reduce friction is whether or not you agree with what the norms are about how we
behave behave and don't behave]
4th- insecurity and #4th-(Katie T cells episode- Huggy Root and Patty McCord) [that. When there's
fear insecurity and fear in an organization it causes organizational friction. It makes things
5th- sort of friction harder to do. So in the case of the petty tyrants who we discussed they caused friction
in the organization because they're insecure about their social stature so they. So to make themselves feel in
------ charge and feel important they make they impose things that others that makes it harder
#First thing- is as for them to get things done]
organizations have #5th-( Dom and Patty tyrants and Melissa Valentine's episode- Huggy Rao and Bob
more layers as Suton)[ That hierarchy is not necessarily a good or a bad thing. It's something that's
they're in more always going to be there in organizations. And the question is it amplifying or is it
countries as they getting rid of or dampening. The sort of friction in the organization.]
just have more # Myth-that I could say it would be possible to have organizations that are bigger and
people bigger and more and more complex that still somehow didn't have friction.
#myth this argument that if a big company like I don't know Apple or Microsoft would
#Second thing - just act like a startup they wouldn't have so much friction. But the thing that I worry
what's the about in the message that comes through implicitly over and over.
difference between #happy optimistic answer that I've discovered the secret to busting all bureaucracies and
good and bad you can have a giant bureaucracy and I'll just run perfectly but I'm not that optimistic.
friction But I'd like somebody to dissuade me of my pessimism.
# Katie T cells episode is the notion of what's the difference between good and bad
friction and if you remember the episode with Katie she talked about dark nights.
#. The notion of sort of dark nights and people who are enforcers they do add friction but
they also add excellence and that's just a little bit of an example in Dom
# the difference between a cluster fuck and sort of functional fire friction that motivates
us and gets us all going.
#My final comment on this think I have bits and pieces of what that picture looks like
but for future research and practical work that's the second area that remains mysterious
to me.

Bob Sutton shares his top five takeaways from all the lively and frequently raw discussions he’s had over the
summer with fellow experts on management, organizational behavior and other aspects of today’s work
environment. A professor of management science and engineering, Sutton signs off by asking listeners for answers
to two questions about friction that still haunt him

Sutton, B. (2017, August 23). Five Ways to Reduce Workplace Friction. Retrieved from

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